Home Vegetables A classic recipe for beef stroganoff with mushrooms. An unusual recipe for beef stroganoff with mushrooms. Beef stroganoff with mushrooms - general principles of cooking

A classic recipe for beef stroganoff with mushrooms. An unusual recipe for beef stroganoff with mushrooms. Beef stroganoff with mushrooms - general principles of cooking

The name beef stroganoff is partly derived from the French word Boeuf, which translates as nothing more than beef. In the full version, it sounds like Stroganoff beef. Despite the origin of the name, this is a traditional Russian recipe that allows you to cook soft beef in white sour cream sauce. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, and today we will cook a real beef stroganoff with champignons.

Wash the beef pulp and cut into thin slices a la Azu.

Heat 2 tablespoons in a pan vegetable oil and fry the meat over high heat, 5 minutes. Stir no more than 2 times, it is desirable that the meat is slightly browned.

Add 2 tablespoons of flour to the meat and mix, remove the meat from the heat in just 1 minute.

Finely chop the mushrooms. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Fry onions in vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes.

Add mushrooms to the onion, mix and fry until the liquid evaporates, stirring occasionally, about 5-7 minutes.

Add previously fried meat to vegetables.

Put sour cream on top of the meat and mix, add salt and black ground pepper.

Pour in 2 cups of hot water, mix again and cover and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.

Serve beef stroganoff with simple side dishes- pasta or rice.

Bon Appetit!

Advice: try cooking too very tasty and tender meat.

Beef stroganoff, it should be like that in the original - veal in sour cream sauce.

This is much later, based on the favorite dish, they came up with many similar recipes.

Choose ahead of time quality products regardless of the price, and you will definitely get a wonderful dish, according to a recipe that is more than a hundred years old.

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream - General Cooking Principles

Beef stroganoff is more convenient to cook in a deep bowl. It can be a thick-walled stewpan or a frying pan of the same type. For convenience, it is desirable to have two such vessels, you can even have different sizes. One is required for frying beef, and the second for making gravy.

From meat, it is better to choose a tenderloin, a transverse part or a thick edge. Try to select pieces with the lowest content of fat, films and vein residues. As for any meat dish the beef must be fresh. Whether it is chilled, or meat that has been frozen earlier, it does not really matter, as, in principle, the age of the animal. Special preparation, cutting method, and cooking technology will make any piece of beef juicy and soft.

Before use, the pulp is washed exclusively with a whole piece and only in cold water and then dry well with a disposable towel. Beef must be beaten off, then it will be soft and tender. If this is done after the flesh is cut, the pieces will lose their shape, so initially the meat is cut into large and wide, 1.5 cm thick, slices, doing this strictly perpendicular to the fibers. Then beat off up to 1 cm and only then cut into strips, no more than 5 cm long.

There are many cooking options, but beef stroganoff with sour cream is considered a classic. It gives the gravy a creamy taste and makes its texture more delicate, so the choice of a fermented milk product should be taken very carefully. It is recommended to use fresh and high-quality, best homemade, sour cream. A bad product, not the first freshness, may curl when heated, which will affect appearance and affect the taste of the food.

Beef stroganoff served with a side dish. The most suitable and traditional is mashed potatoes. Rice, pasta, buckwheat and other cereals on the water will not spoil such beef stroganoff.

Classic recipe for beef stroganoff with sour cream


Steam beef pulp - 600 gr.;

Two large onion heads;

250 gr. thin sour cream, 20% fat;

0.3 tablespoons of hand-ground pepper;

Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

Refined oil - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut a piece of pulp into large slices, one and a half centimeters thick. It is advisable to do this across the fibers, then the dish will not be hard. We beat off the slices, reducing the thickness by half, after which we cut into oblong pieces, small in size.

2. Shred the onion in half rings and fry, putting it in heated vegetable oil, until transparent. Add the beef and, stirring, fry the meat with onions at intense heat for about six minutes. During this time, all the liquid should evaporate, the onion should be browned, and the meat should be golden brown on all sides. Sprinkle the beef with pepper, lightly add on top and mix well.

