Home Dessert Rum baba is a simple recipe at home. Baba. Syrup for impregnation of rum babs

Rum baba is a simple recipe at home. Baba. Syrup for impregnation of rum babs

Perhaps the most delicious and most desired bun of my Soviet childhood - very rich, very sweet, with the same snow-white sugar cap, soaked in syrup to such an extent that when it was sold, it was certainly wrapped in some kind of piece of paper, or even just a check ... Today , unfortunately, they are practically not baked (((But fortunately, there are GOSTs, norms and you can try and cook rum women at home! And believe me, this is not so scary and not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance, but the women will turn out even tastier than in childhood!))) Try it!

For the recipe you will need:

(for 16 rum women weighing just over 50 g (before impregnation))

For steam:

212 g wheat flour a/c (cooked with Sokolnicheskaya)

5 g dry instant yeast (cooked with SAF instant in a golden pack, designed specifically for rich pastries)

For test:

All dough

200 g of premium wheat flour (cooked with Sokolnicheskaya)

103 g butter or margarine 82% fat

105 g sugar

82 g chicken egg(2 extra small or 1 extra large)

¼ teaspoon salt

A few drops of vanilla essence or a packet of vanilla sugar to flavor the dough

52 g raisins (if the raisins are dry, they must first be steamed until soft)

For impregnation:

240 g sugar

Fragrance of your choice - dessert wine, rum essence, cognac ... you can do without fragrance at all

For sugar fondant:

500 g sugar

160 - 170 g water

About 1 teaspoon lemon juice


For dough, mix flour with yeast. Gradually adding warm water, knead a soft dough.

Round the dough, cover and leave warm for 3-4 hours for fermentation. You can ferment the dough based on time, or you can before the start of settling: in the process of fermentation, the dough will first increase in volume, grow, and then its surface will be covered with bursting bubbles and it will begin to reverse movement, and the middle will sink first of all, which will be a sign of its readiness or, as they say, its ripeness.

Add salt, sugar, flour, vanilla sugar or essence shaken with egg to the fermented dough and knead a soft dough.

Knead the kneaded dough for 2 - 3 minutes, and then knead the softened dough in small portions. butter.

As a result, you should get a very soft moving dough.

Put the dough on a dry (without flour) table and knead well until smooth and homogeneous. Since the dough has a soft consistency, it is convenient to knead it according to French technology: pick up the dough - stretch it as much as possible - fold it - turn it over, pick it up again - pull it out - fold it - turn it over and knead in the same order for 5 - 7 minutes. IN ready dough stir in the raisins.

Grease the bowl lightly vegetable oil, lay out the dough, round and refrigerate for 1 hour. After an hour, remove the dough, put it on the desktop and knead for another 1 - 2 minutes, round it, cover and put it in the refrigerator again for another 1 - 1.5 hours.

Put the finished dough on a table dusted with flour (do not take a lot of flour, only the minimum necessary to work with the dough) and divide depending on the volume of the molds. I divided into 16 equal parts weighing about 55 g.

Round the pieces of dough.

Lubricate the forms with either vegetable or butter. If you're using butter, dust the top with more flour as butter contains a lot of liquid.

Lay out the dough (knot down). Flatten, compact. The dough should take up about 1/3 of the entire volume of the form.

Cover the molds with the dough and leave warm until doubled in volume (about 1.5 hours).

Before baking, very carefully so as not to upset the dough, brush the top with a beaten egg.

Bake in an oven preheated to 210 C until golden brown (usually about 45 minutes, but mine was baked much earlier, so do not rely entirely on time - watch for golden brown and bake until a dry stick).

After baking, let cool slightly in the molds, and then remove, put the narrow side down and leave for 2 to 4 hours to cool completely.

Turn the narrow side up and leave to dry for 4 to 8 hours.

