Home General issues How many calories in fresh mackerel. Mackerel calories and dietary properties

How many calories in fresh mackerel. Mackerel calories and dietary properties

product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
fresh mackerel 181 kcal 18.7 g 11.9 g 0 g
mackerel in oil 278 kcal 13.1 g 25.1 g 0 g
steamed mackerel 191 kcal 18 g 13.2 g 0 g
salted mackerel 305 kcal 18.5 g 25.1 g 0 g
boiled mackerel 211 kcal 19.6 g 14.7 g 0 g
cold smoked mackerel 221 kcal 20.7 g 15.5 g 0 g
hot smoked mackerel 317 kcal 22.1 g 23.8 g 4.1 g

Mackerel is a fish of the Mackerel family from the order Perch. It has not only unique taste and low calorie content, but also this fish is very nutritious and healthy.

In cooking, this fish can be found both fried, baked, stuffed, and smoked, salted, boiled and steamed. Naturally, the calorie content of mackerel varies greatly. Oddly enough, but the calorie content of smoked, fried and baked mackerel will be the highest, and boiled and steamed fish will have the least "weight". It is this option that will be most useful for the body, especially since it will not harm the figure.

Mackerel in dietary nutrition

If you are on a diet or just watch your figure and health, then you need to know that fish is indispensable for diet food because it is a source of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. The average calorie content of mackerel allows you to consume it in moderation, even if you have problems with being overweight. In this case, the main role is played by the method of its preparation.

Nutritionists recommend eating boiled, baked, air-grilled or steamed fish in small quantities, because it does not contain added fats, except for its own. In addition to the optimal calorie content of mackerel, such fish retains more useful substances, and it contains many valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

When dieting, you should not eat smoked or fried mackerel: it contains a lot of excess fat and harmful substances that not only affect the figure, but also health in general.

Useful properties and contraindications of mackerel

Rich chemical composition, undoubtedly, has a positive effect on the course of vital processes in the body, regardless of the calorie content of mackerel. However, there are some contraindications to its use, namely: individual intolerance and allergic reactions to fish, exacerbations of heart and gastrointestinal diseases. Smoked, salted and fried mackerel is not recommended for those who have chronic liver and kidney diseases, but it can be replaced with boiled fish in small quantities. And for everyone else, mackerel is still very useful.

It is recommended for use by people of all age groups, especially children, adolescents and pregnant women. Thanks to phosphorus, mackerel strengthens the musculoskeletal system and normalizes fat metabolism, which means that the use boiled fish in small doses, it helps to lose weight, so the calorie content of mackerel will benefit.

In addition, this fish is involved in increasing the amount of hemoglobin, destroying plaque in the vessels, strengthens the immune system and nervous system, and also regulates blood sugar levels, improves memory and vision. The use of boiled mackerel has a positive effect on the digestive tract, the structure of hair and skin, as well as our mood. On top of that, it helps DNA synthesis, strengthens the spinal cord and mucous membranes of the whole body.

Mackerel calories

Everyone knows that fish is a valuable source of protein and vitamins for the health, beauty and youth of our body. Mackerel is no exception - a fish of the Mackerel family from the Perch order. It has not only unique taste and low calorie content, but also this fish is very nutritious and healthy.

Mackerel always moves and lives in a flock. It can be found in the warm waters of the Black and Marmara Seas, as well as nearby American coast. There are several subspecies of mackerel, which got their name in accordance with habitat and fishing: Atlantic, Australian, African and Japanese.

This noble hearty fish goes well with a wide variety of products, so a huge amount of delicious and tasty dishes are prepared from it. healthy meals. However, despite the optimal calorie content of mackerel, its meat is quite fatty, especially in individuals from northern latitudes. Representatives of these areas have higher calorie values ​​than fish caught in southern latitudes, so how many calories in mackerel are significantly affected by the place of its catch.

In cooking, this fish can be found both fried, baked, stuffed, and smoked, salted, boiled and steamed. Naturally, the calorie content of mackerel varies greatly. Oddly enough, but the calorie content of smoked, fried and baked mackerel will be the highest, and boiled and steamed fish will have the least "weight". It is this option that will be most useful for the body, especially since it will not harm the figure.

So how many calories are in mackerel cooked in the most common ways, what is its composition and nutritional value, and how is it useful?

How many calories are in mackerel and what is its composition?

