Home Product Ratings How much money do you need to open a restaurant. How to start a restaurant business. Restaurant promotion methods from scratch

How much money do you need to open a restaurant. How to start a restaurant business. Restaurant promotion methods from scratch

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The catering market today is fierce competition. But in this segment there is always a place for a beginner. Finding a niche is not the main problem. It is much more difficult to stay in it and succeed.

The catering industry today is characterized by high competition. According to 2GIS, the number of catering establishments in 2019 in cities with a population of over one million increased by 15% compared to last year. And even though the growth is mainly due to the addition of mini-coffee shops, coffee houses, fresh bars, pizzerias and other things, even the most “heavy” segment of restaurants added 7%. A year earlier, the growth in the number of restaurants was recorded at 3%.

On the one hand, such figures indicate the popularity of catering among entrepreneurs and the growth of the culture of eating out among Russians. But by themselves, these numbers do not promise anything. Restaurants remain leaders in the number of bankruptcies, and most establishments close in the first year of operation. Therefore, the first step in preparing a restaurant project is market research. It is not necessary to be a marketer or order an expensive market analysis. You will have enough general assessment.

Questions to be answered by marketing research:

    Who are the main market players? Where are they located? Based on this information, you should choose a suitable location for your establishment;

    What is the demand and level of competition in your segment? By answering this question, you will evaluate the success of the business idea itself and understand whether it is worth implementing it at all;

    What is the situation with competitors (menu, quality of service, interior, chips)? Visit the establishments of your potential competitors to take into account their experience, advantages and disadvantages;

    Who is your client (budget, interests, preferences, age)? This will help determine the target audience. It is important to understand the desires of your customers in order to create a popular establishment;

    What about abroad and in large cities? Almost all innovations in the catering market come to us from abroad, and from there penetrate to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. Therefore, new ideas and concepts can be peeped there.

The more practical information you collect, the easier it will be for you to navigate the market and avoid mistakes in the early stages. Market analysis, which includes an assessment of competitors, demand, and current trends, is the backbone of your business. This is where the real work on the project begins: business plan, concept and format of the establishment, menu development, restaurant design, and so on.

Market research should be the foundation upon which you build your business.

Choosing a restaurant concept

In a highly competitive environment, you need to stand out. Your task is to offer visitors something that no one else has offered. And here we are not necessarily talking about exotic menu or spectacular decorations. You can hook a client with a convenient service, advantageous offers, and additional services.

How to choose a concept? Three key questions need to be answered

    Who is the visitor of your establishment?

    Where is the restaurant located?

    What can attract your target audience?

The concept of an establishment is just as important as the food in it. It includes not only the choice of direction (pizzeria, Chinese restaurant, youth cafe, coffee house), but also such characteristics as: corporate identity, design project, institution philosophy, atmosphere, visitor portrait, chips that will distinguish your restaurant from many others.

By the way, you can entrust this stage to specialists. Today, the service of developing the concept of an institution has been developed in the restaurant business. Specialists will help you not only to develop a corporate identity and design, but also to solve organizational work on the design, repair and equipment of the restaurant. Such services will greatly simplify the preparation process, but will “eat up” a considerable chunk of your budget. On average, a turnkey restaurant service for an establishment with an area of ​​100 sq.m. will cost 400-500 thousand rubles.

We draw up a business plan for a restaurant

After you have decided on the idea and concept, you need to draw up a business plan. It will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and mistakes at the start, estimate the amount of work, determine the time and financial scope of the project. The business plan should answer the following questions:

    What items will be on the menu?

    How much money does it take to open a restaurant?

    What equipment should be purchased?

    How many employees will you need to hire?

Thus, a business plan is a kind of model of your institution, which will allow you to determine the algorithm of actions for the implementation of the project and the resources that will be required for this. You will calculate key business indicators:

    initial investment;

  • Monthly expenses;

    Net profit;

    Payback period.

When writing a business plan, one of the most common questions is how to plan for profit. Calculating expenses is a little easier. Practice helps. But the income has to be calculated in advance. And here it is important to get real amounts.

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The catering market is a specific business where it is not so easy to calculate the level of income. This figure depends on many factors. Therefore, the assessment of restaurant income is quite subjective and relies on the performance of other establishments. But for you, these amounts will be a guideline, and not a guarantee of earnings. Since profit planning is akin to guessing on coffee grounds, it is usually customary to draw up three scenarios for the development of events - negative, positive and most expected.

Profit calculations can be made based on the number of seats, average check, occupancy rate and average length of stay of a person in a restaurant, but the results can be very inaccurate. The smartest thing to do is to visit several competitors in a similar price range and count their customers on weekdays, weekends and holidays, afternoons and evenings, and then average them out. Of course, for calculations it is not necessary to be present inside the restaurant, and even around the clock. Calculations can be carried out, for example, from a car with a calculator in hand and with a multiplication table in your head. This study will help you get rid of unnecessary illusions and predict real numbers.

In the first months, you still won’t be able to earn a lot, so when planning your budget, be sure to lay down a financial cushion to cover current expenses in the initial stages. An active and competent advertising campaign will speed up the process of finding customers. Try to launch the promotion in advance in order to attract the first visitors by the time of opening.

We collect permits

Opening a restaurant is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting documents. Therefore, you need to stock up on patience, strength and money. Put in the budget 15-20 thousand rubles for the preparation of all documentation.

First you need to register a business with government agencies. The most convenient and common form for restaurants is the “LLC” form. Type of activity according to OKVED-2 classification:

    56.10 Restaurant activities and food delivery services

    56.10.1 "Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service.

All permits must be completed. It is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

    OGRN certificate;

    safety magazine;

    TIN certificate;

    certificates for finishing with the necessary requirements of SES;

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

    documents for checking instrumentation and measuring utensils;

    contracts with SES and fire service;

    conclusion of the tax inspectorate on the registration of cash registers

    an agreement with the energy saving service and the sewerage service;

    an agreement with the housing complex for garbage collection;

    agreement with the tenant and contracts with employees

    assortment list approved in SEN

    license to sell alcohol, if it is supposed to be in the establishment

Pay attention to the requirements that are specified in these documents. This information will be useful when choosing a room and organizing a workflow. It is better to immediately take into account all the requirements so that you do not have to correct inconsistencies in the future and spend money on it.

Ready-made ideas for your business

An important nuance! If the restaurant intends to include in the menu alcoholic products then a license is required. The license is issued for a period of 1 year, subject to the following requirements:

    a room larger than 50 sq.m.;

    availability of necessary communications - plumbing, electrical wiring, heating;

    distance of at least 100 meters from educational, medical and sports facilities.

