Home Vegetables How to make homemade sausage in a film. Homemade sausage is the most delicious recipe. Blood sausage in Ukrainian style with liver

How to make homemade sausage in a film. Homemade sausage is the most delicious recipe. Blood sausage in Ukrainian style with liver

Buying sausage products now looks like Russian roulette, because you don’t know which animal meat was used and whether it is there at all. And therefore, it is not surprising that more and more often in the records of housewives there are recipes like “ homemade sausage in a jar” and details on how long to fry it. What is most interesting, the range of meat products home cooking so wide that it can easily compete with industry.

There are quite a few different measures that are designed to diversify the sausage splendor and taste, and appearance, and consistency. These are the features of minced meat preparation, and, of course, the type of meat or vegetable product chosen (vegetarian products have not yet been canceled).

A competent selection of spices and various additives is also able to give the finished product individuality and originality. However, one of the most important aspects that radically change the taste of sausages is the way they are processed, which we will consider in more detail.

How to make homemade sausage

In Europe, healthy eating has long been preferred, and cooking various dishes in the bank - this is their know-how. If heat treatment of products is carried out in a hermetically sealed container, then all juices, flavors, and most importantly useful material will not disappear anywhere, but will remain in ready dish. Cooking homemade sausage in such a sophisticated way makes this meat product reliable also because you choose the products for cooking yourself, and therefore you can be sure of their quality, unlike factory products.

So, what are the features of such a canned meat loaf?

Having prepared and mixed all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass, somewhat reminiscent of a pate, we need to distribute it among clean jars and screw on the lids.

From such minced meat we get a simple boiled sausage, and if we add slices of beef to this composition, we get a ham version, with the addition of bacon - “Amateur”. In addition, you can experiment endlessly with this recipe by adding paprika, olives, cheese and other flavoring elements.

Now we need to put a towel on the bottom of the pan, on which we put our stuffed jars, pour water into it up to the shoulders and put it on the fire to cook for at least 6 hours, and even better all night. The main thing is not to allow the liquid to completely boil away from the saucepan.

When the sausage is ready, a new question arises, how to remove it from the glass?

There are no difficulties here, you just need to cut the meat dumpling in half to the base and turn the jar over, shake out first one, and then the second part.

Smoking is one of the most common ways to process sausages. Everyone from young to old loves her darling, so learning how to cook such deliciousness is simply vital.

When the intestines are stuffed and tied either into a ring, or into sausages, or a long loaf, they should be hung in a cool place for a day. This is necessary in order for the minced meat to be compacted, so to speak, ripened. And only after the allotted time, we can proceed directly to smoking. To do this, each individual sausage must first be pierced with a needle in several places so that the shell does not burst from heating, because at high temperatures the minced meat will expand.

If you decide to use a hot processing apparatus, then the exposure time should be 2-3 hours, with warm smoke - 5 hours, and cold smoking lasts about 3 days. Of course, it will be better if, during the “fumigation” with smoke, the product is in a suspended state so that hot air envelops it from all sides evenly.

Some experts use boiled smoking, that is, the products were initially boiled for about 1 hour, and then only sent to the "smoke screen". Or vice versa, after the oil lamp, the sausage is boiled for 60 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes in cold water and used for its intended purpose.

When smoked, the skin of the sausage usually hardens, and the product itself acquires a characteristic aroma and a beautiful golden-brown-red color.

If you notice dark stripes on the meat round during cooking, this means that the temperature in the smoker was too high.

Dried sausages, like meat, are incredibly tasty, but they are quite time consuming to prepare, because these products take more than two weeks to dry. Hang to dry in a cool, well-ventilated area. As a rule, after 20 days they will be ready.

Frying sausages

And here they are beautiful, stuffed delicious meat and spices lie rolled up like a snail and are waiting for their fate to be fried in a pan or baked in the oven. But for this, you definitely need to know exactly how to properly and how long to fry homemade sausages.

As in the case of smoking, the shells filled with minced meat should initially be hung out for an hour or two, to settle the filling inside, after which the shell must be pierced with a needle 3-4 times so that excess air comes out through these holes, and besides, this measure serves a guarantor against rupture of sausages during frying.

If you decide to fry in a pan, then add plenty of fat to it so that our beauty does not burn. Processing time 40-50 minutes. In principle, baking sausages in the oven takes the same time, but the temperature must be set to 200 ° C. If we put cherry leaves on top of our dish, then the aroma will be simply incomparable. In the roaster, you can hang items or place them on a wire rack to allow excess fat to drip onto a baking sheet.

In addition, you can roast them on the grill or on skewers over a fire.

Some comrades, for the sake of safety, resort to pre-cooking sausage products, and only then they fry or bake.

