Home Drinks and cocktails The right way to cook potatoes in French. The best, simple culinary recipes for salads, first and second courses with photos Meat in French in an air grill with potatoes

The right way to cook potatoes in French. The best, simple culinary recipes for salads, first and second courses with photos Meat in French in an air grill with potatoes

Hello dear readers of our culinary blog: site. Today you will learn amazing and delicious french meat recipe in air fryer, which is prepared quickly, tasty and beautiful. Meat in French in the air grill can be served for a variety of holidays or just tasting with family or friends.

Airfryer French Meat - Ingredients

To cook meat in French, you will need the following ingredients:

For 4 servings:

4 portions of pork

champignon mushrooms 4-5 pieces of medium size

Bell pepper

mayonnaise 2 tablespoons

cheese 50-70 grams

salt, spices to taste.

To prepare air grilled meat french style, correctly, quickly and beautifully, you need:

We beat the meat a little, rub it with salt and ground black pepper, sprinkle lemon juice.

Mushroom mode (whoever loves it, I cut it finely), onions, fry in butter.

Cut the tomatoes into rings. Grease the meat with mayonnaise. Put a tomato, mushrooms with onions on each piece of meat, bell pepper. top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese (the more the better).

Medium grid. Speed ​​is average. temperature - 235. Time 20-25 minutes

I put all the stuffing on the meat when I place the meat in the grill itself, it’s more convenient.

Bon appetit!

That's all our meat in french in the air grill is ready for tasting and serving to your friends and acquaintances. Leave your feedback in the comments below, share the recipe with your friends on social networks. Find out.

In Russia, french fries are baked potatoes with meat and cheese, but in the USA they call french fries - these are the facts.

It's satisfying and tasty dish loved by many, it can be cooked with different types meat and in different dishes:

  1. in a multicooker;
  2. in a frying pan;
  3. in pots;
  4. in an aerogrill.

Usually it is cooked in the oven, in a deep pan. The "classic" composition includes: meat, potatoes and cheese. Everything else is up to you: you can do it with mushrooms, tomatoes, pineapples. Pork, beef, chicken and even minced meat are perfect for the dish. All ingredients are laid out in layers, and topped with hard cheese.

The result is a juicy potato with fragrant meat and vegetables under a crispy cheese crust. It is perfect for a regular dinner, and for festive table you can put.

With mushrooms and tomatoes


  • Potatoes - 800 g;
  • Pork - 700 g;
  • Hard cheese - 150-200 g;
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 200 g;
  • Onions - 2-3 heads;
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream - 150 g;
  • Garlic, herbs, salt, black pepper.


First, let's deal with meat, most often lean pork is chosen for potatoes in French. Wash the pork, dry it, cut it into small chops about 1 cm thick and lightly beat off. Then it must be rubbed with salt and ground black pepper. It is better to choose a product that is fresher so that everything cooks faster and is not tough. We leave the meat aside for now and take on the vegetables.

Wash potatoes, peel and cut into small pieces. Onions, if large, then cut into half rings, if medium in size - into rings. Wash the mushrooms, dry, cut into small plastics. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry our mushrooms.

Do not cut the mushrooms too finely - they are very strongly fried.

Keep in mind that if you want to send raw mushrooms to a dish, they will drain and give more liquid. Cut the tomatoes into slices or cubes. At about this stage, do not forget to turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up.

Place the potatoes in a separate deep bowl, add mayonnaise or sour cream to it, salt, mix. Since the first and last layer will be potatoes, it must be divided into 2 parts. Grate hard cheese on a grater (it is better to use one that stretches well, like for pizza). All products are ready, you can begin to form the dish.

On oiled vegetable oils lay out the products in layers on a baking sheet. The first layer is potatoes, spread evenly one part of the two. Place the second layer of pork on top of the potatoes. The third layer - we divide the onion into parts, distribute evenly over the meat. The fourth layer - mushrooms and tomatoes. The last layer - the remaining potatoes, we try to distribute over the entire surface so that there are no gaps. On any layer, you can add greens - onions, dill, parsley.

Aerogrill is a relatively new household kitchen appliance that uses a special technology - intensive, but uniform circulation of hot air. You can cook hundreds of various dishes, but the French-style meat in the air grill turns out to be especially tasty, it remains juicy inside, and the outside is covered with a golden crust.

Women love this device very much - when cooking, no oil is required, which makes food less high-calorie and more healthy, let's consider how to cook the famous dish.

Useful about "meat in French"

Since the dish "meat in French" was first created, its recipe has been modified more than once. Traditionally, this culinary delight is prepared from pork meat. But due to fat content and some spiritual views, not everyone eats pork. And there is nothing to worry about, the dish is so unpretentious that it turns out no less tasty from beef, chicken and even fish.

Many people like to add mushrooms to the recipe, potatoes - this is at the discretion of everyone. You can take any meat you prefer, but here we will look at the classic pork recipe.

If you decide to cook with beef, keep in mind that it is more solid and may take longer to cook. In general, it is better to marinate it in advance to get tender and soft meat.

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Meat in French in an air grill: a classic recipe

For cooking you will need

  • Pork or any other meat 0.5 kg
  • Onion 1 middle head
  • Hard cheese 50-70 g
  • Mayonnaise 50-60 g
  • Salt 1/3 tbsp or to taste
  • Black pepper 2 pinches
  • Lemon juice (optional) 10-15 ml

How to cook real meat in French

  1. Cut the meat into portions, lightly beat off on both sides, then rub with spices and sprinkle with lemon juice if desired.
  2. Prepare the air grill - spread baking paper or foil on the grate, making several holes in it.
  3. Finely chop the onion in half rings.
  4. Put the meat in the air grill, evenly distributing the pieces in the container, lightly rub it with mayonnaise, lay the onion on top. At this stage, you can add finely chopped vegetables: mushrooms, carrots, bell peppers or tomato slices. But in traditional recipe there are none, so everything here is up to you.
  5. Grate the cheese and sprinkle over the meat and onions. Some people like not to grate the cheese, but cut it into thin layers and stack it. Do as you please.
  6. Spread the rest of the mayonnaise on top of the cheese.

