Home Product Ratings Purchased sancho pancho cake with cherries. Cake "Pancho" with cherries and curd cream. "Pancho" with pineapples: ingredients

Purchased sancho pancho cake with cherries. Cake "Pancho" with cherries and curd cream. "Pancho" with pineapples: ingredients

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified


- chicken eggs - 4 pcs,
- granulated sugar - 250 gr,
- flour - 200 gr,
- baking powder - 1 tsp,
- cocoa - 3 tbsp,
- salt - a pinch.

- sour cream (homemade or fat content from 20% - 600 gr,
- sugar - 250 gr,
- vanillin - a pinch,
- cherry (canned or frozen) - 150 gr,
- cherry juice - 50 ml.


- dark chocolate - 90 gr.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Mix dry ingredients in one bowl: cocoa, sifted flour and baking powder.

Pour into a deep bowl or mixer bowl chicken eggs, add a pinch of salt and granulated sugar.

Beat at maximum mixer speed until fluffy foam is obtained and sugar is completely dissolved. This will take approximately 5-7 minutes. The time will depend on the power of your mixer.

Combine the two mixtures carefully and slowly, so as to keep the airiness of the dough.

Line a baking dish with parchment at the bottom, and sprinkle flour on the sides or grease butter. Bake a biscuit in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Again, the baking time will depend on your oven. Check the readiness of the chocolate biscuit with a toothpick or wooden skewer.

While the biscuit is baking, you can prepare the cream. mix thick sour cream with granulated sugar, add a pinch of vanilla and refrigerate. The cream will thicken slightly in the refrigerator.

Ready chocolate biscuit leave to rest for a few hours. If you don't have that much time to wait, leave it for at least half an hour to cool down.

About 1.5 centimeters from the bottom of the biscuit cut off the cake. This will be the base of the cake. Cut the rest into small cubes, about 2 cm wide.

Transfer the chocolate cubes to a large deep bowl.

And pour ¾ of the cream. Stir so that everything is well soaked in sour cream.

Defrost cherries in advance (if you take frozen ones), drain the resulting juice into a separate bowl.

Using a pastry brush, soak the base of the cake with cherry syrup.

Then smear with cream.

And lay out the chocolate biscuit cubes in a slide, with each layer sprinkled with cherries.

At the end, pour the cake with the remaining cream.

To decorate, melt one bar of dark chocolate and randomly pour it over the top of the cake. Ready to put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This time is enough for it to soak well. And you can enjoy tea drinking with your family.

Bon Appetit!

Cake Pancho

4 h 30 min

245 kcal

5/5 (19)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, mixer, 2 deep bowls, flat dish or plate, glass (240 ml), tablespoon and teaspoon, knife, small saucepan.

List of ingredients


Sour Cream:

  • 800 gr. sour cream 20-26% fat;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 200 gr. pitted cherries (canned);
  • 0.5 cup walnuts.

Chocolate glaze:

  • 3 art. l cocoa;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 3 art. l. milk;
  • 30 gr. oils.

Judging by the name of the cake, you might think that it came to us from Spain or Latin America, but meanwhile the recipe for Pancho cake with cherries (aka Sancho Pancho cake and Don Pancho cake, some even call Sancho Panza) invented by Moscow chefs. Long time the recipe was considered "secret", but experienced housewives guessed its composition to taste. After all, the Pancho cake includes a chocolate biscuit, sour cream with cherries and nuts, and chocolate icing.

With the preparation of this juicy and soft cake, which has a characteristic combination of cherry sourness and chocolate flavor, even the hostess, who is taking only the first steps in cooking, is quite capable of coping. This is facilitated not only by the simplicity of the Pancho cherry cake recipe itself, but also by a detailed description with a photo, which you will find below. Is it possible to bake a Pancho cake with sour cream at home so that it turns out no worse than the branded one? Well, it’s not that cooking was easier than steamed turnips, but it was also more difficult to see and cook pastries. Check and see for yourself.

Product selection

I read in many recipes on the net verbose arguments about the importance of natural and fresh products for making desserts and not only. I think no one will argue with this, and in the store, by default, everyone chooses products that are fresher and more natural. I'm not an exception. Since the products that we need are the most common and common, just follow the terms of production and sale on the packages.
When choosing sour cream, consider: the higher the fat content of sour cream the thicker your cream will be.