According to the amendments to Federal Law No. 261-FZ of July 3, 2016, from March 31, 2017, catering establishments selling alcoholic products must obtain a license for each type of activity: for the retail sale of alcohol and the sale of alcohol when providing catering services. The total cost of the license will be 130,000 rubles. You can read more about obtaining permits for a restaurant.

Search for premises for a restaurant

Finding suitable premises for a restaurant is not so easy - the complexity is created by many requirements, norms and restrictions that apply to them. Therefore, the search must begin in advance. Try to find the premises where the catering establishment used to be located. In this case, you will save on bringing the premises in line with the standards. And you will save not only in money, but also in time. In addition, such premises are sometimes rented with a part of the equipment: exhaust, ventilation, air conditioning.

When choosing, you should pay attention to two parameters: the location and the condition of the room itself.

The place for the future restaurant is chosen taking into account the concept. For example, it is better to place a youth cafe near educational institutions, and a family cafe in a residential neighborhood. The wrong location can leave the restaurant without visitors.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Estimate the location using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. This way you will find out if there are your direct competitors nearby, whether it is possible to meet your target audience there, how convenient the transport interchange is so that the visitor can drive up to the institution.

Evaluate the premises: does it meet regulatory requirements, is there a possibility of redevelopment, is it in need of repair, are there all the necessary communications ... Also pay attention to the power of electricity, since food equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

Basic requirements for the restaurant premises:

    area around 100 sq. m.;

    availability of artificial and natural ventilation;

    the presence of sewerage;

    availability of additional rooms (storage room, bathroom, staff room).

    More detailed requirements for the premises are set out in SanPiN.

One of the most important issues at this stage is the cost of rent. A restaurant will require a considerable area, and not every entrepreneur has the opportunity to acquire a property. Rents depends on various factors: in which city or district the premises are located, pedestrian traffic, and advantageous proximity to other public institutions. On average, renting a room will cost 80-150 thousand rubles a month. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend paying immediately for six months - then by the time the second payment is made, you will already have time to unwind.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

The quality of kitchen equipment and tools determines its production capacity and even influences the taste of food. Therefore, you should make a responsible choice. Study in advance the offers on the restaurant equipment market, reviews on equipment and the experience of other entrepreneurs. You can also use the services of companies that organize the restaurant business.

The list of necessary equipment may be different, because it depends on the menu. For example, high-quality ovens are important for a pizzeria, a special rice cooker for a sushi bar, and deep fryers for a fast food establishment.

But you can highlight the main categories of equipment that will be required in every kitchen:

    oven and other equipment for heat treatment: ovens, fryers, stoves, etc.;

    refrigerators, freezers, refrigerated table and vacuum sealers for food storage. The model of refrigeration equipment must be selected depending on the layout of the kitchen and the list of stored products;

    dishwasher for process automation and dish disinfection;

    beverage preparation equipment: juicer, coffee machine;

    electrical appliances: mixers, blenders, combines;

    kitchen utensils and other small equipment (knives, food containers, coasters, containers, etc.);

    dough equipment: kneaders, spreaders, molds, etc.

Equipment costs can also vary. On average, the basic equipment of an ordinary restaurant will cost 300 thousand rubles. To reduce this list and save money, you can shorten the cycle of manufactured products and purchase ready-made semi-finished products. For example, bakery products you can buy from the bakery, and cakes from the pastry shop.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase furniture and other equipment, including a bar counter, tables and chairs, a cash register and a cashless payment terminal, and decor items. And this is about another 350 thousand rubles. This amount will increase if it is necessary to install an alarm system, air conditioning and ventilation systems.

It is very important to find qualified employees, because the reputation of your institution depends on their work. Careful selection should be applied not only to the chef, but also to the rest of the staff. Restaurant employees should create a coherent system in which each participant has clear duties and responsibilities.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The search begins with the choice of a chef. Finding a good cook is quite difficult, because qualified specialists are usually busy. Advertising on the site and just waiting for a good specialist to call you is wrong. You need to look for a chef purposefully: in other establishments, at master classes or through a restaurant recruitment agency. If you do not have experience in catering, the chef can also become a key adviser on kitchen equipment. Often the very idea of ​​opening a restaurant starts with a chef. It happens that entrepreneurs “import” this person from afar, inspired by his cooking on a trip abroad. In this case, you always need to remember about native realities: will this chef also be successful without supplies of the freshest seafood and exotic fruits and vegetables.

Just as important are the waiters. It is better to educate good employees yourself, conduct regular trainings for them, send them to master classes, form a team and motivate them for results. Lack of motivation reduces the quality of service, and this will lead to an outflow of visitors. So savings on employee salaries can lead to a significant loss in revenue.

On average, the salary of cooks is 40-50 thousand rubles. Waiters - about 20-25 thousand rubles. Please note that you will have to organize two work shifts in order not to violate labor laws. In a new and not yet promoted institution, it will be enough to hire two cooks, four waiters-cashiers, a manager and 2 dishwashers and a cleaner. With such a staff, the payroll will be about 250 thousand rubles (including social contributions).

Restaurant menu

Menu development is very milestone when the restaurant opens. The menu should correspond to the concept not only in terms of content, originality, but also in terms of price. If you position yourself as a democratic cafe, then the prices should be appropriate.

When compiling the menu, consider the following nuances:

    provide consumers with variety. Add new items to the menu or special seasonal offers. This will help keep regular customers;

    look at prices in other establishments. This is perhaps the most important factor in pricing policy. The vast majority of customers do not care about the cost of dishes. Today they use the formula “all the best - for reasonable money”.

    make a flow chart for each dish. Be sure to indicate the consumption of products per serving and its volume. These data are needed for SES and calculation of the required raw materials;

    observe the principle of full and variable use of products. This will reduce the risk of food spoilage if a particular dish is unpopular;

    be sure to consider consumer preferences. Track your order history to identify the most popular and unpopular dishes. For the most popular positions, over time, you can slightly increase the price. Unpopular dishes are best excluded or replaced with an analogue. Also remember that it is desirable to supplement the computer analysis of the demand for many dishes with a visual one - at least occasionally look at the sink to find out what is most often left on the plates.

Supply and suppliers

Before you open a restaurant, you must decide on suppliers and arrange supplies. The main requirement for suppliers is the timely delivery of high-quality and fresh products. Please note that all products must comply with the requirements of GOSTs and have quality certificates.

To calculate how many products you need to purchase, you will need a technological map and a sales forecast. Of course, you cannot derive an exact indicator, but in the process of work, determine the optimal volume of purchases yourself.

Do not rush to conclude a contract and arrange the delivery of products. To get started, carefully study the various cooking technologies, the offers of different suppliers, etc.

