Home Bakery Shrimp salad with red caviar recipe. Salad with red caviar and shrimps. Salad "Royal" with fish

Shrimp salad with red caviar recipe. Salad with red caviar and shrimps. Salad "Royal" with fish

Everyone loves to treat themselves to a delicious dish, diversify their diet or surprise guests with something new on the festive table. If you are ready to experiment and get a lot of fun out of it, then this caviar and shrimp salad recipe is just for you.


  • fresh-frozen shrimp - 300 g;
  • fresh-frozen squids - 300 g;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • red caviar - 100 g;
  • red fish (salmon or salmon) - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 1 piece
  • avocado - 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise.

It is always difficult to resist when you walk near the fish aisle or the seafood department in a store. All these incredibly delicious products: squid, caviar, shrimp, salmon are just asking to be combined in one amazing dish. But you still need to be able to combine them correctly. And how to do it so that later all the fingers are licked, read in this recipe. Well, go ahead!

salad preparation

Let's boil the shrimp first. In order for them to have an exquisite taste, the broth in which they will be cooked must be fragrant and combine a palette of smells. In boiling salted water (about 1.5 liters), throw a pinch of dried Provence herbs, a slice of lemon and crushed pepper mixture. Do you feel how it smells? Then, washed under running water, place the shrimp in a saucepan and cook for no more than 4 minutes. Carefully peel them from the shell, make an even cut along the body of the shrimp and remove the intestine. The shrimp in the salad will be used whole.

Squids require pre-treatment, for this you need to pour boiling water over them and carefully remove the shrunken film. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, season with salt. Squid carcasses must be boiled for 3-4 minutes, otherwise, with longer cooking, they will become rubbery and lose their taste. Cut off the fin, it's not edible. Cut the squid into equal pieces.

Let's move on to potatoes: you need to take one large or two medium potatoes. Wash it thoroughly from dirt and boil it. Potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater.

Hard boil the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Grate them into separate bowls.

Very often, vegetarians replace eggs with avocados in their dishes. But our salad with caviar and shrimp, although not vegetarian, but avocado will play its special role in it. More on this later.

Dish decoration

The assembly of this salad resembles the assembly of the “fur coat” salad, now you will understand why. Take a flat, wide plate and place a medium-sized culinary ring in it.

  1. Put a layer of grated potatoes and brush with mayonnaise, then evenly distribute the shrimp (leave 3 things for decoration), on top of them there will be a grated egg yolk and another layer of mayonnaise.
  2. After that, put the squid and grated egg white, then mayonnaise and red fish slices (it is better to take salmon, as it is fatter).
  3. The pyramid is completed by the highlight of the salad - red caviar, just distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the dish.

The top of the salad will turn out red and juicy, this is what we need. Carefully remove the cooking ring.

Miracle fruit avocado

Then came the turn of the wonderful avocado fruit. Why wonderful? Everything is very simple, the avocado is a completely unsweetened fruit, as we are all used to it, but it has a unique peculiar taste, very similar to butter. Avocado has a wide range of effects on the human body: it normalizes blood circulation, removes cholesterol and prevents its re-accumulation, rejuvenates and protects cells from aging, contains many vitamins.

In a word, a miracle fruit! Avocado (necessarily ripe) peel and cut three identical thin slices. Hint: in order for the fruit not to lose its aesthetic appearance on a plate, sprinkle it with lemon juice beforehand.

Fan out the remaining shrimp and avocado slices next to the salad for added color and variety to the presentation. Ready!

It should be said about some variations of the salad recipe with shrimp and red caviar. For example, red fish can be replaced with a layer of grated crab sticks, and eggs, as mentioned above, with avocados. The second option will turn out to be more delicate in taste. To do this, you need to take a whole ripe avocado, use a blender to make a homogeneous puree out of it, add salt and spices to taste. Replace the egg yolk and white layers with this puree.

The dish will turn out no less delicious than the previous one, with a very soft and creamy aftertaste. Having tried it once, it will forever remain a crown culinary masterpiece on your table. Bon Appetit!

