Home Preparations for the winter Industrial methods for harvesting apples for juice. Modern technologies for obtaining apple juice. Transfer to tanks

Industrial methods for harvesting apples for juice. Modern technologies for obtaining apple juice. Transfer to tanks

Some facts from the history of juice production. Characteristics of the technology and stages of production of fruit and berry juices: preparation of raw materials, the mechanism for preparing juices without pulp (pressed juices) and with pulp (homogenized). extracts and syrups.







By discipline: Enterprise Technology

Topic: Production technologyapplejuices

Kazan 2010


1. From the history of juice production

2. Technology for the production of fruit juices

2.1 Preparation of raw materials

2.2Juices without pulp (pressed juices)

2.3Production of juices with pulp (homogenised)

3. Extracts and syrups




Juice production is of great importance for humans. Everyone understands that for health it is necessary to get vitamins, and juices contain the necessary amount of them. For example, vitamin C, vitamin P, folic acid, provitamin A - carotene are mainly found only in fruits and vegetables.

Juices are a necessary and indispensable part of baby food.

Juices are tasty and fragrant.

They perfectly remove thirst, and a glass of juice drunk in the morning will charge you with energy and good mood for the whole day.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop the production of juices, improve the technology of processing fruits and berries. Help the human body to receive valuable vitamins, especially in spring, when most people have beriberi.

1. From the history of juice production

The development of technology for storing and processing fruits began a long time ago.

Initially, the simplest methods were used: products were stored in pits, cellars, deep storages of small volume, processing was limited to rinsing fruits and berries, pickling, and drying.

With the development of science and technological progress, they began to build large-capacity stationary storage facilities, refrigerators, sterilization, and rapid freezing. But the most intensive and systematic development of the industry began after the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Through the efforts of scientists and specialists, such advanced technologies as storage of fruits in a controlled gas environment (CGA), the use of polymeric materials for packaging, packaging and thermal insulation of products, and others have been developed and introduced into production. Mechanized production lines are widely used for commodity processing and packaging of fruits and vegetables.

Automated systems for remote control and regulation of storage and preservation of fruits are also used.

At the same time, there are still many unused reserves to reduce fruit losses during storage and processing, as well as to preserve high-quality fruit and vegetable products.

It is necessary to build and reconstruct the existing storage facilities and canning factories.

It is also necessary to intensively develop scientific research on the development of low-waste technologies for the storage and processing of fruits.

To solve the tasks set, agro-industrial complexes (AIC) and scientific and production associations (NGOs) have been created, which are engaged in the cultivation, harvesting, commodity processing, storage, processing and sale of fruits.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the final result - the quantity and quality of products delivered to the consumer. Much attention is paid to the training of highly qualified specialists.

Future fruit growers, while studying at agricultural educational institutions, need to acquire theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills on the specifics of commercial quality, chemical composition, nutritional and vitamin value of fruits, the basics of their standardization, the basics and technology of long-term and short-term storage, the basics and technology of processing.

2. Production technologyfruit juices

2.1 Raw material preparation

The following requirements are imposed on raw materials for the production of juices: first of all, they evaluate the taste, aroma, content of nutrients and physiologically active substances, take into account the degree of ripeness of the fruit to increase the yield of juice.

All fruits are stored different ways. For example, different varieties of apples perceive the effects of temperature during storage differently.

Some of them endure a long-term state of hypothermia down to minus 2 - minus 3 C, while being stored with minor losses and with slow defrosting (defrosting).

Determine the chemical composition of raw materials. The main feature of the composition of the fruit is a high water content - 80-90%. This feature causes a high intensity of enzymatic reactions and, consequently, vital processes that cause a large consumption of reserve substances for respiration during storage; high level of moisture losses due to evaporation, which leads to increased mass loss during storage and deterioration of quality; low resistance to pathogens and mechanical stress.

All this requires a special technology for growing and storing products. The content of solids in fruits reaches an average of 10-20%, of which a smaller part is insoluble (2-5%), and a large part is dissolved in cell sap (5-18%).

Insoluble solids are cellulose and its accompanying hemicelluloses and protopectin, as well as some nitrogenous substances, pigments, waxes, and starch.

Soluble dry substances in fruits include sugars, acids, nitrogenous substances, phenolic substances, soluble pectin and others.

The value of the chemical components of fruits is different, but all of them are necessary for rational human nutrition. Carbohydrates determine the calorie content, which for fruits is 50-70 calories per 100g. Sugars in combination with acids play a major role in determining the taste of fruits.

The composition and ratio of anthocyanins and fat-soluble pigments is determined by important indicator quality - the color of the fruit.

Vitamins are of particular importance in human nutrition, and some of them (vitamin C, vitamin P, folic acid, provitamin A - carotene) mainly contain fruits and vegetables.

There are two main types of juices: without pulp (pressed) and with pulp (homogenized).

According to the technology of preparation and recipe, there are several types of them (natural, blended, fortified, sterilized through sterilizing filters, etc.).

2.2 Making juices without pulp(pressed juices)

Juices without pulp are obtained by pressing.

The plant tissue is prepared in such a way that the cell sap comes out as far as possible from each cell. It depends on the careful grinding of the fruit.

In this case, most of the cells should be disrupted. But the pieces of fabric should not be very small either, otherwise the sieves are clogged during pressing, and the juice yield is reduced.

So, when crushing apples into pieces about 0.3 cm in size, the juice yield can be increased to 705, with a greater degree of crushing, it decreases. For crushing raw materials, a crusher with corrugated rollers is used, which, when rotating towards each other, crush fruits, a universal crusher, a roller crusher, and knife cutting.

To increase the yield of juice, the pulp is heated to a temperature of 80-85 C.

At the same time, as a result, an extraneous aftertaste may appear and the aromaticity of the product may decrease.

Other methods are also used to increase the yield of juice - freezing, electroplasmolization, processing with enzyme preparations.

When frozen, cell walls are damaged by ice crystals.

During electroplasmolization, under the action of an electrical voltage, the protoplasm coagulates. Enzyme preparations contain pecto- and proteolytic enzymes that loosen the fruit tissue.

Juice is extracted on various presses.

The most common: mechanically driven screw, hydraulically driven, auger.

In mechanically driven presses, the pressure (9-12%kg/cm) is created by turning the nut on the vertical screw, which is transferred to the upper clamping frame of the basket.

In presses with hydraulic drive, the pressure (9-12 kg/cm) is created by a hydraulic plunger pump, in continuous screw presses used to obtain grape juice, - rotation of two screws with the opposite direction of turns, decreasing pitch and increasing diameter (the principle of its operation is similar to the extractor for tomato juice).

The pulp is loaded into the presses either in two baskets of wooden planks fastened with hoops, or in packs (in hydraulic presses) mounted on two lattice wooden platforms. While one is freed from the pulp and loaded, the second is pressed. With all this, the pressure is increased slowly, otherwise the pulp may be pressed. In basket presses, after the first pressing of the juice, the pulp is loosened and pressed again. In pack-presses, the maximum yield of juice is reached after the first pressing.

In screw presses, juice is obtained with a large amount of suspended particles, but in this case, the process of extracting it is continuous, and the yield is high, so such presses are used more and more widely.

The next step is juice clarification.

The simplest method is sedimentation of turbidity particles by settling, but with all this, only large particles precipitate and the process is very slow. Sometimes juices (for example, grape) self-lighten: with prolonged standing, a flaky sediment of turbidity exfoliates. Self-clarification occurs as a result of enzymatic and chemical transformations, in which colloidal substances are destroyed. For self-clarification of juices, large reserve tanks are needed.

The destruction of colloids can be accelerated by enzyme preparations mold fungi with pectolytic action (the same as in the processing of pulp).

This method is used for difficult-to-clarify apple and plum juices.

For clarification, gluing of juices is used, adding proteins (gelatin) and tannins (tannin). Forming a sediment, they precipitate suspended particles.

Clays (bentotines) are also used, which have strong adsorbing properties and change the electrical charges of colloids, thereby precipitating them.

But the filtration of juices, carried out on filters - presses, is most common. A filter material (filter - cardboard, pressed asbestos) is laid between the plates of the filter - press, through which the juice passes, supplied by a pump under pressure through the channels in the flanges of the plates.

After filtering, the first portions of the juice entering the opposite channel in the flanges may be cloudy, they are returned for recirculation. Transparent juice is sent for bottling, capping and sterilization.

Juices can be sterilized without heating on decontaminating filters. To do this, use filters - presses.

The holes in the filter material are so small (no more than 1 micron) that microorganisms do not pass through them.

Juices obtained with the help of desalting filters retain natural taste and flavor and are therefore more valuable than sterilized ones.

Mechanized production lines for the production of fruit juices have been created, which provide for all operations - from crushing raw materials to sterilization and bottling of finished products.

Nutritional, vitamin and flavoring qualities of clarified juices are high, many of them are dietary products. At the same time, during their production, mainly during clarification (filtration), valuable substances are separated along with the sediment: carotene, fiber, semi-fiber, pectin, protein and many phenolic compounds, and some vitamins.

2.3 Production of juices with pulp(homogenized)

Juices with pulp include all components of the chemical composition of fruits, including insoluble ones: fiber, semi-fiber, protopectin, fat-soluble pigments.

A liquid consistency is imparted to such juices by grinding the tissues of raw materials to individual particles with a size of 30 microns. Due to the complete preservation of the components of raw materials, the value of juices with pulp is higher than clarified ones. For consumption, they are diluted with 16-50% sugar syrup (up to 50% of the total mass).

Juices with pulp are produced under conditions that impede or exclude contact with air (to prevent the oxidation of polyphenols and other physiologically active substances). As a substance that prevents oxidation, synthetic ascorbic acid (about 0.1%) is added, which helps to preserve the natural color of products and vitamin C.

Washed and steamed fruits are crushed on mashers, hot sugar syrup is added, then finely crushed in homogenizers. The principle of operation of the latter consists in injecting raw materials under high pressure (up to 150 kg / cm3 or more) into a narrow gap between the body and the valve of the installation.

The valve is tightly pressed against the body by a spring, but under the action of fluid pressure created by powerful pumps, it rises, forming the thinnest gap.

Raw materials pass through it at high speed, due to which it is crushed. The spring pressure on the valve can be adjusted with a special flywheel, thus changing the size of the gap and the degree of grinding of the product.

There are homogenizers and other designs.

Homogenized juice is deaerated (freed from air) in a vacuum apparatus, heated, hot packed and sterilized at a temperature of 90-100 C.

3. Extracts and syrups

Extracts are concentrated juices. Well-clarified juices are boiled by the method of continuous topping up in a vacuum - stainless steel or enameled apparatus. They create a vacuum of at least 86645 Pa and boil the raw material at a temperature of 50-65 C.

At the end of boiling, the density of extracts cooled to 20 C should be 1.274, blackcurrant - 1.200. The content of solids in extracts from most of the fruits and berries is 57%. Before packaging, the products are quickly cooled to a temperature of 15-20 C, otherwise a precipitate may form in them.

The most suitable storage temperature for extracts is not higher than 10 C. To prevent the color from changing, the finished product is stored in a glass container in a dark room.

Syrups are juices preserved with sugar.

The required amount of sugar is dissolved in the juice either when heated or cold.

The latter is preferable, since the syrup does not lose flavor. Usually 635-645 kg of sugar are taken for 400 kg of juice.

Syrups are pasteurized by hot filling (in large containers) or in autoclaves (in small containers).


Finished products must meet all the requirements for it.

First of all, taste, aroma, content of nutrients and physiologically active substances are evaluated. The transparency of pressed (without pulp) juices is taken into account.

Check the density of the extracts. For example, for blackcurrant extract, the density is 1.200, and for the rest - 1.274. The color of extracts, juices, syrups must comply with generally established standards.