Despite the low calorie content of mackerel, it is still necessary to pay attention to the method of its preparation. At the same time, the basis is raw fish. The raw calorie content of mackerel is 153 kcal per 100 grams. As we have already found out, the calorie content smoked mackerel quite high, in addition, such a fish will contain more fat than, for example, boiled. This is especially true of the one that has undergone hot smoking. The calorie content of smoked mackerel prepared in this way is 221 kcal, and with the help of cold smoking - only 150 kcal. Hence the conclusion that an equally important parameter for determining the calorie content of mackerel is the method of its smoking. Such fish is not recommended for dietary nutrition and obesity.

The calorie content of fried mackerel is also high: it is approximately 176 kcal. Approximately the same number of calories is contained in baked mackerel - 178 kcal, however, it is considered more useful, because vegetable fats are not added during baking, i.e. it cooks in its own fat. The calorie content of boiled and steamed mackerel is about 163-167 kcal, and in salted fish about 182-184 kcal. All values ​​are given for a volume of 100 grams.

Such indicators of calorie content are explained by the rich composition and nutritional value mackerel. Fresh fish per 100 grams contains 18 grams of protein and 13.2 grams of fat, as well as 4.2 grams of saturated fatty acids and 67.5 grams of water. However, despite this, it has a lot of vitamins and minerals, which makes mackerel extremely useful. It contains almost all vitamins (from vitamin A to PP), and minerals are presented in the form of micro and macro elements: iron, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and others.

Calorie content of mackerel in dietary nutrition

If you are on a diet or just watch your figure and health, then you need to know that fish is indispensable for dietary nutrition, as it is a source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The average calorie content of mackerel allows you to consume it in moderation, even if you have problems with being overweight. In this case, the main role is played by the method of its preparation.

Nutritionists recommend eating boiled, baked, air-grilled or steamed fish in small quantities, because it does not contain added fats, except for its own. In addition to the optimal calorie content of mackerel, such fish retains more useful substances, and it contains many valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

When dieting, you should not eat smoked or fried mackerel: it contains a lot of excess fat and harmful substances that not only affect the figure, but also health in general.

Useful properties and contraindications of mackerel

The rich chemical composition undoubtedly has a positive effect on the course of vital processes in the body, regardless of the calorie content of mackerel. However, there are some contraindications to its use, namely: individual intolerance and allergic reactions to fish, exacerbations of heart and gastrointestinal diseases. Smoked, salted and fried mackerel is not recommended for those who have chronic liver and kidney diseases, but it can be replaced with boiled fish in small quantities. And for everyone else, mackerel is still very useful.

It is recommended for use by people of all age groups, especially children, adolescents and pregnant women. Thanks to phosphorus, mackerel strengthens the musculoskeletal system and normalizes fat metabolism, which means that eating boiled fish in small doses contributes to weight loss, so the calorie content of mackerel will benefit.

In addition, this fish is involved in increasing the amount of hemoglobin, destroying plaque in the vessels, strengthens the immune system and nervous system, and also regulates blood sugar levels, improves memory and vision. The use of boiled mackerel has a positive effect on the digestive tract, the structure of hair and skin, as well as our mood. On top of that, it helps DNA synthesis, strengthens the spinal cord and mucous membranes of the whole body.

The best diets:

Mackerel - industrial fish mackerel family, a source of health and longevity. The meat of this product is very valuable - it contains all the trace elements necessary for the active life of a person of any age. The fish has excellent taste, the calorie content of mackerel is about average. The only thing that can alert you is the high amount of fat, even with an average calorie content of mackerel.

This is a noble breed of fish, while it is very tasty. From it you can cook a huge number of dishes. It contains many nutrients that positively affect the state of the human body. Due to the calorie content of mackerel, experts attribute this product to dietary products, since the fillet of this fish has unique useful properties. In order to find out the calorie content of mackerel, you need to know its composition. And these are groups of vitamins A, B, C, PP, K and H. In addition, the product still contains such micro and macro elements as iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and others. A large number of polyunsaturated fatty amino acids called Omega-3 are presented. They determine the main beneficial properties of this fish.

How many calories are in mackerel?

Despite the fact that mackerel is a rather oily fish, 30 g of fat per 100 g of this product, the calorie content of mackerel is at an average level. But its calorie content can be different, it depends on the period in which the fish was caught, as well as the catch area. Fish caught in northern areas have a lower calorie content than mackerel caught in warmer ocean waters. Wherein sea ​​fish is a carrier of useful unsaturated fatty acids, which neutralize the activity of free radicals in the body. The proteins found in this variety of fish are very valuable, their amount is 18 g per 100 g of product. They are easily and quickly absorbed by the human body.

