Home Preparations for the winter Semi-finished products without meat. Meat semi-finished products. Meat semi-finished product category "G"

Semi-finished products without meat. Meat semi-finished products. Meat semi-finished product category "G"

One of the most important branches of the food industry is the meat industry. Every day, our body needs fuel for its full functioning. Many cannot live without meat in its pure form and processed. But not everyone knows that there are categories meat products by which they are classified.

Let's try to figure out how to divide meat products into groups.
And in order not to poison yourself and your family and not to buy in such a division, every housewife should be guided.

How to determine the category of meat products?

Never paid attention to the fact that the same dish, when cooked repeatedly, can turn out differently.

Or you dined in a restaurant with a delicious and juicy steak that conquered your taste buds. Came home and tried to reproduce the masterpiece. At the same time, they used all the same ingredients as the chef in the restaurant, but did the result only upset you? Is your meat significantly different from the one you fell in love with? Is it dry and hard? Of course, the first time you can doubt your abilities or write it off as a bad mood and try again and again. But the desired result is not achieved? But everything is very simple. The quality of the meat plays a very important role in cooking, if not the main one.

It can be difficult for a simple housewife to understand all categories of meat products. Indeed, today there are not so few of them. But in our article we will try to consider the main features of the separation of meat and products that contain it.

So, the first thing you need to know when choosing meat or a meat product is the country of origin.

Country of origin of the product

If you live in a village or just keep livestock, then you know how to feed the animals. Only then can you be sure of the quality of the product from which you cook at home.

But if this is not possible, and you buy meat in the market or in the market, then remember the following. The main world suppliers of quality beef in the world are the USA, Australia and South America. But this criterion can only indirectly assess the quality fresh meat. The maximum that you can find out is the conditions in which livestock was raised. There is no need to talk about proper sanitary standards. To do this, please refer to the following criteria.

Remember that America is the main producer of not only beef.

cattle breed

One of the fundamental criteria when choosing fresh meat is the breed of the animal. It is this factor that determines the taste of the original product.

On farms where they regularly raise livestock for sale, they grow a special breed of animal. They provide high quality meat. These are cattle of a certain breed, which are looked after by specialists. They are responsible for ensuring that not only the food is complete, but also that the animal receives useful trace elements and vitamins.

Classification of meat by type of slaughtered animals

I. Cattle meat:

  1. By sex: meat of cows, castrated and non-castrated bulls.
  2. By age:
  • Veal - the meat of an animal that was at least 2 weeks old at slaughter, but not more than 3 months old. In turn, veal is divided into dairy and ordinary.
  • Young animals - the age of the animal is from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Beef of an adult animal. His age is at least 3 years old. Also in this category can be attributed the meat of cows - first-calf heifers.

But it is very difficult to find a high-quality semi-finished meat product of category "A", since most of the pork must be present in the classic recipe. And this automatically reduces the content of muscle mass in the product.

Meat products category "B"

Meat product category "B" - what is it? Like previous version, this group can be characterized as products of semi-finished products, but in which the content of muscle tissue is not less than 60%. It can also be minced meat, meat in dough, etc.

And if you look in more detail at the example of dumplings, then the meat product of category "B" - what is it? Yes, everything is simple. These are the same dumplings as category "A", but with less beef.

So you can safely buy and not be afraid. Since it is much easier to find them than the products of the first category. But at the same time, make sure that the filling is meat, and not meat containing. Otherwise, it's a completely different product.

What is a meat semi-finished product of category "B"?

Unlike the first two categories, this one can already be spoken of as a meat-containing product with the presence of a muscle share in the recipe from 40 to 60%.
The products of this group can also be consumed without any fear, but it is undesirable to give to children.

Meat semi-finished product category "G"

According to the recipe, products of category "G" are similar to category "C", but at the same time, the content of the proportion of muscles is much less. Namely - from 20 to 40%

Semi-finished product meat-containing category "D"

And, as you already understood, only a meat-containing product with a minimum amount of meat fibers can be attributed to the last category. And accordingly, the proportion of muscle mass will be the smallest: less than 20%. And here the question arises: "What kind of product can it be, in which there will be practically no meat, but at the same time it will be considered meat-containing?". It's just a sausage vegetable mince with meat streaks, etc. Broadly speaking, these are products that do not contain meat, but have its aroma and smell.

Basic rules to pay attention to when choosing a semi-finished product

Be sure to pay attention to the labeling of the product, which indicates its category. Of course, it is necessary to check the production time of the goods. If the place where the date should be is erased or you can’t see it well, then you should refuse such a purchase. Of course, this could just be a coincidence. But most likely this was done by the marker employees on purpose.

This is done in order to hide the real date of manufacture, since, most likely, the product was overdue. It also happens that a few more stickers are pasted over the real date. Which can also be evidence that the product is expired.

Another important factor when choosing a product is the condition of the packaging. If you see that the container is not sealed or has a non-marketable appearance, then this may indicate that the product was not stored in accordance with storage technologies. Even if the date of manufacture still allows you to buy the product, but the condition of the packaging is in doubt, then it is better to leave the product on the shelf. At the same time, look at what is written on the packaging about the storage of the semi-finished product.

In what place and at what temperature it should be, also matters. If the refrigerator is turned off, and the product must be stored at sub-zero temperatures, then, of course, the right choice should be made. It's not worth buying. In any store, according to the technology of food storage, there should be refrigerators with thermometers. So, if you haven’t found this, then you can ask the seller to bring a thermometer to measure the temperature in the refrigerator. It's your right.

Semifinished - food product, prepared for sale and intended for consumption after heat treatment.

In accordance with GOST R 52675-2006, semi-finished meat products are distinguished into categories A, B, C, D, D:

A, B - minced meat or lumpy semi-finished product (semi-finished product in the dough) with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe (in the filling recipe): for category A - 80% or more, for category B - 60 ... 80%;

B, D, D-meat (meat-containing) chopped or lumpy semi-finished product (semi-finished product in dough) with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe (in the filling recipe): for category B -40 ... 60%, category G-20 ... 40, category D - less than 20%.