The list of necessary products for purchase is individual for each institution. But there are categories of suppliers with which each restaurateur cooperates:

    suppliers fresh meat;

    supplier of fresh vegetables;

    suppliers of dairy products (sour cream, cream, cheese, etc.);

    suppliers of various sauces, spices, etc.;

    tea/coffee/beverage vendors.

Of course, it's easier to work with a comprehensive set of suppliers who can supply you with all the products you need. Such suppliers offer a flexible system of discounts, guarantee fast deliveries and, in general, simplify the restaurateur's life by eliminating unnecessary paperwork. But in Russia it is not so easy to find a reliable integrated supplier. An integrated supplier is less flexible and loyal to its customers. He cannot adapt to the different requirements of all his customers, and in this he loses to small suppliers.

The main advantage of small suppliers who supply certain products is that they are ready to take into account the needs of each client and work with him individually. Usually small companies are more serious about the quality of the product and are well versed in it. And even individual vendors have more choice of products.

Which supplier to choose - complex or several small ones - is up to you. But before you make a final decision on cooperation, analyze the proposals. Make the first purchase small, order small lots from different suppliers in order to compare the quality and choose the most successful option. In the future, make purchases often, but in small batches. This will provide your establishment with fresh products and make them easier to store.

When signing a contract with suppliers, be sure to read all the conditions specified in the documents. For example, shipping costs are usually covered by the customer, that is, you. Therefore, if possible, choose those suppliers that are closer to your establishment. This will cut down on shipping costs. Also, pay attention to what guarantees the supplier provides. Discuss the liability of the parties if the terms of delivery, payment or product quality are violated. You can read more about the practice of relationships with restaurant suppliers in this article.

Restaurant ad launch

First you need to draw a portrait of your target audience. Based on this, and build an advertising campaign. After all, different audiences need different ads. For advertising to be effective, it must fully meet the needs of the audience. It is important to know the interests of your potential consumers not only in order to choose advertising methods, but also for the design of the advertising material itself: text, video, flyers, etc.

    Holding a contest (for example, a repost contest, “tag a friend”, etc.) with a drawing of certificates - 3 thousand rubles;

So, on average, the cost of an advertising campaign will amount to 73 thousand rubles. The size of the advertising budget depends on how much money you are willing to spend on it. It is better not to save on promotion, but spending more is not a guarantee of great success. You must have a marketing strategy, according to which you will determine an effective set of advertising tools and optimize your costs. Promotion should be especially active in the first months of the institution’s operation so that you immediately attract the attention of consumers.

But do not forget that the best advertising for a restaurant is word of mouth. It's free, effective, and at the same time not easy. After all, in order for your institution to be recommended, you must represent quality product and service. If the consumer appreciates the dishes and service, he will want to come back and recommend the place to his friends. In addition, regularly follow trends and new business ideas in the field of catering. The age of restaurants is not long today, any concept quickly becomes boring.

How much money does it take to open a restaurant from scratch

The table shows the approximate amount of the initial investment. Please note that the “reserve fund” has been added to the expense items. What it is? This is the amount that will serve as a financial pillow for you in the first months of operation, when the restaurant will operate at a loss. After all, in any case, you will have to pay wages to your employees and cover other expenses for uninterrupted work (utilities, food purchases, etc.).

Calculation of initial investments

Thus, about 2 million rubles will be required to open a restaurant.

Restaurant income and expenses

There are no exact figures on the level of profitability of restaurants - there are too many variables. But some guidelines still exist. In most restaurants, more than 55% of the cost of revenue is made up of just three expense items:

    Products. Most often, from 25 to 35% of revenue is spent on the purchase of raw materials.

    Rent. For small cities it can be about 15%, for large cities - 20-25% of the turnover.

    Staff. Employee costs are usually in the range of 20-25%.

The rest comes from a whole range of costs, including utilities, taxes, repair and maintenance of equipment, the purchase of detergents, waste disposal, advertising, software updates and maintenance, and much more. Each of these costs individually does not carry a large financial burden, but together they can eat up the lion's share of income. The task of the entrepreneur is to prevent this.

What should be left of the proceeds? In other words, what is the normal profitability of a restaurant? Today, the usual figures are indicators of 10-20%. This means that, for example, with a restaurant's revenue of 800 thousand rubles, a “good” net profit is 160 thousand rubles, and 300 thousand rubles of revenue is normal with a turnover of 1.5 million rubles. Accordingly, indicators below 10% indicate that the institution is at risk, and more than 20% - a more stable source of income. super profitable catering business today it is difficult to name.

We analyze risks

It is easier and cheaper to prevent risks than to eliminate their consequences. Restaurants are one of the leaders in the number of bankruptcies. Therefore, be sure to think about what threats are in your business and how you can minimize them.

We list the main risks of the restaurant business and ways to neutralize them:

    bad choice of location. For a catering establishment, location is both a method of promotion, and part of the concept, and a factor of business reputation. By choosing the wrong place, you risk getting low revenue. Therefore, responsibly approach the analysis of the outlet and take into account various factors. Separately, get acquainted with the specifics of opening a restaurant in a small town and a cafe near the highway.

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. This risk can lead to increased costs, disruptions in operation and a decrease in the reputation of the establishment. To reduce the likelihood of risk, you should carefully select suppliers, include in the supply contracts all the necessary conditions that imply the liability of the supplier in case of failure to fulfill them;

    competitor reaction. The catering market is quite saturated, so the behavior of competitors can have a strong impact on your business. Some will lower prices, others will launch a profitable promotion, others will copy your idea ... There can be many options, and you are unlikely to be able to protect yourself from all competitive tricks. But in order to reduce this impact, you need to build your customer base, constantly monitor the market, offer loyalty programs to your customers, come up with unique offers and always work to improve your competitive advantages;

    staff problems(low qualification, staff turnover, theft among staff, lack of motivation of employees). This risk is dangerous because it entails a decrease in profits, an increase in costs, and even the formation of a negative image of the institution. To avoid this, you should install automation of all production processes (control of orders, products in stock, etc.), a control system, piecework payment. It is important to create comfortable, favorable working conditions for staff;

    equipment problems, production downtime. Kitchen equipment breaks down. And if this happens, you should troubleshoot promptly. There should be no production downtime in the restaurant business. To reduce the risk, you need to carry out regular maintenance. maintenance and inspection of equipment, cooperate with a process engineer who, in the event of a breakdown of equipment, can quickly solve this problem;

    product spoilage due to low demand, storage equipment failure, improper storage, planning errors. Proper planning of the volume of purchases is a very important part of the work. You can lose significant amounts simply due to the fact that you have incorrectly calculated the amount of required production. If you count too much, the food will spoil. If you buy a little, some of the items from the menu will not be available, and you may lose part of the profit. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully plan the volume of necessary products, based on the indicators of past periods, and monitor the condition of refrigeration equipment.

    decline in the institution's reputation. Since the restaurant business is very dependent on word of mouth, you must maintain a good reputation at all times. Mistakes in management, poor service and poor quality food can ruin your reputation and result in losses. To reduce the risk, establish constant product quality control and feedback from the institution's customers in order to correct errors in a timely manner.

