Home Meat Recipe for preserving green peas. A classic recipe for canning green peas at home. With added citric acid

Recipe for preserving green peas. A classic recipe for canning green peas at home. With added citric acid

Making canned peas for the winter at home is not so difficult, and the taste of such a product definitely surpasses even the most expensive store-bought counterparts. The grains perfectly absorb all shades of marinades and are perfectly stored until the cold season in the cellar, basement or pantry. If there is no time to prepare homemade preservation, you can use the simplest recipe for harvesting and freeze fresh green peas in a regular freezer. In winter, such stocks will allow you to spoil your family and friends with fragrant vegetable soups, salads and other pleasant and favorite dishes.

How to preserve peas at home - a step by step recipe with photos and videos

A recipe with step-by-step photos and a description on the video tells in detail how to preserve green peas at home. There are no special difficulties in the cooking process, but in order for the seaming to be preserved until the winter cold and not lose its pleasant taste, it will definitely have to be sterilized. After such processing, the jars will become suitable for long-term storage and in the cold season will decorate both the daily diet and the festive menu.

Essential Ingredients for Canning Green Peas at Home

  • pea pods - 1.5 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • citric acid - 6 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to preserve green peas for the winter

How to make canned green peas with spices - recipes at home

In order for green peas preserved for the winter at home to have a more pronounced taste and rich aroma, it must be cooked with spices. Vinegar marinade, boiled with black pepper and clove buds, will enrich the product with bright shades and give the grains a piquant spiciness.

Essential Ingredients for Preserving Spicy Green Peas at Home

  • peas in pods - 2 kg
  • allspice - 6 pcs
  • cloves - 6 buds
  • water - 1.5 l
  • sugar - 50 g
  • salt - 50 g
  • vinegar - 50 ml
  • citric acid - 1 tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook green peas with spices at home

  1. Peel the peas from the pods and soak for 3-4 hours in cool water. Then drain in a colander and dry.
  2. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, dissolve citric acid in it and blanch the pea grains for 2 minutes. After that, immediately pack in sterilized dry jars.
  3. For the marinade, bring one and a half liters of water to a boil, add sugar, salt, peppercorns, clove buds and boil for 20 minutes.
  4. At the end, pour in the vinegar and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Pour jars of peas with boiling marinade, sterilize for the required amount of time (depending on the volume of the container), tightly close with metal lids, turn upside down, wrap in a terry towel and leave until completely cooled. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Green peas at home - a recipe with a photo in tomato juice

The original recipe with a photo suggests preserving green peas at home not in vinegar or salt filling, but in natural tomato juice. The grains soaked in a thick tomato liquid turn out to be especially juicy and acquire a very unusual taste and aroma. It is best to use fresh homemade juice, after flavoring it with salt, sugar and spices. But if this is not possible and only a store-bought product is at hand, the amount of seasonings must be adjusted based on its saturation and salinity level.

Necessary ingredients for homemade peas made for the winter with tomato juice

  • peas - 2.5 kg
  • fresh pressed tomato juice - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs

Step-by-step instructions for cooking peas in tomato juice at home

  1. Remove the peas from the pods, carefully sort, wash in running water and put on a clean linen napkin to dry well.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add a little salt, put pea seeds in it and boil over moderate heat for 3 to 4 minutes. After that, immediately dip into ice water, dry slightly and package in clean, sterilized jars.
  3. Tomato juice squeezed from fresh ripe tomatoes, bring to a boil over medium heat, add sugar, salt, ground pepper and cook for 15 minutes. At the end, add laurel, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove the leaves, and pour the juice up to the neck of the jar with peas.
  4. Cover with lids, sterilize for one hour, quickly roll up, turn over, cover with a thick cloth and leave in this form for a couple of days. When the preservation has cooled, take it to the pantry for winter storage.

How to close pickled peas for the winter at home

Pickled peas, cooked for the winter at home, have a very delicate taste and a delicate, delicate aroma. A light piquancy to the workpiece is given by table vinegar, which is part of the dish. It quickly soaks juicy, young peas and saturates them with additional bright shades.

