Home Soups What is in the cake mix. Orange cupcake from a package, a culinary experiment

What is in the cake mix. Orange cupcake from a package, a culinary experiment

Courage, ingenuity and love for experiments - that's what distinguishes me as a cook. Another passion for buns and laziness. This is also not alien to me. This culinary Monday I present to you

Orange cupcake from the finished mixture in a bag!

Making an orange muffin with the bag mix was bold, inventive, and unmistakably experimental. I wanted a bun, but I was too lazy to bother with getting food out of the closet and measuring it. I baked an orange cake from a baking mix, and now I will tell you everything, how I did what, what happened, and what I think about it all. (and I will show at the same time, I love photographing the culinary process).

Let me introduce you, cake mix. How far technology has come. In my childhood, cake mix was sold in a nondescript, modest, embarrassing bag so that no one would even notice that the hostess had ready-made baking mix in her shopping bag * ah ah scandal! The colors are fun.

The recipe is written right on the package. Oil and milk must be added to the dry mixture, so the full set of ingredients for this recipe is below:

Instead of milk and butter, you could take margarine and water, but when it comes to margarine, my digestion is always very nervous, so I prefer butter for gastroenterological reasons. And milk instead of water is solely to supplement the product. This bottle has been living in my refrigerator for more than one day, and it was about to turn sour. I let her in preemptively. What to sour, hi better cupcake it will be more fragrant.

I interfere without a mixer, just with a wooden spoon, so to make it more convenient to mix, first I poured half a packet of dry mixture into the oil, stirred it a little. I poured in about half of the milk.

She stirred a little more, then poured out the rest of the dry mixture from the bag, stirred, and poured out the rest of the milk.

Well, I mixed it all the way. When you add ingredients in this way in parts, it mixes more smoothly and uniformly.

Replacing props. While I was mixing and photographing everything, the oven warmed up and the unearthly beauty of the bowl faded into the background, it was the turn of the oiled baking dish!

The dough came out really thick. I didn’t want to pour categorically, I had to get a silicone spatula.

Nothing does the job of transferring the dough all the way out of the bowl and into the pan quite like a silicone spatula. There are practically no losses, all the dough is cleanly in shape.

This thing hung out in the oven for exactly 40 minutes. The dough came out quite a bit, and I thought that those who wrote “bake 40 minutes” on the package got excited. No, they didn’t get excited, the cake was actually baked for 40 minutes.

The bottom crust browned well, just the way I like it. The cupcake rose and even cracked beautifully on the top - I love it when cupcakes do that. I let it cool for 10-15 minutes and treated myself to a piece. Appreciate .

The tasting showed that the cake came out tasty, soft and fluffy, the crust was crispy. The taste is soft orange, sugar is just right, but the authors hurried with a hundred grams of oil. For my taste, the cupcake came out too greasy and oily, which, as you understand, did not prevent me from sharpening a good third of the cupcake. I liked to chemize from a bag, and now we have sooo many different dry mixes, it’s curious to try everything, so I’m afraid it’s not latest recipe“out of the bag” on Culinary Monday. But next time I will put at least half as much oil as in the instructions. And even in general, maybe I’ll replace it with sour cream or banana mashed in mashed potatoes.

Appreciate the saucer. Also grandmother's, Dulevo porcelain, by the way.

And about finances: baking a cupcake from a dry mix, of course, is easier and faster than measuring and mixing all the ingredients separately, but I didn’t notice much savings in terms of money. Our baking mix costs about 80 rubles per package, 100 g of butter will cost about 50 rubles (margarine is cheaper, but I try to use butter), and a glass of milk will cost 15 rubles, depending on the milk. It turns out 145 rubles, and the cupcake does not come out too big. Six, probably, for one tea party, and provided that there are other snacks. The same size cake made with flour-eggs-sugar-soda-orange zest would cost, I think, about the same.

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Many of us have often seen ready-made dry mixes for making fluffy cake at home on sale, but do not know how to use them correctly. There is nothing particularly difficult in this, if you follow our step by step instructions. Almost all mixtures include wheat flour, powdered milk, sugar, salt, baking powder, flavoring, etc. All these components can be stored for a long time, which makes it possible to sell such mixtures in packaged form. The hostess who decides to make a cake will need to add only liquid ingredients.


