Home Vegetables What is potassium sorbate and why is it harmful? Food preservative E202 Potassium sorbate - what is it

What is potassium sorbate and why is it harmful? Food preservative E202 Potassium sorbate - what is it

E202 (Potassium Sorbate) is a food additive that belongs to the class of preservatives. By chemical composition is the potassium salt of sorbic acid.

Sorbic acid was first obtained from rowan juice in 1859. In 1939, its antimicrobial effect was discovered. And already in the mid-50s it began industrial production sorbic acid and its use as a preservative.

Chemical formula of additive E202: C 6 H 7 KO 2. From a physical point of view, these are granules or powder white. Preservative E202 is the most soluble of the sorbates. Solubility of potassium sorbate at room temperature is 138 grams of substance in one liter of water. Additive E202 is a natural preservative. Most often, potassium sorbate is extracted from the seeds of certain plants. Preservative E202 can also be obtained synthetically.

Sorbic acid, and its salt potassium sorbate in particular, is on the list of the most popular preservatives due to its safety for the human body. The maximum permissible dose of the substance is 0.1-0.2% by weight of the finished product. The main use of potassium sorbate as an additive E202 is in the production of cheeses and sausages, due to its ability to stop growth molds. Preservative E202 can also be added to the dough during production. rye bread to prevent the formation of chalk mold on the product. Due to its neutral taste, potassium sorbate is used as a preservative in chocolate and confectionery products, as well as in the canning of vegetables and juices. In addition, food additive E202 can be used as a preservative in spicy and sour sauces oriental cuisine, as it is a fairly effective antimicrobial agent at high acidity levels. Potassium sorbate prevents the formation of yeasts and fungi in these products.

When potassium sorbate was approved as a food additive E202, numerous studies were carried out, showing that the additive can be considered harmless in doses not exceeding the maximum permissible norm. Only in particularly sensitive people can potassium sorbate irritate the skin and mucous membranes. The allergenicity of the substance is extremely low. The E202 additive has neither carcinogenic nor mutagenic effects on the body and is not a teratogen. The maximum permissible rate of preservative E202 in the finished product is established separately for each type of product and averages from 0.02 to 0.2%. The exact dosage for a specific type of product can be found in regulatory documents.

Most often, the food additive E202 can be found in the following types of products: margarines, mayonnaise, sausages, smoked meats, jams, juices, soft drinks, wines, sugar and flour confectionery products.

Additive E202 is included in the list of approved additives in many countries around the world, including Russia and Ukraine.

Year after year there has been an increase in consumer literacy. On the one hand, this cannot but rejoice: we no longer believe in beautiful packaging; after reading the ingredients of products, we try to choose those with less “E”.

The other side of the coin, unfortunately, is our nervousness, because almost all products contain, which means we eat poison. For some supplements this prejudice is indeed true, for others it is unfair.

Let's talk about the food additive E 202, since it is the one that appears most often on food packages.

Main name: potassium sorbate.

Alternative names:

  • Potassium Sorbate,
  • E 202,
  • E-202.

Type of substance

Food spoilage is caused by the activity of various microorganisms; to combat them, the food industry uses 99 preservatives, designated by the capital letter E followed by an index from 200 to 299.

The main purpose of the preservative E 202 is to prevent the emergence and development of mold and yeast fungi, certain enzymes and certain types of bacteria.



Packaging of food potassium sorbate is carried out in:

  • three-layer paper bags;
  • liner bags made of food-grade polyethylene film, the thickness of which cannot be less than 0.08 mm, placed in three-layer paper bags or grocery bags.

There is no standard packaging for the substance; the weight of the packaged potassium sorbate depends on the wishes and capabilities of the manufacturer. Storage E 202 is produced in indoor areas with air humidity not exceeding 80% and temperatures from 0 °C to 25 °C.


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Benefits and harms

The possible effects of potassium sorbate on the human body have been studied by various scientists in different countries. The mutagenic and carcinogenic factors of this substance and the effect on individual body systems were studied.

And this is the pleasant case when scientists unanimously agreed on the safety of E 202.

Most great harm, brought by a preservative - minor allergic reactions to the product.

The article describes the food additive (preservative) potassium sorbate (E202), its use, effect on the body, harm and benefit, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: potassium sorbate, potassium salt of sorbic acid, E202, E-202, E-202

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Potassium sorbate, E202 - what is it?