The necessary ingredients for harvesting pickled green peas for the winter at home

  • green peas in pods - 1.5 kg
  • coarse salt - 15 g
  • sugar - 15 g
  • table vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • water - 1 l

Step-by-step instructions on how to close pickled peas for the winter at home

  1. Remove pea seeds from the pods and leave only fully ripened fruits of a uniform color without a hint of spoilage. Rinse thoroughly in cool water and drain on a towel to dry.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. When the liquid begins to boil actively, reduce the heating level and pour in the peas. Boil for a quarter of an hour, without stirring and avoiding a strong boil. Only with this option, the grains will retain their shape and will not boil into porridge.
  3. Discard boiled peas in a colander and quickly place in very cold water. If you skip this step, starch will be released from the grains during sterilization and long-term storage and the marinade in the jar will become cloudy.
  4. For the marinade, boil a liter of water, add salt and sugar, boil until they are completely dissolved, at the end pour in the vinegar and cook for another 3 minutes.
  5. Chilled peas are packaged in dry, sterilized jars, pour boiling marinade, sterilized for at least 40 minutes, hermetically rolled up and cooled upside down, be sure to wrap it in a thick blanket. For storage, hide in a pantry or any other not hot, darkened place.

We roll pickled peas at home without sterilization

Pickled peas can be prepared for the winter even without sterilization. So that the product does not swell, but waits for the cold season safe and sound, you must first boil the pea grains in water and only after this procedure pour the marinade and roll up. The role of a natural preservative in this recipe is table vinegar, but it is added to each jar just before the tight twist under the lid, and not during the processing of the legumes.

Necessary ingredients for seaming for the winter without sterilizing pickled green peas

  • peas - 1.5 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to roll pickled peas for winter without sterilizing

  1. Peel the peas, sort them out, rinse very well in several waters and dry them on a kitchen towel.
  2. Then put the dry grains in a saucepan and pour water so that it completely covers the layer of peas. Put the container on the stove, bring to a boil over moderate heat, then reduce the heating level to the minimum and simmer for 40-50 minutes so that the water evaporates almost completely. Make sure that the mass does not burn, but interfere only as a last resort and very carefully, trying not to damage the fruit.
  3. Pack hot peas with a slotted spoon in sterilized jars.
  4. In parallel, prepare the filling. To do this, dissolve sugar and salt in a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes and pour into jars of peas in boiling form. From above, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to each, tighten with metal lids, turn over, cover with a blanket or blanket and leave to cool. Until winter, keep in a cellar or cold pantry.

How to quickly and easily freeze peas for the winter - a step-by-step recipe with a photo

If you don’t want to mess around with preservation for a long time, prepare marinades and sterilize jars for a long time, you can simply freeze green peas in the required amount, and in winter just take them out of the refrigerator, defrost and use at your own discretion. How to do this quickly, describes in detail a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Necessary ingredients for freezing green peas for winter

  • green peas - 1 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • citric acid - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to freeze fresh green peas for winter at home

  1. Remove the peas from the pods, sort out, removing the spoiled fruits, wash well in running water and put in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Boil water in an enameled pan, add salt, citric acid into it and boil until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Blanch the peas in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately cool them in ice water.
  4. Place the grains in a kitchen sieve and allow the liquid to drain. Then pour it on a cloth so that the remaining moisture is quickly absorbed into it.
  5. Put completely dry berries on a flat plate in one layer, wrap tightly with cling film on top and place in the freezer on a completely flat surface. When the grains are frozen, you can stack the plates on top of each other or pour portions of peas into plastic bags and put them in the freezer in whichever way is most convenient.

It's great if you can enjoy the taste of homemade canned green peas in winter. In stores, this product can be found in huge quantities: in different packages, different varieties and firms, but the one that you cook yourself is much superior in taste and useful qualities to the purchased one. Canned green peas at home will certainly not stagnate on the shelves for a long time.

Canned green peas for the winter can be used for vegetable, meat salad, soup, borscht and many other dishes. It is suitable as a side dish, and the kids just adore it.

How to preserve green peas will tell in detail our recipe with a photo. Cooking it will not make it difficult for anyone, you don’t need to have special knowledge here, but some tips should be taken into account. They will help you avoid cloudiness of the marinade and spoilage of the product.

Taste Info Vegetables and herbs

Ingredients for a half liter jar:

  • Peeled green peas - 300 g;
  • Water -1/2 l;
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a little more than half a tablespoon.

How to cook and how to preserve green peas for the winter at home

Sort out the peas. Remove old yellowed peas and discard. For conservation, you need to take only young and green (popularly it is also called milk). The pod in which the peas are located should have a bright green color, and the peas should taste sweet and tender. If you want to get a successful harvest, then it is better to use legumes immediately. They plucked it - and immediately rolled up the banks.

