Home Kashi Stromboli pizza - Italian recipe

Stromboli pizza - Italian recipe

Tired of pizza and burgers, want something new? Something tasty and satisfying. Fast and easy to prepare. With a crispy crust juicy stuffing and thick sauce. How about stromboli? This is a popular dish. Italian cuisine: closed pizza rolled up. Due to the specific shape, the filling is very juicy, and the dough is soaked with sauce.

There are many variations of stromboli. In this article, we offer a canonical recipe for dough and sauce and a traditional combination of ingredients for the filling.

History of the dish

The stromboli pizza recipe is based on a typical Italian combination of products: thick tomato sauce, spicy sausages and a lot of cheese. There is a version that it got its name in honor of the Stromboli volcano, because the sauce poured out through cuts in the dough like lava. According to another theory, it was invented by an Italian who emigrated to the United States and named it after Rossellini's film Stromboli, God's Land. Be that as it may, the dish turned out to be very tasty and won universal love. And here's what you need to know if you are going to cook it.

Three golden rules

To make a real stromboli pizza, there are three things to remember.

    Sauce. Forget store-bought ketchup. The sauce is an important part of the dish, and making it yourself is not difficult at all. In the summer we advise you to take for him fresh tomatoes- juicy, soft, fleshy. In winter, it is better to use canned tomatoes - you can buy them in any supermarket.

    Cheese. The unspoken rule of Italian cuisine is that you must put at least two types of cheese on pizza. And one of them is definitely mozzarella. Stromboli is no exception in this regard.

    Dough. The same principle applies here as with the sauce: you can buy ready-made store-bought, but it's better to cook it yourself. It is not difficult, the main thing is to knead it properly so that it is saturated with oxygen.

Stromboli dough

So, with the test and start the recipe for stromboli. We offer a classic yeast version. We will give the ingredients based on two pizzas. And believe me, this is not much - you yourself will not notice how you eat everything!

You will need:

    Flour - 4 cups;

    Dry yeast - 1 sachet;

    Sugar - 1 tbsp;

    Salt - 1/5 tbsp;

    Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

    Water - 1 glass.


    Pour a glass of warm water into a deep bowl. Add sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly.

    Pour the yeast into a bowl and leave for 20 minutes. Important: the water temperature should not be higher than 50 degrees, otherwise the yeast will die.

    Sift the flour into a bowl. Try to raise the sieve higher: this way it will be saturated with oxygen, and the dough will be soft.

    Gradually adding flour, knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands.

    Cover the dough with a damp towel and leave for an hour in a warm place - near the battery or in the oven at the lowest temperature.

Stromboli Sauce

Stromboli is a dish with many variations. But there is a sauce recipe that goes well with almost any ingredient.

You will need:

    Tomatoes (fresh or canned) - 450 gr;

    Garlic - 2 cloves;

    Sugar - 1 tbsp;

    Salt - ½ tbsp;

    Dried oregano - ½ tbsp


    Remove skins from tomatoes and place in a saucepan.

    Add salt, sugar and some olive oil.

    Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

    When the sauce has evaporated and thickened, put in the oregano and finely chopped garlic.

    Cook, stirring, for another 5 minutes.

If you want to get a completely homogeneous mass, you can beat it with an immersion blender at the end. But in an authentic stromboli recipe, pieces of tomatoes come across in the sauce, and this is considered normal.


This combination is considered a classic, but you can add something of your own to it and find new interesting combinations of flavors.

You will need:

  • Ham - 250 gr;
  • Smoked sausage- 150 gr;

    Mozzarella - 300 gr;

    Parmesan - 100 gr;

    Tomato - 1 pc.;

    Onion - 1 pc.


    Slice the ham and sausage. It can be not too small - after all, you will still cut the stromboli later.

    Chop the onion and pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes - so that the bitterness is gone.

    Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

    Divide the dough into two parts. Roll each into a circle with a diameter of 25-30 cm.

    Pour the sauce over the dough, sprinkle with cheese and lay out the filling. At the edges, leave indents of a couple of centimeters - they will be needed to roll up the pizza.

    Wrap the dough in the form of a roll or an envelope. The form can be any. To make the edges stick together better, brush them with a beaten egg.