For syrup, pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, when heated, achieve complete dissolution of sugar, then bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes (up to 103 C), remove from heat and let cool completely. Add the flavoring of your choice to the cooled syrup. Before soaking, you can warm the syrup a little (to pleasantly warm).

For lipstick, pour sugar into a separate saucepan, add the required amount of water and, with gentle heating and vigorous stirring, achieve complete !!! (until a single crystal) dissolving sugar. If suddenly the sugar does not dissolve in any way, you can add a little more water, since the amount of water is not decisive here, you can do more than that indicated in the recipe, you just have to boil it longer. It is very important that by the beginning of the boil all the sugar is completely dissolved. after the start of boiling, it is no longer possible to interfere with the sugar solution. Before boiling, with a brush dipped in water, wash off the splashes of sugar syrup from the inner walls of the pan, cover the pan with a lid and cook the syrup over high heat under the lid for the first 2-3 minutes. Next, remove the lid and cook at a vigorous boil until about 108 C, add lemon juice and cook further to 115 - 117 C or until a test for a soft ball. Remove the pan from the heat and cool quickly to about 60 C. Beat the chilled syrup with a mixer or spatula until a white sugar fondant forms. Don't overbeat! Cover the lipstick so that it does not dry out, and leave it to stand until morning.

Prick the dried dough blanks for rum women on the thin side with a toothpick or other stick.

Dip for +- 10 seconds in warm syrup (narrow side down).

Put the soaked baba with the narrow part up and let stand for 5-7 minutes so that the syrup is evenly distributed.

Gently heat the lipstick to a liquid state (up to about 50 C). Heat it up either in a water bath or in the microwave with pulses - turn it on for a couple of seconds - take it out, stir it - again for a couple of seconds - stir it again, etc. in the same order until the lipstick becomes liquid. If necessary, lipstick can be diluted with a small amount of warm water (if it is thick), you can dye it with dyes ...

Glaze the soaked baba with sugar fondant.

Happy tea drinking!

I will be very a good man I will start paying off debts.
Moreover, not to give her (a woman) would be a crime. Remember the rum baba from childhood with such a white, crispy, slightly plasticine glaze that cruelly stuck to the teeth? I remember very well. How many pennies did they cost? And they wrapped them, at least in our "buloche" one, in a tape from a cash register due to excess moisture. For some reason, they seemed like a very adult dessert to me as a child, probably because of the implied alcohol, and I loved them very much for that. (All children are little morons and want to grow up fast.) Unfortunately, they are rarely done right - either the dough is too rubbery, or there is a lot of syrup and it is too sticky, or they are completely dry ... in short, it is not easy to catch a real "rum woman". Therefore - here is the most beautiful of those that I have ever met - Jonathan's. Do it yourself! Only when distributing, lock the children in the bathroom or where it closes well for you - otherwise everyone will be swept away at once. Why are you drunk kids?
There will be a lot of photos - I think she deserves it, yes, and, frankly, I missed posts with a lot of photos during the local visual "quarantine". So, the master class will be redundant - be patient.
Oh, and by the way, I'll give you a wonderful icing for baking here, you often ask how to give all kinds of cakes and tarts "gloss".

So, here's the recipe.

I give you professional proportions - here for 12 women.

- 300 g flour
- 6 g salt
- 20 g sugar
- 130 g milk
- 17 g fresh yeast(dry need about 3 times less!)
- 225 g of eggs (I remind you - one egg weighs about 60 grams)
- 70 g melted butter
- 20 g honey

- 1 liter of water
- 400 g sugar
- 1 orange
- 1 lemon
- 2 vanilla pods
- 50-100 ml of rum (or even more, depending on your loyalty to the taste of alcohol)

First you need to make syrup.
* First remove the zest from citrus fruits - we will need it.

Cut the lemon and orange into large slices, add sugar, vanilla and heat to about 70 degrees, do not boil. Pour into a large container. When it cools down, pour in the rum (the amount is up to you).

Now let's make the dough.
Mix the flour with salt and sugar, add the zest of half a lemon and an orange (you still have them) and honey.

