Home Nutrition The healing power of carob syrup. The use of carob syrup from Cyprus; description

The healing power of carob syrup. The use of carob syrup from Cyprus; description

syrups are widely used in cooking (especially for making desserts), as well as in medicine and cooking alcoholic beverages. Usually the very word "syrup" is associated in humans with something sweet and tasty. But let's see what this product really is. The word "syrup" is borrowed from French. It got there from Arabic (“sarab” means “drink” or “wine”). Today, most people understand the word "syrup" as "a solution of sugar in a significant concentration that has been dissolved in water or juice."

Often the product contains from 40% to 80% sugar, given the purpose of the finished product. The syrup is considered soft drink, but it can be used to make alcoholic cocktails.

It is important! Syrup is not made from vegetable juices, as the liquid is expected to contain sugar.

What does it look like?

The syrup looks like a viscous liquid. The sugar product is transparent, while fruit juice analogues have the aroma and color of the fruit from which they are made. Syrups with a concentration above 70% have a preservation effect and inhibit the fermentation process.

Types of syrup

Types of syrup are presented in a huge variety. The most popular are those listed in the table.



What are they made from?

It contains only water and sugar. It can also be called sugar.

water and sugar


The syrup is prepared on the basis of fruit or berry juices.

apple, pear, plum, strawberry, raspberry, wild strawberry, lemon, orange and other fruits (berries)

Sugar and milk

This is a simple solution in which granulated sugar or powdered sugar is dissolved in water, and whole milk is added.

powdered sugar, water, whole milk


A distinctive feature is the presence of molasses in an aqueous solution in which sugar is dissolved.

sugar (powdered sugar), water, molasses


Often, lactic acid is used for its preparation. The product is different in that simple syrup(it is very concentrated, since the percentage of sugar exceeds 80%), sucrose is split into two components: glucose and fructose. The product gets sweeter than sugar syrup, and due to its hygroscopicity, it is not candied.

sugar, lactic acid, water

Sugar agar and sugar syrup agar

Agar-agar is additionally added to it to make a jelly-like mass (the product resembles a watery jelly). You can use not only agar-agar, but also other gelling agents.

sugar, water, gelling agent (e.g. agar-agar)


This is sugar-treacle syrup, which is additionally boiled down.

sugar, water, molasses


This is a simple syrup that has various essences added to it.

sugar, water, essences (e.g. dessert wine, cognac, coffee)

Product concentration

The concentration of the product varies. If a high concentration product is required, then the syrup needs to be boiled down. With the density of the product, both the boiling point and the density of the finished mass increase. In factories and factories for the production of syrup, professional devices (hydrometers and saccharimeters) are used to measure the boiling points of liquids and liquids in a chilled form.

Fact! If the concentration of the product exceeds 85% (and in other cases when there are no professional thermometers at hand), methods of the organoleptic type are used. They allow you to determine the approximate sugar content by such factors: appearance, stickiness and taste of the product.

You can get acquainted with how a sample is determined in everyday life in the table.

Sample serial number



sticky drop

You need to use a dessert spoon to get a little syrup out of the container, take one drop in your hands and crush it between your fingers (thumb and forefinger).

Fine thread

It is necessary to pour a small part of the syrup onto a cold plate, take a spoon, quickly press it against the product and immediately lift it up. If a thin thread (similar to sewing thread) is pulled behind, then this is the second type of syrup concentration.

thick thread

The check is carried out in the same way as in the case of a thin thread. But a thread should follow, which resembles a computer wire.

There is also a second verification method. He suggests the following: you need to take (blowing) a drop of syrup with your thumb and forefinger. Several times you need to quickly bring and spread your fingers, observing the thickness of the thread. Remember that there is a possibility of getting burned.

soft ball

The syrup must be dropped into cold water and wait until it cools down. If from it, when it cools down, you can make a soft ball, then this indicates a 4 type of concentration of syrups.

hard ball

The check is carried out in the same way as described in the case of a soft ball. The only difference is that a ball of solid consistency is obtained.


The check is carried out in the same way as described in the case of a soft ball. The difference is that the ball cannot be rolled up. In water, a solid lump of golden color is formed, which is easy to break, and in the process of using the product, it does not stick to the teeth.

There is practically no water in the product. The product is dark brown in color and may produce suffocating smoke during cooking. The product is not used in the manufacture of confectionery in its pure form. But when diluted with water, a persistent brown food color with a bitter taste is obtained.

