Home Products Soaked apples with rye flour. Soaked homemade apples. The best recipes for the winter

Soaked apples with rye flour. Soaked homemade apples. The best recipes for the winter

Apples are always nice to crunch, even in summer, even in winter. However, a large harvest is not so easy to maintain for a long time. In this case, pickled apple recipes come to the rescue. The process of making such homemade treats does not require much effort in conditions when all containers and ingredients are prepared correctly. And you can soak fruits in jars or barrels, make them with sugar or horseradish, add honey or mustard and other products.

How to Prepare Apples for Peeing

The process of urinating apples and other fruits or berries is to convert fructose from them into lactic acid and alcohol. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria act as a catalyst for this transformation. At the exit, the same sour-sweet “soaked” taste is obtained. Not all apples are suitable for cooking. They must meet the following criteria:

  • average same size;
  • hardness and density;
  • sour taste;
  • plucked from a tree, not dropped to the ground;
  • without red blush (for summer varieties).

Advice. You can not wet recently picked apples - let them rest. Thus, the starch in their composition will turn into sugar.

Recipe for pickled apples in a barrel

Fruits and vegetables have been soaked and fermented in wooden barrels since ancient times. In this case, it is important to choose and prepare the container correctly. Oak is best suited for these purposes, but other wood material is also allowed. The optimal capacity is 30 kg or more. Preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. Soak the barrel and wash it with hot water.
  2. Rinse with soda solution: for 1 bucket hot water- 20 y.
  3. Pour boiling water over the container again.
  4. Discuss.
  5. For the purpose of disinfection, fumigate with sulfur.

Traditionally pickled apples are cooked in a barrel.

The bottom and walls before laying out the fruit and already during the process must be lined with a thin layer of straw. It will protect the fruits from mechanical damage and give them a pleasant smell, taste and golden hue. Rye or wheat is best. Straw is needed from a new collection, without mold and unpleasant odors. It should be cleaned of weeds, washed, scalded with boiling water and dried.

Advice. Instead of straw, a blackcurrant leaf treated in the same way is suitable.

Apples should be tightly packed in a container with the stalks up. At the end, the top layer of the fruit must also be covered with straw, and then with a napkin, with a circle under it and pressed down with a heavy object. After that, you need to lubricate the edge of the barrel vegetable oil and pour in the brine. It is prepared as follows: for every 10 kg of apples, take 5 liters of cold boiled water, pour 80 g of salt and about 150-200 g of sugar into it.

Variants of soaked apples with spices in a barrel

To give apples an additional flavor, you can add honey (sometimes they completely or partially replace sugar), as well as spices:

  • mustard;

Recipes for brine with malt are quite popular:

  1. Add 50 g of malt to 0.5 l of water.
  2. Boil the broth for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix with brine (this is enough for 5 liters).

Advice. Rye flour is also used instead of malt. Mix 75 g with a little water and add the mixture to the already boiling broth. Boiling water should be 4 times more.

Apples in a barrel need care. Remove mold and foam, wash wheel and weight weekly with hot water. Urination occurs within 1.5 - 2 months. If everything is done correctly, then the apples will turn pink or slightly golden and acquire the desired taste.

Recipe for pickled apples in jars

The basic principles of soaking in barrels are also available to residents of apartment buildings who cannot keep wooden 30-kilogram straw containers on the balcony. In this case, much smaller ceramic or glass can be used. Simplified recipes are also suitable. The most popular among modern methods are soaking with honey, mustard, horseradish, etc.

soaked apples in the bank

The simplest version of pickled apples in jars involves a brine with sugar and salt. For 5 liters of water you will need 60 g of both:

  1. Carefully sort and wash the apples.
  2. Pack them tightly in a jar.
  3. Fill with brine.
  4. Seal with a plastic lid. After 1.5 months. you will get sour apples.

Ways to soak apples with honey

Honey often pairs with mint in recipes. Straw in this case is replaced by scalded and dried blackcurrant and / or cherry leaves. The recipe is suitable for containers of various types:

  1. Prepare a brine: dissolve 100-150 g of honey, 75 g of salt, 50 g of malt or 75 g of rye flour in 5 liters of warm water. When the mixture has cooled, stir thoroughly.
  2. Lay a currant leaf on the bottom of the jar in a thin layer.
  3. Place 2 rows of apples tightly together.
  4. Cover them with a cherry leaf layer and arrange two more rows of apples on top.
  5. The next is a thin layer of mint, and on top of it are apples again.
  6. Cover the topmost apple row with assorted leaves and a couple of mint sprigs.
  7. Close the circle and press down with something heavy.
  8. Carefully, without removing the load, pour the brine into the container. Throughout the soaking process, the circle must be completely immersed in the liquid.

