Home Bakery Isabella wine at home is simple. White and red wine from Isabella grapes. Homemade wine making technology - what you need to know

Isabella wine at home is simple. White and red wine from Isabella grapes. Homemade wine making technology - what you need to know

The birthplace of Muscat Isabella is South Carolina (US state). At the beginning of the 17th century, this unpretentious fruitful variety was bred there. It was soon brought to Europe where it became very popular. The variety is frost-resistant, therefore it is very common in Russia.

The dark berries of Isabella grapes have a special strawberry (Isabella) flavor, the vine gives generous, stable yields even on poor soils.

In the fruits of Isabella an impressive set useful substances(including vitamins and minerals), which allow you to cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system, restore tone, increase efficiency.

The peel and seeds contain a lot of antioxidants and anthocyanins, which suppress the development of tumors and cancer cells, and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Berries and leaves of Isabella are used in folk medicine(there is a video on the net).

Isabella is a table-technical variety; juices or wine can be made from its fruits. There is various recipes, which allow you to make white, rose and red wine from this grape.

Wine from Isabella is banned in the European Union as containing significant amounts of hydrocyanic (hydrocyanic) acid and methyl alcohol. In home winemaking, this grape is still very popular. No one will interfere with making such wine, but drinking it, like any alcoholic beverages, is recommended moderately - 200-300 ml per day.

white wine recipe

Recipes for wine from Isabella abound, including old ones. You can watch a video where the cooking process is demonstrated visually.

We offer a simple recipe for dry (table) wine from the berries of this variety. It is worth noting: thick red wine is often made from Isabella (fermentation takes place on the pulp). It takes more effort to make good red wine. When fermenting on juice (white), it is easier to get a good result.


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 100-200 g / l grape juice;
  • *pure water - 20-100 ml / l of grape juice.

* Water is used if the grapes grew in bad conditions, the berries are not very good quality(little sugar, a lot of acid). To reduce acidity, the juice must be diluted with clean water. High-quality wine material does not need to be diluted, as water impairs the taste and aroma of wine.

Grape preparation

Picking grapes for making wine is recommended in the morning, when the dew subsides. For house wine berries of any size will do. It is necessary to carefully sort out the grapes, remove spoiled, rotten, green grapes. It is impossible to wash grapes intended for wine production. Yeast fungi (wild yeast) live on the surface of the berries, which activate the fermentation process.

Pulp preparation

Isabella is a late variety, the ridges are already dry by the time of harvest, whole bunches are rarely used for wine. Such recipes are popular with lovers of tart wine.

We make wine from grapes. The berries are separated from the twigs into an enameled container (you can use stainless steel or high-quality food-grade plastic utensils), crushed by hand or otherwise. To get the maximum amount of juice, you need to crush all the berries.

It is very important not to damage the grape seeds when crushing the berries. The seeds of this variety contain a large amount of tannins (tannins), which give the wine excessive bitterness.

Wort preparation

The grape mixture (pulp) is allowed to infuse for 3-4 hours. Then the preparation of the wort begins: the mass is filtered through a colander into a prepared clean container. You can squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. The pulp is no longer needed.

Juice (wort) may be sour. Winemakers consider 4–6 g of acid per liter of must to be the norm. Often even mature Isabella grapes show up to 12–15 g/l of acidity.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine this indicator at home. This requires an expensive special device - a pH meter. You have to rely on taste.

If the acid is so palpable that it reduces the cheekbones, pinches the tongue, then the recipe should be supplemented by adding water. It is necessary to add water very sparingly, since the addition of sugar lowers the acidity.


For the fermentation of wine, glass bottles (sulei) or jars are used. At home, as a rule, containers of 5, 10 and 20 liters are used. The bottles are thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed, sterilized. The wort is curled into a dry container, filling it by 2/3, so that there is enough space for fermentation. Add half of the sugar required for the given amount of juice.

A water seal is installed on the neck of the fermentation bottle. You can make it yourself (you can watch how to make various designs on the video on the Internet) or buy it ready. A very good alternative is a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers (it is made with an ordinary needle).