Depending on the thermal state, there are chilled, sub-frozen and frozen semi-finished meat products.

Meat (meat-containing) chilled semi-finished product: meat (meat-containing) semi-finished product sold at a temperature in the thickness of the product from -1 to 6 °C.

Meat (meat-containing) frozen semi-finished product: meat (meat-containing) semi-finished product, sold at a temperature in the thickness of the product from -1 to -5 °C.

Meat (meat-containing) frozen semi-finished product: meat (meat-containing) semi-finished product sold at a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than -10 °C.

In the production of semi-finished products, raw materials of animal, vegetable and mineral origin are used; food additives and mixtures thereof. In terms of safety indicators, semi-finished products must comply with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The use of food additives (preservatives and color fixers) -E249, E260, E251, E252 - for the production of semi-finished products is not allowed.

Semi-finished products are produced from beef, lamb, pork, poultry meat.

Lump semi-finished product is a piece of meat weighing from 10 to 3000 g inclusive. By size, lumpy (natural) semi-finished products are divided into portioned, large-sized and small-sized. For their preparation, they use cooled, chilled and frozen beef and lamb of the first and second categories, pork of the second and third categories.

For the preparation of semi-finished beef products, tenderloin, the longissimus muscle (dorsal and lumbar), hip, scapular, chest parts, hem-rib part from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the longest back muscle and freed from coarse surface films, are used.

Large-sized semi-finished products are prepared from pork and lamb: tenderloin, loin (dorsal and lumbar parts from the 5th rib to the 1st sacral vertebra, without vertebrae, but with ribs no more than 80 mm long, subcutaneous fat no more than 10 mm), cervical part, hip, scapular parts, brisket (muscles with ribs, after separation of the loin, without the sternum); lamb brisket (without flank), pork (without mezhoskovy bone and flank).

Cutlet meat is pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal part, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna, trimmings and obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products. Adipose tissue should be no more than 30%, connective - no more than 5%; for lamb meat - 10% fat and no more than 10% connective tissue.

Large-sized semi-finished products are sold by weight mainly for public catering establishments, portioned - packaged for retail trade with a weight of 125 g (tenderloin weighing 250 and 500 g); small-sized - weighing 250, 500 g, as well as 1 kg (meat and bone).

Portion semi-finished products. They are made from a large-sized semi-finished product in the form of portions weighing 70 ... 1000 g.

Portion semi-finished beef products are produced in oval-oblong shape. No more than two weights are allowed per serving. Portion semi-finished products are produced from the most delicate muscle tissue, cut across the muscle fibers.

Types of produced portioned semi-finished beef products:

beefsteak natural - a piece of meat pulp from a tenderloin of irregular rounded shape, 20 ... 30 mm thick;

langet - two pieces of pulp (from tenderloin), approximately the same in size and weight, 1 ... 1.2 cm thick;

entrecote - a piece of pulp of an oval-oblong shape, 1.5-2 cm thick, with a layer of fat up to 1 cm, prepared from the longest back muscle;

rump steak- a piece of meat pulp oval-oblong or irregularly rounded or quadrangular in shape, 0.8 ... 1 cm thick, prepared from the longest muscle of the back, upper and inner pieces of the hip part, the edges are evenly cut;

zrazy natural- one or two pieces of pulp, almost equal in weight, 2-2.5 cm thick, prepared from the lateral outer pieces of the hip part;

beef one or two pieces of pulp of irregular quadrangular or oval shape, approximately equal in weight, 2-2.5 cm thick.

Portion semi-finished products from pork and lamb. Cutlets natural - meat pulp of an oval-flat shape, with a rib bone no more than 80 mm long, peeled and trimmed from the pulp by 20 ... 30 mm. Cutlets are cut from the back of the loin.

Escalope- two pieces of meat pulp, almost equal in weight, oval-flat, 10 ... 15 mm thick, prepared from the longest muscles of the back.

Pork (lamb)- one or two roughly equal in weight pieces of pulp of irregular quadrangular or oval shape, 20 ... 25 mm thick, cut from the meat pulp of the neck and shoulder (from pork), shoulder (from lamb) parts with a surface film of adipose tissue.

Pork tenderloin same as beef tenderloin.

Pork schnitzel- a piece of meat pulp of an oval-flat shape, 20-25 mm thick, cut from the pulp of the hip part.

Breaded semi-finished products (rump steak, beef steak, brains in breadcrumbs, cutlets, chops, chop schnitzel) are lumpy or chopped semi-finished products, the surface of which is covered with a breading ingredient or a mixture of breading ingredients.

Small-sized boneless semi-finished products are made in the form of pieces of meat weighing 10 ... 200 g.

Beef stroganoff, azu, roast- pieces of meat cut across the muscle fibers from the hip part. Beef stroganoff and azu - 30 ... 40 mm long, weighing 5 ... 7 g (beef stroganoff), 10 ... 15 g (azu and frying).

Goulash - pieces weighing 20 ... 30 g from beef of the first category, as well as scapular and subscapular parts with a surface film; the content of connective and adipose tissue is not more than 10% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Stew beef - meat and bone pieces from boneless beef ribs of the first category, weighing not more than 200 g, the content of meat pulp is not less than 75% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Brisket on kharcho - pieces of meat from a non-bone-in breast with cartilage (without breast bone) weighing up to 200 g, the content of meat pulp is not less than 85% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product. Made from beef of the first category.

Small-sized semi-finished products from pork are made from pieces of meat of different weights.

Roasting- pieces of meat pulp weighing 10 ... 15 g, cut from the hip part and cuts of the loin, the content of adipose tissue is not more than 20% of the mass of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Goulash - the same as beef goulash, the content of adipose tissue is not more than 20% of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Meat for barbecue- pieces of meat pulp weighing 30 ... 40 g, cut from the hip part and scraps of the meat pulp of the loin, the content of adipose tissue is not more than 20% of the mass of the portion.

