Home A fish Vanilla cupcake preparation. Vanilla muffins with raisins. Recipe: Classic vanilla cupcake

Vanilla cupcake preparation. Vanilla muffins with raisins. Recipe: Classic vanilla cupcake

Vanilla cake is good any time of the year. No matter what celebration makes you look for a recipe with beautiful photos, because this simple and at the same time profitable recipe delicious cupcake everyone will like it without exception. Can you come up with original stuffing, use store-bought dip, or serve the topping as an extra dip on a plain vanilla muffin, giving your guests a choice of flavors.

In order for the recipe to help you prepare excellent vanilla muffins, as in the photo, you will need a good mood and a desire to please yourself and your loved ones. The dough for dessert does not need imagination and improvisation, so please act without fanaticism, but with a smile and to your favorite music:

  • we get butter, not salty, fresh, not frozen;
  • half a glass of sugar (150g);
  • chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • wheat flour, preferably sifted 200g;
  • vanillin extract, vanilla sugar or vanillin crystals.

In order not to spoil the recipe, strictly forbid yourself to mix the products hastily. If all the products are at room temperature, and the flour is necessarily sifted or shaken into a cup from the bag, the dough will turn out so that the muffins will be much better than in a pastry shop.

With proper handling of products, the dough for a vanilla dessert cake turns out to be obedient and willingly rises, beautifully decorating Silicone forms.

The modern recipe for vanilla cake in a slow cooker is good both in the photo and on the table, but it’s much more pleasant if you have the mood and free time to make pastries, the aroma of which will wake your family up on Sunday morning and charge you with positive energy for the whole day.

So let's continue with the recipe. Prepare butter. Bringing it to a state thick cream at room temperature. Whisk the sugar into the butter to make a fluffy sweet cream. Gradually add fresh chicken eggs and don't stop churning. After the eggs have disappeared in the total mass of the oily cream, we begin to add vanillin and, last of all, add the flour so carefully that it does not gather into lumps during the mixing process. As soon as a thick, appetizing and lush homogeneous mass forms under your spoon (or whisk), then your dough is ready. It's time to prepare the baking pans.

Forms for baking are very convenient and practical. In addition to the fact that they are executed in festive colors, cupcakes in the form do not burn. This is facilitated by pliable silicone and proper care for it. If before laying out the dough, you grease the silicone molds with butter and sprinkle with flour, nuts or crackers, then vanilla muffins will always turn out better than your neighbors.

The original filling recipe

If you want your cupcakes to have a "zest"? So you need to come up with a filling for your cake. What can be suitable for a filler, except for ready-made sweet sauces?

In fact, anything: fruits, berries, even vegetables. If you grate the carrots on a fine grater and fry in butter with sugar, you will end up with a caramel-carrot filling, which is also healthy.

You can also use for stuffing cream cheese with nuts or raisins. Or cottage cheese with caramel or condensed milk is suitable. If you have a sweet tooth, mix these two fillings together, you get a wonderful vanilla cupcake with a delicate creamy-cheese filling.

When fresh apples are peeled and mixed with honey and a little cinnamon, your vanilla cakes will take on a magical Christmas flavor.

A savory vanilla cupcake with a hint of flirting can be baked for a romantic dinner or for a bachelorette party, if you soak raisins in a glass of rum with added sugar.

How to make a vanilla cake the right way?

Toppings should be added in this order:

  1. Lubricate the mold with oil.
  2. Sprinkle with your chosen ingredient.
  3. Fill 1/3 of the mold with batter.
  4. Put the filling.
  5. Close the filling with a layer of dough.

The recipe recommends preheating the oven to 180 degrees before putting the vanilla cupcakes in the oven. Bake the cake for no more than 30 minutes. Never open the oven immediately, the dough needs some time, about 15 minutes. After the cupcakes, you should check with a canape stick or a toothpick for readiness.

Write down and remember this wonderful recipe. Its simplicity and delicate taste more than once will save you from the lack of sweets on the table.

Vanilla Cupcake Video Recipe

And again I come to you with a sweet one =) These muffins with raisins remind me of lace in structure - they are just as delicate and airy. It is better to soak raisins in warm water for 10 minutes before use to make them softer. Then pat dry on paper towel and add to tender dough. Do not pour boiling water over raisins - as many recipes advise - it can turn into porridge, and this will ruin everything.

Raisin muffin recipe:

  • Flour - 1 cup (used faceted glass 250 g)
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs (I use large ones, category C 0)
  • Sugar sand - 100 -150 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp (can be replaced with 1 tsp vanilla extract)
  • Powdered sugar for sprinkling - optional
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp (I use Dr. Oetker)

We begin to beat butter (150 g) at room temperature with a mixer until white. Sometimes it seems that it cannot become white, no matter how much you beat. Believe it can. After 5-7 minutes of whipping with a mixer (the power of my mixer is 350 watts, if yours is even more powerful, it will take less time), the oil will become very light and airy. Only after that, start adding granulated sugar (100 g) in a thin stream, without stopping whisking with a mixer.

The more whipped the butter, the more airy and fluffy the muffins will be.

If the butter is taken out of the refrigerator too late, cut it into small pieces 2 cm long so that the butter warms up faster.