It is important to ensure the tightness of the shutter so that excess wine gas exits only along the route provided for by the design, and air does not enter the bottle so that sour vinegar does not turn out instead of aromatic wine. You can seal the shutter with adhesive tape, plasticine, and other improvised means.

The container with the wort should be placed in a dark place (or covered with a thick cloth). The room temperature should be between 16-22°C. If this is not possible, fermentation will take place in warmer conditions (24-30 ° C), then it is worth filling only half of the fermentation tank with wort, since fermentation proceeds more rapidly at high temperatures.

Adding sugar

At the first stage of fermentation, only half of the sugar calculated for a given volume of juice was added to the wort. The rest should be divided into 2. Add the first batch of sugar on the fourth or fifth day (half of the remainder).

The shutter is removed, poured with a hose into a clean container of half a liter of wort, sugar is dissolved in it, the liquid is poured into the fermentation tank, and a water seal is installed.

Repeat this procedure after four to five days.

When re-installing the water seal, be sure to check its tightness! If you use a rubber glove, it is more practical to use a new one each time.

Wine made from Isabella grapes can ferment from 35 to 70 days. It is necessary to monitor the process so as not to miss its completion. This is important, since wine that has stood on the lees significantly loses its taste qualities.

The main signs of the end of fermentation are: no gas is released (if you have a glove, it will deflate), the liquid in the fermentation bottle will become transparent and lighter, there will be a sediment layer at the bottom of the bottle.

If fermentation lasts more than 45–50 days, then experienced winemakers recommend pouring the wine into another bottle (draining from the sediment) using a rubber hose or a dropper tube. This must be done carefully so as not to disturb the sediment.

Young wine is carefully drained from the sediment. It can be filtered through multilayer gauze or special filters.

Adjusting the taste of young wine and aging

The drained wine should be tasted to decide on further actions. If the taste is excellent, then the wine can be bottled. Young wine is bottled, hermetically sealed and left for further maturation (aging).

If the taste characteristics do not suit you, then at this stage you can adjust them.

If the intoxicating drink turned out to be too sour, the situation can be corrected with the addition of sugar (to taste). After adding the required amount of sugar, the sweetened wine should be put under a water seal for about a week. Then pour into a clean container and seal tightly. Pour the drink in the container to the top so that contact with air is minimal.

You can fix the wine with vodka or alcohol (add from 2 to 15 percent alcohol per volume of finished wine). Fortified wine has its fans, but, in addition, such wine is better and longer stored.

Containers with wine should be placed in a refrigerator or cellar, where there should be an appropriate temperature regime (5-15 ° C). Exposure for wine from Isabella at home must be at least 3 months.

The condition of the wine must be constantly monitored. If sediment appears at the bottom, then the wine must be promptly poured (drained from the sediment) into a clean container, sealed tightly. The procedure is repeated until the precipitate falls out. During the aging period, a unique bouquet, aroma and color of the wine is formed.


After 3-6 months, Isabella wine will be ready to drink. It is poured into wine bottles, hermetically sealed. Store in a horizontal position on a refrigerator shelf or on racks in the basement.

If the technology for making wine is observed, the exposure is six months, then the strength of the drink will be 9-12% (without fixing). The shelf life of such wine is 5 years (subject to storage conditions).

The color of white wine from Isabella is light golden, the pulp of this variety is almost uncolored, coloring substances are found in the skin of grapes.

Red / rose wine

Isabella is a wonderful grape from which to make different types wines with good taste. You just need to choose the right recipe and strictly adhere to the cooking technology.

Isabella wine is found in the lines of many Russian producers. This semi-sweet red wine with berry aroma has long been well known to our compatriots. Especially it fell in love with home winemakers. Due to its unpretentiousness and frost resistance, the grape variety is widely distributed in summer cottages and farms.

Making wine from Isabella grapes at home practically does not differ from the general wine technology, but knowing some of the features will make it possible to make better quality wine.

Isabella grapes

Characteristics and features

Isabella grapes are a typical representative of table and technical varieties. This means that berries with a large amount of juice are best used for processing: winemaking, production of juices and compotes. In this they differ from table varieties, the pulp of which practically does not contain juice and gives more pleasure when consumed fresh.

