Home Vegetables Wine berry recipe. Cherry wine without fermentation. Frozen Berry Wine: Strawberry Recipe

Wine berry recipe. Cherry wine without fermentation. Frozen Berry Wine: Strawberry Recipe

Even in the northern part of Russia, a huge number of berries ripen in the summer, which makes this time of year the best time for cooking. The cooking process is extremely simple, and the raw materials are free. So, in this article we will tell you how to make homemade wine from berries while they are fresh, and also give recipes for making wine from frozen raw materials.

Cherry, strawberry and raspberry wine

Traditionally, the most wine berries - currants (black and red), raspberries, cherries and strawberries. Raspberries ferment so well that they are used as an additive to improve the fermentation of wines from other raw materials.

For the preparation of a drink from some varieties, it is required to additionally use water to improve the release of juice. Wine made from cherries, strawberries and raspberries is no exception. We deliberately do not include water in the list of ingredients, since everything depends on the variety and time of harvest, and the exact amount of water is determined “by eye”.

So, to make wine from berries, we need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of berries. The proportions can be almost anything, but we recommend not to reduce the proportion of raspberries below 15% to ensure good;
  • 2.5 kilograms of sugar (with an increase in the proportion of raspberries, the sugar content can be reduced);
  • 150 grams of dark raisins.

Now we will tell you what exactly needs to be done to make a delicious berry wine:

  1. First of all, you need to rid the cherries of the seeds. It is recommended to do this carefully, trying not to damage the pulp too much, otherwise some of the precious juice will go away.
  2. We grind raw materials. For this purpose, you can use a meat grinder or blender.
  3. We squeeze out the juice.
  4. Fill the pulp with water, leave for a day.
  5. Add sugar and raisins.
  6. We put it in a dark place, wait until the fermentation process begins, after which we install (or a more familiar glove).
  7. Fermentation will go on for about a month. You will know about its completion by the glove - it will be blown away. After completion of fermentation, it must be drained from the sediment.
  8. Pour into bottles, withstand the required time (as long as patience allows).

If you correctly followed the indicated sequence of actions, the output will be a drink of a rich ruby ​​​​hue, the taste may vary depending on the initially selected proportions and the ripeness of the raw material.

Wine from frozen berries

Many prudent owners expose fresh berries heat treatment(in simpler terms, they put them in the freezer), thereby providing themselves with supplies for the cold season. The good news for the winemaker is that wine made from berries at home can also be made from frozen raw materials.

Here is a simple recipe by which you can easily make wine from frozen berries. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 kilograms of frozen raspberries, strawberries, currants and cherries. You can safely experiment with proportions - it all depends on what your freezer is packed with;
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 150-200 grams of dry raisins;
  • 50-200 milliliters of 96% alcohol (optional).

Important point– berry strong wines can also be made according to this recipe; to obtain the desired alcohol content, you only need to slightly adjust the volume fraction of alcohol.

  1. Defrost raw materials at a temperature of 4-8 degrees. For this purpose, you can move them from the freezer for a day or two to the refrigerator, after setting the required temperature of the main chamber. The juice obtained during the defrosting process should also be used to make wine.
  2. Grind the resulting products to a state of puree, add sugar.
  3. Heat in a water bath until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Drain the mixture and add the raisins to it.
  5. Install a water seal and put the container in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks.
  6. When the fermentation process is completed, carefully drain the liquid through gauze, being careful not to damage the sediment.
  7. If you are a supporter of fortified wines, add ethyl alcohol.

Homemade frozen berry wine made with this recipe will contain some gas, giving it some similarity to sparkling wines.

So, after reading this article, you probably already understood that absolutely anyone can make wine at home. It is winemaking that allows you to fully reveal your creative potential - after all, even the recipes we have given suggest experimenting with the proportions of various berries.

And wine from frozen berries will be an excellent solution if you have time to stock up on the gifts of nature for the winter.

1. Prepare the container. It should be glass, wood or enameled. The use of plastic or metal utensils for making wine is unacceptable, since the juice of fruits and berries contains a lot of organic acids and alcohols that enter into chemical reactions with metal and plastic, forming toxic substances.

2. Berries should be removed from the refrigerator and left until completely defrosted at room temperature.
temperature. The dishes in which you defrost raw materials must be clean. When melted, many berries release juice - it is also suitable for making a drink.

3. We prepare juice in the usual way for you. A meat grinder, a juicer, a pestle will do - the tool that you are used to using. The pulp is carefully separated from the juice. And in this case, everyone has their own tricks. It doesn't matter how you do it, the main thing is that the juice should be clean.
4. Determine the amount of juice received. The fact is that we need the same amount of water. Water should be of high quality, you can take boiled.