Note! The number of products is given for a large cake when you need to treat many guests. For a small home tea party, you may well cut the amount of products by half. Just do not save on cream (the more it is, the softer the cake will turn out).

Cherry pancho cake recipe step by step

Cooking biscuit

Cream preparation

If you purchased high-fat sour cream, then you can just beat with sugar with mixer ( 5-10 minutes).

If sour cream seems liquid to you, it is better to “weigh” it first to get rid of excess whey. To do this, place the gauze folded in two layers in a colander and pour sour cream into it. Leave a minimum of whey to drain 2 hours, but longer is better. Therefore, take care of this in advance. Add sugar to the weighed sour cream and beat until a fluffy, thick, homogeneous consistency is obtained. A cake covered with such a cream will be white, like a snow-covered northern cliff.

Glaze preparation

To make chocolate icing, combine sugar, cocoa and milk in a small saucepan. On low heat, while stirring, bring the mixture until homogeneous states.

After that, remove the icing from the heat and add butter to it. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Cake assembly

Cake recipe video

To take a closer look at all the nuances of making a cake, I suggest watching this video recipe. I liked it because the author of the video suggests collecting the cake using a bowl, in which all the pieces and berries are placed, covered with a cake-bottom and the finished cake is turned over onto a dish. That's the whole assembly. See for yourself:

Cake decoration and serving

We take out the cooled cake from the refrigerator and decorate chocolate icing, applying it to the surface of the cake with a spoon with careless movements in random order. After that, we again hide the cake in the refrigerator so that the cakes are properly saturated with cream. The longer, the tastier the cake will be. It is convenient to make the cake in the evening and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

I always advise take the cake out of the fridge approximately one hour before submission so that it comes to room temperature (unless it's an ice cream cake, of course). At room temperature taste qualities cakes are revealed in the best way.

Serve Poncho cake for the holidays and just on the occasion of the weekend. Seeing the happy faces of children eating your cake on both cheeks - what reward for mom and hostess could be more? Traditionally, unsweetened drinks are served with the cake to enhance its taste. Suitable black, green, flower, herbal tea, coffee, unsweetened compote (I love apple), cranberry juice (dilute it stronger), milk and even unsweetened drinking yogurt. It is better not to serve packaged juices (they have a lot of sugar and their own rich taste and smell, which will interrupt the taste of the cake).

Cooking Tips

  • Soda in the recipe can be replaced with baking powder - it will take a little less.
  • It is not necessary to cook the chocolate icing yourself - you can melt the finished tile of black or milk chocolate and mix with oil.
  • The more cocoa powder you put in, the richer its taste will be felt. Feel free to add or subtract a tablespoon of cocoa, depending on your taste preferences.
  • To make the cake less sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar in the dough (1 cup will be enough).
  • Before laying the nuts in the cake, it is better to lightly fry them in a pan or in the oven, their taste will become more noticeable.

Possible other cooking options and ingredients

It is not necessary to cook Pancho cake with chocolate biscuit. Many housewives use two biscuitsblack and white (no cocoa). Often the recipe includes cherries and walnuts, but there are also options with a variety of berries, peaches and even canned pineapples. I want to highlight separately, because with the same technology, you will get a cake with a completely different taste. helped many housewives decide to cook this delicious, but not the easiest cake to make. BUT roasted nuts hazelnuts or almonds will add an interesting nutty flavor to your cake.

Try, experiment. Please write in the comments which combination of ingredients seems to be the most successful for you. Perhaps you have invented a new recipe?

In several steps, add pieces of biscuit to sour cream (all pieces of biscuit should be covered with sour cream on all sides).

To assemble the Pancho cake, you need to use a suitable container, for example, a salad bowl. Cover it with cling film. On the bottom of the dish, put the pieces of biscuit in the first layer, alternating light and dark pieces, which were previously dipped in sour cream. Lay cherries on top.

