Home Product Ratings Cranberry tincture: cooking recipes. Recipes for cranberry vodka at home

Cranberry tincture: cooking recipes. Recipes for cranberry vodka at home

Cranberry tincture on vodka is well known and widespread in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It can be found in almost any store that sells alcohol. Thanks to cranberry juices, vodka infused with this berry becomes soft and fragrant; this drink is very well suited for making cocktails.

Tincture on a stick, prepared with alcohol or vodka, can also be drunk in its pure form. It goes great with fish and meat dishes. It should be served chilled, it is best to throw a few pieces of ice into a glass with tincture. Such a drink and such a serving will decorate any table.

Despite its mild and aromatic taste, the added value of this drink is that cranberries are very useful berry and has many beneficial medicinal properties. It contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins, thanks to which cranberries have been considered for many years effective remedy in the prevention of avitaminosis. Cranberry also helps to cope with sore throat and rheumatism.

Recipe for cranberry tincture on vodka- this is not only another way to ennoble alcoholic beverage, it is also one of the ways to preserve this berry. Cranberries can be stored in alcohol for many months, while completely retaining all their beneficial properties and taste qualities. If you are interested and want to prepare such a cranberry and vodka tincture at home, we offer you some not very complicated recipes.

The classic recipe for cranberry tincture on vodka


  1. We sort out the berries and wash them thoroughly, then pour them into a container in which we plan to infuse (a liter jar is best) and crush the cranberries with a wooden rolling pin until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Fill the whole thing with vodka or diluted alcohol and mix.
  3. Close the jar tightly and leave to infuse in a warm, dark place.
  4. After at least two weeks, filter the tincture. And you can consider it ready, but it will taste sour, so it is recommended to prepare a little sugar syrup and add it to our drink. To do this, dissolve sugar in 50 ml of water, boil the syrup, cool to room temperature and add to the infusion.
  5. Before use, you need to reap at least a day to stand in the refrigerator. Over time, the taste will get even better, so the longer it lies in your refrigerator or basement, the tastier the tincture will be.

Cranberry and vodka tincture - a quick recipe

If you don't like to wait a long time, then this recipe is for you. Its main disadvantage is that during its preparation, as a result of heat treatment, cranberries lose a number of their properties. useful properties. Although if we are talking about alcohol, then what benefits can we talk about.



  • Scald the berries with boiling water, pour them into a jar and add sugar;
  • We crush cranberries with a rolling pin;
  • Add vodka, tightly close the jar and leave for about 2-3 hours.
  • Filter through a gauze filter, add 100 ml of warm (40-45 degrees) boiled water to the resulting drink and mix.
  • Cool to a drinkable temperature and serve.

Recipe for cranberry tincture on alcohol


  • 400 g cranberries;
  • 100 ml alcohol (96%);
  • 110 g of sugar;
  • ½ tsp - ground galangal root.

Kalgan is an optional ingredient, it is desirable to put it. This plant is a close relative of ginger, it is also used in cooking to give dishes an extraordinary flavor. You can buy it at a pharmacy. If you prepare a tincture with cranberries and alcohol, the result will be not bad, but less fragrant.

Cranberries are able to interrupt almost any smell, therefore, as an alternative to alcohol, you can take well-purified strong (65-70%) moonshine as an alcohol base.

How to cook cranberries:

Here's how, you see, you can not only buy such a tincture, but also cook it yourself at home, it will take you a little effort and time to implement the recipe you like, but for that, you will be completely confident in the quality and naturalness of your drink.

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For lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks, cranberries are a valuable and at the same time easily accessible raw material from which liqueurs, tinctures and liqueurs, called "cranberries", are made. I propose to get acquainted with the best recipes for cranberry tinctures on vodka, alcohol and moonshine. With a sufficient amount of raw materials, even novice cooks will cope with cooking.

Cranberries can be made from any ripe berries picked during ripening, after the first frost, or even overwintered. It is of no fundamental importance. The main thing is that the fruits are unspoiled and juicy.