For one cupcake you will need:


1. Remember that you can easily replace butter with vegetable oil, milk with warm water, and eggs with bananas, this is especially true in fasting. First of all, let's break the eggs into a bowl. food processor or into a deep, tall bowl if you are using a mixer. Warm up the butter until room temperature- it is important that it is warm and can be mixed into the dough, and not stray into lumps.

2. Put the butter in a bowl, pour in the dry mixture for the cake, pour in the milk - warm, but not hot! Do not add any flavorings and baking powder, do not extinguish the soda with vinegar, otherwise you will get too oversaturated pastries - it's all there in the mixture! If you purchased a mixture with a filler (in the recipe, these are chocolate pieces), you will add the filler to the dough later (see point 4).

3. First, beat the dough for 2 minutes at low speed, so that everything mixes well, and then 4-5 minutes at high speed, so that the components connect with each other.

4. Add chocolate to the dough.

5. Cover the form with parchment paper and grease it with odorless oil - creamy or vegetable. Pour the dough into the mold. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cake for about 1 hour, without increasing the heat, so that it is baked from the inside.

People have been interested in confectionery products since ancient times.

In those days, sweets were not distinguished by their complex composition, aesthetic appearance and tasted completely normal. Nowadays, the demand for desserts remains as high as then.

It should be noted that, unlike the ancient industrial production confectionery is actively developing today. In this regard, it is increasingly possible to observe the release of various inventions in this industry. For example, one of these is.

It is a powdered substance with which you can prepare both the basis for future baking and independent desserts: muffins and muffins.

Such a mixture is simply necessary when guests suddenly appeared, and there is sorely lacking time to prepare something tasty for tea. Thanks to her to create culinary masterpieces can be done quickly and easily. Even a child and a novice hostess who do not have sufficient culinary experience can bake mouth-watering cupcakes based on this product.

And for those who do not even have time to go to the store, there is good news. Products are now available in online stores with home delivery. Just a few clicks and the cupcake mix is ​​yours.


Surely the housewives, who at least once used the ready-made mixture for cupcakes, noticed what a uniform structure the finished ones have. confectionery. The fact is that the whole secret here lies in the composition of the product.

Usually includes:

  • Wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • Baking soda;
  • Milk dry whey;
  • Egg powder;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • Sugar;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Flavorings.

Often in mixtures you can find nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, cocoa powder and various spices. The main advantage of the dry mix intended for the preparation of cupcakes is the absence of chemical additives and GMOs in the composition. This makes the product safe for human health.

Thanks to the mixture, cupcakes retain their freshness longer, they are not so high in calories, and the taste is not lost.

Having bought such a mix, you will be convinced that the pastries will not only cook quickly, but will also have a lush, uniform structure. And this will only improve the appetite of the guests.

Cupcakes are perhaps one of the simplest and favorite desserts. To prepare them, you do not need to have special confectionery knowledge and skills, but cook with a mixture for baking delicious treat won't be difficult.

After all, this mix contains necessary ingredients to keep the dough fluffy and fluffy.

There are two cooking options: in the oven or in a slow cooker.

If you purchased a special ready-made mixture for baking in a slow cooker, use the following recipe:

  1. Knead the dough. To do this, pour the mixture into a container, add melted butter, the required amount of water or milk to it.
  2. Bring the dough to a homogeneous mass. Mix the ingredients well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Select a mode. Cupcakes must be baked on the "Baking until cooked" mode. In time, this will take 40-60 minutes.
  4. Lubricate the container of the multicooker with butter or sunflower oil. Then the cake will not burn and will not stick to the walls of the bowl.

Mixes for cupcakes will allow you to cook delicious desserts in a slow cooker and at the same time do household chores around the house. In addition to cupcakes, you can make cake layers, pie, mannas, muffins. For amplification palatability dried fruits, chocolate, nuts or candied fruits are added to the kneaded dough if desired.

You can make one large cupcake pie from the mixture, as well as mini cupcakes, which are very fond of children.