5. We heat the mixture of juice and water to a lukewarm temperature just above room temperature. Pour sugar at the rate of 250-300 grams per liter of liquid and dissolve without residue.

6. For fermentation, pour the liquid into a glass container. Add unwashed raisins or rice to the container. You can use alcohol yeast at the rate of 2-3 gr. per liter of liquid. Wine needs room temperature to mature.

7. Glass containers must have a water seal. It's easy to make it yourself. A tube is inserted into the plastic lid, for greater tightness, a pharmacy pipette can be inserted into the lid, and the tubes can be fixed to its ends. One end remains in a jar of liquid (above the surface), and the other end is lowered into a jar of water. Air should not enter the container with the future wine, and carbon dioxide, the one that is released during fermentation, is discharged through a tube into a jar of water. When fermentation is complete, carbon dioxide bubbles no longer enter through the tube into the jar of water.
Instead of a water seal, you can use a regular medical rubber glove. It is put on the neck of a jar of wine preparation, which is commonly called must. Carbon dioxide fills the glove and it spreads over the jar, making it impossible to miss the end of fermentation - the glove falls off. This simple and ingenious device has never let anyone down.

8. As soon as fermentation is over, the wine must be drained from the sediment. If you skip this time, the wine will become cloudy and bitter. There is no need to talk about the good quality of the product.

9. The wine is bottled, tightly corked and exposed for maturation in a cool place, preferably a cellar.
frozen berry wine recipe

In general, wine from different types of similar raw materials is prepared in the same way, so let's consider cherry wine as an example. For its preparation you will need: cherry juice 3 liters, water 3 liters, sugar 300 grams, dark raisins 100 grams.

1. Mix cherry juice and water and heat up to 35-37 degrees.

2. Dissolve 300 grams of sugar in a warm mixture and place in a glass jar.

3. Pour 100 grams of raisins into a jar of juice.

4. We close the jar with a water seal and leave it in a warm place until the end of fermentation.

5. The wine is drained from the sediment and bottled, corked and put to ripen in a cool place.

This method of preparation is suitable for processing any other product into an alcoholic drink - currants, gooseberries, plums. Are there different types of berries in the freezer? Very good, there is an opportunity to experiment and mix berries of several varieties to get a more varied and rich bouquet.

Only through numerous trials, you can come to the perfect recipe for wine from berries, which each winemaker will have his own.

Every winemaker knows that the success of the entire winemaking process depends on the quality of the fermentation stage. Many believe that it must be backed up with yeast in order for the drink to get the necessary degree. However, more than one recipe proves that you can get by with fresh products to make an impeccable drink.

The drink acquires a fortress with the help of:

  1. Sahara. Its combination with juice under the influence of temperature forms alcohol revolutions, so the competent addition of sugar at different stages of cooking stimulates fermentation.
  2. Raisin. Dried grapes contain the necessary natural yeast and, in fact, cause the must to ferment. You can just toss in a handful of raisins for an added boost, or you can make a simple starter from water, raisins, and sugar.
  3. Alcohol. This option is a win-win. Before filtering, add alcohol to the wine so that its amount does not exceed 15–20% of the total volume. Then the wine will definitely live up to its name. Be vigilant: it is necessary to pour in alcohol after the end of fermentation, since it is able to instantly bring this process to "no".

grape wine recipe

Experienced winemakers know that one of the best substitutes for yeast is the natural tannin found in grape skins. Therefore, the simplest recipe foreshadows the use of a minimum of ingredients, but at the same time - powerful process control. Sugar will reinforce the fermentation process, and the berries will reveal their taste and aroma to the grapes during aging.


  • 3 kg of grapes;
  • 300 g of sugar.

apple nectar recipe

A good yeast-free wine doesn't have to be made from grapes. Any will give the drink a unique taste, if you choose the right proportion of sweetness. For a better effect, you can add a handful of raisins to the must: dried grapes also contain natural yeast, which positively affects the success of fermentation. Now that the main secret of the enterprise is revealed, it's time to make apple wine!


  • 3 kg of apples (different varieties);
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 300 g of sugar.


Wine from jam

You can even use to make good homemade wine. The main thing is to serve the drink chilled, and taste it with a good mood!


  • berry jam - 1 l.;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • raisins - 100 g.

step by step

Let's summarize

A competent approach to making homemade wine will provide you with an impressive supply of high-quality drink, the preparation of which absolutely does not depend on the presence of yeast in its composition. The main thing to remember is that experience lies behind every step, so frequent experiments with juice, fresh berries or even jam can not only open up a space for new talents and skills, but also provide a pleasant pastime in the company of a high-quality, tasty drink, the history of which is measured in thousands of years.