In home distilling, cranberries are valued for their unique ability to remove odors and soften the taste of alcohol. Store-bought vodka, moonshine and cheap cognac (gives tannic notes) are suitable as an alcohol base. Properly prepared cranberries resemble raspberry liqueur in color and are easy to drink. Although this drink is traditionally attributed to women, many men are also partial to it.

Classic vodka cranberry recipe

Traditional cooking.


  • cranberries - 250 grams;
  • vodka - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon (optional);
  • water - 50 ml (optional).


1. Wash the berries, sort and pour into liter jar.

2. Crush the cranberries with a wooden rolling pin until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. Add vodka, mix.

4. Close the jar with a lid, put it in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. Shake every 2-3 days.

5. Filter the tincture through 4 layers of gauze and a cotton filter. It is good to wring out the cake.

It will turn out cranberry tincture without sugar, which has a sour taste. You can finish cooking at this, but if the sour taste does not suit you, the following steps will help.

6. Boil syrup from water and sugar (mix in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, removing foam), cool to room temperature, add to tincture, mix. Instead of sugar syrup, liquid honey can be added (do not boil so that useful substances remain).

7. Close the jar with a lid, leave for at least a day in the refrigerator or basement. After 30-45 days of aging, the taste of the drink will improve, I advise you to wait.

Cranberry on vodka

Store cranberry tincture away from direct sunlight. Shelf life - 3 years. Fortress - 32-36%.

Recipe for cranberries on alcohol

insisting on pure alcohol and the addition of galangal enriches the taste.


  • cranberries - 400 grams;
  • ground galangal root - half a teaspoon (optional);
  • alcohol (96%) - 110 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100-120 grams.

Kalgan is a plant of the ginger family, the dried root of which is used in cooking as an aromatic additive that replaces ginger. In this homemade cranberry recipe, you can do without galangal, but then the drink will lose its unique flavor. The root of galangal is sold in a pharmacy.

Due to the ability of cranberries to interrupt almost any smell, tincture can be made even on well-purified moonshine with a strength of 65-70 degrees. But still I recommend taking pure alcohol.


1. Pour the berries into a liter jar, knead until a homogeneous liquid.

The disadvantage of grinding berries is that the finished tincture is very cloudy and requires several stages of filtration. This can be avoided by puncturing each berry with a needle. The process is laborious, but then it will take less time to filter.

2. Add galangal root (optional).

3. Pour in alcohol, mix and close the lid.

4. Transfer a jar of cranberries in vodka to a dark, warm place and leave for 14-16 days. Shake every 5 days.

5. Dilute sugar in water, boil over low heat, stirring constantly and removing white foam.

6. Cool the resulting syrup to room temperature, pour into the cranberry infusion and close the lid.

The syrup can be made with honey instead of sugar, but to preserve nutrients heat up to 40 °C.

7. Put the jar in a warm place for 7-9 days.

8. Filter (clean) cranberries. If the berries were calcined with a needle, it is enough to filter the drink through cheesecloth to filter it. Peel the tincture on crushed fruits through four layers of gauze, then again through a cotton filter with two layers of gauze.

Cranberries are ready to eat, thanks to the addition of galangal root, a light woody aroma is felt, which goes well with the smell of berries. Shelf life in a dark place - up to 5 years. Fortress -31-34%.

on alcohol

A quick recipe for cranberry vodka tincture

The difference between this option and the others is quick cooking. The recipe allows you to make cranberries at home in about 3 hours. The drink will be immediately ready to drink. The only disadvantage is heat treatment cranberries lose some of the substances, as a result, the tincture is slightly less useful than the previous two.

  • cranberries - 300 grams;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • boiled water - 150 ml;
  • vodka - 0.7 liters.


