Home desserts Fermented milk product from camel milk. Camel milk. Application in cosmetology

Fermented milk product from camel milk. Camel milk. Application in cosmetology

Modern research in the field of healthy nutrition has demonstrated how beneficial camel milk is. In North Africa, Asia, as well as the Middle East, it is considered a source of health. Although to an unprepared person who has seen live camels only in the zoo, it may seem completely unappetizing. From a medical point of view, such a product deserves close attention.

It is useful for those suffering from diabetes, allergies, digestive disorders, and is also recommended for people who are lactose intolerant. At the same time, for the latter group of people, it will become a wonderful alternative to cow's milk.

In any case, you will immediately notice, knocking over a glass of this drink, a surge of energy and an improvement in mood. So, in this article, we will find out what camel milk is called, what benefits it brings, and also find out where it can be purchased.

Camel milk flavor

Warm and fresh milk has a slightly salty taste and strong smell, it is white opaque. You can also catch hints of vanilla and a little sweetness. Although many, having arrived in Egypt, did not dare to try camel milk. It should be noted that the taste of the drink largely depends on the diet of the animal, as well as on the amount of liquid he has drunk.

When people try it for the first time, the interesting thing is that not everyone can digest it, therefore, there is a possibility of diarrhea. This is quite normal, since at this moment there is a complete cleansing of the digestive tract. After the body gets used to this product, the side effects will also disappear.

Nutritional Profile

The drink tastes slightly salty, contains much more vitamin C and iron in comparison with cow's milk we are used to. It has much less cholesterol and fat, it is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and protein. The use of camel milk is to nourish the body with vitamins A and B, potassium and calcium, copper and iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

It is easy to digest and is considered a natural probiotic as it supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Another interesting point is the presence of lactoferrin (a natural antibiotic that is also found in goat's milk). Thanks to him, the freshness of the product is preserved.


People who drink camel milk drink on a regular basis get a lot of nutrients. In the southern part of our country, Russia, it is used for other lung diseases; in India, anemia, jaundice and dropsy are also added to the list of indications.


This product contains a protein close at the molecular level to insulin. This is very important for those who suffer from diabetes. A study in India confirmed that treatment with camel milk for type 1 diabetes can reduce the amount of insulin required to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. For a long-term effect, doctors recommend consuming 500 ml of camel milk per day.

Skin diseases

Camel milk for the face is useful for the presence of biologically active proteins in it. When used externally, this product moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, eliminates irritation and flaking, makes it elastic, eliminates itching, fights acne, and also treats psoriasis and eczema.

The Bedouin drink contains lanolin and elastin - these are substances that are endowed with anti-aging power. Therefore, camel milk can be increasingly found among the ingredients of various products intended for facial skin care.


Immunoglobulins or antibodies that are present in milk easily penetrate into cells, while destroying antigens.

It is possible to treat autoimmune diseases with camel milk, including Crohn's disease or multiple sclerosis.


As it turned out, there are much fewer tuberculosis patients among the fans of this product. Doctors believe that if you consume camel milk every day, then the risk of infection is reduced, even if various factors contribute to the development of this disease.


Camel milk also has such an important useful property as a beneficial effect on the liver. This product reduces the inflammation of this organ and is recommended for people with hepatitis B. Antiviral compounds contained in milk inhibit and improve the body's immunity, including in chronic disease.

food allergy

This milk is very beneficial for children who are allergic to cow's milk and various other foods. Children who could not be cured by classical methods received camel milk every year. This led to their complete recovery without side effects. Experts believe that in this case it is necessary to thank the immunoglobulins that make up this product.

Alzheimer's disease

It has been found that the consumption of this milk helps people with Alzheimer's sleep better, increases physical activity, strengthens memory. The drink fights mood swings, confused memories, speech repetition and aggressiveness.

Cancer diseases

There is evidence that camel milk can attack cancer cells. This natural drink owes its antitumor properties to lactoferrin (protein), as well as to immunoglobulins. This unique natural product inhibits growth in the colon, breast and liver.