Advice. The optimum temperature for successful rinsing of apples is +15…+18°C. The term of readiness for this and other "jar" recipes is 4-6 weeks.

Recipe for pickled apples with mustard and other spices

For pickled mustard apples, the brine is prepared as follows: 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 50 g salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. mustard. The filling is boiled and allowed to cool. In its own way, the recipe for soaked apples with mountain ash is piquant and peculiar.

Pickled apples with spices

The brine for it is prepared with honey: dissolve 1250 g of honey (or sugar), 25 g of salt in 5 liters of warm water, cool the mixture - this is enough for about 10 kg of apples. In a container mixed with apples, evenly place ripe, whole and washed rowan berries, separated from the twigs. Cover with a lid or cheesecloth, circle and weight.

Attention! Rowan is a winter berry. Therefore, according to this recipe, apples are soaked in the cold.

The recipe for soaked apples in Polish involves the use of horseradish to give a special taste to the fruits. To 5 liters of warm water, add 75 g of salt, sugar and rye flour. The brine must be cooled before pouring, and horseradish leaves (according to the recipe, it is also allowed grape leaf) shift the layers of apples. The finished fruit container should be kept in a warm room for a couple of days, then transferred to a place with a temperature of no more than 12 ° C.

If everything works out for you, and you like the process and the result of soaking, then next time you can experiment. For example, change the composition of the brine or the proportions of the ingredients. So you can achieve the perfect taste, based on the preferences of your family.

Apples for the winter in a jar: video

Soaked apples: photo

Step by step pickled apple recipes rye flour and mustard, honey, malt, straw

2018-10-09 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


15 gr.

60 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Soaked Apples with Rye Flour

Soaked apples can be prepared in many ways, but in the old days rye flour was added to ferment and improve the taste. Now there is no problem to find it in the store, you can also grind the grain yourself, this option is even better. Here is a decades-old recipe for soaked apples with cherry leaves. Previously, they were cooked in huge wooden barrels to feast on until spring. Now you can use not so large dishes. We choose apples of autumn dense varieties and small sizes. Large and soft fruits are not suitable for urination.


  • 10 liters of water;
  • 7 kg of apples;
  • 200 g rye flour;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • cherry (currant) leaves;
  • 300 g sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for classic pickled apples

Pour prescription sugar, five tablespoons of salt into a liter of hot water (you can take boiling water). Stir until dissolved and leave to cool while preparing the rest of the ingredients.

Rinse apples together with cherry leaves (you can use currants or a mixture). We immediately set aside damaged, broken and wormy fruits. They will spoil the entire workpiece, contribute to the decay of other fruits, and an unpleasant taste will appear.

We take a tub, a tank, a large enameled bucket or pan. Rinse inside with soda, rinse thoroughly. You can also use a large jar for urination. We throw a handful of leaves to the bottom, distribute it in an even layer, fall asleep apples. It is also desirable to layer them with leaves, but in a small amount.

During the preparation of apples, the salt solution with sugar has cooled down, add rye flour to it, stir, and then pour cold water. It is important that it does not contain chlorine. Usually they use spring or well, filtered water for urination. If there is nothing like that, then boil from the water supply and cool.

We put a circle, a lid or something similar on apples with leaves, put oppression. A heavy load is not needed, 1-2 kilograms is enough, it is important that the fruit does not float. Pour the solution with rye flour on top of the load.

We leave apples for a couple of days at room temperature, then we lower it for 4 weeks in the cellar or in the basement. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 18 degrees.

For pickled apples, as well as any other blanks, it is undesirable to use iodized salt, as well as extra varieties (fine grinding).

Option 2: Quick Soaked Apples with Rye Flour and Mustard

Apples according to this recipe are prepared in just two weeks, but we choose small fruits. It is also very important to add mustard to the brine. It will not allow the workpiece to sour during the first infusion in a warm room. We use dry mustard powder, the amount is given in spoons, we collect with a slide.


  • 10 liters of water;
  • a glass of rye flour;
  • 5 spoons of mustard;
  • 170 g of salt;
  • small apples;
  • leaves optional;
  • a glass of sugar.

How to quickly cook pickled apples

We dilute salt with sugar in purified water and mustard powder. Why do we cast a small amount, combine with rye flour. Pour it back, stir, there should be no lumps in the brine.