Pie "Apple":

  1. Pour the mixture into a small bowl.
  2. Add applesauce, vanilla and carbonated drink (instead of water).
  3. Stir all ingredients.
  4. Get a dough of uniform consistency.
  5. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour or grease vegetable oil.
  6. Place the dough on a baking sheet, smooth its surface
  7. Preheat the oven and put the cake to bake for 30-40 minutes.
  8. Take out the cake and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

This simple recipe will help hastily cook delicious dessert for tea drinking with friends, any feast. An important point is the instructions for cooking, which is placed on the packaging of the mixture. It should be adhered to.

Pie "Fantasy"

Pie "Fantasy":

  1. Buy mix for muffins of three types: chocolate, yellow and white.
  2. Pour the contents of all sachets into a container.
  3. Mix the ingredients, adding butter and eggs.
  4. Add chocolate chips.
  5. Preheat oven to 170°C.
  6. In a pre-greased baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the dough of a uniform consistency.
  7. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Such a cake should turn out to be multi-colored, with a predominance of yellow, chocolate and white shades of dough. optional instead of chocolate chips you can add chopped dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins).

How to make dry mix cake? Take the prepared mixture for muffins, add sour kefir or sour cream, a few tablespoons of soft unsalted butter. Knead a soft dough. For taste, add finely chopped dried fruits or candied fruits. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

Divide the batter into cupcake liners half way, brushing them with butter. Bake for 30-35 minutes. How to prepare cake mix? Mix all the ingredients indicated in the recipe for preparing a dry cake mix, pour into glass jar and close the lid tightly. Store in a dark place.

Dry cake mix is ​​the basis for baking delicious cupcake. It is recommended to immediately prepare 1-2 kg of such a mixture and, in case of emergency, quickly prepare the most delicate cake. This mixture is convenient because it is always at hand.

When sour milk, kefir or sour cream appears in the refrigerator, you can quickly and tasty feed the family. By following the proportions indicated in the recipe, you can cook smaller portions. To do this, you need to adapt to calculate the right amount of dry mix, kefir and butter.

Sometimes you really want to please yourself and your loved ones with something tasty, but there is not enough time and energy for a long lesson with the test. In this case, various baking brushes come to the rescue, which already contain all the necessary ingredients. They allow without giving for a long time working with dough, it's nice to spend time with a cup of tea or coffee with crumbly pastries own cooking in hand.

This article will look at various ready-made cake mixes, describe how to prepare them, give mix comparisons, ratings and buying secrets.

Types of ready mixes

There are many types of cake mix because there are many varieties of cakes themselves. Muffins, cupcakes, muffins, a huge variety of flavors - all this is reflected on the shelves with baking mixes. However, for the most part, the assortment is represented by classic cupcakes, which, although they may be small and round, have a large number of calories, and the dough after kneading is dense and heavy. These are usually rectangular or round and with a hole in the center of the shape.

Muffin mixes can also be found, but are more difficult, and the variety of flavors there is significantly inferior classic cupcakes.

Evaluation of different baking mixes

The most popular brand of cake mix is ​​Bake Doma.

She offers the customer to cook a wide variety of cupcakes, as well as muffins. However, to name her for it best language does not turn. The composition of the sweep is not the most pleasant, in addition to flavors and baking powder, there are all sorts of stabilizers and other substances designed to give the product an attractive shape. This does not always have a good effect on the taste and quality of the finished baking. If possible, it is better to use other products. The package of the mixture for cake contains 300 grams, for muffins - 250. The price varies depending on the additives, but on average - 70 rubles and 120. However, it is worth noting that, for example, egg powder is in the mixture, that is you need to add products to it less. So the Bake Doma cake mix is ​​ideal for those who, for the sake of less effort, are ready to put up with additives in the composition. Rating - 6/10.

Also a good place in the Russian market is occupied by mixtures from the company "S. Pudov". They have a wide variety of not only cupcake batter, but also muffin batter.

Despite the frightening composition at first, it is quite natural and harmless. You will have to tinker with its preparation a little longer than with the Dom Oven, but the muffins are very soft and tender. A package with a mix for muffins contains 400 grams, for muffins - 250. This makes it on average more than all other manufacturers, while the price is kept at or even lower - 70 rubles and 100. Score - 9/ 10.

The latest popular blend on the market is the product of the Austrian company Haas, which specializes in groceries. it is immediately worth noting that you will have to work with this mixture the most: there are practically no additives in it. However, this mixture is perfect for those who prefer the most natural food.