You can read more about the pitfalls of the restaurant business

In custody

The restaurant business requires a lot of time, attention and money. To succeed in it, you need to understand the specifics of the restaurant business and all the nuances. Little things like that add up to the overall picture that the visitor sees. If everything suits him, he returns to you, recommends your establishment to friends and becomes a regular customer. It is these loyal customers that bring the main share of the restaurant's profits.

Behind the external beautiful picture of the restaurant lies a system complex processes. With proper allocation of resources and control of all production stages, you can build a profitable business.

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Profitability calculator for this business

The restaurant market is constantly replenished with those wishing to open their own restaurant. Every year, thousands of cafes across Russia open, but even more facilities close. Many underestimate this highly competitive environment and perceive restaurant opening like a bright dream, a kind of oasis into which they are mentally transferred from the daily routine.

On practice, to open a restaurant you literally need to move mountains. And it certainly will not be up to relaxation after you start it. Get ready for a very long, but at the same time insanely exciting jump into the unknown. And remember - diligence always pays off.

How to open a successful restaurant in Russia from scratch?

1. The concept of the restaurant

When opening a restaurant, it is important to have a clear concept and brand. includes the way the service is served, the assortment on the menu, and the atmosphere of the restaurant. The concept of the restaurant goes hand in hand with your brand, which forms the identity, personality and mission of your restaurant. Yours is the invisible force behind the restaurant concept, and the restaurant concept is the brand in action.

Based on the brand and concept, your establishment should exude its own special atmosphere, conveying your essence to the visitor. This makes the restaurant experience truly memorable and meaningful, making guests want to come back later. Creating a unique working concept aimed at a specific target audience is one of the most important factors in creating a restaurant.

Are you a small, light-filled café with contemporary art and a mobile point of sale? Or are you an upscale Mediterranean restaurant adorned with greenery and flowers on the walls? Or maybe you're a dimly lit bar with a killer whiskey selection and live jazz performances all the time? The energy, the right way to communicate with guests and the care from the staff also convey the essence of your restaurant.

2. Menu

Before you open a restaurant, you need to decide on the direction of the cuisine and highlight a few key dishes. Based on this, it will become clear to you what equipment you will need to buy, what staff will need to be hired, and what target audience to attract to the restaurant.

At this stage, you do not need to work out all the menus in detail, specifying each recipe. But you should have at least a general understanding of how you will treat guests. Later, in the process of opening a restaurant, you will design the menu in more detail and will add and remove certain dishes from it within the given direction.

3. Business plan

Having a detailed business plan is essential in talking to investors and getting a loan to open a restaurant from a bank. It will also help you develop your strategy and consider the feasibility of each element of the opening restaurant. Following are the main components of a restaurant business plan.

  • Description of the restaurant
  • Restaurant products and services
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing plan
  • organizational plan
  • Financial plan

4. Financing

Estimate the total costs associated with starting a restaurant and the amount needed to run the restaurant on a day-to-day basis. Then you need to plan your budget for the year so you know how much money you need to stay in business.

Compare the amounts received with the money you have and determine how much is missing. Don't forget to factor in the cost of any licenses you'll need. If necessary, apply for a loan to get the missing funding to cover your restaurant's expenses.

5. Location

When choosing a location for an opening restaurant, it is important to consider the following features:

  • visibility and accessibility. Choose a location that is easily visible from the road for both pedestrians and motorists. The place should be crowded, have high traffic and preferably parking.
  • Demography. Make sure that the target audience for which the restaurant is designed lives or works in the vicinity of the chosen place.
  • Competition. Sometimes being close to your competitors can even be advantageous, but still try to keep enough distance to guarantee a pool of loyal customers who won't be so easily poached.

6. Permits and licenses

To open new restaurant, you will need to obtain several federal, city, and municipal permits and licenses. To be calm, it is best to delegate this work to a professional legal adviser.

7. Equipment and suppliers

To ensure the smooth functioning of the restaurant, it is necessary to establish and constantly maintain relationships with suppliers of equipment and ingredients.

8. Restaurant layout

When starting a restaurant, you need to think carefully about the organization of the space, making it relevant to your concept. The main task that needs to be solved is to ensure a systematic unhindered movement from the hall to the kitchen. After the approval of the restaurant layout, you can proceed to the interior design project.

9. Staff

Your employees are one of the main wealth of your business and the real stars of the restaurant. Emphasize their talents, demonstrate skill and individuality. Make it so that the visitor who came for the first time, with his eyes in the hall, looked for the same people who he remembered from the accounts of your restaurant.

One of the main points in opening a restaurant is hiring staff to ensure its daily operation. Outline for yourself all the processes that should be delegated before hiring staff. Such processes include personnel management and control, food and beverage purchasing, food reception and storage, food preparation, guest service, waste disposal, dishwashing, marketing and sales, PR, accounting and auditing, bar work, security.

Both for work in the hall and outside the search better people with similar experience, multitasking efficiently and quickly. All employees must be stress-resistant and able to get along well with people and work in a team.

Entrepreneur's Choice- open a restaurant on your own or use the service " Full construction» from a third party. Specialized companies help organize business in the HoReCa sector. They take care of the documentation, design, selection of equipment. The process of launching a public catering enterprise requires experience and a professional approach. And any delay is an additional cost.

How to open a restaurant from scratch - a set of events

Concept development - is based on the analysis of a number of factors. The target audience is identified. The format is selected for it, the location of the object is taken into account. A concept is created, consisting of three blocks:

  1. Idea - information for the guest, forming an idea about the institution. For themed restaurants, this is a legend - a real or fictional story. The marketing image defines the niche for the enterprise.
  2. Format - choose their "place" both by price category and by the method of service.
  3. Brand - name, marketing image, logo design.

Business planning - has three goals:

  1. Evaluation of a business project - taking into account the number of seats and determining the rate of return for each of them, restaurant occupancy rates, margins, seasonal factor.
  2. Action plan for opening an enterprise - updating cash flows, comparing sales figures, budget parameters and profitability indicators.
  3. Search for funds - own investments, lending, investment.

room - when choosing, they are guided by the following conditions:

  1. Location - proximity to the center, office and shopping complexes, metro stations, passable streets and crowded places.
  2. Type - residential / non-residential, free appointment / for public catering, shopping center / detached.
  3. Floors - basement / basement, first / high-rise building.
  4. Condition and area - repair / redevelopment is required, the presence of communication networks, the number of entrances, the height of the ceilings.
  5. Power - increase if necessary.
  6. Price/legal conditions - terms of lease and price per square meter per year, the possibility of prolongation of the contract.