Stew- meat and bone pieces weighing 40 ... 100 g with a meat pulp content of at least 50% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Ragout at home- meat and bone pieces weighing 30 ... 40 g from the brisket with a bone content of not more than 10% and adipose tissue not more than 15% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Small-sized semi-finished products from lamb include the following products:

  • stew - meat and bone pieces from the brisket, cervical and subscapular parts (from the 1st to the 4th rib) and pieces of cutlet meat weighing 40 ... 100 g; the content of meat pulp is not less than 80%, including adipose tissue not more than 15% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product;
  • meat for pilaf- pieces of meat pulp weighing 10 ... 15 g, cut from the scapular part, with a fat content of not more than 15% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product;
  • meat for barbecue the same as for pork barbecue, with a fat content of not more than 15% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Soup set of beef and pork- meat and bone pieces from the cervical (without atlas), dorsal-costal, lumbar, sacral, thoracic (including false ribs) parts weighing 100...200 g each; the content of meat pulp is not less than 50% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products in the test. These include: dumplings, meat rolls, etc., including national ones - manti, khinkali, ravioli, sorcerers, chuchkars, lamadiso, etc.

The range of dumplings includes: Siberian, Russian, Irkutsk, capital, peasant, canteens, snack bars, meat and vegetable, Danilov, taiga; manti: southern, Caspian; khinkali: Sukhumi, Sochi.

Pelmeni - a product from unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat in the shape of a semicircle; the mass of one dumpling is 12 ... 15 g. The dough for dumplings is kneaded from wheat flour premium with the addition of eggs or melange and salt. The dough for snack dumplings is kneaded from first grade flour and without eggs.

Minced meat is prepared from meat or offal with the addition of salt, sugar, black pepper and onions. Pelmeni are formed on automatic machines, then frozen at a temperature of -18 ... -23 ° C and packed in cardboard packs, boxes and other containers, followed by packaging mainly in cardboard boxes.

Pelmeni differ from each other in composition and shape.

In Russian dumplings, minced meat is made up of first-class beef (10%) and bold pork (45%) or 37% beef and 20% fatty pork.

In minced meat Siberian dumplings includes beef of the first grade (26%), fatty pork (10%) and bold (20%).

Raw beef fat is added to the minced Irkutsk dumplings.

The minced meat of the capital's dumplings consists of trimmed beef of the first grade, bold pork in equal volumes (18% each) and fatty pork (20%).

Minced snack dumplings consists of meat pig heads, peak meat, tripes, boiled pork stomachs, blood plasma or light dietary whey and protein stabilizer (crushed pork skin).

Manti - "olkto Uzbek cuisine - round-oval shape with two pinches of dough on the side and one on top, weight 70 g. Minced meat consists of lamb, raw fat and onion (20.9%).

Khinkali- a Transcaucasian dish in the form of a rhombus, square, etc. Minced meat consists of beef, pork or lamb and raw fat and onions (16 ... 17%).

Molded semi-finished products. This type of semi-finished products includes: Moscow, homemade, Kiev cutlets, rump steak, beef steak, schnitzel. The raw materials used are cutlet meat of beef and pork, trimmed beef of the second grade, trimmed fatty pork, salt, pepper, onion, eggs, bread, it is possible to add soy concentrate.

The technology of semi-finished products includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials; minced meat preparation; molding; cooling or freezing finished products.

Moscow meatballs. Consist of ground beef(50%) with added fat, wheat bread, salt, pepper, onion. The shape of cutlets is round, weight 50 and 100 g.

Amateur meatballs. Contain 60% ground beef, the recipe includes eggs. Oval shape with a pointed end, weight 75 g.

Kiev cutlets. Contain 50% minced pork, round shape, weight 50 g.

Homemade meatballs. Made from pork and ground beef in equal quantities (30.5%), round shape, weight 50 and 100 g.

School meatballs. Contains beef and minced pork with the addition of skimmed milk powder.

Meat and vegetable cutlets. They are of two kinds. Cutlets of one type, in addition to beef cutlet meat, include boiled rice or pearl barley, soy protein, eggs, onions and black ground pepper. In the recipe of another type, instead of boiled cereals, add mashed potatoes. The shape of the cutlets is rounded flat, weight 50 or 100 g. They are produced chilled or frozen, weighing 500 g (10 and 5 pieces each).

Schnitzel Moscow. Cutlet beef (71%), trimmed fatty pork (16%), breadcrumbs, ground black pepper and salt are used for its production. More eggs are added to schnitzel than to cutlets. Oval shape, weight 50 and 100 g.

Beefsteaks. They are prepared without bread and eggs, the recipe includes finely chopped bacon, cutlet beef, salt, ground black or white pepper. The shape is round, weight 75 and 100 g.

Semi-finished products sold in frozen form, after molding, are placed on frames, racks, whatnots or in mesh containers and sent to a quick freezer.

Packaging, labeling and storage of semi-finished products. Packaging. Containers, packaging materials and fasteners must comply with sanitary requirements and ensure the safety and presentation of semi-finished products during transportation and storage during the entire shelf life, and must also be allowed in the prescribed manner for contact with specific products.

It is allowed to use containers, packaging materials and fasteners purchased by import or made from imported materials, allowed in the prescribed manner for contact with products of this type, ensuring the safety and quality of products during transportation and storage during the entire shelf life.

The container must be clean, dry, without mold and foreign smell.

Used reusable containers must be treated with disinfectants in accordance with the veterinary and sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

Semi-finished products of the same name, one production date and one thermal state are placed in a box, container or container-equipment.

Gross weight of products in reusable boxes is not more than 30 kg; net weight in corrugated cardboard boxes is not more than 20 kg; in containers and packaging equipment - no more than 250 kg.

Semi-finished products shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846-2002.

Marking. The marking must be clear, the means for marking should not affect the quality indicators of semi-finished products and be made from materials approved in the prescribed manner for contact with food.

Labeling of semi-finished products intended for sale in trade is carried out in accordance with GOST R 51074-2003 (subclause 4.2.2) with the addition of information on the presence of GM I, if their content exceeds 0.5%.

Transport marking (GOST 14192) includes handling signs "Perishable cargo" and "Temperature limit".