We wash all the apples, discard the defective and damaged fruits immediately to the side. On the rest with a toothpick, we make two or three holes. We throw it into a tub or tank, if desired, we layer it with cherry leaves. Branches can be placed at the bottom.

It remains only to fill the apples with brine and place oppression on them. We stand three or four days at room temperature, and then put it in a cool place. Soaked apples should be checked periodically. It is important that throughout the entire time they are in the liquid, do not dry out.

The amount of sugar when urinating apples can be increased, up to 700 grams are added per 10 liters of liquid. This is especially true when using unripe or very acidic fruits.

Option 3: Soaked apples with rye flour and malt

Malt is sprouted roasted and ground grain. This ingredient is actively used not only in the preparation of kvass, but also for preservation, various homemade preparations. It's very good recipe soaked apples. They are prepared simply, but they turn out to be very fragrant, they will certainly delight you with their taste and give a lot of vitamins that the body lacks in winter.


  • 50 g of malt;
  • 5 tablespoons of rye flour;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 6 kg of apples;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • cherry leaves;
  • 180 g salt.

How to cook

Pour malt with hot water, but not boiling water. Add salt, sugar to them, stir and leave until dissolved, then add rye flour, stir, combine with the remaining water.

We wash the apples, we do the same with cherry leaves. We put it in a tub or bucket, tank. Pour the prepared cold liquid, put under oppression.

If you do not need to speed up the process of urination, then we send it to a cool place. If you want to try apples earlier, then leave it for a couple of days in a warm room, and then put it in the basement or in the pantry. Withstand 3-4 weeks.

The time it takes to soak apples depends on many factors: the room temperature, the size and firmness of the fruit, the thickness of the skin, and the recipe chosen.

Option 4: Soaked apples with rye flour, honey and mint

In the old days, not sugar, but honey was often used for urination. This substitution gave original taste and aroma. In addition, honey is also a preservative. Here is the simplest recipe for delicious pickled apples with rye flour. They will stand until the very spring, if you use dense fruits, and store the barrel at a temperature not exceeding 16 degrees.


  • a bucket of water;
  • 5-6 kg of apples;
  • 400 g of honey;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 st. rye flour:
  • a handful of currant leaves;
  • a handful of cherry leaves;
  • 5 sprigs of mint.

Step by step recipe

At the bottom of the tub or other dishes used for urination, we throw a few cherry leaves and three sprigs of mint. It will give a good aroma. You can take Melissa. We lay the washed whole apples, periodically throw currant and cherry leaves.

Pour the rest of the leaves on top and put more mint. We cover with a wooden circle of a suitable size or an unnecessary lid, proceed to the preparation of the brine.

We heat a liter of water to a hot state, remove it from the stove and pour salt into it. Stir, the liquid should cool to about sixty degrees, after which we introduce honey into it. We continue to stir, the pieces should dissolve, only then we fall asleep flour. During these manipulations, the liquid will cool. We combine it with the remaining cold water.

Pour prepared and crushed apples. We send to a cool place for four weeks. The optimum temperature is from 14 to 18 degrees. After a month (sometimes earlier), you can take a sample from apples.

Only real honey is used for urination, substitutes are not suitable. But on the other hand, you can put a stagnant, candied product into the workpiece, it will not be worse from this.

Option 5: Soaked apples with rye flour and straw

When urinating, not only cherry or currant leaves are used, but also straw. A very convenient version of the layer, which has its advantages and a special aroma. You can cook in a tub, an enameled bucket or in a saucepan.


  • apples;
  • straw;
  • 4 tablespoons of rye flour;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 4 spoons of mustard;
  • 150 g of sugar or honey;
  • 4 spoons of salt.

How to cook

Wash apples. If you want to speed up the process of urination, then we prick. Pour a thin layer of straw into a bucket or tank, put apples, sprinkle each layer with straws. We also cover the fruit on top.

We dissolve sugar and salt in a liter of hot water, you can use honey, you do not need to increase the amount. Cool, add mustard and rye flour. We measure with spoons, add with a slide. Mix with the rest of the water.

Pour the apples with the prepared liquid, cover with a circle or a lid of a smaller diameter than the tank. We put a stone or brick, you can take another load. We leave for about three weeks. Then you can get a small apple and try it. On average, the urination time is 4-6 weeks at a temperature of about 16 degrees.

Apples will be beautiful if, when laying in a tub, add cranberries or lingonberries. They will give a pleasant shade, make the taste more interesting and deeper.