Engineering and design - includes a full package of drawings: architectural solution, engineering networks, electricity, layout of premises. 3D visualization makes it possible to see all the nuances, evaluate the created idea indoors, and not on paper. Develop the zoning of the hall and kitchen, taking into account the ergonomics of space. A technological project is a plan for arranging furniture and appliances. It indicates the sequence of production processes, the flow of lines, the patency of the hall.

Restaurant equipment - supply of equipment, utensils, inventory and furniture takes several months. The bar counter is made to order, which requires additional time. Therefore, applications for a complete set are placed at the stage of writing a project.

Obtaining documentation for putting the facility into operation - the list is adjusted by regional legislation.

  1. Registration of a legal entity - a certificate, the charter of the enterprise, TIN, a certificate from the statistics committee, certificates of registration with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, opening a current account.
  2. Premises - a legal document (rent / ownership), BTI approvals, permission for public catering.
  3. Cash register - passport, registration card, cash book with the stamp of the Tax Inspectorate.
  4. Licenses - for trade in food, alcohol and tobacco products.

Menu - unusual recipes sure to interest customers. You can make a corporate presentation classic dishes and they will be remembered by the guests. A smart move is the organization of a master class for staff, where they will be trained to work with professional equipment. The range is developed in several stages.

  1. Pre-Assortment
  2. Tasting study, quality assessment
  3. Statement
  4. Technological study with photoset
  5. Creation technological maps, costing cards, pricing
  6. Formation of a PAR-list (purchase) and selection of suppliers
  7. Menu design
  8. Entering flow charts into the automation system to create dishes that are not included in the menu.
  1. Outdoor advertising (in transport, pavement signs, signs, signboards) - is placed in places where potential customers gather. Represents a specific route that will lead the guest to the restaurant.
  2. Internet advertising. The modern client is a network user. In the virtual space, the guest will read the reviews, the description of the institution. A well-designed website will also attract attention.
  3. Media and PR - radio advertising helps to inform about entertainment programs and promotions. News feeds in the print media shape the image of the cafe.
  4. Printed (POS) materials - little things that inform and remind you of your restaurant: business cards, logo pens, flyers and booklets.
  5. Event marketing - internal events and loyalty programs.

How much does it cost to open a restaurant

Without exception, all start-up entrepreneurs are wondering about the cost of organizing a business in the HoReCa sector. The restaurant is characterized by a wide range of dishes and drinks, a high level of service. It is important to correspond to the status, because the contingent of the institution is determined.

In the metropolis, the amount of financial investments is approximately thirty million rubles. Each case is individual, has its price. It is determined by rent, the need for repair and redevelopment, the work of designers and designers, the production cycle of the enterprise, and equipment. On average, a square meter of usable area costs $ 1000-1500. Consider a list of expenses. As an example, let's take a restaurant with an area of ​​250 m² for 80 seats.

Expert business support (consulting)

  • The concept of the restaurant - 25-35 thousand rubles.
  • Business planning - 55-65 thousand rubles.
  • Assortment of dishes - from 500 rubles. for one position
  • Premises selection
  • Selection and training of personnel - 10-20 thousand rubles.


  • Rent per year - 2.5 to 25 million rubles.
  • Full design - 162,500 rubles.
  • Full design - 262,500 rubles.
  • Finishing - 375 thousand to 3 million 750 thousand rubles.

Restaurant equipment - RUB 3,407,234

  • Equipment (thermal, refrigeration, electromechanical, neutral) -1,563,540 rubles.
  • Crockery (kitchenware) - 88,780 rubles.
  • Crockery (tableware, including knives and glasses) - 323,210 rubles.
  • Inventory - 42,263 rubles.
  • Serving items - 178,503 rubles.
  • Uniform of cooks - 13 180 rubles.
  • Furniture - 1,001,740 rubles.
  • Automation - depends on the selected program "1C: Restaurant", R-Keeper, Iiko - 30 to 120 thousand rubles.

Brand promotion

  • Corporate identity - logo, business cards, menus and other printed materials - 30,000 rubles.
  • Production of a sign - the price depends on the chosen design - roof installation, light box, LED sign, pylons, steles, etc.
  • Advertising - outdoor, interior, print, media, BTL

Staff - should initially work on the project. The chef himself forms the team. The choice of equipment also often falls on his shoulders. The costs associated with the formation of wages grow in proportion to the profitability of the institution and depend on the staffing table.

  • Chef - 50,000 rubles, with a name - from 10 thousand dollars.
  • Director - 100,000 rubles.
  • Manager - 50,000 rubles.
  • Sous chef - 25,000 rubles
  • Cook - 18,000 rubles
  • Kitchen workers - 10,000 rubles.
  • Waiters, bartenders - 12,000 rubles.

There is no specific template to open a restaurant. In each case, an individual approach is needed. Starting a business from scratch implies the presence of additional cost items associated with obtaining permits and preparing the premises. However, this time-consuming process in all respects can be eliminated. Use the service of a third-party organization to launch a turnkey restaurant.

How to make money in a restaurant, bar, cafe

seasonal factor

The peak of work of the institution in the tourist center falls on April-September. European cuisine restaurants, sushi bars and pizzerias win. You can get revenue during the season, subject to the basic rules.

  • Menu - replace the standard card with offers with a small number of items within the concept. The function of promoting the “necessary” dishes is assigned to the waiters. The main thing is that the recommendations are not intrusive. Focus on food that is low cost, easy to prepare and quick to serve. As a result, the work of the kitchen is simplified, customer service is accelerated. In addition, a compact menu helps to manage inventory levels, minimize costs, and eliminate the appearance of a stop list.
  • Bar card - turnover growth determines the speed of sales, so it is better to replace complex cocktails, leaving a couple of bestsellers for regular customers.

It is necessary to serve tourists in 5-7 minutes. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing customers, so the day of the traveler does not have free time.

Marketing to Locals

According to statistics, the lion's share of the establishment's regular customers live in close proximity to it. Therefore, the work strategy is focused on a specific area. It makes no sense to talk about your cafe to people who, if they come to you, are only out of curiosity. As a result, they will give preference to a bar near the house. Profit is formed on regular customers. Therefore, your task is to create an incentive to return. Loyalty cards still work. A good move is the organization of themed evenings: literary, musical, gaming, corresponding to the idea of ​​the institution. As a rule, owners of coffee houses, restaurants of Italian or Mediterranean cuisine resort to such marketing chips.

Storming costs

Any restaurant can suffer a disaster. There are many reasons for this. We will not dwell on them. Let's see how to stay afloat and get out of a difficult situation.

