Home General issues Recipes from Lisa Glinskaya for the New Year. The world famous cake "Opera" from Lisa Glinskaya. Cooking curd cream

Recipes from Lisa Glinskaya for the New Year. The world famous cake "Opera" from Lisa Glinskaya. Cooking curd cream

Not so long ago I was lucky enough to get to the master class of the winner of the show "Master Chef" Lisa Glinskaya.
Many thanks to the beautiful girl Oksana for throwing the right link at me)))!
At the master class, Liza prepared the "Opera" cake according to the classic recipe and her author's "Opera: currant-coconut".
"Opera" is french classic, this is what, in my opinion, you need to be able to do. Therefore, from the 4 proposed programs, I chose "Opera".
First, about the atmosphere.
On the way to Ivano-Frankivsk, I imagined that I would come right now, and there everyone was so smart and skillful and damn pros, and only I would stand, blink and peep into other people's notes)) In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler)) The people gathered were motley, there were also pros who, apparently not for the first time come to master classes and know a lot (or pretend))), there were people like me who, without special education, know something from the Internet and books, and even (who will praise me, as I am not myself))) they know how to do something. There were also those who had an education, but no practice. But the desire to learn united us all - and this is the main thing.
In short, the atmosphere was friendly and comfortable.
Now about those who created the atmosphere.
First of all, of course, about Lisa.
Liza is open to communication, demanding of herself and her students, ready to share her knowledge. She really loves what she does. She is a very determined and persistent person. It seemed to me that learning from her is quite easy, since she completely devotes herself to the process, answers all questions and paints all the processes in detail.
Special thanks to Tatyana! Tanyusha provides the material part of the work, organizes master classes, buys ingredients, and helps prepare jobs.
Faith - Lizina's right hand behind the work surface. Everything is clear, correct and on time, everything is at hand at the right time.

For home cooking I chose the classical Opera because I have already tried it according to the recipe presented on my favorite French site MEILLEURduCHEF.com
But, unfortunately, the cake didn’t work out for me (((The icing flowed, the ganache was very hard, the butter cream didn’t whip and it turned out very fat and very sweet.
That is why I decided to make this cake again, applying all the knowledge that I received at MK.

This cake can be assembled with or without a frame. Collecting without a frame is certainly more difficult, but we are not looking for easy ways. Truth?))))
Let's start with the Gioconda Biscuit.
Ingredients for a 40x60cm layer:
200 g eggs;
120 g of sugar;
60 g wheat flour (sift);
120 g almond flour (sift);
40 g butter(melt);
120 g egg white;
50 g sugar.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the two types of flour.
Beat eggs lightly with sugar (120 g), add melted butter to the eggs.
Add the flour mixture to the butter-egg mixture, mix.
Beat egg whites and 50 g of sugar until “bird's beak” (when turning over, whipped proteins should not fall out of the container).
Introduce the proteins in portions into the egg-flour mixture, mix gently with a spatula, without fanaticism. You should get a homogeneous, air mass.
Pour the dough onto a silicone mat, smooth it out, “raise” the edge of the dough with your finger so that it does not burn. The process of raising the dough looks something like this: you need to run a fingertip along the edge of the dough so that this edge turns from a “sloping coast” into a “cliff”.
I use such a silicone mat with sides for baking a layered biscuit, a thing, I can tell you, is colossally convenient.

The height of the biscuit layer should be about 4 mm.
Gioconda is the biscuit that you can safely open while baking, as it "does not risk falling."
We check the readiness of the biscuit as follows: the hole from pressing the finger on the biscuit immediately levels out, the biscuit springs.

Bake at 190 ® for 8-10 minutes, depending on the oven and whether it has a convection function.
Two whole rectangles can be cut out of the layer and one can be formed from pieces (it will go into the middle of the cake). You can cut the biscuit only after it has completely cooled down.
One of the whole biscuit layers must be covered on one side with melted dark or milk chocolate in order to protect the soaked bottom layer of the cake from soaking afterwards.
So, the biscuit is ready, put it aside.