The hybrid variety Isabella was bred by American breeders for the northern states. It tolerates a variety of climatic conditions well, pleases with high yields even with high humidity, a short sunny day, and the onset of early frosts. The maturation period is long and is 5-6 months. Therefore, the harvest takes place in September-October.

Dense clusters consist of medium-sized berries. The classic variety has a dark skin color, there is a white variety of Noah. Difficulties winemaker can deliver the taste of grapes. Depending on the geography of the growing region, the sugar content of juice from the Isabella variety rarely exceeds 12-15%, but the acid content is not less than 7-12 g / l.

Collection and preparation of grapes

It is better to harvest grapes as late as possible, but before the onset of severe frosts and seasonal rains. The quality of grapes is determined not by the size of the berries, but by their ripeness. You need to harvest in dry weather.

It is important to keep a bluish coating on the skin of the berries. It is a natural yeast needed for fermentation. There are numerous substitutes for wild microorganisms: wine, dry, pressed yeast. But using them kills the natural fruit flavor. grape wine. Therefore, the harvested crop cannot be washed. Wipe very dirty berries with a soft dry cloth.

When sorting through grapes, you need to get rid of dry, spoiled and unripe berries. A few rotten berries are quite capable of spoiling the entire batch of wine.

Cooking steps

Classic way

This simple recipe allows you to make up to 15 liters of Isabella red wine with a strength of 9-12%.


  • grapes - 20 kg;
  • sugar - 2-4 kg;
  • water - 0.5–7 liters.

Manufacturing technology

Juice extraction and must preparation

  1. We squeeze the juice from the selected berries. For this, it is recommended to use wooden rather than metal fixtures. You can crush each berry with your hands, but be sure to wear protective gloves, because. juice has high acidity and irritates the skin of the hands. It is important to keep the bones intact. The tannins contained in them will add excessive bitterness.
  2. Crushed berries, together with juice, pulp and skin, are transferred to a container with a wide neck and covered with a loose cloth or multilayer gauze. For 4–5 days, stir the juice several times a day, lower the resulting pulp cap to the bottom.
  3. At the first sign of fermentation, we filter the juice and carefully squeeze the pulp through gauze. The resulting juice must be quantitatively measured and tasted. Very sour, tongue-tingling juice should be diluted with water. Depending on the acidity of the water, 20 to 200 ml per liter of juice is required. With the addition of water, you need to be careful, because. after adding sugar, part of the acid will leave in the process of fermentation in a natural way.
  4. Add sugar to juice. Its amount also depends on the characteristics of the grapes and is determined by taste. The average value is 100-200 grams per liter of juice. Classic recipe wines from Isabella grapes recommends adding sugar in parts. This helps keep fermentation active. At the very beginning, 50% of the total amount is enough.

Wort fermentation

  1. The finished wort is poured into fermentation containers. At the same time, we leave room for the foam formed during the fermentation process, at least a quarter of the volume. We install a water seal on the neck of the container. It can be either homemade or store bought. A simpler option is a rubber or latex glove with a pierced finger. This design allows the formation of carbon dioxide to be removed and protects against souring.
  2. The must must be rearranged in a dark place with a constant temperature regime of 18-28 ° C. At a lower or higher temperature, the yeast will die or fall into suspended animation. The warmer the room, the more active and faster fermentation will go, and the production of wine will take less time.
  3. After 5 days, you can add the next batch of sugar. We take 25% of the total amount of sugar. We remove the water seal and pour half a liter of fermenting wort for each kg of added sugar. We dissolve the sugar in the liquid and return the resulting syrup back. After 5 days, repeat the procedure and in the same way add the remaining quarter of the sugar.
  4. Fermentation lasts 1.5–2.5 months. The readiness of the mash for homemade wine Isabella is determined by a number of signs: precipitation, clarification of the mash, lack of sweetness in taste, cessation of gas formation in the water seal. Carefully drain the mash that has played out from the sediment. A silicone hose or flexible tube will help not to touch the turbidity at the bottom.

