Home Kashi How to make mother-in-law's tongue salad for the winter. "Teschin language" from zucchini for the winter. Preparation for the winter

How to make mother-in-law's tongue salad for the winter. "Teschin language" from zucchini for the winter. Preparation for the winter

Hello my readers, so I returned from the seas, from vacations and the busy conservation season begins. On the way from the sea, we stopped by my husband's parents, they loaded us with vegetables, so for the last week I've only been canning so that the food does not have time to deteriorate. I will continue to tell my recipes, some.

Previously, somehow I didn’t pay much attention to preparations for the winter, there were a couple of eggplant salads, a couple, tomatoes and tomato juice. But last year there was just a “BOOM” of conservation, and not only for me, probably, with the advent of the next economic crisis, everyone suddenly remembered the preparations, leafed through all their notebooks, where their recipes, relatives and generous employees are recorded. I rolled up something new for myself for the first time last year, those recipes that I liked and were approved by my family, this year I will roll up and photograph for you again.

One of my favorite recipes is the Teschin Tongue zucchini salad, also called the Fiery Tongues. Zucchini is the most affordable vegetable in summer; you can cook a wide variety of dishes from it, up to jam. So I use this opportunity to the maximum.


So, to prepare mother-in-law's tongue, you will need:

  • zucchini (young) - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper- 3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 500 g or 1.5 l of tomato puree;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • coarse salt - 2 table. spoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 180 ml.

From this amount of ingredients, 5 liters of ready-made salad are obtained.

Cooking process

Prepare, wash clean everything necessary products.

As you already understood, zucchini must be cut into long slices of 5 mm thick. IN original recipe cut in long slices, but next time I will cut into rings or cut these plates in half, because it is inconvenient to put them in jars and eat them too. (I'm making a note to myself.)

Photo: how to cut zucchini for Mother-in-law's tongue

Grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Grind the garlic, a blender came to my aid. How good it is!

Cut sweet pepper into strips.

If there is no tomato paste, then you can simply chop the tomatoes with a blender or through a meat grinder, it will turn out tomato puree.

Finely chop the hot pepper. Be careful here, hands bake after it, so it’s better to work with it with gloves and not touch other parts of the body with your hands. If you like a spicy snack, add one hot pepper, and more to taste.

Place all chopped vegetables in a suitable sized bowl. Add all spices - salt, sugar. Pour in vegetable oil and vinegar. Stir and set aside for 1 hour to let the zucchini juice.

Put to boil. After the moment of boiling, boil for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly.

While the salad is cooking, I wash and sterilize the jars.

Put the ready-made salad from zucchini "mother-in-law's tongue" into sterile jars and roll up for the winter. A wonderful snack is ready.

As usual, I turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket for a day. Bon Appetit! Leave your comments.

Mother-in-law eggplant tongue is perhaps the most delicious and most popular recipe for a blue miracle called "eggplant". Preparing quickly, so, between times, it turns out well, very tasty. fried eggplant with garlic, as spicy as mother-in-law's tongue, always welcome on holiday table not to mention the usual meal. By the way, it is the spicy mother-in-law tongue that first disappears from the table. So, I'm sharing the recipe.


(4 servings)