Very useful for me at MK is the recipe and the process of preparing coffee extract. You yourself understand that buying something that you can do yourself is at least inappropriate))

coffee extract.
250 g sugar;
125 ml of water;
125 g instant coffee+ 125 ml boiling water = brew.
Boil dark caramel from sugar and 125 ml of water. For this dry! first pour out the sugar in the saucepan, try not to get on the walls of the saucepan, otherwise this sugar will burn on the walls later. Next, pour water into the saucepan, put on a strong fire, DO NOT interfere, bring to dark caramel, the main thing is DO NOT BURN, otherwise you will have to redo it.
Remove the caramel from the heat and add the brewed coffee to it. Be careful, it will spit! Mix thoroughly. Store in a glass container with a tightly closed lid room temperature. Shelf-life Unlimited))

Next we do syrup for soaking biscuit.
300 ml of water;
200 g of sugar;
30 g coffee extract.
As an option, rum, liquor, fruit syrups can be added to the impregnation for other cakes. If the additive is sweet, then the amount of water must be greater than the amount of sugar; if the additive is unsweetened, then water = sugar.
We have a sweet additive and therefore more water.
Boil water with sugar until sugar dissolves (if the additive is alcoholic, then boil it for another 30 seconds), remove from heat, add coffee extract.
Set aside.

Now let's prepare the ganache.
150 g dark chocolate (70% -72%);
150 cream (fat content not less than 30%).

Warm the cream in a saucepan until a light whitish steam begins to rise above them.
Place the chocolate in a tall glass from an immersion blender.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate, let it stand for a minute so that the chocolate floats slightly, then mix with a spatula and pierce with a submersible blender so that no air bubbles form. To do this, you need to immerse the blender’s foot in a glass of ganache and make a few pushing movements so that an air bubble pops out from under the blade, which forms there like under a glass if it is lowered upside down into the water. As soon as the bubble pops up, you can turn on the blender, the sound from the glass should come out muffled, then you can be sure that all the air has been pushed out. A loud sound means that the blender knife crumbles the air ((When whipping, do not move the blender leg, the knife blades will pass the entire ganache through themselves and make it homogeneous.
Cover the finished ganache with cling film and set aside. Do not refrigerate, store at room temperature. In principle, ganache can be stored in the refrigerator if the cake is not collected on the same day, but before assembly it will need to be heated in a water bath to operating temperature and the desired degree of fluidity.

Next stage oil cream.
120 g of sugar;
40 ml of water;
4 yolks;
180 g butter (cut into 1.5x1.5 cm cubes, chilled);
20 ml coffee extract.
To prepare this cream, we first need to make "pâte à bombe".))
For this, place the yolks in the mixer bowl and start beating. At the same time, we set the syrup to boil: in a saucepan, sugar + water \u003d cook to 116 ® or to a “soft ball.
What is a soft ball, and other stages of sugar syrup, Lisa showed us firsthand. It's one thing to read in a book that there should be a thin thread or a thick thread, a soft ball, etc., but it's quite another thing to see it all with your own eyes.
So, as soon as you reach the state of a soft ball))), we begin to gradually, in a thin stream along the wall of the bowl, pour the syrup into the whipping yolks. Beat the yolks until the temperature of the mixture is equal to body temperature, that is, if you smear the mixture on your wrist, you will not feel the temperature difference. Add the coffee extract to the still warm mixture.
As soon as the mixture reaches the desired temperature (37%), gradually, one piece at a time, add butter to it and continue to beat. This process is laborious for the mixer and lengthy. If the mixer needs to rest, then put the bowl with the mixture in the refrigerator and then continue to beat. Here we say hello to the happy owners of professional kitchen appliances))) At first, the mixture will meanly spread and splash in the mixer bowl, but then, lo and behold!, it will thicken and turn into thick and air cream. For this process to be successful, the temperature in the kitchen must be sufficiently low.