The average calorie content of mackerel is from 150 to 200 kcal per 100 grams of product. This figure is not too high. Since the average person, eating approximately 700 kcal of fish per day, may well gain daily allowance nutrients needed by the body. But hardly anyone wants to eat only fish per day, so the amount of its consumption should be moderate.

It is the calorie content of mackerel that makes this product very popular in a healthy diet. Nutritionists advise people who are on a diet to eat more fish than meat, because it contains much more beneficial vitamins, as well as substances that contribute to weight loss.

How many calories are in mackerel, this question has always interested people who are forced to strictly monitor their figure. But great harm the figure brings not the calorie content of the fish, but the inability to cook it correctly. Most people are attracted by the extraordinary taste of smoked mackerel, the calorie content of which is quite high. It is preferable to cook it by others, more useful ways such as baking or boiling. The calorie content of boiled mackerel is on average 124 kcal per 100 g of product.

The number of calories in mackerel casserole

Mackerel is very delicious fish, it is especially useful if caught in autumn. During this period, the percentage of its fat content reaches 30. It is best to bake or smoke such fish. Fish casserole is very useful. Mackerel goes well with vegetables. The number of calories in a casserole directly depends not only on the calorie content of the fish, but also on the products that are used to prepare the dish. If for cooking fish casserole if you use a lot of vegetables, then the number of calories in the casserole will increase slightly, but the amount of nutrients will increase.

If you are on a diet, then steamed fish is best for you. This method allows you to save all the useful substances of fish, which are necessary for weight loss and maintaining a figure. The calorie content of mackerel prepared in this way is 170 kcal per 100 g of product. Very tasty salted mackerel, but its calorie content is very high, it reaches 305 kcal per 100 g of product, which is why it is highly recommended not to use it when losing weight.

Calories in a casserole can vary, because the products from which it is made can also be different. Potatoes, mushrooms, cheese, onions, spices and other ingredients are often used for casseroles. The calorie content of these products is at a low, sometimes average level. But in combination with fish, they become very high-calorie. If you are losing weight, then it is better to use diet casseroles from fish. It is not only tasty, but also good for your health.

What is the calorie content of smoked mackerel?

You can cook a seafood product different ways. The most common is to smoke mackerel, this dish is very tasty. But the calorie content of smoked mackerel is high. This type of cooking has its own nuances, if you smoke fish by cold smoking, the calorie content of mackerel will be 150 kcal per 100 g, and this is the average calorie content.

Any fish is very useful for people who want to lose extra pounds, because you can cook a lot of dishes from it. The casserole is especially popular. The number of calories in the casserole is low, which has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the figure, which is extremely important for women.

It must be remembered that it is not recommended to abuse fish in the diet. No matter how many calories in mackerel, its excessive consumption can negatively affect your figure.

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Mackerel fish is also known as mackerel. It belongs to marine varieties of fish. The fillet of this fish is extremely tasty and healthy. This fish swims in schools. In length, it can grow up to thirty centimeters. The calorie content of fresh mackerel is 181 kcal per 100 grams.

Mackerel is considered a noble fish. Outwardly, it resembles a perch. And just like the perch, it belongs to the Perch-like type of fish. Mackerel lives in the warm waters of the Black Sea of ​​Marmara. It is also found in the waters of Australia, Japan and America.

Mackerel is a fairly oily fish. 100 grams of this product can contain about 30 grams of fat. And despite the fact that the calorie content of mackerel is only 181 kcal. However, the fats contained in the composition are very useful for the human body. In addition, it contains a high percentage of healthy protein.

The chemical and vitamin composition of this fish is also very rich. Of the vitamins present here: E, PP, vitamins of group B, C, N. Of the trace elements there are: cobalt, fluorine, iodine, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, molybdenum, chromium.

Benefits for a person

Thanks to their healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements, the use of this product is extremely useful for everyone. Doctors strongly advise adding it to the diet of teenagers, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Useful substances that are in the composition perfectly help to develop and grow a young organism.

Also, its use contributes to such processes:

  • From the meat of this fish, the condition improves nervous system, also it will add beauty to you.
  • It has been noticed that the systematic use of mackerel fillets is perfectly reflected in the condition of the mucous membranes, skin and hair.
  • It is also useful for people who have joint diseases to eat this product, as its use helps build cartilage tissue.