Our honey was lavender, but it doesn't matter.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove over low heat.

Grind yeast in milk room temperature(with dry we act according to the instructions on the package).
Put flour, salt, eggs into the mixer bowl (pouring one at a time, first breaking them into a separate container), at the very end - butter, and mix at medium speed for 5-6 minutes, gradually pouring milk with yeast.
When the dough stretches and stops sticking to the spatula, it's ready.

This is what your perfect dough looks like.

Spread the dough (rather pour) into molds, it is better to squeeze out of a pastry bag with a cone nozzle. It is convenient to cut the dough with scissors, filling the molds by about 40% of the height (in our case it was about 2 cm to the brim).
* If you don't have a pastry bag, use a heavy plastic bag with one corner cut off.

Let the dough rise until it rises by half.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Look, all ovens are different!

We take out, turn over and bake so that the asses are also confidently browned.

Here is the ideal result.

And this is how they look in a section - this is our sponge for syrup.

Next, put the women in the syrup for 15-20 minutes.
The syrup should be about 50 degrees. If it gets too cold for you, warm it up.
Attention (!) - they should inflate! If the syrup is too cold, they won't puff up at all, and if it's too hot, they will burst. Careful there.)
And press them down on top with something, for example, a grate, so that they do not float up.

We take it out and put it on the grate to drain.

Top them with more rum for greed.

And now a very useful option - icing. Here I will give you a separate recipe - it will definitely come in handy.


Take apricot confiture (200 g) + scrape out the seeds from the vanilla pod + rum (this is the case with rum baba, it is not necessary for other desserts), add water (50 ml) there - mix well.

Put on a light fire, let it melt completely.

Strain - rub through a sieve, for uniformity.

Spread baking paper under the grates and pour glaze over the women. Here we have a special dispenser - convenient.

These are such luxurious shiny girls!

For decoration (optional), beat together 33% cream (200 ml), vanilla bean seeds and powdered sugar (20 g).
You can put it in a ring of syrup, sprinkle with pistachios or other nuts, put on a “frill” of strawberry slices, and whipped cream on top (a curl is obtained by squeezing out of the bag), or you can add thin slices of apples.
Here already fantasize as much as you like.
This is how it is convenient to store syrup in tubes, and then “stick” slices of fruits or berries on it.

We decorate.

And unearthly beauty!
The recipe looks a little heavy, but if you shoot, it's okay. And it's really worth it.
Don't eat too much!
You will be fat and drunk, as we like.)

Questions? I will add what is not clear.

Update about the "icing" for the rum baba "from childhood":
Thank you very much Ole mad_crab
I quote her:
"It was not icing, as I understand it, but sugar fudge. According to GOST, fudge for rum women should contain - Sugar 414 grams, molasses 42 grams, or invert syrup 50, I think glucose syrup will be just right. water 124 g Boil sugar and water in a stainless steel saucepan to a soft ball (drip into cold water or ice), washing off the crystals from the edges with a silicone brush moistened with water, then add molasses (syrup) and cool to forty degrees, putting in cold water. with a wooden spoon or spatula until crystallization and a white plastic mass. With a mixer with a spatula, you can probably also. You can not wait until it cools, but immediately interfere, it will just take longer. And with the resulting fondant, heating it to forty-five degrees, glaze. if it doesn't work, you have to get used to it."

If you don't mind, try it.

Interesting, but the history of the origin of this dessert is very controversial. Some sources consider it to be primordially Slavic: a woman is a grandmother, and they put the stress on the first syllable. Other sources attribute an eastern origin to her and recommend pronouncing the name with an accent on the second syllable, as in the name Alibaba. But in the kitchen, no matter who calls it what. Here it is interesting how to cook rum baba at home. My recipe does not pretend to the high title of "classic", but we like it and also leaves some room for imagination.