In everyday life, red caviar is a rare guest on our tables. But on a holiday it is quite possible to please yourself and your loved ones with a similar delicacy. From a jar of such a delicacy, you can make several sandwiches. However, a more attractive solution would be a salad with shrimp and red caviar, which will turn out to be quite a lot. A puff hearty dish with seafood will please with its rich and original taste, and an attractive design will allow the appetizer to become a spectacular decoration of the festive table.

Cooking time - 55 minutes + 6 hours for insisting.

The number of servings is 9.


To prepare a salad, you need the following ingredients:

  • frozen boiled shrimp - 600 g;
  • red caviar - 1 jar of 140 g;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • allspice - 3-5 peas;
  • ground black pepper - 10 g;
  • mayonnaise - 240 g;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook a salad with red caviar and shrimps

The original salad recipe with caviar and shrimp is quite simple to make.

  1. Boil eggs and potatoes. Then the products will need to be cooled to room temperature, freed from the peel and shell.

    The shrimp should be boiled. To do this, you need to pour water into a small saucepan and put it on a strong fire. Sweet peas, salt, bay leaves and black pepper should be put in the liquid. Then the shrimp are carefully laid out in the water. You need to cook seafood over low heat for about 5 minutes.

On a note! Then the fire is turned off, but you do not need to immediately get the treat out of the water. Let it sit in the pot for about 10 minutes.

    Now the shrimps need to be thrown into a colander so that the water is glass.

    Cooled shrimp should be peeled and finely chopped. The whole mass must be divided into two equal portions. One of them is laid out on a mesh of mayonnaise.

    Top seafood is also covered with a small amount of mayonnaise.

    Potatoes should be grated on a coarse grater.

    This ingredient is laid out in the next layer. It is recommended to slightly press the grated potatoes with the back of a spoon.

    The product is lubricated with a small amount of dressing.

    Boiled eggs are next in the salad. They need to be grated on a fine grater or finely chopped with a knife. But it is better to rub - so the product will turn out more tender.

    Now a layer of eggs is laid out, which is also covered with mayonnaise.

    A delicious layer is created from the shrimp that are left over. They will make a delicious dish even more rich and spicy.

    This ingredient is also smeared with mayonnaise.

    The matter remains small. Now we have to do the most pleasant thing - decorating the salad with red caviar. It must be distributed with a small spoon over the entire surface of the snack.

    It remains to clean the salad with red caviar in the refrigerator for about 6 hours. During this time, a fairly easy-to-prepare dish will be thoroughly soaked and become truly tasty.

As you can see, a step-by-step recipe with a photo makes the process of preparing a caviar snack very simple.

Video recipe for salad with shrimps and red caviar

Video recipes for salad with shrimp and red caviar, presented below, will help you appreciate the variety of variations in the preparation of this wonderful holiday dish.

On a holiday, whether it's a wedding, birthday, or New Year, you always think about what to put on the table, how to surprise your dear guests. Dishes, the recipe of which includes shrimp and caviar, will come in handy here! After all, red caviar is rightfully considered the food of aristocrats, a sign of luxury and richness of taste.

Another plus is that red caviar is incredibly useful for humans: it contains an abundance of essential fatty acids that prevent the development of heart disease, protect against depression and strengthen human immunity. Given the banality of ordinary sandwiches with red caviar, we offer you a selection of recipes that include not only this product, but also the ingredients suitable for it.

Salad "Shrimp under a fur coat"

In fact, the recipe for this salad was created based on the well-known “herring under a fur coat”, only we consider this option more festive and refined. King prawns are used instead of fish. The salad is topped with a beautiful layer of red caviar. The dish turns out tasty and nutritious, looks very appetizing.


  • red caviar - 180 grams
  • 3 eggs
  • potatoes - 2 pieces
  • king prawns - 800 grams
  • greenery
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams

Cooking method:

Most likely, when buying king prawns, you will find already boiled and frozen seafood in the store. In order to properly cook them, you need to open the package, put the shrimp in boiling water, immediately reduce the heat and sweat a little, allowing them to defrost. Turn off the heat after 5-10 minutes and drain the water. Let the shrimp cool and then remove the shells.

Boil eggs and potatoes separately. Peel and, again, grate separately. Take a large salad bowl, preferably transparent, and lay out the prepared products in layers in turn, soaking each with mayonnaise. Shrimps will go on the first "floor" - lay out half of their number, cutting each into three parts.