1. Polegaev V.I., Shirokov E.P. “Storage and processing of fruits and vegetables”, Moscow: Agropromizdat, 2006, 302p.

2. Leonenko I. I. "Fruit and vegetable growing", textbook for technical schools, Moscow, 2002, 290p.

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Then the apples are re-washed and rinsed under the shower of the washing machine 5. Further along the elevator 6 they are fed into the disk crusher 7. The resulting pulp enters the screw stacker 8, where up to 40% of the juice is separated from the pulp by gravity and with slight pre-pressing (instead of 60% during normal processing). The amount of suspensions in the juice in this case is several times less than in the juice obtained on screw presses.

The squeezed juice enters the collection 16, from which the plunger pump 17 is sent through the pipeline to the sump 24. The settled products are decanted, and the piston pump 14 is fed into the pasteurizer-cooler 23 for heating to a temperature of 80 ... 90 ° C and subsequent cooling to 25 ...30 °С.

For more efficient cooling, the juice is passed through a tubular cooler 22. With rapid heating and cooling, protein substances coagulate, resulting in improved clarification of the juice during filtration.
The cooled juice under pressure first enters the collection 20, installed on the site 21, from there - by gravity into the separator 19 for cleaning. When served by gravity, the juice is better cleared of suspensions. The purified juice is collected in a collector 18, from which it is sent for final purification to a filter press 28. The filtered juice is collected in a collector 29. Then, with a pump 14, the juice is pumped into a tubular heater 30, where it is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees C and fed into a double-walled boiler 31 for maintaining a constant temperature before packaging.

The bottles are washed in the 43 machine and viewed through the 42 screen. When leaving the washing machine, the temperature of the bottles must be at least 50 degrees C. For this, a special 40 scalder is equipped: two inch pipes 1.5 m long with bubblers are mounted on both sides of the 41 conveyor, into which steam is supplied. The holes of the bubblers on both sides are directed to the body of the bottles. The section of the conveyor with bubblers is closed with a casing with an exhaust hood.
Hot bottles are fed by a conveyor to the filling machine 32, then to the capping machine 33. The bottles are sealed with crown caps with polyethylene inserts, which are pre-treated for 3...4 minutes with live steam in a cabinet or hot water (85...100 ° C ) in a double-walled boiler.

After capping, the bottles while moving along the conveyor 35 are checked on the 34 rejection machine. From the storage table 36, the bottles are placed in baskets 37 in three rows. Each row of bottles is shifted with a wooden grate. Using an electric hoist 38, the baskets are placed in an autoclave 39 for sterilization. Then they are unloaded on the storage table, labeled, installed in boxes, sent to the warehouse or sold.

The pomace obtained on the drainer and containing up to 20% juice is fed into the screw scalder 9. In this case, protopectin is hydrolyzed and the pulp is separated from the skin and seed chambers. To prevent the product from burning, it is heated in a scalder to a temperature of 100 ... 110 "C. After scalding, the pomace is fed into a single-stage universal mashing machine 10 (sieve hole diameter 1 ... 1.2 mm). The mashed puree is collected in a collector 15 , from which the pump 14 is sent to the second wiping machine 25 (hole diameter 0.6 ... 0.8 mm).Then the product enters the vacuum apparatus 26 for cooking jam or for sulfitation.

The sugar necessary for cooking the jam is sifted on an 11 vibrating sieve, the required amount is weighed into the 12 collector on a 13 scale and fed into the 26 vacuum apparatus in mashed potatoes. The finished jam is packed in jars or barrels with a capacity of 50 liters with polyethylene liners. If the jam is packed in jars with a capacity of 0.65 ... 1.0 liters, then they are then sterilized in autoclaves. If the puree is intended for obtaining a semi-finished product, then after the second rubbing it is cooled in 27 digesters, packed in barrels with polyethylene liners, sulphated and sent for storage.

Ministerul Educaţiei, Tineretului si Sportului

al Republicii Moldova

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei



Catedra: Tehnologia conservarii

Teza de licenseţă

theme: „Tehnologia de fabricare a sucului concentrat de mere cu utilizarea principiilor HACCP”

A elaborat Peicov Oleg

student gr. TPFL-021

Îndrumător Tărîţă V

Chisinau, 2006

1. Literature review. Technical and technological progress in the production of concentrated apple juice.

1.1 General characteristics of apples used in

industrial processing(degree of maturity, chemical composition, gelling components - pectin, starch, etc.)

Each variety of wild-growing and cultivated apples has its own characteristics and different chemical composition. It all depends on the origin, growing conditions, the degree of ripeness of the fruit. All this determines the nutritional value, taste and use. The chemical composition of apples is very diverse and rich. 100 grams of the edible part of fresh apples contains 11% carbohydrates, 0.4% proteins, up to 86% water, 0.6% fiber and 0.7% organic acids, including malic and citric acids. In addition, volatile fatty acids were found in the apple: acetic, butyric, isobutyric, caproic, propionic, valeric, isovaleric. Apple has tannins and phytocides, which are bactericidal substances. Starch is of primary nutritional value. Its high content is largely due to the nutritional value products. In human diets, starch accounts for about 80% of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. Starch contains two fractions of polysaccharides - amylose and amylopectin. The transformation of starch in the body is mainly aimed at satisfying the need for sugar. Starch is converted into glucose sequentially, through a series of intermediate formations. The body contains in the form of glycogen. As follows from the table. 1, apples and cabbage have the most useful properties. Apples contain 2 times more fructose than glucose. They are indicated for liver disease, diabetes and a number of other diseases.


Based on table 1, it can be seen that the chemical composition of apples is very diverse, contains a large amount of pectin and starch. Due to their high pectin content, apples are a staple for pectin production.

There are two main types of pectin substances - protopectin and pectin.

Protopectins are insoluble in water. They are found in the cell walls of fruits. Protopectin is a compound of pectin with cellulose, and therefore, when split into its component parts, protopectin can serve as a source of pectin.

Pectins are soluble substances that are absorbed in the body. The main property of pectin substances, which determined their use in the food industry, is the ability to transform in an aqueous solution in the presence of acid and sugar into a jelly-like colloidal mass.

Modern research has shown the undoubted importance of pectin substances in the nutrition of a healthy person, as well as the possibility of using them for therapeutic (therapeutic) purposes in certain diseases, mainly of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin is obtained from the waste of apples, watermelons, and also from sunflowers.

Pectin substances are capable of adsorbing various "compounds", including exogenous and endogenous toxins, heavy metals. This property of pectins is widely used in therapeutic and preventive nutrition (carrying out unloading apple days in patients with colitis, prescribing marmalade enriched with pectin.

1.2 Modern technologies receiving apple juice

(pressing, enzyme treatment)

Juice made from apples different varieties and ripening terms, therefore, apple juices can vary significantly in chemical composition, although most industrial varieties of apples have a small range in the content of solids (19 ... 21%) and organic acids (0.3 ... 0.6%), they also contain pectin substances (0.5 ... 1.0%), rich in vitamins. To obtain juices, apples of autumn-winter varieties with a dense tissue are the best, which, when crushed, give a pulp of a granular structure that lends itself well to pressing. The juice yield is 80% or more. After crushing, the pulp should immediately go to pressing, since when crushed, the integrity of the cell walls is violated, and polyphenolic enzymes are released. At the same time, with the participation of atmospheric oxygen, polyphenolic and other easily oxidized compounds are oxidized, which leads to darkening and deterioration of the taste and smell of the juice. Polyphenol oxidation products can be red, orange, brown in color and, accordingly, change the color of the juice. Pressed juice, which contains pectin and polyphenolic substances and some starch and nitrogenous compounds, must be clarified by combined methods using pectolytic and amylolytic enzymes and other clarifying agents . To obtain apple juice, complex mechanized lines are used, including the acceptance of raw materials and the receipt of the finished product.

Technological process.

Juices are clarified and represent the liquid phase of the fruit with substances dissolved in it, squeezed out of the fruit tissue.

Delivery, acceptance and storage of raw materials are carried out in the production of juices in the same way as in the manufacture of other types of canned fruits. Washed raw materials are inspected, removing fruits affected by pests, rotten and with other defects. Mechanical grinding (crushing) is the main method of influencing plant tissue in the production of juices. However, excessively fine grinding will turn the pulp into a continuous mass, in which there will be no "channels" for the juice to flow out. The degree of cell damage during mechanical grinding depends on the type of fruit and the design of the grinding device. The degree of damage to the cellular structure of apples during grinding on a grinder is about 30 ... 35%. However, when apples are crushed on a grater-knife crusher, the proportion of cells with damaged membranes can reach 60...80%. Pressing also damages the membrane. In the process of heating plant materials, protoplasm proteins are coagulated and dehydrated, which leads to an increase in cell permeability. Heat treatment proved to be most effective for fruits with low juice yield. Heating not only increases the yield of juice, but also has other effects on the raw material: it inactivates enzymes, reduces sliminess and viscosity, and promotes the transfer of coloring substances from the skin and pulp of the fruit into the juice. The heating mode must be correctly selected for each type and grade of raw material. Crushed fruits are heated in continuous devices of various devices.

Processing with enzyme preparations.

Most fruits and berries contain pectin, which makes it difficult to extract juice and reduce its yield. Pectic substances are found in fruits in the form of water-insoluble protopectin and soluble pectin. Protopectin is part of the cell walls and median lamellae of plant tissues. Soluble pectin, which has a water-retaining capacity and increases the viscosity of the juice, prevents it from flowing out, has the main influence on the juice yield process. Therefore, when processing the pulp with pectolytic enzymes, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy insoluble protopectin. Protopectin must be hydrolyzed only partially, so as to separate cells from one another and partially destroy their walls to increase cell permeability. Pectolytic enzyme preparations not only destroy pectin substances, but also act on cells with toxic substances of a non-enzymatic nature, which are part of the preparations and cause coagulation of protein-lipid membranes and the death of plant cells. As a result of these transformations, cell permeability increases, protoplasmic membranes break, and the release of juice is greatly facilitated. For the processing of fruit pulp in the production of juices without pulp, the enzyme preparation Pectofostidine is used, which is available in powder form. Novoferm10x (surface grown) is a complex of pectinase, polygalacturonase, pectin methyl esterase, cellulase and amylase enzymes. The optimum temperature for the action of pectolytic enzyme preparations is 35…40°C. An increase in temperature above 55 ° C inactivates the enzymes and the effect of the drug stops. The processing time is 1…2 hours. Novoferm10x is used both for pulp processing and juice clarification. A new type of enzymes that can be used to process the pulp in order to increase the yield of juice are thinning enzymes, which include pectinase and cellulase.

Juice extraction.

To extract juice from prepared fruit pulp, pressing, centrifugation, diffusion, etc. are used. The main method of extracting juice from fruits and berries - pressing - consists in pressure on the pulp. The main function of the press is not to crush the plant tissue, not to damage the biomembranes of the cell structure, but to squeeze out the juice that has already been released from the cells damaged during the pre-treatment. The press is not designed to extract the juice from the cells, but is used to separate the liquid phase of the pulp - the juice flowing out of the cells that have been ruptured before the start of pressing. A high juice yield depends mainly on proper pre-treatment of the raw materials. For pressing, presses of various design and principle of operation are used, which can be continuous (screw, belt) and periodic (batch, basket) action. In batch presses, the pulp is wrapped in napkins (bags) made of durable fabric with a layer of 6 ... 8 mm. The packages are stacked on the platform one on top of the other with a laying of wooden tiles between them. From above, the packages are reinforced with a pressing plate. The platform with the bags is lifted under the pressure plate by a plunger. The Bucher hydraulic basket press is a solid cylinder covered on both sides with disks, one of which is driven by a hydraulic system, the other is stationary. Between the disks there is a drainage system of flexible grooved rods, covered with fabric on the outside. The pulp is pumped through the pipeline into the cylinder and fills the space between the rods. After filling the basket, the movable disk moves inside the basket and presses on the pulp. The released juice passes through the filter fabric and flows down the grooves of the rods into a common pipeline. When the discs approach each other, the rods bend. At the end of one pressing cycle, the movable disk moves back, the rods straighten and loosen the pulp. On this press, the juice yield is 80%, the content of suspensions is 1.3%, the generated pressure is 1.2 MPa. For squeezing juice from apples, screw presses R3-VPSH-5 and R3-VP2-Sh-5 are used. For pressing apples, belt presses are most widely used, which allow pressing in a thin layer at high productivity. The Klein type PF belt press consists of a massive frame with a pulp hopper and two polyester belts passing through groups of rollers. The pulp is loaded into the press with a screw loading device. The first zone is runoff, where gravity juice is separated from the pulp under the influence of gravity. Then the pulp enters the wedge-shaped space between the two belts and is compressed there. Pressed pomace is removed from the upper and lower belts using a folding scraper, which diverge and are washed with water jets on the way back. Juice yield on this press is 72…80%. The press-extraction method consists in squeezing the juice from the pulp in a press, then water is added to the pomace in a ratio of 1:0.5 to 1:1, thoroughly mixed and the resulting juice is extracted on a drum vacuum filter. The juice pressed from the pomace contains less soluble solids than after a single pressing, so it is boiled down or used for cooking. sugar syrup in the production of juices with sugar. The diffusion method consists in the fact that all the juice with soluble dry substances is extracted from the pomace with water. Lightening.