Where is the syrup used?

Syrup is used in various industries. The most requested are:

  1. Confectionery production. Here, sweet liquids are in demand for glazing various fruits and confectionery products (buns, dragees, cookies and gingerbread), impregnation of various flour products, components for sweets and caramel.
  2. Preservation of compotes and preparation of jam. In this case, water-sugar syrups are used, the concentration of which is from 30% to 60%.
  3. Carbonated drinks. With the help of fruit syrups, liqueurs, compotes, liqueurs, fruit drinks are made.
  4. In its purest form. Light fruit syrups can be drunk. With a significant sugar concentration, they are additionally diluted with water or juice.
  5. The medicine. Here, the sweet liquid is intended to correct the bitter or other unpleasant taste of the medicine. Also, medicines are sometimes prepared based on syrup, which is made from the juice of medicinal herbs.


Syrups are prepared in different ways, given the ingredients. You can get acquainted with the most common technologies in the table.




  1. It is necessary to sort out the raspberries from the garbage and rinse it.
  2. The berries should be slightly pressed down and poured with water (you need to take a third less than the volume of the berries).
  3. In this form, the berries should be infused for 12 hours.
  4. The juice is filtered using cheesecloth.
  5. Sugar is added to it (it is taken in the same volume as the berries).
  6. The mass is heated to 70 degrees, add citric acid.
  7. It remains only to pour the liquid into a container and leave for storage.


  1. Cherries need to be sorted out from debris, washed, remove bones and legs.
  2. Cherry puree should be made through a sieve.
  3. The mixture is poured with water (it needs to be taken a little more than the volume of fruit) and filled with the same amount of sugar.
  4. For 25 minutes you need to boil the syrup.
  5. As a result, it is filtered and poured into a container.


  1. The berries are sorted, washed and crushed in a saucepan.
  2. Berries are placed in the refrigerator for 20-24 hours.
  3. The juice that the berries have isolated is filtered using cheesecloth.
  4. Sugar is added to the liquid (it must be taken in the same volume as the initial volume of the berries).
  5. The syrup is boiled until thickened, and at the end of cooking, you can add a teaspoon of citric acid.
  6. It remains to pour the liquid into a storage container.


  1. It is necessary to prepare sugar syrup (sugar is taken a quarter more than water).
  2. Vanilla pod is added to the liquid and boiled for a few more minutes.
  3. Now the syrup is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth.


  1. In a container, you need to heat clean water in a suitable volume.
  2. When the water heats up, you need to pour one glass of water.
  3. Sugar is diluted in a saucepan with water (it is taken half as much as water) and a little oil (about a quarter of the volume of sugar taken).
  4. A little cocoa powder is diluted in a glass.
  5. The syrup must be constantly stirred, pouring in the dissolved cocoa.
  6. After cooling, the syrup is poured into storage containers.


  1. Ground coffee needs to be brewed.
  2. After that, it is brought to a boil, pour in sugar and cook for a short time over medium heat.
  3. Store the syrup in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container.


  1. You need to take ginger, peel and cut into thin slices or grate.
  2. Ginger is poured with water and brought to a boil.
  3. After five minutes, you can add sugar and cook until thickened.

If you add spices, it will add spice to the product. fit nutmeg or saffron.

Lemon (tangerine, orange and other citrus)

  1. You need to take citruses, wash, squeeze the juice and finely chop the crusts.
  2. Both juice and crusts are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for an hour.
  3. Pour sugar into the cooled syrup and boil for another 15 minutes.

From tea rose petals

  1. It is necessary to remove the petals, get rid of the stamens and rinse with water.
  2. Pour boiling water over the petals, add lemon juice, sugar and leave for 20-24 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. After that, the liquid must be squeezed out and the syrup boiled for an hour (remove the foam).
  4. When ready, the syrup is cooled and stored in the refrigerator.
  1. Mint should be washed, chopped, poured with a little water and crushed.
  2. Then it is poured with water and allowed to brew.
  3. After that, mint water is filtered, sugar is poured into the liquid and boiled until thickened over low heat.

You can add vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, citric acid or lemon juice.

If you prepare a syrup based on medicinal herbs, then it can be used for treatment colds, cough and sore throat. The properties of the syrup will directly depend on the herbs used.