3. After adding flour, mix all the ingredients thoroughly again and continue cooking for about three minutes, reducing the heat to medium.

4. Spread sour cream to the meat, mix. Bringing to a boil, lower the heat and cook for about three minutes, until the sour cream sauce begins to thicken.

Beef stroganoff with sour cream and tomato


Half a kilo of fresh beef (pulp);

Wheat flour - 100 grams, plus a tablespoon in the sauce;

Large bulbs - 2 pcs.;

natural butter- 90 gr.;

A teaspoon of dry mustard;

A glass of 20% sour cream;

2 tablespoons thick unburned tomato;

35 ml of white, always dry, wine.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the meat. First, we cut the piece into slices, lightly beat each one, and only after that we cut into strips up to 0.8 cm thick and 4 cm long. We shift the pieces into a bag, pour flour into it and shake vigorously.

2. Put the butter in the pan, set a little heat and wait. As soon as it melts, increase the heat to maximum and put the meat rolled in flour into the hot fat. Stirring, quickly fry the beef. Our task is to cover it with a golden crust in the shortest possible time, inside the slices should remain red.

3. Put the meat out of the pan and dip the chopped onion into it. Fry the slices until golden brown. If after frying the meat there is not enough oil left in the pan, add a little.

4. Prepare the sauce. We spread sour cream in a convenient dish, add tomato and dry mustard. Stirring thoroughly, add flour, add wine, sprinkle with pepper, add a little salt and mix again. Let's take a salt test.

5. We shift the meat into a pan with onions, pour everything with freshly prepared sauce. Stew beef stroganoff at moderate heat under the lid for half an hour.

Beef stroganoff with sour cream and mushrooms


Beef (pulp) - 800 gr.;

One and a half heads of bitter onions;

Three tablespoons of flour;

Fatty, thin sour cream - 50 ml;

Refined oil;

200 gr. mushrooms of any variety, fresh.

Cooking method:

1. Already sorted mushrooms, wash. We remove the caps and cut them into slices, the legs into thin circles, chop the onion separately.

2. Prepare the meat - wash, dry and cut into thin strips.

3. Saute the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. We spread the mushrooms to it and, stirring, cook for five minutes on a small heat.

4. In another pan, heat 40 ml of oil, dip the beef into it. Fry the pieces on high heat until golden brown.

5. Sprinkle the meat with flour, mixing well, heat for 2-3 minutes, add the mushrooms fried with onions. Cover tightly with a lid, simmer everything together for two minutes.

6. Add sour cream, stir and, adding heat, bring to a boil. Then again lower the fire to a minimum, add salt and continue to cook beef stroganoff for another half an hour - until the beef softens.

Beef stroganoff with sour cream - "Golden" (with curry)


Beef pulp - 400 gr.;

300 gr. thin sour cream;

a spoonful of flour;

Half a spoonful of ground dried basil;

Large clove of garlic;

50 gr. butter "Peasant" butter;

Half teaspoon curry.

Cooking method:

1. Lightly sprinkle the meat cut into strips with pepper, fry in butter until golden brown, flavored with a little salt. At the end, add, pushing through the press, garlic, stir and turn off.

2. Sprinkle flour along the bottom of a dry frying pan, place on a small fire. Stirring, warm up until a delicate nutty aroma and color change - the appearance of a creamy shade. After removing the pan from the heat, pour the flour with sour cream and stir thoroughly to prevent the formation of lumps. We introduce dried basil, curry, ground paprika and a little pepper.

3. We shift the fried pieces of beef into a saucepan and, pouring them with cooked sour cream sauce, simmer at a minimum of fire for about half an hour. Add boiled water or beef broth as needed.