Next, lay out the next layer of biscuit pieces smeared with sour cream, then add cherries, tamping well. The released juice from the cherry can be used for additional impregnation of the cake. Continue alternating layers of biscuit and cherry, filling the form to the very top.

When there are few pieces of biscuit left, put the whole biscuit chocolate cake on top, which we set aside. I left a small gap between the form and the chocolate biscuit, I placed the remaining pieces of biscuit in it. Here you need to look at the size of the form, it is possible that there can be a lot of biscuits, then they can be used for another dessert.

Place the mold in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then invert onto a plate and brush the cake with the rest of the cream. Put it back in the fridge for a few hours so that the cherry pancho cake is well chilled and easy to cover with icing.

To prepare chocolate icing for the cake, you need to mix cocoa and sugar in a saucepan, add milk and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and sugar dissolves, then add butter and stir until smooth, remove from heat. Cover a well-chilled cake with hot icing.

Decorate the cake "Pancho" with cherries at your discretion. I decorated with candy sprinkles and colored coconut flakes.

This is how the cake turned out in a section. Cake "Pancho" with cherries is very tasty and tender, I advise you to cook!

Bon Appetit!

Pancho cake is one of my favorites. Honestly, I have never eaten a tasteless "Pancho". Tender, juicy, slightly moist - isn't that a delight?!

As a rule, the cream in this cake is sour cream, but why not make cottage cheese cream? Believe me, it's very tasty! Well, and the combination "cherry + chocolate biscuit" is a classic.

Cherries must first be defrosted.

For the preparation of the cake "Pancho" with cherries and curd cream prepare the products according to the list.

Place eggs, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl.

Beat for 5-7 minutes until the mass increases in size and becomes lush and airy.

This is the kind of beauty you should have.

In a separate bowl, mix flour, cocoa, baking powder and cornstarch.

In two doses, we introduce into the egg mass, gently mixing each time. It is convenient to do this with a whisk.

We spread the dough in a form, the bottom of which is covered with parchment. We do not lubricate the walls of the form with anything!

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Focus on your oven! The splinter from the finished biscuit comes out dry!

As soon as the biscuit is baked, take it out and immediately put the mold into 2 cups. In this form, cool completely.

When the biscuit has cooled, you can start preparing the cream.

Prepare cottage cheese, cream, vanilla extract and powdered sugar for the cream.

Via food processor mix cottage cheese, cream, powdered sugar and vanilla extract. We beat.

This is how it will turn out air cream. We set aside some of it so that we can coat the cake later.

We return to the biscuit. We cut off the lower part of the biscuit (thickness - about 1 cm), this will be the bottom of the cake.

We cut everything else into cubes with sides of the order of 1 cm.

We collect the cake.

Line a suitable sized bowl with cling film. Put a little cream on the film. Put biscuit cubes on the bottom, soak with cherry juice, generously grease with cream. Lay out the cherry.

Do this with the remaining pieces of biscuit. The last layer should be cream.

Put the bottom of the biscuit on top of the biscuit mass. We press lightly.

We remove the bowl with the cake in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. The mass should stabilize.

After 3-4 hours, take out the cake, free from the film.

This is how the dome will turn out. It is very big!

Cover with reserved cream. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cooking ganache.

Its ingredients are cream and chocolate. Dark chocolate is better.

Melt the cream with chocolate, cool to room temperature.

Take the cake out of the fridge and pour over the ganache.

Cake "Pancho" with cherries and curd cream is ready.

You can decorate it as you wish.

Happy tea!

And here's a cutaway piece.

Now let's make a dong cake pancho cherry, recipe with photo. Get some biscuits. Take the time to prepare a lush, airy, soft biscuit cake- it is not difficult, but responsible.

To prevent the cake from settling during baking, do the following: take a mixer and beat some eggs at high speed. This should take you five minutes. The mass should become lush, thick, uniform whitish color.

Start gradually adding granulated sugar to the eggs, continue beating until the mass turns completely white and the sugar dissolves completely.

In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients - baking powder with flour and cocoa. Sift these ingredients through a sieve beforehand - this will make the dough more airy.

Add the flour to the liquid mixture with a spoon and gently knead the dough, moving from top to bottom. Do not mix quickly and carefully until all lumps of flour disappear.

