Home Vegetables Sour cream and cocoa gourmet recipe. The recipe for cocoa and sour cream jelly is quick, easy and delicious! Sour cream jelly with strawberries

Sour cream and cocoa gourmet recipe. The recipe for cocoa and sour cream jelly is quick, easy and delicious! Sour cream jelly with strawberries

Sour cream jelly can be confidently called festive dish. The dessert is attractive in appearance, tender and very tasty. It is boldly served to the table along with gourmet dishes. The calorie content of the dessert is low, which is also its advantage. Contrary to popular belief that it is necessary to use homemade fat sour cream for its preparation, we recommend: use store-bought low fat. To obtain delicious dish, a product with a fat content of up to 15% is suitable.

Features of the preparation of sour cream jelly

To prepare good dessert(sour cream), it’s not enough just to follow the sour cream jelly recipe. You should know a few subtleties of the dish, which we will now tell you about.

  • The less fat the sour cream is, the better it will beat. This means that store-bought sour cream is much better for the dish than homemade.
  • In order for the products to mix well and the sugar to completely dissolve, it is necessary to use room temperature components. Therefore, if you plan to cook a classic jelly dessert of jelly and sour cream, get everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  • Beat sour cream with a whisk, then you will get a lush mass that resembles a soufflé. It is ideal to use a mixer or blender. Unfortunately, working with a fork or stirring with a spoon will not provide a decent result.
  • Be sure to prepare the gelatin for jelly with sour cream. The recipe excludes the possibility of simply pouring the powder into the mass, otherwise it will not harden. The correct technique for working with gelatin is to soak the powder in cold water until swelling (the required volume of liquid is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). When the lumps increase in size by about 3-4 times, it is necessary to warm the gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved. You can do this in the microwave, just set the minimum time, for example, start at 15 seconds, and mix the gelatin well each time. It must not be allowed to boil and left undissolved, since in each case it will not thicken the mass.
  • If you are preparing sour cream jelly with fruits, peel the latter from crusts and seeds. Almost all fruits and berries are suitable for this purpose, except for exotic kiwis and pineapples. They actively give juice, and the mass will turn out to be watery. By the way, for fruit dessert you can use not only fresh, but also frozen components.

Secrets of making jelly in layers

How to cook cream jelly in layers? There are 2 techniques.

  1. Laying liquid mass. A couple of spoons of the first layer are laid out in the form, focusing on the center. Then, on top, also exactly in the center, put a layer of a different color. Each next layer of multi-colored jelly with sour cream makes the previous one spread in shape. In this case, a characteristic pattern is formed without clear lines - the layers are smooth and seem to flow into each other. In this way, you can make jelly from sour cream and cocoa.
  2. Laying on a thickened layer. In this case, each layer is kept in the refrigerator until solidified, and only then the next one is laid. The method is preferred for layered strawberry sour cream jelly and for any fruit dessert, as it allows you to save the location of pieces of fruit or berries.

Sour Cream Jelly Recipes Gourmand

We suggest you try to cook aspic sour cream jelly with cocoa, berries or cottage cheese (as in the photo). With our recipes it will be easy!

Sweet milk jelly made from sour cream and cottage cheese

You will need:

  • cottage cheese and sour cream - 250 g each;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g;
  • milk (can be replaced with water) - 200 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g.

Cooking step by step

  1. Soak gelatin in milk (water) for 1 hour, dissolve.
  2. Add regular and vanilla sugar to the hot gelatinous mass, stir until smooth.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin mass.
  4. Grind cottage cheese (wipe through a sieve or chop with a blender), mix with sour cream-gelatin mass.
  5. Transfer to a mold or bowls, leave in the refrigerator until solidified.

Sour cream and cocoa jelly recipe

You will need:

  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 150 g (incomplete glass);
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell, and then dissolve.
  2. Pour sugar into sour cream, beat until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin, mix.
  4. Divide the mixture into 2 parts, mix one of them with cocoa powder.
  5. In portioned bowls, spread the layers with a spoon, allowing them to spread in a circle. This will give you a zebra effect. You can also lay out first a layer of one color, for example, white, let it harden in the refrigerator, and then lay brown. Then you get a two-layer jelly. You can also make a three-layer jelly, it will turn out very tasty and beautiful.

