Home Drinks and cocktails Zucchini omelette without milk. Zucchini omelet. How to quickly cook a vegetable omelette with zucchini

Zucchini omelette without milk. Zucchini omelet. How to quickly cook a vegetable omelette with zucchini

Step 1: Prepare vegetables.

Put the zucchini in the sink and rinse thoroughly, it is best to even take some kind of brush or rub the vegetable thoroughly with your hands. After washing, dry it with disposable towels, cut off the ends on both sides, and then cut into thin rings or half rings. However, if you decide to cook an omelette from a late zucchini, be sure to peel it and remove the seeds.
The onion, by the way, it is completely optional in this omelette, but it tastes better with it, peel, rinse cold water, and then cut into thin half rings or small cubes.

Step 2: Saute vegetables.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until translucent. Then pour the pieces of zucchini into the same place and cook the vegetables over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Remember to stir the contents of the pan periodically so that nothing burns.

Step 3: Whisk the eggs.

While the vegetables are roasting, crack both eggs into a bowl and beat until smooth and frothy. At the end, add salt and black pepper to taste to the egg mixture.

Step 4: Prepare the zucchini omelet.

TO stewed vegetables pour in the salted and peppered egg mass and fry everything in the same way over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then cover with a lid, lower the power and continue to cook the zucchini omelet until it is well cooked on top. This can go from 5 to 10 minutes. And you can also turn the mass over and continue to fry over medium heat without closing the lid. Remove the finished omelet from the heat and serve immediately.

Step 5: Serve the omelet with zucchini.

Divide the omelet with zucchini with a knife directly in the pan into portions, and then spread it on plates with a spatula. Garnish with fresh herbs or a salad of crunchy vegetables like cucumbers or bell peppers. Sour cream works well as a sauce. This is such a hearty summer breakfast, which is also very healthy and nutritious.
Bon Appetit!

Sprinkle the finished omelette with cheese, be it feta cheese, feta or parmesan of your choice, to make the dish even tastier and a little more satisfying.

I met recipes for omelet with zucchini, where sausages or sausages were fried along with vegetables. This makes the finished omelet a lot harder, but I know there are a lot of people who always miss something meaty in their vegetable dishes.

For beauty, you can even mix zucchini and baby squash by frying them together and then adding beaten eggs.

Omelet is hearty and delicious option breakfast, which is most often present on the morning table. To date, there are many variations in the preparation of this dish, but with the onset of the summer season, zucchini omelet is gaining popularity.

Such a breakfast will be an excellent solution for those who follow their figure and seek to get rid of excess weight with health benefits.

If you still have not included zucchini in your diet, it's time to do it, because this vegetable is not only incredibly light and tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Zucchini has a rather unusual composition, more than 90% of which is represented by water. Despite this, the product has many useful properties due to the presence of calcium, sodium, iron, vitamins B, C, PP, E, biotin, pectin, and dietary fiber in the composition.

Main beneficial features zucchini are:

  • Improving immunity and strengthening the protective forces of the human body;
  • absorption and excretion of toxins, bad cholesterol and excess fluid from the body;
  • rapid saturation and reduced need for food, which is important in dietary nutrition;
  • elimination of puffiness, regardless of the nature of their origin;
  • improving the functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • ensuring the proper functioning of the digestive system;
  • providing anthelmintic effects;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels.

Zucchini is characterized by a minimum calorie content and the absence of fat components, due to which dishes based on this product are recommended to be included in the diet of patients with diabetes and obesity.

To prepare a delicious and tender omelette from zucchini in a pan, you should use simple recipe and available ingredients, which are:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • zucchini - 1 pc. medium size;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste;
  • herbs to decorate the dish.

Rinse the zucchini thoroughly under running water, then remove the peel and middle. Removing the core is necessary only if we are talking about using a sufficiently mature vegetable, inside which dense seeds have formed. If you use a young zucchini, you can do without removing the inner pulp.

Peeled zucchini must be cut into small cubes and fry them in a pan, adding a small amount vegetable oil. Fry until the vegetable begins to acquire a softer texture.

As a rule, this procedure takes from 5 to 8 minutes. In this case, the contents of the pan must be stirred regularly to avoid burning.

In a separate container, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the eggs with the indicated amount of milk, using a whisk for this purpose. The resulting homogeneous mass should be seasoned with salt and black pepper to taste. Pour the omelette mixture on top of the fried zucchini and cook in closed pan on low fire.

Once the omelette is well set, the pan can be removed from the heat. It is recommended to serve the omelet to the table, having previously cut it into portioned pieces. Chopped greens should be used as a decoration for the dish.

There are many recipes for making an omelet with zucchini in a pan, so for a change, you can use additional ingredients that will make breakfast more satisfying and tasty.