After preparing the cream, you should immediately start assembling the cake, since the cream floats in a warm kitchen, and when placed in the refrigerator, grains of solidifying oil form in it.
Thoroughly soak the biscuit layers before assembling. You need to soak very generously, so that the biscuit gets wet through, soak the layer with the chocolate bottom a little less.
If we collect the cake in a frame (cover the frame on one side with cling film), then we collect it upside down: ½ part of the cream - soaked biscuit - ganache - soaked biscuit - ½ part of cream - soaked biscuit chocolate side up.
If we assemble without a frame: soaked biscuit with the chocolate side on the work surface - ½ part of cream - soaked biscuit - ganache - soaked biscuit - ½ part of cream. In this case, the top layer of the cream must be very carefully leveled, so that the icing would then lie flat on it.
The layers of cream and ganache should be about 4 mm, in order for the whole cake to be about 3 cm high.
Place the assembled cake in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

During this time we do
Chocolate glaze-ganache.
250 ml cream (30% fat);
250 g dark chocolate;
40 g glucose syrup (can be replaced with honey or invert syrup);
50 g butter;
90 ml syrup 30®B (100 ml water + 140 g sugar = combine in a saucepan, heat until sugar dissolves and remove from heat).
Combine cream, glucose syrup, 30®B syrup in a saucepan and heat until glucose syrup dissolves.
Place chocolate in a tall glass from a blender, pour melted hot butter, then pour hot cream, let stand for 1 minute, stir with a spatula and pierce with a submersible blender, trying not to make air bubbles.
If it seems that the glaze has come out very thick, then it can be brought to a fluid consistency with warm syrup.
Cover the contact with cling film and set aside to cool to operating temperature (37-38®).

Remove the cake from the freezer, remove the frame (if collected in it), to do this, slightly warm the sides of the frame with a burner or a warm towel. Set the cake on the container in which you will glaze it. I do this: I take a deep baking sheet, line it with cling film, put a salad bowl in the middle with a bottom diameter smaller than the area of ​​the cake upside down and put a cake on this salad bowl.
Glazing: pour most of the icing onto the surface of the cake and with light, smooth, continuous movements from one edge of the cake to the other, level the icing over the surface. We do not glaze the sides, since we will cut them anyway.
Put the cake in the refrigerator, let it thaw slightly and cut off the edges. This is done with a large, wide and very sharp knife, in one cutting motion. Wipe the knife thoroughly after each cut.
The Opera is decorated with the inscription OPERA, which can be made with a pre-stored cornet cream.
Here is a photo of what I got.

I'll tell you right now about my mistakes.
Firstly, I didn’t soak the biscuit well, I needed even more, secondly, I laid out the layers unevenly, because the cut turned out to be “not a fountain”, thirdly, you need to cut it clearly in one motion, for which you need a suitable knife - sadness (( but I don't have it, but.. it didn't affect the taste)))
I will definitely strive for the ideal, and I will definitely show and tell you this process.
But what they did on the MK.

Bon Appetit!

Ingredients: eggs - 2 pcs, Sugar - 60 g, Flour - 60 g, Butter - 15 g, zest of half a lemon

Beat eggs with sugar until thick. Add lemon zest and butter. Pour the sifted flour into the mixture and carefully mix it. Pour the dough onto parchment and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

Air applesauce

Ingredients: apples - 5 pcs, gelatin - 15 g, brewed hibiscus - 100 ml, protein - 2 pcs, sugar - 30 g

Pour the gelatin with a few tablespoons of water so that it swells, then grind the baked apples through a sieve until a homogeneous puree. Mix puree with sugar. Then add protein and beat.

When we get an airy and lush mass, add warmed gelatin to it.

Pour a few tablespoons of brewed hibiscus into the mass. The color of the dessert will depend on it. Pour puree over lemon biscuit and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Hibiscus jelly

Ingredients: water - 100 ml, gelatin - 15 g, hibiscus - 15 g, sugar

Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the gelatin so that it swells. Pour boiling water over the hibiscus in a small saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Remove the mixture from the heat, add the swollen gelatin and leave until the mass begins to thicken. Pour the mixture on top of the airy applesauce and send it to the refrigerator until the jelly is completely solidified.

Secret: cut the dessert with a knife, previously immersed in warm water. Then the dessert will not stick and we will get neat pieces.

