Home Soups Alaska Cake Recipe. Alaska Cake Classic Alaska Cake Recipe

Alaska Cake Recipe. Alaska Cake Classic Alaska Cake Recipe

Hooray! I got this cake! And he was eaten almost all instantly! I share with you this amazing recipe - perfect for a hot day. Indeed, in the middle of the cake, between a layer of fresh warm meringue, similar to a cloud or a snowy peak, and a thin biscuit cake hides a real "surprise" - a lot of delicious, cold ice cream!

Sounds extraordinary, right? So I was going to bake for a long time, for a whole week - I kept thinking, how is it so - ice cream does not melt in a hot oven? But it is, it's true! The ice cream remains cold, except that it starts to melt a little from the edge. A delicate layer of toasted meringue reliably hides the “surprise”! So - boldly bake an Alaska cake, aka - Surprise with ice cream, and delight your family original dessert on a summer day!

In the process of studying the recipe, I discovered a curious thing: a surprise cake with ice cream, familiar to culinary specialists from Soviet times, and the American dessert Baked Alaska, known since 1876, are essentially the same cake! I wonder if it was the same recipe that roamed the world, or were there two similar ones? I only found out about Alaska this summer and told my mother the recipe, and my mother was surprised and said that this was a surprise cake that she often cooked when I was little. This is how recipes travel the world!

And the history of the Alaska cake begins already in the 19th century. The first were not the Americans, but ... the French! And along with the Chinese. Their delegation, which included a chef, visited the Grand Hotel in Paris in 1866, where a French chef taught his Chinese colleague how to cook ice cream in meringue ... And in 1876, the dessert got a name - Baked Alaska, which was first heard at the New York restaurant Dklmoniko. The guests noted delicious cake annexation of Alaska. To this day, American housewives bake an ice cream cake every year on February 1 in honor of this date. Well, we’ll bake just like that, on the occasion of the summer heat! It's even tastier and more successful than cold yogurt and jelly cakes - we eat them for two days, but the ice cream cake shattered in the evening!

Tip: make a small cake, so that you can eat it quickly. The cake cannot be stored (that is, it can, of course - but the meringue will freeze in the refrigerator, and the ice cream will melt outside, so it won’t be the same ... It’s better to rely on the company so that you can immediately eat this baked and frozen, cold-warm dessert!


For a 17 cm mold, for a biscuit:

  • 1 large egg;
  • 1/3 cup sugar (a glass of 200 g, that is, approximately 65 g);
  • 1/3 cup flour (about 45 g);
  • 1/3 teaspoon baking powder.

This, as you noticed, is a threefold reduced portion of products for a simple biscuit.

For the cold layer:

  • A pack of ice cream 450-500 g;
  • Optional - berries, chocolate.

Ice cream You can take white or chocolate, berry or fruit; you can add berries to it yourself. There are no restrictions on the number - you can take more or less than a pound, depending on the number of applicants.

For the hot meringue layer:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 100 g sugar.

Two large proteins for coating the cake turned out to be too much; I used about 2/3, and made bezes out of the rest. So take smaller proteins, however, then you may need a little less sugar.

How to bake:

First, bake the biscuit base.
Prepare the form by lining its bottom with a circle of oiled parchment. I also grease the sides, but just a little, so that the layer of fat does not prevent the biscuit from rising.

Beat the egg with sugar - starting at low speed and smoothly switching to high speed, 4-5 minutes - until a thick, fluffy, light mass, increasing in volume by 2-3 times.

We heat up the oven to 200C.

Sift the flour with baking powder into the whipped mass and gently fold in - in a circular motion.

Pour the dough into a mold, carefully distribute with a spoon and put in a preheated oven.

A thin biscuit is baked quickly, look at your oven for 10-12 minutes and be on the lookout so as not to burn! When the skewer is dry and the biscuit turns golden, it is ready. I recommend to cool directly in the oven, moreover, by turning the form over - so the cake will settle less and be even.

Then you can, by gently running a knife along the edges of the biscuit, open the molds, remove the cake and cool completely on a wire rack.