    Place roll seam side down on a floured baking sheet. Make slits on the top so that the pizza does not burst in the oven.

    Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Your perfect dinner

As you can see, stromboli pizza roll is no more difficult to prepare than regular pizza or a pie. The main thing is to fill your hand in rolling the roll. And if you are too lazy to cook, you can order it: in Ufa, stromboli is not the most common dish, but it is available in several Italian restaurants. For example, in "Gusto": here the menu includes very tasty stromboli - from classic to the most unusual. With salmon and milia, bacon and parmesan, beef and eggplant... There are even vegetarian options - with bell peppers, champignons, olives. So if you want to try something new, we highly recommend stromboli - great choice to diversify your daily menu.

Stromboli is a pizza recipe that has come down to us from Italy. This is such a closed pizza according to the calzone recipe. But the difference is that it is wrapped in the form of a roll, which gives it a certain peculiarity. For lovers of this Italian dish, stromboli will be a great option to diversify your food. In addition, this method of folding allows you to save the maximum amount of juices, while the cheese will also melt and stretch. It also has all the other advantages of the open type. And the filling can be absolutely anything, and the dough, in principle, can be taken the way you want. But still some general principles for cooking a truly Italian dish.

The first is, of course, the sauce. No wonder Italy gave us a recipe for delicious tomato sauce, it's a sin not to use it. Immediately throw away all the ketchups, using them is not even funny. In addition, tomato sauce is prepared satisfactorily quickly and extremely simply. The second thing to mention is the cheese. Many people immediately associate parmesan with Italy. Although it is not necessary to take it at all, another similar variety may well fit. But the unwritten rule, which should not be neglected, is: use two types of cheese. And one of them is mozzarella. She almost does not own her own taste, but quickly and beautifully melts. And it is because of her that this stretching cobweb is obtained. You can find information about these and other ingredients below.

List of ingredients for cooking:

  • wheat flour - 3-4 cups;
  • warm water - 300 milliliters;
  • yeast - 1 sachet;
  • tomatoes in own juice- 1 pack (450 grams);
  • mozzarella - 300 grams;
  • parmesan - 100 grams;
  • pork ham (you can take any meat) - 250 grams;
  • sliced ​​sausage - 20 circles;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • oregano - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower and olive oil.

As you can see, the amount of ingredients is quite significant, but there are reasons for this. Firstly, our stromboli roll is so delicious that you won’t even have time to come to your senses, as it will be gone. Secondly, some products have a high cost, and if you bought them, then it’s better to make 2 or even three pizzas right away. I would also like to note that if it is the season of tomatoes, then it is better to take fresh ones, they are very rich in taste. Otherwise, it is better to use tomatoes in their own juice. Well, let's not languish, but let's start cooking the recipe.

AT yeast dough the main thing is not to "kill" the yeast. It's easy to avoid this. Take water warm, but not hot. In terms of temperature, it should not even exceed 50 degrees. Also, the yeast must be "feeded". Therefore, we will mix the water with a spoonful of vegetable oil, a spoonful of sugar and a low amount of salt. And after we pour out a bag of dry yeast. After 10-15 minutes, a good head of foam should form on them - a sign of actively working yeast.

Next, take a deep bowl, pour the yeast mixture into it and start adding the sifted flour little by little. In order to sift it, you can use a regular strainer. Add flour until the dough is such that it does not stick to your hands. But at the same time it remained soft and elastic. This is the key to a good test in the future. As soon as it reaches this consistency, set the dough aside, cover with a damp towel so that a dry crust does not form. And let it rise.

Making Stromboli Sauce

Take a deep saucepan and transfer the tomatoes along with the juice there. It is necessary to turn them into gruel, for this a blender will be a great helper. Also pour in a tablespoon of olive oil, sugar and salt to taste. Over medium heat, thicken the sauce slightly, stirring occasionally, for twenty minutes. Then add the oregano and pass the garlic through a garlic press into the sauce. Simmer another 5 minutes. Rinse again with an immersion blender and set aside to cool.

Cooking stuffing

Nothing will be subjected to heat treatment in advance. You just need to chop everything neatly. We remind you that you can take any products, supplement or replace something. And you can cut them as you see fit, it does not matter. The main thing is to fit in the dimensions of the recipe. The only thing is if you take raw ingredients, like mushrooms, then they must be chopped into very thin slices.

