Home Fish Samsa with potatoes is a pie with its own secrets. We prepare homemade samsa with potatoes and chicken, onions, meat, cheese. Samsa with potatoes How to cook samsa with potatoes

Samsa with potatoes is a pie with its own secrets. We prepare homemade samsa with potatoes and chicken, onions, meat, cheese. Samsa with potatoes How to cook samsa with potatoes

I suggest making quick Uzbek pies - samsa with meat and potatoes. Dough for samsa can be made in different ways; today I prepared unleavened dough. This samsa is very convenient to take with you outdoors, to work, and served with hot sweet tea with lemon or compote.

For the dough you need to take flour, water (cold boiled) and salt. Knead it lightly, roll it into a thin layer, grease it with butter or lamb fat, roll it up and roll it out again.

Roll the dough into a rope and let it rest while you make the filling.

The filling for samsa is made from minced pork with the addition of finely chopped raw potatoes and onions. Add salt and pepper if desired, add water for juiciness, knead well.

Roll out the dough into a rope and cut into pieces. The dough has a layered structure because... We layered it with oil.

Roll out each piece and add the filling.

And seal it with a triangle.

Place the pies on a baking sheet, brush with egg.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds or nigella.

Bake samsa with meat and potatoes in a heated oven at 170-160 degrees until browned.

Step-by-step recipe for samsa with potatoes with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Chebureks
  • Recipe complexity: An easy recipe
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 hours 50 minutes
  • Number of servings: 12 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 156 kilocalories

Traditional Uzbek pies in your kitchen. Bake and treat your friends!

What can I say, preparing the dough is quite labor-intensive, especially for the first time, but the result is worth it. Although to me, as someone who enjoys working with dough, the process may seem easy. But I love samsa - it’s a taste from childhood, and now I’ve learned to bake it myself. I bake samsa with different fillings, for example, meat or cheese and herbs. But I like it with potatoes most of all.

Ingredients for 12 servings

  • For the test:
  • Flour 3 cups. (200 ml)
  • Water 1 glass. (200 ml)
  • Salt 2 tsp. l.
  • Butter (or margarine, or fat) 120 g
  • For filling:
  • Potatoes 900 gr
  • Onion 550 gr
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • To grease samsa:
  • Eggs 1 pc.
  • To grease the pan and dish:
  • Vegetable oil 20 g

Step by step

  1. First you need to take the butter out of the refrigerator so that it becomes soft. And you can start testing. Dissolve the salt in a glass of water, it is better if the water is a little warm so that the crystals disperse more easily.
  2. Sift the flour onto the table, make a depression in the mound and pour water into it in parts. Gradually mix the flour and liquid, for example, using a fork or just with your hands. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands, cover and let stand for 15 minutes. Then we roll it into a thin layer.
  3. Now this large layer of dough needs to be greased with a third of butter. It is better to do this directly with your palm, as if rubbing butter into the dough. Take the layer by one edge and carefully roll it into a tight roll. Then put the roll in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  4. After this time, take out the dough, roll it out again, brush with half the remaining butter and wrap it into a roll. Also put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, after which you need to roll out the dough into a layer for the third time and grease it with the remaining butter. Roll the roll, place it on a dish greased with vegetable oil (to prevent it from sticking) and put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  5. At this time, prepare the filling. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small cubes. We clean and cut the onion as well. Add salt, pepper, mix.
  6. Time has passed - we take out our roll and cut it into pieces of 5-7 cm. We put each piece with one of the cuts down (let the one that is more beautiful be on top), directly press this column into a round cake with the palm of your hand. This secret will help you get circles on the surface of the samsa.
  7. Roll out each flatbread thinly. By the way, it is better to leave 2-3 pieces on the table and put the rest of the flatbreads in the refrigerator so that the butter does not melt ahead of time. Place the filling on the rolled out flatbread and form triangles. The edges can be pinched or simply overlapped nicely.
  8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. In a glass, beat the egg with a fork. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, place the pies and brush them with egg on top.
  9. Bake the samsa for 30-35 minutes until an appetizing golden brown crust forms on the surface of the pies.
  10. Samsa is delicious in any form, but, of course, if you want to enjoy its taste to the fullest, it is better to eat the pies piping hot!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 60 min

Samsa with potatoes and minced puff pastry is an Uzbek signature pastry. These triangular pies not only look appetizing and touching, they have an indescribable taste. They are prepared very quickly and without any difficulties, thanks to the presence of ready-made (purchased) dough. This simplified version of their preparation is very convenient when guests are about to appear on the doorstep, or there is just over an hour left before relatives arrive from work.
Of course, if you have enough time, you can prepare the dough yourself, but this recipe with a photo allows you to significantly save your own time and effort, while the use of store-bought dough does not in any way affect the quality of baking. The dough puff base is flexible, rolls out well, does not stick to your hands or rolling pin, and is easy to mold. As a result, the baked goods turn out crispy and thin, and the presence of potatoes in the filling gives tenderness and an indescribable taste.