Buckwheat cake with curd cream

Dough Ingredients: chicken eggs - 3 pieces, butter - 100 g, sugar - 100 g, vanilla sugar - 1 pack, baking powder - 5 g, buckwheat flour - 100 g, Wheat flour- 100 g, Walnut- 50 g

Ingredients for cream filling: cottage cheese - 500 g, yogurt - 250 g, gelatin - 10 g, peel of one orange, sugar - 70 g

Syrup Ingredients: water - 100 ml, sugar - 50 g, juice of two oranges

Beat butter with sugar. Add one egg at a time. Combine buckwheat flour with wheat flour and baking powder. We knead the dough.

Pour the biscuit onto the parchment. Bake at 170 degrees for 40 minutes.

For the cream filling, dilute the gelatin in cold water. Let's swell.

Beat cottage cheese with yogurt, sugar and zest of one orange until smooth.

We introduce heated gelatin into the resulting mass.

For syrup, in a saucepan, put water, sugar and Orange juice. Remove the boiled liquid from the heat. Pour into another container.

We cool the finished biscuit and cut lengthwise into two halves. Soak both parts in syrup.

Place one cake soaked in syrup in a baking dish, pour half of the curd cream on top and put in a cold place for 20 minutes. Then put the second one on top finished cake. And again a layer of curd mass. We send it to the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. The cake is ready!


Ingredients: 2 large apples, 200 g sugar, 1 egg white

Syrup: 80 ml of water, 220 g of sugar, 4 g of agar agar (a gelling agent obtained from algae). When using gelatin, the technology of preparation changes. Red dye powder

Cut apples in half. We remove the middle. Bake in the oven or microwave for 15 minutes at temperature. 180 degrees. We peel the apples. Grind in a blender or three through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree. We mix. Let's cool down.

Mix applesauce with half the protein and beat with a mixer. When the mass increases in volume and brightens, add the remaining half of the protein. Whip for a few more minutes.

Bring water and agar agar to a boil, add dye and sugar. We mix. Cook on medium heat for about 5 more minutes.

Pour the hot syrup into the fruit base in a thin stream. We beat for about 5-7 minutes.

We form marshmallows. We leave marshmallows for the night. Sprinkle with powdered sugar in the morning.

Cream caramel

Ingredients: milk - 300 ml, cream (20%) - 300 ml, sugar - 100 gr, vanilla pod, eggs - 3 pcs, yolks - 2 pcs, 3 cl sugar

Mix milk, cream, 50 g of sugar and add vanilla pod. Bring to a boil. Set aside for 5 - 10 minutes. Mix another 50 g of sugar with eggs and egg yolks. Pour the milk mixture in small portions into the egg. Stirring vigorously, pass through a sieve.

Prepare caramel by mixing 3 tbsp. l sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water in a saucepan. put on fire. Keep until a golden color appears. do not mix!

Pour hot caramel into molds. We also pour the milk and egg mass into the molds. bake in a water bath at a temperature of 165-170 C for 45-50 minutes. Refrigerate overnight. Before serving, we pass a knife between the cream and the walls of the mold. Invert the dessert onto a plate.


Ingredients for choux pastry:

125 ml of water, 125 ml of milk, 100 g of butter, 150 g of flour, eggs - from 3 to 5, depending on the size

Ingredients for the streusel (filling): 150 gr softened butter, 150 gr flour, 150 almond flour, 150 sugar

We mix all the ingredients. We put the resulting dough between sheets of parchment paper. Roll out thinly and put in the freezer for an hour.

For custard dough in a saucepan, mix water, milk, butter, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar. Let's boil. Without removing from heat, constantly stirring, add 150 g of flour. Keep stirring for about 2 minutes over medium heat. Transfer the dough to a cold container. Let's cool down a bit. Add one egg at a time - from 3 to 5 pieces. The dough should not be too dense and not very liquid. We put the dough in a pastry bag and form profiteroles on parchment paper.

We take out the streusel from the freezer. Very quickly squeeze circles out of it on top of the dough.

We send the profiteroles to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.

We start profiteroles with raspberry ganache, for which we pour 30 g of hot cream into chopped milk chocolate. Mix until smooth. Add 30 g of butter and hot raspberry puree. We start profiteroles with ganache.