Cheeses are simply rubbed on a decently fine grater. Mozzarella, if it is wet, will not rub just like that, it will need to be cut very finely somehow. Or buy dry mozzarella. In the future, your imagination can go far beyond the boundaries of the recipe.

Forming and baking pizza

Take out the dough and divide it into two or three equal parts. It depends on the size of the desired rolls, at least divide into ten small ones. Roll out each piece decently thinly into an oval shape. In the very center we will put the filling.

First, grease the place where the filling will be located with a small amount of sauce. Sprinkle mozzarella on top. Next - the flight of your imagination, how and what to lay. Top with sauce again. Now you need to roll the roll. Although it is said that this is a roll, it resembles stromboli more than an envelope. Pull all 4 sides alternately to the center, gently pinching the edges along the way.

In the end, you should get such a strong loaf without holes in the joints.

Turn it over, make a few holes on top with a knife. In this form, it can be put in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

This is where the recipe for stromboli, a pizza roll originally from Italy, ends. It looks cumbersome, but in fact everything is very simple, and most importantly - unrealistically tasty. Cook it, call all your friends, arrange evenings with films and Italian cuisine. Bon appetit!

Today we are preparing stromboli - a recipe with an Italian accent, born in the USA. The thinnest yeast dough stuffed with spicy tomato sauce, two types of cheese, smoked meats and vegetables wrapped in a roll and baked until golden brown. It's like an American style pizza. It is prepared quickly from available products. Authentic technology contains some tricks, which we will introduce.

Consider several recipes from adapted to our realities to overseas. But first, let's travel a bit. Fast forward to the fifties of the last century in America. Why, if we're talking about Italian dish? Everything is in order.

The history of the stromboli pizza recipe

In one quiet American town, an immigrant chef from Italy worked in a restaurant. Apparently, the man really missed his homeland. Or maybe he just wanted to become famous ... one fine day, while forming the usual pizza, our hero could not resist and began to create. He smeared the base tomato sauce, generously sprinkled with oregano and cheese, laid out smoked sausage and sprinkled with mozzarella. All this was wrapped in a roll and baked in the oven. The resulting dish exuded an incredible aroma and was excellent both in cut and taste. And they called him a sonorous name.

Soon lovers of new sensations were drawn to the institution. Their goal was to taste at least a piece of stromboli pizza. A recipe with a photo of which appeared in one or another local publication.

Mystery of the name

There are two versions of the origin of the name. According to one of them, the discoverer and creator of the dish really wanted to draw attention to his masterpiece, which is why he named it after the film that was popular at that time.

It is believed that the stromboli roll resembles an erupting volcano during the implementation of the recipe. After all, cuts are made in the product. And in the oven, sauce with melted cheese begins to flow out of them. The spectacle resembles the exit of lava from the mouth of the volcano of the same name in Italy.

Stromboli - a simple recipe with a photo

We offer to master a simple technology to surprise your guests and home with a culinary novelty. Juicy spicy filling and thin dough in a beautiful presentation, they will bring well-deserved laurels to the experimenting hostess.

What we take for the test:

  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • warm water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • yeast - 15 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 1⁄2 tsp

What do we make the filling from?

  • ketchup - 100 ml;
  • salami - 100 g;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • olives - 100 g;
  • spicy herbs, sesame - to taste;
  • yolk - optional.

How to cook stromboli - a delicious pizza roll according to a quick recipe

Pour the yeast with sugar, pour warm water. In a warm place, they form a hat in about twenty minutes. Mix everything and add to the sifted flour. Salt and knead the dough. If needed, add more flour. Should be elastic soft dough which is easy to assemble into a ball. Leave it warm, covered with a clean towel.

Cut the sausage into slices. Cut the olives in half and grate the cheese.

Punch down the risen dough, knead for a minute and roll out into a square 2-3 mm thick.

Lubricate with ketchup so that two centimeters remain to all edges.

Sprinkle with half of the cheese.

On one half of the stromboli lay out the sausage. The photo recipe is very simple. Step by step lay out the olives, fall asleep with cheese, leaving a handful for the top.

Carefully roll up the roll, tucking the edges in the form of an envelope so that the filling does not flow out of them.