For impregnation, a syrup is usually prepared with the addition of rum, as the name implies. We don’t have rum, and we don’t have it, we are small connoisseurs of alcohol. There was cognac and I added it to the protica. Again, if you have small children, then you can not add alcohol to the impregnation, this will not have a big effect on the taste of the finished product. The syrup in my recipe is strawberry. One day I'll show you how to cook it at home. But today I will give you a recipe for regular sugar, which can serve as the basis for impregnation. Add any berry or Orange juice and it will be delicious. Usually, after soaking, the baba is covered with sugar icing on top, its recipe will be below. If you want - please, I limited myself to just sprinkling with powdered sugar and decorating with fresh strawberries.

Step by step rum baba recipe

Rum baba is a yeasty pastry, the dough is rich, heavy, it is kneaded with liquid, so that it is well baked, it is better to bake it either in molds for portioned muffins, or in the shape of a ring. I have one, but with a large diameter, so I took a small detachable cake pan and put culinary rings in the center.


  • flour - 1.5 cups * (220g);
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (50gr);
  • dry fast-acting yeast - 2.5 tsp. (20gr);
  • milk - 0.5 cups (125 ml);
  • eggs - 2pcs;
  • butter - 80g;
  • cognac (or rum) - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar for syrup - 1 cup and 2 tbsp. (250gr);
  • water - 1.5 cups (300 ml).


  1. For yeast dough first you need to prepare the dough. Let the milk warm up a little - so that it is a little warmer than body temperature. Put a pinch of sugar, yeast and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes to rise the dough.
  2. While the dough is rising, melt the butter, which should cool slightly.
  3. After 10 minutes, you will see such a risen dough in a bowl.
  4. The dough for rum baba can be kneaded both manually and with the help of a combine with a hook attachment. It's easier with a combine. Add all the remaining flour and 2 tablespoons of sugar to the dough. We knead.
  5. When the added ingredients are mixed, break the eggs one at a time into a bowl, stirring after each addition.
  6. Pour in the butter, knead for 10 minutes and as a result we get sticky, batter.
  7. We need it to rise. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave warm for 1 hour. During this time, it will increase in size, but remain sticky.
  8. As I wrote above, for baking a rum woman, I used a detachable cake mold, its diameter is 18 centimeters, and the height of the sides is 6.5 centimeters. It must be lubricated with butter. In the oven, baking will rise well and take up almost the entire volume. We leave the dough to rest for 40 minutes after we have disturbed it.
  9. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 190°C. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. If you notice that the outside starts to burn, cover with foil. After half an hour, check the readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. We first cool the finished one in the form for 10 minutes, then take it out, but we do not remove the form, we still need it.
  10. Now let's move on to impregnation. My syrup was ready, you need to bring it almost to a boil, pour in cognac or rum. If you don't have it ready, you can cook it. It's fast and easy. Pour sugar in the amount indicated in the list of ingredients into a small saucepan with a thick bottom, add water and, stirring constantly, heat until the sand dissolves and the liquid begins to boil. At this stage, you can add fruit or berry juice for flavoring. A few spoonfuls will suffice. Simmer further on low heat for another 10 minutes.
  11. Pour the hot syrup into the mold in which the grandmother was baked. We lower the grandmother upside down into it, bottom up. Leave in this position until everything is absorbed. Then we turn it over onto a dish, decorate with berries or fruits (strawberries in my version), sprinkle with powdered sugar and you can drink tea with delicious, soft and well-soaked rum baba! Save yourself step by step recipe with a photo and try.

Rum woman according to GOST

I'll talk right away. Everything that is positioned on the modern Internet as a recipe according to the GOST of the former Soviet Union is not a fact that it is. GOST is a complex document intended for industry, but not for use in everyday life. Therefore, all these pastries according to them are either a figment of fantasy, or at best a recipe from an old cookbook. I will offer you exactly this one, from a book published in 1960.