Sorbic acid, from which potassium sorbate is obtained, is found in small quantities in rowan berries

Potassium sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. It looks like White powder, which is highly soluble in water. Although sorbic acid occurs naturally in some berries, virtually all of it today is produced through chemical synthesis. The chemical formula of potassium sorbate is C 6 H 7 KO 2.

Potassium sorbate (E202) is industrially produced by reacting potassium hydroxide with sorbic acid. The acid itself, in turn, is obtained through the interaction of crotonaldehyde and ketene.

Potassium sorbate, E202 – effects on the body, harm or benefit?

The maximum permissible harmless daily consumption of the E202 additive with food is 25 mg per 1 kg of human body weight. For example, for a person weighing 70 kg, this amount will be 70x25 = 1750 mg of preservative.

Currently, potassium sorbate is one of the safest preservatives known to date. When used in foods in limited quantities for a short period of time, potassium sorbate is not believed to cause harm to the body.

Food additive E202, potassium sorbate – use in food products

Potassium sorbate exhibits its antibacterial activity against mold, yeast and aerophilic bacteria. Therefore, the food additive E202 is widely used as a food preservative. This food preservative works quite effectively when added to food products, wine, cosmetics and detergents.

Potassium sorbate is used to inhibit mold and yeast growth in a wide range of foods such as wine, cheese, dried meats, yogurt, mayonnaise, apple cider, soft drinks, fruit drinks and baked goods, etc. It may also be present in sweet syrups and milkshakes sold in fast foods, such as Mc Donalds, or in dried fruit. In addition, potassium sorbate (E202) is commonly found in herbal food additives in which it inhibits the growth of microbes and molds, and increases their shelf life.

This food preservative is also known as a “wine stabilizer.” It is added to fortified wines, sparkling wines and some ciders, but may be added to table wines that are prone to sediment formation.

In addition, potassium sorbate is used in many personal care products to prevent the development of microorganisms in them. Sometimes this preservative is used as a substitute for parabens.

Modern realities are such that people are increasingly thinking about their health. This is understandable, because from the state of health and appearance The quality of life of a particular person directly depends. Nutrition is one of the first places in a healthy lifestyle, so people are interested in how healthy or harmful foods are in their daily diet.

Can food containing food additives be safe? Moreover, some of the previously approved preservatives, stabilizers and dyes are prohibited in many countries. Let's try to deal with one of them.

E 202 - a harmless preservative?

Potassium sorbate or E 202 is a natural preservative approved for use in the food industry in Russia, the CIS countries and the European Union. This additive is widely used by manufacturers various types canned food, flour, sauces, cheeses and confectionery. Due to the fact that potassium sorbate is highly soluble in liquid, it is used in juices, soft and low-alcohol drinks, most often in wine. The presence of E 202 in the product prevents the formation of fungi.

Origin and properties

Initially, this component was obtained from rowan oil; today the potassium salt of sorbic acid can be synthesized in laboratories. Potassium sorbate is prepared by neutralizing potassium hydroxide with sorbic acid. The result of this chemical reaction is a white granular powder, odorless and tasteless. The question of the safety of using E 202 was first raised in the middle of the last century. Scientists have found that the toxic properties of this additive, even with long-term use, are very low. The danger exists only with a significant overdose, and death is possible if a person eats almost 0.5 kg of this supplement at one time. But table salt has the same toxic properties, the consumption of which is much higher in the world. E 202 is broken down in the body into safe components - water and carbon dioxide. One of the biggest opponents food additives M. Jacobsen, after a comprehensive study of this preservative, admitted that potassium sorbate is absolutely safe when the dosage is observed.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that E 202 does not pose any danger to a healthy person, there are studies showing that it can cause allergic reactions in some people. Potassium sorbate is harmful for people hypersensitive to this supplement. They may experience skin, eye and respiratory irritation.

Nevertheless, there are works that prove hepatotoxic and mutagenic effects on blood cells. Potassium sorbate, according to Turkish scientists, is toxic to human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and negatively affects the immune system. Since E 202 is often used in combination with ascorbic acid and iron salts to increase efficiency, there is a tendency to form mutogenic compounds in the DNA chain. But at the moment this opinion is unpopular in scientific circles, and potassium sorbate is approved for use in all countries of the world.