We make cuts along the top, grease with whipped yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds and herbs if desired. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Bake at 200 degrees in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Serve hot or cold cut into pieces. Light will be appropriate vegetable salad. , For example. Or " ".

A more complex, but authentic stromboli recipe is offered in the famous TV show "Tasty" on channel 360.

The young chef teaches in detail and competently the performance of the American-Italian dish. All the secrets, subtleties, technology, step-by-step instructions are clearly and clearly explained in one of the issues. Everything would be fine, but not everyone will have enough time and desire to watch the program to the end. For such lovers of cooking, a short cheat sheet is needed.

Stromboli - channel 360 recipe


  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • water - 155 ml;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1⁄2 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp

Tomato sauce:

  • tomatoes in their own juice - 300 g;
  • red onion - 1⁄2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sugar - 1⁄4 tsp;
  • green basil - 5 g;
  • dried oregano - 1⁄2 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • black pepper, salt - to taste.


  • raw smoked bacon - 100 g;
  • spicy pork sausage - 150 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • leek - 50 g;
  • champignons - 5 pcs.;
  • soft cheese - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

To lubricate the top:

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • spicy herbs - 1⁄2 tsp

Stages of cooking stromboli pizza roll - recipe with photo

For the dough, mix yeast, sugar and warm water in a glass. Add a spoonful of flour, mix everything. Leave warm for three minutes. Pour flour into a bowl, pour olive oil, pour out the risen dough. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball and leave it under a towel for 20 minutes in a warm place.

For sauce canned tomatoes puree with a blender.

Fry chopped red onion in olive oil (3 minutes), add chopped garlic. Then puréed tomatoes. Stir, add oregano, black ground pepper, sugar, salt. Stir again, add chopped basil and remove from heat.

For the filling, cut the peppers and zucchini into small cubes, into strips - sausage and bacon.

Chop the leek and fry in a mixture of olive oil and butter.

Cut mushrooms into thin slices.

Grate cheeses for stromboli: soft - on a large one, and hard - on a small one.

Punch down the dough and leave for another five minutes. Then roll out into a rectangle on a floured board.

Lubricate the surface with cooled (this is important!) Sauce. Sprinkle with soft cheese. Spread bacon, sausage, vegetables, mushrooms on half of the dough. Cover everything with grated cheese.

1. First of all, I start creating a test. To do this, I pour warm water into a bowl. Watch its temperature, it should not be more than 60 degrees. Once in an environment with higher temperatures, the yeast dies. I add sugar to the water, which will create a sweet, ideal environment for fermentation.

After the sugar is completely dissolved, pour the yeast and salt into the bowl. I mix everything thoroughly.

2. Pour olive oil into a bowl of yeast. If you do not have it, you can use any other vegetable oil. Italian cuisine provides classic addition olive. I stir the mixture again and leave it for 10 minutes so that the yeast swells.

3. Checking if the process is running correctly is easy. After this time, a small white foam should appear on the surface.

4. Now I add to the container. I do this in parts, as the flour is of different quality. I add 2 cups and stir.

5. I add the third glass gradually, as the dough is kneaded.

This process is lengthy, it is necessary to achieve an elastic mass, easily lagging behind the hands. When everything is ready, leave the dough in a bowl and cover it with a cotton towel.

I clean it in a warm, windproof place for an hour. By the way, who didn’t like this dough recipe, I suggest you look, only it is more suitable for.

6. At this time, I am preparing the filling. You can take other ingredients for pizza that are available. I would like to offer my version. I cut the sausage into thin halves of the circle, which I also cut in half.

7. To prepare the sauce, I put garlic in a blender

9. I grind them well.

10. Then I add tomato paste. If you have tomatoes in your own juice, you can use them.

11. I also add a little oregano there.

12. And add olive oil.

13. Again I mix everything with a blender.

14. After an hour, I open the bowl and see that the dough has come up well.

15. Sprinkle the surface of the table or cutting board with flour and take half the dough.

16. I roll it out, starting from the center to the sides, to get the shape of an oval according to the size of the baking sheet.

17. I grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil and spread the resulting oval layer on it.

18. On top of it I rub cheese on a coarse grater and distribute it evenly. Then I spread the sausage along the narrow part.