Ministerul Educa ţiei, Tineretului si Sportului

al Republicii Moldova

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei



Catedra: Tehnologia conservarii

Teza de license ţă

theme : „Tehnologia de fabricare a sucului concentrat de mere cu utilizarea principiilor HACCP”

A elaborat Peicov Oleg

student gr. TPFL-021

Îndrumător Tărîţă V

Chisinau, 2006

1. Literature review. Technical and technological progress in the production of concentrated apple juice.

1.1 General characteristics of apples used in

industrial processing ( degree of maturity, chemical composition, gelling components - pectin, starch, etc. )

Each variety of wild-growing and cultivated apples has its own characteristics and different chemical composition. It all depends on the origin, growing conditions, the degree of ripeness of the fruit. All this determines the nutritional value, taste and use. The chemical composition of apples is very diverse and rich. 100 grams of the edible part of fresh apples contains 11% carbohydrates, 0.4% proteins, up to 86% water, 0.6% fiber and 0.7% organic acids, including malic and citric acids. In addition, volatile fatty acids were found in the apple: acetic, butyric, isobutyric, caproic, propionic, valeric, isovaleric. Apple has tannins and phytocides, which are bactericidal substances. Starch is of primary nutritional value. Its high content largely determines the nutritional value of products. In human diets, starch accounts for about 80% of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. Starch contains two fractions of polysaccharides - amylose and amylopectin. The transformation of starch in the body is mainly aimed at satisfying the need for sugar. Starch is converted into glucose sequentially, through a series of intermediate formations. The body contains in the form of glycogen. As follows from the table. 1, apples and cabbage have the most useful properties. Apples contain 2 times more fructose than glucose. They are indicated for liver disease, diabetes and a number of other diseases.

table 1

Based on table 1, it can be seen that the chemical composition of apples is very diverse, contains a large amount of pectin and starch. Due to their high pectin content, apples are a staple for pectin production.

There are two main types of pectin substances - protopectin and pectin.

Protopectins are insoluble in water. They are found in the cell walls of fruits. Protopectin is a compound of pectin with cellulose, and therefore, when split into its component parts, protopectin can serve as a source of pectin.

Pectins are soluble substances that are absorbed in the body. The main property of pectin substances, which determined their use in the food industry, is the ability to transform in an aqueous solution in the presence of acid and sugar into a jelly-like colloidal mass.

Modern research has shown the undoubted importance of pectin substances in the nutrition of a healthy person, as well as the possibility of using them for therapeutic (therapeutic) purposes in certain diseases, mainly of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin is obtained from the waste of apples, watermelons, and also from sunflowers.

Pectin substances are capable of adsorbing various "compounds", including exogenous and endogenous toxins, heavy metals. This property of pectins is widely used in therapeutic and preventive nutrition (carrying out unloading apple days in patients with colitis, prescribing marmalade enriched with pectin.

1.2 Modern technologies for obtaining apple juice

( pressing, enzyme treatment )

Juice is prepared from apples of different varieties and ripening periods, therefore, apple juices can vary significantly in chemical composition, although most industrial varieties of apples have a small range in the content of solids (19 ... 21%) and organic acids (0.3 ... 0.6% ), they also contain pectin (0.5 ... 1.0%), are rich in vitamins. To obtain juices, the best apples are autumn-winter varieties with a dense tissue, which, when crushed, give a pulp of a granular structure that lends itself well to pressing. The juice yield is 80% or more. After crushing, the pulp should immediately go for pressing, since when crushed, the integrity of the cell walls is violated, and polyphenolic enzymes are released. At the same time, with the participation of atmospheric oxygen, polyphenolic and other easily oxidized compounds are oxidized, which leads to darkening and deterioration of the taste and smell of the juice. Polyphenol oxidation products can be red, orange, brown in color and, accordingly, change the color of the juice. Pressed juice, which contains pectin and polyphenolic substances and some starch and nitrogenous compounds, must be clarified by combined methods using pectolytic and amylolytic enzymes and other clarifying agents . To obtain apple juice, complex mechanized lines are used, including the acceptance of raw materials and the receipt of the finished product.

Technological process.

Juices are clarified and represent the liquid phase of the fruit with substances dissolved in it, squeezed out of the fruit tissue.

Delivery, acceptance and storage of raw materials are carried out in the production of juices in the same way as in the manufacture of other types of canned fruits. Washed raw materials are inspected, removing fruits affected by pests, rotten and with other defects. Mechanical grinding (crushing) is the main method of influencing plant tissue in the production of juices. However, excessively fine grinding will turn the pulp into a continuous mass, in which there will be no "channels" for the juice to flow out. The degree of cell damage during mechanical grinding depends on the type of fruit and the design of the grinding device. The degree of damage to the cellular structure of apples during grinding on a grinder is about 30 ... 35%. However, when apples are crushed on a grater-knife crusher, the proportion of cells with damaged membranes can reach 60...80%. Pressing also damages the membrane. In the process of heating plant materials, protoplasm proteins are coagulated and dehydrated, which leads to an increase in cell permeability. Heat treatment proved to be most effective for fruits with low juice yield. Heating not only increases the yield of juice, but also has other effects on the raw material: it inactivates enzymes, reduces sliminess and viscosity, and promotes the transfer of coloring substances from the skin and pulp of the fruit into the juice. The heating mode must be correctly selected for each type and grade of raw material. Crushed fruits are heated in continuous devices of various devices.

Processing with enzyme preparations.

Most fruits and berries contain pectin, which makes it difficult to extract juice and reduce its yield. Pectic substances are found in fruits in the form of water-insoluble protopectin and soluble pectin. Protopectin is part of the cell walls and median lamellae of plant tissues. Soluble pectin, which has a water-retaining capacity and increases the viscosity of the juice, prevents it from flowing out, has the main influence on the juice yield process. Therefore, when processing the pulp with pectolytic enzymes, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy insoluble protopectin. Protopectin must be hydrolyzed only partially, so as to separate cells from one another and partially destroy their walls to increase cell permeability. Pectolytic enzyme preparations not only destroy pectin substances, but also act on cells with toxic substances of a non-enzymatic nature, which are part of the preparations and cause coagulation of protein-lipid membranes and the death of plant cells. As a result of these transformations, cell permeability increases, protoplasmic membranes break, and the release of juice is greatly facilitated. For the processing of fruit pulp in the production of juices without pulp, the enzyme preparation Pectofostidine is used, which is available in powder form. Novoferm10x (surface grown) is a complex of pectinase, polygalacturonase, pectin methyl esterase, cellulase and amylase enzymes. The optimum temperature for the action of pectolytic enzyme preparations is 35…40°C. An increase in temperature above 55 ° C inactivates the enzymes and the effect of the drug stops. The processing time is 1…2 hours. Novoferm10x is used both for pulp processing and juice clarification. A new type of enzymes that can be used to process the pulp in order to increase the yield of juice are thinning enzymes, which include pectinase and cellulase.

Juice extraction.

To extract juice from prepared fruit pulp, pressing, centrifugation, diffusion, etc. are used. The main method of extracting juice from fruits and berries - pressing - consists in pressure on the pulp. The main function of the press is not to crush the plant tissue, not to damage the biomembranes of the cell structure, but to squeeze out the juice that has already been released from the cells damaged during the pre-treatment. The press is not designed to extract the juice from the cells, but is used to separate the liquid phase of the pulp - the juice flowing out of the cells that have been ruptured before the start of pressing. A high juice yield depends mainly on proper pre-treatment of the raw material. For pressing, presses of various design and principle of operation are used, which can be continuous (screw, belt) and periodic (batch, basket) action. In batch presses, the pulp is wrapped in napkins (bags) made of durable fabric with a layer of 6 ... 8 mm. The packages are stacked on the platform one on top of the other with a laying of wooden tiles between them. From above, the packages are reinforced with a pressing plate. The platform with the bags is lifted under the pressure plate by a plunger. The Bucher hydraulic basket press is a solid cylinder covered on both sides with disks, one of which is driven by a hydraulic system, the other is stationary. Between the disks there is a drainage system of flexible grooved rods, covered with fabric on the outside. The pulp is pumped through the pipeline into the cylinder and fills the space between the rods. After filling the basket, the movable disk moves inside the basket and presses on the pulp. The released juice passes through the filter fabric and flows down the grooves of the rods into a common pipeline. When the discs approach each other, the rods bend. At the end of one pressing cycle, the movable disk moves back, the rods straighten and loosen the pulp. On this press, the juice yield is 80%, the content of suspensions is 1.3%, the generated pressure is 1.2 MPa. For squeezing juice from apples, screw presses R3-VPSH-5 and R3-VP2-Sh-5 are used. For pressing apples, belt presses are most widely used, which allow pressing in a thin layer at high productivity. The Klein type PF belt press consists of a massive frame with a pulp hopper and two polyester belts passing through groups of rollers. The pulp is loaded into the press with a screw loading device. The first zone is runoff, where gravity juice is separated from the pulp under the influence of gravity. Then the pulp enters the wedge-shaped space between the two belts and is compressed there. Pressed pomace is removed from the upper and lower belts using a folding scraper, which diverge and are washed with water jets on the way back. Juice yield on this press is 72…80%. The press-extraction method consists in squeezing the juice from the pulp in a press, then water is added to the pomace in a ratio of 1:0.5 to 1:1, thoroughly mixed and the resulting juice is extracted on a drum vacuum filter. The juice pressed from the pomace contains less soluble solids than after a single pressing, so it is boiled down or used to make sugar syrup in the production of juices with sugar. The diffusion method consists in the fact that all the juice with soluble dry substances is extracted from the pomace with water. Lightening.

To obtain a transparent product, it is necessary to disrupt the colloidal system and ensure the settling of suspended particles and the removal of part of the colloids, especially the unstable ones. However, during storage, the interaction of colloids with each other and the formation of larger particles are possible, which can cause turbidity of the juice and precipitation. The stability of the colloidal juice system is ensured by the following properties:

High dispersion of colloidal particles;

The presence of colloidal particles of the same electric charge;

The presence of an aqueous shell on the surface of the particles, which brings the density of the particles closer to the density of the liquid phase and prevents their connection.

There are physical, biochemical and physico-chemical methods of juice clarification. The physical ones include: filtering, settling, separation. To biochemical - processing by enzymes. To physico-chemical: settling, treatment with bentonite, instant heating.