Everyone knows that apples can be well kept fresh until the middle of winter. But for this you need to choose special varieties and follow certain storage rules. If you do not have such an opportunity, we suggest trying to prepare with mustard. The recipe may contain various products. But in principle, they are nothing special. The main thing is that such a delicacy turns out to be very tasty, and also useful. After all main feature pickled apples - saving all useful properties due to the absence of heat treatment.

Various ways to urinate

There are many recipes for urinating apples. The most delicious are usually apples in a barrel. But the most in a simple way consider urinating apples in a tub of sauerkraut. Already in 7-14 days apples will become incomparable.

There are enough different ways how to cook pickled apples with mustard. Recipes may or may not contain spices, but the main thing is to choose the right type of fruit. It is necessary to use apples of late varieties. For example, antonovka, anise, titovka, pepin. In addition, they must be medium-sized, well-ripened, without any damage, not wormy or rotten. Therefore, each fruit should be carefully checked. It will be a shame if one rotten apple spoils the whole ambassador. If, when preparing soaked apples, all the necessary cooking standards are observed, then such a delicacy will stand in the cellar until May. But as for the glaciers, their use will provide you with your favorite delicacy until the next autumn harvest.

But we are interested in those methods of urination that can be used in our conditions. These include sugar, sour and simple urination. For such a technique hard varieties fruits are not immediately urinated, they are first allowed to age for about two weeks. Regardless of the method, the urination process lasts approximately 30-40 days. But you need to periodically check the condition of the apples, if necessary, add water if the apples are bare. It is very important that there is always enough brine. But after the period of urination, you can try and serve apples.

simple urination

If you decide to make pickled apples with mustard, the simple recipe that will now be described is just for you. You will need:

  • water - 9.5 l;
  • malt - 100 g;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • dry mustard - 120 g;
  • sugar - 230 g.

We thoroughly wash the fruits before laying. We cover the bottom and walls of the dishes with wheat or rye straw scalded with boiling water. We do the same between the rows of apples. The layer of straw should be 0.6-1 cm. The top layer of fruits is also covered with straw, poured with brine and put under oppression. As you can see, it is very easy to prepare pickled apples with mustard. Brine preparation recipes are even simpler. Here, in our case, it is easy to prepare. Dissolve salt, malt, sugar, mustard in boiling water. Let it cool down and we can use it.

How to make malt

Decided to cook pickled apples with mustard? The recipe described above is based on the use of malt. What is it? How to cook it? So, malt is sprouted grains of rye, wheat or barley, which are pre-dried and coarsely ground. And you need to prepare it like this: we take 200 g of flour from such grains, dilute it with a small amount of boiled cold water. Pour two liters of boiling water, defend for 10-15 minutes and filter. Such malt is used per 10 liters of brine.

Soaked apples with mustard

The recipe involves the use, in addition to apples, of such products:

First of all, we prepare the brine. We boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it, dilute mustard, let it cool. We take a suitable container, lay a straw bed on the bottom. In its absence, it can be replaced with cherry or currant leaves, previously well washed. We tightly put fruits in a bowl, pour mustard brine, press down with oppression. The brine should cover the apples, as well as a circle with oppression.

Soaked apples with one more pour

This filling is slightly different from those described in previous recipes. To prepare it, we take:

  • water - 10 l;
  • sugar -100-300 g;
  • salt - two tbsp. l.;
  • mustard (dry) - two tbsp. l.

Boil water with sugar, cool. Then put the mustard and salt, stir well so that they are completely dissolved. And you can use this solution. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey, only in this case it needs to be taken twice as much as sugar.

Soaked antonovka

Consider another option, how to cook pickled apples. Antonovka with mustard urinates like this. We take:

  • Antonovka - 5-6 kg;
  • rye flour - 200 g;
  • water - two buckets (20 l);
  • salt - one tbsp. l. per liter of water;
  • dry mustard - one tbsp. l. (per liter of water);
  • honey (sugar) - 300 g;
  • rye straw - a large bunch;
  • currant leaves - 20 pcs.

According to this recipe, the cooking time for apples is 30 days. They should be stored in a cool place. During the first week, we constantly check the brine level and add it when necessary. So, how to cook pickled apples with mustard at home?

To prepare the syrup, stir the flour in cold water (boiled). Next, pour the flour mixture with two liters of boiling water, mix thoroughly, defend, strain. After that, dilute with cold water, add sugar, mustard, salt.

We put the apples in an enameled bucket (if there is, then with the twigs up. We cover all the layers with currant leaves or rye straw. Then pour the brine so that it completely covers the apples. Put oppression on top of the fruit.