The most accurate and complete description: cakes from Liza Glinskaya recipes - from the best chefs in a large but informative article collected from all corners of the web and books.

  • Desserts are the pinnacle of culinary art. Each master tries to create a masterpiece from his dessert, bringing something completely new and original to it. Elizaveta Glinskaya is just such a master. The recipes of Lisa Glinskaya surprise and delight. It would seem from completely simple products Glinskaya makes incredible fantasy desserts.

    Frazier cake

    According to Lisa, magical and extraordinary a tasty cake any housewife can cook. Glinskaya's recipes always explain every nuance in an accessible way, so cooking according to them is a pleasure!

    For the base of the cake you will need:

    • yolks chicken eggs- 2 pcs
    • whole eggs - 3 pcs
    • granulated sugar - 140 g
    • butter - 20 g
    • flour premium- 130 g

    In a metal bowl, beat the yolks and eggs with sugar. Heat the contents of the bowl in a water bath, but so that the eggs do not curl. In this case, constantly work with a whisk. Then beat the hot egg mixture again, but with a mixer.

    In the meantime, melt the butter in a saucepan, where to pour a quarter of the beaten eggs, stir and pour into the rest of the eggs. Sift the flour and, stirring, pour it into the egg-butter mass. Dough and send to the oven to bake until cooked.

    With a sharp knife, cut off the cap and the bottom of the finished biscuit, and also cut it around the circumference and make 2 cakes.

    Cream Muslin

    • cow's milk - 300 ml
    • yolks - 3 pcs
    • granulated sugar - 100 g
    • wheat flour - 25 g
    • gelatin - 5 g
    • corn starch - 25 g
    • butter - 150 g
    • strawberries - 0.5 kg
    • water - 150 ml
    • granulated sugar - 150 g
    • berry liqueur - 50 ml

    In a saucepan, heat the milk with half the sugar, and grind the yolks with the second. Pour the corn starch and flour into the egg mixture, then add the mixture to the boiled milk. Cook for another 5-10 seconds. Add soaked gelatin and 50 g of oil into the cream. Once again, stir everything well and send to cool. The remaining 100 g of butter should soften and beat with a whisk.

    For meringue you need:

    • squirrels - 2 pcs
    • water - 40 ml
    • sugar - 120 g
    • raspberries, currants, etc. for decoration
  • Cake Opera is one of the key figures in confectionery art. He appeared in France and immediately gained wild popularity. This permanent hit of culinary excellence is sold in the amount of a million items a year. It consists of an elastic almond biscuit "La Gioconda", butter-coffee cream, impregnation, and amazing chocolate ganache. It is this combination that has won the hearts of even the most spoiled sweet tooth around the world.

    The calorie content of the dessert is very high - 533 kcal per 100 g, so it is strongly not recommended to use it in large quantities. Consider step by step with a photo the opera cake recipe in two versions: classic and from Lisa Glinskaya.

    Classic Opera Cake Recipe

    Now this dessert can be found in many confectionery establishments. This delicacy is especially popular in the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop, where many people come to try it. Be prepared for the fact that it will take quite a long time to prepare, but the process itself is actually not as difficult as it might seem.

    Grocery list:

    • Almond flour - 150 g;
    • 4 eggs;
    • Butter - 30 g;
    • 4 egg whites;
    • Sand sugar - 170 g;
    • Wheat flour - 50 g.
    • Cream with 20% fat content - 100 ml;
    • Dark chocolate - 1.5 bars (150 g);
    • Butter - 50 g.


    • Water - 80 ml;
    • A tablespoon of coffee;
    • Sugar sand - 40 g.
    • 2 egg yolks;
    • A tablespoon of coffee;
    • A tablespoon of boiling water;
    • Water - 50 ml;
    • Butter - 130 g;
    • Sugar sand - 70 g.

