Home Meat Preparation of the combined meat hodgepodge. Combined meat hodgepodge: Classic recipes at home. Fresh cabbage soup recipe

Preparation of the combined meat hodgepodge. Combined meat hodgepodge: Classic recipes at home. Fresh cabbage soup recipe

Meat hodgepodge is a gourmet's dream. Just imagine - a full plate of several types of meat in a delicious yushka, plus spices, plus pickles and tomato. The taste of the combined hodgepodge is rich and strong, which is why, and even because of the highest concentration of protein, meat hodgepodge is considered a 100% male dish. Although the dish is masculine, it is most often not the hunter who has to cook it, but the keeper of the hearth. And in this recipe I want to tell you how to please the hunter, how to cook delicious meat hodgepodge for him.


(3 liter pot)

  • 600-700 gr. meat with bone
  • 2 chicken legs
  • 400 gr. boiled sausages, sausages
  • 200 gr. smoked sausage
  • 100 gr. smoked loin (optional)
  • 3 tbsp tomato paste
  • 200 gr. pickles
  • 70 gr. pitted black olives
  • 4 things. bay leaf
  • black peppercorns
  • 2-3 tbsp capers
  • salt and sugar to taste
  • green onion
  • lemon
  • sour cream
  • For meat hodgepodge, we, first of all, need a strong meat broth, and you can cook it in advance, this will simplify and significantly speed up the preparation of hodgepodge. So, we take a piece of pork or beef meat with a bone, plus a couple of chicken legs. You can, of course, cook the broth from one meat, but then the broth will not be so rich.
  • We wash the meat in cold water, then put it in a saucepan. Pour the meat with cold water.
  • We put the pot with meat on the fire. I put one small onion. When the water in the pan boils, remove the noise. Cook the broth over low heat until the meat is cooked.
  • Solyanka dressing

  • We take pickled cucumbers. If the cucumbers are large, and they have a dense peel, then the peel must be cut off. If the cucumbers are small, then the peel can not be removed. Cucumbers finely cut, can be straws, can be small pieces. Finely chop one large onion.
  • We take a frying pan. In a small amount vegetable oil sauté the onion first. When the onion becomes soft and transparent, add pickled cucumbers.
  • Dilute tomato paste in a glass of meat broth and pour into a pan with cucumbers and onions.
  • Add more broth, a little salt and sugar, bring everything to a boil. Simmer for 30 minutes over low heat with a lid on. Such a long stewing is necessary in order for the cucumbers to become softer.
  • Such a tomato-cucumber dressing for hodgepodge can also be prepared in advance, it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.
  • Cooking hodgepodge

  • We separate the boiled meat from the bones, cut into small pieces, including chicken. boiled sausage also cut into pieces. Often, sausages are put together or instead of boiled potatoes.
  • Be sure to put some smoked meats in the hodgepodge. Any smoked sausage will do, you can put a piece of smoked loin or jamon (this, of course, is a luxury, but suddenly it was lying around). Smoked meats are also finely cut. By the way, the more types of meat products will be present in the hodgepodge, the tastier the food will turn out, because the soup is called the meat team hodgepodge, which means you need to try here.
  • Pitted olives cut in half. To navigate by quantity, look at the "net weight" on the label of the jar.
  • Pour the meat broth into a clean saucepan, but not all, but about 1/3 of the saucepan. If the broth is not enough, then it will be possible to add later, but if you pour liquids, then the hodgepodge can turn out to be liquid, and the real hodgepodge should be thick and rich in taste.
  • We put the pot with the broth on the fire. Add tomato-cucumber dressing.
  • We put the chopped meat products.
  • Add bay leaf and black peppercorns. Put salt and sugar to taste.
  • Solyanka is not a hodgepodge without olives and capers. Therefore, do not forget to put black olives.
  • Capers are a very important ingredient in hodgepodge, they put the finishing accent on the whole dish, give a specific spicy taste. Therefore, for hodgepodge, we certainly buy capers. I put in two tablespoons of capers. Bring the hodgepodge to a boil, try. If necessary, add a little more capers, salt and sugar. Here we rely entirely on our instincts.
  • Cook the hodgepodge for 15 minutes over low heat, turn off the heat. Be sure to let the hodgepodge infuse for at least 15 minutes. That's all, our combined meat hodgepodge is ready, you can serve it on the table. We put a slice of lemon, finely chopped onion and a spoonful of sour cream in a plate. This hodgepodge is beyond competition, it is both the first and the second in one vessel. In terms of satiety, it can only be compared with

