Home Products Mogul mogul cooking method. Mogul-mogul from boiled eggs with cognac. Mogul-mogul: protein recipes

Mogul mogul cooking method. Mogul-mogul from boiled eggs with cognac. Mogul-mogul: protein recipes

    • This dish has been known for a long time. Back in the 19th century, every morning a young maid brought her mistress a glass of beaten egg yolks. How to make eggnog was known in any aristocratic family. Indeed, according to one of the legends, the young Polish beauty Countess Bronislava Potocka made this delicacy fashionable. Although there are several versions of both the origin of the dish itself and the meaning of its name.

      What is useful mogul-mogul

      If the invention of the eggnog is attributed either to a Polish countess, or to a German culinary specialist, or to a Jewish deacon, no one will dispute the beneficial properties of beaten egg yolks. They are rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Mogul-mogul will have a positive effect in the treatment of the following diseases and pathologies:

      Inflammation of the larynx and bronchi;

      Prolonged incessant cough;

      throat inflammation;

      Cardiovascular diseases;

      oncological problems.

      Mogul-mogul is a low-calorie dish. At the same time, it is recommended for malnourished people, the components of the dessert contribute to weight gain. The use of mogul-mogul contributes to:

      Strengthening bones;

      Improving vision;

      Improving the condition of tooth enamel;

      Strengthening nails;

      Improving the condition of the hair.

      If the dish is prepared from quail eggs, then the benefits of dessert for the body cannot be overestimated.

      How to prepare eggs for eggnog

      With all the benefits of eggnog for the body, we should not forget that it should not be used by people with allergies to eggs, diabetics and people suffering from certain diseases of the digestive tract and blood vessels. But, there is a common danger for everyone who consumes eggs without heat treatment - salmonellosis. Salmonella develops in stale eggs and can cause a very unpleasant intestinal upset.

      To prevent this disease, follow these requirements:

      1. To make eggnog (recipe doesn't matter), use eggs within 7 days of hatching. Although the manufacturer may give a 30-90 day shelf life guarantee, be aware that this is more suitable for dishes such as scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs and boiled eggs. For eggnog, however, as well as for protein cream, you need to take dietary seven-day eggs.

      2. Look closely to see if the integrity of the egg is broken. If in doubt, set that egg aside.

      3.Before you cook eggnog, rinse the eggs thoroughly under running water. You can use baking soda - first, the eggs are soaked in a 1-2% solution, and then washed well.

      4. The dish must be consumed fresh. Do not store for more than 30 minutes.

      Follow all the requirements, and you can safely cook dishes from raw eggs.

      Mogul recipes

      There is a classic recipe: for 1 chicken yolk, you need to take three teaspoons (without top) of granulated sugar and rub until a homogeneous foamy mixture is obtained. You can grind the yolks in a glass with a teaspoon, or you can make your life easier and do it in a mixer.

      There are options for preparing this dish, which can be consumed by both adults and children.

      1. Milk mogul. For 1 chicken yolk we take 3 teaspoons of sugar, add a little salt and vanillin, beat. Add 150 ml of fresh milk, mix thoroughly.

      2. Mogul-mogul with fruit juice. Beat the yolk, sugar, the proportions are the same. Add 0.5 cups of strawberry, apple, pomegranate, currant, orange, apricot or cherry juice, mix well. Add half a liter of fresh cold milk, beat with a mixer. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites, pour the resulting mixture into them.

      3. Eggnog with honey and citrus juice. Beat an egg in a mixer, 0.5 liters of cold fresh milk, 6 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of lemon or orange juice. If we serve the dish as a dessert, then in a very cold form. If it is necessary to treat the throat, we replace the cold milk with hot milk, and heat the cocktail itself.

      4. Eggnog with cocoa. Rub the yolk with sugar. Add butter with cocoa there, soften the butter beforehand and mix with cocoa. Mix all ingredients until fluffy thick mass.

      5. Mogul-mogul with berries. Grind the yolks with sugar until white, beat the whites into a fluffy foam, add a few drops of lemon juice. Mix and add raspberries, strawberries or currants.

