Home Salads and appetizers Green tomatoes in Armenian lightly salted. Recipe for marinated marinated tomatoes in Armenian style. Armenian Green Tomato Recipes

Green tomatoes in Armenian lightly salted. Recipe for marinated marinated tomatoes in Armenian style. Armenian Green Tomato Recipes

The recipe for red tomatoes for the winter in Armenian

  1. In the winter-spring period, the most popular snack on the table is meat and vegetable preparations for the winter. Sauerkraut, crispy pickled cucumber, juicy, spicy-tasting tomatoes - the whole variety of snacks is beyond list. Thanks to such a variety of snacks on the table, the imagination and skills of our beloved hostesses, holiday tables in Russia have become famous for their wealth, generosity, sincerity almost all over the world. The famous Armenian cuisine played a special role in this variety of snacks. Armenian preparations for the winter are distinguished by their simplicity, a small number of ingredients, but which are incredibly well combined with each other, giving the dish a unique special spicy taste, making Armenian preparations for the winter, in its own way, unique. Red tomatoes for the winter in Armenian they are just such a preparation for the winter, let's get to know this dish better
  2. First of all, let's prepare the products. Rinse the tomatoes (plum variety) and cut each into 4 parts, peel the onion, rinse and cut into half rings. Rinse parsley and dill under cold water and chop, but not too finely. Mix greens. Tomatoes, onions and greens are cut into different dishes
  3. Next, we move on to the marinade. We collect 1 liter of plain cold water in a saucepan. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar and 5 tablespoons of 5% vinegar to the water. We mix everything until the crystals of sugar and salt are completely dissolved in water. Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  4. While the brine is boiling, we will start laying the tomato in jars. Cans with a volume of 1 to 3 liters are best suited. Before laying a tomato, the jars must be sterilized. You need to put products in banks in the following order. Put a layer of tomato on the bottom of the jar, cover with a layer of onions mixed with parsley and dill. We put a layer of tomato on the greens and cover this layer with a layer of greens and onions and so on until the jar is full
  5. Filled jars are poured with hot marinade and sterilized for 10 minutes without closing the lids. Before “rolling up” the jar, be sure to add one tablespoon of hot vegetable oil to it. We turn the closed jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket or sweatshirt and let them cool completely. Ready-made red tomatoes for the winter in Armenian are taken to the basement, cellar or other dark and cool place. Armenian pickled red tomatoes they have excellent taste qualities, are excellent for second meat dishes, and the brine also has medicinal properties - it normalizes the digestive tract, replenishes the body with useful minerals and salts, instantly relieves a hangover and bad mood, is recommended for pregnant women in moderation
Enjoy your meal!

Tomato is a tasty and healthy vegetable. It is eaten not only in summer, but also harvested for the winter. Tomatoes are made lightly salted, pickled, pickled, etc. It all depends on the preferences of the person. In the article we will look at how to cook tomatoes in Armenian. The recipe, despite the common name, provides for a lot of variations.

Every housewife wants to please her family with preparations for the winter. Armenian-style tomatoes are somewhat different in their piquant taste from traditional canned food. Any dish in the winter will delight you and give you a summer mood.

Red pickled tomatoes

This preparation is preserved in a special way. In order to cook salted tomatoes in Armenian style with garlic, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Ripe tomatoes - 1 kg 200 g.
  2. Salt - 15 g.
  3. Garlic - 1 head (large).
  4. Parsley - 1 bunch (small).
  5. Celery - to taste.

It is advisable to take hard varieties of vegetables so that they retain their shape in brine. Wash the vegetables, remove the tails and cut out some of the core. Do not throw away fruit caps, you will need them later.

Wash the greens with garlic, dry and chop very finely. Mix all this in one container. Got the filling. Put it in the fruit instead of the core. Now you can cover them with a hat. Put them in a container. Place the vegetables tightly so that they do not turn over.