Let's get to work. Rinse the peas well, then immerse them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. You need to take enough water to cover the peas by about two centimeters.

Now we send the pan to the fire. Peas are cooked over medium heat until they change color (become dark green). This process after boiling water will take about 10 minutes.

Then the water is drained, and the peas are laid out in a prepared sterilized jar up to the shoulders. One centimeter should remain from the edge of the jar.

Now we take out the jar, roll up the lid and turn it over.

When the workpiece has completely cooled, it can be removed in a cool, dark place.

Green peas with citric acid

Sugar varieties of green peas are good to cook with citric acid. Peas will taste like store bought.

For harvesting, we need 650 g of peeled peas. Put it in a colander and wash under cold running water. And then, without removing it from the dishes, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes (lower the colander with peas in boiling water). Hot peas are carefully transferred to sterile 0.5-liter jars and covered with lids (but do not roll up).

Now we prepare the marinade: in 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar and 3 g of citric acid. We put on fire and let it boil.

With boiling marinade, carefully (so as not to crack the glass), pour jars with peas and put them in a prepared pan for sterilization (water temperature +70 C).

We sterilize for 3 hours, and then roll up and wrap well. We send for storage in a cool place in a day. These pickled peas are very tasty and have no acidic taste.

teaser network

Green peas with any acid

But this recipe is good for two reasons: you can use any acid in it: apple cider vinegar, table vinegar or citric acid, and it is designed for as many peas as you have. But its minus is that it will take a long time and troublesome to mess with it.

We take peas (as many as we have), clean them and wash them. Then we put it in a saucepan and fill it with marinade, so that there is 3–4 cm of water on top. We prepare the marinade as follows: for each liter of water we put 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar. Now boil the contents of the pan over medium heat for 30 minutes.

Then we strain the liquid into a clean bowl, and let the peas drain well and arrange them in sterile jars (leave a little space on top).

We pass the filtered liquid through 2-3 layers of gauze and put on fire, let it boil and add acid. The calculation is for 1 liter of liquid: table vinegar (9%) or apple - 1 tbsp. l. citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon. After adding the acid, immediately remove and pour into jars of peas. We put them in a pan for sterilization.

We sterilize for about 40 minutes (after boiling water in a saucepan), then roll up and wrap. In a day we send it to storage.

  • To make the marinade light, all crushed and bursting peas during processing must be removed.
  • For sterilization, do not forget to put a wooden circle or grate on the bottom of the pan (you can even use a rag in several layers), then there will be no sharp temperature drop and the glass will not crack.
  • Don't forget that jars should not be filled with peas completely. There should always be 2-3 cm of marinade on top.
  • Peas can be considered good if after 4 days the marinade is transparent, and the peas are light and have not changed color.
  • It is better to store canned peas at home in a dark and cool (not higher than +16 C) cellar or pantry.
  • An uncorked jar is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day.

Peas are fairly common plants that began to be eaten many years ago.

The canned product appeared a little later, but its popularity has not changed at all from this processing method. Next, let's talk about the properties of canned green peas.

Useful properties and harm of canned green peas

Modern methods of processing and conservation make it possible to preserve all the useful properties of peas that they possessed fresh.

That is why canned peas contain a sufficient amount of vitamins A, B, C, as well as trace elements - magnesium, calcium, potassium. In addition, after conservation, a large amount of natural sugar, starch and dietary fiber is retained in it.

When using it, one should not forget only that excessive consumption can lead to heaviness in the stomach, so you should not overeat it.

Brain varieties of peas are used for canning, since they are the largest and most delicious. But canned green peas can not only be purchased at the store, but also cooked at home. Consider the most popular recipes for cooking green peas.

Canned peas at home

The usual canned recipe

We will need:

  • Peas, washed and freed from the husk;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • 1 st. spoon of 9% vinegar.

All ingredients are indicated based on the preparation of a half-liter can of canned food, so the amount of peas will be such that the can is full.

Before cooking, the peas need to be sorted out and cleaned.

Then put all the peas in a saucepan, salt and pour water to the brim.

Cook on low gas until the peas are soft.

As soon as the peas are ready, they can be placed in a sterilized jar, putting a spoonful of vinegar there.