  • 2 pcs. eggplant (500 gr.)
  • 2 pcs. ripe tomatoes
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • vegetable oil
  • bunch of parsley
  • Eggplants, they are also called blue, mine, cut off the tail, and then cut into thin plates. You can't cut very thin.
  • Soak the chopped eggplant in salted water for 15-20 minutes. This is done so that all the bitterness comes out. The proportion of salt does not play a special role. I usually take half a tablespoon per liter and a half of water.
  • After water procedures, squeeze the eggplants well.
  • Roll eggplant slices in flour, and then fry in vegetable oil. As soon as the eggplant is taken golden brown on one side, immediately turn over to the other side.
  • To remove excess oil from eggplant, fried plates can be laid out either on paper towels, or use another simpler and more effective way. We take a colander, substitute a plate under the bottom, and fold the plates themselves horizontally. As the eggplant cools, the oil will drip off onto a plate.
  • And one more important point. During frying, part of the flour remains in the pan and begins to burn. I remember when, at the time of my tender youth, I first cooked my mother-in-law's tongue, I got so puffed up that the neighbors almost called the firemen. In order to avoid such embarrassment, from time to time we clean the pan from the remnants of flour and pour in fresh oil.
  • Now for the spicy mother-in-law's tongue, let's prepare the garlic sauce. We clean the garlic, then either finely chop it or push it through the garlic.
  • Mixing the mayonnaise soy sauce and garlic. You can pass everything through a blender.
  • First, cut the tomatoes in half, and then cut each half into thin plates.
  • My parsley. We select a few of the most beautiful branches to decorate the mother-in-law's tongue. Finely chop the rest of the greens.
  • Each fried plate is first lubricated with hot garlic sauce, sprinkle with herbs and put a tomato. Then we fold the mother-in-law's tongue and put it on a plate.
  • Very beautiful, fragrant and tasty mother-in-law eggplant tongue, decorate with greens and serve. Believe me, this is a great appetizer for any feast. For true eggplant lovers, I also recommend cooking

Eggplants came to the tables of Europeans from the Middle East, and since then these vegetables have enjoyed well-deserved popularity among many peoples who have learned to cook truly luxurious dishes from them. Moreover, eggplants are not only tasty, but also healthy, due to the fact that they contain fiber, pectin, organic acids, valuable vitamins and minerals, as well as natural sugar.

Mother-in-law eggplant tongue - general principles and methods of preparation

One of the most popular eggplant dishes is Mother-in-law's tongue. There are many recipes for it today, however, the most common are the so-called "tongues", made from fried thin slices of eggplant, cut along the length. Such plates are folded in two, and a variety of fillings are placed inside - most often these are sliced ​​​​tomatoes with garlic, pepper, mayonnaise, etc.

Mother-in-law eggplant tongue - best recipes

Recipe 1: Mother-in-law eggplant tongue - a traditional recipe

This recipe for mother-in-law tongues is considered a classic, and ready meal looks exactly the way we're used to seeing it. It is very tasty, and looks great on any table, and it is not at all difficult to cook it.


2 medium sized eggplants;
2 medium tomatoes;
100 gr. mayonnaise;
a bunch of greens (spicy);
salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Having cut the eggplants in length into thin plates, sprinkle them with salt and let them stand so that the bitterness leaves the eggplants with the secreted juice. Then, rolled in flour, fry them in vegetable oil.

2. Cut the tomatoes into circles. After the eggplant plates have cooled, put a circle of tomato on each, salt, pepper well, pour over with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs and garlic (you need a sharp tongue). After that, fold the plate in half.

3. Having cut off a corner from a bag of mayonnaise, squeeze the mayonnaise with curls onto the resulting tongues, and decorate with herbs on top, and serve the dish on the table.

Recipe 2: Mother-in-law canned eggplant tongue

The dish "mother-in-law's tongue is very popular" among spicy lovers. However, not everyone knows that this wonderful salad can be rolled up for the winter. We offer you one of the options for such blanks. Mother-in-law's tongue in the form of preservation is an excellent appetizer, an addition to a side dish and a side dish itself, and any housewife can cook it.


4 kg of eggplant;
10 tomatoes (large);
10 bell peppers;
4 heads of garlic;
3 hot peppers;
200 gr. Sahara;
50 gr. salt;
200 gr. rast. oils;
30 vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. We sterilize banks.

2. Cut the eggplant into circles and, after salting, leave them for about half an hour to leave the bitterness.

3. Grind tomatoes with garlic, bell and hot peppers in a meat grinder or blender, add sugar, vegetable oil and salt with vinegar, mix thoroughly.

4. Pour the eggplant with the resulting mixture and simmer everything for about half an hour.

5. Putting the dish in jars, roll them up and cover with a warm blanket. This is necessary to obtain a richer taste of the salad.

Recipe 3: Mother-in-law eggplant tongue - preservation for the winter

Another recipe for canned mother-in-law tongues. The dish turns out to be very spicy and vitamin, so it comes in handy in winter.