Owners of beer bars, steakhouses, fish restaurants, where the average check is not affordable for everyone, sometimes face a drop in demand. The main thing is not to panic, work systematically. To begin with, fixed costs are analyzed. You can ask the landlord to revise the contract for a while. If you resort to this practice once a year, unstable financial moments are excluded.

Reduce the cost of products by splitting suppliers. This minimizes the shortage of goods in the kitchen, will allow you to form a pricing policy. World practice shows the effectiveness of a small, managed menu with the inclusion of seasonal products to control costs.

For example, if you are the owner of a FISH house, update the menu based on the catch of a particular fish. while maintaining top positions. This also applies to bakeries where fruit and berry pastries are present. In summer and autumn, filling products are much cheaper, which helps to save money, create a material reserve in case of a low season.

A satisfied and regular customer is the result of the correct work of the restaurateur and his team. Follow the established rules, resort to the help of professionals, and your business will become successful, sustainable and prosperous.

Now you know how to open a restaurant. If you have any questions, write in the comments!

How to open your restaurant from scratch: required documents + selection of necessary equipment + basic methods for promotion + detailed financial calculations.

Capital investments: from 3,800,080 rubles + 655,000 rubles monthly.
Payback of a restaurant from scratch: 2-3 years.

Usually to the question how to open your own restaurant, come those who are seriously passionate about the culinary arts.

Love for your work is 50% of business success.

The rest depends on the hard work, dedication, dedication of the entrepreneur.

The restaurant business is a tough test for beginners.

The competition in it is extremely high.

Moreover, the rivals, as a rule, are "sharks" who have been doing business for a dozen years.

However, even aspiring entrepreneurs have chances to succeed.

But for this you must understand what and in what order you need to do.

The article contains basic information that will help outline a plan for making dreams come true.

Basic documents for opening your restaurant from scratch

Deciding to open an institution from scratch, you step on a thorny path.

First of all, this is due to the amount of documentation.

The list of required papers contains dozens of items, in addition, it may vary depending on the place where you decide to open an institution from scratch.

For mediation, you will have to pay a rather large amount.

But the possible losses from an incorrectly formed package of documents or fines from the inspection authorities can be much greater.

Get ready for the fact that this stage will take six months to a year and even more!

We will consider the main papers that are needed for the legal operation of the restaurant:

Marketing plan for opening a restaurant

If we consider the industry in general, the sphere is constantly developing.

And this trend will continue in the future.

It is worth adding that, according to experts, in 2017-2020 there will come a particularly “fertile” time for those who want to open an institution from scratch.

There is already a trend towards democratization of prices.

Customers are tired of paying crazy money for tiny restaurant portions.

At the same time, interest in new experiments, tastes, and combinations increases.

Customers come to these establishments to eat, no matter how trite it may sound.

Based on these forecasts, it is possible to compile a list of competitive advantages for the future restaurant, which allows the establishment to meet the needs of the public at the present time.

Competitive advantages

ServiceMiddle-class restaurants cannot simultaneously pay due attention to the quality of service and set affordable prices for services. Therefore, decent service in a restaurant is already a competitive advantage. The staff must be knowledgeable and polite, and the administration must clearly and quickly respond to problems and conflict situations.
AtmosphereRestaurants from "party" sites are gradually returning to their original function - a place where you can eat tasty and comfortably. A competitive advantage will have the institution where a cozy atmosphere is created. It is worth hiring a designer to develop the desired concept.
New dishesAn interesting assortment of dishes is another secret of success. Far from always, experiments indicate exoticism, which for a Russian person is often fraught with stomach problems. There are millions of recipes and hundreds of national cuisines in the world. So why do 80% of establishments offer the same thing?

Restaurant promotion methods from scratch

To make a name for yourself in the restaurant business, you need to think over an advertising strategy from the moment you decide to open an institution.

For each restaurant, it is individual and depends on the target audience, the theme of the institution, the region of location and other factors.

The main methods of promoting restaurants:

    This is a navigator, which at the end of the journey should lead the new client to the door to the restaurant.

    Use signs, signs, drawings on the pavement.

    This option requires considerable investment, but gives a good result.

    It is worth opening your own website, which will be able to interest customers with a photo of the design of the premises, an original menu with affordable prices, and reviews from other visitors.

    For restaurants, Instagram is great, because. beautiful decoration dishes is a great option for photo content.

    It is important not to save on creating videos!

    This technique is mainly used by hotels: they place their logo on pens, notepads, bookmarks.

    From the point of view of psychology, this cunning move affects the subconscious and makes you make a choice in favor of your restaurant at the right time.

How to choose a location to open your restaurant?

Where and how to open your restaurant will be the most profitable?

The main key to success is in a crowded place.

After all, the profit directly depends on the number of visitors.

The most advantageous will be the location near office centers, residential areas, transport interchanges.

But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that affordable prices should go hand in hand with high traffic.

Of course, opening an institution in the city center is prestigious and will immediately add "points" to the reputation.

However, few start-up entrepreneurs can afford to take such an expensive step.

If you can't afford to rent a room in the central area, don't be upset.

When an establishment is fundamentally different from competitors, and customers feel comfortable in it, people will come to the restaurant even in sleeping areas.

What does it take to open a restaurant from scratch?

1. Client area

To open good restaurant from scratch, you need to think through everything to the details.

Absolutely everything matters: from the shape of the furniture to the color of the napkins on the tables.

All these aspects must be combined with each other.

Agree, opening a restaurant of Georgian cuisine and decorating the interiors in the Japanese style is strange. And violates the feeling of comfort, coziness.

To create an interior project for an institution from scratch, contact only professional designers.

They will take into account the wishes, as well as create a 3D sketch of the future restaurant.

2. Equipment

If you boldly delegate the design of the customer zone to a specialist, then you will decide the issue of kitchen equipment yourself from scratch.

However, there will still be an experienced adviser - the chef of the future institution.

To open a restaurant from scratch, you need to purchase the following set of equipment:

Total:RUB 1,600,000
Thermal equipment ( different kinds stoves, hobs)
550 000
Electrical and mechanical equipment (meat grinders, blenders, scales, combines, etc.)
300 000
Different types of refrigerators
400 000
Kitchen furniture (racks, shelves, tables, washstands)
300 000
Small equipment (cutlery, trays, dishes)
50 000

This is just an approximate list in order to open a good restaurant from scratch.

Each of the points can be adjusted, depending on the format of the institution and the number of customers.

One rule can be deduced that is common to all: do not save on equipment!

It is the centerpiece of the kitchen. When the equipment fails, the process instantly stops, which entails large losses - financial and moral (a stain on the reputation).

To avoid this, buy equipment only from reliable, reputable suppliers.

Moreover, due to high competition, they are ready to offer various bonuses (discounts, promotions, free services).