Roll up the jar and leave for storage.

Green peas, canned at home, ready!

Recipe for winter "Malachite beads"

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 4 gr. citric acid;
  • 90 gr. salt;
  • 75 gr. Sahara;
  • Peas.

Before use, peas must be processed and washed in a running stream of water. Pour one liter of water into a container, add one teaspoon of sugar and salt there and boil. Drop the peas into boiling water and cook for about 20-25 minutes until they become soft.

At this time, you need to prepare a brine - add one tablespoon of sugar and salt to half a liter of water and boil. Put boiled peas in prepared jars, pour over with brine, add citric acid there and roll up.

Spicy green peas

This recipe uses an ingredient such as bay leaf, so the taste is special, and dishes with such peas are more aromatic.

You will need:

  • 400 gr of peas;
  • 1 teaspoon 9% vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 150 grams of water;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Dip the prepared and peeled peas into a sterilized jar, put salt, vinegar and bay leaf there. After that, put the jars with the mixture to be sterilized for 25 minutes, then pour boiling water and roll up. Canned peas at home are ready!

How to preserve without adding vinegar

For the marinade you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

Add sugar and salt to 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and lower the main ingredient there, cook over high heat for about 3 minutes. Then put the peas in sterilized jars, leaving about 2 cm to the edge.

Jars with the mixture must be sterilized for half an hour, then wait for them to cool and put them in the refrigerator under nylon lids.

The next day, the jars should be taken out, placed in a warm liquid, and after boiling, sterilized in boiling water for 20 minutes. After that, the jars can be rolled up and the canned green peas can be stored for the winter.

Cooking without the use of sterilization methods

Filling Ingredients:

  • Liter of water;
  • 3 art. spoons of salt;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

As always, the first step is to peel and rinse the peas. Then pour the liquid into the pan, bring to a boil, pouring a mixture of salt and sugar into it. Dip the peas into the resulting marinade, while they must be completely submerged under water.

You need to cook the dish for 20-25 minutes. 3 minutes before readiness, add citric acid to the mixture. Then, using a slotted spoon, get the composition and put it in jars, pour the remaining marinade on top and tighten the lids.

It is better to store such canned food with green peas without sterilization in a cold place.

Pickled canned product


  • Polka dots;
  • Salt at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water;
  • Sugar at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water;
  • 1 liter of boiled water;
  • Green hot pepper at the rate of 1-2 things per jar.

First of all, it is worth freeing the peas from the pods and thoroughly wash them in running water. After that, we lower the peas into a saucepan and fill it completely with water. Boil over low heat for half an hour, adding sugar and salt there.

At this time, cut the washed pepper into slices. We put pepper in washed and sterilized jars, put peas on top. We cover the jars with lids, and filter the liquid through cheesecloth and boil again. Only after that we fill the peas in jars with the marinade.

After that, in a large container, we sterilize the jars over moderate heat for about 40 minutes, after which we take out the jars and immediately twist them. At night, ready-made canned food should be left to cool at room temperature, and then the jars should be stored in a dark place - a cellar or basement.

If this is not available, then the jars are simply removed into the closet or under the table, but it should be borne in mind that direct light should not fall on the jars. Now you know how to preserve peas at home so that they are pickled.

Firstly, before cooking, take enough time to prepare the peas - wash them, peel them, wash the peas again and put them in a colander.

Secondly, to avoid cloudiness of the brine in the jars, carefully sterilize the jars and lids. Thirdly, use all the ingredients exactly in the amount in which they are indicated in the recipe. Usually the calculation is for the preparation of a 0.5 liter can of finished canned food.

We hope that these simple rules will help you prepare delicious canned peas for the winter that will delight you and your loved ones all winter. After all, even New Year's Olivier, cooked with canned green peas of our own production, looks much more appetizing!

The article is about the benefits of green peas and how to preserve them for the winter.

“Pods hang, hooks at the ends. In the middle side by side are juicy nucleoli. In this children's riddle, we are talking about green peas, the pods of a leguminous plant, the useful and culinary properties of which are underestimated by many. Meanwhile, it can be called a food product that must be present in the diet of every person in fresh or canned form.

The benefits of fresh and canned green peas

The plant family Legumes is diverse and numerous. One of its representatives, the taste and useful qualities of which mankind appreciated thousands of years ago, is common pea (green). This annual climbing herbaceous plant is native to India, but today it is grown everywhere.