Taste stabilization and aging

  1. After completion of fermentation, the wine should be tasted for sugar content. If it seems that it turned out not sweet enough or even too dry wine, a serving of sugar will help fix this. As before, we dissolve the sweetener in a small amount of wine, which we then mix in the rest.
  2. To age, pour the young grape wine into a clean container. If sugar was added, it is necessary to install a water seal for 1-1.5 weeks, because. fermentation may resume. To clarify the drink from suspensions, you need to choose a dark and cool place with a temperature of 10-15 ° C.
  3. The aging process takes about 3 months. During this time, once every 1.5-2 weeks or as needed, the wine must be drained from the sediment. The absence of sediment indicates the readiness of the wine and the transition to the next stage.


  1. It is better to pour homemade wine into medium-sized glass bottles. We fill the container to the very neck, tightly cork and put it in the refrigerator or cellar.
  2. You can store prepared wines at home for up to 5 years.

fortified drink recipe

Fortified wine is distinguished not only by an increased degree, but also by a long shelf life. Fixing with alcohol makes the taste of Isabella more even and stable. Subject to storage rules, the taste is preserved even after several years. This cooking recipe can be called a continuation of the previous one. The basis is a batch of mash made according to the classic recipe.


  • young wine Isabella - 10 liters;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • alcohol - 0.5-1.5 liters.

How to make wine:

  1. Sugar is added to the wine from Isabella, made by hand. Recommended amount: 15-25 grams per liter. Stir the measured sugar in a small amount of wine. The resulting syrup is poured into the rest of the wine.
  2. We hide sweetened wine from direct light in a place with a temperature of 10–16 ° C. Adding sugar can restart fermentation, so a water seal is required.
  3. After a month, you can get the wine and add alcohol to taste.
  4. To store Isabella wine at home, it must be poured into glass bottles, filled to the top, and tightly corked. A suitable place for storage is a refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Often, practicing winemakers are ready for the surprises that an insidious grape drink can bring. They already know how to make the right must and how to make the right taste of wine. So that the first difficulties do not stop novice lovers, before making Isabella wine at home, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the possible difficulties and ways to solve them.

Too long fermentation

If fermentation does not stop after 55 days, the wine should be drained from the sediment. Long interaction of young wine with fermentation products can lead to its bitterness. You need to install a water seal on the bottle again and wait for the end of fermentation.

Watery taste

A weak, slightly pronounced wine taste appears when the must is strongly diluted with water. In order not to spoil the wine, water must be added in parts and tasted. You need to get rid of the sharp acidity, but the sour shade should remain.

musty taste

Such a problem can be caused by improper storage, loose sealing of the bottle, lack of acid. The latter cause can be corrected by adding ascorbic or citric acid.

Sour taste

An unpleasantly sour taste indicates a lack of sugar. The simplest solution is to sweeten the wine and age it again under a water seal. When the signs of fermentation stop, the drink is ready to drink.

Benefit and harm

Isabella wine is one of the most controversial and partially banned varieties. On the one hand, the pulp of Isabella has a set of vitamins and minerals that is characteristic of any other grape variety. The high content of antioxidants and anthocyanins help to heal and cleanse the cardiovascular and immune systems of the body. Leaves from Isabella's vineyards have been used in folk medicine as an antipyretic.

The other side of the coin is the increased level of pectin in the thin grape skins. This is a characteristic feature of all hybrid varieties. Pectin is harmful only for winemaking, since it is in the process of fermentation that it is converted into methanol. For this reason, in the territory of the European Union it is impossible to make wine from hybrid grape varieties, including Isabella. The import of these wines is also prohibited.

Our compatriots consider the neighbors' panic somewhat exaggerated. From myself, we advise you to set a potentially safe daily allowance of 200-300 ml and not exceed it.

Attention, only TODAY!

Wines made at home, unlike most store-bought products, are not just fragrant, they are also tasty and healthy.

Isabella is especially popular with home winemakers. This is a delicious wine made from the grape variety of the same name.

Subject to all the subtleties of its preparation, you can get a really natural tasty, and most importantly useful for the body. alcoholic drink medium strength, handmade.

Isabella grapes are great just for use in processed form.. It produces not only excellent table wine, but also wonderful juices, as well as compotes.

