Home Soups What does Kalmyk tea consist of? What is Kalmyk tea and how to prepare it? Jomba on black tea with nutmeg

What does Kalmyk tea consist of? What is Kalmyk tea and how to prepare it? Jomba on black tea with nutmeg

Kalmyk tea is one of the unique and unusual national drinks that has a long history. It also has a large number of names: Dzhomba, Mongolian, Kyrgyz, but it is most familiar under the name Kalmyk. This is a common tea consumed by nomads and has beneficial properties.


Many people learned about the magical qualities of Kalmyk tea thanks to ancient legends. As they say in one of them, the famous healer treated a religious figure from a serious illness with this special drink.

According to the doctor's recommendation, the patient was to take one cup of tea for a week. After this time, the religious figure was completely healed. Then he proclaimed to everyone who believes in God to light a lamp and take tea in the form of a miraculous potion on the day of his miraculous recovery.

The nomads of Mongolia learned the recipe for this magical drug from the population of Tibet and spread it among the population of almost all countries located in Central Asia.

And in every country this tea was made national, like, for example, Kalmyk tea. This is because each country added its own components to the usual recipe. Each people began to prepare it in their own way. For example, in China the drink is brewed exclusively with water, all because tradition is most valued here. Due to a shortage of water, nomadic peoples began to make tea based on mare and camel milk, of which they had sufficient quantities.

How to brew Kalmyk tea with milk?

This drink was widely used among Central Asian nomads. All thanks to the fact that the tea turned out to be extremely nutritious. It is also able to quench thirst and restore lost strength, which is extremely necessary in the harsh steppe climate. Ingredients for preparing a milk-based drink: sheep fat, butter, green tea, as well as various spices.

Various medicinal plants can be used to prepare tea.

The main difference in preparing this tea is its boiling and infusion. Only by observing this rule does the drink acquire its inherent tart taste and bright aroma. He is capable of for a long time saturate the human body. Many people add salt and various spices to tea, thanks to this the drink acquires new bright notes.

To make Kalmyk tea more convenient to transport in case of a large number of moves, ancient nomads invented pressed tea. Its composition is no different from the traditional one. Today there are a large number of adherents of the national tradition who prefer pressed tea. It should be crushed before use.

Nowadays, they began to add butter to Kalmyk tea. In ancient recipes, lamb fat was used for this, as well as various herbs. All this was necessary to prevent scurvy, vitamin deficiency, and loss of strength, which helped the nomads stay firmly in the saddle and also move large herds.

Green tea according to Kalmyk recipes is the most important national dish

This tea is used to greet newlyweds, see off people on their final journey, and also welcome guests.

Before brewing it, you need to organize a quiet environment and achieve a special mental mood. The final quality of the prepared tea will depend on all of the above conditions.

The traditional drink is usually prepared in a special saucepan until its quantity is reduced by half. You need to stir the tea exclusively clockwise, imitating the movement of the sun across the sky.

To fill the drink with oxygen, you should perform the following steps: scoop tea from a saucepan with a ladle, then pour the liquid back in a thin stream from a certain height. This manipulation must be repeated about 99 times over a seething container. Kalmyks believe that this way the drink receives the healing power of nature by touching the air.

Tea Recipes

Milk, pressed tea leaves, salt and pepper to taste – these are the main components of tea. There are several various recipes this tea.

  1. In Tatar. Prepared in one serving. To prepare it, you need to add about 30 g of tea leaves to boiling water (100 ml) and add 100 g of milk. Tea must be prepared with constant stirring. After five minutes, 10 g of butter and salt are thrown into it.
  2. In Kalmyk. To do this, grind 50 g of compressed tea and add one liter of chilled water to it. Then all this needs to be boiled, add 2 liters of milk, spices and salt to taste. Boil for about 15 minutes, then strain. Hot tea Pour into prepared bowls and add one teaspoon of oil.
  3. Dzhomba. For a big tea party. You need to take a cube of green tea (200-250 g), crush it and add water (3 l). For this purpose, take cold water. All this needs to be boiled and then simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. During cooking, any floating stems should be collected. Add 2 liters of warm cream to the container, then, stirring, boil for about five more minutes, then throw in a piece of butter, salt and peppercorns. The tea is infused for 10 minutes and can be offered to guests.
  4. Khursits. To prepare it you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of tea in bars. Next, you should fry the flour (0.5 teaspoon) in melted lard. The tea should be brewed and strained. You need to add flour and milk (3 tablespoons) and tea to boiling water. Bay leaf and nutmeg are added to the finished drink.