Grandmother dough and baking

  • flour - 369g;
  • sugar - 94g;
  • butter - 92g;
  • eggs - 74g;
  • yeast - 18g;
  • salt - 1g;
  • water (or milk) - 120g;
  • raisins - 46g;
  • vanillin - 2g.

Yes, these are the numbers. Let's try to translate incomprehensible to us into a modern manner:

  • 100 grams of water equals approximately 98.88 ml. For our baking, we take 120 ml and do not bother;
  • milk weighs more than the same volume of water and 100 g is equal to 97 ml, i.e. 120 gr is about 116 ml. I think in our case we take 120 ml;
  • the average weight of 1 egg is 60 g, which means 74 g of eggs is 1 with a little bit, so we take 1 large one.

The specified amount is enough for a large headstock weighing about 1 kg.

  1. Since the dough is very rich, you need to cook it sponge method. We heat water (or milk) to a temperature of 30-35 ° C, dilute it into yeast. It is worth noting that in this case we are talking about live yeast, and not about their fast-acting relatives. Sift half of the flour into a bowl. We get a batter similar to sour cream in its consistency. Sprinkle flour on top, cover with a towel or film and leave for 3.5-4 hours in a warm place.
  2. Yeast will work, carbon dioxide will be released, bubbles will appear on the surface of the dough and it will increase in volume, but by the end of the specified time it will settle and this is a signal to add the rest of the ingredients (except raisins and vanillin).
  3. Then leave for another 1-2 hours. During this period, we crush 1 time.
  4. We mix raisins (if necessary, you must first soak in water) and vanilla.
  5. We lay out the forms. The classic for the headstock is a conical truncated corrugated with a tube in the middle. Not every housewife has this, so we take any one to choose from. You can silicone or non-stick with cells for muffins, muffins, cupcakes or Easter cake, or do as in the recipe above. Be sure to grease the molds with butter.
  6. Let it expand and double in size. We put in an oven heated to 220 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
  7. When the grandmother is baked, first take it out of the oven, cool in the mold for 10 minutes and take it out.
  8. Oddly enough, but GOST advises impregnating confectionery not immediately, but after "ripening", after 12-14 hours. But this is good, because we still need a lot of time for impregnation and fudge. Let's start with the second.

fondant recipe

  • sugar - 207g;
  • molasses - 21g;
  • water - 65g (65 ml).

Molasses ... there is none, right? Replace with an equivalent amount of granulated sugar and increase the amount of water to 100 g (100 ml).

  1. Pour sugar into hot water, mix and wait for dissolution. We put it on the stove, cook the syrup. When foam forms on the surface, remove from heat and remove, then return again.
  2. Increase the fire to the maximum, cover with a lid. A lid is necessary, a greenhouse effect forms under it and splashes falling from boiling syrup onto the walls of the pan do not crystallize.
  3. Cooking up to a temperature of 110°C. If you don't have a thermometer, do a ball test (read more in the recipe).
  4. Now the syrup needs to be cooled quickly. Why put the container in cold water with ice. While it cools, sprinkle the surface with water so that crystals do not form. Cool down to 30-40°C.
  5. Take a mixer and beat. After 10 minutes of whipping, it should turn white and turn into a lump. If this does not happen, add powdered sugar.
  6. You can’t immediately cover a rum woman with lipstick. She, too, will ripen for 12-24 hours in cling film or a damp cloth. After aging, the consistency will change, it will become tender and viscous.

By the end of the aging time of the lipstick, we are preparing the impregnation.

Impregnation recipe

  • sugar - 40g;
  • cognac - 4g;
  • rum essence - 0.8 g;
  • water - 44g (44 ml).

The last step and we are at the goal.

  1. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar, bring to a boil again, remove the foam and turn off. We are waiting for cooling to warm (20 ° C). Add rum and/or cognac.
  2. We dip our product into the impregnation "head" down. Leave it in such a position that the syrup is absorbed.
  3. To cover pastries with fondant, separate a small piece, heat to a state of liquid sour cream. But don't overheat! She can melt away!
  4. We take out the attendants from the syrup and dip them into the fudge with the same side. And finally everything is ready!