Use in the treatment of autism

It is worth mentioning right away that they are very serious disorders of the nervous system, which are characterized by impaired social ties, frequent autoimmune diseases, mental retardation, repetitive behavior, dysbacteriosis and concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Camel milk itself plays a huge role in the appearance of the above symptoms. Camel milk helps to cope with the consequences of this stress by changing the level of all antioxidant enzymes, as well as other molecules of a similar action.

With daily consumption of this product, you can significantly improve the condition of a person who suffers from autism.

The use of milk in cooking

First, let's find out what camel milk is called. In India it is called shubat. It is used to create all kinds of desserts: cocktails, sweet pastries, custard. One of classic dishes Middle East is Muhallabia pudding (made from pistachios, almonds and camel milk).

The Bedouins process this milk into butter and cheese. The coagulation process is very complex and very different from the fermentation of cow's milk that we are used to: you need to use vegetable rennet, and therefore, such products are a huge rarity in local markets.

There is also camel kefir - it is fermented milk product, whose production technology is significantly different from the usual kefir for us. It is also worth noting that there are a huge number of coffee lovers with the addition of camel milk in the East. Camellatte and camelccino are very popular. Chocolate Al nassma from this milk is a real treat for aesthetes. It is given to guests of the most prestigious hotels on the planet.

In what form can you buy camel milk?

Due to the growing popularity of this product, various options began to appear on the market, from powders and capsules to the traditional liquid form. Almost immediately after milking the animals, the milk is frozen in freezers. Research conducted by a Dutch research institute proves that this product does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen.

Shubat (chal) - traditional drink Kazakhs, obtained from camel milk. Compared to koumiss, it has a higher fat content (up to 8%). This is a perishable product that becomes unusable within 5 days after preparation. Due to the impossibility of extending the shelf life, shubat is practically not exported for sale.

Interestingly, agaran is collected from the surface of the fermented milk drink, the so-called enzymatic cream, which is used in the process of making desserts and cocktails.

It is believed that shubat contains 3 times more vitamins C, D than cow's milk. It is useful for inflammation of the liver, diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis, psoriasis.


The traditional Kazakh drink is not easy to find in supermarkets, but you can make it yourself from camel milk. Store-bought shubat is more fermented than homemade.

Homemade fermented milk drink is thicker than, not too sour and fizzy.

To prepare shubat, you will need the following ingredients: raw camel milk (500 ml), skimmed milk powder (8 g), sourdough. All components must be fresh with the current expiration date.

Cooking principle: ¼ part of camel milk is mixed with powdered milk, stirred vigorously. The main condition of this stage is the absence of lumps in the mixture. Then add the starter and the rest of the milk. The container is covered with a towel, left for 24 hours in a warm place. Every 3.5 hours, the mass is gently mixed.

Shubat does not thicken much like cow's milk, so to determine the degree of its readiness, you need to pay attention to the structure. When a thin layer of transparent liquid forms at the bottom of the container, you can proceed to the next step. It consists in straining the shubat through a sieve. After that, the drink is tightly closed, vigorously shaken and cooled.

Homemade shubat is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. After the expiration date, the drink should not be consumed. Otherwise, you can cause indigestion. Fresh grains of shubat are recommended to be used in the future to obtain a new batch of the drink.

When warm, shubat can have a laxative effect on people who are not used to drinking this cocktail. To exclude the possibility of indigestion, the drink is cooled.

nutritional value

Shubat is a homogeneous milky-white foaming liquid. The drink is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from chronic hepatitis, gastritis, skin diseases, diabetes.

The most useful is shubat with a two-day exposure period.

A characteristic feature of a fermented milk drink is a specific refreshing aftertaste, aroma sour milk. When it enters the body, it enhances the excretory function of the stomach, which helps to improve the absorption,. In addition, with regular use of 200 ml of the drink per day, the action of toxins decreases, and the body's resistance increases.

Shubat is fatter (5.7g vs. 1.3g), contains much more protein (4.14g vs. 1.94g), has higher energy value(88 kcal vs. 43 g). At the same time, the carbohydrate content in them is approximately the same and equals 5.06 and 4.97 g, respectively.