Close the airfryer lid, set the temperature to 200°C, cooking time 45 minutes, ventilation medium.

If cooking with beef, the time can be increased to 60-70 minutes. Chicken and fish - 30 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, the dish is ready. French-style meat in an air grill, served with a side dish, best of all it harmonizes with French fries, rice or vegetable stew. From drinks: red table wine, fruit juices, tea.

To cook meat in French with potatoes according to this recipe, no special culinary skills are needed: chop the meat, potatoes, onions, put it all in layers, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour mayonnaise (or grease with a mixture of cheese and mayonnaise) and put in the oven until formation of a ruddy crust.

Many dishes that have long become classics on the menu of our compatriots often undergo such bizarre changes that only the name remains from the original recipe. Perhaps the most striking example of this is the traditional Olivier salad, dearly loved by almost everyone. What do we have left of classic recipe? Pickled or pickled cucumbers yes boiled eggs. Yes, and those, it seems, were originally quail, not chicken. But most of all "lucky" meat in French.

This is where the folk fantasy roamed! And as a result, the whole world means under this name beef stewed in wine, but in the former USSR, under the name, a fatty, not the most useful for the figure and liver, but very tasty pork dish is hidden. There are a lot of recipe options, and MirSovetov today offers you one of the most popular. Well, to all those who do not approve of meat in French, we solemnly promise to cook something light and healthy next time.

The cooking procedure is standard and the meat always succeeds. It's extremely hard to go wrong here. Usually meat in French with potatoes “leaves” immediately, so all that remains is to wash the dishes))).

Not too much complicated recipe cooking potatoes in the oven with meat, which was called "French Potato" or "French Meat with Potatoes". To prepare the dish, you will need pork, potatoes, onions and cheese. The meat is beaten off, marinated a little, laid out on a baking sheet along with vegetables and baked in the oven under a layer of cheese. Delicious and hearty recipe cooking potatoes in the oven.

You can separately cook meat in the oven in French with mushrooms and bake potatoes also separately, and you get two delicious hot dishes. Baked meat with potatoes comes out more satisfying. I want to offer you real recipe meat with potatoes in French.

  • 1 kg. potatoes
  • 800 g pork fillet (chicken, turkey)
  • 300 g fresh or frozen mushrooms
  • 600 g onions
  • 600g. cheese
  • 250g. mayonnaise

Ideally, we take pork (beef will also work), cut it thinly, beat it well on both sides. On a greased baking sheet, cut the potatoes into thin circles (the slice itself is no more than 0.5 cm thick), the layer of potatoes depends on taste (I like cm and a half), salt and pepper (spices for potatoes will do), put the chopped meat, onion rings, salt and pepper , cover with mayonnaise (it is desirable that the mayonnaise is not thick and easily smeared), another layer of potatoes, salt and pepper, grated cheese (it is possible without it), mayonnaise. The whole thing is in the oven for at least 40 minutes, readiness is determined by a fork (it should go in easily) and aroma.

Oddly enough, the history of the French meat recipe has Russian roots. Sometimes the history of this dish is compared with the history of Olivier salad. The name of the meat in French is due to the fact that it was first cooked in Paris. And there are Russian roots due to the fact that it was prepared for Count Orlov, a favorite of Empress Catherine. It is worth noting that the recipe for meat in French has not changed much since that very first preparation. Mushrooms only disappeared from the recipe, and then the dish was prepared only from veal. Now usually meat in French in an air grill is prepared from beef or pork. But interesting fact is that in France itself there is no meat in French. Rather, it is a common tradition of Russian cuisine. In France, there is a dish where meat and carrots alternate in layers, but potatoes and cheese are missing.

The French meat recipe is found in various variations, however, the constant ingredients are meat, potatoes, cheese and mayonnaise, which are alternated in layers. Other ingredients can be added as desired. Meat in French does not require a lot of time, and the dish turns out to be hearty and high-calorie.

I have come across a lot of variations of this recipe, but I decided to make my own contribution.

You will need: pork meat

hard cheese

Let's get started. As I remember the aroma and taste, saliva flows ...

In the original, the meat is beaten, as for chops, but I had such a tender piece that I simply cut it into thin slices across the fibers.

She neatly folded the meat plates on the board, peppered, salted and gave them a Chinese massage "thousand fingers" Lightly hammering spices into the meat with your fingers.

Let him get a little crazy. In the meantime, I'm cooking mushrooms. I wash, dry and cut into thin slices.

I put the middle grate in the convection oven, under it is a pallet.

I heat the air grill at 200 degrees, 5 minutes. On the lowest grate, outside the grill, I lay out the rested meat. Then I take this grill with meat and just put it on top of the middle one in the grill. I did this so that the meat would not fall through the grate, since mine is well with very large holes.

We set the temperature to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. At the end of time, we grease our meat layers with mayonnaise. We do not regret mayonnaise. The meat will be juicier. I used a product of my own production, that's why I have it so yellow (homemade eggs).

Now for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Then we cover with mushrooms and for 15 minutes at 175 degrees. Then we cover it with cheese and already by the look determine for how long. I set it for 15 minutes again, at a temperature of 175 degrees. But I stopped earlier, as the cheese reached the condition faster. That's all. Without much fatigue, very tasty meat.

The aromas floated simply breathtaking. Bon appetit!

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