What can I say ... If you came to this page in search of a GOST recipe, then I have a question for you: do you still want to cook rum baba at home using it? Or maybe the first, at home, in a simple way, huh?

In any case, bon appetit!

Baking is made from yeast dough in milk and butter. Raisins, vanillin, lemon or orange zest are added to it.

The five most commonly used ingredients in rum baba recipes are:

Ready cupcakes are soaked in sugar syrup with the addition of rum or cognac. Decorate the treat with white icing or fudge.

Rum woman: cooking secrets

There is a legend that the Polish king, who lived in the 17th century, became the creator of a new type of baking. He soaked a dry cake in wine and was pleased with the result. French chefs appreciated original dessert and based on it they created their own version of the rum woman. The savarin pie, made in the form of a ring, is soaked in red wine and spice syrup. The filling for it is fresh fruit, and decoration icing. Apricot jam is spread on top of it.

The five lowest calorie rum baba recipes:

  1. Baking is prepared in the form of small cupcakes or one large biscuit.

  2. Dough dough is kneaded from a small amount of warm milk, pressed or dry yeast. When the base rises, butter, eggs, sugar, vanillin are added to it. The remaining flour and salt are added to the products.

  3. The dough is kneaded with wet hands for at least 15 minutes. It is best to do this according to French technology: stretching and folding. At the end, steamed raisins and zest are added to it.

  4. The dough for the rum baba is transferred to a greased bowl and covered with cling film. Put it not in heat, but in the refrigerator. After 1 hour, the workpiece is crushed and returned to the cold. It will be possible to start baking in 1.5-2 hours.

  5. The dough is divided into balls of the same size and laid out in cupcake molds. The blanks are covered with cling film and left in an oven preheated to 30 ° C for 1.5 hours.

  6. The surface of the risen dough is smeared with a beaten egg and sent to the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature in the oven should be 200 °C.

  7. Ready cupcakes are cooled on a wire rack for 6-8 hours, then they are pierced with a toothpick and lowered into sugar syrup for 10 seconds. Add to impregnation strong alcohol and lemon juice.

  8. The surface of the dessert is decorated with creamy or chocolate fudge.

The treat is served at the table with tea or coffee.

If desired, the dessert can be decorated with melted chocolate, citrus slices or chopped nuts.

This is a dessert that can turn even everyday life into a holiday - a light fluffy yeast dough soaked in syrup, a heady aroma of rum in every bite, a high shape topped with seductive sugar fudge. All this is a rum woman.

Of course, such pastries are not for novice cooks, since both preparing the ingredients and kneading the dough require certain practical skills. But having plunged a little into the history of this dessert, having studied all the cooking standards and the secrets of experienced confectioners, everyone will be able to conquer this confectionery Everest.

Culinary Help

Rum baba are dried cakes made from rich yeast dough, soaked in syrup and covered with sugar fudge.

The history of this dessert is associated with the name of the Polish king Stanislav Leshchinsky. According to one version, he dipped a dry Kugeldorf pie with rum and liked the taste of baking in wine so much that he decided to name this dish after his favorite literary hero Ali Baba.

To a more familiar form, the rum baba recipe was finalized by the French critic and culinary specialist Savarin in the eighteenth century. In his honor and began to be called french version of this pastry made from rich yeast dough with raisins, soaked in sweet syrup.

Despite the fact that the rum baba has been around for more than three centuries, it continues to be a “berry again” and has many admirers. The most popular recipe for this dessert remains baking according to the GOST standards of the Soviet Union, but there are also author's recipes (for example, from Yulia Vysotskaya) worthy of attention.

Fudge (glaze) recipe for rum baba

Fudge (or glaze) for coating rum baba according to GOST standards is prepared from sugar, water and citric acid. Mistresses only slightly reduce the amount of ingredients, in proportion to the number of women.

