Home Preparations for the winter Where to celebrate a corporate party with a small company. Corporate party in the bourgeois cafe on Baumanskaya. We choose a banquet hall or a restaurant for a corporate party in the center

Where to celebrate a corporate party with a small company. Corporate party in the bourgeois cafe on Baumanskaya. We choose a banquet hall or a restaurant for a corporate party in the center

McDonald's employs 1.8 million people worldwide. It is the largest firm in the world. However, few people set such records. A standard company in Russia has 30-40 employees. Organizing a corporate party for such a staff will not be a problem. The site can be found depending on your preferences. It can be a classic restaurant for a corporate party, a bar with cricket and karaoke, billiards and a swimming pool, a summer terrace for a small buffet. Find a place with our help! We have the largest base, corporate parties and any events.

How to find a restaurant for a corporate party?

Before starting your search, answer the following questions: When will the event take place? What is the holiday budget? How many people are planning to attend the celebration? By marking these parameters in the search form on our website, you will receive a list of the most suitable restaurants for a corporate party.

Photos of establishments, a detailed description and user reviews will help you make the final choice. So, you will find out whether it is possible to bring alcohol or delicacies to the banquet, whether there is parking next to the institution and other trifles. We provide only truthful information about restaurants for corporate parties. They are available to every user.

The best restaurants for a corporate party

IQ Banquet is a huge database of metropolitan establishments for every taste. With us you will find a venue for the celebration in record time. Benefits available to you:

  • absolutely free help in the selection;
  • the opportunity to receive advice by phone;
  • discounts on related services;
  • a large number of filters for choosing a banquet hall.

Stay with us! We are happy to be of service to you and take part in organizing your solemn event!

Looking for a place for a corporate party? We suggest choosing our cafe for this. A mask is an institution whose location, menu and approach to work make it the best option for any corporate events.

Corporate events with us, it is very, very profitable! The benefits of cooperation with the Mask cafe are simply obvious - payment in any way convenient for you, up to payment by barter. It is possible to receive from 5% a permanent discount on similar events with the prospect of increasing up to 25% discount on all menus in the Mask cafe.

Corporate events: we know how to celebrate them successfully

"MaSka" this is a cozy cafe where you can find:

  • Various options for premises for corporate events for any company. If you want, it will be a small house for 10-20 people, and if you have a large team, we will offer a hall for 60 people.
  • Assistance in organizing and conducting corporate holidays. We are ready to take on many issues, from menu planning to decorating the hall and thinking through the course of the event.
  • Professional hosts, live music.
  • Parking for 40 cars.

And, of course, our cozy cafe compares favorably with its location. We are located within walking distance from the metro in the city.

Here you can get close to nature without going far from the capital: a great option if you are attracted to holding a corporate party in nature.

Menu of the park cafe for corporate events

We will make sure that your corporate holiday will be remembered by the participants of the event not only for the atmosphere, competitions and other events that prevailed during it, but also from the gastronomic side. Our chefs know how to please any company.

The attention of guests who decide to hold a corporate party in the cafe "MaSka" is offered:

  • The largest selection of kebabs. We are ready to offer more than 12 types of this dish.
  • Huge selection of European and Russian national cuisine.
  • About 30 types of salads, dishes from pork, lamb, beef, fish, poultry, etc.

Many companies choose our cafe for corporate events because of the opportunity to taste the skillfully cooked whole lamb.

Corporate in the "Mask" is also inexpensive

Our cafe is suitable for companies with any budget. Small companies that are not ready to spend a lot of money on a banquet will be interested in our special offer. Using it, you can organize a banquet in the park area, spending only . This is a truly profitable offer, which will save the budget and allow you to organize an event that the team will appreciate.

Give yourself and your colleagues an unforgettable experience of a corporate holiday in the cafe "Mask".


We work in support of establishments posted on the site. Therefore, the help and advice of our experts is free for you.



Find a restaurant for a corporate party

with free online help
experts - it's Profitable and Modern!

Leave a request and we will contact you, answer all your questions, consult, tell you about the conditions for holding banquets in our restaurants, about the advantages and nuances, and help you figure out the prices!

We have traveled hundreds of venues in Moscow and the Moscow Region and will help you find the perfect banqueting hall for your corporate party!

Ordering a banquet and choosing contractors through us is safer and cheaper!

+ +

Positive, creative and in general

:) - an unforgettable holiday!

Corporate holidays may be different. Undoubtedly, the most popular now is New Year's corporate party 2020.

But in addition to them, there are also birthdays of organizations, out-of-town trips to the Team building. Also, the occasion for a corporate holiday can be March 8, February 23, birthdays of individual employees or managers, some major events within the organization, such as winning a tender or competition, and much more.

Corporate holidays are an occasion for employees to meet outside the office, relax and have fun from the heart ... Unless you are the one who organizes this event!