Required personnel


This person in the restaurant controls absolutely everything and is engaged in:

  • search for personnel from scratch;
  • bookkeeping (may be delegated by specialists);
  • ideas for enterprise modernization;
  • development of an advertising strategy and much more.

In addition to global issues, he solves the current issues of the day.

Therefore, when hiring this valuable employee, you need to pay attention to experience in the field.

And it is better to visit the past place of work - everyone will definitely tell you there.


This person's work must be impeccable.

In addition to classic dishes, the chef must be able to professionally prepare food of the cuisine that your restaurant is focused on.

Also, the chef must have the makings of a leader, as work in the kitchen must be organized.


Restaurant staff play a huge role in profitability.

Waiters must have good diction, impeccable appearance and accurately navigate the restaurant menu.

Consider the salary costs of the entire restaurant team:

Staff salaryQtyAmount (rubles/month)*1
Total:13 385,000 rubles/month
Manager1 60 000
Chief cook1 50 000
sous chef1 25 000
Director1 100 000
kitchen workers3 20 000
Service staff6 15 000

How to find a supplier for a restaurant?

Opening a good restaurant from scratch is not an easy task.

One of the "stumbling blocks" for many entrepreneurs is unstable supplies.

P.S. The kitchen is constantly running out of certain products.

Their late delivery hinders the process.

In addition, the absence of a dish on the menu can disappoint visitors and reduce the rating of the establishment.

In order to avoid incidents, carefully approach the choice of a supplier.

Assess how long it has been on the market, look for reviews from owners of other establishments.

The choice of a company should be based on the quality of the goods, the absence of failures in the supply, the pricing policy of the company.

Tip: To be on the safe side, find a second supplier!

How to open your restaurant from scratch: a detailed financial plan

Suppose we want to establish a restaurant with 50 seats, with an area of ​​150–200 m 2 .

One-time investment to open a restaurant business

Item of expensesPer m2For this project
Total: RUB 3,800,080
Premises for rent 210 000
Documentation through intermediaries 300 000
Appeal to the designer to create the interior of the restaurant2000 300 000
Indoor repair3000 450 000
Furniture: armchairs, chairs, tables
350 000
Stock and equipment for the kitchen
1 600 000
Serving items and utensils
40 000
Primary purchase of food, alcohol
600 000
Staff uniform 80 000

Monthly expenses to open your own restaurant

The profitability of this business is 25-35%.

This is a fairly high figure.

If you adhere to the specified spending limit, investing in advertising and improving the quality of services, you can pay back the restaurant in 2-3 years.

You will learn about the difficulties that may arise when opening a restaurant from the video:

We have described the main points of What does it take to open a restaurant from scratch?.

You have to develop a detailed strategy for your specific case.

To do this, before the implementation of the idea, a business plan is created with calculations and analysis.

It must be written without errors.

If there are doubts about its correctness, it is worth contacting a law firm for help.

And one more piece of advice: it is almost impossible for one person to cover all the issues related to the restaurant.

Divide the area of ​​responsibility into sectors, assigning a responsible person to each.

This will relieve the psychological and physical burden on the founder of the enterprise.

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We will tell you what it takes to open your own restaurant. Find out where to start and how to proceed. What ideas will bring you the most profit? All details in the article.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Elena Zaitseva is with you - a full-time expert of the HeatherBober magazine on business and finance issues.

It always seemed to me that opening your own restaurant is a win-win business idea: all you need is a beautiful interior and tasty food. But after talking with successful restaurateurs, I realized that especially at the beginning I have to solve a lot of problems, from choosing a cuisine to organizing an advertising campaign.

If you are considering going into the restaurant business, this article is for you. I have prepared detailed instructions on the opening of his institution and collected answers to pressing questions. At the end, a bonus awaits you - tips from successful businessmen who will make your start effective.

1. Opening your own restaurant - business features

There are no reliable statistics, but, according to experts, only 3 out of 10 establishments in Russia continue to work in a year. And it is even more difficult to say how many of them remain successful in the future.

Such figures are associated with the specifics of the restaurant business. It is important to choose the right premises, invite a good chef and hire polite and helpful staff. But this is not all.

Get ready to face:

  • with high competition;
  • with increased client requests;
  • with regular inspections of fire, sanitary-epidemiological and other services;
  • with the need to search for and subsequent control of suppliers, etc.

These factors are typical for any type of establishment, be it a fish restaurant, a children's cafe or a pastry shop.

There are 2 ways to start a restaurant business - create an institution from scratch on your own or buy a franchise. Experts believe that the risks in the first case are greater.

A franchise is a paid right to work under the brand name of a well-known company. By buying it, you use not only the famous name, but also the same technologies and standards.

Alex Yanovsky, co-founder of restaurants Japanese cuisine sure - franchising is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

2. Ideas for a restaurant

Choosing the cuisine that you will offer to visitors is a key step. The menu of your establishment, customer segmentation and return on investment depend on it.

Restaurant national cuisine, a pizzeria with a delivery service or a small family-owned ice cream parlor - these options are almost classics. But I propose to consider 3 ideas that are now at the peak of popularity.

Sushi restaurant

I analyzed the statistics: Asian cuisine in almost all countries of the world is in 3rd place, second only to national and Italian. The popularity of sushi over the years does not fall, but grows. A vivid example of the success of such a business is the Sushi Master company.

Their first point was opened in 2013. After 12 months, there were 14 establishments, and now there are more than 125. By the end of 2018, the owners plan to expand the restaurant chain to 300 units.

The founders of the company are sure that the secret of success is in the right niche, optimal format and partnerships within the company.

Sushi Master is a multi-format brand. Among the establishments there are both classic restaurants and street outlets and food courts. This approach covers more target customers and allows you to adjust to the specifics of the location.

The company aims to expand to 30,000 restaurants by 2030. Such plans are an indicator of the success of a business.


Coffee and a fragrant croissant will transform the most sleepy morning. A hearty hot cake after work will help restore strength and mood.

Confectionery is a great business idea

The confectionery does not require a significant area, which significantly reduces rental costs. Of the staff per shift, a waiter, a salesman and a confectioner are enough.

The average check in a pastry shop is lower than in a classic restaurant. But the investment is less.

When planning a cafe-confectionery, pay special attention to the location. It is best to open in shopping malls, on the main streets or other popular places. Evaluate the presence of competitors. If there is a point with a similar assortment nearby, then it will be difficult to “kill” it.

Grill Restaurant

Meat cooked on the grill is the main element of the grill bar menu. In such establishments, the assortment plays a key role. The set of equipment necessary for work also depends on the dishes offered to visitors.

Lava grill imitates coals and is great for barbecue or roasting meat. And to cook a whole chicken, you need a skewer or roller grill.