Cooking step by step:

  1. In a saucepan or saucepan, mix sugar with water, you need to try very hard so that as few grains of sugar as possible get on the walls of the dish;
  2. Put the mixture on high heat. Fudge is boiled only on very high heat so that the syrup does not darken as a result of caramelization of sugar;
  3. Before the syrup boils, with a brush dipped in water, brush off the sugar grains from the walls of the saucepan (pan) and cover with a lid so that the drops of condensate wash away all the sugar from the walls;
  4. After the mixture has boiled for a few minutes, add citric acid and cook further until a drop of syrup rolls into cold water into a ball (soft ball test). If there is a kitchen thermometer, then you can do without a sample, just the temperature on the thermometer should be 117 degrees Celsius;
  5. Cool the finished syrup quickly by placing the saucepan in a deep bowl with cold water and ice;
  6. When the temperature drops to 40 degrees, beat the mass with a hand whisk or a wooden spatula. The fondant will thicken and turn white;
  7. Cover the finished fudge with cling film in contact and leave to ripen in the refrigerator. Before coating the bab, melt the fondant in microwave oven or in a water bath.

Rum woman according to GOST at home

This recipe belongs to the culinary heritage of the Soviet Union, it can be called the golden fund of confectioners of that time. And although now it is very difficult to find confectioneries in which such women are baked, but thanks to the preserved standards - GOST they can be repeated in your own kitchen.

In the process of preparing this dessert, you need to prepare four of its components (dough dough, dough - the main batch, impregnation and sugar fudge), so the list is logical necessary ingredients divided into four blocks:


  • 5 g dry high-speed (instant) yeast;
  • 212 g of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 147 g of water;

Main dough batch:

  • 82 g melange (chicken egg);
  • 105 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 103 g margarine or butter, the main condition is 82% fat;
  • 3 g of table salt;
  • 2-3 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 52 g dark raisins;
  • 200 g flour;


  • 240 g of drinking water;
  • 240 g of fine granulated sugar;
  • 20 ml of rum (cognac, dessert wine) or 2-3 drops of rum essence for fragrance;

Sugar fudge:

  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 160 g of purified drinking water;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

The process of baking a rum baba is a long way, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you will be able to enjoy dessert only 48 hours after the start of work.

Calorie baking, calculated per 100 g - 283.6 kcal.

Step-by-step algorithm of all actions:

  1. First you need to prepare the dough. Since instant yeast is used, the prescription amount should not be dissolved in water, but mixed with dry flour. Then, gradually adding warm water, knead a soft, sticky dough. Transfer the dough to a bowl greased with vegetable oil and leave warm for 3-4 hours;
  2. Add loose melange, sugar, vanilla essence, salt and flour to the ripe dough. Knead the resulting dough for 2-3 minutes. Then, in portions, stir in very soft (but not runny) butter. Oil must be 82% fat, as provided by GOST, otherwise its amount will need to be recalculated;
  3. Carefully knead the dough according to French technology until a homogeneous consistency. To do this, you need to pick up the dough, stretch it, fold it in half, turn it over and repeat all the steps again;
  4. Add steamed or soaked raisins to the kneaded dough and refrigerate for 60 minutes. After an hour, mix the mass for one to two minutes and put it away again for 60-90 minutes in the cold;
  5. After that, divide the finished dough into equal pieces (depending on the volume of the molds). Round each piece, hiding raisins from the surface so that it does not burn in the oven;
  6. Transfer the pieces of dough into molds greased with vegetable oil. The dough should take up 1/3 of the total volume of the mold. Leave the dough in the molds until doubled in volume. This will take approximately 90 minutes;
  7. Before baking, very carefully so that the blanks do not settle, grease them with a beaten egg. The temperature and time standards for baking according to GOST are 210 degrees and 45 minutes, respectively, but you still need to focus on appearance and a dry splinter test;
  8. Ready-made women must first be cooled a little in the forms, and then removed and allowed to cool completely. After cooling, turn the women over with the narrow side up and suffocate for 4-8 hours (you can leave it overnight);
  9. For impregnation, boil the syrup from sugar and the same amount of water. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture boils for 2-3 minutes, remove the impregnation from the heat, add the fragrance and cool to a warm state;
  10. Pierce each baba on the narrow side in several places with a toothpick and dip in warm syrup for a period of 10 seconds. Then take it out and turn it narrow side up;
  11. For fondant, mix sugar with water and cook over high heat until absolutely every sugar crystal is dissolved. So that the sugar does not remain on the walls, you need to brush it off with a brush dipped in water, and then boil the syrup on the lid for 2-3 minutes, so that the remaining crystals are washed away by the condensate. Then add lemon juice and cook for another 5 minutes. Cool the finished fudge in a container with cold water and beat until white with a wooden spatula;
  12. Glaze the soaked baba with sugar fudge. After the gluzur seizes, the rum women are ready.