2 kg of medium eggplant;
2 kg of tomatoes;
0.5 kg of sweet bell peppers;
4 red hot peppers;
200 gr. Sahara;
100 gr. vinegar 9%;
1 garlic;
2 tbsp. l. salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Grind sweet and hot peppers in a blender. We mix everything in a saucepan, add sugar, salt and vinegar, then, heating to a boil, cook for about half an hour.

2. Cut the eggplants into tongue plates, having a thickness of about 0.5 cm, then put them in tomato sauce and cook for about half an hour.

3. Grind the garlic in a garlic maker and add it to the pan, mix and put the resulting salad into sterilized jars, then immediately roll them up with sterile lids and put them on a flat surface upside down. Then we warm with a blanket and leave to cool.

Recipe 4: Mother-in-law eggplant tongue with fried onions

This appetizer is spicy and very tasty, and at the same time it cooks very quickly, so this recipe is very popular.


2 medium eggplants;
4 medium tomatoes;
2 onions;
1 hot pepper;
three cloves of garlic;
salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplant lengthwise into slices and immerse them in cold salted water for half an hour to remove the bitterness.

2. Chop the tomatoes in a meat grinder or blender.

3. Fry the eggplant plates in vegetable oil, then, finely chopping the onion, also fry it. Then, adding grated tomatoes to them, stew a little.

4. At the end of the stew, add chopped hot peppers to the pan along with salt and herbs, and send the garlic there last.

5. Put the eggplants on a flat dish and grease them generously hot sauce.

Recipe 5: Mother-in-law eggplant tongue with cheese

In general, this dish is prepared like a language familiar to everyone, however, grated cheese gives it a completely new sound, while not depriving it of that piquancy for which we love mother-in-law eggplant tongues.


5 small eggplants;
3 medium tomatoes;
200 gr. mayonnaise;
a bunch of greens;
salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the eggplants in circles and, after salting, leave for about half an hour so that the eggplants release juice and lose their bitterness.

2. Then fry them in vegetable oil (if desired, you can bake in the oven to make the dish less nutritious).

3. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, grate the cheese. Squeeze garlic into mayonnaise, and add red pepper and grated cheese there.

4. Lubricate the fried eggplant circles with the resulting mayonnaise, cover them with a circle of tomatoes, and put the eggplant circle on top again.

After frying the eggplant slices, put them on a sieve or on a paper towel so that excess oil is drained from the eggplant.

If you, my dear hostesses, are as passionate lovers of tinkering in the kitchen as I am, then today you will learn how to cook mother-in-law's tongue, and even in various variations. The season has just arrived - in summer and autumn it's time to conjure over the preparation of all kinds of delicacies, and the price of fruits and vegetables allows you to pamper yourself with homemade sweets.

Whichever option you choose, you will end up with tasty dish both for a noisy and cheerful friendly company, and for a quiet family dinner.

4 kg eggplant,
10 large tomatoes,
10 sweet peppers
5 heads of garlic,
3 hot peppers
1 stack Sahara,
2 tbsp salt,
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

Cut the eggplant into long strips, salt and leave for 30 minutes. Pass tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers and garlic through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, salt and vinegar to this mixture. Pour the eggplant with the resulting tomato mass and stew for 30 minutes. Arrange the finished salad in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

How to Cook Mother-in-Law Eggplant Tongue (finely sliced)

3 kg eggplant,
1 kg sweet pepper
2 hot peppers
100 g garlic
700 g tomato paste,
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

Cut the pepper into cubes, chop the hot pepper, cut the eggplant into cubes larger than the sweet pepper. Mix all ingredients except vinegar, cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. At the end of cooking, add vinegar, mix and arrange in sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

How to Cook Mother-in-Law Tongue with Eggplant

2.5 kg eggplant,
100 g garlic
5 sweet peppers
1 pod of hot pepper,
1 stack vegetable oil,
½ stack Sahara,
½ stack 9% vinegar,
greens - to taste,
vegetable oil for frying.