Unique in taste, it has many variations and is considered one of the most unusual drinks in the world. It contains only three main ingredients:, but there are many variations in preparation. Ancient drink nomads does not lose its relevance today, but it is necessary to take into account the possible harm from the use of such compounds. The benefits of Kalmyk tea, how to prepare it, and possible harm are discussed in the information in this article.

For the first time, mentions of Kalmyk tea are found in the notes of Tibetan monks. Thanks to the unique combination simple ingredients Many Asian peoples and tribes were treated. At the same time, there are many contradictions, because initially the discovery tea drink belonged to the Chinese, but it was the nomadic tribes who began to add milk, salt and fat to it. The recipe was modified and improved, even in individual nationalities it was used in completely different forms.

There is also a version that Kalmyk tea was not always called that way. If we turn to history, we find out that this is the traditional tea of ​​the Nogais, Turkic people in the North Caucasus. Therefore, the answer to the question: What is the difference between Kalmyk tea and Nogai?, is simple - nothing, they are the same drink under the ancient name “ko gai”, which according to one version is translated from Nogai as “heavenly moon”. Beautiful name, is not it?

It is known that the composition of such tea necessarily included:

  • Green and black tiled tea. It was this combination that provided the drink with unique healing properties. The choice of the slab form of the raw material has very practical considerations: it was easier to store tea unchanged during the long journeys that nomads made throughout their lives.
  • Various steppe herbs were also added to the tea leaves, providing additional medicinal properties drink. It is known that the collection and use of such raw materials was allowed only before flowering. This helped preserve all the benefits and minimize possible harm for allergy sufferers.
  • Salt, oddly enough, provides quick quenching of thirst and absorption of nutrients. Until now, in some Asian cultures it is customary to add salt to tea, rather than the usual sugar.
  • Milk and fat. They used full-fat milk from donkeys or camels, and also added melted fat to the drink separately. replaces your usual meal, helps you warm up faster and is refreshing in the heat. Despite the unusual taste, Kalmyk tea is very healthy and nutritious, which is why its popularity in Asia is still high.

There are a great many variations of recipes. You can use cream and high-fat dairy products. In addition, in addition to salt, all kinds of herbs and spices were added to the mixture, which had a tonic effect on the body. It was believed that such a drink would help restore wasted strength in a matter of minutes, and would also cut off the vigor and freshness of a tired traveler. It is precisely because of its invigorating effect that it is not recommended to drink this tea at night; in addition, the drink has other contraindications.

Harm of Kalmyk tea

To a European who is unfamiliar with it since childhood, Kalmyk tea may not only not like the taste, but also cause real harm. It's all about the combination of ingredients, which in themselves are quite simple and useful, but when combined they represent a biologically active mixture that has a strong effect on the body.

In what cases is such a drink harmful:

  1. In case of individual intolerance to any component of the drink. People with possible allergies to plant substances need to be especially careful.
  2. Presence of stones in the kidneys or gall bladder. The active components of the drink can provoke the movement of formations, which does not always lead to favorable consequences.
  3. It is not recommended to try such drinks during pregnancy and lactation. Mainly, in order not to provoke an atypical reaction of the body, in addition, such a composition can cause an allergic reaction against the background of hormonal changes with a greater degree of probability than in the normal state.

When consumed by overweight people, it is also worth considering the additional calorie content. Thanks to the addition of butter and dairy products, a cup of Kalmyk tea contains an impressive supply of calories, so with constant consumption, such tea can ruin your figure.

Classic recipe

Not all the secrets of making Kalmyk tea have survived to this day, and it is unlikely that anyone has ever written them down. The version of preparing this drink “adapted” for modern admirers is quite accessible for brewing at home, so we invite everyone to try to appreciate the taste of the unique nomadic tea.

How to prepare Kalmyk tea:

  1. Pressed tea (about 50 grams), break and pour cold water(200 ml), put on fire.
  2. After the mixture boils, add 800 ml of milk, a teaspoon of salt and 10 black peppercorns.
  3. The liquid should simmer well over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  4. After this, you need to remove the container with tea from the stove and add pre-melted butter (40-50 grams) to it.
  5. Infuse the mixture for at least half an hour, after which you can enjoy the unique taste of Kalmyk tea.