Each unit of transport packaging is marked with a stamp, stencil, labeling or in another way, containing the following data:

  • name and location of the manufacturer (legal address, including the country, and if it does not match the legal address, the address(es) of production(s) and organization in the Russian Federation authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers on its territory (if any);
  • manufacturer's trademark (if any);
  • name of the semi-finished product indicating the group, type, subspecies, category, thermal state;
  • net weight or quantity;
  • composition of the product;
  • the nutritional value;
  • date of manufacture and packaging;
  • Storage conditions and shelf life;
  • designation of the standard and document in accordance with which the semi-finished products are manufactured;
  • conformity information.

Meat semi-finished products are transported by refrigeration and isothermal road and rail transport. Particularly perishable semi-finished products (with a shelf life of up to 72 hours) are transported in summer by isothermal vehicles with ice in the back for 3 hours, without ice - 1 hour.

The shelf life of chilled meat semi-finished products (hours) at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° C is given below.

Natural large pieces, portioned (tenderloin, beef steak, langet, entrecote, rump steak, beef, lamb, oven pork, escalope, schnitzel, etc.)

Natural portion breaded (rump steak, natural lamb and pork cutlet, schnitzel)

Natural small pieces (beef stroganoff, azu, roast, goulash, beef for stewing, etc.) without sauces and spices

Natural small-sized marinated with sauces

Chopped molded, including breaded, stuffed

Chopped combined (meat-potato cutlets, meat-cabbage cutlets with the addition of soy protein)

Minced meat (beef, pork, from the meat of other slaughter animals, combined):

produced by meat processing plants

produced by trade and public catering enterprises

Meat and bone (large and small pieces, portioned)

Shelf life of chilled semi-finished products from poultry meat at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° С (h): natural boneless without breading and meat and bone - 48; natural boneless and meat and bone with spices, breaded, with sauce, marinated -24; chopped breaded and without it - 18; minced chicken - 12; sets for jelly and soups, stews - 12.

The shelf life of natural meat semi-finished products packed under vacuum is 5 ... 15 days, depending on the storage temperature, name and thermal state of the raw material.

Shelf life of dumplings, natural meat frozen semi-finished products, packaged frozen minced meat at a temperature not exceeding -10 ° C is not more than 1 month, dumplings at -18 ° C - no more than 3 months.

Semi-finished products include products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Meat semi-finished products are divided into: natural (large-sized, small-sized, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in the test; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp different weight, cleaned of tendons and rough surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat-and-bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content.

Semi-finished products are released chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. Meat of bulls, boars, rams, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Large-sized semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

  • - the first group: from beef - the longest back muscle (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (lumboiliac muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, lateral and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - the hip part;
  • - second group : from beef - the scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), the subscapular part, the chest part, as well as the hem (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the subscapular part, brisket and longest back muscle) from beef 1st category of fatness: from pork - hip, scapular, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - scapular part, loin;
  • - third group : from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;
  • - fourth group : from pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (for example, beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portion semi-finished products. They are made from large-sized semi-finished products, cut manually or on special devices across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly.

Assortment of portioned semi-finished products:


  • - natural steak (from tenderloin),
  • langet (two thinner pieces from the tenderloin than a steak),
  • entrecote (from the longest muscle of the back),
  • rump steak (from the longest muscle of the back or the most tender pieces of the hip part - upper and inner),
  • Zrazy natural (from the same pieces of the hip part),
  • · beef wind (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned pork semi-finished products includes:

  • natural cutlet (from loin),
  • escalope (from the longest muscle of the back),
  • Pork wind (from the cervico-scapular part),
  • tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (from beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (from pork and lamb).

For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed breadcrumbs from white bread to preserve meat juice.

Small-sized semi-finished products. From beef get:

beef stroganoff (from the tenderloin, the longest muscle of the back and the upper and inner piece of the hip part),

  • azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part),
  • goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the hem),
  • soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% by weight of the serving),
  • beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with the presence of pulp at least 75% by weight of the serving),
  • brisket on kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% by weight of the serving).

Small-sized semi-finished products from pork are represented by the following items:

  • fry (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of not more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash),
  • meat for barbecue (from the hip part),
  • stew (pulp content of at least 50% by weight of the serving),
  • home-style stew (bone content is not more than 10% and adipose tissue is not more than 15% of the serving weight).

Large-sized semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, the mass of the product is 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-sized - portions of 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

In production natural semi-finished products salting and massaging can be used.

The composition of the brine includes salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; for some items, a sprinkling of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in the test. The technical conditions developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished products in dough: meat sticks, manti, khinkali.

According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low incomes.

The composition of minced dumplings includes trimmed beef and pork, onions, black or white ground pepper. To prepare the dough, use flour of the highest grade (sometimes the 1st grade) with a normalized quantity and quality of gluten, egg products.

Meat sticks are cylindrical or rectangular in shape up to 10 cm long. Manty is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special dish - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the form of a rhombus, a square. Meat for manti and khinkali is chopped larger than for dumplings and sticks, minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onion. meat soy frozen semi-finished product

Ravioli in minced meat also contain mushrooms and rennet cheese, they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, square.

Chopped semi-finished products. They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. Traditional range chopped semi-finished products includes: cutlets Moscow, homemade, Kiev, rump steak, beef steak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, trimmed beef of the 2nd grade, trimmed fatty pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically deboned poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, cereals.

The recipe for cutlets consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kiev - pork, domestic - beef cutlet and fatty pork in half.

The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onion - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kiev - egg melange. The rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage bacon - 12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically deboned poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °С) and frozen (not higher than -10 °С).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a top with a lattice hole diameter of 2-3 mm. The traditional range of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw material for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), semi-fat pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). Part homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30).

A new direction in the production of minced meat is the addition of salt, onions, spices, water, and, in some items, bread (minced meat for meatballs, cutlets, etc.).

Meat semi-finished products - products prepared for cooking. The main raw material for the production of semi-finished meat products is meat different types and offal. In addition, flour, bread, eggs and various spices are used in the manufacture of semi-finished products.