The chemical composition of koumiss and shubat
Name The content of nutrients in 100 g of the product, mg
9,4 7,7
0,03 0,08
0,02 0,06
0,03 0,04
0,035 0,02
77,0 180,0
94,0 121,0
34,0 70,0
0,21 0,4
0,1 0,1
0,001 0,005

The nutritional value and healing power of shubat is due to the presence of easily digestible proteins (albumins), antibiotics, vitamins, minerals, ethyl alcohol, which produce sourdough microorganisms, as well as the specific composition of fat, balance. This is a valuable product that has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

In addition to useful unsaturated fatty acids, shubat and koumiss are rich in essential amino acids:

  • leucine (568 mg vs 157 mg);
  • (409 mg vs 166 mg);
  • (351 mg vs 95 mg);
  • (310 mg vs 76 mg);
  • (191 mg vs 93 mg);
  • (172 mg vs 148 mg);
  • (163 mg vs 41 mg);
  • (62 mg vs. 29 mg), respectively.

Thus, both products contain a set of nutritional components necessary to maintain the vital activity of the body, which is why it is recommended to include them in the daily diet. At the same time, in terms of the quantitative composition of essential amino acids, macro- and microelements, shubat exceeds koumiss by 1.5-5 times.

Why use

Shubat is a fermented milk drink with a fat content of 8%. According to the aging time, three-day (strong), two-day (medium-strength) and one-day (young) chal are distinguished. For the production of shubat, only fresh camel milk is used, which leads to a high cost of the product (750 tenge). It is mixed with sourdough in a wooden tub or leather bag (torsyk), closed or tied, leaving for one day to sour. After that, chal is not shaken, unlike koumiss, but is well mixed immediately before serving.

Shubat beneficial features:

  1. Saturates the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements.

In terms of nutrients, camel milk exceeds cow's milk by 2 times. At the same time, it has less calories.

  1. Promotes relaxation. Shubat contains gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. This biogenic substance is responsible for reducing the number of neurons, due to which relaxation is achieved, anxiety is reduced, and the quality of sleep improves.

GABA, which is part of camel milk, is much more effective in activating GABA receptors than cow or goat milk, which facilitates its absorption in the body.

  1. It supplies unique proteins (up to 200 types) that have antioxidant, hypotensive, antithrombotic, antimicrobial properties.
  2. Normalizes sugar levels while meeting the body's need for a daily dose of insulin, which is especially important for patients with type 1 diabetes.
  3. Serves as a safe substitute for sour-milk camel drink for people with individual intolerance to regular cow's milk.
  4. Cures severe food allergies. Shubat exhibits anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic properties.

Shubat does not contain casein and beta-lactoglobulin - proteins that cause allergic reactions. In addition, a fermented milk drink can be consumed by people with intolerance. According to studies, it has been established that in 85% it does not cause a negative reaction of the body.

According to clinical experiments, it has been established that people with extreme food allergies who experience asthma symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes after consuming a forbidden product at the same time as shubat tolerated the consequences of diet disruption more easily. Usually, adverse reactions decreased within 24 hours and completely disappeared after 4 days.

Interestingly, when following a two-week diet on a fermented milk drink, the condition of patients suffering from food allergies improved markedly, which made it possible to introduce foods that had not previously been digested into the diet after a 14-day course.

  1. Stimulates the immune system. Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, immunoglobulin found in shubat have antibacterial properties, increase the body's barrier functions.

Protective enzymes act against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella. Shubat contains antibodies that help the body fight rotavirus.

  1. Treatment of autoimmune diseases. Camel milk contains potent cell-permeating immunoglobulins that improve the functioning of the immune system. As a result, the intensity of the attack of one's own cells decreases. The immune system focuses its forces on the suppression of harmful antigens.
  2. Maintaining the heart. Shubat is a source of (oleic acid), A2 beta-casein, which differs from A1 casein contained in cow's milk in that it does not have a negative reaction on the human body. During digestion, the latter, in turn, breaks down into beta-casomorphin-7. The resulting opioid-like peptide causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses the immune system, and contributes to the development of type 1 diabetes.

In studying ways to mitigate steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, and lipid peroxidation, researchers concluded that eating shubat for 8 weeks reduced liver fat and reduced oxidative stress-causing compounds. In addition, the content of antioxidants glutathione and catalase increases, and the level of “good” HDL cholesterol decreases.

Strengthens bone tissue, reduces the risk of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults, improves the activity of the intestines, liver, pancreas.