Best before date

The shelf life of sweet treats directly depends on the degree of sugaring. Elevated sugar levels prevent fermentation. In other words, the more sugar in the syrup, the longer it can be stored. For example, store-bought syrup can be stored without loss of quality for two years.

Fruit syrups are considered the most common. They carry both benefit and harm. Useful properties are explained by the preparation of syrups from fresh fruits (and in their composition useful minerals and vitamins). Of course, a significant amount of useful components will disappear during the cooking process, but many vitamins will still remain.

The harm to the products is due to the fact that some people may experience allergic reactions to certain components of the syrup (for example, sugar or fruits). Also, you should not use syrup in significant volumes, as it is very high in calories and contains a large amount of sugar. As a result, you can earn various diseases and there is a possibility of extra pounds.

It is important! People who suffer from diabetes are not recommended to eat syrup.

Syrup is a versatile product with a huge scope. It is used in the baking process delicious products, creating desserts, medicines, alcoholic beverages. At home, it is easy to prepare a syrup that will be healthy and very tasty. And if there is no time or desire for cooking, you can purchase a finished product in the store.

The homeland of the carob tree (carob, Ceratonia leguminous, Tsaregradsky pods, sweet horn, John's breadfruit tree) is considered to be the Mediterranean.

An evergreen plant, reaching a height of up to 12 m, with a wide crown, dense pinnate leaves and fruits collected in a pod, belongs to the legume family. Its various parts have been used in cooking and folk medicine since ancient times.

The composition of the beans contains the polysaccharide polygalactomannan, which determines the constancy of the weight of the fruit (0.19 g) and their hardness. In antiquity (in the era of the Roman Empire), hard and flat seeds were used as a measure of weight, from which the term carat originated (an expression for the mass of pearls and precious stones).

Powdered dried carob pods are used in confectionery industry as a cocoa substitute. Another name for the powder is carob or carob flour.

And this powder is indispensable in the treatment of diarrhea. To heal an upset stomach per day, it is enough to use about 25 grams of the product, diluted with warm water and milk, with the addition of 4 grams of starch.

Useful properties of carob

Carob beans, 10 to 25 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide and ½-1 cm thick, have a rich brown color and a firm structure. The seeds in the fruits of the plant are covered with juicy sweet pulp, in which the content of natural sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) reaches up to 50%. Sweet fruit pulp and flour powder from them replace sugar, which is especially important for patients with diabetes and obesity.

Rich in starch, dietary fiber, tannins, proteins and organic acids, fruits have excellent palatability and medicinal properties. Carob contains vitamins B, D, useful fatty acids, tannin, pectin, antioxidants and a whole complex of macro- and microelements: iron, magnesium, chromium, potassium, calcium, iodine, boron, selenium, zinc, etc.

Due to this biochemical composition, the fruits have the following therapeutic properties:

  • expectorant;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • cleansing;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiemetic;
  • diuretic;
  • hypoglycemic;
  • restorative;
  • adsorbent;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • astringent.

When fresh, the fruits exhibit a laxative effect, but dried bean flour has powerful antidiarrheal qualities, since it absorbs toxic substances when it enters the intestines. The dietary fibers of the carob powder help to transform the liquid into a colloidal gel, which relaxes the intestinal walls and normalizes the functioning of the organ.

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, a symptom of which is diarrhea, a decoction of carob fruits is used: pour ½ kg of fresh raw materials with a liter hot water, soak in a water bath for about an hour, strain. Reception of the elixir 15 ml three times a day 20 minutes before the main meals.

carob syrup

Useful properties of carob fruits are also transferred to derivative products, so fruit syrup has a powerful healing effect. A sticky substance of dark brown, almost black color and a dense structure resembling honey, is used to make cocktails and various drinks.

The product is indispensable in the treatment of respiratory pathologies and helps with coughing, tracheitis, as well as hoarseness and pain in the throat.

With the help of syrup, they improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the intestines of accumulated metabolites, toxins, toxins and carcinogens. According to folk healers, the product heals nervous disorders, melancholy, irritability attacks, migraines and insomnia. And its resorption eliminates small sores and wounds on the oral mucosa.