Exists three types of semi-finished meat products depending on the method of their processing and culinary purpose:

1. natural

Natural semi-finished meat products are made mainly from chilled meat. They are divided into:

Portioned - semi-finished products made from chilled meat of the highest quality with the following names:

From beef - entrecote (a piece of beef oval-oblong shape)

Langet (two approximately equal cuts of beef meat without fat from the internal psoas muscles)

Grilled Beef Steak (Oval Serving of Beef Pulp, Fat Free, From the Back of the Pelvis)

Pork and lamb cutlets natural chops

Schnitzel chop

Braised pork or lamb


From veal - natural cutlets


· Small-sized - semi-finished meat products made from the pulp of the posterior pelvic, lumbar and dorsal parts.

From beef stroganoff


Soup set

Meat for barbecue

Pork - fried

Meat for barbecue

Ragout at home

Soup set

Lamb stew

Soup set

Meat for barbecue

Meat for pilaf

· Krupnokuskovye - semi-finished products made from all types of meat, most often used in public catering establishments. Large-sized semi-finished meat products are pieces of pulp separated from the back parts of the carcass. In retail sales, it is allowed to sell large-sized semi-finished products of non-standard weight.

2. Breaded

Breaded semi-finished products are prepared from thawed or chilled meat, after having beaten off the muscle tissue. Portions of meat are breaded to prevent meat juices from escaping. For breading, the meat is moistened in an egg mass beaten with water and rolled in crumbs. The mass of portions of breaded semi-finished products - 125 g.

Beef rump steak

Beefsteak with notch

From offal - brains in breadcrumbs

From pork, lamb and poultry meat - chops


Veal chops

3. Chopped

Chopped meat semi-finished products are made from trimmed or cutlet meat, raw fat, egg products, blood plasma, spices and rolled in crumb crumbs.

Also semi-finished products include:

- chopped meat

Minced meat is made in stores or at public catering establishments from trimmed meat. If minced meat is prepared in a store, then its sale is allowed only in chilled. Minced meat prepared at catering establishments is packed in cellophane, parchment and film in the form of bars of 250 g each.

- dumplings

Dumplings are made from high-quality wheat flour with the addition of eggs, egg powder (melange) and table salt. Pelmeni are molded on high-performance machines and frozen at a temperature not higher than -15-15 °C, after which they are packaged.

Poultry meat sets

The quality of semi-finished products is evaluated by:

Appearance(the surface of semi-finished products must be undeformed and correspond to the name of the product)


Measuring methods determine the content of moisture, salt and bread.

It is not allowed to have:

Rough connective tissue


Deformed product shape

Products that do not match the name

Packaging of semi-finished products:

Semi-finished products are packed in metal or wooden boxes with inserts, or in boxes made of polymeric materials and tightly closed with lids. The weight of the product box must be no more than 20 kg. Additionally, semi-finished products can be wrapped individually or in several pieces in cellophane, polymer films, parchment and subparchment. Pelmeni are packed in cardboard boxes or bags of 300 - 350 g.

Transportation of semi-finished products:

Semi-finished products are transported in vehicles with cooling or with an isothermal body.

Transportation of semi-finished products should last no more than 2 hours.

Storage of semi-finished products:

In the store, semi-finished products are stored at a temperature of - from 0 to 6 ° C.

Store-bought minced meat should be stored for no more than 6 hours. When storing chilled minced meat at a temperature of no more than 6 °C, it can be stored for 12 hours, of which no more than 4 hours at the manufacturer (at a temperature of no more than 4 °C) Frozen minced meat can be stored at the manufacturer for up to 1 month at temperature not higher than -10 °C. The term for the implementation of frozen minced meat is no more than 3 hours at a temperature not higher than 20 ° C, 16 hours - at a temperature not higher than 6 ° C, 48 hours - at a temperature below 0 ° C.

Natural portioned semi-finished products are sold within 36 hours, breaded and small pieces - 24 hours, chopped - 12 hours, packaged meat - 36 hours, large pieces - 48 hours.

Frozen dumplings at the manufacturing plant are stored for 72 hours at a temperature below 0 °C and 24 hours at a temperature not exceeding 5 °C.

When packing semi-finished products and sawing meat, there are losses that are normalized. Appropriate norms for the output of semi-finished products during their manufacture are also established.

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Angarsk Polytechnic College

Assortment of semi-finished meat products for complex culinary products


Student 2 TVET

Smirnova E.G

Anagrsk, 2013

1 . Assortment of semi-finished meat products for complex culinary products

Semi-finished products include products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Meat semi-finished products are divided into: natural (large-sized, small-sized, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in the test; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products

Large-sized semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

First group: from beef - the longest back muscle (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (lumboiliac muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, lateral and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - the hip part;

Second group : from beef - the scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), the subscapular part, the chest part, as well as the hem (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the subscapular part, brisket and longest back muscle) from beef 1st category of fatness: from pork - hip, scapular, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - scapular part, loin;

Third group : from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;

Fourth group : from pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (for example, beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portion semi-finished products. They are made from large-sized semi-finished products, cut manually or on special devices across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly.

Assortment of portioned semi-finished products:


- natural steak (from tenderloin),

langet (two thinner pieces from the tenderloin than a steak),

entrecote (from the longest muscle of the back),

rump steak (from the longest muscle of the back or the most tender pieces of the hip part - upper and inner),

Zrazy natural (from the same pieces of the hip part),

· beef wind (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned pork semi-finished products includes:

natural cutlet (from loin),

escalope (from the longest muscle of the back),

Pork wind (from the cervico-scapular part),

tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (from beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (from pork and lamb).

Small-sized semi-finished products. From beef get:

beef stroganoff (from the tenderloin, the longest muscle of the back and the upper and inner piece of the hip part),

azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part),

goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the hem),

soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% by weight of the serving),

beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with the presence of pulp at least 75% by weight of the serving),

brisket on kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% by weight of the serving).

Small-sized semi-finished products from pork are represented by the following items:

fry (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of not more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash),

meat for barbecue (from the hip part),

home-style stew (bone content is not more than 10% and adipose tissue is not more than 15% of the serving weight).

In the production of natural semi-finished products, salting and massaging can be used.