This is followed by a layer of boiled grated potatoes, then eggs, then again comes the “floor” of shrimp (leave a few whole clams to decorate the salad). Brush thickly with mayonnaise and finish your salad with a layer of red caviar. So that the top of the dish does not become weathered, the mayonnaise smear under it should be thicker than usual. Decorate the top of the salad with whole shrimp, herbs. Let him rest for a while. And call the guests to the table.

Salad with caviar and squid "Neptune"

Insanely tender salad, a pleasure for true connoisseurs of seafood. If you love the combination of crab sticks, shrimp and squid, then we suggest you take note of this recipe. In some sources, this salad with shrimp and caviar is prepared without eggs. But, in case of a holiday in your home, we recommend you our Neptune salad recipe - its taste will be richer and softer than usual. If you have a romantic date planned, you can leave only seafood in the ingredients.


  • 180 grams of red caviar
  • crab sticks - 200 grams
  • squid fillet - 300 grams
  • 5 eggs
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams
  • 300 grams of shrimp

Cooking method:

Depending on which shrimp you purchased at the store, choose the cooking method. If seafood has a pink shell color, it means that they were boiled before freezing. They should only be thawed in hot or warm water, they do not need to be cooked anymore. If the shrimps are of their natural gray color, then they must be boiled in brine. The recipe for the latter is as follows: put spices, bay leaves, peppercorns, salt in the water, be sure to add fresh herbs. Boil the shrimp in this brine until tender.

Do not rush to pour out the water from seafood, in this chic brine you will have to boil squid as well. Throw the finished frozen fillet of the latter into boiling water and cook for up to 5 minutes. Remember that squid meat cannot be digested, because it can become tight. Take it out in time, let the water drain, cool and cut into pieces.

Cut crab sticks into slices. Eggs should be boiled, then remove the shell and carefully separate the whites, and then cut them into thin feathers. Place all components in a wide salad bowl, add mayonnaise, mix. Only then lay out the red caviar. Since it is fragile on its own, toss the salad only lightly so that the eggs do not burst. You do not need to salt this dish, because mayonnaise and caviar already contain a sufficient amount of seasoning.

Salad "Sea Miracle"

Would you like to taste the food of the aristocrats? Yes, perhaps they add to their salads not a spoonful of caviar, but much more. Nevertheless, ordinary people love red caviar no less than aristocrats. We are pleased to offer you a culinary recipe for an affordable salad with caviar. It is called "Sea Miracle", in this case, pineapples and bell peppers add juiciness to seafood.


  • red caviar - 100 grams
  • canned pineapple - 3 rings
  • 50 grams of mayonnaise
  • shrimp - 500 grams
  • lettuce leaves
  • 1 bell pepper

Cooking method:

We recommend serving this salad in bowls, each serving individually, so take care of the dishes in advance. Start preparing this salad by preparing all the ingredients: cut lettuce leaves into thin strips. Wash the bell pepper, remove the tail and clean the inside of the seeds and partitions and cut into thin strips.

Defrost the shrimp, then boil them in a brine that includes salt water, pepper, and dill. The shrimp will cook quickly. Leave them for another 15 minutes to absorb the taste and smell of the spicy broth. Then take out and peel off the skin. If the shrimp are small, leave them whole; if larger individuals are caught, cut each into several pieces for convenience. Transfer all the products that you prepared earlier, except for caviar, to a large bowl and mix, seasoning with mayonnaise. Arrange the finished salad among the bowls, putting a spoonful of red caviar in each serving. For decoration, greens or a small slice of lemon are suitable.

Salad with seafood in tartlets

If you want to please your guests not only with a delicious dish, but also with its original appearance, we recommend you a salad recipe in tartlets. The dish will become an expressive decoration of the festive table. Tartlets filled with delicacies have an attractive miniature shape, they are convenient to eat both with a fork and with your hands. Plus, now they do not have to be baked on their own, but can be purchased at the store.


  • red caviar - 1 bank
  • 300 grams of shrimp
  • mushrooms - 300 grams
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams
  • ready-made tartlets - 10-15 pieces
  • green onion

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs, cool, separate the whites. Yolks are not needed for this salad. Cut the squirrels into thin strips. Boil shrimp in spicy brine, adding salt, bay leaf, spices, herbs. Remove from water and peel. The salad recipe includes mushrooms. We recommend taking fresh champignons, because they will need to be fried.