An important point: the mixture must be filtered before use, although true Kalmyks prefer to drink it with tea leaves. Depending on preferences and taste characteristics, you can add bay leaf, chopped nutmeg and even flour fried in a dry frying pan to the drink. Depending on the ingredients used, the beneficial properties of this drink are determined, and original taste will allow us to appreciate the tea we are used to in a new way.

The composition of Kalmyk tea is complex and unique. From time immemorial, there have been traditions and secrets of its preparation. Nomadic peoples used not only the well-known green and black teas, but also a variety of sedate herbs. That is why there is no single recipe for preparation, and the modern adapted version offers to appreciate the rich taste of such a drink without the use of biologically active substances and components.

A drink based on tea leaves has been known for a long time, but its uniqueness lies in the fact that the most unexpected components can be included in the composition. The Kalmyk recipe came to Rus' with the Mongol-Tatars. They managed to get rid of the conquerors, but the tradition of drinking hearty tea remained. It may contain spices, fat, bread, cookies and nuts, and for taste after preparation, the drink is seasoned not with sugar, but with salt.

The value of such tea is in its warming effect and high calorie content. In this case, there may not be a classic brew. In Asia there is a concept of “eating tea”. In the article I will talk about the benefits and harms of the Kalmyk drink, how to brew it correctly at home and what herbs to add.

How the drink came about

The recipe for an amazing hearty drink came from the peoples of the East. Kalmyks call the drink jomba and always add animal products to it. The recipe has taken root in cold Siberia, the Caucasus and Asia. There are legends about the appearance of the drink.

According to one, the elder and religious leader became very ill. The doctor arrived and prescribed jomba to drink every day. After a week he gained strength and then completely recovered. According to another legend, a Tibetan lama was puzzled by restoring the strength of monks who had fasted for a long time. He created a hearty drink made with milk and animal fat. Since then, Kalmyks have fallen in love with jombu and even began to celebrate the tea holiday, which is held on the third Saturday of May. The drink is named after this people.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea for the body

The hearty drink is designed to support the strength of nomads. This morning routine can keep riders in the saddle for days.

In addition to being nutritious, it is also very useful:

  • helps strengthen the immune system, prevents colds and warms up;
  • restores strength, relieves fatigue, makes thoughts clear;
  • promotes an abundant flow of milk during lactation;
  • relieves gas formation and indigestion, eliminates bloating;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • promotes weight loss, as it has a good effect on metabolism.

Kalmyk tea is useful for diabetics, as it brings sugar levels back to normal. Part milk drink includes a lot of calcium and fluorine, manganese and vitamins of various groups. Children and the elderly should drink it to cheer up. Drinking tea in the morning promotes proper digestion.

Recipes for making Kalmyk tea

The rich milk drink has many recipes. In different regions it is prepared in its own way. Kalmyk tea is made with whatever is in the house. Butter can be replaced with lamb fat, fresh leaves dry, bay leaf and pepper. Variations teas have a unique taste that is made up of its components. A prerequisite is the use of pressed green leaf in briquettes.

In stores you can find a slab pressed version of Kalmyk tea. The tile is broken off, added to the teapot and filled with boiling water.


Whatever the preferences of gourmets, the classics always remain in demand. To prepare a traditional drink, you need to perform several simple manipulations.

  1. In a thin-walled pan you need to put a piece of a briquette of tea leaves equal to a teaspoon.
  2. Two hundred milliliters of cold water is poured into the container, brought to heat and boiled for 10 minutes.
  3. Add 200 milliliters of preheated milk to the pan.
  4. Add a pinch of salt, nutmeg, and pepper to the entire volume of liquid. You need to brew with spices for another five minutes.
  5. Add half a teaspoon to the drink butter. After which the pan is closed and placed in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  6. The drink is poured into mugs, pre-strained.

Kalmyks make a drink with mare's milk and add lamb fat to it.

This drink warms you up well and saves you from colds, similar to tea with and.

In Tatar

Tatar tea, rich in taste, is no less popular than Kalmyk tea.

  1. One hundred milliliters of water is poured into the pan and placed on fire.
  2. Two small spoons of tea are placed in boiling water.
  3. One hundred milliliters of preheated milk is poured in.
  4. Heat the mixture over low heat for another seven minutes.
  5. At the end of the process, add a pinch of salt and butter.

Before serving, the tea is filtered. The recipe is simpler and more accessible than the Kalmyk one, but also very tasty.