Sour cream jelly with strawberries

The beauty of this sour cream jelly recipe with layers of strawberries is that the berry can be replaced with absolutely any fruit. And every time you get a new taste!

You will need:

  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g (or 4 tablespoons);
  • gelatin - 45 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g


  1. Pour gelatin with water, let it swell and dissolve.
  2. Beat sour cream with sugar, add gelatin.
  3. Wash strawberries, peel, dry, cut into large pieces.
  4. Lay in layers in bowls: strawberries, sour cream, strawberries, sour cream.
  5. Leave to harden in the refrigerator, decorate with berries.

As you can see, each recipe is very simple, and the taste of desserts will be a real discovery for you!

Video: making sour cream jelly

Many housewives have recently completely undeservedly ignored cocoa and sour cream. Here are a few reasons why you should make it. Firstly, the dish does not require the use of expensive ingredients, secondly, it is not very high-calorie, thirdly, the jelly is simply delicious and appetizing, and fourthly, it is very healthy for children. And one more argument - the product will not contain any harmful additives, dyes, because you yourself will prepare jelly from cocoa and sour cream. Recipe with photo ready meal presented in our article.

Required Ingredients

As we said, for a dish there is no need to buy anything expensive. You only need to purchase:

  • Sour cream (1 liter). Many mistakenly believe that it is best to take a homemade fatty product. Although store-bought sour cream with a fat content of 21% or even 15% is also great.
  • Powdered sugar. You will need approximately 150 grams of the product.
  • Gelatin. 20 grams will be enough.
  • Cocoa. You need very little powder - literally 2-3 tablespoons.

As you can see, the cocoa and sour cream jelly recipe does not involve the use of a large number of ingredients. Using the food list provided, you will end up with four servings. If you cook from cocoa and sour cream to children's holiday where there will be many guests, then calculate the amount of ingredients accordingly.

Starting the process

The first step is to soak the gelatin in water at room temperature (you need very little liquid - 100 ml). Now you should set aside the product for further swelling, and in the meantime, it is advisable to mix powdered sugar with sour cream. Next, you need to put the resulting mass on the stove, turn on a very small fire. Now watch the product carefully, stir constantly. It is necessary that the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved, but in no case should the mixture be allowed to boil. Otherwise milk product just curl up, everything will be ruined. When the sugar is completely dissolved, it is necessary to remove the mass from the heat and pour gelatin into it in a thin stream. Now you should carefully stir everything to get a homogeneous mass. After that, you need to take another container and divide the mixture into two identical parts. The cocoa and sour cream jelly recipe makes it very easy and quick to prepare a dessert, but it is better to make it at night so that the product has completely cooled down and acquired the desired consistency.

What do we do next?

So, we have sour cream in two containers. In one of them, add the indicated amount of cocoa and mix well. Now you need to wait until the mass cools down a bit and reaches room temperature.

How to fill the forms?

It is not enough to know from cocoa and sour cream, you also need to arrange everything beautifully so that the dish looks appetizing. Now it's time to take the molds and pour the first layer on the bottom. Note that you yourself must decide whether it will be white or brown. Next, you need to remove the containers filled with the first layer in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. After the specified time, you need to get them out and pour the second layer. Now we put them in a cold place, only for a few hours. This way you will get 2 layers. If you want to make more of them, then each new layer should be left in the refrigerator for 10 minutes until it partially solidifies.

Jelly recipe with cocoa, sour cream, cottage cheese and fruit

This dessert is also very tasty, beautiful. It is sure to please not only kids, but also adults. You need the following ingredients:

  • sour cream of any fat content - 250 g;
  • fresh cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • instant gelatin - 1 sachet;
  • water - about 1 cup;
  • cocoa - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • peach - can be fresh, canned - 2-3 pcs.

How to prepare a dessert?

We talked about cocoa and sour cream above. There is nothing complicated here either, you just need to add a few ingredients. So, first you need to dissolve the gelatin in the indicated amount of water, place the container on the fire, heat it up well (but do not boil), then remove it from the stove and cool. In order not to waste time, while you can cut into cubes (or slices) peaches. Now you need to take another container, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar in it, and then pour chilled gelatin here. You need to mix everything well.