Soaked apples with cloves and cinnamon

We also offer to cook such pickled apples with mustard, the recipe of which, in addition to traditional ingredients, contains cloves and mustard. So, in this case we will use:

  • a kilo of apples;
  • 10 blackcurrant leaves;
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • one and a half tsp salt;
  • about 100 g of honey (this is 4 tablespoons);
  • 0.5 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 5 pieces. cloves;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon.

We select, according to the above rules, apples. Wash them. We put the fruits with their tails up in an enamel pan, so that they are located as tightly as possible next to each other. Currant and cherry leaves are washed well, we shift each layer of apples with them. To prepare the filling, put water on the fire, add honey, salt, cinnamon, cloves to it. Bring to a boil, remove the foam that honey forms. Turn off the fire, cool for 15 minutes. Pour hot brine over apples. Soaked apples will turn out delicious if they are completely covered with filling.

We cover the apples with a plate, but without a load. It is very important that the apples are under the fill all the time and in no case pop up. We leave the pot with fruits for three days in the room. Room temperature will let them ferment a bit. Then we take them to a cold room. Soaked apples will be ready in one and a half to two months.

Another option for pickled apples with mustard

To prepare such pickled apples with mustard, as usual, we select apples without any defects, approximately the same size. Wash them carefully. This recipe allows you to soak fruits in wooden, glass and ceramic containers. You can also use, if desired, liners made of food-grade polyethylene. However, we will not argue that apples in wooden barrels are the most delicious.

We prepare the following products:

  • 10 kg of apples;
  • leaves of cherry, black currant;
  • tarragon.

As for the filling, you will need:

  • five liters of water;
  • 125 g rye flour;
  • half st. l. mustard, sugar and salt.

Let's get started! We prepare dishes. We sew a bag along the width of the dishes with a 20-centimeter margin in length from natural white fabric. We put the bag in a container, line the bottom with tarragon (2 cm), black and cherry. We lay the apples on the litter in two rows with the stalks up, then a layer of greens, again apples, and so on until the container is completely filled.

Ready to fill. Dilute rye flour with water, add salt, mustard, sugar, pour boiling water, stir thoroughly, close the lid, let cool and brew.

We pour apples. We tighten and twist the ends of the bag, put a circle with oppression on top. We try what happened, somewhere in 40 days.

Storage Basics for Pickled Apples

To get high-quality fragrant pickled apples with mustard, first, after pouring with a solution, they need to be installed in a warm place (temperature 15-20 degrees) and kept for 5-7 days. This is necessary to create favorable conditions under which it will accelerate. Then they are stored in a room with a temperature regime of 0-5 degrees. As a rule, apples can be consumed after 35-40 days. But there are recipes with a slight deviation from this time interval in one direction or another.

Apples are so common in domestic latitudes that they seem quite ordinary. With pleasure eating juicy fruits, few people think about history, legends and statistics. You will love apples even more if you meet some interesting facts about them.

  • Countless varieties. At the moment there are more than 7 thousand varieties of apples. It is impossible to give an exact figure, since almost every day new varieties appear with the light hand of breeders. They have not only gastronomic, but also decorative and technical purposes.
  • Symbol of life and longevity. This is how the apple is characterized in many world cultures. For example, the ancient Slavs gave a fetus to a newborn so that he would grow up strong and healthy. And in some regions of Germany, a beautiful tradition is preserved to plant an apple tree in honor of the birth of a child.
  • The first Christmas toy. In the 16th-19th centuries, Europeans decorated Christmas trees with apples. The tradition was broken due to a severe crop failure. Then glassblowers came up with multi-colored balls, the prototypes for which were apples.
  • Fruits-record holders. The smallest apple, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is barely larger than a pea. But the largest fruit was the size of a human head and weighed almost 2 kg.
  • Wish Maker. The ancient Persians believed that if you eat 40 apples in a row, after blowing on each one, your most cherished dream will come true. But this matter must be approached responsibly. If you just bite the fruit or stop halfway, trouble can fall on the eater.

Even more useful than from a tree

The beauty of pickled apples is that the concentration useful substances they have an order of magnitude more than fresh ones. That's the value of preparation.

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body. It is thanks to him that energy is produced in the cells for the normal functioning of organs. Takes part in cell division.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). It is called the “beauty vitamin”, since the condition of hair, skin and nails depends on its concentration in the body. And the substance regulates metabolism and stimulates reproductive function.
  • Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). Indispensable for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and skin problems. Increases brain activity and suppresses nervous tension.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Provides protein metabolism and transport of iron to the bone marrow. It also stabilizes the central nervous system by regulating her excitability.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). The substance maintains a healthy state of new cells, therefore it is necessary for a growing body, as well as for pregnant women. Regulates the work of the immune system and blood-forming organs.
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin). Stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells and prevents their destruction. Prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, heart and kidneys.