Let's make ice cream. I took a package of white ice cream and divided it into three parts. One left white. In the second, I added blueberry puree (berries pureed with a blender). And in the third - raspberry puree. Raspberries need to be boiled for a couple of minutes with sugar (for 100 g of raspberries, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 50 ml of water), rub through a sieve and cool, then stir into ice cream, and it will turn raspberry!

We do all these maneuvers quickly so that the ice cream does not melt much. Then we line a frost-resistant container of a suitable size and shape with cling film, best of all - hemispherical glass or iron dishes, the same diameter as our biscuit cake.

And put in this dish, covered with a film, ice cream in layers - pink, white, lilac - tamping it more tightly.

We put the workpiece in the freezer until completely frozen. Ideally, ice cream should be frozen solid like a rock. So you can put it on overnight. Or for a day.

Then we put the ice cream on the biscuit, turning the container with ice cream over and carefully removing the cling film. For now, return the cake blank to the freezer.

Getting Started final stage- cooking meringue! Carefully separating the yolks from the proteins (the yolks can be used, for example, in shortbread dough), - beat the whites with a mixer for 1-2 minutes, until fluffy foam. Then, little by little, spoonful, add sugar, continuing to beat. It turns out a thick, snow-white foam. Beating is enough when such "peaks" remain on the meringue.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 250C.
Now let's move fast!
We take out the cake from the freezer, put it on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and coat the meringue on the sides and top. With our fingers we form beautiful peaks-squiggles, similar to frozen waves.

We put the cake in hot oven and mark the time. Exactly 2 minutes - and it's time to take it out! I held it a little longer - two minutes in the oven on and another 1 minute off, and after this extra minute, the ice cream began to melt and run around the edges.

Now quickly take out the cake and immediately serve, cut into portions with a sharp knife.

That's how interesting the surprise cake looks in the cut!
And how delicious it is! Warm and invigoratingly cool at the same time, and all three layers are very gentle - they just melt in your mouth ...

Now I want to try another chocolate version of the Alaska cake - with a chocolate biscuit and the same ice cream! And yet, it turns out that profiteroles can be stuffed with ice cream - instead of cream! .. But we will try this next time! 🙂

  1. Cover the bowl with cling film so that the ends hang down. Strawberries, without defrosting, cut into small pieces.
  2. Transfer the ice cream to the mixer bowl (nozzle "hook") and mix so that the mass becomes plastic. Turn off the mixer, add chopped strawberries and again, but very carefully, mix with a spoon or spatula.
  3. Firmly pack the ice cream with strawberries in a bowl and wrap the “ears” of the film. Put the bowl of ice cream in the freezer for at least 2 hours.
  4. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line the bottom of a springform pan with a diameter of about 23 cm with baking paper. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. In a bowl, combine flour, cornstarch, salt and baking powder.
  5. In a mixer bowl (nozzle "whisk") beat the yolks until white with half the sugar.
  6. Add flour mixture and hot water- Mix everything until smooth.
  7. Put the dough into a mold. Put in the oven and bake for about half an hour (check with a toothpick after 25 minutes). Cool down completely.
  8. Mix liquor with sugar syrup, dilute the mixture with three tablespoons of water. Pierce the biscuit with a fork and soak with the liqueur mixture.
  9. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff, as for meringue. Add vanilla extract.
  10. Take the bowl of stone ice cream out of the freezer. Open the "ears", pull the edges of the film and remove the "dome" of ice cream from the bowl. Put it on the biscuit so that the flat side of the "dome" more or less coincides with the surface of the biscuit.
  11. It is very good to coat the “structure” with a thick layer of meringue on all sides - both the biscuit base and the “dome” of ice cream should be securely closed.
  12. When it's time to serve the cake, preheat the oven to maximum - usually 230 C. Remove the cake from the freezer, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake for 5 minutes. That's the trick: the cake is very cold and the oven is very hot. The meringue has time to bake outside in 5 minutes, even covered with picturesque tan marks, but almost no heat reaches the ice cream.
  13. Serve immediately. Immediately cut and show the guests cold ice cream under hot meringue.
  14. Hear well-deserved applause.