The preparation of any alcoholic product begins with the preparation of raw materials, in this case, with the collection and preparation of the grapes themselves.


In order for the finished wine to turn out to be really tasty and healthy, the berries must be collected in accordance with certain rules.

Important! The taste of finished grape alcohol is influenced not so much by the size and color of the berries themselves, but by the degree of their integrity and ripeness.

Harvest Rules:

  1. Harvesting should be carried out as late as possible. At the same time, it is important to have time to do this before the first frosts and before heavy rains. It is worth remembering that overripe grapes, as well as berries with traces of rot, cannot be used.
  2. It is best to pick berries in dry, calm weather, after the dew has dried.
  3. Care must be taken to ensure that the plaque on the grapes is preserved. It is he who in the future will start the natural process of fermentation.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to wash the berries before further processing!

The harvested crop must be removed from the brushes, all damaged and rotten berries should be removed, and if they are very dirty, they should be wiped with a dry soft cloth.

For storing and picking berries, it is best to use wooden, glass or plastic containers. The same recommendations apply to other stages of preparation.

This recipe is designed to obtain 15 liters of finished alcoholic beverages.

Therefore, in the future you will need:

  • grapes - 20 kg;
  • filtered water up to 700 ml;
  • granulated sugar - about 4 kg.

Getting grape juice

It is this stage that is considered the key in cooking. To squeeze the juice, you should use wooden tools, although you can just squeeze the grapes well with your hands.

After all the juice has been obtained, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The liquid, together with cake and seeds, is placed in a wide container and covered with gauze folded several times.
  2. Over the next five days, the mixture is thoroughly mixed a couple of times a day. Be sure to lower the pop-up pulp to the bottom.
  3. As soon as the fermentation process begins to actively manifest itself through gauze, the liquid should be filtered, while the pulp is squeezed out and removed.

Now you need to evaluate the taste of the resulting wort, the more acidic it is, the more water you need to add on average, its volume ranges from 20 to 120 ml per liter of fermented juice.

After that, 50% of the total volume of sugar is added to the liquid.

Reference! You can add the entire volume of granulated sugar at once, but experienced winemakers advise adding it in parts, since in this case it is easier to control the sweetness of the must.


After all the ingredients have been added to the juice, the resulting wort is bottled in suitable volumes. They should be filled no more than two-thirds.

It is very important to install a water seal on the bottles, it is he who will prevent the conversion of the wort into vinegar.

The filled container is placed in a dark place, the optimum temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees.

  • A few days after the installation of the water seal, another half of the remaining volume of granulated sugar can be added to the container.
  • In this case, after adding it, the wort should be mixed again and a water seal should be installed again.
  • After another 5-7 days, the remaining sugar should be added to the bottle and the water seal should be installed again for final fermentation.
  • In general, this process takes about 45 - 60 days.

Reference! Sugar should be added as follows: 500 ml of wort should be poured from the bottle, sand should be diluted in it and then poured back into the container. If you just pour sugar into a container, then it will dissolve for a long time and the fermentation process can take a long time.

Taste stabilization and aging

After the end of active fermentation, the resulting young should be tasted and, if necessary, a small amount of sugar can be added, at the rate of 30 g per liter of liquid.

If such an operation is necessary, then the wine is again placed under a water seal for 10 or 15 days.

After this grape alcoholic drink acquires the desired taste, it must be sent for aging in order to clarify the finished product and improve its taste.

To do this, the wine is poured into containers and placed in a dark and cool place for three months. Every two weeks it should be carefully drained from the sediment. When it stops falling out at the bottom of the container, Isabella wine is considered ready.


And to get even more delicious, fragrant and healthy grape alcohol, you should:

  1. The wine is filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. The resulting drink is bottled, preferably glass and tightly corked. The container should be filled completely, leaving no free space in it.
  3. The bottles are removed in a dark and cool place for another three months, after which the wine is ready to drink.

It can be stored for 60 months.

And the longer Isabella's homemade wine is infused, the tastier it becomes.

Video instruction

Isabella is a wonderful grape variety from which you can make fine wine. The most important thing is to use a time-tested recipe and follow all the nuances of cooking.