This fish is cooked in a variety of ways.


One of the healthiest ways to cook fish is to bake it. Baked fish is very tasty and healthy. At the same time, this dish is incredibly easy to prepare.

Fresh fish must be cleaned, its tail and head cut off. Then cut it into small pieces. Salt each of the pieces and place on foil. You can also cut your favorite vegetables into pieces and put them on the foil there. Then wrap the fish pieces with vegetables in foil and place in the oven.

Let it stay in the oven for about forty minutes. After the time has passed, the baked mackerel will be ready. It will be tastiest if baked mackerel is served with sour cream. The calorie content of mackerel from the addition of sour cream, of course, will increase slightly, but taste qualities become even richer. You can also bake fish carcasses without foil, just in the oven.

In this case, grease the baking sheet vegetable oil and put the fish pieces on a bed of vegetables, and then bake in the oven for about half an hour. If you bake fish pieces just in the oven, then it will turn out with a delicious crust.

An even more dietary option than baked is boiled mackerel.

Cold and hot smoking

Many at the word mackerel immediately imagine this smoked fish. Indeed, this product of cold or hot smoking is incredibly tasty. The calorie content of cold or hot smoked mackerel increases slightly. The calorie content is already approximately 221 kcal per 100 grams of product.

What is the difference between cold and hot smoking methods? The answer is in the title. During cold smoking, fish carcasses are treated with cold smoke. The cold smoked product acquires an additional shelf life.

With the method of hot smoking, mackerel is exposed to hot heat. Hot smoked mackerel has a richer taste and aroma.

You can not abuse this dish. It is known that smoked products not very good for health. They are bad for the liver and pancreas.

in salt form

Many also like this product in salty form. Salted mackerel is a worthy competitor to herring. The calorie content of mackerel in this form is already significantly increased. It is 305 kcal per 100 grams.

Salted mackerel is quite easy to prepare. To do this, take a whole fish, and clean it from the insides. Fill the empty belly with table salt. Then put the fish filled with salt in a stainless dish. Cover the dish with a towel and set it aside in a cool place. Store the carcass in this way for at least three days, maximum six days.

The thicker the carcasses, the longer the salting time will take. In the process, a liquid will form, which must be drained so that the carcasses do not deteriorate. You can also add your favorite spicy spices to salt to make salted mackerel even tastier.

In this form, this product also cannot be abused. Especially carefully add this product in a salty form to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, as well as those who have hypertension. And the calorie content of mackerel in this form is much higher.

Do you know the health benefits of mackerel? Do you know the calorie content of this fish? If not, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the article. Here you will find interesting information about mackerel and recipes for its preparation.

general information

Mackerel is an industrial fish, a representative of the mackerel family. Its meat can be safely called a source of health and longevity. It contains important trace elements. Fat is the most valuable component that mackerel has. The calorie content of fish is at an average level. It all depends on how it is processed. When using additional ingredients in the preparation of mackerel, the calorie content of the dish increases. This should be taken into account by those who follow the figure.

Important components in the composition of mackerel:

  • micro and macro elements (zinc, magnesium, iron and others);
  • vitamins of groups PP, A, B, H, C and K;
  • polyunsaturated amino acids (omega-3).

What is useful mackerel

We talked about the rich composition of this fish. Do you know what mackerel is good for? Can you name the calorie content? If not, then below you will find the necessary information.

Mackerel helps to increase immunity and improve metabolic processes in the body. This fish has a positive effect on the state of the entire cardiovascular system. Salted mackerel, the calorie content of which is low, is indicated for diabetics. Not everyone knows about its ability to lower blood glucose levels.

Do you often have toothache? Then eat mackerel meat. This Atlantic fish will strengthen not only them, but also nails and bones. And your hair will get a healthy shine. Salted mackerel is one of the most favorite products of pregnant women. The calorie content of the fish is low, so the chance to get better because of it is minimal.

Now a few words about the main component - fat. It does not harm the body at all, but, on the contrary, brings it a lot of benefits. The fat contained in this fish helps to fight stretch marks and other skin defects more effectively. And all thanks to its ability to create a collagen network and accelerate regeneration processes.