19. From above, I smear everything with an even layer, the recipe of which you can see on my culinary blog.

20. Now carefully wrap the pizza. I pinch all the edges so as not to lose the juice.

21. I break it into a small bowl and add salt and pepper to it to taste.

22. I beat it with a blender.

23. Using a silicone brush, I grease the pizza with the egg mixture.

24. I preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send a baking sheet into it for 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour I take out the pizza, let it cool a little and cut it into portions. Bon appetit!

Let's start with a test. It's simple. Pour water into a container, add sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Stir the liquid until the sugar and salt dissolve. Throw in a packet of dry yeast.

Let the yeast swell for 10-15 minutes. This must be done, as it happens that you have already kneaded the dough, and the yeast turns out to be “dead” and the dough does not rise and suddenly goes into the trash.

The water should be warm (but not hot, otherwise the yeast will “die”, 50 degrees is enough). But this is for a fluffy pizza. With thin dough, other nuances. Now not about that, the stromboli will be lush.
! Sugar must be dissolved, only in this way the yeast will work well. Sweet medium is great for yeast.

Sift the flour through a sieve. It is advisable to keep the sieve higher above the container where the flour is poured, since the longer the flour “flies”, the more it will be saturated with oxygen, this is important. So the dough will turn out much better and more pliable.
Gradually mixing the flour, knead the dough. The dough should be elastic, soft and not stick to your hands. We cover the dough with a damp towel and leave it for an hour and a half in a warm place (for example, near the battery or in the oven at the minimum heating temperature)

The towel must be damp so that the dough does not dry out.

While the test was over, they forgot about it. Let's get the sauce.
In a saucepan, which is heated over medium heat, put the tomatoes in their own juice. If the tomatoes are whole, then they must be mashed.

In summer, it is better to use fresh tomatoes for the sauce, after removing the skin from them. In winter, tomatoes are disgusting, so it's better to buy jars of tomatoes, it's tastier.

Add salt and sugar to tomatoes

The amount of sugar must be adjusted depending on the acidity of the tomatoes. If sour, add more.

Let's add olive oil.

Stirring occasionally, simmer the sauce until thickened, 15-20 minutes. After 10-15 minutes after the start, add oregano and garlic (squeeze or chop). Prepare by stirring.

The sauce can be blended with an immersion blender. But it’s already so chic, on the contrary, it’s cool that pieces of tomatoes will come across there.

Let the sauce cool down

We are preparing the stuffing. Everything that can be cut, we chop, that can be grated, we rub.

Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes to remove the bitterness. Personally, I love onions on pizza for a crunch. You may not add.

It is not necessary to cut finely, Stromboli pizza is then cut into pieces, so both the sausage and the ham itself will then be cut into pieces

Now we collect Stromboli. When the dough came up, that is, it increased by 1.5-2 times. We knead it, releasing air and divide it into two parts. This dough makes two pizzas with a diameter of 28-30 cm or two weighty Stromboli pizzas. Roll out the dough into a fairly thin oval.

First lay out the grated cheese. There should be cheese on the bottom, as they will then become the top, since we closed pizza flip seam down.

Then lay out the ingredients individually, preferably alternating meat and vegetables. In the middle, do not forget to sprinkle with grated oregano. Sprinkle with parmesan (if any). Smear a couple of tablespoons of sauce

We spread the filling not to the very edges, since the edges are useful for “sealing” Stromboli.

Now we collect our "roll". You can certainly really roll up the roll. But personally, I like the dough to be around the filling. It really tastes better after eating. AT common dough fold as in the picture and pinch the edges.

We turn the resulting roll onto parchment seam down or a baking sheet sprinkled with flour or greased with oil (preferably flour).

We make cuts on top so that excess air comes out through them and the pizza does not explode in the oven. In addition, cheese can flow out through these holes (that's why we put it first, after turning it over it turned out to be on top) like from a volcano (well, like the Sicilian volcano Stromboli), and this is picturesque.

Top Strombley should be smeared with beaten egg yolk, mixed with a tablespoon of water (for ruddiness).

We bake Stromboli for 15-20 minutes in the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees.

Let the pizza cool down and cut into pieces.

That's all. A lot has been written, but really making pizza is easy, the main thing is to fill your hand.

Everyone bon appetit. Enjoy life and food.

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