So, wash the mushrooms, cut, send to a hot pan, and fry with the addition of vegetable oil. Don't forget to salt and pepper the mushrooms. After frying, turn down the heat and simmer them for another 15 minutes. Cool down. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all salad ingredients, except for caviar, in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise. Fill each tartlet with salad, carefully place a teaspoon of caviar on top, make decorations from green onions. Bon appetit and happy holidays!

Salads with seafood and red caviar are undoubtedly an exquisite accent of the festive table. In addition to ordinary celebrations, they can be prepared for all kinds of parties, corporate events, dinner parties or romantic dates.

We hope that you will choose some original recipes based on these delicacies, bring them to life, and your holiday will be full of pleasant impressions.

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And with red caviar - a truly culinary masterpiece that will decorate the festive and everyday table. The main components of the snack are perfectly combined with various vegetables, fruits and meat. Instead of the usual dressing in the form of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream, olive or vegetable oil, as well as balsamic vinegar.

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How to boil shrimp

The process of cooking shrimp consists of several stages:

  1. Boil the required amount of water.
  2. Salt to taste, put a little black peppercorns and bay leaf.
  3. Dip the seafood in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave in hot water for 15 minutes so that the shrimp are saturated with spices.

It will take a little longer to boil large shrimp - about 5-7 minutes.

Salad "Sea Assortment"

The salad recipe with red caviar and shrimp called "Sea Assortment" is a luxurious appetizer for a special occasion. The dish is very tasty and appetizing.


  • red caviar - 80 g;
  • shrimp -180 g;
  • squid - 200 g;
  • red fish - 150 g;
  • three eggs;
  • one cucumber;
  • mayonnaise (or yogurt) - 300 g.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. It is necessary to boil squids and shrimps. Squids are usually boiled for 2 minutes, then cut into medium-sized strips.
  2. Hard boil eggs, grate.
  3. Remove bones from red fish, then chop into small cubes.
  4. Peel cucumbers and roughly chop.
  5. All components, together with mayonnaise or yogurt dressing, should be mixed.
  6. The top of the snack is decorated with a scattering of red caviar.

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Salad "Royal" with fish

The fish appetizer is an exquisite and beautifully presented dish. It is prepared, as a rule, for festive events, since quite expensive components are required to create this culinary masterpiece.

Salad with shrimps, red caviar and eggs

The recipe for this snack is quite simple and straightforward. Despite this, the dish turns out to be exquisite and original, suitable for both a festive event and a romantic dinner for two.


  • shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • three potatoes;
  • three eggs;
  • red caviar - 90 g;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Shrimps should be boiled and cleaned.
  2. Boil potatoes, peel and chop with a large grater.
  3. Hard boil eggs and grate.

The order of the layers is as follows:

  • potato;
  • protein;
  • shrimps;
  • yolk;
  • caviar.

Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise.


Your own version of the salad with shrimp, red caviar and eggs is presented on the Best Tasty Recipes website.

Salad with shrimps, caviar and avocado

Seafood pairs wonderfully with fruits and vegetables, which is why it is the basis of most delicious salads. An appetizer with shrimp, caviar and avocado turns out to be spicy and very appetizing.


  • shrimp - 0.4 kg;
  • one avocado;
  • three eggs;
  • red caviar - 100 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • mayonnaise.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Boil and clean shrimp. A few clams can be left for decoration. The rest, if they are large, should be cut into small cubes.
  2. Boil eggs and cut into small squares.
  3. Avocados need to be peeled and cut into cubes.

The prepared salad bowl should be covered with leafy greens and begin laying out the layers in the following sequence.

Seafood dishes are incredibly beneficial for our body. Seafood contains a huge amount of acids, proteins, salts necessary for a person. And most importantly - they contain iodine - the most important element for our health. No wonder the Chinese and Japanese, who eat only this, live much longer than those who prefer only meat delicacies.