Filling out forms

Next, you need to take the containers that you have chosen to fill, put fruits on the bottom, pour the first layer. As a result of this manipulation, you should have 50% of the mixture left, to which you need to add cocoa and mix. The containers with the first layer should be put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, and then take out and pour over the chocolate layer. That's all. Leave the molds in a cold place until completely solidified.

Tricks and secrets

In this article, we presented you with a recipe for cocoa and sour cream jelly, as well as another option with the addition of other ingredients. To make everything work perfectly the first time, you need to know some tricks.

  1. The lower the fat content of the sour cream used to make the dessert, the faster the dish will harden.
  2. Be sure to wait for the gelatin to swell completely. If you hurry, then the mass will not harden well, and you will get not a jelly, but an incomprehensible mixture. Lumps of gelatin should increase at least 3-4 times.
  3. Almost any fruit can and should be used, but do not take pineapples and kiwi. They secrete a lot of juice, due to which the mass will turn out not dense, but watery. It is also desirable to clean such products not only from seeds, but also from crusts and peel.

To treat the family with a sweet dessert, you can make delicious treat- sour cream jelly. It's lightweight and beautiful dish It is prepared quite quickly from ordinary and affordable products that are always on sale. Unlike store-bought counterparts, homemade jelly from sour cream contains natural ingredients, so it turns out not only tasty, but also very healthy.

Dessert made from sour cream classic recipe, has a pleasant, creamy taste and exudes a delicious vanilla aroma.

It can be enjoyed during a tea party or used as a filling for cakes, buns, cakes.

Required Ingredients:

  • sour cream - 0.4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • water (boiled) - 80 ml;
  • vanillin - 5 grams;
  • gelatin - 28 grams.


  1. Place the gelatin in a bowl, pour cool water over it and wait for it to swell (40-50 minutes). After that, put the mixture on a small fire and warm until the thickener dissolves.
  2. Combine sugar with sour cream, then pour in vanilla and carefully grind all the ingredients with a mixer.
  3. Now you need to pour the gelatin mass into sour cream. This must be done carefully, constantly stirring the composition.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold and send to harden in a cold room for four hours.

With cottage cheese

An airy treat of cottage cheese and sour cream is a great option for healthy breakfast before a work or school day. Here it is better to use a curd mass of a soft consistency, so a large product should be passed through a sieve.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 0.2 liters;
  • sour cream - 0.25 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 125 grams;
  • cottage cheese - 0.3 kg;
  • one sachet of vanilla;
  • gelatin - 12 grams.


  1. Combine milk with a thickener and leave for forty minutes.
  2. Mix sour cream and cottage cheese, then add vanillin, and pour sugar.
  3. Now, to give the dessert splendor, it is necessary to intensively beat the resulting mass.
  4. Heat the milk gelatin solution, then stir until it becomes homogeneous.
  5. After that, evenly distributing, pour the gelatin mixture into the cream of sour cream and cottage cheese.
  6. Pour the jelly into small molds and place in a cold room.

Remove the finished delicacy from the molds and put on plates. It is desirable to decorate each serving with mint leaves and pineapple slices.

How to make with cocoa

Sour cream and cocoa jelly looks very attractive and has a rich taste with a hint of dark chocolate. Amazing dessert suitable for evening tea drinking with friends and will look spectacular on the table during a family celebration.

Required Ingredients:

  • sour cream (15%) - 0.8 kg;
  • cocoa - 45 grams;
  • crushed sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • a piece of butter;
  • gelatin (instant) - 30 grams;
  • water - 80 ml.


  1. Mix sugar with cocoa, then add warm water and stir.
  2. Next, pour the solution into a heat-resistant container, put on the stove, boil and cook over low heat for about two minutes.
  3. After that, pour the oil into the hot mixture and leave to cool.
  4. Pour gelatin for ten minutes in water to soften. Then heat it up a little on the stove and stir constantly to achieve final dissolution.
  5. Combine boiled cocoa with sour cream and shake vigorously with a mixer. Then pour in the thickener and stir.
  6. Fill beautiful wine glasses or vases with the blank. Then send them to the refrigerator for several hours.