Beef stroganoff with sour cream, melted cheese and vegetables


Two 80-gram processed cheese;

Fresh or chilled beef pulp - 450 gr.;

One sweet red pepper;

Small bulb;

One small carrot;

15% sour cream - 200 ml;

a teaspoon of tomato paste;

Glass of water;

Sweet cream butter - 60 gr.;

a tablespoon of paprika;

A teaspoon of dried dill;

100 gr. root celery.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the meat. We wash the piece of beef, cut it into slices, and then remove moisture from the pieces with long strips and a disposable towel. Put the meat in a preheated pan with butter.

2. Fry with strong heat until golden brown. As soon as all the meat juice has evaporated, season with pepper, add dried garlic and salt.

3. De-seeded Bell pepper scalded with boiling water, remove the skin from it, cut the flesh into narrow strips. We chop the onion into thin half rings, and the celery and carrots into straws.

4. In a deep saucepan, in melted butter, bring the onion to transparency. Add bell peppers, carrots and celery. Fry the vegetables for about a minute, pour a small amount of broth or water into them, add the tomato. Stir thoroughly, simmer covered for 2 minutes.

5. We shift the meat into a saucepan with ready-made vegetables. We add butter to the remaining juice and, having melted, pass the flour on it. After waiting for a creamy shade, add sour cream and a little liquid (water, broth). Stirring thoroughly, we introduce dried dill.

6. Warming up at medium-low temperature, bring the sauce to a thickening and mix it with vegetables and beef. Without removing from the fire, in parts we introduce finely grated processed cheese. We are not in a hurry, we do not add a new portion until the previous one has completely sold out.

7. After introducing the cheese, cook beef stroganoff for another five minutes.

Beef stroganoff with sour cream and fresh tomatoes


200-gram piece of brisket (pork);

Fresh tomatoes - 200 gr.;

400 gr. beef pulp;


200 gr. natural low-fat sour cream;

Lean oil, refined - 30 ml;

a tablespoon of flour;

onion head;

A teaspoon of dill, minced and dried.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pulp into thin strips, and the brisket is slightly larger, into cubes. We put the pork in a pan, add a little oil and fry. We set the fire a little below average so that before browning, slices of fatty pork have time to give up fat.

2. As soon as the fat becomes transparent, press two small garlic cloves into the pan with a press. Fry for 30 seconds, stirring. Lay out the beef.

3. Without changing the heat, cook for five minutes, pour in the chopped smaller onion and bring its slices to transparency. Add a little salt, coriander, ground pepper and grated tomatoes. Simmer everything together until the meat is cooked.

4. When the beef becomes soft, add flour diluted in 50 ml of water to the dish, and immediately mix well. Then we introduce sour cream, add dill and, bringing to a boil, warm it up on a small heat for about five minutes.

Beef Stroganoff - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

The main secret of juicy uncooked meat in beef stroganoff is fast frying over intense heat. Spread the beef slices only on a well-heated pan in hot, but not yet boiling fat. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect - getting a golden crust, which "seals" the meat juice inside the pieces.

If you use oyster mushrooms or champignons, add a little dried forest mushrooms. Just be sure to soak them in advance until softened in water.

In the absence of such, fresh tomatoes can always be replaced with a tomato and vice versa. The taste of the dish will not suffer, but will be different. Gravy with fresh tomatoes in beef stroganoff with sour cream is more tender than with tomato paste.

Watch the process carefully after the introduction of sour cream - do not let the dish boil. Fermented milk product may curdle and come in lumps.

beef stroganoff- a very popular dish of Russian cuisine, which has French roots and origins. Beef stroganoff is a word of French origin, consisting of two parts. Beth - translated means veal tenderloin, Stroganov - the name of a Russian count. To date, there is no exact data on the origin of this dish, but this does not prevent it from being popular to this day.

Classic beef stroganoff is made from beef tenderloin stewed in spices and sour cream sauce. You may be surprised, but there are a large number of beef stroganoff recipes that do not use beef. A striking example of this, pork, chicken, rabbit, chicken hearts, turkeys.

In addition to sour cream, onions and meat, mushrooms are often included in beef stroganoff. Many culinary critics are still arguing about whether they are an essential component of this delicious meat dish. Whatever it was, but it turns out even more delicious than without them. For the preparation of beef stroganoff, you can use both boiled and Forest mushrooms or dried.