After clarification, the juice is filtered to separate coagulated colloids and settled particles. Filtration is the mechanical process of separating suspended particles from juice by passing it through a porous layer. There are 3 types of filtration: surface, deep and adsorption. Various types of filters are used to filter fruit juices: lamellar (filter presses), alluvial and drum filters. Drum filters are a rotating drum with a lattice surface made of polypropylene, on which a filter cloth is stretched. The drum, partially immersed in unfiltered juice, rotates at a frequency of 0.2 ... 0.6 min-¹. A vacuum is created inside the drum. The first stage of filtration is to form a layer of filter powder over the entire surface of the drum. To do this, a powder suspension is poured into the bath. When the drum rotates, a layer of powder 5–10 cm thick is deposited on its entire surface. After the formation of the filter layer, the suspension is removed from the bath, the juice to be filtered is poured - the second stage of filtering begins. Juice, passing through a layer of diatomaceous earth under the action of vacuum, is collected in a collector, from where it is pumped out by a pump for further processing. The precipitate is layered on the surface of diatomaceous earth from the outside and is cut off with a knife when the drum rotates.


To ensure a more harmonious taste of juices, they are blended (mixed). Juices are blended either of one type of fruit or berry with different content of acids and sugars, or juices of two different types.

Russian scientists decided that the pectin substances of the press juice, which has not undergone further processing technology, are in a strong relationship with proteins and polysaccharides, with which they precipitate when precipitated with alcohol. Pectin substances in the process of obtaining clarified apple juice, regardless of technology, undergo significant, qualitative and quantitative changes, such as breaking the chain of the molecule and dimethoxylation, which do not lead to breaking bonds with other compounds - protein and polysaccharides. This confirms the assumption that pectin substances in raw materials are in a single protein-polysaccharide complex. The technological scheme using ultrafiltration allows you to get clarified apple juice, which is stable in the process, much faster, easier and more efficiently. long-term storage.

The method of ultrafiltration for clarification of juices was studied. A concentrate is made from juice. It was found that the degree of discoloration of the concentrate depended on the temperature and time of storage, while the samples after ultrafiltration were characterized by a lighter color and turned brown to a lesser extent during storage. The use of pectolytic enzymes before ultrafiltration caused an intensification of the color of the concentrate. Apple concentrate was slightly cloudy during storage, regardless of the method of clarification. During ultrafiltration, the starch complex was destroyed and no additional processing of juices with amylolytic enzymes was required.

1.3 Technologies and installations for the concentration of concentrated apple juice.

For transportation and long-term storage, juices are concentrated to 60-72%.

The concentration of juices can be carried out by evaporation, freezing (cryoconcentration) or using membranes. Concentration is preferably carried out in such a way that the product undergoes minimal changes. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the changes that can occur with the juice components when moisture is removed. Thus, suspensions and colloidal substances with a high molecular weight (pectin, protein and tannins) settle on the heating surface during evaporation and can cause local overheating and burning. When concentrating by freezing and using membranes, they form aggregates that impede the course of the process and significantly increase the viscosity of the concentrate. Sugars can caramelize and cause browning due to the Maillard reaction. Vitamins, enzymes, phenolics and colorants are sensitive to heat and can be partially oxidized and changed, volatile aromatic substances are removed along with water vapor, which leads to the loss of a characteristic fruity smell.

The concentration of juices can be carried out by evaporation, freezing and using membranes. The largest part of fruit and vegetable juices is concentrated by evaporation, the technique of which is constantly being improved. Freezing due to the high cost of freezers is less economical and does not allow increasing the concentration of more than 45 - 50% of solids. Concentration using membranes is also limited to a concentration of up to 35 - 40% of solids at a pressure of 0.8 - 1 MPa and has not yet found practical application, although it is being intensively studied.

To preserve the natural properties of juices, evaporation is carried out at the lowest possible temperatures and for a short time.

The negative effect of heat on the concentrated product affects primarily its color. Darkening is caused by an intermediate product - hydroxymethylfurfural, formed in the presence of sugars and acid, and its further transformations to dark condensation products. In this regard, the amount of hydroxymethylfurfural formed is often one of the criteria for the quality of concentrates. High amounts of it indicate excessive heat treatment.

Modern equipment and technology for the production of concentrated juices provide for obtaining juices on a particular equipment, cleaning them from suspensions, then trapping aromatic substances, clarifying and filtering dearomatized juices and boiling them to the final dry matter content.

The sequential implementation of these operations is more convenient if there is a separate unit for trapping aromatic substances, which allows you to evaporate different amounts of steam with aromatic substances depending on the type of juice being processed, to drive off aromatic substances from the entire volume of the processed juice with a minimum change in their composition.

Aromatic substances determine the characteristic aroma of fruits and vegetables and juices from them. They are important for the quality of juices and have a physiological effect - they cause appetite and promote the secretion of gastric juice.

Distinguish between specific and non-specific for the variety components of aromatic substances. The former include species-specific components typical of a particular species, the absence of which is felt sensory. In fruits, vegetables and their juices, aromatic substances are contained in small quantities, but they contain many different substances - alcohols, esters, aldehydes, acids, ketones, carbonyl compounds, etc.

The amount, solubility and boiling point of aromatic substances in juices of different types are different. Highly volatile aromatic substances contained in apples, pears, quince, when large amounts of juice are evaporated.

For different juices, the following optimal amounts of water have been established that must be evaporated to release the aromatic substances of the fruit (in% of the juice volume):

Apple juice 15 - 20

Pear, quince, blackcurrant 45 – 50

Plum, apricot, peach 65 - 70

However, in practice, 15% of water is usually distilled from apple juice, and no more than 30% from other juices. The aromatic substances distilled off with water vapor are concentrated in distillation columns by 100-200 times. A hundredfold concentrate contains about 1% of aromatic substances, and the remaining 99% is water and ethyl alcohol. The more alcohol the juice contains, the higher its concentration in the aromatic concentrate, therefore, in the standard different countries the content of ethyl alcohol in concentrates of aromatic substances is limited in the range from 5 to 20%, depending on the type of juice.

Flavor concentrates can be returned directly to concentrated juice or stored separately until used. The latter is more expedient, since in this case the aromatic substances are better preserved. Usually they are stored separately in hermetically sealed glass containers at a temperature of about 0 0 C.

Aroma trapping units can be operated at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum. The first ones are technically simpler, provide the capture of aromatic substances with less loss and their cost is lower, however, the juice in them is exposed to high temperature, which is associated with a deterioration in quality. In this regard, the capture of aromatic substances is mostly carried out not at atmospheric pressure, but by evaporation under vacuum.

Aroma recovery units are equipped with a heater, a film-type evaporator with a separator, a distillation column and a condenser and cooler system. To reduce the loss of aromatic substances with non-condensable gases, absorption columns are also installed, where non-condensable gases are washed with a cold liquid stream.

In combined plants, the amount of extracted steam with aromatic substances is regulated, and often in order to create a continuous evaporation process and due to fuel economy, clarification and filtration of juices are carried out to capture aromatic substances, which worsens their quality.

Various types of evaporators are used for evaporating juices. The choice of the type of evaporator depends primarily on the type of juice and its properties.

When evaporating clarified juices and other non-viscous liquids, the best results are obtained using thin-film evaporators, in which a high speed of movement of the evaporated liquid is achieved. The liquid to be concentrated flows in the form of a thin film from top to bottom or from bottom to top over the heated surface. The vapor generated during the evaporation of the liquid acts as a driving force and pushes the product through the apparatus. Increasing the speed of the steam thus helps to overcome the increasing viscosity of the product.

There are two main types of film evaporators - tubular and plate. These devices are mainly used for evaporating clarified juices. They are not suitable for evaporating viscous liquids. Evaporators are single-stage, in which the heating steam is used once and its consumption is 1.1 kg / kg of evaporated water, and multi-stage, in which the heat of the secondary, juice steam is used. Multistage devices have a different number of stages, which determines the consumption of heating steam in them. So, in two-stage evaporators, the steam consumption is 0.7 kg/kg, in three-stage evaporators - 0.5 kg/kg, etc. In recent years, four-stage evaporators have become widespread, the steam consumption in which is 0.22 kg/kg of evaporated moisture.

The heat supplied to the product is spent on vaporization and heating the liquid to the boiling point at a given pressure. Heating requires a large amount of heat, since the heat capacity of the juice is approximately 3.36 kJ / kg * K, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of the evaporator plant, it is necessary to preheat the juice to the boiling point at a given vacuum in the plant. In this case, the heat supplied to the heating surface of the installation will be spent only on the evaporation of water, and the productivity of the apparatus will increase.

To heat the juice before entering the evaporator, heaters are used, in which secondary or hot steam or condensate is used as a heating medium. In the latest models of multi-effect evaporators, coils located in the steam space of tubular evaporators serve as heaters. Secondary vapors formed during the evaporation of juice in the first housing are used as a heating medium in the second. In this case, the vacuum in the second housing must be correspondingly increased so that the evaporation temperature is lower than the temperature of the heating steam. The secondary pairs from the second body are used in the same way in the third, and so on.

To reduce the heat consumption in order to increase the efficiency of the evaporator, it is possible not only by direct use of the secondary steam as heating in the subsequent buildings of the installation, but also by thermal compression, i.e. increasing the temperature and pressure of the secondary steam by compression. In this case, the secondary steam can be used in the same apparatus where it was formed, if its pressure is increased to the pressure of the heating steam. Compression is carried out with the help of steam jet ejectors, which use live steam of higher pressure, or mechanically with turbocompressors.

Concentrated juices are mostly produced on complete production lines, which provide the necessary processing of juice before concentration and high quality of concentrates. In the line of Bucher (Switzerland) for the production of concentrated juices from apples, modern methods of processing juices are used. The line includes equipment for the production of juice, its clarification and concentration.

Apples are delivered by trucks and poured into a receiving hopper, from where they are fed by a hydraulic conveyor to a dosing auger, which transfers them to a sorting conveyor. Waste is removed by a screw conveyor. Good-quality fruits are fed by a vertical elevator with a rinsing device to a grater-knife type crusher, which crushes apples into particles of 2-6 mm. The degree of grinding is adjusted depending on the density of the apples. Stored and overripe apples with soft flesh can be processed after grinding with enzymes in a fermenter with agitators.

Fresh or enzyme-treated pulp is fed by a screw pump to the Bucher HP hydraulic press, where automatic pressing is performed according to the specified mode. The juice coming out of the press is cleaned of suspensions on a sieve filter and pumped into the collection. From the collector, the juice is immediately sent to the aroma trap, which ensures that good quality volatile components are obtained.

From the installation for trapping aromatic substances, dearomatized juice with a temperature of about 50 0 C enters a tank with a stirrer, where it is treated with pectolytic enzymes. After processing with enzymes, the juice is decanted from the sediment and sent to ultrafiltration.

The juice circulates in an ultrafiltration plant using tubular membranes. The clarified juice is withdrawn from the installation, and the unclarified juice is returned to the circulation stream.

The filtered clear juice is fed for concentration to a four-stage combined unit "Sigma Star" of plate type, where it concentrates up to 70% of solids, after which it is cooled and fed into collectors for storage.

1.3.1 Freeze concentration

Freeze concentration is based on cooling the product below its freezing point. At the same time, part of the water freezes and separates from the concentrate in the form of ice crystals. The final concentration depends on the final freezing temperature: the lower the temperature, the higher the solids content. The final concentration also depends on the content of sugar, acids, colloids and other substances in the juice. Theoretically, the highest degree of concentration of the eutectic point of a solution at which it is impossible to separate water in the form of ice. The amount of juice loss is another important criterion for determining the optimal degree of concentration: the higher the concentration, the greater the loss of juice. The main advantage of the freezing method is that the process is carried out at low temperatures and the product undergoes minimal changes. The concentrate, after dilution with water, gives a product that is similar in chemical composition and organoleptic properties to fresh original juice. Energy consumption during freezing is less than during evaporation, but the cost of equipment is higher.

The relatively high cost of the process, the impossibility of obtaining a product of high concentration and the inevitable loss of solids delay the widespread industrial implementation of this method.