Shubat is recommended for people with tuberculosis, food allergies, psoriasis, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, bone tissue. The drink serves as an excellent prevention of anemia, gastritis, decreased immunity, and exhaustion of the body.

Harm of shubat

The traditional Kazakh cocktail is contraindicated in obesity, people with sensitive intestinal microflora and individual intolerance to the product. Otherwise, you can put on weight, exacerbate existing digestive problems, “deserve” diarrhea, provoke an allergy attack.

Application in cosmetology

The anti-aging properties of camel milk-based products are known to women in the Middle East firsthand. They used the product to protect the delicate skin of the face from chapping in the desert and exposure to bright sunlight.

Shubat and camel milk (as part of masks) have moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating effects on the dermis. These are natural sources of carotene, ascorbic acid, immunoglobulin, antibiotics that can smooth wrinkles, fight dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, and brighten the skin of the face.

Beauty recipe - Cleopatra mask


  • White clay;
  • rose oil;
  • camel milk or shubat.

To prepare a rejuvenating mask, all components are mixed in equal amounts, applied to clean face skin for 5 minutes, washed off with warm, then cold water.

The tool is suitable for the care of a fading, mature dermis.


Shubat is a traditional fermented milk drink in Kazakhstan. It is made from camel milk. The benefits of the drink depend on the individual characteristics of the animal, feeding conditions and breed. By chemical composition cow and camel milk are similar. However, in hot climates, camels' milk yield is much higher than that of cows, which leads to the wide popularity of the animal in the Middle East.

Shubat is used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology to improve health, cooking and inhibition of skin aging, respectively. Sour-milk drink perfectly quenches thirst, relieves diabetes, relieves symptoms of poisoning, treats stomach ulcers, asthma, anemia, gastritis, beriberi, tuberculosis. In addition, it restores the functioning of the pancreas, intestinal motility, increases the body's resistance, and stabilizes the state of the nervous system.

Interestingly, for the Kazakhs, shubat is a natural aphrodisiac and an elixir of youth.

In 1 liter of the drink, the body's daily need for riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid is concentrated. In addition, the composition of chal contains much less casein, which makes it difficult to digest dairy products, relative to other fermented milk products.

In order to avoid disruption of the digestive system, it is not recommended to drink warm shubat drink, especially for people with sensitive intestinal microflora.

Shubat (or in Turkmen "chal") is light alcoholic lactic acid drink made from sour milk of camels. It has become a traditional drink of the Kazakhs, nomadic cattle breeders who drink it in the summer.

The distribution of shubat

shubat photo

In a Kazakh family, any feast usually begins with milk drinks (shubat, koumiss and ayran), and then tea with milk, kurt, irimshik, etc., and other dishes are served.

If koumiss (from mare's milk) and ayran are made from available milk, then shubat is a rarity, since there are not so many camels in Russia. It is not easy to find even in Kazakhstan or Turkmenistan itself.

At present, the Astrakhan region is the leading camel breeding region in Russia. There is about 80% of the total camel population in the country. According to the developed and patented recipe, work is underway to establish the production of an unusual drink for Russians from camel milk.

Description of the drink

shubat has a snow-white color and a specific smell

Having tried this drink for the first time, many may refuse it, since the taste and smell are quite specific. But from this, shubat does not lose its useful properties at all.

The color of the finished shubat is snow-white, like kefir. It is much fatter and thicker than koumiss. The fat content of this drink can be up to 8%, which determines its high calorie content.

Ready-made shubat is distinguished by aging: one-day aging - young, two-day aging - medium strength, three-day aging - strong. The best drink is considered to be 2-3 days old. It has a pleasant taste and has many useful properties.

Cooking technology

camel milk with sourdough is placed in a wooden tub and left for several days, and then the resulting mixture is stirred

There is no particular difficulty in the technology of preparing this drink. Leaven is placed in a bag made of leather (torsyk) or a tub of wood, and then fresh camel milk is added. The vessel is sealed and left for a certain time to sour. Only before serving, the cooked shubat is thoroughly mixed (but not shaken like koumiss).