The composition of the brine includes salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; for some items, a sprinkling of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in the test. The technical conditions developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished products in dough: meat sticks, manti, khinkali.

According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low incomes.

The composition of minced dumplings includes trimmed beef and pork, onions, black or white ground pepper. To prepare the dough, use flour of the highest grade (sometimes the 1st grade) with a normalized quantity and quality of gluten, egg products.

Meat sticks are cylindrical or rectangular in shape up to 10 cm long. Manty is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special dish - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the form of a rhombus, a square. Meat for manti and khinkali is chopped larger than for dumplings and sticks, minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onion. meat soy frozen semi-finished product

Ravioli in minced meat also contain mushrooms and rennet cheese, they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, square.

Chopped semi-finished products. They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. The traditional assortment of chopped semi-finished products includes: Moscow, homemade, Kiev cutlets, rump steak, beef steak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, trimmed beef of the 2nd grade, trimmed fatty pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically deboned poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, cereals.

The recipe for cutlets consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kiev - pork, domestic - beef cutlet and fatty pork in half.

The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onion - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kiev - egg melange. The rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage bacon - 12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically deboned poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °С) and frozen (not higher than -10 °С).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a top with a lattice hole diameter of 2-3 mm. The traditional range of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw material for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), semi-fat pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). The composition of homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30).

A new direction in the production of minced meat is the addition of salt, onions, spices, water, and, in some items, bread (minced meat for meatballs, cutlets, etc.).

2. Technology for the production of natural semi-finished products

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleaned of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat-and-bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content.

For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve the meat juice.

Semi-finished products are released chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. Meat of bulls, boars, rams, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Portion semi-finished products. Portion semi-finished products are called meat products, a portion of which consists of one or two pieces, approximately the same in weight and size. It is obtained from large-sized semi-finished products or individual parts of the carcass.

To ensure product quality, portioned natural semi-finished products are cut across the fibers, perpendicular to the fibers or at an angle of 45 °.

Cutting across the fibers preserves the commercial appearance of the semi-finished product, during transportation and storage in its raw form it deforms less, during heat treatment it has a higher moisture-binding capacity, and, consequently, it loses less meat juice, it turns out to be more juicy and tasty.

Modern technology allows for rational cutting of raw materials to obtain the maximum number of portioned semi-finished products, and from the remaining raw materials to produce small-sized pulpy semi-finished products. Portion semi-finished products are cut manually or on special machines.

Figure 1 shows technology system production of natural boneless and meat-and-bone semi-finished products from beef, pork and lamb.

According to TU 9214-345-00419779-98 and TU 9214-456-00419779-99, the following range of portioned semi-finished products is produced:

Beef Extra. The raw material for production is the lumbar-iliac muscle, while Extra beef is cut from meat pulp, it has an oval-oblong shape, packaged in portions of 250 and 500 g;

Beefsteak natural Extra- pieces of meat pulp of irregular rounded shape, 20-30 mm thick, packaged in portions of 80 and 125 g;

Langet Extra- from meat pulp, irregular round shape, thickness 10-12 mm, packed in portions of 80 and 125 g.

Entrecote Extra, rump steak Extra, beef. The following muscles are used as raw materials: the longest muscle of the back and lower back, which is freed from fat, coarse films and tendons, the shiny tendon is removed, the edges are leveled; midgluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus, quadriceps, biceps and semitendinosus muscles from the hip cut; triceps muscle from the shoulder cut.

Selected muscles are cut for certain types of products: rump steak - 8-10 mm thick, entrecote - 15-20 mm, zrazy - up to 5 mm, wind beef - from 20 to 25 mm. Cutting is carried out manually or using machines for plastification of meat.

Rice. one - Technological scheme for the production of natural semi-finished products from beef, pork and lamb

The portioned semi-finished products discussed above can be sprinkled breadcrumbs, a mixture of spices, food additives, according to technological instructions according to application, or moisten in a lezon.

Breadcrumbs are used in an amount of 100 g per 1 kg of product, they are pre-sifted together with salt to remove large lumps.

Liezon is prepared from melange, salt and water in the ratio: 40 g of melange (you can use 1 egg or 11 g of egg powder), 10 g of water and 1 g of salt. The mixture is stirred until a homogeneous, slightly viscous liquid mass is formed. The resulting lezon is not subject to storage, it must be used within 30 minutes. Semi-finished products are moistened in a lezon and sent for cooling no later than 30 minutes later.

Boneless and meat-and-bone semi-finished products from pork are made as follows: for Escalope Extra and cervical tender meat is cut into pieces 10-15 mm thick, for cutlets Extra, schnitzel Extra, necks for frying, pork extra-- 20-25 mm.

Portioned semi-finished pork products can also be breaded, sprinkled with a mixture of decorative spices, food additives, or moistened in lezon.

Small-sized semi-finished products are made from the pulp of the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts, from raw materials left after the manufacture of portioned semi-finished products. The cutting of boneless semi-finished products is carried out on machines such as bacon cutters, meat and bone - using band saws, as well as chopping machines (guillotines) of continuous action.

Large-sized semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, the mass of the product is 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-sized - portions of 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

The group of small-sized pork products, in accordance with TU 9214-456-00419779-99, consists of: boneless semi-finished products - Extra roast, Extra goulash, Extra barbecue; meat and bone - pork stew, semi-finished product for jelly, pork legs.

Beef Stroganoff Extra. As raw materials, the gluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, trimmings of the lumboiliac muscle are used. The meat is cut into sticks 30-40 mm long, weighing 5-7 g.

Azu Extra. The semi-finished product is made from the quadriceps, biceps, semitendinosus muscles of the hip part and the triceps muscle of the scapular part, cutting into bars 30-40 mm long and weighing 10-15 g.

Roast Extra. Represents pieces weighing 10-15 g from the gluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, the triceps muscle of the scapular part, scraps of the lumboiliac muscle.

Shashlik Spicy. The raw materials are the gluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, the triceps muscle of the scapula, and the lumboiliac muscle. Shish kebab is cut into pieces weighing 30-40 g.