The main value of pickled fruits is the increased concentration of ascorbic acid. Thus, apples from ordinary ones turn into rejuvenating ones, because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that cleanses the body of everything superfluous and slows down the aging process. And, of course, acid strengthens the immune system.

Workpiece Features

Urination, along with fermentation and salting, is one of the oldest methods of harvesting fruits. So harvested apples, pears, watermelons, fragrant berries(lingonberries, cherries), cucumbers and more. This method is not very popular now, but once you try a soaked apple, you will want to learn how to make such a delicacy yourself.

The essence of the process

The essence of the urination process is that under the influence of lactic acid bacteria and natural yeast (they are also called "wild"), the sugar that is part of apples is transformed into alcohol, lactic acid and carbon dioxide. These substances provide a preservative effect, preventing decomposition and rotting of the fruit. They acquire a pleasant sour taste and rich aroma.

To our times, the procedure of urination has reached almost unchanged. Only the container has changed. Since ancient times, apples have been soaked in large oak barrels. But now such a luxury is not available to anyone. And modern man does not need such colossal volumes of harvesting. Therefore, traditional barrels are successfully replaced enamel pots, plastic buckets and glass bottles.

To properly soak apples for the winter is a whole science. Of course, each housewife has her own secrets and tricks, but there are five points that must be observed.

  1. Temperature regime. For the first ten days, the workpiece must be kept at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C.
  2. Start of fermentation. The appearance of foam on the surface is a signal that the fermentation process has begun (it is better to remove it).
  3. Degassing. To release excess gas, the workpiece must be pierced in several places with a knitting needle (it is important that the hole reaches the bottom of the container).
  4. Temperature change. From the moment fermentation begins, the temperature regime must be changed to cold (cellar, refrigerator or balcony).
  5. Readiness and storage. After one and a half to two months, pickled apples will be ready, and you can keep them for a whole year at a storage temperature of 0-10 ° C.

In the urination procedure, the sterile cleanliness of the container is important. The barrel is treated with caustic soda or nettle decoction, the jars are sterilized. Before soaking apples in a saucepan, boil water several times in it. If the containers are not properly treated, butyric or acetic fermentation will occur. Such a product will not be suitable for food.

Raw material selection

For urination, autumn and winter varieties of apples are more suitable, characterized by a sweet and sour taste and dense pulp. These are Antonovka, Pepin Saffron, Anis, Ranet, Kalvili. But you can use summer varieties with similar characteristics. For example, "White filling". But there is one condition. Summer varieties of apples need to be processed immediately after harvest. But autumn and winter should be allowed to lie down for a couple of weeks so that the concentration of sugars in fruits reaches a maximum.

Not only the variety is important, but also the physical characteristics of the fruit. They should be dense and strong without any signs of spoilage. Apples should not have dark spots and scab. It spoils not only appearance blanks, but also taste qualities. Fruits with scratches, punctures and cracks are also rejected, as in the process of urination they will become oversaturated with the solution and become tasteless and useless.

Soaked apples: recipes

If you want to open a new page in the field of homemade preparations, you just need to cook pickled apples. They will acquire not just a refreshing sourness, but even an alcoholic note. And the brine will turn out slightly carbonated, like kvass.


Peculiarities. Soaked apples "Antonovka", "White pouring", "Ranet", "Pepin" and other varieties are especially tasty if cooked in a barrel. Containers made of natural material not only ensure the long-term preservation of the product, but also saturate them with the tart aroma of wood. If you have a place to store a large barrel with a blank, give preference to the original old recipe.

You will need:

  • apples;
  • straw;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • tarragon;
  • mint;
  • 150 g of malt for every 10 liters of water;
  • 400 g of sugar for every 10 liters of water;
  • 90 g of salt for every 10 liters of water (you can do without salt - this is up to you).


  1. Rinse the straw well, scald it with boiling water and lay it on the bottom of the barrel with a layer of 3 cm.
  2. Lay the apples in one layer, and on top - currant leaves and tarragon.
  3. Continue layering apples with leaves until you fill the container to the top.
  4. Boil the malt in an appropriate amount of water and let stand for about an hour.
  5. Strain the broth, dilute bulk products in it and pour into a barrel.
  6. Put the workpiece under pressure.
  7. Keep at room temperature until fermentation begins, then refrigerate.