You can check the readiness of the product using a probe thermometer, if the temperature inside the minced meat is 72 ° C, then the product can be considered ready.

If you don’t have such a device, then it doesn’t matter, you can use a toothpick, piercing an already fried sausage, transparent juice should flow out, without signs of blood.

What people do not go to achieve their goals. It would seem that you won’t be surprised at anything, but sausage in a plastic bottle is a masterpiece. There are two options for preparing such products: vegetarian and meat. They differ in the recipe for making minced meat, and, accordingly, in the composition.

If in the first case the thickening of the “sausage” occurs due to the starch contained in peas or cereals, then the second option rests on gelatin and bone broth, like jelly, but quite strong.

So, for bottle sausage, we must fill a plastic half-liter container minced vegetable, or boiled meat and a thick broth with gelatin dissolved in it. Then everything is simple, cool in the refrigerator until completely solidified (8 hours).

Then we should just cut the bottle and pull out our sausage product. Bon appetit!

Cooking homemade sausage

If you have planned to make boiled homemade sausage for the coming weekend, then you should have specific ideas about how much and how to cook it.

The most important thing when cooking is observing the temperature regime, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste, and you should forget about juicy meat sausage. The offal stuffed with meat, and then lying down for about 2 hours, must be pierced in several places with a toothpick, and then sent to a saucepan with already boiled water, after which we reduce the fire to a minimum and cook our yummy in this way for 1 hour. After that, we take out the boiled sausage circle from boiling water, cool it, keep it in the refrigerator for 10 hours and you can eat our dish.

However, it is not always possible to acquire a natural “case” for stuffing, but to make a yummy, oh, how you want. It doesn’t matter, and there is a way out, because homemade sausage can also be cooked in cling film.

Having laid out the polyethylene rectangle on the table, lay out the prepared minced meat along the edge, so that the edges on both sides of 5 cm remain empty. Next, we fold the sausage, and tie the ends of the cellophane with a strong thread. You should not immediately make a thick loaf, it is better to wind a few thin ones, about 5-7 cm in diameter.

Now we need to cook them, for this we boil water in a saucepan, set the fire to a minimum and put our sausages into it and cook for 60 minutes. You need to put some kind of weight on top so that they do not surface. After the allotted time, we take out the film rolls, cool, unfold and transfer to the refrigerator, wrapped in tracing paper or parchment for 8 hours.

The need for invention is cunning, and what people's minds and bright minds just do not come up with. It’s not enough for us to have guts and plastic bags, so let’s strike with the productivity of sausages and food foil! Yes, yes, and our favorite meat yummy for a sandwich can also be prepared this way.

There are absolutely no difficulties, here the scheme of work is identical to that which we did with cling film. We spread the minced meat on a sheet of foil on one side, so that the edges are free, fold it, and twist the ends, like on a candy wrapper.

We make punctures in the silvery shell, and send this beauty to the oven for an hour at 180 ° C. At the appointed hour, we check the readiness, and if everything is ok, then we take it out, cool it and remove it from the “packaging”. A day later (store in the refrigerator) you can eat our masterpiece.

Sausage in tetrapack

But the enthusiasts did not calm down and went further. Now the sausage can be cooked in a tetrapack. Minced meat prepared in a certain way, with the addition of starch and milk powder, is whipped with a blender to the state of a cream, which in turn is laid out in a 0.5 liter tetrapak package from milk, kefir and tightly packed.

From above we close the structure with cling film, put the box in a plastic bag, try to remove air from it as much as possible and tie it with a string on top. Now the matter is small, we send the whole thing into a saucepan with water, put it on fire, wait for it to boil, make the gas smaller and cook for 50 minutes.

We cool the finished product, remove it, let it rest in the refrigerator for several hours and enjoy the most delicate meat loaf.

Homemade sausage in a jar is very, very similar to this example in a tetra pack, but in this case, cooking takes much less time, although palatability in no way inferior to a canned product. In general, among the abundance of the proposed options, you will certainly be able to choose the most preferable for yourself.

1. Chicken fillet Rinse under running water and pat dry with paper towels. Remove the wires and film from it. Cut into medium-sized pieces and place in a food processor fitted with the cutting blade attachment.

2. Grind the meat until smooth. If not food processor, then twist the fillet twice through a meat grinder.

3. Place in a deep container minced chicken and add twisted or finely chopped lard. Take it without meat veins and cut off the peel. If you want to get more dietary product, then you can exclude fat from the list of ingredients.

4. Peel the garlic and finely chop or pass through a press. Send it to chicken meat. Add salt ground pepper and any spices.