Now you can make a brine: take 1 liter of cold water, put 30 g of salt there (2 tablespoons without a slide). Vegetables are poured with this brine. Then they should be salted for 3 days. You can put a container with a load on the tomatoes. They will absorb the salt better. After 3 days, the tomatoes are ready to eat.

green tomatoes

This recipe is in service with many housewives. Armenian-style green tomatoes with garlic are great for a festive table. They are prepared as a snack, which turns out to be tasty and original.

To prepare them, take half a kilogram of green tomatoes. Peel 1 hot pepper and 2 cloves of garlic (30 g). Pass them through a meat grinder. A bunch of cilantro must be cut very finely.

Cut the fruits the way you like (in half or quarters). Sprinkle them with pepper, garlic and herbs. Stir gently.

Now you can put them in jars along with herbs and garlic. If you like spicier dishes, then you can add red hot peppers.

We prepare the brine separately: pour 0.5 liters of water, 400 ml of vinegar into a container and pour about 75 g of salt (5 tablespoons). When this brine boils, pour tomatoes over it. Now sterilize the jars of vegetables for 20 minutes. Roll up, turn over, wrap until completely cool. Remove to a cool place. Now you can wait for the cold days and enjoy a jar of delicious green tomatoes.

Pickled tomatoes in Armenian for the winter

The amount of ingredients is calculated for 1.5 kg of tomatoes. First you need to prepare the filling. Take two red hot peppers and a whole head of garlic. They need to be chopped very finely. Prepare greens: parsley and cilantro, one bunch each, 1 sprig of basil for spice. Finely chop the greens too. Make a slit along the tomato to fit the filling.

For the marinade, put 2.5 liters of water on the fire, putting two leaves of parsley and half a glass of salt in it. Let the water boil. Now take it off the heat until it cools down completely. Place the tomatoes tightly in a container, fill with brine. The fruits should be completely covered with liquid. Put a load on them. After 4 days, the vegetables are ready to eat.

Armenians put red pepper in many dishes. However, this does not mean that it is necessary in the recipe. It all depends on your preferences and taste. If you like hot snacks, two peppers are just right. For slightly spicy vegetables, one is enough.

Armenian Pickled Tomatoes

This recipe does not provide for a specific quantitative composition. Everything is done to taste. You can try making one jar first. If you like, cook as you wish. Garlic - 5-6 cloves - put on the bottom of the jar. Dill is also needed there (several branches with umbrellas). Take just one horseradish root for the firmness of vegetables, quite a bit of basil and cilantro.

Place prepared ripe but firm tomatoes in a jar on top of garlic and herbs. For spiciness, it is advisable to put a pod of chopped red pepper.

For brine, take 1.5 liters of water, put salt (30 g) and sugar (60 g) in it. Now boil this mixture. Pour the cooled brine over the tomatoes. Top with mustard plaster, close the jar with a plastic lid and refrigerate. A month later, you can eat pickled tomatoes. Vegetables can stand in this brine for 3-4 months.

The taste of vegetables depends on the size, spices and even cutting. Therefore, try to put vegetables and herbs of the same size in one jar. It is on this that the taste of the finished product depends.

Green tomatoes need to be able to choose the right one. They need to ripen a little to get a blank for the winter. Do not pluck green tomatoes at the very beginning. They should have a brown tint.

So that the tomatoes do not crack during pickling or pickling, you need to carefully pierce them with a toothpick or fork. Then they will stand longer and retain an attractive appearance.

Harvesting for the winter is better to do varied. Therefore, cook tomatoes not only green, but also pink, red. Each vegetable will give its own specific taste. Your sunset will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Be sure to sterilize the jars. Then they stay for a long time. If the prescription calls for sterilizing filled jars, be sure to stick to the time. If you boil the container less, most likely, the vegetables will deteriorate and will not reach the cold.


Tomatoes are healthy and tasty vegetables. However, they are picky when harvesting. But if you stick to the recipe, control the time correctly, then you will get very tasty vegetables.

Prepare Armenian-style tomatoes for the winter and remember that each batch will be special not only in color, but also in taste. Therefore, do not be surprised that you will get different tastes of snacks from the same recipe.