1. Scald the berries with boiling water, put them in a jar along with sugar.

2. Mash the cranberries with a wooden rolling pin.

3. Pour in vodka, close the jar with a lid, leave for 2 hours.

4. Squeeze the pulp dry through gauze.

5. Add warm boiled water (40-45°C) to the resulting liquid, mix.

6. Cool cranberries to room temperature and bottle. If the cork is tightly closed, the drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a year. Fortress - 30-33%.

Most quick option

Sweet cranberry tinctures are good for snacking on fruits, dessert dishes and honey. Sugar-free drinks are served with fried meat, chicken fillet and salads.

Cranberry tincture can be prepared from both fresh and frozen berries. At the same time, it is allowed to use vodka, alcohol and cognac as an alcohol component. There are many recipes for such drinks, and depending on the set of ingredients, each of them will have its own aroma and taste.

Cranberry tincture will the best decoration holiday table

Cooking Basics

In general, cranberries are considered one of the best berries for making liqueurs, wines and liqueurs. After all, it ripens at the very beginning of autumn (so to speak, in the very season of making tinctures), while it can be on the bushes even in frost, without losing all its taste and useful properties. If you pick cranberries in September and put them in a barrel filled with water, you can keep them fresh until the next harvest.

To prepare the tincture, ripened dense fruits should be taken, without damage and rotten areas. You can also use frozen berries. By the way, there is an opinion that it is the latter that is best suited for this purpose. When frozen, the structure of the pulp loosens somewhat, which subsequently has a positive effect on the separation of the juice.

On a note! For this reason, before preparing tinctures, it is recommended to freeze a fresh berry - keep it in the freezer for a day!

So, how to insist vodka, alcohol and cognac on cranberries, make aromatic wine and tart liquor from it? Let's figure it out!

Cranberry tinctures

First, consider the options for making strong drinks.

Alcohol tincture

The recipe for making cranberries in alcohol involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • alcohol - 2 liters (45% strength);
  • cranberries - 400 g;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • lemon;
  • honey - a couple of tables. spoons.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the berries: we carefully sort them out, wash them in several waters and discard them in a colander so that the excess liquid is gone. Next, take a needle and pierce each berry in several places.

On a note! This time-consuming operation can not be carried out, but simply knead the fruits with a spoon. But in this case, the finished tincture will turn cloudy. If you want to get a light drink, it will take some time to properly process cranberries!

Some let the berries "ferment" a little. The fruits are put in a bowl, kneaded, covered with two tablespoons of sugar and left overnight. After the appearance of foam, they are poured with alcohol. But only this method is suitable for cranberries that you have grown on your own plot. These fruits contain wild yeast. If the berries were bought in a store, then, as a rule, they do not have such yeast on the peel (due to the presence of preservatives), and therefore simply disappear.

So, let's move on to cooking. Pour the berries prepared in the chosen way with sugar, mix. Pour in a liter of alcohol, carefully cork the container and send it to a warm place. Two weeks later, we drain the infusion into a separate bowl, and pour the berries with the remaining portion of alcohol. We close the bottle again and send it to heat for another week.

After the specified time, we drain the second infusion and combine it with the first. We pass everything through gauze, after which we add lemon zest and honey. We close and insist in a warm place for 10 days. After 10 days, the infusion is filtered again and bottled.

If you want to get a drink with a strength of 30 °, then in this case you need to add sugar syrup(per liter of water 600 g of sugar and boil). As a result, you will get about 3 liters of 30-degree cranberry liqueur.

If you used crushed cranberries and the drink became cloudy, then to clarify it, you need to keep the tincture warm for 2-3 weeks - during this time the sediment will sink to the bottom of the container. Next, the infusion is passed several times through gauze or a paper filter.

Vodka tincture

Recipe for cranberry tincture on vodka. You will need:

  • cranberries - 260 g;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • sugar - a couple of tables. spoons;
  • water - 50 ml.