Potassium sorbate is a widely used preservative that has applications in both the food and cosmetics industries. It is also used in the manufacture of homemade cosmetics to preserve their properties and increase shelf life.

What is this substance, how is it used and does potassium sorbate have any health effects?

Sorbic acid, from which potassium sorbate is produced, was isolated from rowan juice in 1859. Potassium sorbate was obtained much later. In 1945 it was patented as an antifungal agent.

Until the mid-1950s, it was made from rowan juice. Currently, it is made from artificially synthesized sorbic acid through a neutralization reaction with potassium hydroxide.

Potassium sorbate is a potassium salt of sorbic acid, also called potassium sorbic acid, in foreign sources the name potassium sorbate is used. The substance has a special generally accepted code: E202. Potassium sorbic acid is available in the form of white powder or granules, odorless, with a weak bitter taste.

The potassium salt of sorbic acid is chemically stable at pH from 2 to 6.2. At values ​​outside these limits, sorbic acid may precipitate.

Potassium sorbate is more soluble in water than sorbic acid itself and its other derivatives, so it is added to preserve food with a high water content.

It is slightly soluble in alcohol and propylene glycol.

When this salt is dissolved in water, free sorbic acid is released, which is what has a preservative effect. Potassium sorbate extends the shelf life of food and slows down oxidation processes.

It does not kill microbes, but suppresses their growth, prevents the proliferation of mold, yeast, lactic acid, putrefactive aerobic bacteria. Therefore, it is added only to clean, sterilized products - it cannot neutralize microorganisms that have already entered the food.

Application of E202 in the food industry

E202 is approved for use in food products in most countries of the world, including Russia, CIS, USA, European Union countries. It is widely used due to its preservative properties and the lack of negative health effects of potassium sorbate. It has almost no taste and is odorless.

Potassium sorbic acid is used for the preservation of wet food due to its high solubility. For industrially prepared fermented products, the addition of potassium sorbate is mandatory.

It is also added to marinades containing vinegar and citric acid, especially for oriental dishes, because it retains its properties even in an acidic environment.

By inhibiting the growth of bacteria, potassium sorbic acid does not stop lactic acid fermentation, which makes it a good preservative for fermented dishes. Food packaging materials are treated with a solution of potassium sorbic acid to prevent the appearance of mold on them.

Potassium sorbate is also used in the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, cosmetology, in the production of animal feed and tobacco products. This additive is sold in specialized stores, for example, in soap-making stores and home-made cosmetics stores.

Comparison with other preservatives

E202 is a substance that is perfect for the role of a preservative, as it meets the basic requirements:

  1. Does not change the taste, smell and appearance of the product;
  2. Extends its shelf life, has antimicrobial properties;
  3. In recommended doses, potassium sorbate does not have any harmful effects on health.

A significant advantage of this preservative is that it is effective even in an acidic environment, while, unlike sodium benzoate, it does not form harmful compounds with ascorbic acid (sodium benzoate with ascorbic acid and its salts forms carcinogenic benzene).

Unlike sulfur dioxide, it does not need to be removed from finished products. Potassium sorbate is used not only separately, but also in combination with other preservatives, thanks to this it is possible to reduce the amount of the latter.


It is added to food products in an amount not exceeding 0.2% by weight, that is, no more than 2 g per kilogram of product.

The daily intake of this substance is no more than 25 mg per kilogram of human weight.

Many products have their own norm for using the E202 additive, not exceeding 200 g per 100 kg of finished product.

Also potassium sorbic acid is used to extend the shelf life of cosmetics. It is added to cosmetics in an amount of 0.15-0.3% by weight, sometimes in combination with other preservatives.

Potassium sorbate - health effects

In dosages not exceeding those indicated above, E202 is safe. It is its safety, in contrast to other preservatives such as sodium benzoate and sulfur dioxide, that allows this additive to be widely used in food production.

It has been proven that Potassium sorbate does not have carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic effects. It has been established that this substance is one of the safest preservatives and very rarely causes allergic reactions.

Possible harm and contraindications

Potassium sorbate may indeed have negative health effects, but it harmful properties appear only when it is consumed in excess, that is, in two cases:

  • when food production technology is violated and too much preservative is added;
  • when a person abuses products containing this preservative.