Solyanka was invented several centuries ago. For all the time, its composition changed periodically, and only in the 18th century the names of that hodgepodge were invented, which became widespread in Soviet time and is known to this day. This soup has a spicy and slightly salty taste. Solyanka is called the national team, since it can include a variety of smoked meats and sausages. Consider the most common options for preparing hodgepodge.

Recipe for meat hodgepodge

Solyanka prepared according to this recipe is fatty and very tasty. Thanks to this, the combined meat hodgepodge can be served not only as a first, but also as a main course.

What you need for cooking:

  • Meat for broth 1 kg.
  • Water 3 l.
  • Pickled cucumbers 100 gr.
  • Ham 100 gr.
  • Smoked sausage 200 gr.
  • Boiled sausage 100 gr.
  • Potatoes 400 gr.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Olives, lemon to taste.
  • Greenery.
  • Salt, peppercorns to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.


  • Prepare the broth for the soup. Boil the meat in water for 30-40 minutes over medium heat.
  • Meat, ham and sausage cut into small pieces.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into strips. Then finely chop the pickled cucumber.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes, meat, sausage and ham over medium heat until the potatoes are half cooked.
  • Peel carrots and onions. Grate the carrots into strips, cut the onion into small cubes. Add to onions and carrots tomato paste and fry these ingredients in vegetable oil under a closed lid until cooked.
  • Add potatoes with smoked meats and sausages to the meat broth, then add the roasted carrots and onions. Bring the soup to a boil and add the bay leaf, then add pepper and salt to the soup to taste. Simmer the soup for 15-20 minutes over medium heat until fully cooked. 5-10 minutes before cooking, add pickles to the soup.
  • After cooking, let the soup brew for another 40-50 minutes.

Before serving, you can add fresh chopped greens, olives and a small slice of lemon to the soup.

Meat hodgepodge team in a slow cooker

It will take a little more time to cook hodgepodge in a slow cooker. The cooking process has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below.

What you need for cooking:

  • Water for broth 2 liters.
  • Onion 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • Meat cuts 500-600 gr.
  • Meat with bone 400-500 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • Olives 1 b.
  • Tomato paste 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt, spices to taste.
  • Greens and lemon for decoration.


  • Place water and meat in the multicooker bowl. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and boil the meat broth for an hour. Then add cold cuts and continue to boil the broth for another 20 minutes. Then strain the broth and set it aside.
  • Carrots and onions need to be peeled, then the carrots need to be grated, and the onion finely chopped. Turn on the "Frying" mode and fry the vegetables in vegetable oil in a slow cooker for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the tomato paste to the onions and carrots and continue to fry the vegetables for another 10 minutes.
  • Chop the olives and crumble the pickles. Add them to onions and carrots with tomato paste. Stew them in a slow cooker in the "Extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes.
  • Add cold cuts, broth, salt and spices to the fried vegetables with tomato paste. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the hodgepodge for an hour.

The cooked soup can be garnished with chopped herbs and lemon.
Despite the rather extensive list of ingredients included in the hodgepodge, preparing it is quite simple. Just needs to be used for cooking. quality products and perform the actions in the correct order.

Solyanka team meat: cooking secrets

Solyanka refers to the first courses and is a rich fish, meat or mushroom broths, with the addition of various vegetables and spices. Solyanka is not the name of a soup, and saying "hodgepodge soup" is just as wrong as saying "borscht soup", "pickle soup" or "shchi soup".