In the old days, only people with serious connections could cook a salad with seafood and caviar. After all, such products could only be obtained through a very large “pull”. A simple person could not, unfortunately, just like that buy shrimp, crabs or mussels. Moreover, caviar was in short supply. But now, when there are no problems with these ingredients, wide culinary open spaces are open to the imagination of the hostesses.

Most recipes for dishes from black and red caviar came to us from the national cuisines of the European Mediterranean. Until recently, Russia did not have a culture of preparing such exotic masterpieces. With the exception, perhaps, of coastal cities, whose cuisines have traditionally been famous for their huge assortment of seafood dishes.

Today we will cook time-tested "sea" salads, the recipes of which have already proven themselves as a reliable weapon in the war of a skilled hostess with the appetites of guests and household members. Moreover, to create such goodies it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. Most of them are done in half an hour maximum.

Simple salad with red caviar and seafood

The first in line will be a spectacular and extremely tasty seafood salad with red caviar. This recipe is adapted for those who are not used to eating too unusual food. There is both exotic and folk cuisine familiar to Russian residents. To prepare this dish, we need a number of quite affordable products that can be bought at the nearest supermarket.

  • Chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Large shrimp - 400 grams;
  • Squids - 200 gr. Or one jar if the squid is canned;
  • Crab meat - 1 pack. You can also use regular crab sticks;
  • Red caviar, always real - 100 grams;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream, to taste;
  • Greens - dill, parsley.

We will boil the eggs, peel them, finely chop the protein, and give the yolk to be eaten by the children, if, of course, they love it. We don't need it in a salad. Boil shrimp in very salty water, and squid in slightly salted water. Be careful over time so they don't get tough.

We clean the shrimps, but do not cut them, chop the squid and crab meat into cubes. We put everything in a deep bowl, add red caviar and mix thoroughly. Season with mayonnaise or sour cream, decorate with herbs. The dish is ready to be served and eaten!

Universal salad “Sea cocktail”

Great, now the second course is next - seafood salad, referred to in restaurants as “Sea Cocktail”. In this case, the simplest recipe will be given, which is the basis. In the future, you can diversify such a salad with caviar and other ingredients. Actually, any seafood dish can be called a sea cocktail, in which there are several different seafood.

In our case, you will need:

  • Sea cocktail, frozen ready-made semi-finished product - 500 grams;
  • Red caviar, always natural - 50 grams;
  • Lightly salted salmon - 100 grams;
  • Orange - 1 piece;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Avocado - 1 piece.

How to prepare an exotic dish:

Please note: we prepare seafood salad “Sea Cocktail” with caviar immediately in small bowls. It is desirable that the dishes are appropriate - painted in an oriental style. By the way, if you are planning a themed evening, buy special Chinese chopsticks that are used to eat such dishes.

Now let's start cooking. The seafood mixture must be thawed, then put in salted water and boiled for a couple of minutes. After that, put the seafood in a colander, let the water drain and send it to the refrigerator for 15 minutes, since the mixture needs to be cooled.

At this time, let's deal with fruits: peel the orange, divide it into slices and cut into cubes, we will do the same with the avocado. Wash the salmon well and cut into thin strips. We combine all the ingredients, carefully put them in bowls, sprinkle the salad with plenty of caviar and squeeze lemon juice on top. We decorate kremanki with lemon slices, herbs and seafood

Our salad "Sea cocktail" with red caviar is ready. But when serving these dishes on the table, it is worth remembering that they will appeal exclusively to lovers of marine exotics, and, unfortunately, not all people love such unusual products. Always keep this in mind.

Rolls with caviar: original salad serving

Do you want to cook something original for your guests? How about a salad wrapped in rolls. It's delicious and looks unusual, and the recipe is not that complicated. There would be a desire. The main thing is to practice a little beforehand, as often the first roll is lumpy.

List of required ingredients:

  • Cream or goat cheese - 1 tbsp;
  • Smoked salmon - 200-300 grams;
  • Lime - 1 piece;
  • Lettuce leaves - a bunch;
  • Red caviar - 1 cup.

How to prepare an exotic dish:

Since such salads are not cheap, but are eaten instantly, the main ingredient can be diluted with artificial caviar (sold in jars in stores). In most cases, it is indistinguishable from the usual. But you can also please your guests with salads with caviar, and do not go broke.

