Home Drinks and cocktails Apple jam in a bread maker. Bread with apples “Tender White bread with apples in a bread machine

Apple jam in a bread maker. Bread with apples “Tender White bread with apples in a bread machine

I'm just sure that there are not many people who would be indifferent to baking with apples. Still would! After all, any apple baked goods are very aromatic and tasty - how can you not love them? What kind of baked goods do you usually make with apples? Maybe a charlotte or another equally delicious pie? Or maybe pancakes, cheesecakes or pancakes? What about savory baked goods with these aromatic fruits, for example, bread?

Yes, yes, don’t be surprised by this, because I suggest making apple bread in a bread machine and it also turns out very tasty and aromatic. And although this pastry is not sweet, it is still worth making, and I am sure that you will appreciate and love it.

What can you eat bread with apples with?

At least with something! You can simply spread a slice of freshly baked bread with butter and it will be an excellent addition to a cup of tea. And such baked goods will be an excellent addition to spicy main courses, for example, fried meat or chicken... In general, you can eat it however you want and with anything!

So, let's make this unusual bread with apples. And for this we will use a miracle assistant - a bread maker. I like baking in it - the baked goods always turn out well, and most importantly, it doesn’t require much of my attention - it only takes 5 minutes to throw in all the ingredients, and the remaining 3 hours, while the bread is first kneaded and then baked, and I’m in This time I will do other household chores.


  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 130 ml
  • Apples – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Sesame – 1 tbsp.
  • Dry yeast – 2 tsp.
  • Flour – 4 cups

The process of making apple bread in a bread machine

  1. The instructions for my oven assistant say that loading food into the bowl should begin with liquid ingredients. That's why I do it that way in this recipe. If the instructions for your assistant say differently, follow what is written in it.
  2. So, pour milk and water into the mold.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil (any kind - olive, sunflower).
  4. Throw in salt, sugar and sesame seeds. We add sesame for taste, but this is an optional ingredient, so go by taste. Or you can replace sesame seeds with finely chopped walnuts or raw sunflower seeds. In general, this item is at your discretion to your taste.
  5. We grate the apples on a coarse grater. Place them in the bread maker bowl.
  6. Now add the required amount of wheat flour (it must first be sifted) and pour dry yeast on top.
  7. Place the pan in the oven, select the “Basic Bread” program and leave the oven for 3 hours until it beeps that the bread is ready. Be prepared: while baking, the house will be filled with the amazing aroma of fresh apple baked goods!
  8. When the bread is ready, remove it from the pan, place it on a wire rack and leave to cool under a towel.
  9. Well, when the bread is ready, you can start tasting! I’m sure your family will be pleasantly surprised by such delicious apple bread, and will ask you to bake it more than once!

Enjoy your meal!

Maybe you are not the biggest fans of preserves, jellies and other such sweet preparations for the winter, but most likely there are those among us who simply adore such delicacies since childhood. Apple jam for the winter is one of the typical recipes! It turns out thick and not cloying - very tasty. If you wish, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon, then the jam will also be very fragrant.

By the way, we will prepare apple jam in a bread machine - an excellent option when you don’t need to interfere with anything: put in all the prepared products, turn on the program and wait for the readiness signal.

Apple jam in a bread maker can not only be a sweet addition to tea with a piece of white bread and butter, but also be used as a wonderful ingredient when baking pies, buns, muffins and cakes. By the way, homemade apple jam makes excellent pies in the oven!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare apple jam in a bread machine, we will need the following products: apples, sugar and some water. My apples were not fully ripe, green: a branch had broken off from the tree and something urgently needed to be done with the fruits. It was decided to use some of it specifically for making jam.

Let's start the preparatory stage: wash the apples, cut them in half, remove the core and tails. The fruits need to be softened - this can be done in 2 ways: baked or steamed. I chose the second option - I used the multicooker in the Steam mode.

Depending on the variety, degree of ripeness and sweetness, the fruits become soft after 10-15 minutes. Thus, I loaded the multicooker bowl 2 times. You can bake apples in the oven in one go - just place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or food foil and cook at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Then soft apple pieces need to be crushed to make jam in a bread machine. You can grind them through a meat grinder or punch them with a blender, but I used a food processor. Nozzle - Metal knife. Literally 15 seconds and you get this mass. If the apples are ripe and sweet, this mixture will be pasty and smooth.

Now let’s move on directly to preparing apple jam in a bread maker. Place the apple mixture in a bowl, cover it with sugar and add water. If you like, add a little cinnamon. In addition, if your apples are very sweet, you can also add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Turn on Jam mode, time - 1 hour. After the readiness signal, we turn on this program again. That is, the jam will cook for exactly 2 hours.