Solyanka, whose history dates back more than one hundred years, was prepared in the villages from what was at hand, and this dish was called "selyanka". Then they began to cook it in taverns, and then in restaurants, where the village woman was prepared from selected, high-quality products.

Classical hodgepodge does not contain potatoes, for the simple reason that potatoes were brought to Russia only at the end of the 18th century, before that the first dishes were seasoned with flour broth. However, modern culinary advice allows for the presence of potatoes in a hodgepodge. Solyanka with sausage is prepared in the same way meat broth: the meat is taken out, cut into pieces, and added to the broth along with sausage, sausages and vegetables. Recipes for hodgepodge with cabbage are more classified as second courses, or even hot appetizers, as it turns out to be thick, rich and spicy.

Culinary Tips

Firstly, in order to cook a hodgepodge correctly, you need to take several types of meat, pork and beef, for example. You can duck, chicken and sausages.

Secondly, spices: parsley root, celery, dill seed, black peppercorns.

Thirdly, vegetables: pickles, capers or olives, fresh or sauerkraut.

Fourthly, in order for the meat hodgepodge to turn out delicious, after the broth is cooked and infused a little, you need to get the meat and cut it into small pieces, and also clean the meat from the bones and cut it too.

Most hodgepodge recipes include olives and capers, but how do you make hodgepodge without these expensive ingredients, especially capers? It turned out to be very simple.

Cooking hodgepodge at home.

For 5 servings we need:

1.8 l. meat broth

250 gr. boiled beef

100 gr. cooked smoked ham or ham

100 gr. sausages or wieners

120 gr. boiled beef kidneys (optional)

2 heads of onion

2 pickles

4 things. potatoes.

4 tbsp tomato paste

60 gr. butter.

Sour cream, herbs, spices to taste.

So, we decided on the composition, now let's start cooking


We cook concentrated broth from beef. Throw in chopped potatoes, cook until tender. Separate the meat from the bone, cut into small pieces. We also cut ham, sausages, boiled kidneys into thin strips.

Pass the onion (lightly fry) for butter with the addition of tomato. We clean the pickled cucumber from the skin and seeds, cut into cubes and stew a little (boil in a small amount of liquid) in water or broth. In a boiling broth, we throw prepared onions, cucumbers, and meat products, boil for another 10-15 minutes. AND delicious hodgepodge ready. Serve it topped with sour cream and finely chopped herbs.

Here's how to cook hodgepodge tasty, simple and affordable.

Solyanka meat. secret recipe

Solyanka team meat recipe has a fairly simple, but includes a lot various ingredients. In order to prepare it, you must first prepare all the necessary components. First, go to the store and select the necessary products for preparing this dish.

The meat hodgepodge recipe consists of:


250 grams meat bones

100 grams of juicy meat

50 grams of ham

50 grams of sausages

One bulb of onion

Black olives and olives

Two pickles

tomato paste

Butter and sour cream, a few tablespoons each

¼ lemon, a few bay leaves, as well as herbs and peppers to your taste.

Ingredients may change or be substituted depending on what your family likes. Next, let's start cooking.


Meat hodgepodge begins with the preparation of a rich broth. Meat and bones can be placed in cold water, and hot. Choose what you need. In the first case, the broth will be richer, in the second - more juicy meat. After the water boils, remove the foam and make the fire quieter. After that, add the ham and nipples, cut into cubes.

After that, lower the resulting meat back into the broth and turn on a quiet fire. During this period, it is important to assess whether there is enough water in the pan or whether it is worth adding a little.

The hodgepodge recipe provides for several options for preparing onions. The first is to chop it finely, sauté in butter, add tomato paste and continue cooking for up to 10 minutes. Or just throw the onion into boiling water. After you have the onion ready in the first version, send it to the infused broth.

After that you take salted cucumbers, rinse them with water and cut into small cubes. Add to broth.