With tea leaves

To make a brewed drink, you need to use loose leaf tea:

  1. The tea leaves should be simmered over low heat for eight minutes.
  2. Hot milk is poured into the pan, a pinch of salt and nutmeg are added. In this composition, the drink is brewed for another five minutes.
  3. Leave the tea covered for 10 minutes.

The strained drink is poured into muslins and served to the table.

You can put black and loose tea into tea. This will give the drink a piquant and rich taste.


Nomadic peoples cannot imagine their life without meat products. They even prefer to drink tea with the addition of lamb ribs. The taste is spicy and unusual.

  1. Half a kilogram of ribs is poured with three liters of cold water and cooked for an hour.
  2. After the meat becomes soft, take it out and place a two-hundred-gram briquette of green tea into the broth.
  3. It is brewed over low heat for another ten minutes.
  4. Two liters of heated milk are poured into the pan, and a pinch of salt and pepper is added.
  5. The tea is boiled for another ten minutes, and then infused for the same amount of time.

The strained drink with a small amount of nutmeg is poured into cups. Hot ribs with boiled potatoes are served on a separate plate.


The abundance of spices makes the drink aromatic and warming. Spiced tea is great for meat dishes. It is important to add the spice in time so that it has time to open up and impart its aroma to the drink.

Oregano and marjoram, basil and rosemary are suitable for Kalmyk tea, and suneli hops will add a spicy note. What a particular drink will consist of depends on the person who prepares it. Spices are added to the boiling mixture two minutes before removing from heat. Then the tea is infused for ten minutes and must be filtered before serving.

With green leaves

There is not much vegetation in the northern regions and steppe. A person lacks vitamins. To fill this gap, feather onions or dill are added to the drink.

Traditionally brewed Kalmyk tea is infused for 10 minutes.

During this time, several onion feathers and three sprigs of dill are washed and finely chopped. The greens should not be cooked, so they are poured into the strained tea directly into the cups. After a minute in a hot drink, the harshness of the onion disappears.

With nutmeg

Having cooked classic recipe, housewives add nutmeg or cloves to tea to add tartness and aroma. The tea is infused and gets a piquant taste. For a liter of liquid, two pinches of nuts and four cloves are enough. Before pouring into cups, the drink is filtered. But if cloves get into it, it will not spoil the look and taste.

With butter and bay leaf

The smell of laurel is difficult to confuse with the aroma of other spices. The leaves are often added to broths and main courses. Kalmyks prefer to use laurel in tea. The leaves can add additional bitterness to the drink, but they do not release the aroma very quickly. In order not to spoil the taste of the drink, you need to add a bay leaf five minutes before the end of boiling. Another 10 minutes of infusion will give the tea a unique taste and aroma.

Honey and bread option

Traditional Kalmyk tea is salty, but there is an exception to the rule. When cooking, nothing is added to the pan. Before removing from heat, honey is added to the drink to taste. While the tea steeps, it disperses and gives off its sweetness and aroma. This drink is drunk only from wide bowls or soup cups. Pieces of bread, homemade flatbread, and cookies are added to tea.

In Asia, spoons are always placed on the table. It is convenient to “eat” tea from a bowl and enjoy its taste.

For lactation

To keep the baby and mother healthy, the drink is prepared in a lighter form. Green tea has a lot of caffeine, so the amount of brewing is reduced.

  1. Not a full briquette of tea leaves is placed in the pan, but 40 grams less.
  2. You cannot add spices so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.
  3. It is not recommended to add salt to prevent swelling.
  4. Instead of cream, you should use low-fat milk. And also reduce the amount of oil.

With sweet spices

Tea can replace a full meal, why shouldn’t it? good dessert. Sweet spices give drinks a special taste. You can add cinnamon, anise or cardamom to the drink prepared according to the classic recipe. Nobody knows the exact proportions. They are discovered through experimentation and passion. You need to start with one pinch per liter of liquid. If the taste does not seem very rich, then increase the dosage.

For children

Kalmyks do not allow children under five years of age to drink dzhomba. For frequent colds and weakened immunity, special tea is prepared for them.

  1. In 200 milliliters of water, half as much tea is added as for an adult drink.
  2. After boiling for ten minutes, boiled milk of medium fat content is added.
  3. No spices are added to the drink, and salt is replaced with sweeteners in the form of sugar, jam, and honey.
  4. The sweet jomba is infused for 10 minutes, after which it is filtered and poured into cups.