For example, sausages can be used as an auxiliary component, giving preference to low-fat varieties. Chopped sausage can be lightly fried in a pan and added to the fried zucchini along with the scrambled mass.

It's no secret that the quality indicators of the final dish largely depend on what products are used in its preparation. So, when choosing zucchini for an omelette, it is recommended to give preference to young, slightly greenish vegetables. The positive aspects of this choice are the speed of their preparation and a more delicate taste.

Zucchini can be fried both before adding the scrambled mass, and with it. If you prefer the first option, cut the vegetable into larger pieces.

If it is supposed to pre-mix the zucchini with an omelet mass and subsequent fry in a pan, then it is recommended to chop the vegetable using a grater. Only in this case will uniform cooking of all products be guaranteed.

It should also be borne in mind that zucchini does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, so you should not skimp on the use of various greens, which will make the dish more tasty and appetizing.

Bon Appetit!

Omelette - universal dish perfect for breakfast, lunch or a light dinner. It is made from milk and chicken eggs with the addition of mushrooms, vegetables and even seafood. In today's article you will find more than one interesting recipe omelet with zucchini.

Traditional option

It's simple and tasty dish prepares in just a few minutes. Therefore, it is the best suited for a morning meal. To make a light and healthy breakfast, you will need:

  • A small zucchini.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • ¼ cup milk.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Salt and spices.

The washed zucchini is cut into quarter rings and fried in heated olive oil. As soon as it softens, it is salted, seasoned with spices and poured with eggs, previously beaten with milk. Prepare an omelette with zucchini in a frying pan covered with a lid for several minutes on each side. Before serving, it is transferred to a flat plate and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Bacon option

It's interesting nutritious dish cooking in the oven. Therefore, if you plan to serve it with breakfast, you will have to wake up half an hour earlier than usual. Before you start making a tender, slightly sweet omelette with zucchini and tomatoes, see if you have on hand:

Preparing this omelette with zucchini is extremely simple, so any beginner can handle this task without any problems. To do this, eggs, bacon, salt and milk are combined in a deep container. Chopped green onion, chopped parsley, flour, half of the available cheese and chopped zucchini. Everything is gently mixed and poured into a refractory dish, greased with olive oil. Tomato slices are placed on top, slightly pressing them. The resulting semi-finished product is sprinkled with the remains of cheese and put into the oven. After twenty-five minutes, the browned omelette is removed from the oven, decorated with fresh parsley and served.

Variant with mushrooms

We will immediately warn you that this recipe for an omelette with zucchini involves the use of a slow cooker. Therefore, you do not have to constantly monitor that the dish does not burn. To treat your family with delicious and light breakfast, make sure you have on hand:

  • 5 eggs.
  • Young zucchini.
  • 4 champignons.
  • 3 tablespoons of milk.
  • Greens, butter and salt.

Eggs are poured with the right amount of milk and beaten with a mixer. A pinch of salt, chopped mushrooms and grated zucchini are added to the resulting liquid. All this is sent to the bowl of the device, greased with butter, and covered with a lid. An omelette with zucchini is prepared in a slow cooker operating in the “Baking” mode for thirty minutes. Before use, it is sprinkled with grated cheese and decorated with fresh herbs.

Smoked chicken option

This hearty and fragrant breakfast will surely be appreciated by the representatives of the stronger sex. It is prepared in less than half an hour, and does not require special culinary skills. To do delicious omelette with zucchini, you will need:

  • 4 eggs.
  • Tablespoon of sour cream.
  • 150 grams of zucchini.
  • Tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • 80 grams of smoked chicken.
  • Salt and spices.

Eggs are combined with sour cream and beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Salt is added to the resulting mixture and poured into a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil. Grated zucchini and chopped chicken are also sent there. The omelette mass is folded in half and fried on each side until a golden crust appears. Water it before serving soy sauce or ketchup.

Variant with bell pepper

This easy vegetable omelette with zucchini is ready in just half an hour. Therefore, it will certainly interest those who have to make their own breakfast. To try this dish, you will need:

  • 4 eggs.
  • 300 grams of zucchini.
  • 50 milliliters of milk.
  • A tablespoon of thick sour cream.
  • 20 grams of butter.
  • ½ sweet bell pepper.
  • Salt and spices.

Courgettes are rubbed on a coarse grater, squeezed out the juice and fried in butter. After that, they, along with crushed bell pepper transferred to a refractory container and poured with a mixture of salted milk, eggs and sour cream. Bake an omelet at two hundred degrees for half an hour.

Pork belly option

It's delicious summer dish consists of simple and easily accessible ingredients, the main part of which is always in every thrifty housewife. To prepare it you will need:

  • Half a zucchini.
  • 30 grams pork belly.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • 30 grams of hard cheese.
  • 50 milliliters of milk.
  • Hard cheese, salt and fresh herbs.