For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea and cleansing the digestive system of toxins, use 1 tbsp. spoons of carob syrup 3 to 5 times a day (taken half an hour before the main meals). For children from 2 to 5 years old, the dose is 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, and from 5 to 12 years old - 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Help beneficial features carob syrup and in the treatment of coughs, colds, sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS, acute respiratory infections - the syrup is diluted in a glass of hot water (60 ° C) and taken up to 6 times a day. Treatment is carried out until complete healing and cessation of coughing.

  • Against nervous disorders, insomnia and frequent headaches, the remedy is taken in the same way (treatment course up to 90 days).

Syrup also helps to normalize weight. The use of the following cocktail: dissolve a tablespoon of syrup in a glass of warm water and add fresh juice squeezed from ¼ lemon fruit, a quarter of an hour before a meal twice a day (lunch and dinner) relieves hunger attacks, depresses appetite, activates metabolism, which leads to natural reduction in calorie intake and, ultimately, weight loss. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

From bean seeds, a thickener, stabilizer and emulsifier is obtained, which is widely used in the food industry (food additive E410), called locust bean gum. For the production of the product, the seeds are softened by soaking, after which the shell and germ are removed. Plant gum is extracted from the crushed endosperm.

The product is used in the treatment of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system and nasopharynx, indigestion, cystitis, obesity, diarrhea and some sexually transmitted diseases. ethnoscience recommends the use of gum as an antiemetic.

For the treatment of nausea and vomiting, adults are prescribed the use of 1 tbsp. spoons of gum per 200 ml of drinking water. The following drink can stop vomiting in infants: 1 g of gum per 0.1 liter of mother's milk at each feeding.

  • Before starting the reception, consultation of an experienced pediatrician is required.

Carob tree - good, but harm?

Speaking about the benefits, and the harm of carob fruits, one should not forget. All products made on the basis of fruits, although they do not have a toxic effect on the body, but when therapeutic doses are exceeded, constipation may occur.

Be healthy!

You will need

  • - ready-made carob syrup;
  • - a teaspoon, tablespoon or dessert spoon;
  • - Cup;
  • - hot water.


The syrup is made mainly in Cyprus and exported to all countries of the world, although carob syrup is ubiquitous throughout the Mediterranean. The syrup contains tannins, a number of organic acids, pectin, mucus, protein, all B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, sugar.

In countries where the carob tree grows, it is used as a treat, in particular, they are poured over pancakes, pancakes, confectionery added to tea, coffee, water. The syrup has no contraindications and can be used by everyone without restriction.

For the treatment of diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, to remove toxins and toxins, 1 tablespoon of syrup should be taken 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals, with diarrhea, instead of eating. Children from two to five years - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. From five to 12 years - 1 each dessert spoon 3 times a day. Syrup is not recommended for children under two years of age.

For the treatment of sore throats, colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections, the above doses of syrup are diluted in a glass of hot water (60 degrees) and used 5-6 times a day.

For nervous disorders, sleep disorders, and neurological headaches, you should take 1 tablespoon of syrup 5-6 times a day for three months. Then you need to take a break for 14 days and continue taking the syrup.

In the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, gum is mainly used to stabilize drugs. In particular, locust bean gum is a part of curds from almost all manufacturers, as well as anti-wrinkle creams, gels, and serums.

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  • carob syrup

Today, the food industry cannot be imagined without additives. They help extend the shelf life of products, enhance their taste and smell, change the texture and much more. One popular additive is locust bean gum, a substance needed to thicken various types of liquids.

Where does locust bean gum come from?

This substance is obtained from the fruits of the Mediterranean acacia, which is also called the carob tree. The plant has dense leaves, small flowers and a wide crown, and can reach a height of 10 meters. The fruits of the tree are brown beans, 20-25 cm long, containing not only seeds, but also juicy, slightly sweet pulp. From the juice secreted by the beans, the main component is drawn out - gum, which is a high molecular weight carbon.

The carob tree grows in Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and other Mediterranean countries.

Chemical Properties and Applications

Locust bean gum, referred to as additive E410, is a polymer that consists of molecules presented as residues of simple and complex monosaccharides. Externally, this is a yellowish-white powder. It is practically odorless and perfectly retains its properties when heated, as well as in a salty and acidic environment. Locust bean gum has a high viscosity and dissolves exclusively in water at a temperature of 85°C.