If you are using vanilla sugar, add at this stage.

Separate the whites and yolks into separate bowls, trying not to get a single gram of yolk into the cup with the whites (otherwise they will be more difficult to beat).

Add the yolks in small portions to the cup with the oil mixture, after each yolk, thoroughly stir the dough with a mixer.

This will help us not to lose the lightness of the sugar-butter dough, which we have worked so hard to achieve.

In a large bowl, beat egg whites until stiff (soft peaks).

At first, the proteins will be transparent, but after 5-7 minutes they will turn into a thick foam.

Mix flour (1 cup) with baking powder (1 tsp) and sift several times.

You can stir the dry ingredients with a whisk to distribute the baking powder evenly throughout the dough. This will allow the dough to rise nicely in the oven (no muffin top mounds).

Add flour to the dough, mix with a spoon or spatula (we don’t use a mixer anymore).

Next we send well-washed and dried raisins. If desired, raisins can be soaked not in warm water, but in cognac or your favorite liquor (the taste will be rich).

Mix well until smooth (no lumps).

We lay out paper capsules in molds. You can use special elastic cups for baking cupcakes, which hold their shape well and do not require a metal mold.

If there are no paper capsules or special cups for baking cupcakes, just grease the molds with butter and breadcrumbs.

We spread the dough into molds with a spoon (I use a round spoon for ice cream, it is very convenient to apply small portions.) Fill the molds only 2/3, as the dough rises well in the oven.

We send the muffins to bake in a well-heated oven at 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes. You can check the readiness of muffins with a toothpick - stick it in the center of the muffin and pull it out, it should remain dry, without sticking raw dough.

Let the muffins cool in the molds for 10 minutes, then remove and leave on a wire rack to cool completely.

Thanks to good air ventilation, the muffins will not get wet when cooled.

Crack Muffins: fluffy crumb and raisins, a great combination!

For lovers of baking with raisins, I advise you to cook the Stolichny cake.

I hope you enjoy the recipe, leave your feedback in the comments. If you have any questions along the way, I'll be happy to answer. Attach photos of your muffins to the comments, I will be very pleased.

Bon Appetit!

When adding a photo to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the network. Thanks!

I recorded a video recipe for banana muffins and posted it on the You Tube channel, I invite you to watch it!

Good time, dear friends and guests of my recipe!

To make vanilla cake, we need following products, in the amount that I indicated at the very beginning of my recipe:

Before starting cooking, I advise you to take the eggs and butter out of the refrigerator and let them stand for an hour at room temperature, otherwise cold products can spoil all the lightness and tenderness of our cake.

Sprinkle butter with sugar

and beat with a mixer for several minutes to get a light and airy mass.

To this mass add a bag of vanillin and beat again thoroughly.

We drive two eggs here

and again beat well for several minutes so that the egg is evenly mixed with the sugar-butter mass and does not lose its lightness.

We heat the milk a little, to about 30-40 degrees and pour it into the future dough, without stopping whisking with a mixer.

Pour the baking powder into the bowl with the future dough.

We continue to beat with a mixer and gradually add flour, so as not to disturb the lightness, tenderness and airiness of the dough.

The dough should turn out not too liquid, but not too thick, that is, add flour to the state of dough for pancakes.

Lubricate the form in which the cake will be baked with butter and sprinkle with flour or semolina. Naturally, if you use a silicone mold, then this is not required.
By the way, when choosing a form, keep in mind that the cupcake rises twice.
Pour the dough into the mold and shake it so that it is evenly distributed in an even layer along the bottom.

We send our future cupcake to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Readiness is checked with a skewer. I got such a ruddy handsome man:

After waiting for the cake to cool, I take it out of the mold.

You can cut our wonderful fragrant cupcake and serve it to the table.

Vanilla cake, prepared according to this recipe, is not only fragrant, but also very tasty. Due to its lightness and airiness, it does not seem dry in taste, for which I do not like this type of baking.
This cake will be a great treat for both adults and children. For me, the most important thing is that both my nieces and my son eat it with great pleasure.

I hope my recipe is useful to you. Thank you for attention!
Happy coffee and tea!

Cooking time: PT00H40M 40 min.

1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees with the rack in the center. Grease a bread pan with butter. Place the pan on two baking sheets, one on top of the other. Mix flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. In another large bowl, beat butter and sugar with a mixer on high speed until creamy, about 5 minutes.

2. Reduce mixer speed to medium. Add eggs one at a time, beating 1-2 minutes after each addition. Add vanilla extract and beat. Reduce mixer speed to low and add flour mixture, do not beat too long. You can also mix the dough with your hands or with a rubber spatula. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, smooth the surface with a spatula.

3. Put the mold in the oven and check the cake after about 45 minutes. If it darkens too quickly, cover it loosely with foil. If you are using a medium tin, it will take about 70-75 minutes for the cake to bake; if you use a small form - about 90 minutes. The cupcake is ready when a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove cake from oven and let cool in pan for 30 minutes. Invert the cake onto a plate and cool to room temperature. Cut into slices and serve. Store cake wrapped for 5-7 days at room temperature or up to 2 months in the refrigerator.

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