IMPORTANT: Before the advent of potatoes, it was green peas that were the main food product in Russia. They called him "king"

Peas are an unpretentious plant, it grows in almost all gardens and summer cottages. The villagers regale on them fresh and raw, only plucked from the garden. In season they cook pea soups and salads, stew stews, and bake pies.

The townspeople are a little less fortunate - if they do not have time to stock up on fresh peas from the market, they have to be satisfied with what is sold rolled up in cans. Is it as good as fresh? After all, it is known that during conservation, some of the substances in the product decompose. It is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Fresh green peas are high in vegetable protein and other nutrients.

First, you need to go through the composition of the fresh product:

  1. There is quite a lot of protein (vegetable) in the product, from 5% to 7%. It is quickly and completely littered by the body and spent on the construction of its new structural units. If a person for some reason does not eat meat, he needs to make sure that he has peas on his table at least a couple of times a week
  2. Fat in peas is a small amount, up to 1%
  3. Carbohydrates represented by sugars (glucose, maltose, sucrose) and starch, the product contains 10-14%. They are also well absorbed by the body and processed into the energy it needs for life.
  4. Dietary fiber in the product up to 5%
  5. The product is distinguished by a high percentage of amino acids (arginine, lysine, glycine, valine, others) and organic acids (omega 3 and omega 6, palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic and linolenic acids (
  6. Green peas are 70-75% water
  7. Micronutrients in peas are vitamins (A and beta-carotene, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, K, PP), micro and macro elements (iron, calcium, potassium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, others, 26 total)

IMPORTANT: For weight watchers, green peas will not hurt: 100 g contain only 73 kcal

Canning green peas is a way to preserve the product for consumption out of season. Harvesting is possible in domestic and industrial conditions. Unfortunately, some of the benefits of peas are lost during the preservation process.

During heat treatment, under the influence of acid and salt, part of the protein breaks down, some vitamins are destroyed, and the amino acids in the product become almost half as much. However, in winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, canned peas are still able to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body.

The use of green peas fresh or in canned food has a positive effect on important human organ systems:

  1. Vegetable protein is essential for the body to build new cells.
  2. The B vitamins and pyridoxine contained in peas have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human brain and nervous system.
  3. The product has anticonvulsant properties
  4. Antioxidants in peas prevent radio nucleotides from entering the body, which turns the product into an anti-cancer agent
  5. Water in peas and a small percentage of dietary fiber make it possible to use it as a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative.
  6. Peas cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves the tone of blood vessels, and stabilizes the work of the heart.
  7. The use of peas stimulates regenerative processes throughout the body, it has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.
  8. In folk medicine and cosmetology, peas in the form of puree, tinctures from its tops are used externally for skin care, treatment of skin allergies, dermatitis, skin peeling, and the fastest healing of wounds.

Harm of fresh and canned green peas

Fresh green peas, if grown in an ecologically clean place, have not deteriorated and are used in moderation, do not harm the body. If you eat too much of it, you may:

  • stomach upset
  • bloating
  • flatulence

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat fresh peas, because there are a lot of useful things in it. But you need to start trying it gradually, observing the reaction of your own gastrointestinal tract and the reaction of the child. The mother of a baby who has colic should temporarily stop eating peas. You also need to look so that the product does not give an allergic reaction: although its probability is minimal, it exists

As for canned peas, everything is ambiguous here.

  1. It is not the product itself that can harm the human body, but errors and violations of technology during its preparation and storage.
  2. Homemade peas in jars are of great confidence, they contain nothing but the product itself, salt, sugar and water (sometimes vinegar). Industrially manufactured jars often contain preservatives
  3. Canned food is often made not from fresh, but from dry peas. Dairy processing reduces its nutritional value. To insure yourself, when choosing canned food, you should pay attention to the date of their manufacture. It should be "pea season" - from May to July

Canned green peas calories

Depending on the harvesting method and the manufacturer's brand, the calorie content of canned green peas ranges from 50 to 70 kcal per 100 g.