I want to offer you my recipe for pickled green tomatoes with Armenian garlic in a saucepan. This recipe has been in our family for a long time and it has been tested many times. Tomatoes are slightly spicy, fragrant and very tasty. Such tomatoes are excellent served with boiled potatoes, meat, etc., they are also good as an appetizer for strong drinks. Tomatoes ferment from 3 to 5 days, depending on the ambient temperature and degree of maturity. For this recipe, you can use not only green, but also brown tomatoes. You can store them in the refrigerator or on the balcony for quite a long time.


To cook Armenian-style green tomatoes in a saucepan, you will need:

green or brown tomatoes - 1.5 kg;

garlic - 1 head;

dill, parsley (greens) - 1 bunch each;

red ground pepper - 1 tsp. (or fresh chili - 1 pc.);

vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.;

chilled water - 100 ml.

For brine:

cold boiled water - 1 liter;

rock salt - 5 tbsp. l.;

sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Wash the tomatoes under running water. Grind or grind parsley and dill in a meat grinder, add garlic and ground red pepper (or chopped chili) passed through a press.

Add vinegar and pour in 100 ml of chilled water, mix everything.

Cut each tomato in half not completely, fill the cut with the prepared mass of greens and garlic.

To prepare the brine, dissolve the salt and sugar in cold boiled water, pour the tomatoes with the brine.

Top with tomatoes smaller in diameter than the pan with a plate and put oppression.

Leave the tomatoes for pickling at room temperature for 3-5 days. If the kitchen is warm enough, the tomatoes will cook faster. Also, brown tomatoes ferment faster than green ones. Next, transfer the ready-made delicious green tomatoes cooked with Armenian garlic from the pan into a jar, pour over the brine, close with a plastic lid and store in a cool place. I have such tomatoes, if I sour a large pot, they are perfectly stored on the balcony until the New Year.

Salad or appetizer called " Armenian Tomatoes» is prepared from strong, ripe tomatoes. The fleshy oblong tomatoes, which are called "cream" or "pulka", are best suited for her. They have a dense skin, a thick layer of pulp and little juice - just what you need for this recipe. Any onion is suitable, but it is better that it be of spicy varieties - for a richer and more contrasting taste. Choose greens from what is available - parsley, dill, and celery will do. I usually make a mixture of parsley and celery.

As for the marinade, you need to try it and adjust it to your taste. Someone likes tomatoes to be sour, while someone prefers sweet ones. In this recipe, the taste of the tomato is soft, slightly sweet, vinegar is not felt.

Armenian tomatoes - recipe.


Thick-skinned, fleshy tomatoes


Dill, parsley

Odorless vegetable oil

Vinegar 5-6% (if you like sour spicy salads, then 9%)

Salt and sugar

Peppercorns, garlic, bay leaf (optional)

Vegetables are taken in any quantity and any proportion, and there is a recipe for the marinade, it will be written below.

Wash tomatoes and cut in half. Cut out the part where the stem is. If large tomatoes, then cut them into slices (each half into 4-6 parts), cut medium and small tomatoes into 2-4 parts, as for any .

We clean the onion. We cut in half rings, not very finely. If the onion is small, then you can cut into rings.

Banks need to be sterilized in any way convenient for you (in the oven, over steam, scalded with boiling water). Put a layer of tomato on the bottom, about a third of the volume of the jar (if a liter, then less). Next, lay the onion rings and greens. So we alternate the layers to the top of the jar. The top layer is made from tomatoes.

We cook the marinade. For a liter of water you need 1 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Vinegar pour 1 tbsp. l. If desired, you can add bay leaves and peppercorns to the marinade. Let the marinade boil.

Pour the marinade into filled jars.

Pour so that the marinade slightly overflows.

We put the jars in the pan (put a towel on the bottom of the pan). Pour warm water so that it reaches the "shoulders" of the cans. We cover with lids (do not roll up!) And let the water boil in a saucepan. From the moment of boiling cans of 0.5 liters. sterilize 10 minutes, 1 liter. - 15 minutes.