There is no butter or fat in children's tea. For colds, add in very small quantities. It is recommended to drink tea hot.

The peoples of Asia, who from time immemorial led a nomadic life, invented many hearty, rich dishes, among them tea. Instead of butter, melted fat tail fat is often added to the drink. It cleanses the lungs and cures serious chronic diseases. During his illness, Shokan Ualikhanov, a Kazakh scientist, was treated to this drink, which extended his life.

For many people, making tea involves sugar, lemon, bergamot, linden and a variety of sweets. Kalmyk tea does not fit into these ideas at all. The recipe for its preparation includes salt, and nutritional properties it can be compared to first courses. This article contains information about the benefits of a unique drink, interesting information from its history and, of course, practical advice how to brew Kalmyk tea .

Historical facts

Buryat, Mongolian (“Naiman gishuun togoldor tsai”) or Kalmyk tea is brewed on a special, non-fermented leaf with milk and salt. It is also known as Karymsky, Kyrgyz or tiled. One of the names, dzhomba, was mentioned by Pushkin in his writings.

It is not known exactly when and where exactly it was prepared for the first time, but later it became a favorite drink of Asian nomads. There is a version that jombu was first cooked in Tibet, then the Mongols learned this recipe, who passed it on to the Kalmyks. It was in Kalmyk traditions that it became most widespread, for which it acquired such a name. Over time, new details were added to the jomba recipe, so today there are several cooking methods, including many spices, from bay leaves to cinnamon.

Composition of the drink

Pressed tiles are the best option for brewing. It includes black and green varieties, as well as various steppe herbs, such as bergenia, angelica and fireweed. Leaves for slab tea They are harvested in the fall and by this time they become coarse, tart, with a natural bitter aftertaste. Once collected, the leaves are dried but not fermented.

Tea briquette may not always be available. An alternative is ready-made Kalmyk tea in bags. At the same time, you can make a base for jomba at home, consisting of a mixture of green leafy and black varieties.

Milk is an important ingredient. During the times of nomads, the type of milk that was on hand at the time of preparation was added . Lamb fat was also required, which nowadays can be replaced with butter. We must not forget about a variety of spices, these are bay leaf, cinnamon, black peppercorns, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, spices for meat dishes. Naturally, you will need water for cooking.

Useful properties of jomba

1. Dzhomba is a nutritious drink. Add a couple of pieces of fried bread to it and you get a complete breakfast.

2. Warms in the cold, improves immunity, prevents the development of colds.

3. Perfectly restores strength, promotes the activation of mental and physical activity.

4. Positively affects the functioning of the digestive organs and cardiovascular system.

5. Speeds up metabolism, great for weight loss.

6. Has a positive effect on reducing blood sugar levels.

7. Dzhomba has a high content of potassium, iodine, sodium, nicotinic acid, manganese, fluorine, vitamin B, C, K, PP, antioxidants, tannin and caffeine.

The drink improves the well-being of people suffering diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, abnormal metabolism.

Gomba is effective means treatment of hangover syndrome. It will help eliminate heartburn, neutralize headache, improve thought process, cope with intoxication of the body.

It is also necessary to mention possible harm. The drink is prohibited in case of cholelithiasis, kidney dysfunction, or in late pregnancy.


Jomba is a great helper for breastfeeding. The drink is useful for women who are worried about insufficient milk volume, as the work of the mammary glands is noticeably enhanced. A mother can breastfeed absolutely calmly; drinking this drink will not negatively affect the baby’s health.

Brewing Kalmyk tea

Many people are interested in how to brew Kalmyk tea. To begin with, we offer a classic recipe for Kalmyk tea. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • pressed tiles;
  • milk (preferably full fat);
  • water;
  • lamb fat;
  • salt.

You should separate a small piece from the tile and crush it. Typically, 50 g of the mixture is used per liter of water. Milk and water are added in equal proportions. Water is poured into the pot and salt is added. The pot is placed on the fire and the contents are brought to a boil, while it must be stirred.

Before the water boils, it is necessary to saturate the drink with oxygen. Scoop up the water with a ladle, lift it over the pot and slowly pour it back. It is necessary to do 30-45 repetitions of this procedure. Boil for 5 minutes, then add milk. Boil for 5 minutes and add lamb fat. Leave for another 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to consume immediately after preparation.