5. Knead the dough until smooth so that all products are evenly distributed.

6. Dissolve gelatin in 30 ml of warm water and leave it to swell until completely dissolved. Gelatin serves as a thickener, from which the sausage does not break into pieces during cooking and cutting. This ingredient turns an ordinary dish into a restaurant option. Before using gelatin, read the instructions for its use, which is printed on the manufacturer's packaging.

7. Pour the swollen gelatin into the minced meat and mix the products well.

8. Fold the cling film in 2 times and cut off a small piece. Put on it chopped meat in the shape of a sausage.

9. Wrap the meat in polyethylene, giving it a cylindrical shape. If desired, tie the sausage with threads, as shown in the photo.

10. Dip the sausage into a pot of boiling water.

11. Make a slow fire, cover the pan with a lid and cook the sausage for half an hour.

12. Remove the sausage from hot water and leave to cool until room temperature, then send to the refrigerator. When the product is cold, unfold it from polyethylene, cut it and serve it to the table.

Note: You can use natural intestines as the casing for the sausage. You can also wrap the minced meat with foil and send the sausage to bake in the oven.

See also the video recipe on how to cook instant homemade chicken sausage.

Homemade chicken sausage is the perfect dish, it will go into diet menu, will decorate any holiday table, will be the perfect snack during the day. Yes, such a dish is not prepared quickly, but the result is definitely worth it. Firstly, you indulge your body with delicious and healthy food, and secondly, you can amuse your pride by listening to praise and compliments of an appetizing and beautifully prepared snack.

By adding various vegetables and spices to the chicken, you can get a recipe exactly to your taste. You can also use different meats, take a whole chicken or some parts, but a sausage made only from a breast can be dry.


  • Chicken legs 3-4
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Gelatin 30 gr per 1 kg fillet
  • Salt, a mixture of ground peppers,
    fresh herbs to taste

How to cook chicken sausage with gelatin

  1. Rinse the chicken, if not fillet is used, then separate the meat from the bones with a sharp knife and cut it into small pieces of approximately the same size.

  2. Grind the garlic in a mill or press, wash the vegetables and cut into small cubes, separate the greens from the stems and finely chop.

  3. Put chicken pieces, prepared vegetables, herbs, salt, spices into one cup and pour in gelatin. Mix very well.

  4. The next stage is one of the most important when preparing homemade chicken sausage. It is necessary to form sausages and pack them very tightly and hermetically in cling film. Food film, of course, is better to use dense. It is convenient to divide such an amount of the resulting "minced meat" into two sausages. Put the meat on a film, tightly wrap the sausage in one layer, twist the ends well. From above, wrap it just as tightly several times with another piece of film, tie the ends tightly with a thread. For reliability, especially if the hand is not yet “stuffed”, tie the entire sausage with a thread crosswise.

  5. Bring the water to a boil in a suitably sized saucepan, put in the rolls and cook for one hour, turning very carefully while cooking.
  6. Then leave the sausages in the water for another 15 minutes, only then remove and allow to cool completely.
  7. Refrigerate cooled bundles for at least 6 hours, usually overnight. After this time, you can carefully remove the film from the sausage. To serve, cut into slices about 1 cm thick.

Cooked in this way, homemade chicken sausage resembles a saltison or roll. There are several cooking techniques, for example, cooking in Tetrapack bags, but in this case you need to know in advance that when you stay in boiling water for a long time, such a bag will not spread apart.

Homemade sausage is not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, such a sausage consists only of meat and spices, which means that there are no preservatives in its composition! I suggest cooking homemade chicken sausage in cling film. The sausage is tender, tasty and fragrant. This time I added cheese to the chicken meat, it turned out especially tasty. From home chicken sausage you can make a sandwich or, for example, serve it with pasta - just lick your fingers! I advise everyone!


To prepare homemade chicken sausage in cling film, you will need:

chicken breast - 500 g;

cheese - 150 g;

garlic - 2-3 cloves;

salt and spices - to taste;

gelatin - 10 g.

Cooking steps

Cut the chicken breast into pieces measuring 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm.

Cut the cheese into cubes measuring 1 cm by 1 cm. Combine the breast and cheese.

Add salt, spices, garlic passed through a press, pour in gelatin.

Thoroughly mix the mass.

Spread the mass on cling film.

Form a dense sausage and wrap it in three (or four) layers of cling film.

Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Dip homemade chicken sausage wrapped in cling film into the pan (the sausage should be completely immersed in water) and cook for 45 minutes from the moment of boiling over low heat.

Remove the cooked sausage from the water and transfer to a tray. Cool and then place in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, you can free the sausage from the film.

Cut into pieces and serve. Homemade chicken sausage cooked in cling film turns out to be very tasty, tender and fragrant, it will be a wonderful alternative to store-bought sausage.

Bon appetit!

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