Watch the video in which the master of home winemaking reveals all the secrets of making this amazing drink:

Isabella grapes are often used as the main ingredient for homemade wine, due to its excellent taste. Wine from Isabella grapes at home is tart and moderately sweet. Moreover, the variety is unpretentious to growing conditions and frost-resistant, which makes it attractive for cultivation.

Features of grapes "Isabella"

"Isabella" belongs to the category of grape varieties that are widely used as table and technical. It is successfully cultivated not only for fresh consumption, but also to obtain high-quality raw materials for making wine. The variety has undeniable advantages that allow it to be used in home winemaking:

  • high survival rate of seedlings and adaptation in a short time;
  • vigorous bushes with high yields;
  • the formation of attractive, fairly large clusters with berries aligned in shape and size;
  • the ability to get a large amount of juice, which is easily extracted from ripe berries;
  • the juice obtained from the berries has sufficient acidity and sugar content to create high-quality homemade wine.

The variety is unpretentious and takes root well in a new place of cultivation. In addition, winegrowers have a great opportunity to get a bountiful harvest from a small vineyard area.

Many grapes "Isabella" are known for their healing and healing properties. The berries of this variety are credited with the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, act as a natural energy booster, as well as eliminate fatigue and increase efficiency, improving immunity.

Terms of collection, conditions and rules for the preparation of berries

In the conditions of the Moscow region, Isabella grapes acquire full maturity in the last ten days of October. However, in order for the berries to gain sweetness and aroma, they should be harvested no earlier than a week after the onset of technical maturity.

The main condition is the rejection of all unripe, as well as rotten berries.. In addition, harvested grapes do not need to be washed, since the bacteria contained on the surface of their skins are natural yeasts that can ensure a quality fermentation process.

Features of cooking technology

Winemaking, along with viticulture, has many millennia of history. To make a delicious and natural drink on your own, you should know the technology that is the basis of any recipe for making homemade wine. It includes the following steps:

  • Picking berries and the process of rejecting low-quality raw materials.
  • Obtaining, which is quite easily separated from the berries crushed with the help of an ordinary kitchen “crusher”. The resulting pulp should be separated from the juice with a colander or gauze.
  • Fermentation of strained grape juice in glass bottles of any size. Containers should be carefully prepared. They should be not only clean, but also dry, and they should be filled with juice by two-thirds of the volume.
  • Draining wine without shaking into one container in such a way that the formed cream of tartar and natural berry sediment remain in the first container.
  • Adding sugar at the rate of 100 or 150 grams per liter of wine with stirring until completely dissolved.

After about a month, the wine is ready, and the finished drink can be bottled. At this stage, the strength of the drink does not exceed 13%. This homemade wine is called young.

How to make homemade wine from Isabella grapes (video)

Popular homemade wine recipes from Isabella grapes

Homemade wine always turns out delicious and symbolizes family traditions. Secrets are passed down from one generation to the next.

Recipe for high-quality fortified wine "Isabella"

It is quite easy to make wine according to this recipe, even if you do not have winemaking skills. The sequence of preparation is as follows:

  • Prepare grape juice or must from harvested and sorted berries.
  • In order to increase the sugar content to 25%, add approximately 150 grams of sugar to each liter of grape juice.
  • Leave the juice until fermentation, which can be accelerated by adding two grams of wine yeast for each liter of juice.
  • Leave the juice to ferment for about ten days or two weeks in a cool, dark place.

After the juice brightens, and all the berry sediment settles at the bottom of the container, you should drain the alcohol with a tube or hose and, tightly corking the bottles with corks, leave them for storage in a cool place.

A simple recipe for classic red wine "Isabella"

It is done like this:
  • Collect grapes (about 10 kilograms) and carefully remove all branches with leaves and debris.
  • Pour the sorted berries into a clean and dry container, and then carefully squeeze out the juice with your hands.
  • Cover the berries with the juice with gauze and infuse them for five days room temperature, stirring with a wooden spatula a couple of times a day.
  • Fill a clean glass container two-thirds with the resulting wort, and then add sugar in an amount of 3 kilograms and mix thoroughly.
  • Put a rubber glove on the neck of the container, making several small holes in it through which carbon dioxide will escape.
  • Let the wine ferment for three weeks at room temperature.