Sour cream jelly with fruit

An unusually tasty and spectacular dessert that can be made in beautiful glasses and offered to guests during a banquet. For its preparation, hard fruits, low-fat sour cream and elastic berries that can retain their shape for a long time are suitable.

Required Ingredients:

  • sugar (small) - 0.25 kg;
  • gelatin (powder) - 23 grams;
  • sour cream (15%) - 0.6 kg;
  • berries - 0.3 kg;
  • milk - 110 ml;
  • fruits (any) - 0.45 kg.


  1. Combine the thickener with warm milk and wait a quarter of an hour until it swells.
  2. Rub sugar thoroughly with sour cream. If very sweet fruits are used in the future, then the amount of sugar should be slightly reduced.
  3. Pour the melted gelatin into the whipped cream and stir. Then send the mixture to the refrigerator for eight to ten minutes.
  4. Wash fruits and berries with running water, blot with a napkin and cut into desired slices.
  5. Remove sour cream jelly with gelatin from the refrigerator and mix with chopped fruits.
  6. Put the treat in molds, send it to the cold and wait until it hardens.

Before use, it is advisable to decorate the delicacy with multi-colored confectionery crumbs and small sweets. If desired, you can create an excellent cake from sour cream and fruits by pouring the sweet mass into a voluminous, silicone mold.

banana recipe

sour cream jelly with the addition of bananas it turns out tender, lush and very appetizing. Such a dish will surely appeal to children and will definitely appeal to older sweet tooth.

Required Ingredients:

  • gelatin - 3 sachets;
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • two bananas;
  • sour cream - 0.4 kg;
  • milk chocolate - 5 pieces.


  1. Pour the thickener into water for fifteen minutes and let it soften. Then heat the solution in the microwave and stir until it becomes homogeneous.
  2. Pour the condensed milk into the sour cream and beat well with a whisk or mixer.
  3. Bananas are peeled, cut into pieces and mashed. Then put it in the sour cream mass and mix.
  4. Now you need to combine a mixture of bananas and sour cream with gelatin and pour into molds or glasses.

When the treat is ready, you should sprinkle it with chopped chocolate and offer to try it. Banana jelly is in perfect harmony with any confectionery.

Nutty dessert

Any housewife can make a nutritious delicacy of sour cream, dried fruits and nuts, and the result will surely delight you with its wonderful aroma and seductive look. The dish will be especially tasty when using dried apricots, homemade sour cream and walnuts.

Required Ingredients:

  • sour cream - 0.43 kg;
  • gelatin powder - 28 grams;
  • dried apricots - 0.3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 120 grams;
  • walnuts - 12 pcs.


  1. Rinse dried fruits with warm water, then cut each slice in half.
  2. Chop the nuts, take out the kernels and break them a little.
  3. Pour gelatin into a cup and pour boiling water, then wait 3-4 minutes, stir until completely dissolved, then cool.
  4. Beat sour cream with sugar until light foam forms and add gelatin solution to it.
  5. Arrange dried apricots in figured molds, sprinkle with nuts on top. Then pour sour cream pounded with sugar and put in a cold place.

Sour cream jelly in layers - "Zebra"

This dessert looks quite original, as it consists of chocolate and cream layers. It is not at all difficult to prepare and, if you follow the recipe, you can get a chic dish suitable for everyday life and holidays.

Required Ingredients:

  • cocoa powder - 75 grams;
  • water - 220 ml;
  • sour cream (25%) - 0.55 kg;
  • gelatin - 22 grams;
  • one sachet of vanilla;
  • sugar - 180 grams.


  1. Dip the thickener in ice water and leave to swell.
  2. Pour vanilla, sugar into sour cream and stir vigorously so that the sweet grains of sand dissolve completely.
  3. Then add thickener and mix again.
  4. Divide the mass of sour cream and gelatin into two parts, and then pour cocoa into one of them.
  5. Take a glass goblet and pour into it alternately white, then brown jelly. Use the fill of both colors in equal quantities - 40 grams each.
  6. In the same way, all prepared molds should be filled, then the dessert should be cooled.

If everything is done correctly, the result should be a striped pattern, which, after the product hardens, will look quite interesting. Zebra jelly can be served in combination with other delicacies and fruit juice. Bon appetit!