Cut the eggplant into circles, salt and leave for 30 minutes. Fry eggplants in vegetable oil and place on a sieve to drain excess oil. Pass garlic, sweet and bitter pepper through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, sugar, vinegar and chopped herbs. Put the mass on the fire and cook for 20 minutes. In sterilized jars, lay the eggplant in layers, pouring each layer with a boiling mass. Cover the filled jars with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

How to Cook Teschin Eggplant Tongue

2 kg eggplant,
2 kg of tomatoes,
500 g sweet pepper,
2-4 hot peppers
1 stack Sahara,
½ stack 9% vinegar,
2 tbsp salt,
1 head of garlic.


Grind tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers with a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass in a saucepan, add sugar, salt and vinegar, heat to a boil and cook for 20-230 minutes. Slice the eggplant lengthwise into 5mm thick slices. Put the tongues in the tomato mass and cook for another 15-20 minutes. Add garlic, passed through a press, and arrange in sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over and wrap.

How to Cook Teschin Tongue from Eggplant and Carrots

3 kg of young eggplants,
1 kg carrots
1 kg sweet pepper
1 kg of tomatoes,
3-4 garlic cloves,
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 glass of sugar
1-2 tbsp salt,
1 stack 9% vinegar,
parsley - to taste.

Cut young eggplant lengthwise into 8 pieces. Pass sweet peppers, carrots, garlic and tomatoes through a meat grinder. Chop greens. Put all the vegetables in a salad bowl, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, mix and put on fire. Cook from the moment of boiling for 15 minutes, add herbs and vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

"How to Cook Teschin Eggplant Tongue (without preservation)

Filling Ingredients:
1 stack water,
1 tsp 70% vinegar,
4 heads of garlic,
4 sweet peppers
2 hot peppers
1 tbsp salt,
2 tbsp Sahara.

Cut the eggplant into long tongues, salt and leave for 20 minutes. Then lightly wring out, breaded in flour and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Prepare a filling of water, ground garlic, sweet and bitter peppers, salt and sugar. Dip the eggplant tongues into the resulting homogeneous mixture and place them in a glass dish. Store in refrigerator.

How to cook mother-in-law tongue from zucchini

1 kg zucchini,
2 hot peppers
2 sweet peppers
1 head of garlic
½ stack Sahara,
2 tbsp salt,
½ stack tomato paste,
1 tbsp 9% vinegar,
250 ml of water
vegetable oil - to taste.

Dilute tomato paste with water and bring to a boil. Add chopped bitter and sweet peppers and garlic, passed through a press. Cut the zucchini into tongues, dip into the boiling sauce and cook for 30 minutes. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

How to Cook Teschin Tongue with Zucchini Straws

3 kg zucchini,
1.5 kg of tomatoes,
5 sweet peppers
2-3 hot red peppers
4 heads of garlic,
250 ml vegetable oil,
1 tbsp salt,
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack 6% vinegar.

Peel young zucchini from skin and seeds and cut lengthwise into thin strips. Pass tomatoes and peppers of both types through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, pour into an enamel bowl and put on fire. After boiling, add zucchini straws, salt, sugar and vegetable oil and cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and vinegar. Arrange hot in sterilized jars and roll up.

How to Cook Teschin Tongue from zucchini (finely sliced)

3 kg zucchini,
5 sweet peppers
1-3 hot peppers
500 g tomato paste,
1-3 heads of garlic,
1 tbsp oils,
1 stack Sahara,
1 tbsp with a hill of salt
1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

Peel and grate the zucchini on a coarse grater or on a grater for Korean carrots. Grind the pepper with a blender or meat grinder, combine with tomato paste and pour over the zucchini. Put the resulting mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 40-50 minutes. Then add garlic, passed through the press, and vinegar, mix, boil, boil for 10-15 minutes and arrange in jars. Roll up.

The recipe for "Mother-in-law's tongue" has long been held in high esteem not only by vegetarians, but also by zealous meat-eaters, since this simple snack It goes well with almost every dish, shading or emphasizing its taste.

Why is the snack so called

Who came up with such a name is unknown, but there is an opinion that the dish is named because the mother-in-law is always too sharp on the tongue, and pricks with the truth how much in vain. Which of the dissatisfied sons-in-law called the appetizer too bitter because of garlic - history is silent, but behind the scenes everyone agreed, and since then many have been very spicy dishes from eggplant and tomatoes that's what they call it.