The main property of the E410 additive is to turn into jelly different kinds liquids. When it is cooled, the formation of ice crystals slows down and, thereby, a structured gel is created. This is why locust bean gum is often used in the production of processed cheese, ice cream and other dairy products, which are not only tastier, but also retain their shape well. In addition, this stabilizer is used for the production of bakery products, sauces and frozen desserts, for the preservation of mushrooms, vegetables and fish.

The advantage of the food additive E410 in food production is the ability of the compound to influence other chemicals.

The effect of locust bean gum on the body

Additive E410 refers to substances of natural origin. It is not broken down in the body and is excreted from it in an unprocessed form. It is believed that it is completely safe for humans, so it

Modern cooking actively uses various types of syrups. What exactly is syrup? Their thick texture and peculiar taste cannot be confused with any other product. If you thicken it more, you get a kind of jam or jam, but it is this syrupy consistency that is valued by confectioners around the world, as well as by caring grandmothers who prevent their grandchildren from seasonal runny noses and sneezes!

V confectionery business syrups are used both to decorate the finished product and to give a more intense taste to the final product. Cooks often use syrups as sauces, sometimes combining the incongruous. For example, ribeye with cherry syrup. It seems strange, but the taste is amazing.

Syrup can be made from anything. The most useful and delicious are made from maple juice, Jerusalem artichoke juice, agave, dates, dogwood and juniper berries. In addition to the amazing taste, the beneficial properties of these products are preserved in this form!

They successfully cope with sedative functions, stabilize the work of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys.

Maple syrup

The most famous syrup, without which they do not start a new day in Canada and the USA. It is prepared from the juice of sugar maple. As an option - from the juice of red or black maple. Less commonly used is the sap of the maple tree. This type of syrup is mainly used as a topping for pancakes and waffles. But it goes well with ice cream, and even with cornbread. It is also more than appropriate as a "smear" or decor in the confectionery business. The taste of the syrup is distinctly reminiscent of a young tree, in the composition - maple juice and fructose.

The lion's share of syrup production falls on Canada, the tradition of collecting maple sap has deep roots, the production began back in the distant 1760.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are harvested in late autumn and early December. This is usually done by hand, but sometimes a special technique is used. The syrup is recommended for diabetics as a sweetener, the calorie content of the product is 270 kcal. The syrup contains vitamins, fiber, amino acids and many essential nutrients for the body. useful substances.

Agave syrup

Agave is known as a raw material for the production of tequila and pulque. But it is also a great sweetener. Agave grows mainly in Mexico, the plant is an annual, and tourists from all over the world specially come to see its flowering.

The syrup is prepared almost according to the maple technology. The percentage of fructose in agave syrup is close to that of corn syrup, averaging 80%. There is an opinion that agave syrup promotes weight gain. It tastes like nothing else, even though it is compared to honey. Calorie content - about 350 kcal.

date syrup

Date in any form is a storehouse of useful substances. The syrup is 100% natural and does not contain sugar, dyes or preservatives. Date pekmez is the juice of freshly squeezed dates boiled down to a syrup. Tasty and healthy: for the skin, heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Coffee lovers like to add it instead of sugar to coffee - it surprisingly reveals the taste of the drink.

viburnum syrup

The syrup is made from ripe viburnum berries. Gather viburnum after the very first frost. And the syrup is immediately prepared, because the shelf life of the berries is short. Sugar and water are required as additives. An indispensable remedy for colds and especially dry coughs.

Rosehip syrup

Classics of the genre. This syrup in Russia has long been known and widely distributed. It can be found both in home preparations and in a pharmacy. It contains natural ascorbic acid, for which pharmacists value it.

Licorice Root Syrup

Basically, the syrup is used for medical purposes. It is prescribed for dry and wet coughs - it is believed that in any case it will contribute to recovery. For 100 grams of syrup, there are 4 grams of licorice root and 96% ethyl sugar solution. The expectorant effect is provided by the presence of glycyrrhizin, which becomes an obstacle to coughing.

Many other syrups also have beneficial properties. But the above are in the top. Take note of this before you go for pills. Let's maintain our health with natural means and use "for sweets" not only what is calorie-rich, but also benefits our body.

ETHNOMIR, Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

September 22-23, 2018 we invite everyone to an exciting culinary journey to the ethnographic park! The September weekend in ETHNOMIR is dedicated to

During the fair, guests can not only taste dozens of dishes different countries but also learn how to cook some of them yourself. Do not miss the gastronomic show "Cuisines of the World" - this is a real culinary laboratory, where everyone can feel like pioneers in the world delicious cuisine! And don't forget to participate in delicious animation and listen to lectures from healthy food gurus.