Are there many green tomatoes left after harvest? Don't know what to cook from them? Take on board the basic recipe for Caucasian cuisine. The combination of a large amount of greens, vinegar, root vegetables and unripe tomatoes are ideal ingredients for the Armenian Green Tomatoes appetizer. Familiar, close, friends will be pleasantly surprised by the unusual aroma, freshness and fragrance, causing appetite. In winter, snacks and salads will replenish vitamin reserves and become a source of true pleasure.

Fast tomatoes under pressure

Pickle lovers know that traditionally in the cuisine of the Caucasus they use the gifts of nature in all their splendor. The classic recipe is a minimum of spices and no vinegar. Armenian tomatoes are fragrant, with pleasant bitterness and spicy tones.

For 1.5 kg of green / brown tomatoes, take:

  • greens of basil, parsley, dill - 100 gr.;
  • hot red pepper - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • salt for canning for the winter - 125 gr.;
  • purified water - 1.5 liters;
  • large garlic - 1 head.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Remove large branches from greens.
  2. Peel the garlic.
  3. Remove the core from the pepper, finely chop.

Arm yourself with a meat grinder, a food processor and make a mass out of the components.

Now you should process the fruits of tomatoes. They need to be sorted out, take only dense and small sizes. With a sharp knife, a transverse incision is made for stuffing.

Put the mixture into each tomato and place in an enamel bowl in tight rows.

Basic procedure

  1. Boil water.
  2. Add salt and bay leaf.
  3. Fill the pan with hot brine and place oppression on top.

After 4 days, real Armenian-style tomatoes will flaunt on the table. It is impossible to resist the temptation and not try what happened. Serve with boiled potatoes, rice and enjoy the true Caucasian taste.

Winter harvest

When canning for the winter, it is best to use vinegar, then the tomatoes will stand for a long time. Their unforgettable taste will amaze with its sharpness, suitable as an appetizer for hot dishes, alcoholic beverages. Be sure that men will be delighted, and women will ask for the recipe. The whole secret is in the simplicity and sophistication of the combination.


  • tomatoes - 5 kg .;
  • garlic - 300 gr.;
  • red pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vinegar (grape, table or apple) - 350 ml;
  • any greens - 1 kg.

The technology of preparation consists of preparation and sterilization.

Pour jars with boiled brine with vinegar. Sterilization time is only 15 minutes.

After that, they need to be corked with varnished lids, turned upside down and left to cool.

In a week, the Armenian tomatoes are ready and you can enjoy their taste.


  • clean red hot peppers with rubber gloves;
  • you can safely adjust the sharpness due to the amount of vinegar;
  • a snack for the winter is better preserved in a cool place: a cellar, the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Snack "Original faces"

The recipe is popular with fans to show creativity. It differs from others in its original appearance. The jar looks so original that immediately there is a desire to immediately try Armenian tomatoes. Winter is a great time for tasting.

For such a salad, you need to take a similar amount of products, but the design will be different.

  1. Make a deep cut in the fruit. Mentally imagine that this is the head of a doll.
  2. At the top of the garlic cloves make "eyes".
  3. The incision is filled with greenery.
  4. Put a piece of red pepper in the middle like a "tongue".

Lay the resulting blanks in tight rows and fill with pickling solution for the winter. Sterilize the jars, cork and you will get original faces.

The recipe involves the use of celery greens, cilantro, basil (regan). Due to their combination, such an attractive taste is obtained that it is impossible to resist and not try. The amount of garlic is adjusted to taste. One has only to put "muzzles" on the table and delight cannot be avoided. This is a real culinary art that takes time, but it's worth it. The recipe will become a "favorite", will take its rightful place in the cookbook. In winter, it will give a bright summer taste that you can enjoy endlessly.

Healthy, juicy, insanely tasty and attractive unripe tomatoes are a real salvation for the crop. Canning for the winter is a great way to dispose of tomatoes, treat them to a new dish. Any recipe will give pleasure to lovers of Caucasian cooking and pickles.

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