This currant wine recipe can be used to make a drink with both black and red currants. Despite the fact that it is usually not recommended to mix these berries, for this cooking method you can safely use a platter of berries and add other berries to the currants, according to your taste.

Before making currant wine, the berries are not washed, then wild yeast remains on their surface, which ensures the fermentation of the drink. However, if you froze washed currants, then you can add some dry yeast for drinks.

Currants will need to be put in a convenient dish and let it thaw. To make the process go faster, you can add a little cold water to the berries. When the currant is soft, it should be well kneaded and warmed up a little over medium heat.

Separately, mix water with a glass of sugar and pour it into the currant mixture. When it warms up to 28-30 degrees, you can add a little yeast or raisins and put it in a warm place for fermentation. Since fermentation will be quite violent, fill the container no more than 2/3 of the total volume.

On day 4-5, you can try the fermented mixture - it should not be very sweet. Pour the remaining sugar into it, mix, pour into glass jars and close the lid with a water seal. Instead of a shutter, you can put a rubber glove on the neck.

Homemade currant wine made from fresh berries should ferment for at least 3 weeks, sometimes fermentation can be a little longer. Drain the wine from the sediment and filter it only when the fermentation is complete. When the wine is ready, the drink will be a beautiful bright color and quite transparent, there will be a yeast sediment at the bottom of the can, and the pulp will be on the surface.

The strength of the wine will depend on the amount of sugar you added. If you like stronger drinks, divide the sugar into 4 parts and add it every week during the fermentation of the wort.

Frozen currant wine can be made only from red or only from black berries. Since the tastes of these berries are different, they will need to be cooked separately. This recipe is more suitable for making fragrant blackcurrants.

To prepare semi-sweet wine, you will need to take the following products:

  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Sugar - 2 cups

Pour the frozen berries into a convenient container, leave in a warm place to thaw and knead well. You can grind the berries in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder. Add the necessary amount of water to the currant puree and mix well.

Since the berry is quite acidic, you can increase the amount of sugar to your liking. But in this case, your wine will be a little stronger.

Pour sugar into the mixture of water and berries, mix well again and add a glass of white raisins. Do not wash the raisins before adding to the wort - wine yeast necessary for making the drink has been preserved on its surface.

Put the prepared wort in a warm place for 5-6 days so that it begins to ferment. When the pulp rises to the surface, it will need to be carefully removed - you can strain the drink through a colander.

Pour the fermented juice into three-liter glass jars, put on lids with water seals or rubber gloves and put in a warm place for another 3-4 weeks. Wine can be considered ready when it completely stops fermenting and becomes transparent.

The fragrant drink can be filtered, poured into a carafe and enjoyed an amazing taste.

Currant wine at home is very easy to prepare for this you will need to take red frozen currants, sugar, water and some white raisins.

To prepare a drink from a red variety of berries, the same ingredients are taken as for black. But since they differ in taste, their proportions will be different.

Have to take:

  • Redcurrant - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Raisins - 200 g

Pour a small amount of water into the frozen berry. When the currant is completely thawed, it will need to be well kneaded. You can chop the berries with a pusher or a regular blender. Pour the remaining water into the berry puree and add sugar.

Add white raisins to currant puree, mix well again and put the mixture in heat for fermentation. After about 3-4 days, the mixture will need to be filtered, the pulp transferred to a separate bowl, the juice drained into clean glass jars. The pulp can be frozen and used to make a new portion of wine.

Cover the strained juice with a lid with a water seal, wrap the jar with a blanket and put in a dark, warm place for 3 weeks. Drain the finished wine from the sediment, pour into clean jars or bottles and put in a cold place to rest for a day. After that, the wine can be tasted.

A real hostess will always find something to surprise her guests: unusual appetizers or roasts, gourmet desserts or homemade drinks. For example, she can serve home-made wine from frozen berries or other alcohol: liquor, tincture, etc. to the table.

If you also want to learn the basics of home winemaking and make a delicious and fragrant wine drink, we will learn how to make it yourself.

Wine from frozen berries: the subtleties of preparation

Berry wine has been prepared for centuries, so you can find as many recipes for its production as you like. Is it possible to make wine from frozen berries? Undoubtedly. Although it is most often made from fresh berries, frozen berries can also be used. But not all of them are suitable for winemaking: such berries must meet the criteria described below.