      And this recipe is well suited for a cozy family breakfast, and for receiving guests. Mogul-mogul with coffee for a company of four is prepared like this. Beat the white of one egg, and grind the yolk with sugar. Let's make ground coffee and heat up the milk. Pour milk into coffee cups, coffee on top of it, then the yolk, and whipped protein on it. We do not mix.

      Mogul with alcohol

      Mogul-mogul with alcohol is suitable for a formal party, can be used to treat adults. There are several recipes.

      1. Beat the egg (1 pc), wine (1 tbsp) with a pinch of salt and milk (200 ml).

      2. Beat the egg yolk with sugar (3 tsp), add wine (2 tbsp) with a pinch of salt and milk (200 ml). We beat well.

      3. Beat the egg yolk with sugar (3 tsp), add a pinch of salt and juice of berries or fruits (¼ cup), milk (1 tbsp) and cognac (¼ cup). We beat well.

      4. Pour milk and vodka (100 g each), egg, honey (3 tbsp) and two tablespoons of citrus juice (1 tbsp) into the mixer. We beat well.

      5. Beat the yolk, cream, sugar syrup and ice with alcohol in a mixer - rum, wine, cognac, brandy, whiskey.

      6. Cognac is added to the beaten yolk and put in a water bath. Remove the heat a little, add vanilla and whipped cream.

      Eggnog can be garnished with grated chocolate, nutmeg, whipped egg whites or cream. Bon appetit!

Since childhood, everyone knows the story of Dr. Aibolit, who treated animals and “regaled with eggnog, eggnog”. In childhood, these words were perceived as the name of some kind of medicine ... It is, but only this is medicine and a sweet dessert. Those people who are not familiar with the dessert recipe should learn it. So let's talk about how to cook eggnog from eggs and sugar and we will give a recipe for this, we will talk about the benefits of eggnog and its possible harm.

There are several options for preparing this dish, which is known throughout the world. Such a dessert was invented either in Germany ... Others believe that in Poland or England, there is even a version that in Belarus a certain Gogel treated his throat in this way, since he knew that eggs help restore the so-called voice ligaments.

Useful properties of goodies

The dessert includes eggs, which are considered beneficial for the body. They contain various mineral compounds: phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, in addition, there are fats, proteins, vitamins A, D, B. There is lecithin in the yolk, it is good for blood vessels and the heart, in addition, it improves the activity of the liver, the nervous system, and also normalizes the functioning of the brain.

This sweet dessert helps to cope with colds, is effective for voice loss, and strengthens the vocal cords. In addition, it improves the function of hair and nails, and has a beneficial effect on vision. Mogul-mogul is very popular among the so-called bodybuilders, as such a dessert is rich in proteins. This product is very high-calorie, 300 kcal is present in one hundred grams, it is useful for underweight people.

Harm from mogul

Of course, it is contraindicated for people with diabetes to use such a product, as blood sugar levels will increase. It is advisable to refrain from eating egg dessert in case of liver disease, with atherosclerosis, with high cholesterol, with impaired activity of the pancreas and gallbladder.

Another main danger from eating this dessert lies in the possible presence of salmonella bacteria in the eggs. In this regard, it is important to use only fresh products, and the shell must be whole, without cracks and damage, otherwise you can become infected with salmonellosis, which is quite difficult.

How to cook eggnog mogul, a classic recipe

For cooking, you need two chicken eggs. In this case, carefully separate the yolks from the proteins. Next, beat the egg yolks with a whisk, or you can use a regular mixer. In the process of the so-called whipping of the egg mass, it is recommended to gradually add small portions of granulated sugar to taste.

After whipping, the finished mixture will approximately double in size. After that, egg whites are also whipped with sugar. When everything is whipped, it is recommended to carefully add the protein foam to the yolks, after which everything is mixed and the finished dessert is served. Bon appetit!

Mogul-mogul - recipe with fruits

The fruit version of this egg dessert is made from the usual ingredients (chicken eggs, salt, milk, sugar, nuts, fruit puree). This delicacy should be prepared as follows. A pinch of salt and three tablespoons of granulated sugar are added to two yolks. This mixture is then whisked until doubled in size.