Salted mackerel calories

The shops offer a wide variety of fish. But more and more buyers choose mackerel. Two types of it are available to Russians - Atlantic and Far Eastern. Often they buy fresh fish, then salt it at home. Every housewife has her own recipe.

We offer a simple salting option:

1. We wash the mackerel. We clean from the insides. Remove the fins, tail and head.

2. We make a marinade using dry mustard, bay leaf, cloves, salt and a little vegetable oil. Put all these ingredients in a bowl and boil.

3. When the marinade is ready, it is necessary to cool it and pour it over the fish. On top we put a cup with oppression. Mackerel must be removed in a cold place. After a few hours, turn the fish over to the other side. Again we put oppression. After a couple of days, you can start tasting salted mackerel. Calorie content per 100 g is 305 kcal. Cut the fish and serve with mashed potatoes. We wish you bon appetit!

Smoked mackerel: calories

There are many ways to cook fish. Many people prefer to smoke it. The result is a real delicacy, in addition, smoked mackerel looks very appetizing. The calorie content of fish in this form is 221 kcal / 100 g. There are various smoking technologies. It practically does not affect the calorie content of the product.

In shops there is fish, for which not smoke was used, but chemical substances. Fish carcasses immersed in such a “marinade” acquire a pleasant golden hue. Thanks to this, the product looks appetizing. But unlike fish, smoked traditional way, such mackerel will not bring benefits to the body. In some cases, it can even cause serious harm.

Mackerel baked in the oven: calories and recipe


How is mackerel cooked in the oven (calorie content 165 kcal / 100 g)?

1. Let's start processing fish. We remove the insides. Separate the fillet from the bones. If the fish is completely defrosted, then this will not be easy. After all, the carcass will begin to fall apart. Therefore, we recommend that you do the following: remove the mackerel from the refrigerator and wait until it thaws a little. Then we wash it with water, cut off the tail and head. We remove the insides. We make an incision along the back along the entire carcass. You also need to draw a knife along the processes of the spine. Having opened the carcass, we free it from the bones. It is necessary to remove not only the insides, but also the film covering the abdomen.

2. Salt and pepper the prepared fish carcass on both sides. Lay out on a sheet of foil. Let's leave it for a while.

3. We make the filling. We clean the bulb. Wash the pulp and cut into cubes. We chop the parsley. Wash the lemon and then cut into slices. Thanks to this filling, you get a fragrant and mouth-watering mackerel baked in the oven. The calorie content of the dish exceeds 180 kcal (per 100 g).

4. We return to the fish. Put chopped onion and parsley on one half of it, then lemon slices. Sprinkle again with herbs and onions. We close the second half of the mackerel. We pack the fish in foil and send it to the oven. Baking time - 40 minutes. This is if the carcass is of medium size. If you want to bake big fish. the cooking time in the oven will increase to 1 hour. Any festive table garnish with baked mackerel. The calorie content of the dish is 165 kcal / 100 g. But it will increase if you serve the fish along with a side dish (baked potatoes, vegetable stew or boiled rice).

How to choose mackerel

We go to the nearest supermarket or fish store. In order not to run into "rotten stuff" and not waste time, you need to be able to choose a product. In this case, the following criteria should be followed:

  • Fish eyes. If they are bright, moist and slightly bulging, then you have fresh mackerel. Its calorie content in this state reaches 170-200 kcal / 100 g. After processing (salting, smoking, and so on), it will increase, but not significantly.
  • Gills. Good freshly caught fish are clean, without any slime. And the gills should have a pinkish or reddish tint.
  • Smell. If a disgusting amber comes from the fish, then it is better to immediately bypass such a product.
  • Surface. Fresh mackerel has elastic and shiny scales. The dry and dull surface of the skin of the fish indicates a delay in the goods.

Mackerel storage rules

Processing and cooking fish is only half the battle. You also need to know how to store it properly. We will talk about this now.

Fresh mackerel with entrails is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, in a purified form - 2-3 days. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Another option for storing fresh mackerel is in crushed ice. Term - 10-11 days. Ice needs to be changed periodically.

A hot smoked carcass can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, in a vacuum package - 2 days, and in the freezer - 3 weeks. The shelf life of a cold-smoked fish in the freezer is 1 month, in other compartments of the refrigerator - 2 weeks, and in a vacuum - 3 months.

Salted mackerel (without brine) can be placed in a plastic bag for 5 days. If the fish is cooked by dry salting, then it should be stored in the refrigerator (up to 1 month).

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