Products for 12 servings

150 g unsalted butter(cold), plus for lubrication
1 orange
200 g flour, sifted, plus more
100 g ground almonds
6 large eggs
pack of 500 g vanilla ice cream
4 tablespoons boiled condensed milk or caramel sauce
300 g powdered sugar
2 large ripe bananas
1 lime
1 tablespoon coffee syrup

Dessert in the style of Banoffi

Banoffi (eng. Banoffee pie) - english pie made from bananas, cream, caramel and boiled condensed milk. The basis for banoffee is made from crushed cookies with the addition of butter. Some variations of the recipe include chocolate or coffee.

The name of the dessert comes from the fusion of two words: "banana" and "toffee" (caramel).

Master class Cake on New Year"Alaska"

1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

2. Lightly grease a deep 25cm cake tin.

3. cook dough

- finely grate orange zest and put in food processor,
- add cold butter
- flour,
– almonds
- and 1 egg

Knead the dough.

Roll into a ball of dough, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

4. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to 0.5 thickness.

Transfer to the form, press the dough against the walls of the form.

Correct the dough: cut off the excess along the top; hide the holes and cracks in the dough - and prick with a fork.

Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

5. Line the dough with baking paper and pour out the package of beans.

Bake 15 minutes.
Remove paper and beans and continue baking for another 5 minutes.

Leave the form with the cake to cool.

6. Move ice cream from the freezer to the refrigerator.

Leave until it becomes soft.

7. When the cake has cooled, spread it with condensed milk and lay out the ice cream.

Freeze - It's best to do this ahead of time.

8. On the day of serving, preheat the oven to 220°C.

9. Divide 5 eggs into yolks and whites.

Set aside the yolks.

Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of sea salt.

Place sugar and 80 ml of water in a saucepan and heat to 110°C ( The best way to check the temperature is with a thermometer. ), then reduce the temperature to the minimum.

Boil until the temperature rises to 120°C.

Remove from heat and set aside for 30 seconds, then very slowly pour the syrup into the egg whites, continuing constantly whisk at low speed.

Then continue beating for 10 minutes to allow the mixture to cool and thicken.

10. Peel and cut bananas.

Finely grate the lime zest and squeeze out the juice.

Mix everything together.

11. Remove the cake from the freezer, put the bananas on the ice cream, then put the meringue peaks.

Drizzle with coffee syrup.

Bake on the bottom rack of the oven for just 4 minutes, or until the meringue is golden

The ice cream will remain frozen inside.

Submit to Alaska immediately.

Advice: How to use leftover yolks?

  • A lot of yolks are required to prepare the following dishes: egg liqueur, mayonnaise, puddings, spaghetti carbonara, lemon curd, pancakes, chocolate cake or other baked goods, creme brulee, hollandaise sauce, pasta dough, ice cream, or to grease pastries and for breading.
  • Or make a yolk for breakfast like this: dip the yolk into a glass of oil, the oil should cover the yolk. Place the glass in a pot of water. The water should be at the same level as the oil. Bring the water to a slight shudder - do not boil!
    Withstand 5 minutes. Remove the yolk with a slotted spoon and serve with toast.
  • If you do not cook something immediately with the yolks, then they should be frozen - put them in ice molds.

The nutritional value:

  • Calories: 444 kcal
  • Fats: 18.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 62.1 g

Bon Appetit!

Baked Alaska is a traditional American dessert that is both cake and ice cream. From above it is covered with an airy meringue of whipped proteins. Before serving, the dessert is baked at a temperature of 250 degrees until the meringue becomes a beautiful caramel color. The cake is both cold and hot, juicy and very tender, it is definitely ready!


You can use a store-bought biscuit cake or bake it yourself - below I shared the recipe for the simplest biscuit with step by step photos. You can experiment and make it, for example, chocolate or nuts.