Further, the recipe for the mixed hodgepodge continues by adding salt, bay leaf and pepper to taste. Cook for another ten minutes. After that, already at the end of cooking, olives and olives are added, crushed with herbs, poured with lemon juice. After the dish is completely ready, serving on the table, put a couple of tablespoons of fresh sour cream on top.

Meat hodgepodge, the recipe of which is known to everyone, is very tasty dish. And each housewife improves it by adding or excluding some products.

Solyanka is a traditional Russian dish.

It is perfect as a first course on any table.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the recipe for its preparation, but we will fix it.

So, hodgepodge has many varieties and recipes with their own special ingredients.

But first, we will try to cook a combined hodgepodge.

We cook the dish correctly

Ingredients Quantity
beef - 300 grams
smoked meat - 200 grams
sausages - 200 grams
sausages - 6 pcs.
carrots - 1 PC.
pickles - 3 pcs.
onion - 1 PC.
tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
flour - 1-2 tablespoons
greenery - taste
spices - taste
olives or capers - taste
lemon or sour cream - optional
Cooking time: 120 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 194 kcal

Combined hodgepodge differs from other varieties in its satiety due to the high content of meat.

This dish will definitely appeal to the male part of the family.

As we can see, there are a lot of ingredients, but you should not get upset right away.

Cooking hodgepodge is not difficult and even pleasant in places.

Let's move on to the process itself.

Cooking steps

  1. Cooking beef broth. We throw the meat into the water and boil until the broth becomes rich. Along with meat, add bay leaf, salt, black peppercorns. When the meat is cooked, remove it to a plate and cut into strips. Throw back.
  2. While the meat continues to fill our broth with flavor, we move on to pickled cucumbers. Cut them into cubes and throw them into the broth. If you want to dilute the hodgepodge with something new, add some olives or capers to it.
  3. Cut smoked meat, sausage and sausages into strips, pour everything onto a warmed and greased sunflower oil frying pan. Fry for a few minutes and pour everything into the broth.
  4. Next, we move on to onions. Cut it into half rings and fry in a pan, adding flour and tomato paste. Fry the mixture for a few minutes over medium heat and do not forget to stir. Pour into a saucepan with broth.
  5. Our broth gradually turns into a pretty and tasty hodgepodge. There are only a few touches left to complete our masterpiece. So, if you like spices, you can safely experiment with them. If you are not sure of your actions - add no more than half a teaspoon of black pepper and this will be enough. For fullness of taste and as a decoration, add greens.
  6. After seasoning added, let the hodgepodge boil for a couple of minutes and turn it off. Ready!

V classic hodgepodge There are no potatoes, but you can add them if you feel necessary.

A few potatoes are unlikely to spoil the dish.

Solyanka with sausage - I have never tried tastier

Cooking a dish with sausage is practically no different from the recipe for a combined hodgepodge.

In this case, the main ingredient will be sausage. You can choose absolutely any sausage.

So the recipe doesn't change.

You don't need to boil the broth.

Immediately boil water and throw potatoes into it.

While it is boiling, put the chopped ingredients into the pan and fry in sunflower oil.

When the potatoes are already cooked, pour the entire contents of the pan into the pan.

Boil for a few minutes and you're done.

This cooking option is considered quick and simple, since we do not have to boil the meat for an hour.

Such a simple hodgepodge will be ready within half an hour.

Meat hodgepodge - everything is much simpler

Meat hodgepodge is also similar in recipe to the national team, and the only difference is the absence of sausage in it.

The main ingredient can be beef, pork, turkey or chicken meat.

You can also combine.

A leaner hodgepodge will come out with chicken and turkey meat, a richer one with beef and pork.

Most often they use pork and beef, which give the dish a special taste.

Of course, you will have to tinker a little with meat, but the male half of the family will be delighted with this dish.

Let's add some mushrooms...

For lovers of lean food, we offer to cook mushroom hodgepodge.

Mushrooms or other forest mushrooms will perfectly fit into the hodgepodge.

It cooks the same way as a hodgepodge with sausage.