- ready-made puff pastry – 500 gr.,
- minced beef – 0.5 kg.,
- potatoes – 6 pcs.,
- onion – 2 pcs.,
- salt - to taste.,
- spices - to taste.,
- eggs – 1 pc.,
- sesame - to taste.

Additional Information

Instead of beef, you can use lamb.

Cooking time – 1 hour, yield – 12 pieces

How to cook with photos step by step

1. Let's start preparing the filling. Peel the potatoes, wash them and grate them.

2. For minced meat, we use store-bought, or grind a piece of beef and combine it with potatoes.
Advice. If the meat is a bit gnarly, you can add a little butter or fat to the filling to make it more juicy.

3. Peel the onions, cut into half rings and add to the already prepared ingredients.

4. Add salt and spices to taste, for example ground black pepper, and mix.

5. Let's start modeling. Roll out the dough, cut out thin circles. Place the filling in the center of the flatbread.

6. We pinch the edges so that we get a triangle.

7. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and place it seam side down. Brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and place in the oven.

8. Bake until golden brown at 180-200 degrees, 35 minutes. Then we pull them out, put them in a pan and cover them with a lid to keep them hot for a longer time.

9. Wonderful pastry - samsa with minced meat and potatoes is ready. Serve hot, as a separate dish or with tea.

The name samsa comes from the Persian language. This is a traditional Central Asian dish, which is very reminiscent of our traditional pie.

The classic filling is a mixture of chicken, chicken and pork, finely chopped and combined with chopped onion. When sculpting, you can give any shape, but most often they make it triangular, square or round. Among the filling options you can also find peas, potatoes, pumpkins, lentils and fat tail. The recipe for preparing the dish is more than enough. Every housewife can find exactly the one that suits her taste.

Samsa with meat, the recipe for which is common in South Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean, and the Arabian Peninsula, is now found all over the world, since every country offers a huge variety of world cuisines. The recipe for samsa dough is quite simple. Puff pastry is most often used, but finger dough is also used. To bake this dish in the classical sense, you will need a tandoor, but square and triangular pies can also be prepared using standard gas or electric ovens. Table vinegar is often used as a seasoning for this dish.

Samsa can be found on the street as a delicacy in Tajikistan, Turkestan, Uzbekistan and Kyrnystan. It is so widespread there that its popularity is in no way inferior to traditional hot dogs in American and European countries. Homemade samsa, the recipe for “creating” which is often used in roadside cafes or small eateries, where the main goal of the visitor is to have a quick and tasty snack, is also very simple. It is nourishing, unusual and bright in taste, has a unique, its own taste, which combines large onions and coarsely chopped meat, potatoes, and sometimes even cheese. Central Asian cuisine always offers a variety of samsa. A classic recipe for puff samosa with a photo can be found on the Internet without any problems, but a dish made from unleavened dough is found in restaurants.

If you want to try something unusual to cook at home, then you can use the Uzbek samsa recipe. It is the one that is closest to the classic taste and is quite simple to prepare. Uzbek samsa, recipe with photos and all the cooking secrets are not difficult to find in culinary discussions or topics. Previously, recipes were hidden, but now any dish can be prepared at home, if you have the desire and sometimes the necessary skills.

Classic samsa with meat: recipe, photo, step-by-step cooking instructions

If you are interested in samsa, the recipe can be found in various variations. The most amazing thing is that with the classic meat filling this dish is considered festive. Chopped meat gives the dish juiciness and brightness of taste. The pies are best eaten while still hot, since at this moment the juiciness of the filling is best felt and the dough remains crispy.

Recipe for samsa made from puff pastry with meat

Many housewives improvise when preparing the dish, which is not prohibited, but for the first time it is better to use the traditional recipe for samsa made from puff pastry. This is the recipe that will help you get the most pleasure from preparing and then eating a dish like samsa.