We sort out the fruits, wash them thoroughly and put them in a jar with a capacity of 1 liter. Using a wooden masher, knead them until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the indicated amount of vodka, mix well, cork and send to the heat for 15 days. After this time, we filter the resulting drink and add sugar syrup: combine sugar with water, bring to a boil and cool.

We combine cranberry tincture on vodka with sugar syrup, leave for a day and take a sample. If everything suits, we bottle it and send it to storage in the refrigerator. The longer the drink stands, the tastier and richer its aroma will become.

Cognac tincture

Cranberries on cognac, prepared according to the following recipe, are in no way inferior to store-bought counterparts in their taste. Prepare and try it yourself. You will need the following products:

  • half a kilo of cranberries;
  • a glass of vodka;
  • half a liter of cognac;
  • glass of water;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • a couple of tables. spoons of honey;
  • 3 cloves;
  • cinnamon stick.

We wash the berry in several waters and put it in glass jar. We fall asleep with the indicated amount of sugar, knead thoroughly and cover with gauze. We take the container to a dark place, where we leave it for a day at room temperature.

After the specified time, we transfer the contents of the jar to the pan, pour in water and put on the stove. Bring everything to a boil over low heat, then let cool and return to the jar. We close and leave for three days.

We filter the resulting mass, squeeze the berries and pour this cake with vodka. We combine the liquid infusion with cognac in a separate container. Close both jars tightly and leave in a dark place for 15 days. We maintain the specified period of time, after which we drain the contents from the sediment and mix. It remains only to add clove buds, honey and a cinnamon stick. We take the infusion to a cool place and wait about a month. Then we pour the finished drink into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

On a note! The shelf life of this tincture is about 16 months!

Cranberry wine

To make cranberry wine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a kilo of berries;
  • liter of alcohol;
  • 18 tables. spoons of sugar;
  • water.

We sort out the fruits, discard the spoiled ones. We thoroughly wash a good berry and grind it in a blender or pass it through a fine sieve of a meat grinder. The resulting puree is transferred to a jar (3 l), pour in alcohol and leave in a dark place for 7 days. After the specified period of time, we add water to the jar so that the contents reach the very neck, close it again and leave it for another 7 days.

Dissolve sugar in two liters of water and add the resulting syrup to the tincture. Mix everything well, heat over low heat, then let cool and filter several times. The finished drink is bottled and left for another day. We store wine in the refrigerator.

cranberry liqueur

To prepare cranberry liqueur, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 7-8 glasses of berries;
  • a kilo of sugar;
  • one and a half liters of vodka;
  • a couple of cloves;
  • a couple of pieces of cardamom.
We wash the fruits, discard them in a colander and pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Put the resulting mass in a glass jar, pour in the indicated amount of vodka and tightly cork. We leave it warm for 4 days.

After the specified time, pour everything into a bowl through a colander lined with gauze. We filter and squeeze well. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, put on fire and heat well until all the sugar has dissolved.

Important! Do not bring to a boil!

We put the cloves and cardamom in a mortar, knead everything with a pestle. The resulting powder is poured into a gauze bag and lowered into a warm drink. After 5 minutes we take out the spices, filter the liquor and bottle it.

Cranberry tincture will decorate any festive table. It can be drunk both neat and diluted. natural juices, for example, cherry, lemon, grapefruit, etc. A the best snacks to such a drink will be fresh fruit, chocolate or ice cream. Practice moderation and stay healthy!

What do we know about cranberries? Useful, vitamin-rich berry. Cranberry juice perfectly copes with the symptoms of a cold and reduces the temperature. But today we will not talk about the medical aspects of cranberry-based dishes, but about an amazing drink - cranberry tincture with alcohol at home is a classic recipe.

Autumn, first frosts. We go to the forest for cranberries (whoever has it nearby, and there is a swamp in it, where a miracle berry grows), who does not have it, goes to the nearest market or supermarket.