Tea bags

If the process of preparing tea in tiles seems too long, then brewing jombu in bags will not be difficult. Welding can be done both at home and on the go. The composition of the sachet includes salt, powdered milk, cream. After the bag is filled with 250 ml of boiling water, spices are added to it to taste, and the drink is infused for 10 minutes.

Cooking at home

If pressed tiles and bags are not available, you can brew Kalmyk tea at home. Here are some unique recipes.

To do this you will need a high-quality green Chinese leaf. Homemade recipe:

5. Add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, clove buds, nutmeg to taste.

6. Cook again for 7-8 minutes, then cover with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.

7. Stir, then scoop the tea with a ladle and slowly pour it back 30-45 times.

8. The drink must be strained and added 30 grams of butter.

There is also an option for preparing Kalmyk tea based only on the black variety, preferably pressed. The following composition is required:

  • black tea - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt, black peppercorns, nutmeg and bay leaf - to taste.

Kalmyk tea on lamb ribs:

The drink is poured into bowls, and the ribs are served with a fresh side dish of potatoes. You can safely add spices to this dish according to your taste.

This ethnic drink rich story and many names: dzhomba, Mongolian, Kyrgyz, but in our country it is better known as Kalmyk tea. This traditional drink nomads, very filling and nutritious. Its miraculous properties are known from ancient legends.

According to one, a famous healer treated the religious figure Tsonghawu for a serious illness with unusual tea.

As prescribed by the healer, the patient had to drink a cup of this “divine” drink - jomba on an empty stomach for seven days. After the expiration of the period, Tsonghava received healing and ordered all believers to light a lamp on this day and drink a nutritious drink as a miraculous remedy.

Mongolian nomads got acquainted with the recipe for wonderful tea from the Tibetan inhabitants and spread it among the peoples of almost all of Central Asia. In each locality, this drink became national, like Kalmyk tea, for example. The recipe for each such drink differed in the number of components and methods of preparation.

The Chinese, as the creators and strict guardians of tea traditions, did not allow any additives to be added to the drink and prepared it only with water. Its lack in the steppes “forced” nomadic peoples to use mare’s and camel milk which they had in abundance.

Kalmyk tea - recipe with milk

This national drink is very common among the nomads of Central Asia due to its nutritional value. Hot Kalmyk tea quenches thirst and supports the vitality of people in the harsh climate of the endless steppes. The recipe for making this drink with milk includes pressed green tea, salt, butter or lamb fat and various spices.

Local medicinal herbs can also be added to tea.

This national drink is very common among the nomads of Central Asia due to its nutritional value.

Preparation of Kalmyk tea involves boiling the drink and then infusing it. Only if these conditions are met does jomba acquire the necessary rich, tart taste and aroma that can satisfy hunger for a long time. For many, Kalmyk tea with salt is unusual, but it is the different spices in combination with milk that give it its special flavor.

For ease of transportation during endless journeys, the ancient nomads preferred to use compacted Kalmyk tea, the composition of which was no different from loose tea. Now many adherents of national traditions are preparing classic version tea from “bricks”, which must be thoroughly crushed before brewing.

Adding butter to jombu is a modern way of brewing Kalmyk tea. Initially, they put lamb fat and various herbs in it. Saving from scurvy, vitamin deficiency, loss of strength, which nomads need to sit firmly in the saddle and drive huge herds.

Kalmyk green tea is one of the important dishes of national cuisine.

This drink is used to greet newlyweds and see them off on their last journey, and treat dear guests. Before preparing Kalmyk tea with milk, you need to create a calm environment and achieve a special mood. The quality of the finished drink depends on these conditions.

Traditional dzhomba - Kalmyk tea is usually boiled in a saucepan for a long time until the volume of water is reduced by half. Stir the drink strictly clockwise, repeating the movement of the sun across the sky.

To enrich tea with oxygen, the following steps are performed: take a full ladle from the pan, lift it and pour it back in a thin stream. These movements must be repeated 99 times over a boiling drink. According to Kalmyks, in this way tea comes into contact with the air and receives its natural strength.