To prepare the dough for samsa, the recipe is better to use puff pastry.

take 250 g of margarine or butter;
1 chicken egg;
250 g sour cream or kaymak;
baking powder, salt;
white flour

Recipe for creating the most delicious puff pastry for samsa:

To prepare the dough for samsa, the recipe should start with the fact that the products should be taken cooled to the touch. Even butter or margarine should be solid, so you shouldn’t take it out of the refrigerator first. Actually, first you need to take a bowl of flour and grind butter or margarine directly into it on a coarse grater. Sprinkle it with flour periodically to create a rich crumb. The egg must be broken into sour cream and mixed with baking powder and salt. Next, carefully combine the previously obtained crumbs and sour cream. Add more flour and make their ingredients into a dough. Now put it in a cold place and start preparing the filling.

What is the secret of such a dish as samsa? The dough and recipe with photos will help you understand all the intricacies of cooking. For example, why do we take cold food? Butter crumbs in cold sour cream will not melt and during baking will turn the dough into puff pastry. If the products are warm, then we will end up with ordinary butter dough, which is completely unsuitable for making samsa.

Filling ingredients:

high-quality beef or lamb fat – 0.05 kg;
0.5 kg of lamb or beef meat, can be combined;
3 medium onions;
spices according to your own preferences.

Recipes for samsa at home are varied, but all involve chopping prepared (not frozen) meat. Cooking ground meat into minced meat will not work here. You will ruin the entire taste of the dish. We cut the meat into pieces, we also cut the fat, but do not add it to the meat yet. We also cut the onion hand and mix it with the meat. Next, you need to add salt, ground black pepper, cumin and other seasonings as desired.

Now it's time to take the dough out of the cold place. We cut it into small pieces and roll out fairly thin circles. Place the filling in the center (meat with onions and a little fat). This is how we can make pies that are optimal in terms of fat content. Next, we fold the edges of the dough: first one edge, then with the intersection of the second and last. You will get a triangle. It is necessary to pinch only the corners so as not to lose juice in the pan or baking sheet. Next, I recommend sending the samsa to a well-heated oven. The aroma of the finished dish cannot be confused with anything else! Puff samsa, recipe and cooking process - all this and much more can be found on culinary sites.

Puff pastry for samsa, the recipe for making it is best used in such variations, but in fact, you can find better options for frying in a frying pan. You can immediately try several dough variations to find the optimal recipe for yourself and your family.

Even if you come across a recipe for samsa with minced meat, culinary experts do not advise you to waste your time on it. Chopped meat has a completely different taste, and this dish will be more like classic belyash.

Samsa with chicken recipe

Samsa is a kind of pies made from meat and puff pastry. In the classical sense, meat should be used beef and lamb, but for lovers of lean chicken meat there is also a good recipe. Although it is best to use chicken thigh, since they are the fattest and have their own specific taste.

120 g quality butter;
salt, premium flour, dry yeast;
1 cup very cold water.

Filling ingredients:

chicken thigh;
ground black pepper salt, cumin.

Recipe for samsa with chicken:

In order for the samsa recipe to be successful, you should not use chicken fillet. You risk getting a bland and dry dish, which is not at all associated with the classic understanding of samsa. Accordingly, it would be better to use the breast in other recipes. For example, it will make excellent cutlets or meatballs. Samsa is made from chicken thigh. First you need to separate the skin. The meat and fat will remain. Finely chop the meat. Onions must be taken in proportion to the meat: 1x1. Chop the onion finely enough, add salt and mash with your hands. Add pepper and cumin to the meat.

For the dough, add flour to cold butter, grated into a bowl, to obtain crumbs as a result. Add salt, yeast and cold water to the resulting mixture (it can be cooled with ice beforehand). Knead the dough to medium density and place in the refrigerator. It will spend 30 minutes there.

Next, take out the dough, knead it and make a sausage out of it. Cut into pieces and roll out into circles. Before preparing samsa, when the dough is already rolled out, combine the onion and meat. Place the filling in the center of the circle and wrap it as conveniently as possible. You can give it a triangular, round or square shape. It is important to seal the dough well so as not to lose the juice during cooking. For beauty, you can brush the top with a loose chicken egg and put the samsa in the oven. After half an hour or 40 minutes, you will notice that the dough becomes flaky. If you need samsa, dough, a recipe with a photo, then all this can be easily found. You will get crispy pies with an amazing delicate taste. Samsa with chicken will become your favorite dish!