Goulash Extra. The semi-finished product is cut from the infraspinatus, supraspinatus muscles of the scapular part, the layer of meat of the upper edge of the neck, the supravertebral and ventral dentate muscles, the subscapular part, the deep pectoral and superficial pectoral muscles taken from the sternum.

Beef borscht dressing. It is made from boneless rib carcass from the 1st to the 13th rib, which is sawn or cut into pieces across the ribs weighing from 500 to 2000 g each.

Beef stew. The meat and bone neck part is used without the first two cervical vertebrae and without the upper edge of the neck. It is sawn or cut across the cervical vertebrae into pieces weighing from 100 to 300 g each, with the presence of pulp tissue of at least 70%.

Bouillon set. Felled 1st and 2nd cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, patella, sacrum and sternum with false ribs are taken as raw materials. The specified raw material is sawn or cut into pieces weighing 100-300 g, with the presence of pulp tissue of at least 30% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Pork roast Extra. It is prepared from the mid-gluteal and quadriceps muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, with a fat content of not more than 20% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product. Pieces are cut with a mass of 10-15 g.

Goulash Extra. Represents pieces weighing 20-30 g from the infraspinous, preosseous and triceps muscles of the scapular part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, with a fatty tissue content of not more than 20% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Shashlik Extra. The meat is cut into pieces weighing 30 ^ 40 g, using the hip part (adductor, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps muscles), the cervical-subscapular part and the longest muscle of the back and lower back. Sliced ​​shish kebab is sprinkled with salt, pepper, sprinkled with vinegar, chopped raw onion and mix. Barbecue vinegar is prepared by diluting 9% food vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Ragout of pork. They are made from the patella and meat and bone pieces from the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, lumbar, scapular, pelvic and sacral parts. They are sawn on band saws or cut with a billhook into pieces of a certain mass. In this case, the spinal column is cut or sawn first along and then across the vertebrae.

It is allowed to produce small-sized semi-finished products sprinkled with spices, food additives, breadcrumbs, as well as with the addition of various sauces, the recipes and preparation technologies of which are given in the technological instructions.

2. 1 Xinjury and transport

For semi-finished meat products, a variety of consumer packaging is used. For minced meat, natural and chopped semi-finished products, trays-liners (substrates) are widely used, followed by wrapping the product with a polymer film, as well as boxes made of cardboard or a combined material. Minced meat and chopped steak are packed on automatic machines in parchment, laminated aluminum foil. Portions of small-sized natural and portion semi-finished products of non-standard weight are packed in napkins made of cellophane, parchment, parchment, polyethylene film and in bags of polymer film materials. Bags made of polymeric materials are used for packing dumplings, frozen chopped semi-finished products. Pelmeni are also packed in cardboard boxes.

Portioned natural and breaded semi-finished products for public catering and retail trade are laid on liners of plank, plywood, aluminum, polymer reusable boxes without wrapping in one row, semi-inclined so that one semi-finished product is partially under the other. Each box should contain no more than three inserts. Boxes must allow air to enter when the lid or insert is closed.

Large-sized (boneless), portioned and small-sized semi-finished products produced according to specifications can be packed under vacuum.

The labeling of consumer packaging, in addition to the information required for all meat products, must contain the following information: thermal state of the semi-finished product (chilled, frozen); date of manufacture and date of packaging, and for especially perishable ones, the time (hour) of the end of the technological process; cooking method.

Transport containers for semi-finished products are reusable boxes (polymer, aluminum, wooden), packaging equipment. In addition, for frozen, as well as vacuum-packed semi-finished products, corrugated cardboard boxes are used.

Transport markings for frozen semi-finished products must have handling signs: "Compliance with the temperature range" or "Perishable goods".

Meat semi-finished products are transported by refrigerator cars or vans with an isothermal body (with one-way traffic). Frozen semi-finished products are also transported by refrigerated railway and other modes of transport.

Cooling and storing meat in a chilled state is the most advanced method of preserving them. Cooling significantly delays enzymatic and microbiological processes in meat and offal. During the period of mass slaughter of livestock, in addition to chilled, cooled meat comes into trade. However, chilled meat is less suitable for cooking than chilled meat.

The meat is cooled in special chambers at a temperature of about 0 ° C and high relative humidity. Cooling starts at a negative temperature, then as the meat cools, the air temperature is increased. Cooling is completed when the temperature in the thickness of the meat reaches from 0 ° to 4 ° C.

When meat is cooled, which lasts from 16 to 30 hours, physical and biochemical processes take place.

As a result of biochemical processes, muscle tissue contracts somewhat, loses elasticity and becomes elastic. The surface of the tissue becomes brighter due to the conversion of myoglobin to oxymyoglobin.

Physical processes are manifested in the shrinkage of meat. The loss of meat mass due to moisture evaporation is, depending on the cooling methods, from 1 to 2.8%. Properly chilled meat is characterized by the presence of a drying crust, the color of chilled beef is bright red, pork is pale pink and lamb is dark red. Beef meat has a specific smell, pork has almost no smell. The consistency of all types of meat is elastic, the muscles do not secrete meat juice with light pressure.

Chilled meat is sent mainly to retail trade, and is also used in the production of boiled sausages and minced semi-finished products.

When storing chilled meat, it is necessary to maintain its temperature at a constant level. Fluctuations in ambient temperature lead to deterioration in quality, increase in losses and significantly reduce the duration of meat storage due to moisture condensation on its surface. Even a small change in air temperature at high relative humidity is enough to reach the dew point and moisten the surface of the carcasses. During storage of meat, some evaporation of moisture occurs, but this process is undesirable. To reduce losses due to evaporation of moisture, air circulation is reduced. However, low circulation leads to air stagnation and the development of microbiological processes - sliming and molding of meat. Therefore, the intensity of air circulation is created such as to slow down the development of microbes. It is recommended to store chilled meat at 0°C, 80-85% relative humidity and air circulation within 0.1 m/s. Under these conditions, the duration of storage of beef is up to 15-20 days, and pork and lamb - up to 10-15 days.