VIDEO: Canned peas benefits and harms

Canned Peas Recipes

There are many ways to prepare peas for the winter by preserving at home:

  • use only sugar and salt
  • use citric acid
  • use vinegar (pickle)

IMPORTANT: It seems that it takes a very long time to peel peas? There is an easy and fast way! You need to pour the pods into a pot of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The pods will open, the peas are easy to separate from them. It will be enough to catch and discard the peel, and throw the peas into a colander

RECIPE: canned green peas sweet

Needed (for 1 jar of 0.5 l): peeled green peas - 300 g, water - 1 l, salt - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

  • water is poured into an enamel pan
  • pour peas into the water, add sugar and salt
  • bring water to a boil, cook peas for 15-20 minutes
  • at this time, jars and lids are sterilized
  • throw boiled peas into a colander
  • the broth is filtered twice through cheesecloth
  • peas are laid out in prepared jars, poured with broth
  • put the jars to be sterilized for 20-30 minutes
  • after they are rolled up with sterile lids
  • jars of canned peas are cooled upside down on the lid

IMPORTANT: The jars are sterilized like this: they are placed in a saucepan filled with water so that it covers the jars by three quarters. A diaper should be laid at the bottom of the pan. Banks should be covered with lids, but not rolled up. Bring water to a boil and keep jars of peas in it for the right amount of time

RECIPE: Canned Peas with Citric Acid

In this case, citric acid acts as a preservative, so peas prepared in this way do not need to be sterilized.
Needed (for 1 jar of 0.5 l): peeled green peas - 300 g, water - 1 l, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

  • marinade is prepared from water, salt and sugar and boiled
  • washed green peas are poured into the boiling marinade
  • boil peas for a quarter of an hour, five minutes before turning off, add citric acid to the marinade
  • after that, the peas are transferred to sterile jars so that they are not completely filled, 2 cm short of the top
  • jars are rolled up with sterile lids, cooled and placed in the refrigerator, where the workpiece should be stored


Canning peas for the winter: a recipe with vinegar

Vinegar makes green peas savory, so they are well suited for salads and snacks.
RECIPE: Pickled green peas with vinegar

You need: peeled peas - 300 g, water - 1 l, sugar and salt - 1 tbsp each. spoon, vinegar 9% - 0.3 cups.

  • boil peas in boiling water for 5 minutes
  • marinade is boiled separately - water with salt, sugar and vinegar
  • peas are laid out in sterile jars and marinade is poured
  • cover the jars with sterile lids and sterilize for half an hour
  • roll up the cans
  • cool jars upside down, under a towel

VIDEO: Canned green peas. Preparations for the winter

Canned peas are rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. The product protects against heart attacks, removes the effects of stress, prevents insomnia and kidney disease. In addition, there are only 53 kcal in 100 g of legumes. Pickled peas can be consumed by people trying to lose weight. It is added to vegetable salads to make them more satisfying. But only home preservation brings benefits to the body, because there are a lot of harmful ingredients in the store.

Pickled only green peas. There is too much starch in the old one, due to which the brine becomes cloudy, sediment appears at the bottom of the jar, and the taste quality of the workpiece worsens. Pods plucked from the bush are stored no longer than a day. And the product, peeled from the outer shell, loses its useful properties after 5-6 hours.

When to harvest peas for conservation? 8 days after the start of flowering. The young legume has a delicate structure and a rich green hue. If you are a little late, the workpiece will become more rigid.

The main problem encountered in the preservation of non-acidic vegetables is botulism bacteria. Microorganisms survive when boiled, because they are not afraid of high temperatures. Basically the same as brine. Only acids can destroy a dangerous infection, so they must be used to preserve peas. Suitable lemon and vinegar.

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the cans and the roof. Containers are not only washed with soda, but also dipped in boiling water. Then disinfected by steam or in the oven. Peas are washed several times under running water, and then boiled. Hands are washed with laundry soap before rolling.

Bean blanks, peeled from pods, are sorted out. Rotten and damaged products, as well as specimens with worms, are thrown away. They can create an ideal breeding ground for botulism and can also cause swollen lids.

Option for salads

The vinegar marinade will retain the characteristic aroma and rich color of green peas. Such preservation looks good in salads. The composition of the solution for conservation includes:

  • peeled bean product - 1.5 kg;
  • coarse-grained table salt - 1 tsp;
  • table vinegar - 55-60 ml;
  • sugar - 15 g.

The marinade will need 1.2-1.3 liters of water. Approximately the same amount of liquid base will be needed to boil the peas themselves. Place 2 pots on the stove. When the water begins to boil, the bean grains are poured into the first container. In the second, a mixture of salt and sugar is added.