Classic eggplant recipe

Mother-in-law's tongue was first prepared from this wonderful vegetable, and people's love for this appetizer has become phenomenal.

Even those who previously couldn’t stand the eggplant, began to speak about it in a completely different way, mentioning this particular appetizer. She prepares simply:

Picturesquely lay out an appetizer on a serving plate, you can decorate fresh cucumbers or sprigs of dill. This recipe for "Mother-in-law's tongue" became the basis of a whole series of appetizer variations.

Another option for the holiday table

Almost every holiday table has a special spicy snack for vodka, which is to the liking of lovers of feasts. Therefore, a simple recipe for "Mother-in-law's tongue" from eggplant has undergone some changes and has firmly established itself in the status of this particular adored snack.

The preparation of the base (that is, fried layers of eggplant) is the same, then mayonnaise sauce with garlic is applied, which is sprinkled with a plentiful layer grated cheese, and it can be simple processed cheese, tender "Russian" or stunning "Poshekhonsky", some even tried smoked cheese, according to reviews, also not bad. Next, finely chopped parsley is placed on a layer of cheese, a piece of tomato on the edge, and the eggplant layer is folded into a neat roll. You can chip it with a toothpick if it doesn’t hold its shape right away (which is extremely rare). Next, the appetizer is infused for two hours in a cold place and served at the table, garnished with lettuce and vegetable slices.

With Korean carrots

Another variation based on simple recipe Mother-in-law's tongue is prepared with the addition of Korean-style carrots instead of tomatoes. For cooking, the same principle of preparing an eggplant base is used, which is smeared with mayonnaise and spread a little on it. Korean carrot: You can buy it ready-made or cook it yourself. Next, the eggplants are wrapped in rolls, which are folded into a bowl with a lid. The appetizer needs time to infuse, so it is better to make it in the evening, and in the morning it will be ready: fragrant and very tasty.

Preparation for the winter

The recipe for "Mother-in-law's tongue" from eggplant has become so popular that resourceful lovers of winter preparations have come up with an option for preservation:

Winter harvest of zucchini

According to a similar principle, “Teschin language” is being prepared for the winter from zucchini. The recipe includes:

  • Three kg of young and dense zucchini (without ripened seeds) cut into plates.
  • two pods hot pepper, three heads of garlic and five pods bell pepper scroll through a meat grinder (can be chopped with a blender), add 500 grams tomato sauce, diluted in one glass of water, half a glass of granulated sugar and 1.5 teaspoons of salt.
  • Put the mass on the fire and before boiling, add one glass (200 grams) of vegetable oil and three tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, you can also add a pinch of black pepper or cloves for flavor.
  • When the sauce boils, we lower the plates of zucchini into it and simmer for no more than forty minutes, put them in sterilized jars, pour over the sauce and roll up the lids.

Be sure to wrap the workpiece with a blanket until the next morning.

Snack for every day

The recipe for "Mother-in-law's tongue" from zucchini has its own version in daily menu. For cooking, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Three young zucchini, cut into plates, fry in a pan in a small amount vegetable oil. Before frying, it is recommended to roll the zucchini in flour - then the resulting crust will make the unleavened zucchini tastier.
  • Mix one hundred grams of mayonnaise, four cloves of chopped garlic, two hundred grams of hard cheese, grated on a fine grater, and a pinch of black pepper. Add a small bunch of parsley, finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  • Lubricate each plate of fried zucchini with the resulting mass. Cut into bars fresh tomatoes(2-3 pieces). Put a piece of tomato on each layer of zucchini and roll it up, if necessary chopping them off with a canapé skewer.

Appetizer "Teschin tongue" from zucchini according to the recipe is served in lettuce leaves, in which it is wrapped immediately before serving, or folded in a pile in the form of a woodpile and sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

In the culinary world, there are several more variants of this original snack, but they are all based on the same combination of vegetable base and hot seasoning in the form of a sauce or creamy paste, depending on the imagination of the cook. The most proven and best, according to reviews, are described here.

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