Peace Street is solemnly renamed for these two days into Pira Street!

Nature never ceases to amaze humanity. In the legume family, varieties of valuable cultivated and wild plants have united. It has representatives of herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees. An interesting type of legume is the carob tree, also called ceratonia, John's bread and Tsaregradsky pod.

Biological features of the carob tree

Evergreen ceratonia, reaching a height of 10 meters, covers rocky slopes and gorges, is found in evergreen oak, juniper and pine forests of the Mediterranean. Spain, Italy, America, India, Greece are countries where the carob tree is cultivated. Cypri Levanta is supplied with the best Tsaregrad pods. They are slightly inferior to the beans collected by the Spaniards and Italians.

The mighty trunk of the tree is covered with bark of brown and dark gray shades, twisted branches and branches extend from it in all directions. A wide crown of ceratonia is formed by dense pinnate leaves. At seven-year-old trees, rapid flowering begins. Flowers with inconspicuous, fast-falling calyxes without corollas are collected in purple-red clusters.

Stony soils influenced the development of the root system of John's bread. The carob tree has roots that are strong and tenacious, with many branches in the crevices and fissures that cut through the badlands.

The tree is cultivated for its fruits, indehiscent horn-like beans, beautiful and very hard wood suitable for carpentry. Pods in the form of a horn, growing up to 30 cm long, are filled with medium-sized round seeds and juicy pulp, saturated with sugars.

Nutritional value of ceratonia beans

Carob is saturated with natural sugars, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats and fibers. The benefit of fibers is that they slowly convert sugars during digestion. Pods containing up to 50% sugars are a source of incredible energy nutrition (315 kcal per 100 g).

The saturation of sweet beans with proteins is such that when cereals are mixed with carob flour, nutrient mixtures are obtained. Such products are equivalent in value to animal proteins. There is no gluten in the flour from the seeds of Tsaregradsky horns. Products from it are important for the nutrition of people suffering from celiac disease.

Fats in beans are kept to a minimum. The pods contain fatty acids that are not produced by the human body. The use of carob products allows you to replenish the reserves of linolenic and oleic acids. The composition of sweet horns is enriched with tannin, a substance from the category of powerful natural antioxidants that protect against cancer.

Benefits of ceratonia fruit

Caratonia beans are rich in fibrin, pectin and lignin. These substances, influencing in a special way on the intestinal flora, reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the growth of colonies of beneficial lactobacilli. Pectin, a well-known thickener, along with a laxative effect, has a coagulating and bactericidal effect.

It prevents the appearance of tumor neoplasms of a benign and malignant nature. It is used to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. Thanks to him, the level of "bad" cholesterol falls. Pectin is involved in the formation of cell membranes, helps protect the mucous membranes lining the intestines.

From sweet beans, antitussive teas are brewed to relieve colds. Decoctions of them help reduce inflammation and heal wounds caused by gingivitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis. Lotions are made from infusions that heal inflamed eyes, and gargling of an irritated throat is carried out.

Since ancient times, the carob tree, whose properties are amazing, has been used in pharmaceuticals. Products (flour, gum and syrup) obtained from its pods have been considered excellent medicines for centuries.

Healing properties of gum

The beans of the tree are enriched with gum, a soluble fiber with an astringent effect. The fiber prevents inflammatory processes that occur on the mucous membranes. Thanks to it, digestion is facilitated, diarrhea disappears, pain in the gastrointestinal tract disappears, and the work of the stomach normalizes.

An unusually healing substance is locust bean gum. It prevents the appearance of anxiety in the stomach and effectively relieves digestive disorders. It is recommended for use in asthma, cystitis, laryngitis, as an expectorant to clear the respiratory tract.

Medicinal properties of flour

Fresh pods have a laxative effect. Flour from them is used as an antidiarrheal agent. It helps fight childhood diarrhea and gastroenteritis in infants. It heals ulcers and suppresses intestinal infections. In addition, flour is able to absorb toxins from the digestive tract.

Flour fibers have a triple action. When mixed with a liquid, they contribute to the formation of a useful colloidal gel, help to relax the intestinal walls and debug the work of the digestive tract.