The maximum concentration is determined by the physico-chemical composition of the juice, and above all by its viscosity. In fruit and berry and vegetable juices obtained by concentrating by freezing, the content of soluble solids is 40 - 50%. Freeze concentration consists of two main steps: crystallization and separation. At the first stage, part of the water in the juice turns into ice crystals under the influence of low temperatures, at the second stage, a concentrated solution of juice and ice, which have different densities, are separated under the influence of external pressure or centrifugal forces.

1.3.2 Concentration with membranes

The main membrane method used to concentrate liquids is reverse osmosis. The advantages of reverse osmosis include low energy costs, improved concentrate quality due to low process temperature, ease of installation and easy increase in its productivity, good sanitary production conditions. Reverse osmosis concentration is used when the solids content is to be doubled. Maximum reverse osmosis can concentrate juices up to 30 - 40% dry matter.

The Kemerovo Institute of Food Industry studied the quantitative indicators of the chemical, vitamin and mineral composition of concentrated fruit and berry juices. The dynamics of changes in the quality characteristics of concentrated juices during storage is analyzed. It has been established that during the storage of fruit and berry juices, slight moisture losses occur, as a result of which the dry matter content slightly increases (on average by 1.4%). The storage process of fruit and berry juices is accompanied by a slight decrease in the total sugar content. The content of organic acids for the entire period of storage increased slightly, the increase in acids by the end of storage of fruit and berry juices averaged 0.3% compared to the initial content. Losses of β-carotene in fruit juices compared to vitamin C are negligible even after 9 months and average 1.1%.

Shaanxi Institute, China showed that polyphenols can be removed from apple juice concentrate by ion-exchange fibers, as well as pigments. Maximum absorbent capacity for polyphenols 67, 263 mg/g ion-exchange fiber. Equilibrium is reached after 30 min. Polyphenols from the ion-exchange fiber can be desorbed with 0.1 mol/l HCl. After three desorption processes, the absorption capacity is practically close to the original absorption capacity of the ion-exchange fiber. Thus, ion-exchange fiber can be successfully used in the processing of apple juice in the future.

Argentine scientists conducted an experiment to determine the rate of formation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in apple juice when concentrating from 15% to 70% Brix in an evaporator at temperatures of 100, 104, 108, 112 0 С. models. The model that describes the formation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural as a result of an initial first-order reaction followed by an autocatalytic period limited by the concentration of reagents has the best convergence with experimental data.

1.4 Using the HACCP system in juice production

apple concentrated.

HACCP - (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. HACCP has become synonymous with food safety.

The HACCP system for managing food safety issues grew out of two important developments. The first breakthrough is associated with the name of V.E. Deming, whose theories of quality management are considered by many to be the main factor behind the revolution in the quality of Japanese products in the 1950s.

The second major breakthrough is related to the development of the HACCP concept itself. The HACCP concept was first adopted in the 1960s by Pillsbury, the US Army and the National Aeronautics Administration.

The system is recognized at the world level and today in the countries of the European Union, the USA, Canada, the introduction and application of the HACCP method in the food industry are mandatory. The HACCP concept is internationally recognized as effective method ensuring the safety and suitability of food for human consumption and in international trade. The HACCP system identifies specific hazards and controls to ensure food safety. An HACCP plan is defined for a particular food product and processing process. The HACCP system is susceptible to change, such as the development of new equipment, new information about hazards or health risks, new processing procedures, or technological innovations.

The HACCP certificate confirms that the food safety management system has been assessed against the standard and found to be in compliance with it. A certificate issued by a third party accredited body/registry demonstrates to consumers that you have implemented the necessary procedures to ensure food safety.

HACCP is a warning based food safety management system. It provides a systematic approach for analyzing food production processes, identifying possible hazards, and determining critical control points necessary to prevent unsafe food from reaching the consumer. HACCP is based on the Codex Alimentarius developed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Combination with control system

It is recommended to integrate a food safety management system with a Quality Management System such as ISO 9001. An effective Quality Management System ensures everyone is aware of who is responsible for what, when, how, why and where. By combining the elements of food safety with the elements of a management system, you get a total Food Safety Management System.

The HACCP certification process is largely the same as the ISO 9000 certification process. However, you can consider going for HACCP certification only. A HACCP audit may also be carried out as part of an ISO certification audit. In this case, a separate HACCP certificate is issued. When comparing the scope of both audit processes, it should be noted that a HACCP audit often has a greater scope than an ISO 9000 audit.

A certification audit is carried out by one person or several people (audit team) who, in addition to knowledge of the system, have the necessary knowledge and experience in relation to the materials with which the company works. In most cases, the participation of a microbiologist is required.

This cycle leads (in the case of building only the HACCP system): conducting an assessment audit;

training in the principles of building a HACCP system and the requirements for HACCP systems;

Identification of the main production risks (critical points) that negatively affect product quality;

description of actions at critical points;

conducting an audit;

certification of the HACCP system;

The mode of operation when building a HACCP system is built as follows: assessment of the current state, training at each stage, time frame for the development of the necessary documentation, consultations and verification of documentation, the beginning of the next stage.

Training programs correspond to world standards, the HACCP system course is registered by the international register of certified auditors IRCA. All training programs are structured in such a way that specialists not only listen, but also learn advanced international methods of food quality management.

The HACCP system should be developed taking into account seven basic principles:

1. Unification of the potential risk or risks that are associated with the production of food products, from the receipt of raw materials to final consumption, including all stages of the product life cycle, in order to identify the conditions for the occurrence of a potential risk and establish the necessary measures to control them.

2. Identification of critical control points in production to eliminate the risk or possibility of its occurrence, while the food production operations under consideration may cover the supply of raw materials, the selection of ingredients, processing, storage, transportation, warehousing and distribution.

3. The HACCP system documents or process instructions should establish and comply with parameter limits to ensure that the critical control point is under control.

4. Development of a monitoring system to ensure control of critical control points based on planned measures or observations.

5. Development of corrective actions and their application in case of negative monitoring results.

6. Development of verification procedures that should be carried out regularly to ensure the effectiveness of the HACCP system.

7. Documentation of all procedures of the system, forms and methods of registration of data related to the HACCP system.

The HACCP team must identify and evaluate all types of hazards, including biological, physical, chemical, and identify all possible hazards that may be present in production processes.

For each potential factor, a risk analysis is carried out taking into account the probability of the occurrence of a factor of significance of its consequences and a list of factors for which the risk exceeds the acceptable level is compiled. The HACCP team must identify and document preventive actions that eliminate risks or reduce them to an acceptable level. Preventive actions include:

Parameter control technological process apple concentrate production

heat treatment

· Periodic control of solids concentration

Washing and disinfection of equipment

Critical control points are determined by analyzing separately for each hazard considered and considering sequentially all the operations included in the flow diagram of the production process. A necessary condition for a critical conditional point is the presence of risk signs on the control operation under consideration.

Depending on the specifics of the production and the risks associated with it, the premises, equipment and production conditions should be designed, built and located in such a way that:

o pollution is minimized;

o the layout and layout allows for appropriate operation, cleaning, disinfection and minimizes airborne contamination;

o surfaces and materials, especially those in contact with food products, non-toxic when used for its intended purpose, and where necessary, sufficiently reliable and easy to operate and clean;

o Where necessary, appropriate conditions are in place to maintain temperature, humidity and other parameters;

o there is effective protection against entry and survival of pests;


The equipment must be located in such a way that

o allows for adequate maintenance and cleaning;

o functions in accordance with its meaning;

o makes it easier to follow the practice of “good industrial hygiene”.

Equipment must be maintained in good condition to ensure that there are no potential physical or chemical hazards such as proper repairs, peeling paint and rust, excess lubricants.

Pome fruits are used both fresh and industrially processed. The consumer prefers natural products with physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics that meet the requirements of technical and regulatory documentation. From the group of pome fruits, apples are most used, which, in the conditions of the climate of the Republic of Moldova, have high physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics.

The following conclusions were drawn from the literature review:

1. Methods for concentrating juices have been investigated;

2. Technological operations in the production of concentrated juice were described;

3. The HACCP system was described in the production of concentrated apple juice and its advantages;

4. Several types of evaporators were shown.

The production of concentrated juices has been widely developed all over the world. Their storage and transportation gives significant savings in packaging, handling and transport vehicles, and allows you to create a reserve for years with a low yield of fruits.

By concentrating, the content of soluble solids in juices can be increased to 70-75% and, accordingly, their volume can be reduced by 5-6 times compared to natural ones.

In order to ensure the safety of concentrated apple juice, the HACCP system is used. HACCP is a warning based food safety management system. It provides a systematic approach for analyzing food production processes, identifying possible hazards, and determining critical control points necessary to prevent unsafe food from reaching the consumer. HACCP is based on the Codex Alimentarius developed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

2 . engineering technology

2.1 Characteristics of the designed canned food

Of the pome fruits, the most common for the production of canned food are apples. The assortment of canned food is very diverse and includes compotes, juices, marmalade, etc. Modern nutrition in the country and in the world is focused on the production of natural canned food, low in calories, products with an attractive appearance.

The project plans to produce concentrated apple juice in accordance with the HACCP system.

Organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the product are presented in the form of tables.

Table 2.1.1

Organoleptic indicators "Apple juice concentrate" according to SM 75

Table 2.1.2

Physico - chemical indicators "Apple juice concentrated" according to SM 75

Name of indicator Norms for clarified juice

Analysis Methods

Content of soluble solids,%, not less than 70
Content of titratable acids, not less than 2,0 According to GOST 25555.0
Sediment content,%, no more 0,2 According to GOST 8756.9
Color, units of optical density 0,4 -
The content of pectin substances Not allowed

According to GOST 29059

Vegetable admixtures Not allowed

According to GOST 26323

Foreign matter Not allowed -
Mineral impurities Not allowed According to GOST 25555.3

2.2 Characteristics of raw materials

The beginning of the mass receipt of raw materials begins from July 10-15 and ends in November. The duration of the season is about 5 months. Despite the fact that the harvesting season is relatively long, the maximum supply various kinds raw materials fall in August, September. Apples are used as a raw material for the production of concentrate juice, according to GOST 21122-75. Apples must be fresh, healthy, not damaged by agricultural pests and diseases, without technical damage.

Table 2.2.1

Technical requirements "Fresh apples of late ripening" in accordance with GOST 21122-75

The name of indicators

Characteristics and norms for varieties

Supreme First
Appearance Selected fruits, typical in shape and color for the given pomological variety, free from damage by pests and diseases, with or without stalk, but without damage to the skin of the fruit. The fruits are typical in shape and color for this pomological variety, without damage by pests and diseases, but without damage to the skin of the fruit.

Size according to the largest transverse diameter, mm, not less than:

round fruit;

oval fruits;

Maturity Fruit uniform in maturity, but not green or overripe
Mechanical damage Light pressing with a total area of ​​​​not more than 2 cm 2 No more than two hailstones, light pressure and abrasions with a total area of ​​not more than 4 cm 2
Pest and disease damage Fruits with one or two dried damage by the codling moth are allowed, not more than 2% of the mass of the lot Healing damage to the skin with a total area of ​​not more than 2 cm
Skin browning (sunburn) Not allowed Weak browning of the skin on an area not more than 1/8 of the surface of the fruit
Subcutaneous spotting Not allowed Not allowed
Withering Not allowed Slight wilting without signs of wrinkling
Pulp browning Not allowed Not allowed

Table 2.2.2

Chemical composition and the energy value raw materials (%)


raw materials

Water Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Starch Cellulose organic acids Ash Mineral substances, mg/%


Energy value, kJ

Na K Ca mg P Fe β- carotene B1 B2 PP C
gr/100 gr mg/100 gr
Apples 87 0,4 0,4 9,0 0,8 0,6 0,8 0,5 26 278 16 9 11 2,2 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,30 13,0 188,5

2.3 Supporting materials

For the production of the designed canned food, in accordance with the requirements of the technical instructions, the following auxiliary materials are used:

drinking water, GOST 2874;

pectolytic enzymes - Pectinex 10;

amylase enzymes Amylase 200;

caustic soda;

Organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters are presented in the following table.