How to make cranberry tincture with alcohol

We will need:
1 kg of cranberries
1 liter of medical alcohol

Step by step recipe

For the preparation of cranberry tincture, frozen berries are preferable, after thawing they become more “loose” and are easily softened with a crush.
Do not try to turn them into porridge, it is important for us that the outer shell is broken and the alcohol can absorb the taste and aroma of cranberries. A denser, fresher berry will have to be passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender. Perfect for preparing the recipe "vitamin" - homemade from grated cranberries with sugar.
Pour crushed berries with alcohol. Cover with a lid and send for two weeks in a dark, cool place. It is better to put it away, so that it is inconvenient to get the container, because you will definitely want to try it.

After the allotted time, a bright ruby ​​​​beverage with an amazing aroma is obtained. Now it's time to filter it through cheesecloth.

A few words about sugar. You can add sugar syrup to mashed berries or mix with ready-made cranberry tincture for alcohol. Pour 250-400 g of sugar (depending on your taste) with half a glass of water and heat until the sugar dissolves, pour the finished drink into a beautiful decanter and enjoy the taste in good company.

Some sources do not recommend storing homemade tincture for more than six months. Nothing but a smile can cause such advice. I wonder who, knowing that such a yummy is in the pantry, will drink something else?

Cranberry is a small shrub belonging to the lingonberry family. The leaves of the plant are small, dense, the top has a dark green color. The beginning of the flowering of the semi-shrub is May-June. From the axils of the leaves rises two large flowers on long legs. The flowers are dark pink in color. In August or September, the first red fruits ripen. Since the semi-shrub usually grows in swamps, it seems that red beads are scattered on the surface of the swamp. In the northern part, cranberries grow almost everywhere, there are a lot of plant stocks.

The yield depends on the weather and its manifestations. In low-yielding years, you can collect about 500 kg from one swamp, and in the fruitful season - up to 1000 kg. In some places, after draining the marsh bed, the cranberries die. Berries are located in the swamp all the time, you can pick them at any time of the year. In autumn, the berries are red and hard, but after a while they become soft. If cranberries are poured with cold boiled water, they can be stored at home for six months.

When picking cranberries in winter, you need to remember about its color, it becomes darker, softer and juicier. Harvested berries at such a time should be quickly used or stored frozen, as when thawed they quickly deteriorate and lose their beneficial properties.

The chemical composition of the plant:

  • monosaccharides;
  • lemon acid;
  • pectin;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • vitamin C;
  • high content of iodine.

In the autumn fruits there is increased acidity, but they are less sweet. In winter fruits, the sugar content is high, and there are not so many organic acids. Snow cranberries taste good because they are high in sugar, but their fresh use is limited.

Useful properties and uses of cranberry tincture

Sweet and sour berry is good for the body, it is easy to prepare, and cranberry tincture can be used at home to eliminate many diseases. Having a powerful healing effect, cranberries help:

  • In the prevention and elimination of infections and diseases of the genitourinary system, mainly with cystitis, urethritis. The composition of the tincture contains proanthocyanides, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the inner surface of the genitourinary tract and remaining in the body.
  • Cranberries are useful for women who suffer from cystitis, because if the problem is ignored, the infection also infects the kidneys. It is not difficult to prepare cranberry tincture at home, but its use will make it possible to stop the inflammation process and permanently save a woman from its manifestation.
  • Cranberry tincture is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction. Additionally, the recipe for making tinctures will help you recover faster after a stroke.
  • The beneficial properties of the plant show themselves in tincture and have a diuretic effect on the body.
  • The high content of vitamin B group makes cranberries a versatile product that affects metabolic processes in the muscles of the heart, lowers, soothes nervous system. Making cranberry tincture with alcohol or vodka is not difficult.
  • make it useful in infectious and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, mainly in angina, tracheitis. Do cranberry juice or a tincture quickly, while it will help lower the temperature, remove toxins from the body that accumulate during a cold, strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery.
  • A well-chosen recipe for moonshine tincture facilitates the general condition of the body with gout, rheumatism and aching joints. It is important to make tincture from fresh berries, since frozen fruits do not have all the useful properties and quickly deteriorate.
  • The medicinal properties of the remedy are to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the destruction of cholera, Escherichia coli and the bacterium Hilecobacter pylori. Additionally, cranberry tincture prepared with vodka protects against ulcers, improves appetite and produces gastric juice.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the work of the pancreas, which makes it possible to make the body stronger and stronger.
  • Lowers sugar, immune system. Extends the life of people with diabetes.
  • The moonshine tincture recipe helps rejuvenate the skin, saturate it with vitamins, prevent aging, as well as psoriasis and dermatosis.
  • The composition of the berry contains a lot of fiber, which removes excess negative substances from the body, helping to balance the weight category.
  • Cranberries have the ability to improve memory, activate brain activity, eliminate stress, improve mood and prevent the nervous state of the body.