If you don't have malt and don't know where to get it, use the recipe for soaked apples with rye flour. For 10 liters of water you will need 200 g of the product. The filling preparation technology is the same.

Easy peasy

Peculiarities. A simple recipe for soaked apples for the winter is suitable even for those who first come across a similar fruit harvesting technology. A minimal set of ingredients and a simple method of preparation give an excellent result. The number of ingredients is indicated based on 1 kg of fruit. Adjust it depending on the volume of the container.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • cloves, cinnamon and grain mustard of your choice.


  1. Cover the bottom of the container with washed leaves.
  2. Lay two layers of apples on top and cover them with a layer of leaves.
  3. Continue alternating until the container is filled to the top. Leaves complete the composition.
  4. Boil water with spices and dissolve bulk ingredients in it.
  5. When the filling has cooled to about 35 ° C, fill the container with apples with it and put it under oppression.
  6. Keep the workpiece at room temperature for about a week, and when the fermentation process begins, move it to the cold.
  7. After one and a half to two months, the apples will be ready.

As oppression, you can use a flat plate. Place a one-liter jar filled with water on top.

Sour with cabbage

Peculiarities. If you want to discover a new facet of sweet fruits, try making pickled apples for the winter with cabbage. The fruits are saturated with a sour-salty taste. The delicacy will not turn out to be a dessert, but rather a snack.

You will need:

  • 3 kg of apples;
  • 4 kg of cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 90 g salt.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage and grate the carrots.
  2. Mix vegetables with bulk products and leave until juice appears.
  3. Put a carrot-cabbage layer on the bottom of the container and tamp well.
  4. Place a layer of apples on top.
  5. Layer vegetables with apples until the container is full.
  6. Pour the juice from the vegetables into the container.
  7. Put oppression on top.
  8. Before fermentation, keep the workpiece at room temperature, and then move it to the cold.
  9. You can taste in a month.

If there is too little vegetable juice to fill the workpiece, additionally prepare a brine. For a liter of boiling water, you will need a tablespoon of salt and sugar. Pour into a cold container.

with mustard

Peculiarities. Flower honey and mustard give apples an amazing, unlike anything aroma. The last component is not just a flavoring agent, but also an excellent preservative. Fruits soaked in mustard filling are perfectly stored at home.

You will need:

  • 10 kg of apples;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • three tablespoons of powdered mustard;
  • 400 g of honey;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. Layer blackcurrant leaves and apples in a clean container.
  2. Dissolve salt with honey in boiling water and wait until it cools completely.
  3. Fill the container with apples with filling and put under oppression.
  4. When fermentation begins, put it in a cold place for a month and a half.

Before fermentation begins, the fruits will intensively absorb water. Keep an eye on this process and constantly add filling, otherwise the apples will spoil.

With rowan

Peculiarities. In a city apartment, it is most convenient to cook soaked apples in jars for the winter. To this end, choose small fruits that will easily pass through the neck of three liter jar. The blank is made without leaves, and ripe mountain ash is used as a preservative agent. This option can be called a recipe. fast food, because it will be possible to feast on soaked fruits in less than a month.

You will need:

  • tarragon


  1. Place the apples and rowan berries taken from the bunch in a container.
  2. Boil water, dissolve bulk additives in it and wait for it to cool.
  3. Fill the container with fruits with filling.
  4. Put under oppression, and when fermentation begins, put it in the cold.

To avoid the formation of mold, a clean ironed gauze should be placed between the workpiece and the oppression. It should be washed daily with laundry soap.

Another reason to learn how to wet apples for the winter is skin problems. According to historical rumors, Princess Anna Yaroslavna, the future Queen of France, suffered from acne in her 20s. Court healers advised her to eat soaked apples. It was thanks to this miraculous delicacy that she got rid of rashes and appeared in all her glory at the wedding with King Henry I.

Good day, dear readers. I was thinking, why am I writing all about sweet recipes for apples. It's not fair. Of course, or - these are wonderful options for saving for the winter, but other than that, there is such a great way as urinating.

Soaked apples are the same as. That is, the whole process of preserving fruits or vegetables for a long time is based on the addition of salt and other spices in order to isolate lactic acid from them, which will later serve as a preservative that guarantees the safety of the product.

And if for, for example, raspberries or apricots, this would be strange, then for apples, especially sour winter varieties, just right. They are perfectly soaked both by themselves and in combination with cabbage, horseradish and other vegetables.