2.3.1 Drinking water, according to GOST 2874


Microbiological properties of drinking water

table 2 .3.1.2

Organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of drinking water

2.4 Characteristics of containers

2.4.1 Containers for raw materials

Transportation of apples is carried out in containers GOST 26380, in bulk or wooden boxes GOST 17812.

table 2 .4.1 .1

Characteristics of packaging for raw materials

The finished product - apple concentrate is stored in tanks with a capacity of 25 m 3, and p / f apple juice - in tanks with a capacity of 50 m 3.

2.5 Development of a technological scheme for the production of canned food

It is planned to produce canned apples in the following range:

concentrated apple juice

These canned foods are in demand by customers due to the fact that they are natural. Organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators meet the requirements for rational nutrition.

To obtain these types of canned food, technological schemes were developed based on technical and technological information from specialized literature.

The initial guidelines for the development of the block diagram were the technical instructions. Taking into account the documentary information in the technological schemes, some changes were developed, improvements in operations and production parameters. In view of obtaining a quality product, the following was provided for in the development of the block diagram:

Ensuring high productivity and quality of the finished product;

· the use of technological equipment made of stainless steel, which minimizes the transition of heavy metals into the product;

production operations should be as mechanized as possible;

Technological operations must be carried out without interruption.

For getting quality products, v technological scheme the following

· Washing of apples is carried out in order to remove contamination.

· Inspection of apples removes micro-organisms that may affect the color of the finished product.

· heat treatment aims to inactivate a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, including

pathogenic botulinum.

· aseptic preservation allows to preserve a large number of semi-finished products during the season, in order to extend the season.

· VPSh presses have been replaced by BuherHP 5000 hydraulic presses, which provide a high product yield.

· To ensure juice stability during storage, solid enzymes have been replaced by liquid enzymes.

· the duration of treatment with enzymes decreases from 4 hours to 60-90 minutes, as a result of which the oxidative reactions of juice components decrease: vitamins, carbohydrates.

· Processing with liquid enzymes allows us to use ultrafiltration, which ensures high quality and preservation of biologically active substances.

All these advantages and modern technologies were taken into account when developing a scheme - a block for operations in the production of "Apple concentrated juice".

Scheme-block for the production of concentrated apple juice”



To position 8

Pressing 1

Transfer to tanks

Scheme-block for the production, Apple juice p / f”



Section mode

number of shifts per day - 3;

The duration of one shift is 7 hours;

· working days per week during the season / off-season - 6/5 days;

· working days per shift during the season / off-season - 25/20 days.

Table 2.1.2

Raw material maturation schedule

Apples 1.08 ... 15.11;

Table 2.1.3

The work schedule of technological lines for the production of canned fruits in the section

Name of the production line Change Months
Process line on apple juice production concentrated 70% I 15 15
II 15 1 15
III 1 15 1 15
Technological line for the production of semi-finished apple juice I 1
II 2
III 1 3

Table 2.1.4

Number of days/shifts for canning

Name of canned food



Total per year

Apple juice concentrated, 70% from apples

13/39 - - -
Concentrated apple juice, 70% semi-finished juice - 20/60 10/30 -
Apple juice aseptically canned - 25/75 25/75

Table 2.1.5

Canning program ( in tons ) in the designed section .

2.2. Calculations for the production of canned food

Recipe and consumption rates of raw materials and materials for production

Table 2.2.1

Consumption rates for apples for production apple concentrate ,70%

Table 2.2.2

Consumption rates juice p/f for production Apple concentrate”, 70%

Table 2.2.3

Consumption rates apples for production Semi-finished apple juice aseptically preserved

Table 2.2.4

(v %) Apple concentrate from apples 70%

Table 2.2. 5

Distribution of losses and waste (v %) on technological operations for production Apple concentrate from apple juice semi-finished product 70%

Table 2.2. 6

Distribution of losses and waste (v %) on technological operations for production Apple juice semi-finished product

2.2.1 Calculations documentary information . Consumption Rate Calculations .


Formulas for calculating the consumption of raw materials, auxiliary materials, semi-finished products

Consumption rate calculations:

2. ;

3. ;


Comparison of consumption rates approved (on TND ) with calculated The necessary balance of raw materials and materials


The balance of raw materials and auxiliary materials for the production of concentrated apple juice

Canned food type Name of raw materials, auxiliary materials, semi-finished products Process line performance Consumption rates kg/t Raw material consumption Monthly consumption, t Total per year tons
tons/shift t/h kg/h kg/shift VIII IX X XI XII I II
apple concentrate Apples 14 2 7485,77 14971,45 104800,78 7860,05 7860,05 7860,05 4087,2 - - - 27667,4
Juice p/f 14 2 6172,8 12345,6 86419,2 - - - - 5185,15 2592,6 - 7777,3
Novoferm 10 14 2 0,3 0,6 4.2 0.315 0.315 0,315 0.164 0.252 0.126 - 1,487
Amylasse AG-100 14 2 0,3 0,6 4.2 0.315 0.315 0,315 0.164 0.252 0.126 - 1,487
Apple juice semi-finished product Apples 51,1 7,3 1250 9125 63875 - 4790,62 4790,62 383,25 - - - 9964,5
Novoferm 10 51,1 7,3 0,3 2,19 11,9 - 0,895 0,895 0,0714 - - - 1,8614
Amylasse AG-100 51,1 7,3 0,3 2,19 11,9 - 0,895 0,895 0,0714 - - - 1,8614

Note: 1.Medical cotton for taking samples from the tank for laboratory analysis -0.01 kg/t;

2. Semi-finished apple juice canned by aseptic method is stored in tanks of 50 m 3 ; Apple concentrate from apples


Product output by technological operations “ Apple concentrate from apples

Has been redesigned , kg/h Waste Losses Evaporated water, kg/t
% kg % To G
Storage 14972 - - 0,5 74,86 -
Washing 14897,1 - - 1,0 149,72 -
Inspection 14747,4 1,0 149,72 - - -
Splitting up 14597,7 - - 0,3 44,9 -
Pressing 14552,8 15,0 2245,8 - - -
Rough cleaning 12306,9 0,5 61,5 - - -
Dearomatization 12245,4 - - 1,0 123,1 3576,1
Lightening 8546,3 - - 0,5 42,7 -
Ultrafiltration 8503,5 0,5 42,5 - - -
Adsorption of polyphenols 8461,1 - - 0,5 42,3 -
concentration 8418,7 - - 2,0 168,4 6245,5
Tank filling 2004,8 - - 0,2 4,8 -
Was produced, kg/h 2000

Calculation of evaporated water:



Table 2.2.1. 4 .1

Product output by technological operations “ Apple juice concentrate p/f

Name of technological operations Has been redesigned , kg/h Waste Losses Evaporated water, kg/t
% kg % To G
Separation 12345,6 - - 1,0 123,4 -
Heating 12222,1 - - 0,2 24,4 -
Dearomatization 12197,7 - - 1,0 121,9 3501,9
Cooling 8573,7 - - 0,1 8,5 -
Lightening 8565,2 - - 0,5 42,8 -
Ultrafiltration 8522,4 - - 0,5 42,6 -
concentration 8479,7 - - 2,0 169,6 6290,8
Cooling 2004,4 - - 0,1 2,0 -
Tank filling 2002,0 - - 0,1 2,0 -
Was produced, kg/h 2000,0

Calculation of evaporated water:


Production productivity by technological operations apple juice p/f”

Name of technological operations Has been redesigned , kg/h Waste Losses
% kg % Kg
Storage 9125 - - 0,5 45,6
Hydrotransportation 9079,4 - - 0,2 18,2
Inspection 9061,1 1,0 9,2 - -
Washing 8969,9 - - 1,0 91,2
Splitting up 8878,6 - - 0,1 9,1
Pressing 8869,5 15,0 1368,7 - -
Separation 7500,7 - - 0,5 45,6
Heating/cooling 7455,1 - - 0,2 18,2
Lightening 7436,9 - - 0,5 45,6
Ultrafiltration 7391,2 - - 0,5 45,6
Sterilization 7345,6 - - 0,3 27,4
Cooling 7318,2 - - 0,1 9,1
Tank filling 7309,1 - - 0,1 9,1
It was worked out 7300

2.3 Basic information regarding the need for raw materials and materials

Table 2.3.1.

Basic information regarding the need for raw materials and materials for the production of concentrated apple juice and p / f apple juice

2.4 Calculation of the total area of ​​warehouses for raw materials and finished products

2.4.1 Calculation of the area of ​​the raw material site.

Calculations are carried out according to the formula:

where: F t is the area of ​​the warehouse for storing raw materials, m 2;

T 1 , T 2 , T n , - consumption rates of raw materials in production, kg / t;

C 1 , C 2 , C n , - productivity of technological lines, t / h;

t 1 , t 2 , t n , - the maximum storage time of raw materials on the site, h;

G 1, G 2, G n, - raw material capacity per 1 m 2, t / m 2;

F u - the area occupied by the equipment on the raw site, m 2.


Initial data for calculating the area of ​​the raw material site.

Raw area length :

where B is the width of the production section.

L \u003d 732.3¸ 24 \u003d 30.51 m 2;

The number of columns located on the site:

n \u003d 30.61¸ 6 "6 columns;

2.4.2 Calculation of tanks required for aseptic storage of juice

We calculate the density of semi-finished apple juice using the formula:

We calculate the amount of semi-finished apple juice loaded into one tank:

G tank = V *ρ*k

G tank = 50 * 1047.8 * 0.98 = 51.342kg

N = G total / G tank

G total - the total amount of semi-finished apple juice needed for aseptic canning, kg.

N \u003d 7971.6 / 51.342 \u003d 156 pcs

We calculate the density of the concentrate juice using the formula:

Calculate the amount of apple juice concentrate loaded into one tank:

G tank = V *ρ*k

Where: G tank - the amount of juice loaded into one tank, kg

V - volume of the tank according to the technical passport

K is the coefficient of filling the tank with juice.

According to the NTD, the tank is loaded with semi-finished juice for 98 ... 99% of the total volume.

G tank = 25 * 1353.2 * 0.98 = 33.2kg

Calculate the amount of juice needed to store:

N = G total / G tank

G total - the total amount of concentrated apple juice required for aseptic preservation, kg.

N = 4956 / 33.2 = 150 pcs

3. Calculation and choice technological equipment

3. 1 Selection of equipment for the collection of technological lines in the production of canned food

Equipment for the collection of technological lines in the production of canned food Table 3.2.1

Name of technological operations


botano, kg/hour or pcs/hour

Technological equipment Required amount of equipment, pieces
Name of technological equipment Type, brand Specifications
Overall dimensions, mm Power, kWt Consumption



product capacity kg/h or pcs/h

length width height Steam, kg/h Water, m 3 / h
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Line for the production of „Apple juice concentrated
2-1 Storage Baths 2
2-2 Hydrotransportation 2000 hydraulic conveyor 1
2-3 Washing 2000 Drum washing machine T1-KUM-5 3700 1000 1790 5 4,1 5000 2
2-4 Inspection 2000 Roller inspection conveyor WHO 5540 1142 2900 2
2-5 Transportation 2000 Elevator "Goose neck" R9-KT2E 0002 4420 830 3835 0,85 15000 2
2-6 Splitting up 2000 Crusher C-5 1350 650 485 7,5 7500 2
2-7 Pulp accumulation 2000 Receiving hopper 1000 1000 1000 1
2-8 Collection of pulp 2000 Storage tank 1200 1200 5000 2
2-9 Pulp pumping 2000 Pump 1B1215-1015BV 1580 550 880 2,99 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Line for the production of clarified apple juice
2-10 Pressing 3714 Press "Bucher" HP 5000 5525 3160 2820 19,5 14500 1
2-11 Juice pumping 3714 Pump A9KHA 590 350 400 4 5000 2
2-12 Juice heating 3714 Tubular pasteurizer 3200 800 2040 55 1
2-13 Juice clarification 3714 Storage tank 1200 1200 5000 2
2-14 centrifugation 3714 Centrifuge Alfa Laval 1500 1238 1570 15 2 4
2-15 Ultrafiltration 3714


naya installation

M8-UUF 4600 3000 3200 78 5000 1
2-16 Juice heating 3714 Tubular pasteurizer 3200 800 2040 55 1
2-17 concentration concentration station Unipectin



Table 4.1

4.1 Characteristics of the production line

4.2 Description of the technological process

4.2.2 The technological process of making apple juice concentrated many .

Delivery of raw materials

Transportation of apples by motor vehicles is unpackaged. Transportation by wagons in wooden or plastic boxes is allowed.