Then for you a corporate party is not a reason to have fun, but a sea of ​​difficulties and problems that you need to figure out in a short period of time. And the very first and most difficult problem is to find a restaurant for a corporate party suitable for your event.

This is where we can help you !

What problems and difficulties can you avoid by trusting us in the question "where to celebrate corporate 2020"?

The main problem of corporate events is that their date is rarely known in advance. Most often, the decision to hold them is made 2-3 weeks (if not a day!) Before the event. And if it is a high season (December, summer), then many sites may already be occupied. Banquet halls for corporate events for 100 people are especially in demand, they are booked very quickly.

Even in the off-season fall or spring, finding a good gym in a short period of time can be difficult. But not for us!

We have a huge database of very diverse establishments, and we can always find something for you.

The company can be very small, or vice versa huge. In any case, it is equally difficult to choose a restaurant or a banquet hall for a corporate party for 500 people or for 50, that is, for a specific number of guests, without spending a lot of time calling or visiting establishments.

The budget of such events is always strictly limited. The management allocates a specific amount that you must meet when choosing a banquet hall for a corporate party.

A simple calculation made on the basis of scanty information on the restaurant's website or given by phone managers can be erroneous. The price of a menu per person is often given as an estimate and can be further added to the rent for the hall, the cost of renting sound or lighting equipment, the cost of alcohol, and much more. We know all these subtleties and "pitfalls" and will help to take them into account and "fit" into the allocated budget.

The moral factor in choosing is one of the most difficult. After all, your choice must like most of youemployees. What should be a corporate restaurant for this?

The simplest answer is cozy, conveniently located, with delicious cuisine. It is not difficult to take into account such wishes.

There are also more "specific" wishes:

  • smoking or non-smoking room,
  • availability of specialized sound equipment (karaoke),
  • the presence of a hookah,
  • national cuisine features (oriental, mexican, japanese),
  • live music and so on.

Do you find these tasks insurmountable? We will listen to all your wishes, even the most fantastic ones, and suggest which establishments in our database meet your needs.

Organizing a corporate holiday is easy if professionals help you! We know our institutions well, we are responsible for the quality of service in them! So don't waste your time, contact us!

We will definitely help you choose a banquet hall that you personally, your employees and, of course, your management will like!


An ideal restaurant for a corporate party in the Moscow region Everyone has been to corporate parties. Some quickly disappear from memory, but others are remembered for a long time. And the choice of a cafe for a corporate party plays an important role here. It is important that there is a lot of space so that all employees and colleagues can freely accommodate and chat during the holiday. Depending on the occasion or event, the corporate restaurant is decorated in different ways. The main thing is that the entertainer should be an inventive person. If the company does not have its own dreamer, it is worth entrusting the design and script for the corporate party to professionals. After all, the more fun it is, the more emotions and memories the evening will leave. If the event is organized on a serious occasion, then the banquet hall for a corporate party should be formalized strictly and solemnly. But if the occasion is purely entertaining, then a flight of fancy is possible here: sparkles, ribbons, balloons, something bright and interesting. When a restaurant is chosen for a corporate party in the Moscow region, it is worth decorating the driveway, trees in the park and even the fence so that everything breathes fun. Against the backdrop of an elegantly designed setting or in a bright summer park, you will get beautiful photos. It will be a pleasure to show them to friends and acquaintances to confirm that the corporate banquet was perfectly organized and held at the highest level. Unlike anniversaries and serious gatherings, you can play pranks here. Often it is photos and videos from corporate parties that are the most funny and amusing. It is quite difficult to order a restaurant for a corporate party in the center of a metropolis on New Year's Eve. But in winter period outside the city is much more fun and provocative. Everything looks amazing in the snow. You can play snowballs in the park. And if there is a pond near the cafe for a corporate party, then it’s worth going skating. Serious people who are immersed in work rarely organize such an active holiday for themselves. And a work party is very handy for relaxing carefree. In summer, it is better to choose a banquet hall for a corporate party in Moscow or the Moscow region closer to the river. Then everyone will be able to get to the ship and arrange a wonderful boat trip. Fans of fishing will be happy to go fishing after the official part. And it happens that a banquet for a corporate party is organized precisely with an eye to arranging competitions for daring fishermen: who will catch the fish first, who will have more catch. Chefs will immediately prepare this fish so that it decorates the banquet hall for a corporate party and pleases everyone with its amazing taste. When compiling a menu, this item can be taken into account in advance, along with gourmet delicacies. When ordering a restaurant for a corporate party outside the city, you can inexpensively use a sauna or bath. These entertainments are the best suited for informal recreation. And since this is an entertainment event, it also cannot do without competitions and fun. If you fully rent a restaurant for a corporate party, the prices for some related services will be reduced. Or the institution will present a chic cake as a gift. Billiard lovers will appreciate the competitions in this sport, to make it more fun to watch the players, the toastmaster prepares for the corporate party original conditions and prizes for the winners. No less important than the personality of the presenter and the preparation of the script, what music will be chosen for the corporate party. Best of all, of course, when a live ensemble plays, if the budget allows, then you can invite a real celebrity who will sing her most popular hits for a friendly team. Any banquet hall for a corporate party in Moscow has its own musical equipment, lighting equipment, a stage and a dance floor. Therefore, both musicians and invited celebrities will have a place to work. And the liberated employees have a place to dance. You can order a cafe for a corporate party inexpensively if it is located outside the capital, in the Moscow region. On the expanses of a country estate, night fireworks will look especially impressive, much better than against the backdrop of houses in the city. Employees will remember such a banquet for a corporate party for a long time with a twinkle in their eyes.