Cooking time is minimal.

As an addition, you can add a little cabbage.

But be careful with the amount so as not to turn the hodgepodge into borscht.

How much to cook hodgepodge?

Cooking time depends on who is cooking.

But the average cooking time is no more than one hour.

The finished hodgepodge should not be boiled for a long time, although it does not contain any ingredients that could boil soft.

In order for the hodgepodge to give off a meaty taste, the broth can be boiled for several hours.

You can cook for the second dish. Homemade will be delighted. As one of the snack options - canapes on skewers. Interesting recipes here: . There are also many photos of canapes on the page.

If you care about your health - take a closer look at such a product as sea ​​kale. You can read about the benefits and harms of seaweed.

Then it will be very rich and oily.

Solyanka can also be cooked in a slow cooker. With the help of a multicooker, you can save yourself a lot of time.

Video dessert:

A simple and informative video of one of the many recipes for preparing mixed hodgepodge.

Preparing at home is very easy.

Family favorite soup hodgepodge with different types meat and sausage. Very tasty!

Solyanka is beneficial to cook the day after the feast. WITH holiday table usually cuts of various meat and sausage products, olives and olives remain. It remains to add pickled cucumbers and potatoes - tasty soup ready!


Meat (pork, beef)- 300 grams

Chicken meat- 200 grams

boiled sausage- 200 grams

Smoked sausage- 200 grams

Pickles(marinated) - 150-200 grams

Potato(optional) - 300 grams

Onion- 100g

Black olives (olives)- 100g

tomato paste- 1-1.5 tbsp

Cucumber pickle— 100-200 ml

Vegetable oil- for frying

Spices: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf.

How to make a delicious pickle

1 . First you need to boil the meat. Delicious meat hodgepodge is obtained if it contains pork or beef meat, poultry meat (but not game), two types of sausage (boiled and smoked). You can cook the broth on meat bones. Also, offal (heart, stomachs, kidneys) is perfect for a hodgepodge.

. To make the broth transparent, you need to remove the dirty foam from the surface (the white foam does not need to be removed). Of course, there is nothing harmful in the foam, it is just boiled protein from meat, but the broth without dirty lumps looks more aesthetically pleasing. You can bring the meat to a boil, drain the water, rinse the meat and pour new water. However, in this case, the hodgepodge will not be rich enough. Some housewives throw meat immediately into boiling water so that foam does not form.

. When the meat is cooked, it must be removed from the pan, cool slightly and separated from the bone. Cut the meat into small pieces and put back into the broth.

4 . Add diced peeled potatoes to the boiling broth with meat. I must say that there is no general opinion on whether potatoes should be added to the hodgepodge. Therefore, if you want the hodgepodge to be more satisfying, add 2-3 medium potatoes. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. While you are preparing the frying, the potatoes will be cooked, but not boiled.

. Cut the sausage into small strips or cubes.

. Fry sausages in a frying pan with a little vegetable oil. Do not overcook, overdry the sausage, just lightly fry it. And add to the brine.

. Add to saucepan with salt cucumber pickle. If the brine is very salty, the amount can be reduced (keep in mind that pickles will still be added to the soup). Add bay leaf.

. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil.

. Add chopped pickled (pickled) cucumbers to the pan with onions. Fry for about 2-3 minutes. Then add the tomato paste, stir and fry for about 1 minute more.

Add cucumber fried to the hodgepodge. Pepper, salt (usually this is not required, the soup is already salty).

. After boiling, add olives and greens cut into thin rings into the hodgepodge (optional). Cover the pan with a lid, turn off the heat and let the hodgepodge infuse for about 20 minutes. Before serving, add thin slices of lemon to each plate.

Delicious meat hodgepodge is ready

Bon Appetit!