Acceptance of raw materials

Raw materials are accepted in batches. Apples must be fresh, ripe and meet the requirements of the standards.

The use of fruits with fungal diseases, mold and other types of spoilage is not allowed.


Raw materials are stored in a closed cemented raw material area. Height of pile with apples should not exceed 1.5 m.

Maximum storage periods at the raw material site

Early ripening apples - 2 days

Late ripening apples - 7 days

When processing, it is necessary to observe the order of receipt of raw materials and take into account its quality.

Hydrosupply of apples

From the piles, apples are fed into the hydraulic conveyor with a jet of water from a hose, water pressure is 4.5 atm. At the same time, the apples are washed while passing through the hydrochute and hydropipe until they fall into the mud bath. Water for hydraulic supply is used repeatedly and must meet sanitary requirements for water supply, that is, it must contain 5-6 mg of active chlorine per 1 liter. Apples from the upper raw area through the hydraulic pipe enter the mud bath, located on the lower raw material area, to trap heavy impurities according to the difference in specific gravity. In the lower part of the bath there is a grate and an outlet for recycled water through a pipeline with a diameter of 300 mm, which supplies the latter to a tank for collecting recycled water.


The inspection is carried out in order to remove fruits unsuitable for processing, that is, fruits affected by agricultural pests, rotten, as well as foreign impurities and objects. Inspection is one of the technological processes, the quality of which further determines the quality of the clarification process and the quality of the final product - the concentrate.

Splitting up

Apples are crushed into particles 3-6 mm in size. The performance of the crusher is highly dependent on the feed screw, but even more so on the condition of the grinding knives. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the knives on the crusher. If the steel blades are severely worn, they must be replaced. In the interest of optimal performance and hygiene of the crusher, it is essential to keep the crusher clean at all times.


Pressing on a belt press takes place as follows: crushed apple mass is fed into a receiving hopper, in which it is evenly distributed over the width of the belt.

At the beginning, the process of draining the juice takes place. Further, the "porridge" falls on the lower belt and continues its way between the shrinking belts, first through the pre-pressing zone, and then through the pressing rollers, which are cascaded on the press bed. After the last pressing roller, the pomace is separated from the sliver. Productivity is adjusted by the speed of movement of the belts and the thickness of the layer of crushed mass. The work of the press is mostly automatic. At the same time, an enzyme is constantly added to process the pulp. Enzyme action Fast squeezing of juice, increase in juice yield, less belt contamination, increase in solids content during re-pressing on the Bucher press. The amount of enzyme is determined at the rate of 50-100 grams per 1000 kg of pulp. The enzyme action time is 30-90 minutes. The pomace is pumped out with a pump into the pulp tank of the Bucher presses, where it is pressed again on the press. During the operation of the press, it is necessary to control the frequency of the belt after it exits the washer. If the tape is not cleaned enough, it means that the shower is clogged, which can be corrected by turning the hand wheel on the tape washing mechanism.

Wash reminders

· The jet of water must not fall on the lubrication points, bearings and belt guide. The maximum allowable water temperature for washing is 70 0 С.

possible additions to the washing water must not contain substances whose pH value could damage the plastic belts.

The whole pressing system is closed and its advantages are that the resulting apple juice is clean, the loss of aroma is insignificant and the possibility of subsequent processing of pomace. Due to the presence of a self-cleaning filter system, a minimum penetration of turbidity is achieved, thereby achieving a high degree of recovery.

Technological cycle of the pressing process on the press "Bucher"



By means of the loading pump automatic loading of universal fruit presses HP 5000 is carried out. Apple pulp is fed into the press when the piston makes a reverse movement and until the piston starts the pressing process. The processing time of one portion of the pulp continues from the beginning of the reverse movement cycle until the pressure rises to the upper limit.

In order to leave enough space during filling for active pulp loosening, the press should be filled to a maximum of 2/3 of the volume. Filling rule: the softer the fruits, the smaller their number.

The more often the pressing and loosening cycles are repeated, the higher the juice yield. The advantage of working with Bucher presses is the reduction in the number of operating personnel due to the automatic operation of the press. After the pressing process is completed, the press is automatically released from the pomace by means of an unloading machine. In the rotating basket of the press, the shirt is opened and the conveyor for transporting the pomace is put into operation. After the unloading process is interrupted, the rotation stops and the opening of the shirt stops. The press must be cleaned immediately after pressing, so that the pomace does not have time to dry.

Separation of coarse particles

After pressing, the juice enters the coarse particle separator.

Aroma trapping

The extraction of aromatic substances from fresh juice is carried out on a 4-stage plant. Fresh juice with an initial solids content of about 10% is sequentially de-aromatized and partially concentrated. Freshly squeezed apple juice is fed into a recovery unit /evaporator/, where part of the water evaporates from the juice along with volatile aromatic substances. Partially concentrated juice and juice vapors are separated in separators. Juice pairs with aromatic substances are fed to the distillation column for further processing. Concentrated, cooled aromatic substances are collected in a collector and, as they accumulate, are pumped through pipelines to stainless steel containers located in the refrigeration chamber. As the container is filled, an analysis is carried out and a label is glued to each container with aromatic substances indicating the chemical composition, density of the date of manufacture and the name of the aromatic substances. Optimum storage temperature 0 0 С / ±1 0 С/.

Capture of aromatic substances on "Unipectin"

Fresh juice is subjected to aroma capture from the second stage, as well as pre-concentration. At the same time, the aroma-containing water enters the aroma column, where it is enriched to the desired saturation and removed separately.


De-aromatized, partially concentrated juice with a solids content of 15-19%, leaving the unit with a temperature of 55 0 C ± 3 0 C, is automatically sent for processing with enzyme preparations / pectinex and amylase / to buffer tanks. Tanks for juice depectinization are equipped with propeller agitators located in the lower part of the tank on the side. They have level indicators and nozzles for taking samples for laboratory control for the presence of pectin and starch in the juice. The dosage of enzyme preparations is established empirically as:

preparations of pectolytic action should ensure the complete destruction of pectin substances;

preparations of amylolytic action should break down starch and eliminate protein opacities;

· the duration of the destruction of pectin and the splitting of starch should not exceed 2.5 hours.

When carrying out clarification of an experimental batch of juice, the maximum dose of preparations is set. In the experimental batch and in all other batches, when processing with enzyme preparations, the presence of pectin and starch in the juice is checked by qualitative reactions, for pectin - alcohol and starch - iodine, every 30 minutes. After complete breakdown of pectin and starch, which is controlled by tests for pectin and starch, clarifying agents are added inline in the following order: 1. bentonite, 2. gelatin.

Important lightening factors

· Temperature


Valued pH

The quality of the bleaching agents

Preparation of means for clarification

Sequence of addition of means for processing

Dosage of bleaching agents

Choice of container sizes for clarification

Determining the parameters of agitators

Mixing time

For optimal juice processing, the correct pre-treatment of bentonite, gelatin is necessary.


The ultrafilter consists of individual filter modules, which are equipped with a name plate indicating the number, series, type, article number and date of manufacture.

Ultrafiltration belongs to the field of membrane technology and is a mesh filtration in the membrane area. Dissolved low molecular weight compounds (acids, sugar, aromatic substances, etc.) contained in unclarified juice pass through the membranes.

High-molecular compounds (starch, proteins, pectin, etc.) and suspended particles are retained and concentrated during the passage of juice through the membranes. In the ultrafiltration module, under the action of constant pressure, the raw juice is separated by means of tubular membranes into two parts: permeate and retentate.

Permeate is a part of the stream of the flowing purified liquid, which, as a clear juice, passes through the membranes.

The retentant is the part of the fluid flow that is retained and does not pass through the membranes.

Part of the macromolecular compounds accumulate on the upper surface of the membranes and act as "secondary membranes", that is, additional filtration occurs through them. This layer is removed during each cleaning, and at the beginning of the filtration a new layer is formed again. The layer thickness is in the micro-domain.


Vacuum evaporating station Unipectin, consists of 4 buildings. Each housing consists of a tubular heater and a separator. The station is equipped with a device for trapping aromatic substances, a barometric condenser and a refrigeration unit for cooling the finished product. Fresh juice enters through a plate heat exchanger where it is heated. The secondary steam of the 1st building is supplied to the heating of the 2nd building. From the 2nd building, the secondary steam falls on the heating of the 3rd building. Secondary steam 4 housing is fed to the barometric condenser. Air and non-condensing gases from the annular space 1, 2, 3, 4 of the housing is supplied to the barometric condenser, and from there it is pumped out.

4.3 Sanitization of production lines

A technological line for the production of canned food is installed in the designed section:

Line for the production of "Apple concentrated juice",

The quality of finished canned food depends on the quality of the primary matter, compliance with the production technology, the hygienic and sanitary condition of the space and the production line.

Observed sanitation of technological lines is provided according to the developed regulations of the laboratory of the enterprise and the relevant instructions related to the food industry. Sanitary processing of the equipment of technological lines is carried out according to the compiled time schedule.

Table 4.3.1

Processing carried out by technological lines

Sanitization Equipment disinfection

Technological equipment that comes into contact with primary matter, a semi-finished product, is processed after the end of the technological process.

Implementation progress:

1. The equipment is cleaned of product residues mechanically.

3. Washing with hot water - 70 ... 90 0 C

4. Washing cold water- 20 ... 25 0 С until the equipment is completely cooled down.

Who implements:

workers who maintain the equipment according to the appropriate instructions

Disinfection of technological equipment on the production lines and "Apple concentrated juice" is carried out at the beginning of the season and daily with a solution of 0.5 ... 0.1% NaOH (NaOH according to GOST 5100)

Disinfection progress:

1. Equipment is cleaned from product residues by mechanical method

2. Washing with cold water - 20 ... 25 0 С until complete cleaning of product residues

3. Washing with hot water - 70 ... 90 0 C and detergents

4. Surface treatment of equipment contact with primary matter, semi-finished products (15 minutes)

5. Washing with cold water - 20 ... 25 0 C until the equipment is completely cooled

4.4 Microbiological control

The production of canned food and finished products is controlled in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for sanitary and technological control of canned food at manufacturing enterprises. Microbiological control of canned food production includes:

Control of bacteriological quality indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products, auxiliary materials and canned products before sterilization or pasteurization;

pH of the canned product with adjustable acidity before sterilization and after aging of the finished product;

Temperatures of canned products packed hot;

Stability of canned food during thermostating;

Industrial sterility (or) sterility of canned food;

The number of defects in a batch of canned food by types of defects;

Sanitary condition of containers and equipment.

1. Requirements for water supply.

Water must meet the requirements of GOST 2874-83 “Drinking water”, that is, it must not contain anaerobic spores, the total contamination of 100 microorganisms in 1 ml of water. Enterprises must provide additional treatment and disinfection of water in accordance with the requirements of GOST in case of exceeding the permissible standards.

2. Requirements for industrial premises.

Production facilities are connected to the water supply network and sewerage, equipped with ventilation, and heated during the cold season. The premises should be well lit, the walls and ceilings should be plastered and whitewashed.