Cafe "Bourgeois" holds banquets, parties and corporate holidays.

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays in Russia. The celebration of the new year begins long before the cherished night of December 31st. The first applications for holding holidays are received by cafes and restaurants in November, and in December, New Year's parties are held almost every day. All domestic companies, with rare exceptions, arrange a New Year's banquet in one form or another. Do you know how many amazing opportunities open up for those who decide to arrange a corporate holiday for colleagues and are ready to resort to the services of a cafe or a banquet hall? Cafe "Bourgeois" offers a variety of formats to the initiators of the celebration New Year's corporate party.

Our banquet hall is ready to accept up to 180 guests. You can also choose a hall 50 people.

Oh one of my favorites and traditional ways celebrations - banquet. Many cafes and restaurants in December open their doors to employees of various commercial firms. Closer to December 31, banquet halls in Moscow are open around the clock and seven days a week. How convenient is a New Year's corporate party in the restaurant hall? Firstly, predictability: if this is not the first time you have ordered holidays in a certain cafe, you can be sure that this time the chefs will not let you down.

Cafe "Bourgeois" is conveniently located five minutes walk from the Baumanskaya metro station (or seven minutes from Krasnoselskaya).

Often the heads of departments or other small teams - inveterate conservatives - prefer this type of New Year's party to any other. After all, a banquet is the confidence that everyone will be full and satisfied. And after a hearty festive dinner, you can unwind a little, play charades or just talk about what the outgoing year was remembered for.

You pleasantly please food quality. Our chef Nadezhda has been preparing festive banquets for many years and always takes into account the wishes of the guests.

However, it also happens that your favorite banquet hall is booked for many days in advance. And employees of the company instantly lose their usual entertainment. Is this a sign to try something new?

Your employees will nice remember the evening spent at the corporate party in the cafe "Bourgeois".

From now on, the New Year's corporate party in a cafe, held in the buffet format, is becoming more and more popular. The buffet table is ideal for lovers of lively, relaxed communication, and besides, the supporters of the buffet table will undoubtedly be those who, even on holidays, try to keep their figure as much as possible. Indeed, for all its sophistication, the buffet table does not differ in calorie content. A buffet table can be arranged both in cafes and restaurants, and right in the office. The buffet table suggests that you drink some wine, and as an appetizer you will find small sandwiches, tiny portions of pâté, cheese and sausage cuts.

We love to do presents to your guests. An additional dish, a bottle of champagne or a fruit bowl will please you and your guests.

When planning the New Year's menu, do not forget to take into account the wishes of all colleagues. It may turn out that one of them is fasting or suffering from a rare form of food allergy. It will be a shame if not everyone will like the buffet table prepared with such care and someone will not bring joy to a corporate holiday.

Here you can choose a host, order music, a birthday cake and decoration of the hall.

Many cafes and restaurants now offer catering services. When holding holidays in the office, you can agree new year menu with professional chefs. Catering is the delivery of dishes from restaurants and banquet halls directly to the office. If the courier is quick, then all hot dishes arrive at the customers' offices as soon as possible. Catering is becoming more and more popular as many people choose to enjoy delicious food in a familiar office or home environment, rather than going to a restaurant.

We have you profitable spend the holiday with your alcohol. Cafe "Bourgeois" does not take a "corkage fee".

Regardless of what you choose - use the catering service and order a buffet table to the office or rent a banquet hall for a more traditional celebration, or maybe you just prefer to celebrate the upcoming New Year in a narrow circle of colleagues in a cozy cafe - we recommend that you pay attention to the cafe "Bourgeois". In this establishment, you can both sit quietly with a couple of friends over a glass of your favorite wine, and noisily spend the outgoing year in a big company.

We have tasty, cozy and fun. Have a corporate holiday cafe "Bourgeois"!

Probably, everyone has ever taken part in a banquet during the New Year's corporate party, so everyone knows the strengths and weaknesses of such a holiday. Cafe "BurZhuy" offers various options for holding a banquet: delicious, varied and fine dining will cost the organizer of the New Year's corporate party only 1500 or 2500 rubles per person.

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