Milk, pressed tea leaves, salt, pepper are the main components that are included in Kalmyk tea. The recipe for this drink has several options:

  1. “Tatar style” (for one serving) – put 30 grams into boiling water (100 ml). pressed tea leaves and pour 100 ml of milk and stir constantly, after 5 minutes add salt and butter (10 g).
  2. “Kalmyk style” - pour crushed tea (50 g) into 1 liter of water and boil, add 2 liters of milk, add spices and salt to taste. Cook for 15 minutes, strain and squeeze out the tea leaves. Hot drink Pour into bowls and add a teaspoon of butter to each bowl.
  3. “Jomba” (for a large group) – a brick of green tea weighing 200-250 grams. crush and add 3 liters of cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Collect the stems that float to the surface and add 2 liters of heated cream. Continue preparing the drink, stirring for another 5 minutes, add butter (50 g), salt (2 tbsp.), pepper (4-5 peas). Leave the jombu for 10 minutes and serve to guests.
  4. “Khursits” - brew 3 tbsp. lie tiled tea, fry ½ teaspoon in melted lard (1/2 teaspoon). flour. Pour 3 tbsp into boiling water. spoon milk, add flour and stir well. Pour the resulting mass into brewed and strained tea, add nutmeg and bay leaf.

Instead of milk, this drink can be prepared with cream. If you change the amount of brewing, the combination of spices, then each time you will get Kalmyk tea 3 in 1 with a different taste, richness and aroma.

Kalmyk green tea is one of the important dishes of national cuisine.

Kalmyk tea: composition

The classic brew for this national drink is pressed tea. These are heavy and quite dense bricks. They are usually rectangular in shape with rounded edges and a special imprint on one side.

The composition of Kalmyk slab tea includes coarse leaves from late harvests, pruned twigs and shoots of tea bushes. This raw material is not fermented, thanks to which all taste qualities plants. In addition to tea leaves, the tea leaves may contain steppe aromatic or medicinal herbs that are included in Kalmyk tea. The composition and beneficial properties of the drink vary depending on the area in which it is prepared.

The quality of milk for jomba is not the least important. This product must be fresh and fatty - it forms the nutritional basis of the national drink. Of course, you can’t buy camel and mare’s milk in stores, but it can be replaced with cow’s or goat’s milk with a high percentage of fat content.

All products included in Kalmyk tea contain components necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. A real dzhomba is a storehouse of valuable microelements, vitamins and nutrients:

  • vitamins B1, B2, PP, K;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • catechins;
  • tannin.

All these substances and vitamins act by complementing and strengthening positive properties each other, and have a complex effect on the body, improving its functioning.

Kalmyk tea: benefits and harms

Nomadic life in the steppe is not an easy test and requires good spirits and good physical health, which Kalmyk tea helps maintain. It is not for nothing that the benefits and harms of the miraculous drink are reflected in ancient legends.

Dzomba always helped out nomads in their constant movements. Its secret lies in a unique combination of components. Milk is a complex product, especially whole milk.

The adult body is not always able to fully absorb it. But "friendship" with green tea helps facilitate the digestion of milk, which, in turn, neutralizes the aggressive effects of caffeine and alkaloids contained in plant materials.

Kalmyk slab tea brewed with milk has a lot of useful qualities:

  • is an excellent means of preventing vitamin deficiency;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates the consequences of hangover;
  • helps to increase vitality;
  • stimulates the functioning of the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vascular system.

Many breastfeeding women drink Kalmyk tea for lactation - it helps increase the quantity and quality of breast milk. Jomba is a very nutritious drink and after a cup of this delicious tea the feeling of fullness remains for a long time.

The nomads drank Kalmyk tea not only as a drink. The benefits of this drink are enhanced by aromatic spices:

  • carnation;
  • coriander;
  • Bay leaf;
  • nutmeg;
  • black pepper.

With their help, they treated colds, sore throats, intestinal diseases, cleaned blood vessels, and restored strength after long journeys.

Fresh Kalmyk tea is always prepared for guests

Contraindications for this drink include lactose intolerance, allergic reactions to the components of the tea leaves and spices, and acute stages of chronic diseases. A real jomba is a fairly strong energy drink and it will not be easy for an unprepared person to accept its effect on the body.

Kalmyk tea - reviews

Jomba belongs to the category of exotic drinks due to its special method of preparation and composition, unusual for tea. Not everyone likes Kalmyk tea. Reviews about it are very different. Dissatisfaction is expressed by those who perceive this drink as tea in the usual sense: tea leaves, kettle, hot water. After all, now dzhomba is produced not only in pressed form.

Some manufacturers offer Kalmyk tea in bags. They immediately contain all the components necessary for this drink. Just pour boiling water over the bag and the tea is ready. But, according to reviews from people familiar with the real taste of jomba, this drink is only vaguely reminiscent of Kalmyk tea.

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