  • Beef - 300 gr.,
  • Champignons - 200 gr.,
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.,
  • Flour - 80-100 gr.,
  • Paprika,
  • Spices for meat
  • Salt,
  • Sunflower oil.

Beef Stroganoff with Mushrooms - Recipe

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms begins with the preparation of meat. To cut beef into even sticks, it is recommended to use semi-thawed meat. So, take a piece of meat out of the freezer. Let it thaw a little. Rinse it under water. Wipe with paper towel or tissue. With a sharp knife, cut into sticks 3-4 cm long and 1 cm thick.

Here there is a small condition. To prepare a classic beef stroganoff, you should cut the meat not in any way, but across the fibers. During frying, such cutting will help to ensure that the meat is tender and softer.

Wash the mushrooms. Slice each mushroom lengthwise.

Pour flour into a bowl. Add spices and salt to it.


Put the pieces of beef in a bowl with flour.

Roll them in it.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan. After it warms up, put pieces of meat breaded in flour on it.

Stirring with a spatula, fry the beef over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. do not fry for more than the specified time, as thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces will quickly lose their juices and become dry.

As soon as you see that the meat has changed its color from red to brown, immediately add chopped mushrooms to it.

Mix the mushrooms with the meat with a spatula. Simmer uncovered for another 5 minutes.

After you have started and started the juice, sprinkle the dish ground paprika. Thanks to the coloring pigments, the finished beef stroganoff will turn out to be a beautiful orange color. In addition to paprika, you can also add black ground pepper, turmeric.

Of course, with spices, the main thing is not to overdo it either, so that they do not interrupt the taste of the finished beef stroganoff. At this stage of cooking, a little more salt should be added, of course, remembering that the salt was previously added to the flour. Be sure to taste it.

Pour in sour cream and stir. In addition to sour cream, you can often find tomato paste in beef stroganoff recipes. After putting sour cream, you can add it as well. For this amount of ingredients, one tablespoon of tomato paste will be enough.

put out and sour cream 5 more minutes.

Serve beef stroganoff sprinkled with dill, parsley or green onion. Good appetite.

I welcome you to my blog.

Today we will cook beef stroganoff with mushrooms in sour cream sauce.

I really like this recipe, the meat turns out juicy, soft with a delicate mushroom flavor.

Ingredients needed for this dish:

  • OK. 500 g beef pulp
  • medium-sized champignons - 1 kg
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar (if not, you can take plain vinegar 6%)
  • a couple tablespoons of sugar
  • one st. a spoonful of salt
  • two st. spoons of lemon juice
  • 3 large onions
  • 250 g sour cream
  • two st. spoons of mustard with horseradish
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 50 ml white wine
  • 5 tbsp flour
  • 1.5 cups stock or water
  • salt and black ground pepper

Cooking Beef Stroganoff with Mushrooms

  1. Prepare mushrooms: wash, dry. After that, cut into thin slices. Pour marinade, for which mix vinegar, sugar, salt, lemon juice. Soak the mushrooms for 20 minutes, then drain the marinade.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into strips. Fry.
  3. Cut the washed beef across the fibers into plates about 1 cm thick. Lightly beat off each slice. Cut into strips approx. 5 cm
  4. Put the meat in a saucepan, sprinkle with flour, mix. Pour in broth, add wine. Bring to a boil and add the fried onion.
  5. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat, add sour cream, mustard, pepper. Simmer for about 30 minutes, put the mushrooms, mix well, cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Beef stroganoff is ready, we invite everyone to the table.

And in this video you can see another recipe for making beef stroganoff

I really hope that you liked the recipe for beef stroganoff with mushrooms. Share the recipe with friends, click on the social buttons. networks.

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Regards, Anna. See you again.

Beef stroganoff is a dish created by French chefs especially for Count Stroganov. This fact is also the reason for its name.