After that, one hundred grams of fruit puree is added to the mass, or you can use juice with pulp. Then half a liter of milk is added to this mixture. The finished sweet cocktail is poured into beautiful containers, and the whipped protein mass is carefully spread on top, which is sprinkled with various chopped nuts on top.

How to make eggnog with honey

Such a dessert with the addition of honey will be useful for bronchitis, for viral diseases, for colds. It is quite effective to use such a cocktail in order to strengthen immunity.

To prepare the dessert, the yolks must be beaten with honey. Usually, two chicken yolks will require five teaspoons of fragrant honey. After the mass is well whipped, warmed milk is poured into the glass, and you can also use a little citrus juice, after which the mass is beaten again with a mixer.

After that, a dense foam is prepared from the proteins by whipping them in a mixer. After that, the yolk-milk mixture is poured into it in a rather thin stream. Honey and egg dessert is ready to eat. Bon appetit!

How to cook eggnog mogul "ADVOCAT"

This type of eggnog contains a small amount of alcohol, the recipe was invented in the Netherlands. As in other cases, it is recommended to prepare such a dessert by whipping the yolks with a small pinch of salt and adding sugar. After they are beaten, you need to add cognac to the egg mixture, in addition, wine, whiskey, as well as rum or brandy will do.

After that, this mixture is placed in the so-called water bath and the dessert is simmered for ten minutes. In order for the dessert to turn out to be of high quality, it is important to stir this mixture constantly and prevent it from boiling. At the very end, it is recommended to add a small amount of vanillin. Then the well-heated mixture must be poured into the so-called dessert vessel. From above, you can decorate the mass with whipped squirrels. Unlike other options, this eggnog is eaten with a dessert spoon, and not drunk, as its consistency will be quite thick.

Baked eggnog

To prepare this unusual mogul, you will need six yolks, sugar, in the amount of 4 tablespoons, 120 grams of butter, cocoa - 3 tablespoons. Beat the yolks well with sugar, carefully add the melted cooled butter, as well as cocoa. Everyone beats well.

Next, the finished mixture is poured into small molds, they are put on a baking sheet, where hot water is poured so that the molds are immersed in water by two centimeters. Then they are sent for fifteen minutes to the oven, which is preheated to 150 degrees.


Cooked Gogol mogul can be both a dessert and an effective medicine.

Mogul-mogul is both a dessert and an alcoholic drink, and a remedy for sore throats and colds. It is also deservedly praised for its nutritional value, healing properties and pleasant taste. To cook eggnog according to the classic recipe, grind the yolks with sugar.

After the yolks brighten, add crushed berries or fruits to the mixture, which can be replaced with juice if desired. Then add the whites whipped to stable peaks and gently stir the mass until smooth.

You can also add ingredients such as alcohol (wine, rum, cognac), honey, cocoa, butter or lemon to the eggnog.

Cooking features:

  • It is most convenient to cook eggnog with a blender or mixer in a deep container.
  • Mogul-mogul is best served in a cocktail glass or creamer.
  • Since eggnog is prepared from raw eggs, their choice should be approached with special attention. Choose only fresh eggs to avoid salmonella contamination. Also, to prevent poisoning or disease, wash eggs thoroughly before breaking them.

Useful properties of mogul-mogul:

  • Restores the functions of the vocal cords;
  • Strengthen the vocal cords;
  • It has a therapeutic effect on sore throat and colds;
  • Helps to get rid of cough;
  • Quickly satisfies hunger.

Mogul recipe with wine

Compound: egg - 1 pc, sugar - 1 tbsp, wine - 2 tbsp, salt - a pinch, milk - 150 ml, nutmeg.

Cooking method: beat the egg, adding sugar, salt and wine to it. After that, carefully enter the boiled milk and stir everything. Strain the mixture and add nutmeg to taste. Sprinkle the mogul with nut crumbs before serving.

Recipe for eggnog with rhubarb

Compound: egg - 2 pcs, salt - to taste, milk - 2 cups, sugar - 3 tablespoons, boiled water - 0.5 cups, rhubarb juice - 150 ml, nutmeg.