The peculiarity of preparation, that it is carried out in a natural environment, is a serious obstacle to the wide distribution of the drink. It is prepared within 6-8 hours and has a very limited shelf life, because it turns sour very quickly (after a day). The only possible way to extend the storage is to keep the product in conditions with a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C (that is, only in the refrigerator). For this reason, this drink is practically not exported.

The fermented cream that is skimmed off the surface of the shubat is called agaran.

Application and useful properties

shubat is good for people with asthma

Camel milk drink contains various micro and macro elements, such as copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, etc. It contains several times more vitamins C, D, B1 and B2 than cow's milk. It also contains more lactose, which provides nutrition to the nervous system and brain. Casein, which significantly complicates the absorption of dairy products, is much less compared to other fermented milk products.

1 l. shubat fully satisfies the daily requirement of the human body for vitamin C, riboflavin and thiamine. It has more protein, fat and minerals than regular kefir. For Kazakhs, it is an elixir of youth and a wonderful aphrodisiac.

The traditional Kazakh drink is useful for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, asthma and tuberculosis. It contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the pancreas, intestines, liver, has a strengthening effect on nervous system human, increases the immunity of the human body to various infectious diseases. It is recommended to be used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for beriberi, diabetes mellitus, exhaustion, anemia, psoriasis, chronic gastritis and colitis. It is a wonderful natural immunomodulator.

Shymkent scientists have patented the technology of making this drink in dry form. That is, now there is an analogue of natural shubat in the form of powder mixtures and tablet preparations. All medicinal properties in this form are fully preserved.

Kazakhs drink shubat before meals twice a day. They say that this drink prolongs life and rejuvenates the body, and even at 80 old people feel forty years old. Those who use it constantly are always energetic, calm, full of strength and desire to live and create, as it contains everything that the human body needs.

Clear presence medicinal properties in the drink shubat: camel milk, from which it is made, is valued due to its high nutritional value (which is necessary in the treatment of tuberculosis), the high content of insulin, which is indispensable in the treatment of diabetes. Among other things, camel milk practically does not coagulate in the stomach, which contributes to the complete absorption of insulin. The treatment of mild nervous disorders provides a high content of linoleic and linolenic acids in this healing drink.

Shubat (chal) is a traditional Kazakh drink made from camel milk. Compared to koumiss, it has a higher fat content (up to 8%). This is a perishable product that becomes unusable within 5 days after preparation. Due to the impossibility of extending the shelf life, shubat is practically not exported for sale.

Interestingly, agaran is collected from the surface of the fermented milk drink, the so-called enzymatic cream, which is used in the process of making desserts and cocktails.

It is believed that shubat contains 3 times more vitamins C, D than cow's milk. It is useful for inflammation of the liver, diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis, psoriasis.


The traditional Kazakh drink is not easy to find in supermarkets, but you can make it yourself from camel milk. Store-bought shubat is more fermented than homemade.

Homemade fermented milk drink is thicker than milk, not too sour and fizzy.

To prepare shubat, you will need the following ingredients: raw camel milk (500 ml), skimmed milk powder (8 g), sourdough. All components must be fresh with the current expiration date.

Cooking principle: ¼ part of camel milk is mixed with powdered milk, stirred vigorously. The main condition of this stage is the absence of lumps in the mixture. Then add the starter and the rest of the milk. The container is covered with a towel, left for 24 hours in a warm place. Every 3.5 hours, the mass is gently mixed.

Shubat does not thicken much like cow's milk, so to determine the degree of its readiness, you need to pay attention to the structure. When a thin layer of transparent liquid forms at the bottom of the container, you can proceed to the next step. It consists in straining the shubat through a sieve. After that, the drink is tightly closed, vigorously shaken and cooled.

Homemade shubat is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. After the expiration date, the drink should not be consumed. Otherwise, you can cause indigestion. Fresh grains of shubat are recommended to be used in the future to obtain a new batch of the drink.

When warm, shubat can have a laxative effect on people who are not used to drinking this cocktail. To exclude the possibility of indigestion, the drink is cooled.

nutritional value

Shubat is a homogeneous milky-white foaming liquid. The drink is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from chronic hepatitis, gastritis, skin diseases, diabetes.

The most useful is shubat with a two-day exposure period.