As soon as the rubber glove stops swelling, this will indicate the readiness of the drink. The wine must be filtered and poured into clean bottles. At the storage stage, it will be necessary to drain the wine from the sediment several times.

Recipe for festive wine from Isabella grapes

For festive wine, it is necessary to prepare selected berries in the amount of 5 kilograms. Further preparation is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • Sort the grapes "Isabella" and carefully knead them to a mushy state.
  • Place the mashed berries in a clean container and let it brew for three days.
  • Add 0.6 kg of sugar to the infused mixture, and then tightly close the container with a lid and insist for two weeks.
  • Add 100 grams of sugar per liter to the mixture and leave for additional fermentation for two weeks.

At the end of fermentation, homemade wine must be filtered through cheesecloth, which must be folded several times. Then the wine stands in a cool place for two months, after which the drink can be bottled and placed for storage in a horizontal position.

Common Manufacturing Mistakes

Novice winemakers quite often make mistakes that can not only negatively affect the quality of wine, but also completely spoil this noble and ancient drink.

  1. If homemade wine tastes too sour, then the main mistake is a bottle seal failure after bottling or not enough sugar.
  2. The presence of an unpleasant or musty taste can indicate both insufficient clarification of the wine with residual sediment, and improper storage or too little acid in the must. The last drawback is very quickly corrected by adding citric or ascorbic acid at the rate of 0.2% of the amount of the drink.
  3. Insufficient in strength wine is called low-alcohol and is the result of defective fermentation due to the addition of an insufficient amount of yeast.

Not only novice winemakers, but also experienced masters of making a drink are not immune from mistakes in the manufacture of homemade wine.

You can get acquainted with the technology for making wine from other fruits.

Grapes "Isabella": variety description (video)

To understand all the secrets of professional winemakers, you should study the basics of their interesting and ancient art. Winemaking does not tolerate fuss and indifference. It should be remembered that not only the experience of the winemaker, but also factors such as chemical composition grapes "Isabella", weather conditions during the grape harvest and even the time of day.

Of course, to get a drink that is unique in taste, you should not be afraid to experiment and make your own adjustments to ready-made recipes.

The grape variety Isabella is very popular with our winemakers. It is unpretentious to a climate, differs in excellent productivity. A drink from this variety has an equal degree of sweet and tart taste with sourness. The acid level is higher if the berries are grown in a harsh climate. Consider in this article: the advantages and benefits of this drink, the general technique of making and recipes for wine from Isabella grapes.

Advantages of the Isabella variety for making wine

Grapes Isabella - table-technical variety. It makes an excellent wine, although the berries are not very popular for consumption. It has such advantages:

  • Isabella grows well in various climatic conditions and has a high yield. With proper cultivation of this variety from a hectare of planting, you can collect about 70 centners of berries and more.
  • This grape has a beautiful presentation.
  • Its juice has a high sugar content and acidity at a sufficient level. From it comes good dessert, it serves as a great addition to the table. The taste of wine is rich, with sourness.

The benefits of wine from this variety

The Isabella grape itself is considered a very useful variety. It has the following properties:

  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • attaches general tone body;
  • improves mood;
  • contains a huge amount of antioxidants, like other grape varieties.

Wine from Isabella retains these properties. To the same extent, it is beneficial if you drink it moderately - no more than 300 ml per day. In addition, wine helps with respiratory diseases and colds, is an expectorant.

In Europe, the production of this wine is banned under the pretext of a high content of harmful hydrocyanic acid in the drink. But many people consider this a marketing ploy to get rid of competition. After all, this grape variety is available to everyone and grows in harsh conditions.

Therefore, in home production this wine is still respected.

How to make wine from Isabella

To get a good wine from this grape variety, you need to follow these recommendations:

Classic Isabella wine recipe at home

This is the easiest and most common way to make Isabella wine. He is fundamental. Other recipes follow from it.


  • Isabella grapes - 10 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg.


Fortified house wine

For lovers of stronger wine, this recipe should be followed. It is a little more complicated than the classic one.