Peas and marinade are regularly stirred with plastic spoons or slotted spoons. The blanks should boil for 15-20 minutes. Then the pan with bean grains is removed. The product is thrown into a colander and dipped in ice water. If you skip this step, the workpiece will release starch. The substance settles at the bottom of the jars.

While the peas are soaking in the cold liquid, vinegar is poured into the second pan. The marinade is left on the stove, but the fire is reduced to a minimum.

Blanched peas are slightly dried, and then divided into portions and put into jars. Green grains are mixed with hot brine and covered with iron lids to prevent the vinegar from evaporating. The next step is sterilization.

You can use the water in which the peas were boiled, or prepare a solution of sugar and salt. Cover the bottom of the pan with a napkin so that the glass does not burst during heating. The blanks are placed in warm brine. Banks should be completely immersed in the liquid, only the neck and lid remain at the top. Sterilization lasts from 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the container. Banks with a volume of 0.5 liters are enough for half an hour.

Spicy Recipe

People who do not add canned peas to salads, but use them as a side dish for cereals or meat, will like a spicy marinade with cloves and black pepper. Legumes acquire a spicy taste and rich aroma of spices.

For 2 kg of green product you will need:

  • water - 1.5–1.6 l;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • carnation - 6 stars;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • allspice - 7 peas;
  • fine-grained salt - 50 g;
  • table vinegar - 60 ml.

Peas, peeled from the outer shell, are soaked for 4 hours in cool water so that damaged grains and worms float to the surface. The workpiece is thrown back into a colander and waited until it dries a little. At this time, prepare the marinade and the basis for cooking the bean product.

Green peas are simmered for 2 minutes in water with citric acid. The liquid brought to a boil is filled with a food additive. And then the bean billet is poured into the container. The blanched ingredient is removed with a slotted spoon and the solution is allowed to drain, and then the ingredient is placed in sterilized jars.

Processed peas are poured with clove marinade. In addition to spices, a mixture of sugar, black pepper and salt is also added to boiling water. The components are simmered for 15 to 20 minutes over moderate heat. Pour half a glass of vinegar and remove after 3 minutes. The spicy brine is immediately poured into jars until it has cooled.

The bean product is sterilized before closure. In a large saucepan filled with saline. You can add some sugar to the brine. Spices are taken in equal proportions. Ready peas are corked with metal lids. But the workpiece is not taken to the basement immediately, but after 2-3 days. On the first day, the jars are wrapped in a blanket or blanket so that they cool down gradually.

Pea stew is prepared in the same way. Only instead of brine use natural tomato juice. The drink is boiled, seasoned with black pepper, sugar and salt. For a rich smell, bay leaves are added, but it should not get into the jars. A bean product mixed with a tomato cocktail is sterilized and corked.

No additional processing

This option is suitable for people who do not want to spend several hours on the preservation of legumes. But the method has a significant disadvantage. If the workpiece is not cooked, the likelihood that botulism bacteria will settle in the marinade increases. To prevent this from happening, vinegar is added not to water, but directly to the jars themselves with ready-made peas. The product will have a sour taste, so this preparation is advised to be added only to salads.

The marinade contains:

  • salt - 15 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Additionally, 20-25 ml of vinegar is taken for each half-liter jar.

Young and juicy peas are washed and poured with cold water. After boiling, simmer on the stove for 25-35 minutes, reducing the power to a minimum. Cook in an enamel saucepan, stirring occasionally. But be careful not to crush the grains. Remove when the liquid has evaporated.

While the peas are cooking, prepare the brine. Pour sugar and salt into boiling water. You can put a few peas of allspice for the smell. Simmer the marinade for 10 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula to dissolve the dry ingredients.

Boiled peas are poured into jars with a slotted spoon or a plastic spoon. Pour boiling brine and pour 1 tbsp into each container. l. vinegar. They clog and after cooling they hide in the basement.

Important: If sediment appears at the bottom of the jars or the marinade becomes cloudy, it means that botulism bacteria have got into the peas. Such preservation, as well as specimens with swollen lids, should not be eaten. Better to throw it away and not risk your health.

Young legumes are preserved in several ways. With bay leaf and tomato juice. With cloves and allspice. With vinegar and sugar. The main thing is to add acids to each marinade that neutralize the botulism bacteria. And carefully sterilize the jars, because dirty dishes are a source of germs and the cause of swollen lids.

Video: canned green peas for the winter

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