Solyanka meat

One of the most satisfying and loved by all soups, especially the strong half of humanity will confirm this, is a hodgepodge. The dish has rich history, it appeared in Russia, initially the recipe did not include meat in its basis - the hodgepodge was fish dish. It has been over two decades that inventive housewives have come up with a dish Solyanka meat the way it is now, since it is from the meat that a rich and very steep broth is obtained, the one that should be - old cookbooks say that it is a strong and fatty broth that is the basis of this dish.

Every woman has her own tricks for preparing first courses in her arsenal. Moreover, when it comes to hodgepodge, here the fantasy is not limited at all. The main thing is to have the opportunity and desire to walk around the markets and shops in search of exactly necessary products. excellent Solyanka meat, is obtained from the ingredients that make up its composition, traditionally it is:


  • Pickled cucumbers or capers - 3 pcs. And you can do both, but usually there may not be capers on hand, so small pickles from a jar are perfect.
  • Pitted canned olives - 100-150 grams, optional. You can also add olives if you like.
  • Pickled mushrooms, usually put champignons - 100-150 grams.

Vegetables and fruits

  • Bulb - 3 pcs. medium sizes.
  • Carrot - 1 pc. Usually carrots in a hodgepodge are already superfluous, you can not add it, but it all depends on the desire of the household and the hostess.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs. Also added on request.
  • Lemon - 1 pc. medium sizes.


  • Parsley - 1 bunch.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Basil - 1 bunch.

In fact, the greens are put to taste, Solyanka meat it can be only with parsley (as it usually happens), or maybe with the addition of various herbs, according to taste and desire.


  • Bay leaf, whole or chopped - 4 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - it is better to take a team, and black, and white, and red.
  • Salt to taste.

For dressing and frying

  • Sour cream - a spoon when serving.
  • Tomato paste or any sauce, preferably medium spicy or sweet - 2 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil for frying.

The most important item is meat products. Well, here you can fully engage in amateur performances. But it is worth noting that Solyanka meat it turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant, if you put all kinds of meat, sausages and smoked meats in it. So:

  • Beef on the rib - 600 grams.
  • Chicken drumsticks, wings or whatever is at hand, smoked or baked - 3-4 pcs.
  • Hunting sausages, or you can buy spicy snacks (smoked sausages, a little thicker than hunting sausages) - 4-5 pcs.
  • Pork belly (carbonade) - 200 grams.
  • If you are preparing a hodgepodge after the holiday, and the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwas not eaten, feel free to put everything that is at hand: boiled and smoked sausage, ham, etc.

Another recipe for hodgepodge meat team

Let's start cooking. Usually, Solyanka meat is eaten incredibly quickly, so for cooking it is better to take a larger pot so that everyone gets a plate - two hot rich soup.

We collect water in a saucepan and put there, pre-washed meat on the bones. We put on fire and bring to a boil, remove the foam with a spoon or slotted spoon so that the broth is more transparent and beautiful. The meat should stand on fire for about 1 hour - it will have time to boil, saturate the future soup. There is no need to drain the broth, because we are waiting for a rich dish. An hour after laying the meat, put the onion in the pan. Now we need another hour.

Next item: cutting all the ingredients for the soup. Our Solyanka meat it will be even better and tastier if all meat products are cut into strips, this is already a tradition. And so, we cut the products.

When the broth is cooked, remove the onion, you will not need it anymore. You also need to get the meat on the bone, cut it into strips, you can leave a piece along with the bone, if you like. Cut all the pickles in the same way, cucumbers into strips, olives and mushrooms into circles. Stew cucumbers in a pan for 5 minutes and put in a saucepan. We also put all the meat components in the broth.

Now proceed to laying the spices: bay leaf, salt and allspice. The whole thing needs to be mixed and the fire reduced, now let it boil everything together for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, you can start frying. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown, add tomato paste and sauté for 7 minutes, then put everything in a saucepan with meat and cucumbers. If using carrots, fry them with onions.

After 20 minutes, add the mushrooms and olives to the soup. Cook for another 30 minutes, and then put the greens and lemon, let it simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, covered. insist Solyanka meat Should be about an hour or two. Do not forget to add sour cream and lemon to the plate.

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