Cooking method: separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks until smooth, the proteins - until a stable foam. Add juice, sugar and salt to the yolks, pour in cold milk, water and mix everything thoroughly. Gently pour the resulting mixture into the proteins and mix. When serving, garnish the eggnog with nuts.

Recipe for healing eggnog for children

Compound: 2 eggs, 15 g sugar, 100 g cocoa, 10 g butter.

Cooking method: separate the whites from the yolks. Mash the yolks with sugar, add cocoa and butter. Beat the whites with a mixer until fluffy and combine with the yolks. Pour the resulting mass into a cup and decorate as you like.

Mogul-mogul drink is very popular in our country today. There are many recipes for its preparation. The most important thing in the drink is the presence of chicken eggs. All other ingredients are the imagination and preferences of the cook. However, there is a classic recipe for making eggnog, which serves as a framework for all other types.

Mogul-mogul is usually advised to drink when the voice disappears, or the throat hurts. This healing miracle remedy consists of ordinary yolks whipped with sugar. It helps not only with the restoration of the vocal cords, but even with angina and the treatment of severe coughing. But how to cook mogul-mogul so that it is not only a medicine, but also a delicious dessert?

Let's take a look at how mogul is made!

Yes, yes, you didn’t hear it, it’s alcoholic! This drink is very common in many establishments. But most of all, women love it, of course, because it turns out to be very sweet and cloying. How to make an alcoholic eggnog right at home?

  • egg - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • brandy (whiskey) - 1 glass;
  • rum - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • cream - 2 cups;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • grated nutmeg - for decoration;
  • cinnamon - 1 pc.;
  • vanilla.

To prepare the eggnog, take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks and gradually add sugar to make a white foam. Continuing to beat, slowly and gradually pour in the whiskey, rum, milk and half the cream. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff and add the egg yolk mixture. Add the remaining cream, powdered sugar and beat the mass until thick. Pour the alcoholic eggnog into tall glasses and garnish with grated nutmeg and a cinnamon stick.

If suddenly your child gets sick and has a sore throat, and he doesn’t like medicine, then a recipe for a children’s healing eggnog will come to the rescue.

To prepare a baby eggnog, we take eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and grind the yolks with sugar. Then add cocoa and a little butter. Beat everything with a mixer until a fluffy foam forms and pour into a cup.

Classic eggnog - recipe

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • cream, nutmeg - for decoration.

Separate the yolks from the whites. We remove the proteins for 10 minutes in the refrigerator, and add salt, sugar to the yolks and beat well with a mixer. The mass should increase by about 2 times. We take out the chilled proteins from the refrigerator, add sugar, salt and also beat until foam forms. Then pour the eggnog into glasses, mixing gently beaten yolks with proteins, and if desired, decorate with cream and nutmeg.

Coffee eggnog with milk

Beat the protein with a mixer, and grind the yolk with sugar with a fork. Pour warm milk at the bottom of the glass, then put a little ground coffee, put the yolk on top and the protein in the center. You need to drink eggnog with milk without stirring.

Grind the yolks with sugar, add salt and any fruit juice. We mix everything well, without stopping. Then add cold milk and whipped protein foam. Such a cocktail can be drunk through a straw.

Mogul-mogul is a dessert, the main components of which are a beaten egg with sugar. There are many variations of this drink, with the addition of wine, vanillin, honey, fruit and berry juices. Often used as a remedy for colds and loss of voice.

Mogul-mogul is prepared from egg yolks, whites (or from a whole egg), sugar, mashed berries or fruits, or juices from them. Some recipes add milk or wine. According to the classic recipe of Polish cuisine, the yolks are first ground white with sugar, after which the pounded fruits or berries, or juices from them are added, then the whites whipped into foam and the mass is kneaded until it becomes homogeneous. Cognac, lemon, wines and juices can serve as additives to eggnog.