So, we cut the salmon into strips, 3 cm wide. On one side, lightly grease with cheese, then carefully take the edge and roll it into a tube. Then carefully put inside a teaspoon of red caviar. We spread the rolls on a beautiful plate, decorate with lettuce and lime.

Danish salad: for those who love simple cuisine

If your guests hate any exotic dishes, you can make a salad of caviar, beans and potatoes, which will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. Since it is served in a common plate, from which everyone will take as much as they want, then you won’t have to throw anything away.

List of required ingredients:

  • Red caviar -150-200 gr;
  • Green beans -200-250 gr;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces of medium size;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The recipe for Danish salad is so simple that it will take you about 5 minutes to do everything about everything. Just remember to boil the potatoes first and stew the beans in a small amount of salted water. Then we cut all the ingredients finely (except for caviar, of course), mix, season with mayonnaise. We put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes so that the salad with caviar cools down a little.

Plain lettuce laid out in layers

Oh, our mentality. We are used to eating fur coats, sunflowers, turtles and other salads, which are laid out in layers in deep dishes. Fans of this kind of food will love this recipe. Its undoubted advantage is that it is suitable for birthdays, and for the New Year, and for wedding anniversaries, and for ordinary gatherings with friends.

List of required ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr;
  • Canned squid - bank;
  • Red caviar - 150-200 gr.

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes and eggs, then grate or cut food and lay out in this order: squid, caviar, eggs, potatoes, caviar, cheese, caviar, potatoes. Coat each layer with a generous amount of mayonnaise. Top with egg yolks and cheese. If this is some kind of holiday, congratulations, numbers, etc. can be laid out with eggs. Please note: the recipe can be changed by adding red fish, crab sticks, etc. ingredients.

Modernized salad "Olivier" with black caviar

What we usually cook for the New Year and birthdays is not really Olivier salad. Moreover, such a dish does not even look like what was previously served on the table for especially important and wealthy people. But if you consider yourself a gourmet, you can try to cook a slightly modified salad, the recipe of which, until recently, was known only to a few.

List of required ingredients:

  • Chicken breast - 1 piece or 700 gr;
  • Black caviar - 100 gr;
  • Canned tongue - 1 can or 300 g boiled;
  • Cancer necks (in brine) - 1 can;
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Eggs - 5-6 pcs;
  • Green peas - 1 bank;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Mode potatoes, chicken breast, tongue, cucumbers (fresh and pickled) in small cubes, add grated eggs (you can finely chop). We mix everything, pour out the peas, cancer necks (pre-drain the brine). We fill it all with mayonnaise, preferably homemade. A suitable recipe can be found on our website. Salt-pepper to taste.

Leave the salad in the refrigerator to cool down. Then we put it on a beautiful dish, decorate it with eggs cut in half and black caviar on top. If desired, you can sprinkle greens on top. If you are planning a portion distribution, you can put everything in tartlets and just sprinkle with caviar.

Hearty salad with salmon and caviar

How to cook an exotic salad that would be inexpensive, hearty and tasty at the same time? That's right, you need to add rice to it. It is not known who first came up with this recipe, but it is immediately clear that this person is a skilled chef and a brilliant inventor.

List of required ingredients:

  • Red caviar - 150-200 gr;
  • Rice - 100-150 gr;
  • Boiled egg - 5 pcs;
  • Salted salmon - 250 gr;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Vegetable or olive oil;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cook the rice so that it turns out fluffy. Finely chop the salmon, onion and eggs. We mix all this in a separate bowl, season with mayonnaise. In special molds made in the form of glasses, lay out the lettuce leaves, pour the mixture on top. Then we beautifully decorate everything with caviar, previously mixed with olive or vegetable oil. This is done so that the eggs do not crumble ahead of time. If you get creative, you can make a flower out of some ingredients.

As you can see, you can cook a lot of goodies from caviar and seafood, there would be a desire. If you are limited in finances, you can choose simple options, where most of the ingredients are not very expensive. Agree, sometimes you can cheat by throwing a little more potatoes, rice or beans. Also, fake caviar is sold in stores, it tastes very similar to natural caviar. Naturally, it makes no sense to constantly use it, since there are practically no useful vitamins and minerals in it. But you can add it to a salad once.

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