Traditionally, beef stroganoff is made from beef. However, today classic recipe improved more than once, and very often mushrooms are added to the dish for sophistication.

They go well with any meat and perfectly complement beef stroganoff, making its taste unique. In addition to beef, the dish is prepared from chicken, pork or liver, so everyone can choose a recipe according to their own discretion and preferences.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms - general principles of cooking

Mushrooms are best taken fresh. If you have frozen ones, be sure to thaw them completely before cooking. If you have dried mushrooms then soak them in hot water for half an hour.

The meat for the dish must be cut against the grain and into very thin plates. It is better if it is slightly frozen.

Before you beat off the pieces, it is advisable to completely defrost them and cover them with disposable bags so that the spray does not fly in all directions.

sauce for classic version dishes are prepared from fatty sour cream, but it can be easily replaced with cream, milk or mayonnaise.

If you add flour during the stewing process, then do it gradually, and stirring constantly, otherwise lumps will form.

An obligatory component of the dish is onion, it can be cut arbitrarily.

So that the consistency of the dish and the taste do not change, serve the beef stroganoff immediately hot.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and beef

300 g beef meat (tenderloin);

200 g of any fresh mushrooms;

130 ml of meat broth;

120 g low-fat sour cream;

10 ml of wine vinegar;

2 garlic cloves;

10 g dried paprika;

20 ml olive oil;

1. Wash the meat tenderloin, dry it and cut into layers 2-3 cm thick.

2. Lightly beat the meat.

3. Cut the beaten beef into small strips, sprinkle them with flour.

4. Pour half the oil into the pan, fry the meat until golden brown. Transfer it to a separate plate.

5. Pour the broth into the same pan, heat it up and set aside.

6. Peel the onion, chop it.

7. Rinse the mushrooms, then cut into thin plates.

8. Pour the remaining oil into another pan. Fry the onion first, then add the mushrooms to it.

9. Crush the peeled garlic with a press, add to the mushrooms.

10. Pour vinegar here, salt, add paprika and sour cream. Stir.

11. Add meat and broth to the onion with mushrooms, cover and continue to simmer for 10 minutes.

12. Ready meal serve warm with noodles, garnished with a sprig of greens.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and cream

1 kg of beef meat (tenderloin);

300 g of champignons;

300 g cream (35% fat);

1 large onion;

2 bay leaves;

20 ml vegetable oil;

5 g ground pepper;

1. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and then divide them in half again.

2. Add oil to the pan, transfer the prepared onion there. Fry.

3. Rinse the mushrooms, cut them into thin slices. Add them to the onions and continue frying.

4. At this time, cut the beef into thin strips. Add to the pan when all the moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms.

5. Fry the meat with mushrooms and onions over high heat.

6. Then the fire should be reduced, after which you can add flour and pour cream into the pan.

7. At the same moment, transfer the leaves of parsley to the products.

8. Add salt, pepper, cover and simmer until the meat is cooked.

9. Put the dish on a plate with a side dish and garnish with herbs or vegetables.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and milk in a slow cooker

300 g of champignons;

5 g ground pepper;

10 ml of oil for frying;

1. First, peel the onion, then chop it.

2. Add oil to the multicooker bowl, then transfer the onion into it and place it in the appliance. Turn on the "Frying" mode for 20-25 minutes.

3. While the onions are fried, prepare the mushrooms. Wash them and cut into slices. Transfer to the container of the multicooker and continue to fry, not forgetting to stir.

4. Cut the beef into thin strips, then transfer to a slow cooker and fry until the meat is covered with a crust. At this point, you need to constantly mix the products.

5. When the meat is fried, carefully pour in warm milk, spices, salt and flour, stir quickly.

6. Close the multicooker, set the "Extinguishing" mode. Cook 45 minutes.

7. Serve with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and liver

130 ml simane;

Oil for frying;

A spoonful of tomato paste.