Samsa with potatoes: recipe

Samsa is a varied dish, so you shouldn’t think that only meat makes this pie taste amazing. In many Asian countries, samsa with potatoes and puff pastry is common. How to prepare such a delicacy for your family? Classic samsa, recipe video will help you achieve the desired result without any problems.

take 1 glass of water,
a little salt
3 cups premium flour;

For the filling you will need:

6 medium potatoes
1 chicken egg,
4 onions,

If you are interested in a dish like samsa, a recipe with a photo will help you do everything correctly and learn how to cook it with a variety of fillings. First, let's prepare the dough. The water must be salted and mixed with flour. Knead the dough and place it in the shape of a ball in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Afterwards, take out the dough and roll it out thinly. The surface is greased and rolled up. Repeat the procedure of rolling, spreading and rolling 3 times. The last time, cut the roll into 5 cm pieces and roll into circles. We will place the filling in the center, but first we need to prepare it.

Peel the potatoes and chop them finely, do the same with the onions. Mix, add salt and pepper. Next you can start sculpting. You can use different shapes to prepare samsa according to your own desire. Next, bake for half an hour in the oven at 200 degrees. The golden brown crust and aroma will not allow you to remain indifferent.

Samsa with cheese: recipe

A stunning dish, juicy and tasty, like samosa, it requires specific skills to prepare, but with the right recipe everything becomes much easier. You can use a variety of recipes for making puff pastry, but in the modern world there is always a supermarket nearby with ready-made puff pastry. This will save time and effort, and will not affect the taste at all.

Samsa is an amazing Asian pastry. Most often it is made triangular, but you can come up with the shape as you wish. Some people like it exclusively with meat, but many prefer to make it with cheese and herbs.

Filling ingredients:

1-2 cloves of garlic,
suluguni cheese 200 g,
greens and flour.

Buy as much puff pastry as you want to end up with. You can choose puff pastry at your discretion. Now you can buy very tasty yeast puff pastry in stores. Let's start with the filling. The cheese must be grated, mixed with crushed or grated garlic, egg and chopped herbs. If you wish, you can exclude greens from the list, but it turns out much tastier.

Roll out the dough and form into circles. If you bought the dough in layers, then it is better to shape it into a square or triangle (much easier and more beautiful). Place the filling in the center of the prepared dough and mold it into the shape you chose for the samsa. The finished pies need to be greased with egg and you can even sprinkle sesame on top for beauty. Place in the oven until a beautiful golden crust forms. Best served hot!

Samsa with mushrooms

When real mushrooms appear in the spring, you want to create a real miracle for your family. Samsa with mushrooms is perfect for a small family holiday dinner. Traditionally, mushrooms are still mixed with minced meat, but you can also simply use a filling of mushrooms, onions and herbs. It turns out very tasty, and samsa is made quite quickly and simply.

1 kg of premium flour,
2 glasses of water,
yeast 30 g,
salt to taste;

for the filling take:

mushrooms 1 kg,
250 g lamb or beef, or a mixture,
2-3 onions,
cilantro and other greens,

You need to start by processing the mushrooms. It all depends on their type, but traditionally they are washed, peeled, boiled for 2-3 minutes, crushed and then mixed with minced meat. To prepare minced meat, it is recommended not to pass the meat through a meat grinder, but to finely chop it by hand. This will preserve the juice. The onion must be cut into half rings, combined with salt, cilantro and herbs, pepper and added to the meat and mushrooms.

Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients, divide into pieces and roll out into circles. Place the filling in the center and shape the dough into triangular pies. You can choose any shape you prefer. In the classic recipe, the finished product is sent to the tyndra for baking, but you can also use a regular oven. Baking samsa with mushrooms will take 20 to 30 minutes.

Real wild mushrooms are ideal for this recipe, but regular champignons can also be used. In the classic version, you can use morels, rows and other mushrooms. If desired, you can also fry the mushrooms after boiling. This will give a special taste to the finished product. Don’t waste time preparing samsa, it’s so tasty and nutritious!

Samsa is an amazing pastry with a variety of fillings. You can make pies with cabbage, potatoes, meat, mushrooms, pumpkin and other fillings. The basic rule is a lot of onions and puff pastry. You will not be able to forget the taste of the delicate finished product. On our streets you can not often find samsa in kiosks or fast food pavilions, although it is very high in calories and perfectly satisfies hunger.

If you decide to prepare this unusual, simple and tasty dish, then you should follow a few rules. Be sure to use puff pastry, choose a suitable recipe or use a ready-made one, start preparing samsa with meat filling, and then continue experimenting, because it is considered a festive, traditional filling. Be sure to take the time to chop the meat and not put it through a meat grinder into minced meat. That’s when your samsa will be the most juicy, tasty and aromatic. Good luck making this amazing dish!

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