It is more convenient to bake on a baking sheet, so you get one even cake, which is easy to cut into pieces under the perimeter of a rectangular or square shape. If you plan to cook the dessert "Alaska" round or in the form of a dome, then it will be more convenient to bake tall biscuit in a split round shape, and then cut it lengthwise into two equal parts. Keep in mind that in this case, the baking time of the biscuit will be longer, check for readiness with a torch.

Ice cream

You can cook ice cream yourself or buy store-bought ice cream - best of all with different flavors so that the dessert looks elegant on the cut. How much ice cream to take? Yes, as much as you want, at least 500 g, at least 2 kg. It all depends on how big you want to put together a dessert and how many guests will gather at your table.

Especially for the Alaska cake, I prepared classic vanilla ice cream (see the recipe on the website), increasing the proportions by one and a half times. I made white, chocolate with cocoa powder, pink with raspberry and red currant juice. It turned out a harmonious combination of sour and sweet tastes. Note. If you do not like sugary-sweet desserts, then the amount of sugar in the classic vanilla ice cream recipe should be reduced to 200 grams, because the top of the cake will still be covered with a sweet meringue cap. Inveterate sweet tooth proportions may not change.


On top of the cake is covered with a cap of meringue, that is, whipped proteins with sugar. I recommend using Swiss meringue- this is when proteins are mixed with sugar and warmed up in a water bath before whipping. Thus, the eggs are thermally processed and consumption is considered absolutely safe. In addition, the protein mass becomes stable, keeps its shape better, does not fall off and is beautifully burned with a burner (or in the oven).

Total cooking time: 10 hours
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 10 servings


for the recipe

  • wheat flour - 50 g
  • sugar - 50 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • ice cream white, chocolate and berry - 1.5 kg

for the swiss meringue

  • egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 g


Large photos Small photos

    Cooking a biscuit . Crack 2 large eggs and separate the whites and yolks into separate bowls. Beat the yolks with sugar (50 g) and a pinch of vanillin, the mass should become homogeneous, increase in volume and be like condensed milk in consistency. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff.

    Pour the sifted flour (50 g) to the beaten yolks and add the beaten proteins in parts. Mix with a spoon or spatula with folding movements from the bottom up.

    Pour out biscuit dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment. There is no need to grease the paper. Smooth with a spatula into a thin rectangular layer.

    Place in oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Focus on appearance baking and check for a dry splinter. The cake should be slightly browned and springy when pressed.

    To make it easier to remove the parchment, put a damp towel under the bottom, after 5-7 minutes the paper easily leaves. We cut the cake into two parts - this will be the bottom and top of the cake. Dimensions according to your form in which you plan to collect dessert.

    Laying out layers of ice cream. We line the form with cling film. At the bottom we place a biscuit cake. Next, pour the white ice cream - so that it is distributed evenly, it needs to be slightly thawed at room temperature. To prevent the layers of multi-colored ice cream from mixing with each other, each layer must harden before pouring a new one on top. Therefore, pour white ice cream and put the mold in the freezer for 30-40 minutes, until it hardens. Then pour pink ice cream, freeze again. And finally, lay out a layer of chocolate.

    Top with biscuit crust. In this form, put the form in the freezer for 6-8 hours (I put it at night). We need the ice cream to freeze as much as possible, the biscuit is well frozen.

    The next day, turn the cake over, remove the form and film. Place back in the freezer while you prepare the meringue.

    Cooking meringue. In a heat-resistant bowl, mix proteins (2 pcs.) And sugar (150 g). Put the bowl on a boil water bath. Stirring with a whisk, warm the protein mass until the sugar is completely dissolved and the proteins become cloudy. Rub the mixture between your fingers, if grains of sugar are not felt, then remove the bowl from the bath and start working with a mixer. Beat at low speed, gradually increasing it (the bowl can be put on ice to stop the process of brewing proteins). The mass should cool completely, become shiny and dense, stick to the beaters. The meringue is ready.