The dough should turn out airy, tender and you should see that there are air bubbles in the dough. Such a "breathing" dough should not be left in a bowl for a long time.

Take a round baking dish, cover it with parchment. The walls must be oiled.

Put the dough into a mold, level the surface and put in the oven to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Keep the cake in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

Finished cake Remove from mold and leave to cool for an hour.

Let's start preparing the filling. You can use defrosted and fresh. The bones need to be removed, just drain the excess liquid, but do not pour it out. Sprinkle the cherries with powdered sugar, or roll.

Now take the walnuts and grind them. This can be done with a rolling pin or knife, mortar.

Let's prepare the cream. In a dry bowl, beat the cream with a mixer until firm peaks and a dense mass. Separately, you need to mix sour cream with sugar and beat until the sour cream becomes fluffy and airy. When the sugar dissolves, mix the cream with sour cream.

Let's start assembling the cake. This step is the most responsible. Divide the biscuit into two parts, one of them should be 1 cm thick. Chop the rest of the biscuit into cubes, about 2 by 2 cm in size.

Take a flat dish and put a 1 cm thick cake base on it. Make an impregnation with the cherry juice that was left after you strained the cherries. On top, place the cream in a thin layer and place cherries and nuts on it, but not all.

Take a bowl of sour cream and dip the pieces of chopped biscuit into it. Stir so that each piece is saturated with cream. Then start laying out our biscuit on top of the cake, alternating it with cherries and nuts.

Make chocolate frosting. To do this, the chocolate must be chopped into small pieces and melted in a water bath along with butter. After the ingredients have melted, they can be combined into a smooth, homogeneous mass. Decorate your cake with this icing. The cake should be placed in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, and preferably for the whole night, so that it is very well soaked and becomes juicy and full of flavors.

The cake is ready! The perfect solution for a festive dessert or a quiet family tea party!

Let's share with you the options for preparing such a delicious cake:

  • Instead of cherries and nuts, you can use other products, such as bananas, pineapples. You can only add cherries.
  • Even ordinary packaged cherry juice is suitable for impregnation.
  • You can assemble the cake differently, for this you need to take a spherical shape, cover it with cling film. Lubricate the film not with a thick layer sour cream, then mix the biscuit with cherries and nuts with cream and put in a mold. From above, cover this mass with a base cake and press it well, if the diameter of the cake is larger, then cut off the excess. Then turn the mold over and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. When the cake has hardened, you can remove the form and cling film, so you get a sour cream sphere on a biscuit. You can decorate the top however you like. classic version involves the use of the same sour cream, which can be randomly distributed over the surface of our sphere. Sprinkle such a cake with grated chocolate, it looks just wonderful!
  • You can also combine two types of cakes - plain white and chocolate. Then in the context of the cake it will turn out even more interesting, and chocolate taste won't be as intense. To find out how such a don pancho cake with cherries looks like, see the recipe with a photo.
  • In the preparation of the cream, you can use only sour cream and sugar. Thus, the cream will turn out less greasy.
  • Instead of walnuts, you can use any other available nuts.
  • Before you start kneading biscuit dough, it is necessary to carefully sift the flour with baking powder and cocoa (in this case). Thus, the bulk ingredients of the biscuit are saturated with oxygen and then, when you mix them with eggs, the dough will “breathe” and the biscuit will end up tall and beautiful.
  • Other types of dough are not suitable for this cake. Only a sponge cake can be completely soaked with cherry juice (or other liquid impregnation), which makes the base of the cake tender, juicy and melt in your mouth. Therefore, it is better not to experiment here.
  • In addition to cherries, bananas are also put into the filling of the cake (the cake turns out to be sweeter), strawberries, raspberries, and other berries. But it is cherry that is classically used. It is better to choose juicy semi-sweet berries, the Shpanka variety is excellent.

You must have heard about this cake, but never thought about why it was called Don Pancho? Sometimes this cake is called Pinscher, or Curly Pinscher. Many people confuse the origin of the name of the cake and think that it is somehow connected with the hero of Cervantes' book - Sancho Panza. However, the true origin of the name of this culinary product, unfortunately, is unknown.

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