In case of overdose, E202 can cause allergic diseases, asthma, and hyperactivity. According to some reports, in case of overdose it neutralizes enzymes, that is, consuming large amounts of the E202 supplement can lead to digestive disorders.

It is important to know! Pure potassium sorbate has an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and nasopharynx.

In experiments on mice, no carcinogenic effect was found. It is possible that in large doses it has a genotoxic effect; at present, this data has not been confirmed.

According to statistics, potassium sorbate extremely rarely has a negative effect on health. Despite this, it is not recommended to consume products containing it during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Allergic and other undesirable reactions in humans when consumed in a dosage that does not exceed the safe one can only be associated with the individual characteristics of the body.

This substance can only pose a danger to life in very high dosages.- to be fatal, you need to eat about 500 g of this substance, that is, its toxicity does not exceed the toxicity of ordinary table salt.

Products containing E202

Sorbic acid, from which potassium sorbate was first produced, is found naturally in rowan juice and the seeds of some fruits.

Potassium sorbate is added to many food products for preservation and shelf life extension; in small doses it has no effect on health. It is found in the following products:

  • jam, preserves, marmalade
  • fruit and berry puree
  • candies, fillings for confectionery products, cream, praline
  • confectionery products made from yeast-free dough
  • fish and meat semi-finished products
  • dumplings, cutlets, minced meat
  • boiled and smoked sausages, sausages
  • dairy and dairy products eg yoghurts and yoghurt products, cheeses
  • wines and other alcoholic drinks
  • soft carbonated and non-carbonated drinks
  • chocolate
  • canned fruits and vegetables
  • ready-made salads
  • salted and fermented foods
  • dried fruits
  • margarine
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard

In Russia, according to standards, it is prohibited to add preservatives to milk, butter, flour, baby food, products labeled “natural” and “fresh”.

Potassium sorbate does not kill microbes, but prevents their reproduction; it affects mold and yeast fungi, and aerophilic bacteria. For example, it is used in the production of rye bread to prevent chalk mold from appearing on it. It is sprayed on sausages and fish to extend their shelf life.

Application in cosmetology

In addition to the food industry, this substance is used as a preservative in cosmetics, including homemade ones, due to the fact that potassium sorbate does not have a harmful effect on health in recommended doses.

This preservative is added to the following cosmetics:

  • cleansers,
  • hydrolates (fragrant waters), hydrolysates,
  • liquid soap, shampoos, shower gels,
  • conditioners and hair masks,
  • creams,
  • sugar scrubs,
  • tanning products, including self-tanners, sunscreens,
  • toothpastes, mouth rinses,
  • Handmade soap,
  • sanitary napkins.

Potassium sorbic acid not only preserves cosmetics. In doses not exceeding permissible limits, potassium sorbate even has a beneficial effect on health skin and has a moisturizing and skin softening effect.

In cosmetics, potassium sorbic acid is often combined with other preservatives, so their dosage can be reduced. By partially replacing more harmful preservatives such as sodium benzoate and parabens with potassium sorbate, the health effects are reduced.

Even the production of homemade natural cosmetics cannot be done without the use of preservatives, if the product is not used immediately, but is stored for more than 5 days. At home, it is impossible to achieve sterility during production; moreover, even a factory-made cream ceases to be sterile as soon as the jar is opened.

Microbes are brought in by fingers, spatulas, or simply come from the air. Without preservatives, pathogenic microorganisms will definitely appear in a cream or lotion, which can cause very unpleasant skin reactions or even skin diseases.

Due to the safety of potassium sorbic acid, it is successfully used for preparing cosmetics at home.

If the product must be stored for a longer time, then it makes sense to use more complex complex preservatives, such as phenonip, germal and other ready-made formulations.

When using this substance in the manufacture of home cosmetics, it is necessary to control the acidity, since at pH less than 2 sorbic acid may precipitate. At pH above 5.5, the preservative effect disappears. The acidity of cosmetics is usually adjusted by adding lactic acid.

At home, you can add potassium sorbate to tonics, creams, and homemade soaps. It is recommended to add it to ready-made products. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 40C, since at high temperatures potassium sorbate is destroyed.

Before addition, the sorbate is dissolved in cold or warm water and then added to the aqueous phase when preparing an emulsion (for example, cream, lotion).

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