Consider in advance the placement of equipment, taking into account the weight, size and power of the equipment. Give preference to devices made of stainless steel and with non-stick coating.

It is good to open a grill restaurant outside the city. It is optimal if the institution has a terrace with beautiful views.

3. How to open your own restaurant - where to start

Serious work precedes the opening of the doors for the first guests. The owner has hundreds of tasks - from planning a project for future activities to organizing an advertising campaign.

When you decide on the direction of the institution, the time will come for concrete actions. To make it easier for you to navigate, I have prepared step by step instructions on entering the restaurant business from scratch.

Stage 1. Development of a business plan

The business plan will show the amount of required costs, the amount of profit, the profitability and payback of the project, and other indicators.

Experts advise conducting the first analysis before launch.

Include in your document:

  1. Analysis of the market and main competitors.
  2. Your pricing policy.
  3. The cost of buying or renting a property.
  4. Product range.
  5. Cost estimate for opening and advertising campaign.
  6. Monthly costs for wages, utilities, product purchases, etc.
  7. Expected financial results - profitability, payback, break-even and others.

Are you making a business plan not only for yourself, but also for potential investors? Contact professional analysts. This approach will make the document more persuasive and attract more money.

Be sure to adjust the planned data as the case develops. This will bring the forecast closer to reality.

Stage 2. Registration of entrepreneurial activity

Register as an entrepreneur. The best option is to open an LLC. Can an individual entrepreneur be in the restaurant business? Yes, but there are limitations. For example, you cannot sell strong alcohol including wine.

Let's get ahead of ourselves - the paperwork will not end with the registration of entrepreneurial activity. Then you will need permission from the fire department, sanitary and epidemiological services, an agreement for garbage collection and disinfection, registration of a cash register, etc.

It is not necessary to spend time studying all the legal intricacies of the restaurant business. Contact a company that will prepare all the necessary paperwork for you.

Stage 3. Room selection

Finding the right space to buy or rent is essential.

The Italian restaurateur Marciano Palli believes that in the list of 5 key success factors, the place of the future establishment should occupy the first 4 positions.

The meaning is:

  • city ​​district - premises in the center are more expensive, but the traffic in them is higher;
  • infrastructure - it is better to open near a shopping mall, market or other crowded place;
  • location - a small cafe at the intersection of streets will be seen by more people than a large bar in a dead end.

Consider not only the place, but also the specifics of your kitchen. For example, place a fast food cafe near the train station, and a premium restaurant near the hotel.

For more tips on choosing a room, see the video:

Stage 4. Purchase of equipment

The set of equipment that you will need for work depends on the specifics of the kitchen. If you open a grill bar, you will have meat cooking equipment, and if you open a pastry shop, baking equipment.

Leading restaurateurs advise to consult with the future chef before purchasing equipment. He knows what he will need for cooking and will tell you which brands and models are best to choose.

Stage 5. Recruitment

Interview staff yourself - select people according to your goals and character.

Carefully select employees, the mood of customers depends on their work

The number of employees depends on the work schedule of the institution and the volume of labor duties.

For the first time in a shift, it is enough to have:

  • 1-2 waiters;
  • chef;
  • 1-2 chefs (based on 50 guests);
  • cleaning lady
  • cashier;
  • employee meeting guests (hostess);
  • administrator;
  • dishwasher.

You can combine duties. For example, the cleaning lady will wash the dishes, and the administrator will meet the guests.

Consider maintaining tax and accounting records. There are three options: keep records yourself, hire an “incoming” employee or hire an accountant.

Stage 6. Compilation of the menu

Delegate this issue to the chef. At the same time, discuss with him in advance the list of products for the purchase of which you already have an agreement with suppliers.

When your point is up and running, it's a good idea to conduct a visitor survey. So you will understand what dishes to remove and what to add.

Stage 7. Advertising and PR

Effective tools to attract guests:

  1. Bright sign.
  2. Distribution of leaflets.
  3. Banners around the city.
  4. Advertising in social networks.
  5. Information through the media.
  6. Promotions and drawings.

4. How long will it take

From the idea of ​​​​opening your own restaurant to the first guests, an average of 4-6 months pass. But the path of each institution is individual.

The timing of the implementation of the business plan depends on:

  • time spent on search, repair and design of the premises;
  • the speed of registering business activities and obtaining all required permits;
  • time spent searching for employees and suppliers.

The larger the business, the more time it will take to implement the project. small cafe will work in 3 months, and at the opening big restaurant sometimes even a year is not enough.

Anatoly, the owner of the grill bar:

I picked up a room in a week, found the chef in 2 more days. I was sure - a month or two and we will open. But then everything went terribly - the fire department did not coordinate the hood, the sanitary and epidemiological service also “deployed”.

We spent another 3 months to correct the shortcomings, but we did not receive the necessary permits. Only six months later we were able to organize the work so that we were given the necessary documents. In total, it took us almost 8 months, although we planned to meet a maximum of 3.

5. How much does it cost

There is no exact answer to the question of how much it will cost to open your own restaurant. The final amount is made up of many factors.

The amount of investment in the restaurant business is affected by:

  • the format of ownership of the premises - buying an object is much more expensive than renting it;
  • the cost of finishing - in one case, cosmetic repairs are enough, and in the other, a complete redevelopment is required;
  • price of furniture and equipment;
  • the cost of dishes and kitchen utensils;
  • expenses for formalities necessary for opening - registration of activities, fees, etc.;
  • the cost of the services of the organization that will undertake the paperwork;
  • the cost of installing a cash register, signaling, surveillance and computerization.

In total, opening a mid-level establishment will cost 3-4 million rubles, excluding further monthly costs.

6. Help in opening a restaurant - a simple solution to complex problems

While collecting information for the article, I realized that opening your own restaurant is a complex and labor-intensive process. But is it necessary to create an institution from scratch yourself?

Abroad, the opening of franchised catering establishments is widespread everywhere. Large companies such as KFC, McDonalds and SubWay provide rights to use their brand, giving tremendous development opportunities to other entrepreneurs.

I asked my friend Arkady, who works on a franchise from, to talk about the benefits of such a business.

Here are the benefits he listed:

  1. The brand is already known, no need to spend money on its promotion.
  2. The parent company supports partners both at the start and in the process of work.
  3. You don't need to invent anything. An effective working model has already been created, it just needs to be implemented correctly.
  4. The franchisor provides all advertising materials and gives advice on their use.

And most importantly, the risks of such activities are minimal - the model has been tested on hundreds of successful restaurants.

Sushi Master provides an opportunity to launch a project for entrepreneurs with different amounts of initial investment.

The table below shows the characteristics of the 4 possible formats:

Of course, no franchise can guarantee 100% success. With illiterate application, even the most successful model will be unprofitable.

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