If desired, the amount of milk can be increased to 100 milliliters. And the pork belly can be easily replaced with any other meat product.

Thoroughly washed zucchini is peeled, cut into small cubes and sent to a frying pan greased with a small amount of vegetable oil. Pieces of pork belly are also added there and all this is fried over moderate heat.

While the food is browning, eggs and salted milk are combined in a clean bowl. All this is lightly beaten with a whisk or an ordinary fork and poured into a common frying pan. Almost ready omelette with zucchini is well mixed and seasoned with chopped herbs. After that, it is sprinkled with grated cheese, covered with a lid and simmered over a minimum heat for at least seven minutes. The fried and slightly risen omelette is transferred to a flat plate and served for breakfast.

Another recipe for those who do not like to stand at the stove for hours, but love to eat delicious food! Meet the new egg masterpiece.

For those who like to cook a variety of vegetable goodies in a pan, this simple recipe will be a find. Delicate, satisfying and at the same time light omelette with zucchini and tomatoes is perfect for quick dinner or breakfast on the day off. You don’t have to worry about the dangers of eggs, a sparing cooking regimen, a minimum of oil and natural products are a guarantee that a tasty dish will not harm your health. At least, such an appetizer is much more harmless than dumplings or sausages.

Preparation of products and tools

To implement this recipe, you will need a simple set of products, a cutting board for cutting, a knife, a bowl for beating egg mass, a whisk. It will take 10 minutes to cook.

Prepare for two servings:

  • fresh zucchini - 50 g (a small piece for the eye);
  • one medium tomato;
  • two eggs;
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • fresh or dried herbs;
  • salt and ground pepper taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Take tomatoes with a dense skin, and young zucchini, because they still have tender flesh with immature seeds and a thin skin. You can increase the number of chicken eggs.

Step by step cooking

How to cook an omelette with zucchini in a pan:

  1. Grab a cutting board and start chopping your ingredients. Cut the vegetables into rings or half rings, about 0.5 cm thick.
  2. Break the stated amount of chicken eggs into a bowl.
  3. Add a tablespoon of any mayonnaise to the egg mass.
  4. Season the egg base ingredients with salt and pepper. You can also add your favorite spices or seasonings.
  5. Take a regular fork or whisk, beat the protein and yolk with mayonnaise until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into the pan (sunflower oil was used in this recipe).
  7. Warm it up.
  8. Lay out the zucchini rings first. Salt them.
  9. Fry on one side, turn over.
  10. Put the tomatoes on the zucchini.
  11. Pour the vegetables over the cooked egg mass immediately. The eggs should completely set. At the end of cooking, sprinkle the finished omelet with chopped fresh herbs, such as dill. Rinse and dry greens first.

A delicious and satisfying omelette with zucchini and tomatoes is ready! Tomorrow cook or unusual recipe our culinary specialists preparing especially for you.

Check out other recipes. Everything is delicious, fast and easy!

Omelettes are great in a solo version, where the main ingredient is eggs or eggs with the addition of a small amount of milk. But they are even more beautiful when a tasty company approaches the eggs. The summer-autumn season is the best time to make an omelet with vegetables. For example, such an omelette - with tender zucchini and sweet green peas, and to give the dish a picnic romance and a campfire aroma, also with smoked cheese.

It is known that the most fluffy omelet obtained in the oven. Today you will see it again. In addition, the recipe can be prepared in a double boiler and a slow cooker - you will only need to choose the cooking time for the dish, depending on the model of the kitchen assistant.

Preparation time: 35-40 minutes / Yield: 2 servings.


  • small zucchini 1 piece
  • green peas 70 grams (you can use frozen)
  • eggs 2 pieces
  • milk 100 grams
  • hard smoked cheese 50 grams
  • provencal herbs 0.5 tsp
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil (for greasing molds)

This omelette can be cooked in one large form, as well as in portioned ceramic molds.


    If you use frozen for this dish green pea, then first pour boiling water over it. So it will quickly defrost, but will not lose color.

    Lubricate the omelette mold with a little vegetable oil and place green peas on the bottom.

    Cut the young zucchini into thin strips with a vegetable peeler.

    Carefully arrange the zucchini strips into the mold, creating something like petals.

    Now prepare the omelette mixture: mix eggs, milk and spices.

    Lightly beat the mixture with a fork or whisk and pour it over the vegetables.

    Grate on a fine grater smoked cheese and sprinkle them on top of the omelet.

    Cook the omelet at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes until the egg mass sets. At the same time, it will become lush and slightly airy inside.
    Serve hot.

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