    Chocolate glaze:

    • Sugar - 120 g;
    • Instant gelatin - 5 g;
    • Cocoa powder - 30 g;
    • Cream - 100 ml;

    Now by myself original recipe opera cake:

    1. Let's start with the biscuit. Its basis is almond flour. If you don't have one, you can make it yourself at home. To do this, soak 200 g of almonds in boiling water for about 7 minutes. This will help you peel the nuts easily. Then they must be thoroughly dried, scattered in one layer and left for two days, or dried in an oven at 100 degrees for an hour. Next, you need to grind the nuts in food processor or coffee grinder. Sift the resulting flour;
    2. Beat egg whites with half (85g) sugar until stiff peaks form;
    3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the remains of granulated sugar and pour here a mixture of two types of flour - almond and wheat;
    4. In the resulting mass, carefully lay out the egg whites in portions and slowly mix with a culinary plastic spatula. Add the melted butter in a cooled form and mix in just as gently;
    5. Line a baking sheet with lightly greased parchment paper and carefully spread the dough on it in a thin layer. Ideally, the height of the cake should be 3-4 cm. We bake the product for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. We check the readiness according to the standard scheme: we dip a toothpick into the biscuit and remove it, while it should remain dry;
    6. For impregnation, simply dissolve the coffee in boiling water and sugar;
    7. For cream coffee, thoroughly dissolve in boiling water and cool;
    8. Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar. Boil the resulting syrup for 5 minutes on a medium-level flame;
    9. Beat the yolks with a mixer until foamy and gently pour the syrup into them with a thin stream, without stopping the whipping process;
    10. Cool the resulting mixture, add melted butter and coffee to it, whisk again, then place in the refrigerator to cool for 30 minutes;
    11. For ganache, break the chocolate into pieces and pour it with well-heated cream, mix thoroughly, add butter, mix well again and put in the cold;
    12. Now the assembly of our confectionery masterpiece. Biscuit cake split apart. V classic version The cake is square in shape. On the first half, apply coffee impregnation and coat on top with half of the total amount of cream;
    13. Lubricate the second half of the biscuit with ganache and carefully turn it down onto the cake, smeared with cream. Add impregnation to the second cake and similarly spread with an even layer of cream, then put in the refrigerator for five minutes;
    14. For glaze, first soak gelatin in water, pour cream into a saucepan, add sugar and cocoa, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes. Cool the mixture slightly, add gelatin and mix well;
    15. Let the icing cool completely and evenly cover the surface and sides of the product with it, then place it back in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

    On this classic recipe completed. Get beautiful and delicious cake, cut into pieces and serve.

    Opera cake according to the recipe of Lisa Glinskaya

    The world dessert according to the recipe from Liza Glinskaya, an expert in confectionery art, turns out to be very airy and juicy.

    For the biscuit you will need:

    • Almond flour - 60 g;
    • 2 eggs;
    • Sugar - 90 g;
    • Butter - 20 g;
    • Flour - 30 g;
    • 2 egg whites.

    For ganache:

    • Dark chocolate and cream 33% - 100 g each.

    For syrup:

    • Sugar - 100 g;
    • Instant coffee - a teaspoon;
    • Water - 200 ml.

    For buttercream:

    • Butter chilled - 120 g;
    • Sugar - 100 g;
    • Instant coffee - a teaspoon;
    • 3 yolks;
    • Water - 40 ml.

    For frosting:

    • Cream, water and dark chocolate - 100 g each;
    • Sugar - 140 g;
    • Butter - 30 g;
    • Syrup - 40 ml.

    Cooking instruction:

    1. We heat the oven to 200 degrees;
    2. Beat the whites, add 30 g of sugar and continue beating;
    3. We combine both types of flour. Separately, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar (60 g), add melted butter and flour mixture here, mix well with a whisk. Add the beaten egg whites and mix well again. We divide the resulting mass into 3 parts;
    4. We put baking parchment on a baking sheet, evenly distribute the dough on it with a thin layer and send it to the oven. We bake each cake at 200 degrees for 5-6 minutes until a light golden crust appears;
    5. For ganache, pour the cream into a saucepan and heat until steam appears (but do not boil), then pour into a container with pre-broken chocolate into pieces. We wait a minute and mix well, cool;
    6. For syrup, combine water with sugar, bring to a boil, add a spoonful of coffee and cool;
    7. For the cream, mix sugar and water, bring to a temperature of 115 degrees. Separately, beat the yolks and add the resulting syrup to them. Cool the mixture, then add coffee to it, beat, put cold butter and beat again until a creamy consistency;
    8. For the glaze, heat the cream and put the chocolate broken into slices, add the melted butter and knead well. You can thin the frosting as needed. sugar syrup to give it a "shine".
    9. We make a cake. Cut out 3 squares from the cakes. We coat the first one with chocolate melted in a water bath and cool for a couple of minutes, then turn it over onto parchment with the chocolate side down, and coat it with butter cream on top;
    10. We generously impregnate the remaining cakes with coffee impregnation. We lay one of them on top of the cream and apply a layer of ganache on top (it should go as the most central layer in the cake);
    11. We lay the third shortcake on top of the ganache and spread with cream. We send the cake to the refrigerator for a couple of hours;
    12. We take out our confectionery masterpiece, cover it with glaze and again send it to the cold for 10 minutes so that it grabs.

    At the final stage, we cut half a centimeter from the edges with a hot knife to make the cake even and beautiful. As a decoration, you can make an inscription over the glaze in the form of the word Opera.

    Video: Opera cake recipe from Grandma Emma

    Desserts are the pinnacle of culinary art. Each master tries to create a masterpiece from his dessert, bringing something completely new and original to it. Elizaveta Glinskaya is just such a master. The recipes of Lisa Glinskaya surprise and delight. It would seem that Glinskaya makes incredible fantasy desserts from completely simple products.

    According to Lisa, any hostess can make a magical and unusually tasty cake. Glinskaya's recipes always explain every nuance in an accessible way, so cooking according to them is a pleasure!

    For the base of the cake you will need:

    • chicken egg yolks - 2 pcs
    • whole eggs - 3 pcs
    • granulated sugar - 140 g
    • butter - 20 g
    • premium flour - 130 g

    In a metal bowl, beat the yolks and eggs with sugar. Heat the contents of the bowl in a water bath, but so that the eggs do not curl. In this case, constantly work with a whisk. Then beat the hot egg mixture again, but with a mixer.

    In the meantime, melt the butter in a saucepan, where to pour a quarter of the beaten eggs, stir and pour into the rest of the eggs. Sift the flour and, stirring, pour it into the egg-butter mass. Dough and send to the oven to bake until cooked.

    With a sharp knife, cut off the cap and the bottom of the finished biscuit, and also cut it around the circumference and make 2 cakes.

    Cream Muslin

    • cow's milk - 300 ml
    • yolks - 3 pcs
    • granulated sugar - 100 g
    • wheat flour - 25 g
    • gelatin - 5 g
    • cornstarch - 25 g
    • butter - 150 g
    • strawberries - 0.5 kg
    • water - 150 ml
    • granulated sugar - 150 g
    • berry liqueur - 50 ml

    In a saucepan, heat the milk with half the sugar, and grind the yolks with the second. Pour the corn starch and flour into the egg mixture, then add the mixture to the boiled milk. Cook for another 5-10 seconds. Add soaked gelatin and 50 g of oil into the cream. Once again, stir everything well and send to cool. The remaining 100 g of butter should soften and beat with a whisk.

    For meringue you need:

    • squirrels - 2 pcs
    • water - 40 ml
    • sugar - 120 g
    • raspberries, currants, etc. for decoration

    Based on recipes Italian meringue. Beat egg whites with a mixer. Pour water and sugar into a saucepan, boil the syrup. It should be 118 degrees. Pour the syrup into the proteins and continue to beat with a mixer. Let cool for 10 minutes.

    French cake recipes often use alcohol, Frazier is no exception. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Quickly remove from heat and pour liqueur into the mixture. Ready!


    So, mix the muslin cream with butter fudge, put it in a pastry bag and put it under the walls of the clip mold around the circumference. Pour the cake with syrup and put in a mold. Cut the strawberries in half and place the cut against the wall. Fill the voids with cream and put all the strawberries in the recess. Put the second soaked cake on top and fill the space between the side of the mold and the cake with cream. Cool down. Top with meringue and berries.

    Video recipes for making desserts from Lisa Glinskaya

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