  1. Competent freezing. The berries must be properly frozen, that is, whole and dry, without dousing with water, leading to icing. Such berries in a thawed form will retain all the beneficial properties.
  2. Proper defrosting. Frozen berries should be thawed in natural conditions - not in the microwave and not even on the kitchen table, but in the refrigerator. It is this method that allows you to preserve the integrity of the raw material and its useful qualities.
  3. The right raw material. Each type of wine must be prepared from one type of berry, without mixing them. That is, it can be cranberry, cherry or sea buckthorn, but not strawberry-currant or cherry-plum. The fact is that after defrosting, the berries begin to ferment at different rates, and therefore the wine can turn out sour.

By the way, before the start of fermentation, the berry raw materials need to be slightly warmed up so that the process starts as soon as possible, and the wine ripens on time.

Important: it is better to use berries picked by yourself or bought fresh in winemaking. Frozen berries from the supermarket are often doused with water and are not always preserved in their entirety.

Having received an answer to the question of whether it is possible to make wine from frozen berries, let's proceed to the process itself. Here are a few recipes for making such a wine so that you can choose the most suitable one.

Frozen Cherry Wine Recipe


  • Black raisins - 120 g + -
  • thawed cherry– 5 kg + -
  • - 2 kg + -
  • - 5 liters + -

How to make homemade wine from frozen berries

So that the wine does not taste bitter, we take out the seeds from the cherries. Next we follow the plan:

  1. Finely chop the cherries in a blender.
  2. Slightly warm up the cherry raw materials (up to 35-40 ° C) in an enamel pan and transfer to a bottle or a large jar.
  3. Fill with warm water, add unwashed raisins and granulated sugar.
  4. We cover the container with a water seal and put it in a warm place without access to light.
  5. As soon as the mass ferments, we wait 10-15 days until the fermentation stops.
  6. Filtering the wine, pour it into bottles and put it in a cool place for one week.

Homemade cherry wine has a luxurious ruby ​​​​color and amazing aroma.

How to make wine from frozen currants

Blackcurrant wine is one of the most fragrant and refreshing.


  • Boiled water - 2 l
  • Black currant - 2 kg
  • Light raisins - 100 g
  • Sugar sand - 4 tbsp.

How to make homemade wine from frozen blackcurrant

We prepare wine according to a very simple scheme that even a novice winemaker can overcome.

  1. Grind the defrosted berries in a blender and warm them up a bit in an enamel bowl.
  2. Pour the berry mass into a jar or bottle, add unwashed raisins and sugar.
  3. Add warm water, insert a water seal and place in a warm place without light.
  4. When the fermentation is completed (after about a week), we drain the wine, without touching the sediment, into glass bottles.
  5. We remove them in a cool place and wait a month until they ripen.

Blackcurrant wine has a bright aroma, tart refreshing taste and dark red color.

Frozen Berry Wine: Strawberry Recipe


  • Boiled water - 2 l
  • Dry yeast - 10 g
  • Thawed strawberries - 3 kg
  • Vodka - half a liter
  • Sugar - 2 kg

How to make your own strawberry wine

To prepare a fragrant wine from frozen strawberries with a piquant summer taste, follow the steps of the step-by-step recipe described.

  1. We put the berries in an enamel pan, knead with our hands and heat up a little. Transfer to a glass bottle or jar.
  2. We dissolve granulated sugar in warm water and pour the berry mass.
  3. We pour dry yeast there, shake the raw materials, put a water seal and remove the container in a warm place without access to light for about three weeks.
  4. When the fermentation process is completed, carefully pour the wine into another bottle or jar, and add vodka so that it turns out to be fortified, and the pulp settles to the bottom.
  5. We wait another month, filter and start tasting.

The wine prepared according to this recipe will be slightly fortified, with a characteristic aftertaste of delicate and fragrant strawberries.

Step-by-step redcurrant wine recipe


  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Thawed red currant - 2.5 kg
  • Black raisins - 150 g

How to make homemade redcurrant wine

To make tart homemade redcurrant wine, be patient and follow the plan:

  1. We knead the berries with our hands in an enamel bowl or grind in a blender.
  2. Pour granulated sugar and raisins, fill with water and heat slightly (up to 37 - 42 degrees).
  3. We put a water seal and put it in a dark place where light does not penetrate, for 3-4 weeks - until the end of the fermentation process.
  4. Carefully pour the wine into an enamel pan so as not to stir up the sediment.
  5. We pour the wine into glass bottles, put it in a cool place and wait about a month until it ripens.

Redcurrant wine turns thick, like liquor, and acquires a soft pink hue.

Now you know how to make wine from frozen berries at home. It remains to be patient to make it yourself and wait for full ripening. But guests and household members will be pleasantly surprised by your winemaking talent!

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