And that's what today's collection is about.

Traditionally, apples are drenched in tubs or barrels, but modern living conditions suggest that glass jars much more convenient and practical. Agree, it is not very convenient to keep a barrel in the apartment, line it with straw and endure the sour smell for 1.5 months while the workpiece is fermenting.

Soaked apples: a simple and quick recipe with sugar

Let's start from the very simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients. In fact, we only need salt and sugar.


1. We carefully sort the apples. Broken ones will not suit us, therefore we do not even consider carrion as an initial product.

Also, do not take large fruits. They should at least fit into the neck of a 3 liter jar. Besides than less apples the tighter they fit in the jar.

Wash the selected fruits and put them tightly in a thoroughly washed 3 liter jar.

If desired, you can add a couple of leaves of lavrushka and a couple of cloves.

2. In a separate container, dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water. Stir everything thoroughly, pour the brine into a jar and add ordinary cold water so as to fill the jar up to the neck.

3. We close the jar with a regular plastic lid and put it in a dark, cool place.

Apples will be ready to eat in 1 month. And they can be stored in this form until the next harvest.

Video on how to cook pickled apples with mustard for the winter

Before we move on to more complicated recipes, I suggest watching a very informative video about urinating apples with mustard. In addition to the recipe itself, you will hear a lot of useful little things.

Recipe for pickled apples in jars with honey

To give apples a spicy flavor, you can add honey to the recipe. Good way diversify winter preparations.

Ingredients for 3 three-liter jars:

  • Apples - 5-6 kg
  • Sugar - 180-200 g
  • Salt - 1 heaping tablespoon
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Water - 5 liters


1. My apples and tightly folded into.

2. Pour ordinary water at room temperature into a separate pan, add salt, sugar, honey to it and mix thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

3. Pour the resulting filling into jars to the very neck. The filling should completely cover the apples.

Pour the rest of the filling into a separate jar - it will still come in handy.

4. We cover the filled jars with lids, and leave them for 5 days at room temperature for fermentation. It is better to put them in a bowl, because during the fermentation process the liquid will overflow.

And this is where the stock of filling prepared earlier comes in handy. It must be topped up so that the apples are always completely immersed in the liquid.

5. After 5 days of fermentation, close the jars with plastic lids and put them in a cool place. After 1 month, the blank will be ready for use.

Traditional rye flour recipe

Previously, apples were soaked in barrels lined with rye straw. Of course, this cannot be done in an apartment, but just for such conditions there is a recipe for cooking with rye flour.


  • Apples "Antonovka"
  • currant leaves
  • 2.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g rye flour


1. We will fill the jar in layers. First, lay out the currant leaves so that they cover the bottom, then put a layer of apples (you get 3-4 pieces). Repeat the process until the jar is full. The last layer should be currants.

2. In a separate saucepan, mix 2.5 liters of water at room temperature with sugar, salt and rye flour. Add flour little by little, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.

You should get a liquid fill with good foam.

3. Fill the filling with a jar to the very top.

4. Now you need to cover the jar with gauze (so that debris does not get in) and leave it in this form for a month at room temperature. In this case, every day you need to remove the resulting foam.

Yes, it is quite dreary, but believe me, the result is worth it. A month later, soaked apples will be ready.

If the apples are not stacked tightly and float up, use oppression - put a saucer of water on the neck, and a jar of water on it.

Soaked apples at home with cabbage

And finally, I offer a combined recipe, which combined sauerkraut and apples. crazy tasty snack which will please everyone without exception.

Ingredients for 1 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 450-600 g
  • Carrots - 150-200 g
  • Apples - 3-4 pcs
  • Salt - 2 tbsp


1. Shred cabbage and mix with carrots in a ratio of 3 to 1. That is, 1 part of carrots is 3 parts of cabbage.

We mix the vegetables, salt and mix again, kneading them slightly so that they release the juice.

Then we put them in a jar along with apples cut into slices, alternating layers. First, a layer of cabbage with carrots, then a few slices of apples.

2. When the jars are completely filled, they must be covered with gauze and left for three days at room temperature, remembering to put them on plates or bowls, as the juice that stands out will overflow.

Also, during these three days, it is necessary to pierce the contents of the jar twice a day with a long wooden skewer in order to release excess air.

After three days, we close the jars with food polyethylene lids and put them away for storage in a cool place.

This appetizer will be ready to eat in a month.

Here are some interesting cooking methods I have collected today. And I strongly recommend that you do not limit yourself to harvesting apples only in a sweet version, be sure to try one of the proposed options.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

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