The beauty of making apple jam in a bread machine is that you don't need to stir anything. This is impossible on the stove, otherwise it will burn in any case. While our apple jam is being prepared, we sterilize the jars and lids if we plan to store the product for a long time. If you will be using it soon, simply wash and dry the dishes.

I want to share one of my favorite white bread recipes - “Tender” bread with apple and nuts. This is an option for sweet versions of sandwiches and croutons. The amount of flour varies depending on the juiciness of the apple and the properties of the flakes and is adjusted during the kneading process. Cereal flakes (rolled oats, wheat, rice or 4, 5, 6, 7 grain mixtures) and apple fiber make bread more healthy and dietary.

Pour vegetable oil and water into the bread machine bowl.

Grate the apple there.

Add flour, demerara and lee sugar, cereal and top with yeast.

Set the mode to “basic white bread” or another one of your choice (“whole flour”, “with bran”...) weight 750 grams and the desired crust color.

Watch the dough ball, it should not fall apart or spread out. Adjust the dough with water or flour.
After the signal, add chopped walnuts.

If you have enough experience, then after finishing the second kneading cycle, remove the dough with wet hands, remove the kneading knife, smooth the bun and return it to its place. During the next rising and baking process, do not open the lid of the bread machine again!

After the signal, the bread is ready, wrap it in a towel and let it cool on a wooden surface.

Prepare delicious sandwiches for breakfast with butter, honey and or jam.

Bon appetit!

Wheat bread, the recipe for which I will share with you today, is suitable for cooking both in a bread machine and in the oven. The most delicate crumb, which smells of freshness, and a thin crispy crust are not the only advantages of apple bread with mayonnaise. It also doesn’t go stale within 4 days, and on the fifth day the crust only hardens a little! Amazing homemade bread, which we will prepare today.

For the recipe, I want to say that you can use not only premium wheat flour, but also first grade. I use fast-acting yeast, that is, one that is mixed with flour and not diluted in water. 3 grams of such yeast is 1 level teaspoon. Use any mayonnaise, but I recommend using homemade mayonnaise.

Whoever tries to throw slippers or tomatoes at me, saying, why use mayonnaise, I’ll say right away - it’s necessary! This ingredient promotes long-term storage of finished apple bread and, in addition, gives it flavor. What is mayonnaise? This is a cold sauce based on vegetable oil and egg yolk. Well, this is what we add to the dough - no harmful components.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Pour lukewarm water into the bread machine container and add mayonnaise. Now grate the peeled apple pulp on a fine grater and measure out 40 grams. We also put it into the bowl of the bread machine.

Now sift the wheat flour into the bread machine bucket. I always sift the flour twice to fluff it up and get rid of any excess particles.

We insert the bucket into the bread maker and turn on the Basic mode. Time - 3 hours. Crust - medium, loaf - 750 grams. I set the latest parameters a long time ago and I don’t change them. The bread machine will need the first 10 minutes to knead the dough and form the bun. Here she may need your help. If the wheat flour is too dry, you need to add a little more water. And when you see that the bun is too liquid and does not want to gather into a dense ball, add a little flour. I always get this kind of dough - it is tender, soft, but at the same time elastic. Now it is not recommended to open the bread maker - we are waiting for a signal that it is ready.

It’s good that in our time many devices have been created to facilitate women’s work. This especially applies to the kitchen. Multicookers, electric frying pans, bread makers... You don’t even need to do anything yourself. Place your groceries, press the buttons and relax.

When I got a bread machine, I was initially disappointed. Baking one loaf of bread takes almost 4 hours! But after testing all the functions, I realized that this is one of my best purchases.

After I studied in practice the entire cookbook that came with my smart cookbook, I began to look for recipes on the Internet and invent them myself. It turned out to be quite easy to add and improve the baked goods to your liking.

Apple bread will replace sweet baked goods. And for those who are watching their figure, you can replace sugar with fructose and enjoy it to your heart’s content.


Knead the dough in the bread machine in the “Dough” mode. Products are loaded according to the instructions for the device. In my case, liquids are added first and then dry foods.

  • Pour 1 egg into a glass and add water
  • 3 tbsp. premium sifted flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter
  • 1 tsp yeast

The dough is ready in about an hour. This depends on the model of the bread machine.


  • 1-2 apples cut into small cubes
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 4 tbsp. butter

Divide the finished dough into 4 parts and roll out each. Coat with butter, add apples and sprinkle with a spoon of sugar.

Wrap each part separately in the form of a roll and seal tightly so that the loss of juice is as small as possible.

Having removed the kneading screw from the bread machine, place two rolls on the bottom and the remaining two on top across the first.

Bake in baking mode. In my model it is 1 hour 10 minutes.

This is how we get a delicious bun in about 2 and a half hours. And we’ll only spend 10 minutes of our time.

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