The loss of meat mass depends not only on the temperature and humidity conditions, but also on its type, fatness and specific surface area. Meat carcasses covered with a layer of fat evaporate moisture less, meat in small cuts, having a large specific surface area, evaporates moisture more. Carcasses of meat of high fatness and with a lower specific surface area are stored for a longer period.

Due to the relatively limited shelf life of chilled meat, methods have been developed for storing it in a frozen state, in an atmosphere with the addition of carbon dioxide, the use of ultraviolet rays, antibiotics and penetrating radiation. However, these methods have not received wide industrial application.

The relatively limited shelf life of chilled meat makes it necessary to freeze it. Long term storage frozen meat is possible at temperatures below - 10 ° C. Chilled or without pre-chilling meat is frozen. The production and storage of frozen meat is associated with additional costs for freezing and maintaining the required storage conditions. In addition, during freezing and storage, loss of meat is inevitable.

Frozen meat is inferior in quality to chilled meat. As frozen meat is stored, both organoleptic characteristics and nutritional value deteriorate due to partial loss of vitamins, protein denaturation and fat spoilage. However, freezing is still the best preservation method for significantly extending the shelf life of meat. Frozen meat also has some advantages. Such meat in the form of blocks or small packaging of portions of semi-finished products is easy to transport and store in trade enterprises, at home and use in sausage production without defrosting.

Freezing of meat is carried out mainly at a temperature of -18; -25° C, but much lower temperatures up to -40° C are also used. Freezing is carried out in freezers and freezers.

When meat is frozen, the bulk of the water and tissue fluid passes into a crystalline state, so the muscle tissue becomes hard, and the fat acquires a crumbly texture. Microbiological processes in frozen meat stop, and enzymatic processes slow down sharply.

The quality of frozen meat and the reversibility of the freezing process are affected by both the initial state of the meat - the depth of the ripening process, and the speed of freezing. Increasing the freezing speed has a positive effect on the quality of thawed meat. The natural loss during freezing of chilled meat to -15°C in the thickness of the muscles at an air temperature of -23°C, depending on the type of meat, ranges from 0.72 to 1.82%.

Frozen meat, tightly packed in stacks, is stored in chambers equipped with brine or direct evaporation refrigerant batteries. Storage is accompanied by a loss of mass and a change in the quality of the meat. The surface of muscle tissue is gradually dehydrated and becomes porous. Recrystallization associated with the growth of some crystals at the expense of others leads to deformation and partial destruction of muscle fibers. Adipose tissue changes color, goes rancid and imparts an unpleasant taste to the meat. The state of proteins changes, their aging process occurs, leading to a decrease in the water-holding capacity of thawed meat. Most fat-soluble vitamins are destroyed, except for vitamin A. Water-soluble vitamins are less susceptible to destruction, with the exception of vitamins found in organ meats. The shelf life of frozen meat depends on the temperature, type of meat and its fatness.

At a temperature of -18°C and relative humidity close to 100%, beef and lamb can be stored for up to 12 months, pork in the skin - up to 8 months, without the skin - 6 months and offal - no more than 6 months. At a temperature of - 23°C, the duration of meat storage increases up to 18 months.

For better preservation of frozen meat, the possibility of evaporation of moisture from its surface is minimized. The natural loss decreases with an increase in relative humidity and a decrease in the rate of air circulation. In summer, shrinkage as a result of increased heat transfer through the walls of the refrigerator chambers can increase significantly. The average shrinkage during storage of frozen meat is 0.3--0.5% for each month during the first two months, then decreases to 0.1%.

In stores and bases, the shelf life of chilled and frozen meat is significantly reduced due to changing thermal conditions. The shelf life of chilled and frozen meat at a temperature of 0--6 ° C is up to 3 days; at a temperature of about 0 ° C, frozen meat can be stored for up to 5 days; at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C, chilled and frozen meat is stored for no more than 2 days.

When storing and moving meat in commercial enterprises, a natural loss occurs due to the evaporation of moisture and the outflow of tissue fluid. To account for these losses in trade, marginal rates of natural loss are used.

The norms of natural loss for the retail trade network are set depending on the period of the year, geographical area, type and thermal state of meat.

For frozen beef and mutton, the maximum loss rate, depending on the listed factors, is allowed from 0.55 to 0.90%; pork - from 0.50 to 0.80%. For chilled beef and lamb meat - from 0.85 to 1.0%; pork - from 0.70 to 0.35%. For cooled beef and lamb meat - from 1.10 to 1.2%; pork - from 0.85 to 1.05%. For frozen offal, the allowable loss is from 0.55 to 0.80%, chilled - from 2.0 to 2.5% and cooled - from 2.20 to 2.86%.

At the bases and warehouses of retail trade, the norms of natural loss are set depending on the period of storage, period of the year, geographical area and the availability of refrigerated premises. For frozen meat (except pork), the loss rates are from 0.05 to 0.40%, pork - from 0.04 to 0.35% with a shelf life of 1 to 30 days; for chilled meat (except pork) - from 0.20 to 0.55% and pork - from 0.15 to 0.40% with a shelf life of 1 to 3 days.

Shelf life of chilled semi-finished products at a storage temperature of 4±2 °C


Expiration date, h

one . natural meat

large-sized, portioned without breading

portioned breaded


small-sized marinated, with sauces

2. Meat chopped:

molded, including breaded and stuffed

combined (meat and vegetables; with the addition of soy protein)

3. Minced meat, including combined:

produced by meat processing plants

produced by trade and public catering enterprises

4. Semi-finished meat and bone products (large-sized, portioned, small-sized)

Natural large-sized semi-finished products packed under vacuum are stored at a temperature of 0-4 ° C for no more than 7 days, at -2-0 ° C - no more than 10 days.

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    term paper, added 05/16/2012

    Characteristics of raw materials and products used for the preparation of sandwiches. Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products. Technological processes making snack sandwiches. The range of manufactured products.

    term paper, added 05/03/2015

    Characteristics of the range of products manufactured by the enterprise. The main ways of selling products, characteristics of consumers. The composition and purpose of the premises. Assortment and technology of preparation of semi-finished products in the meat and fish and vegetable shops.

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