A characteristic feature of the fermented milk drink is a specific refreshing aftertaste, the aroma of sour milk. Upon entering the body, it enhances the excretory function of the stomach, which improves the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In addition, with regular use of 200 ml of the drink per day, the action of toxins decreases, and the body's resistance increases.

Shubat is fatter than koumiss (5.7 g versus 1.3 g), contains much more protein (4.14 g versus 1.94 g), and has a higher energy value (88 kcal versus 43 g). At the same time, the carbohydrate content in them is approximately the same and equals 5.06 and 4.97 g, respectively.

The nutritional value and healing power of shubat is due to the presence of easily digestible proteins (albumins), antibiotics, vitamins, minerals, ethyl alcohol, which are produced by sourdough microorganisms, as well as the specific composition of fat, the balance of amino acids. This is a valuable product that has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

In addition to useful unsaturated fatty acids, shubat and koumiss are rich in essential amino acids:

  • leucine (568 mg vs 157 mg);
  • lysine (409 mg vs. 166 mg);
  • valine (351 mg vs. 95 mg);
  • isoleucine (310 mg vs. 76 mg);
  • threonine (191 mg versus 93 mg);
  • phenylalanine (172 mg vs 148 mg);
  • methionine (163 mg versus 41 mg);
  • tryptophan (62 mg versus 29 mg), respectively.

Thus, both products contain a set of nutritional components necessary to maintain the vital activity of the body, which is why it is recommended to include them in the daily diet. At the same time, in terms of the quantitative composition of unsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, macro- and microelements, shubat exceeds koumiss by 1.5-5 times.

Why use

Shubat is a fermented milk drink with a fat content of 8%. According to the aging time, three-day (strong), two-day (medium-strength) and one-day (young) chal are distinguished. For the production of shubat, only fresh camel milk is used, which leads to a high cost of the product (750 tenge). It is mixed with sourdough in a wooden tub or leather bag (torsyk), closed or tied, leaving for one day to sour. After that, chal is not shaken, unlike koumiss, but is well mixed immediately before serving.

Shubat useful properties:

  1. Saturates the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements.

In terms of nutrients, camel milk exceeds cow's milk by 2 times. It is also lower in sugars, saturated fats and calories.

  1. Promotes relaxation. Shubat contains gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. This biogenic substance is responsible for reducing the number of neurons, due to which relaxation is achieved, anxiety is reduced, and the quality of sleep improves.

GABA, which is part of camel milk, is much more effective in activating GABA receptors than cow or goat milk, which facilitates its absorption in the body.

  1. It supplies unique proteins (up to 200 types) that have antioxidant, hypotensive, antithrombotic, antimicrobial properties.
  2. Normalizes sugar levels while meeting the body's need for a daily dose of insulin, which is especially important for patients with type 1 diabetes.
  3. Serves as a safe substitute for sour-milk camel drink for people with individual intolerance to regular cow's milk.
  4. Cures severe food allergies. Shubat exhibits anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic properties.

Shubat does not contain casein and beta-lactoglobulin - proteins that cause allergic reactions. In addition, fermented milk drink can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance. According to studies, it has been established that in 85% it does not cause a negative reaction of the body.

According to clinical experiments, it has been established that people with extreme food allergies who experience asthma symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes after consuming a forbidden product at the same time as shubat tolerated the consequences of diet disruption more easily. As a rule, adverse reactions decreased within 24 hours and completely disappeared after 4 days.

Interestingly, when following a two-week diet on a fermented milk drink, the condition of patients suffering from food allergies improved markedly, which made it possible to introduce foods that had not previously been digested into the diet after a 14-day course.

  1. Stimulates the immune system. Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, immunoglobulin found in shubat have antibacterial properties, increase the body's barrier functions.

Protective enzymes act against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella. Shubat contains antibodies that help the body fight rotavirus.

  1. Treatment of autoimmune diseases. Camel milk contains potent cell-permeating immunoglobulins that improve the functioning of the immune system. As a result, the intensity of the attack of one's own cells decreases. The immune system focuses its forces on the suppression of harmful antigens.
  2. Maintaining the heart. Shubat is a source of monounsaturated fats (oleic acid), A2 beta-casein, which differs from A1 casein contained in cow's milk in that it does not have a negative reaction on the human body. During digestion, the latter, in turn, breaks down into beta-casomorphin-7. The resulting opioid-like peptide causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses the immune system, and contributes to the development of type 1 diabetes.