Jelly made from sour cream with cocoa is sure to decorate a festive children's table, and will be a bright addition to any buffet table.

Jelly with sour cream and cocoa


  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.


Let's figure out how to make cocoa jelly. Dissolve gelatin in water and leave to swell room temperature. Then we put it on water bath and dissolve until completely dissolved, not allowing the mass to boil. Then remove and leave the gelatin to cool. Without wasting time in vain, combine sour cream with sugar and mix well. After that, spread the gelatin to the sweet sour cream and again whisk everything a little with a whisk.

The resulting mass is divided into 2 parts, pour cocoa into one and mix. We prepare portioned glassware for jelly and pour the mass in turn: first pour the white mixture, and then the chocolate. Now we remove the jelly from sour cream and cocoa in the refrigerator for complete solidification. After 2 hours, we serve the delicacy to the table, garnishing with nuts, grated chocolate or coconut flakes as desired.

Recipe for sour cream jelly with cocoa


  • coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 500 ml;
  • cocoa - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water;
  • vanillin - to taste.


To prepare milk jelly with cocoa, dissolve gelatin in a glass of warm water and leave for 30 minutes. Separately, boil the drink, let it brew and filter through a fine strainer. We filter the infused gelatin and divide it into 2 equal portions. We mix one part of the jelly with vanilla, and pour the second into coffee, adding cocoa, a little sugar and vanilla to taste. Mix everything well, put on low heat and, without bringing to a boil, heat to complete dissolution, and then slightly cool the mass.

Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar and divide into 2 equal parts. Pour the coffee mixture into one part, mix. In the other part, add the dissolved gelatin with vanilla sugar. Now we take a small glass form, and spread alternately sour cream jelly of two colors in even layers. Then we remove the treat for 1 hour in the refrigerator, after which we lower the form into hot water for a few seconds and, turning it over with a quick movement, put it on a flat dish. Decorate the finished jelly with and sour cream fresh berries and mint leaves.

Not one sweet tooth and a child will not refuse this delicious treats, as sour cream jelly. With a little creativity, you can turn a simple jelly into a real one. cooking masterpiece. Multi-layer jelly desserts made from multi-colored layers of fruit and cream jelly look very nice. Jelly cakes look really festive and pretentious, in the context of which you can see fresh fruits or berries. Think also about the jelly in the form of a mosaic, known to everyone under the name "Broken Glass".

And what can we say about rainbow jelly in tall glasses. Today I want to bring to your attention a jelly recipe inspired by the Zebra recipe. Actually, for me, as, probably, for many of you, this dessert evokes nostalgia for childhood. I constantly remember how my mother cooked it on the eve of the holidays, and how much it was tempting to “halve it”, without really letting it thicken. This delicious dessert I'm sure both adults and children will like it.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Hot water - 50 ml.,
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar - 1 sachet,
  • Gelatin (it is best to use instant) - 1 sachet or 20 gr.,
  • Sour cream 20% - 500 ml.,
  • Sugar or powder - 150 gr.,
  • Grated chocolate - 10-20 gr.,
  • mint for decoration

Sour cream jelly with cocoa - recipe

Pour gelatin with hot water.

Stir it with a teaspoon and let it swell. For swelling instant gelatin it will take about 10 minutes, while large-caliber gelatin (and I have met this today) should stand for more than 30 minutes. Put sour cream in another bowl.

Pour in sugar and vanilla.

Mix everything well with a whisk.

After that, divide the sour cream into two equal portions.

Add half of the gelatin to one of them.


Pour the sour cream jelly into silicone molds and put them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

After the sour cream layer has frozen, remove the molds from the freezer. Now let's prepare the chocolate layer. Pour cocoa into the second portion of sour cream.

Stir so that there are no lumps.

Pour in the gelatin.

Stir the chocolate mixture well again.

Pour it into moulds.

Place back in the freezer for about 10 minutes. In the photo you can see that I overexposed it a little, and it has already begun to turn into ice cream. But it's okay.

So, it remains only to turn it on a plate. Surprisingly from silicone molds it came out without any problems. If you cook this sour cream jelly in cupcake tins, to make it easy to remove, simply dip the cups in hot water for 2-3 seconds.

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