  • berries - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Select and push Isabella.
  2. Let the composition stand in glass jar 3 days. Then add sugar to it and stir.
  3. Cover the container with gauze and leave the mixture in a warm place to ferment for 14-16 days. Be sure to install a water seal suitable for the specific container.
  4. Fold gauze or cloth in 3-4 layers and strain the composition.
  5. Put the wine to gain strength in a dark room with a temperature of 10-14 degrees.
  6. Then fix the drink with vodka and let it stand for 14-18 days.
  7. Pour the finished wine into bottles. Store in a cool place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees.

This wine stabilizes the digestive system. Good for eating meat. It is best to drink it chilled.

With added water

According to this recipe, the wine will turn out in large quantities, but the strength will be less.


  • Isabella grapes - 5 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 750 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Sort the berries and put them in an enamel container. Add half of the prepared water and sugar at the rate of 40 g per liter of the mixture.
  2. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and leave the mixture for 5-6 days to ferment in a dark room. During this time, the composition should be stirred 2-3 times a day, removing the foam from the surface.
  3. After this stage, strain the pulp from the juice through cheesecloth. Then mix the juice with the remaining half of the prepared water. This will make the right must.
  4. Bottle this mixture. Fill each one 1/3 full. Seal them with cotton wool to allow air to pass through and retain foam during fermentation.
  5. When the fermentation dynamics decrease, instead of cotton wool, you need to install a water seal. You can use a rubber glove.
  6. Insist future wine until signs of clarification and sediment appear. Then get rid of the sediment by pouring into other containers. Add sugar with the calculation of 200 g per 1 liter of the composition.
  7. Infuse the mixture in a place with a temperature of 10-14 degrees for 30-40 days. At this time, get rid of the sediment by pouring wine.
  8. Pour the wine into bottles and store in a cool place.

Recipe with yeast and sugar

This manufacturing method is used to extend the shelf life of wine. With it, the berries are washed, as yeast is added to the composition.


  • berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • yeast - 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the berries, crush. It is not necessary to squeeze the juice from the pulp. Pour the mass into the pan and put on a slow fire, heating to 75 degrees. Do not bring to a boil. Then remove the pan and let it sit for 3 days.
  2. Add yeast and pass through a press. Then strain through a sieve.
  3. Pour in the cooked sugar, mix thoroughly.
  4. Install a water seal and let the composition ferment in a room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. This stage may take several months. During this time, stir the future wine.
  5. Then pour the composition into other containers, getting rid of the sediment. Add the second half of the prepared sugar.
  6. Bottle, cork and store in a place with a normal storage temperature of 10-15 degrees.

White wine from Isabella

To make white wine from these grapes, you need to take green, unripe, fresh berries. This wine is made quite simply.


  • Isabella grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Select berries suitable for cooking and dry them. Then crush by hand. In this case, it is better not to use a pusher.
  2. Separate the juice from the pulp and add sugar to it. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Pour the mixture 2/3 into the bottle.
  4. Seal it with a lid with a hole and insert a tube into it. It is advisable to seal the edges of the lid with plasticine for good tightness. Blow into the tube and lower it into a bucket of water.
  5. Put the bottle with the composition for 3 months in the cellar. Change the water in the bucket, which serves to remove carbon dioxide.
  6. When the wine is ready, bottle it.

Dry wine

Here, only the grapes themselves are required to make a drink. Only it must have a sugar content of at least 15%. The turnover in the drink depends on the level of sugar. 0.6% alcohol comes out of 1% sugar. It turns out - from Isabella with a sugar level of 15%, dry wine with a strength of 8-9 degrees should be obtained. So that the drink does not come out very sour, grapes grown in a warm climate should be taken as the basis.

The ingredient of this recipe is 20 kg of Isabella.

Cooking technique:

The finished drink has a shelf life of 3 years.

Choose any of these recipes and follow all the instructions. Before proceeding with the preparation of the drink, it is better to consult with experienced winemakers. And remember that when drinking wine you need to know when to stop. As the famous healer and scientist Avicenna said: “a little wine is a medicine, a lot is a deadly poison.”

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