3. Requirements for technological equipment.

Equipment, equipment and inventory must be in good condition. Responsibility for timely washing and disinfection lies with the head of the workshop. Bacteriological control of the sanitary condition of technological equipment and inventory is carried out by a bacteriologist before the start of production lines at least 3 times a month, visual control daily with obligatory entry in the journal. After sanitization, the contamination of 1 cm 3 of the surface of equipment made of material, glass, wood should not exceed 300 cells of microorganisms.

4. Requirements for the raw site.

The raw material platform is located directly at the production workshop. The site must be cemented, have a canopy, drains for water into the sewer.

5. Requirements for transport for the transportation of raw materials and finished products.

Raw materials are transported in containers, boxes. It is necessary to periodically clean and rinse the funds.

Table 4.4.1

Microbiological control of canned food production

Type of control Subjects and indicators of control Duration and correctness of taking Requirements for bacteriological indicators
Additional Analysis Production product Quality of raw materials, washing mode, frequency of water exchange. Determination of the total contamination, the number of spores and molds, the sanitary condition of products, water and air purification, personal hygiene.

The analysis is carried out 2-3 times a season. In the production of contaminated canned food, systematic microbiological control is included, until the cause is identified and eliminated. Periodic analysis of equipment, air 2-3 times a season. Personal hygiene -1 month.

The number of allowed microorganisms in the product at each technological operation is confirmed by the microbiologist of the factory, which guarantees the production of quality products.

10,000 cells are allowed per 100 cm 2 of the surface of equipment and inventory.

In 1 ml of water - no more than 100 cells.

The presence of cocci bacteria is not allowed.

Final product The presence in the final product of pathogens of disputes, molds, lactic bacteria. The analysis is carried out to determine the quality of canned food and identify pathogens. The final product must be free of microorganisms that could lead to spoilage of the product.

Using the HACCP system

Table 4.5.1

HACCP plan for the production of "Concentrated Apple Juice"

Production stages Description of the risk Risk category
1 Acceptance of apples Foreign impurities, mechanical damage, toxic substances, pesticides, microflora, patulin.




Correct and high-quality recipe, provision of a hygienic certificate from the manufacturer. Rejection of raw materials.
2 Storage and hydrotransport Growth of microflora in circulating water. Microbiological. Regular water change. Compliance with sanitary standards.
3 Washing Poor-quality washing, the presence of microflora. Microbiological. Monitoring the operation of washing machines and showers.
4 Inspection Alien impurities, apples that do not meet the standard, microflora.



Instruction of personnel, removal of foreign matter and removal of damaged apples.
5 Splitting up No risks found Crushing quality control.
6 Pressing I Chemical.
7 Enzymatic processing of pulp The formation of lactic acid bacteria, yeast. Enzyme overdose.



Control of the sanitary condition of receivers. Time keeping. Data registration. Compliance with the dosage of enzymes.
8 Pressing II Residues from equipment cleaning solutions. Chemical. Quality control of washing equipment, rinsing with clean water.
9 Blending juice after pressing The development of microflora. Microbiological. Maintaining the necessary sanitary condition of the equipment.
10 Juice dearomatization No risks found Compliance with temperature -100 0 С, 85 0 С. Control of solids no more than 18%. Alcohol content in fragrance - max. 5%.
11 Juice treatment with enzymes Yeast development, lactic acid fermentation.



Juice temperature control 40-50 0 C. Compliance with the correct dosage of enzymes. Carrying out tests for pectin and starch.
12 Ultrafiltration Residues from equipment cleaning solutions. Chemical. Sanitary control of the ultrafiltration station. Rinse with clean water.
13 Juice Concentration Residues from equipment cleaning solutions. Concentration to dry matter up to 70%.



Sanitary control of equipment. Rinse with clean water. The duration of juice concentration to the required solids content.
14 Transport to storage The rest of the microflora. Microbiological Washing and sanitary control.
15 Cooling Cooling temperature mismatch. development of microorganisms. OMF education.



Compliance with the juice cooling temperature no more than 20 0 C. Registration of data in logs.
16 Cooking tanks Poor-quality washing: the remains of microflora and chemicals.



Washing equipment in accordance with sanitary instructions: conducting microbiological control of tanks.
contact with microorganisms. Microbiological. Quality control of the sanitary condition of tanks, pipes, pumps.
18 Storage Contamination by microorganisms. Contact of metal surfaces of tanks in case of destruction of the paint layer.



Compliance with storage conditions t=0.5 0 С, W- no more than 75%. Shelf life max. 2/3 of the shelf life. Painting the inner walls of the tank is carried out only with special paint.
19 Supply Entry of foreign bodies. contact with microorganisms.



Table 4.5.2

Study of HACCP for the production of "Apple concentrated juice"

No. KKT Production stages Identified risks Actions in case of deviation from the norms Critical Limits
1 Acceptance of apples High levels of pesticide, chemical, patulin residues compared to acceptable limits. The presence of apples damaged by microflora, lactic acid bacteria. foreign impurities. Specification of raw materials in the contract. Supplier control. Supplier briefing. Certification of lots with each supplier for each garden and presentation of the certificate upon acceptance. Carrying out objective and effective control upon acceptance.

In accordance with the sanitary and hygienic standards SanPiN, GOST 27572-87,

GOST 16270-70.

2 Inspection Alien bodies. Apples susceptible to spoilage by microflora (lactic acid bacteria). Selection of foreign bodies and spoiled apples. Absence of foreign objects and spoiled apples.
3 Storage Non-compliance with temperature, humidity and shelf life. development of microorganisms. Compliance with and control of storage conditions and shelf life. Maintenance of storage facilities in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Humidity - 75%, storage temperature -10 0 C, shelf life - 2/3 of the period. Total number of microorganisms in the air – max. 20 cln.
4 Supply Entry of foreign bodies. Additional contamination with microorganisms. Training and supervision of staff. Sanitary control of the state of the technological line before pumping. Absence of foreign bodies. Compliance of the state of the container and the technological line with sanitary standards.

Table 4.5.2 continued

Production stages Monitoring Responsible for monitoring Corrective actions registration Examination
1 Acceptance of apples

Inspection at the entrance of each transport unit. Control of pesticide residues, toxic elements at least once every 30 days from each supplier.

Laboratory assistant for control at the input of raw materials. Chemist-toxicologist. In the event that the raw materials do not meet the quality, the batch is returned to the supplier. Raw material quality journal K-1. Acts of quality. Hygienic certificates. Registration of toxic elements and pesticides. Testing the finished product in the laboratory.
Validity of hygiene certificates. Microbiological tests 1 time in 3 days for the content of MAFAnM. Chemist-toxicologist. Microbiologist. Registration of validity of certificates. Microbiological journal K - 9.
2 Inspection Constantly Operator. Laboratory. The line stops. Section journal. Visual. Laboratory testing of juice for lactic acid content.
3 Storage Once a week, T 0 and humidity. Testing for NTM 2 times a month. Laboratory assistant. Microbiologist. Content at the level of the sanitary condition of the section. Realization of juice in due time. Magazine K-15. Microbiological journal. Chemical and microbiological testing of concentrated juice.
4 Supply When filling each unit of container, transport. Master. Laboratory assistant. Stopping the process. Troubleshooting. Juice supply magazine. Compliance with customer requests.

5. Labor and environmental protection


Labor protection is a system of legislative acts and the corresponding economic, technical, hygienic and organizational measures that ensure the safety of maintaining health and human performance in the labor process. The components of ore protection are labor legislation, safety measures and industrial sanitation.

The tasks of labor legislation are the regulation of legal norms directly aimed at ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, norms governing the organization and planning of work, as well as norms for the social protection of labor for women and minors.

The task of environmental protection is to ensure the balance of human society and the environment, the conservation and rational use of natural resources.

5.1. General rules for equipment maintenance

Integrated mechanization and automation of industry is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of units of electrical equipment. Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures and means that provide protection against the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

All production facilities are divided into three groups according to the degree of danger of electric shock to people: without increased danger, with increased danger and slightly dangerous.

If the insulation of the non-current-carrying part of electrical installations is damaged, it becomes energized. The main technical measures to protect people from electric shock in this case are protective grounding, zeroing and protective shutdowns.

Enclosing protective equipment is designed for temporary or permanent fencing of live parts, to prevent erroneous operations, temporary grounding of disconnected live parts in order to eliminate the danger of injury.

Of great importance are the professional training of workers and engineering and technical workers, their clear knowledge of all organizational and technical measures to ensure safety when working with electrical equipment. Personnel who have not been instructed in safety precautions, in an alcoholic and narcotic state, children over 18 years old are not allowed to work.

Measures to ensure occupational safety can be presented in the form of a table.

Table 5.1.1

Activities for providing labor safety

Name of the technological operation


per person



mechanical injury


2 Hydrotransportation


mechanical injury


3 Inspection


Injuries in the form of cuts Overalls

Splitting up

mechanical and


bruises, cuts,

electrical injury





mechanical and


electrical injury







mechanical injury,




7 Ultrafiltration






mechanical injury,







Air humidity, temperature



5.2. Safety

Before starting, all stations, protective devices must function. The operating manual of the station must be kept permanently at the place of production. In addition to the operating instructions, it is necessary to prepare generally accepted and personal rules for the prevention of accidents and for the protection of the environment. Only trained and instructed personnel may work at the station. In no case do not make changes to the program on the electronic regulators. Only instructed personnel are allowed to carry out control actions.

All station malfunctions that indicate electrical or mechanical defects may only be repaired by an authorized technician. It is forbidden to carry out work on live parts. Electrical work may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.

5.3. Characteristics of special clothing

Personal protective equipment, which usually plays the role of an additional measure, is the main factor in the prevention of industrial injuries. It is necessary to ensure a comfortable work for employees. The composition of personal protective equipment includes: overalls, rubber boots and technical gloves, safety helmets, helmets, headphones, goggles, sheepskin coats, vests.

5. 4 . Measures for industrial sanitation and occupational health

The layout and arrangement of the territory of the enterprise provides for the removal of atmospheric precipitation from buildings to drains; domestic and fire water supply and sewerage. Signs of passages and passages, special inscriptions and signs of parking lots are installed on the territory. Normal sanitary and hygienic conditions (t o, humidity, pressure and air purity) are maintained in production facilities.

Production, storage, auxiliary, utility and household premises, landings, aisles and workplaces are kept clean, preventing clutter of workplaces and aisles with equipment, materials and spare parts.

The surface of floors, walls and ceilings is smooth, easy to clean and meets hygiene and performance requirements. To ensure safe working conditions, human performance, the air environment surrounding him at work must comply with established sanitary and hygienic standards.

The rationing is based on the conditions under which the human body maintains a normal thermal balance, that is, due to physiological processes, thermoregulation is carried out, ensuring the preservation of a constant body temperature through heat exchange with the external environment.

The required state of the air environment of industrial premises is ensured by a set of measures that can be divided into the following groups:

a) combating the release of harmful substances at the source of their occurrence;

b) mechanization and automation of production processes, their remote control;

c) organization of the technological process, ensuring a minimum release of hazards in the working area;

d) arrangement of ventilation and heating;

e) use of personal protective equipment.

5.5. environmental protection

The problem of the environment and the rational use of natural resources is one of the most urgent universal problems, since life on earth, the health and well-being of mankind depend on its solution.

A 50 m wide sanitary protection zone is provided around the enterprise. This zone is landscaped and landscaped. Green spaces enrich the air with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, noise, purify the air from dust and regulate the microclimate.

Pollution of atmospheric air and water bodies is within acceptable limits, since treatment facilities are provided for this purpose.

After washing the equipment and inventory, the water containing pollution is drained through the holes in the floor, which are connected to the sewerage system, the wastewater is treated at the treatment plant, and the resulting sludge is used for sale as fertilizer in agriculture. Purified water at the enterprise is reused, but only for domestic purposes.

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