Haas also does not provide customers with multiple flavors, which require the addition of flavors and flavor enhancers. This company can only find a mixture for original cupcakes that do not contain additives. The company offers the buyer to independently supplement the mixture with candied fruits, raisins or nuts. The package contains 300 grams of the mixture, and the cost of one is approximately equal to 50 rubles. Rating - 8/10.


To determine the approximate composition of the product, one of each brand was taken, as well as separately for muffins and muffins.

The composition of the mixture for making muffins with chocolate from the company "Pechem Doma":

  • Wheat flour.
  • Sugar.
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Glaze (sugar, emulsifiers (lecithin, polyglycerol esters), Vanillin flavoring, Caramel flavoring).
  • Dough baking powder (sodium pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate - baking soda).
  • Dye E150s.
  • Salt.
  • Flavor "Vanillin".

The composition of the mixture for chocolate cupcake:

  • Wheat flour.
  • Sugar.
  • Potato starch.
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Egg melange dry.
  • Flavor "Truffle".

Mix for making vanilla muffins from the company "S. Pudov":

  • Wheat flour.
  • White sugar.
  • Maltodextrin (molasses).
  • Whole milk powder.
  • Emulsifier E471 (included in the list of safe and has a natural origin).
  • Acidity regulator- lemon acid.
  • Baking powder - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
  • food cookbook sea ​​salt.
  • Vanillin flavoring.

Mass for vanilla cake from the company "S. Pudov" includes the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour.
  • Sugar sand.
  • Corn starch.
  • Egg powder.
  • Whole milk powder.
  • Edible sea salt.
  • Baking powder - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
  • Acidity regulator - citric acid.
  • Vanillin flavoring.

Haas Vanilla Flavored Cake Mix consists of the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour.
  • Sugar.
  • Glucose.
  • Corn starch.
  • Baking powders - sodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
  • Vanillin flavoring.

How to use the cake mix

Typically, a baking mix contains flour, sugar, salt, starch and soda. Some also have egg powder (replaces eggs) and milk powder.

In such a mixture, it remains only to add oil, nuts / raisins, dilute with water and can be put in the oven. The detailed process for preparing the Haas mix is ​​described below. For example, it was the mixture from this manufacturer that was taken, since it contains the least additives. If additional ingredients are indicated in the mixture in the composition, they simply do not need to be added to the dough.

Cooking method

The mixture will need 1-2 chicken eggs, 100 grams of butter and 2/3 cup of warm milk.

Put the whole mixture in a bowl, add milk there and mix thoroughly. After - add eggs and butter at room temperature. The dough should be the consistency of sour cream. If desired, you can add candied fruits, raisins, nuts.

Now the dough needs to be laid out in a mold. You can use one large mold or many small ones. In the mold, the dough should be about 3/4 of the total size (it will do). You can send cupcakes to an oven preheated to 180 degrees. If the mold is large, it will take about 40 minutes for it to bake. For small ones, 20 is usually enough. But it depends on the oven. You can check the readiness with a knife or a wooden skewer.


It is measured in kcal / 100 g. This means a reduction in the content of kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

  • Mix for making chocolate muffins from "Bake Doma" - 360.
  • Mix for making chocolate cake from "Bake Doma" - 360.
  • Mix for the preparation of vanilla muffins from "S. Pudov" - 350.
  • Mix for cooking from "S. Pudov" - 360.
  • Haas Vanilla Flavored Cake Mix - 360.

Tips for Buying and Making Cake Mix Dough

1. When choosing a mixture, you do not need to look at the picture on the package. It is only an image, not an actual product.

2. The fewer ingredients in the mixture, the better. Most products of this kind contain nuts or raisins at all. best quality. The same applies to dry milk.

3. If the package says to add water or milk, It's better to add milk. So the dough will be more tender.

4. If you need to add oil to the mass, then add sunflower oil for a dense dough. for light and airy - creamy. Also, the oil gives the product a different color.

5. If there is powdered milk in the list of ingredients, then you should carefully monitor the baking process, because because of it the product may dry out.

6. Do not add soda or baking powder to the dough. They are always present in the mixture itself.

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