Unlike conventional cooking cranberry tincture recipe for making moonshine infusion is more complicated and more effective in terms of medicinal properties. In almost all recipes, cranberries are subject to crushing, but due to exposure, the resulting infusion becomes unnecessarily cloudy. To avoid this color, there is no need to make porridge from berries, it is worth piercing each of them with a needle. The berries are small, so the process takes a lot of time, but the result will please not only taste, but also color qualities. In the case when it is planned to make a large amount of tincture, it is advisable to simply strain it through cheesecloth before use.

Standard cooking recipe

Necessary ingredients for 500 ml of drink:

  • cranberries - 250 grams;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 50 ml.

Making a tincture is easy, first you need to sort out the berries, ridding them of spoiled foods. Wash the fruits, pour into a glass container, crush the cranberries with a crush to get a gruel. Pour the fruits, mix, close the jar and send it for 15 days in a dark, warm place. Filter the tincture 2-3 times all the time through 3-4 layers of gauze, and then through a gauze filter. After half a month, try the tincture, if you like it to taste, then everything is fine and it is ready for use. In case the drink recipe turned out to be sour, you need to add sugar syrup.

Recipe for tincture with alcohol or moonshine

Ingredients needed:

  • alcohol - 2 liters;
  • cranberries - 400 grams;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.

Mash the fruits and turn into gruel. If the berries were collected on their own, it is worth adding 3 tablespoons of sugar to them, cover with a lid and leave for 2 days for fermentation. Even if the berries are not fermented, they should be poured with a liter of alcohol or moonshine, close the lid and leave for half a month in a warm place. After 2 weeks, drain the infusion, add a liter of alcohol and leave for a week. After all, filter the infusion with gauze, but you can add a special decoction that will cleanse the plant.

Quick vodka recipe

During cooking, cranberries lose many of their beneficial properties. Despite this, the recipe turns out to be the easiest and fastest in the cooking process.


  • cranberries - 300 grams;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 100 grams.

Pour boiling water over the berries, pour into a jar and add sugar. Crush cranberries with a rolling pin and turn it into gruel, add vodka, close the jar and leave for about 5 hours. Filter the product through cheesecloth and add 100 ml of boiled water to the drink, mix. Cool to an acceptable temperature and serve.

Contraindications for use

Despite the benefits of fruits, they have contraindications. Peptic ulcer of the stomach, gastritis, diseases of the liver and kidneys categorically prohibit cranberries for use in any position.
With urolithiasis, it is possible to include cranberry tincture in the diet only under the close supervision of a doctor. With reduced pressure, the use of cranberries should be used with caution, as it lowers performance. Additional contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to fruits;
  • individual intolerance;
  • increased acidity of the body.

Before using berries and tinctures, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, he will conduct a series of tests and checks, on the basis of which he will allow or prohibit the use of cranberry infusions. During pregnancy, the berry has a special benefit, but the tincture should not be used and prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka. Every day, the expectant mother should use 3-4 tablespoons of tincture from the plant. Additionally, cranberries can be brewed and drunk instead of tea.

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