Uses of the carob tree

There are white and black carob fruits. White pods are good for cooking, black - for the production of alternative chocolate, surrogate cocoa and medicines. Sweet beans are suitable for making honey, syrup and wine. They are used to make pastries, gourmet delicacies, compotes and refreshing drinks.

White and black "crane peas" are fed to livestock. Substances isolated from the bark tan the skin. The seeds are used to make parachute glue. In Israel, folk craftsmen produce expensive souvenirs from wood.

The carob tree has found application in jewelry. The resin that flowed for tens of millions of years along the trunks of trees that grew on South American lands turned into amber. In Atlantic amber, pure as a tear, an incredible number of inclusions. It is recognized as the most valuable jewelry material. The extraction of the Atlantic (Haitian or Dominican) mineral is carried out by an artisanal method. Makeshift mines have been built in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico.

Constantinople horns have an interesting application. Their seeds have become the standard for weighing precious metals and stones. The absolute uniformity of the shape and weight of the seeds made it possible to make them a unique and reliable model of trade.

Even in pagan Rome, the seeds became a kind of "weights" having the same weight - 0.189 g. Taking advantage of the unique quality of the seeds, jewelers invented an unshakable measure that allows you to determine the mass of stones and metals - carat (from the Greek keratos - "horn").

Properties and uses of gum

Locust bean gum - extracted from bean juice. The chain of this polymer includes molecules represented by residues of various monosaccharides. For a powder related to food additives and practically odorless, yellowish-white color.

Heating, salty and acidic environments do not destroy the properties of the thickener. The stabilizer has a high viscosity. To dissolve it, water is required, the temperature of which is not lower than 85 ° C. It turns all kinds of liquids into jelly.

As the thickener, which has been ground from carob, cools, ice crystals form at a slower rate, helping to form a structured gel. Gum helps keep cheese, yogurt and other dairy products in shape.

It is added to bakery products, sauces, frozen desserts, canned vegetables, fish and mushrooms. In addition to the food industry, the stabilizer is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It is added to anti-aging creams, serums, gels and medicines.

A natural additive is considered harmless to humans (with the exception of hypersensitivity to gum). The stabilizer is not able to break down in the body. It comes out unprocessed. This thickener is even added to baby food.

The use of syrup from ceratonia pod

The carob tree, or rather its pods, are used to make syrup - a product suitable for dietary nutrition, treatment, culinary products, cosmetic and chemicals. The delicacy is made by boiling finely chopped pods with water and evaporation.

Syrup is one of the ingredients of sweets, pastries, drinks, sweets, sauces served with dessert dishes. It is served with pancakes, pancakes, ice cream. It is used to sweeten water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

Useful carob syrup is added to medicines that cope with colds, coughs and bronchitis. Syrup-based preparations strengthen the immune system, treat gastrointestinal disorders.

The benefits of syrup

Delicious carob syrup has an immunomodulatory and tonic effect. It is saturated with B vitamins, minerals, tannins and natural sugars. Its composition is not deprived of organic acids, starch, pectin and proteins.

Since no sugar is added to this product, it is approved for use by diabetics. According to the calcium content, carob syrup, the use of which is justified in diet food, exceeds milk by 3 times.

The delicacy is not inferior to chocolate in sweetness, taste and aroma, but the bitterness characteristic of cocoa and addictive tonic substances are absent in it, therefore it is recommended as a natural substitute for chocolate.

The healing power of syrup

Not only folk, but also official medicine recognizes carob syrup. Its use to obtain a variety of medicines confirms medicinal properties product. With the help of treats, they get rid of toxins that clogged organs and tissues. They treat insomnia, diarrhea and colds.

The syrup relieves nervous disorders, promotes weight loss. It is taken for poisoning. Saturation with calcium and zinc helps to strengthen teeth and bones. The syrup perfectly treats coughs and sore throats.

It eliminates shortness of breath, fights anemia, does not allow heart palpitations to occur, lowers arterial pressure and bad cholesterol. A syrup enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex is useful for people suffering from beriberi.

The syrup has no contraindications for use. It is used as a common food product.

Syrup for weight loss

The syrup reduces excess weight. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product and lemon juice squeezed from one slice in a glass of water. Drink a weight loss drink before lunch and dinner (5-15 minutes before). After 14 days, they begin to use it even before breakfast.

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