1. Cleanse the liver from all veins, rinse, dry.

2. Cut offal into long strips.

3. Chop the peeled onion into half rings and fry.

4. Take another pan and fry the liver on it. Cook for approximately 9 minutes.

5. Transfer the fried onions to the liver.

6. Cut the washed mushrooms into cubes. Fry them until cooked in the pan, which was left from the onion.

7. Transfer the mushrooms to the liver with onions.

8. In a bowl, mix sour cream with salt, flour and tomato paste. Transfer the resulting mixture to the pan to the liver.

9. Pour everything with water, add pepper and simmer for 20 minutes.

10. Serve with mashed potatoes and chopped dill.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and pork

800 g of pork meat;

400 g of any fresh mushrooms;

100 g sour cream 20%;

10 g seasoning Khmeli - suneli;

15 ml of oil for frying;

1. Cut the meat into thick slices, then beat each of them with a hammer.

2. Cut the beaten meat into thin short strips.

3. Chop the peeled onion with a knife.

4. Pour oil into the pan, add onion to it and fry it.

5. Transfer the meat to the pan, fry over high heat until a characteristic color appears.

6. Rinse the mushrooms, cut them into slices, add to the food in the pan. Continue frying.

7. When the mushrooms are ready, and the separated liquid has evaporated, add sour cream, spices, flour and salt. Stir quickly and cover the pan with a lid.

8. Simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Serve the finished dish with buckwheat, decorating it beautifully with vegetables and herbs.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and pickles

500 g beef tenderloin;

250 g mushrooms (champignons);

2 pickles;

190 ml cream 15%;

5 g black pepper powder;

2 tablespoons of oil for frying.

1. Cut the beef tenderloin into strips.

2. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings.

3. Wash the mushrooms first, after which they can be cut into thin slices.

4. Pour half the oil into the pan, put the beef, fry the meat.

5. Pour the remaining oil into the saucepan, transfer the onion here, fry.

6. Add mushrooms to the onion, fry, not forgetting to stir them.

7. When the pieces of meat are browned, remove the pan from the heat.

8. When all the liquid has evaporated from the mushrooms, pour the cream into the saucepan, add salt, mustard, pepper, mix.

9. Cut the cucumber into thin strips, transfer it to a saucepan.

10. Add pieces of beef to the resulting sauce, cover the saucepan tightly with a lid and cook until the meat becomes soft.

11. The finished dish can be served with thick noodles or other side dish, seasoned with tomato sauce.

Beef stroganoff with mushrooms and chicken

500 g chicken fillet;

250 g of champignons;

180 ml low-fat cream;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

20 ml soy sauce;

10 ml of oil for frying;

50 g butter;

5 g ground pepper;

1. Cut the chicken meat into pieces, the thickness of which is 1.5 cm and the length is 3-4 cm.

2. Chop the peeled onion in half rings, and crush the garlic with a press.

3. Mushrooms should be washed and cut into thin slices.

4. Take a frying pan with a thick bottom, pour oil into it, and when it warms up, add more butter.

5. Fry onion with mushrooms over high heat, add garlic.

6. When the onion becomes well transparent, you can add meat, mix.

7. During the cooking process, do not forget to shake the pan periodically.

8. When the chicken meat turns white and lightly browns, you can add soy sauce and flour. Stir quickly.

9. Salt, pepper, pour in the cream. Mix everything again, and simmer under the lid for about 7-10 minutes.

10. Serve the finished dish with noodles or buckwheat.

For cooking, take meat without fat.

Any mushrooms will do, but mostly beef stroganoff is made from champignons.

To diversify the taste of the dish, you can add mustard or tomato paste to the sauce.

Beef stroganoff is not a “picky” dish; any spices are suitable for it, but in moderation.

You can add to beef stroganoff with mushrooms nutmeg, it will add sophistication to the dish.

If you are preparing a dish with a lot of meat, fry it in batches so that all the pieces are browned on each side.

The most tender beef stroganoff comes from mushrooms and young veal.

If desired, chopped tomato and grated carrots can be added to the dish.

If you like a dish with sourness, then add lemon juice to it.

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