Baking option from Yulia Vysotskaya

Baking a rum woman according to a recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya is not such a long and laborious process as according to GOST, but ready-made pastries with their rich citrus aroma thanks to Limoncello liqueur and coarsely grated lemon zest won more than one heart of a lover of this dessert.

For the yeast dough of the rum baba base, you need to take:

  • 10 chicken eggs;
  • 45 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 210 g butter;
  • 14 g dry yeast;
  • 10 ml vanilla extract;
  • 60 ml Limoncello liqueur;
  • 3 g of table salt;
  • 600 g flour.

For citrus syrup-impregnation:

  • 1500 ml of drinking water;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • zest of one orange.

To bake a rum baba soaked in citrus flavored syrup, it will take not two days, as according to GOST, but only 2 hours.

The calorie content of the dessert is 280.3 kcal / 100 g.

A step-by-step recipe for a rum woman from Yulia Vysotskaya:

  1. Melt butter and set aside to cool slightly.
  2. Combine salt and flour together, mix well;
  3. Dissolve the yeast in 60 ml of warm water with a pinch of sugar (5 g), let it activate;
  4. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar with a mixer at high speeds;
  5. Reduce speed to add vanilla extract and liquid butter;
  6. Replacing on the mixer ( food processor) a whisk on the dough attachment and continue kneading, adding half the amount of flour mixed with the dough;
  7. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour in the active yeast, knead and add the remaining half of the amount of flour;
  8. Cover the dish with the dough on top soaked in hot water towel and leave for 20 minutes;
  9. After 20 minutes, transfer the dough to a greased cake pan and let it stand again for 20 minutes under a wet hot towel;
  10. Bake rum baba for about an hour hot oven. Transfer the finished pastries to a deep bowl and cool completely;
  11. For impregnation, boil the syrup from water, sugar, coarsely grated lemon and orange zest. Sugar must be completely dissolved;
  12. Pour the strained syrup and Limoncello liqueur over the ready-cooled baba. Since the woman will only take the amount of syrup she needs, the deep form will keep the excess syrup in her.

The amount of time required to prepare the dough depends on many factors: the temperature of the room where it stands, the activity of the yeast, the temperature of the water in which the dough was kneaded, the quality of the flour, and so on. But with all this, it is quite easy to determine its readiness, not focusing on time. Opara is ready when its center begins to fall.

For a rum woman, the process of kneading the dough is of great importance. It will help the gluten become as elastic as possible, which will fix the pores of the dough and help the pastry not to deform. Therefore, for the first 10 minutes, the dough must be kneaded with a mixer with dough attachments, and when the mass becomes thick, knead for another 10 minutes with your hands.

You can make the taste of finished products more saturated with rum if the raisins are soaked overnight (8-12 hours) in rum. For this dessert, it is better to give preference to dark varieties of rum, which have been aged for more than three years in charred oak barrels.

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