Some eggnog recipes:
* beat 1 egg with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. wine and a little salt. Mix all this thoroughly, pour in 150 ml of boiled milk and strain. Depending on the taste, you can add a little grated nutmeg instead of wine;
* beat 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, add a little salt, 2 tbsp. l. wine and 2/3 tbsp. milk. Mix all this, strain and combine with whipped protein. Stir before serving;
* grind 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, add a little salt, pour in 150 ml of milk, mix again and strain;
* beat the yolks into a thick mass of lemon-yellow color with 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, and proteins - in steep foam.
Pour 2/3 tbsp into the beaten yolks. rhubarb juice, add a pinch of salt. Then enter 2 tbsp. cold milk, 1/2 tbsp. chilled boiled water and mix well. Pour the mixture into the beaten egg whites. Sprinkle with nutmeg before serving.

The easiest recipe: recommends whisking a couple of egg yolks with sugar and taking two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning. But nowadays mogul-mogul has become quite widespread, and it can be prepared in many ways.

Honey eggnog also helps very well if the throat hurts, of course, when there is no allergy to honey, lemon and orange juice. So, beat the yolk, add two glasses of hot milk and six tablespoons of honey, then two tablespoons of orange or lemon juice, all this needs to be warmed up a little and add the protein whipped with sugar; taken on an empty stomach.

Children's eggnog was also prepared by Aibolit in Chukovsky's fairy tale, and not a single kid will refuse this delicacy. And if your throat is hoarse or a sore throat has crept up, then this drink will become just a lifesaver for those children who do not like medicines. Just please, when offering it to your child, remember if your baby is allergic to egg yolk. If not, then feel free to give him this delicacy: in addition to the therapeutic effect, the cocktail will cheer up the baby, and if you also offer him cookies and a good bedtime story, then the disease will completely run away without looking back.
To prepare, grind the yolks with sugar, add melted butter and a little cocoa, beat the resulting mass well with a mixer.

Fruit eggnog can be prepared with the addition of fruit juice (cherry, apple, pomegranate, currant, orange, apricot). Beat two yolks with a mixer, add a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of juice, still stirring, add two glasses of cold milk and half a glass of ice water, then add the protein whipped to a steep foam and sprinkle with grated nuts. So we got a cocktail that you can drink through a straw.

Mogul-mogul "in Polish" is prepared with the addition of strawberries or raspberries with drops of lemon juice. First, wipe the yolks with sugar, and beat the whites into a fluffy foam. In Polish, the name of this cocktail sounds like "kogel-mogel".

Coffee mogul is prepared at the rate of one egg for four coffee cups. Beat the protein with a mixer, and grind the yolk with sugar. Pour warm milk at the bottom of the cup, and then freshly brewed ground coffee, add a little yolk on top, and then, in the center, protein. At the same time, you need to drink this drink from a cup without stirring.
The alcoholic eggnog served in bars is more aimed at the female half of the visitors, as it turns out to be too sweet, but I think men with a sweet tooth will like it too. To prepare it, mix the yolk, cream, sugar syrup, ice with rum (wine, cognac, brandy, whiskey), then filter and serve in a tall glass with crumbs of nutmeg.

Mogul-mogul "in Dutch" is called "Lawyer", and it is prepared with the addition of cognac as follows. First, the yolk is beaten with salt and sugar until a thick mixture of lemon color is formed, then cognac is added and this mass is placed in a water bath. The cocktail is prepared over low heat, stirring gently, the main thing is not to overheat, the drink should be warm, not hot. After removing from the water bath, you need to add vanilla, and then make a "cap" of cream. And thus, a cocktail turns into a dessert that is not drunk, but eaten with a spoon.

Of considerable interest is the history of the birth of this cocktail. Its name comes from the Low German expression Kuddel-muddel. It is believed that the eggnog was invented by confectioner Manfred Keukenbauer during experiments on canning sweets, and a well-known food concern acquired a patent for its mass production for one and a half million marks.

But, going deep into history, you can find out that there is a legend that says that more than a hundred years ago this drink was invented by the cantor of the synagogue Gogel from Mogilev, who lost his job due to loss of voice. In search of a remedy that could restore his voice, Gogel came up with a recipe that was as follows: “take a testicle cheese and cock it in a mug, crumble bread, salt and shake.”

The ancient recipe today has acquired a sweet color and smell of spices, and you can prepare a cocktail for any occasion, and I wish you never lose your voice, and drink this cocktail only in order to diversify the menu and cheer up.

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