    Burning the meringue hat. We cover the dessert with a protein mass - smear it with a spoon on all sides. To make "needle tongues", we go through the back of the spoon at the end. At this stage, you can put the dessert in the freezer before the guests arrive or burn it right away. Immediately before serving, we pass over the entire surface of the cake with a burner, thus browning the meringue. If you don’t have a burner, then use the oven: heat up to a maximum of 230-250 degrees, turn on the grill, leave Alaska in a hot oven and bake for 3-5 minutes until the top is browned.

    Serve the finished dessert immediately, until the meringue is hot and the ice cream has melted. If desired, you can decorate the dessert with berries and sugar decorations.

like this beautiful cake"Alaska" in the cut. Thin cakes, cool ice cream and airy meringue smelling of caramel. What could be better in the summer heat?

Between layers of warm meringue and chocolate biscuit a delicious surprise is hiding - a lot of homemade cold ice cream

Cake "Alaska" comes from America. It was first prepared in a restaurant in New York at the end of the 19th century. Since then, this dessert has been prepared in many American families on February 1 - the day Alaska joined the United States. The cake consists of a chocolate biscuit, two types of ice cream and a meringue meringue.

For vanilla ice cream:

  • Cream - 300 g
  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp
  • Chocolate - 30 g

For strawberry ice cream:

  • Cream - 300 g
  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Strawberry jam - 120 g

For the biscuit:

  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Butter - 110 g
  • Instant coffee - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp

For the meringue:

  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp

Step 1: Making Chocolate Chip Vanilla Ice Cream

Whip the cream until stiff peaks form. Add condensed milk and vanilla extract. Beat until a thick, slightly sticky mass is obtained.

Step 2: Add Chocolate Chips

Add the grated chocolate and mix gently with a spatula.

Step 3: Put the Chocolate Chip Ice Cream in the Freezer

Pour the mixture into an airtight container. Cover with a lid. Put in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Step 4: Making Strawberry Ice Cream

Whip the cream until stiff peaks form. Add condensed milk and Strawberry jam. Beat everything until you get a thick homogeneous mass.

Step 5: Freezing Strawberry Ice Cream

Place strawberry ice cream in an airtight container and freeze for 2-3 hours.

Step 6: Forming the Ice Cream Filling

Line a deep plastic bowl with cling film. Spread the strawberry ice cream along the bottom and sides of the bowl. Leave a hole in the center.

Step 7: Spread the Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Place the vanilla ice cream into the indentation made in the middle of the strawberry ice cream and smooth the surface slightly.

Step 8: Freeze the filling

Cover the bowl with cling film and put in the freezer for 4 hours.

Step 9: Preparing the Chocolate Cake Dough

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath.

Step 10: Add Coffee and Sugar

Add to chocolate mixture instant coffee and sugar. Stir. Cool down chocolate mass.

Step 11: Adding Eggs

When the chocolate mass has cooled slightly, add the eggs one at a time and beat with a whisk.

Step 12: Add flour

Add flour, vanilla extract, salt, cocoa to the chocolate mass. Stir. You should get a homogeneous dough.

Step 13: Pour the Dough into the Form

Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with oil and cover with parchment paper. Put the dough into the form.

Step 14: Bake the cake

Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Finished cake cool without removing from the mold.

Step 15: Prepare the meringue

Put egg whites, sugar and salt in a bowl. Put the mixture in a water bath. Heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Step 16: Beat the meringue

Remove the mixture from the water bath, pour into another bowl. Add vanilla extract and beat with a mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form.

Step 17: Putting the Cake Together

Lay the chocolate cake on a platter. Turn the ice cream dish over and remove the cling film from it.

Step 18: Decorating the Cake

Spread the meringue over the ice cream with a spatula or bag. Give the meringue a wavy shape.

Step 19: Brown the Meringue

Pour the cake with rum or cognac and set it on fire.
Cake "Alaska" is ready. Bon Appetit!

Do you want to surprise your guests? Prepare dessert "Alaska". It's amazing on its own as it's baked ice cream! Put on a show before serving the cake. Put the dessert on the table, pour over rum or cognac and set it on fire - the spectacle is amazing, no one will remain indifferent. Be careful, do not forget about safety precautions. Your guests will be even more surprised when you cut the cake and they will see that there is cold ice cream inside.

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