In studying ways to mitigate steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, and lipid peroxidation, researchers concluded that eating shubat for 8 weeks reduced liver fat and reduced oxidative stress-causing compounds. In addition, the content of antioxidants glutathione and catalase increases, and the level of “good” HDL cholesterol decreases.

Strengthens bone tissue, reduces the risk of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults, improves the activity of the intestines, liver, pancreas.

Shubat is recommended for people with tuberculosis, food allergies, psoriasis, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, bone tissue. The drink serves as an excellent prevention of anemia, gastritis, decreased immunity, and exhaustion of the body.

Harm of shubat

The traditional Kazakh cocktail is contraindicated in obesity, people with sensitive intestinal microflora and individual intolerance to the product. Otherwise, you can put on weight, exacerbate existing digestive problems, “deserve” diarrhea, provoke an allergy attack.

Application in cosmetology

The anti-aging properties of camel milk-based products are known to women in the Middle East firsthand. They used the product to protect the delicate skin of the face from chapping in the desert and exposure to bright sunlight.

Shubat and camel milk (as part of masks) have moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating effects on the dermis. These are natural sources of carotene, ascorbic acid, immunoglobulin, antibiotics that can smooth wrinkles, fight dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, and brighten the skin of the face.

Beauty recipe - Cleopatra mask


  • White clay;
  • rose oil;
  • camel milk or shubat.

To prepare a rejuvenating mask, all components are mixed in equal amounts, applied to clean face skin for 5 minutes, washed off with warm, then cold water.

The tool is suitable for the care of a fading, mature dermis.


Shubat is a traditional fermented milk drink in Kazakhstan. It is made from camel milk. The benefits of the drink depend on the individual characteristics of the animal, feeding conditions and breed. The chemical composition of cow's and camel's milk is similar. However, in hot climates, camels' milk yield is much higher than that of cows, which leads to the wide popularity of the animal in the Middle East.

Shubat is used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology to improve health, cooking and inhibition of skin aging, respectively. Sour-milk drink perfectly quenches thirst, relieves diabetes, relieves symptoms of poisoning, treats stomach ulcers, asthma, anemia, gastritis, beriberi, tuberculosis. In addition, it restores the functioning of the pancreas, intestinal motility, increases the body's resistance, and stabilizes the state of the nervous system.

Interestingly, for the Kazakhs, shubat is a natural aphrodisiac and an elixir of youth.

In 1 liter of the drink, the body's daily need for riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid is concentrated. In addition, the composition of chal contains much less casein, which makes it difficult to digest dairy products, relative to other fermented milk products.

In order to avoid disruption of the digestive system, it is not recommended to drink warm shubat drink, especially for people with sensitive intestinal microflora.

Shubat is a natural fermented milk drink of Eastern peoples. The technology of its preparation is quite simple. Camel milk and a special starter are poured into a wooden tub, tightly closed and left to sour for up to three days. The longer shubat is infused, the more healing it is considered.

Why is shubat useful?

Useful properties of shubat have been known for a long time.

  1. Camel milk, from which shubat is prepared, is highly nutritious and caloric, and the lactose contained in it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  2. Shubat is a natural immunomodulatory agent. It contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins - calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc.
  3. Compared to other fermented milk drinks, shubat contains more proteins, fats and minerals.
  4. This drink is recommended for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as diabetes, chronic hepatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, psoriasis.

Although shubat has many beneficial properties, it should be used with caution if the intestinal microflora is sensitive. You should not use shubat while on a diet due to high calorie this product.

What is the use of shubat and koumiss?

In terms of useful properties, shubat resembles a no less famous oriental drink - koumiss. Real koumiss is made from mare's milk, but it can be made from goat's or cow's milk. Kumis normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of heart diseases,. It is also recommended to drink it to people suffering from tuberculosis, typhoid fever, neurasthenia, and is used to heal purulent wounds. Regular use of shubat and koumiss helps to rejuvenate the body and significantly improves well-being.

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