Home General issues Cooking stuffed bell peppers. Stuffed peppers in a bowl. Stuffed peppers with a surprise

Cooking stuffed bell peppers. Stuffed peppers in a bowl. Stuffed peppers with a surprise

Summer is probably the best time to cook delicious dishes from fresh vegetables. If you are an amateur gardener, or even a professional, then vegetables ripen in greenhouses and garden beds, and if you are a city dweller, then vegetables in stores become cheaper and delight with a huge variety. When the soul asks for more vegetables, then you want to make hot dishes from them. At such a moment, peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables classic recipe will be a real culinary feast for the whole family.

Go to the garden or the market, come back with colorful ripe peppers and let's cook our delicious lunch together. Almost everyone in my family loves stuffed peppers with meat and prefers a stewed version, when vegetables with filling are cooked for a long time in a fragrant tomato-sour cream broth.

But I decided to introduce you to several ways to prepare this dish. After all, everyone will end up with their favorite recipe.

How to cook peppers stuffed with meat and rice

This is a very simple recipe and you do not need to free up several hours of your time for it. Spend quite a bit preparing vegetables and minced meat, and then watch as they are stewed until tender.

To prepare peppers you will need:

  • mixed chopped meat(pork and beef) - 500-600 grams,
  • sweet bell pepper - 6-8 pieces (depending on the size, small ones may need more),
  • rice - 0.5 cups,
  • white onion - 2 pieces,
  • carrots - 2 pieces,
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons (or fresh tomatoes- 3-4 pieces),
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. Start by preparing the minced meat for the stuffing of the peppers. The best thing for this dish is the so-called homemade minced meat, which consists in half or pork and beef. You can take the store minced meat or grind the meat yourself.

Minced meat that you cook with your own hands will definitely taste better, because you will know for sure that only meat was put there.

2. Wash Bell pepper and clean out the middle with seeds. This is very convenient to do by cutting off the top and removing the core with a spoon. Rinse the inside with water so that no seeds remain.

3. Rinse the rice well and boil it until half cooked. Until it is completely soft, the rice will be cooked already with the minced meat inside the pepper. Rice can be boiled even in cold water, and taken out when a single grain is only slightly harsh in the middle.

Rice will help the minced meat to hold together well and not fall out of the pepper later.

4. Finely chop the onion. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Then lightly fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil until they are soft and quite a bit golden.

5. Mix together minced meat, rice and half of the fried onions with carrots. To do this, take a separate bowl. As you stir, season with salt and pepper to taste. Leave the other half of the onion and carrot in the pan.

6. If you are using not tomato paste but fresh tomatoes, then they must also be prepared. Remove the skin from them. It will be very easy to do if you scald them with boiling water. Then grate the pulp on a grater or grind it in a blender. Get your own tomato puree.

7. Stew the second half of the onions and carrots that we have left with tomato puree or tomato paste. If you have tomato paste, then mix it with vegetables and literally after a minute of frying, add a little water to make a kind of sauce. When stewing, add a little salt, as the tomatoes will give a sweet taste.

8. Take prepared peppers and stuff them. Minced meat can be applied with a spoon, and then firmly tamped so that it completely fills each pepper.

If there is minced meat, then it's not scary. This happens to me sometimes and I make several small meatballs, which I then stew with peppers. It turns out very tasty.

9. Place the stuffed peppers with meat and rice in a large saucepan. Ideally, if you manage to fit everything in one dish and so that the open part of the pepper is directed upwards. But it’s not scary if you manage to cook them only on their side. In my experience, minced meat has never fallen out of peppers.

When the pepper is laid, cover it on top with onions and carrots stewed in tomato, which were waiting in the wings in a frying pan. Pour water on top and simmer, covered, for 40 minutes until the pepper is ready.

If the pepper is very large, then you can cook up to 60 minutes, but no more.

Ready peppers are served hot and with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Stuffed peppers with meat and rice in sour cream sauce

I will share with you a recipe for making stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce who won the most love in my family. Perhaps the whole point is how sour cream with tomato, mixed in the sauce, incredibly delicious sets off and complements the sweet bell pepper, and it turns out just an amazing dish. Be sure to try both options and decide which tastes better for you.

The whole secret of this recipe is to stew stuffed pepper needed in sauce, not plain water. To do this, sour cream and tomato paste are mixed in a ratio of approximately 3 to 1, and then diluted with water to the required amount. Let me remind you that this sauce should be exactly enough to cover the peppers in the pan by at least two-thirds. In this case, the peppers will be perfectly extinguished.

Instead of tomato paste you can use fresh tomatoes chopped in a blender or even classic ketchup without additives. I cooked with Heintz ketchup and it turned out very tasty.

And now we are watching a video recipe for making stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce.

Peppers stuffed with meat and rice in the oven

There is another option for preparing stuffed peppers, which is also quite wonderful and differs slightly in taste in that the peppers are not boiled and stewed, but baked. At the same time, they are quite dry and without excess liquid in the form of gravy. They can even be baked cheese crust which will make the dish even tastier.

For cooking you will need:

  • minced meat (can be mixed) - 500-600 grams,
  • sweet pepper - 6-8 pieces,
  • rice - 100 grams,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • cheese - 150 grams,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. First of all, prepare the minced meat. Rinse well and cook the rice until half cooked.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes. Then mix together Minced meat, rice and onion. Salt and pepper the filling mixture.

3. Wash and deseed the pepper inside. Cut it lengthwise into two halves to get a kind of boats. So they will be convenient to bake, because you can put them in a wide baking dish or on a baking sheet. Stuffed peppers will not collapse.

4. Fill each half of the peppers with minced meat. Press it down well and smooth it out. Minced meat will not be too crumbly; with this method of cooking, rice will hold it together perfectly.

5. Put the peppers in the oven and bake them for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. At this time, grate the cheese. To sprinkle peppers stuffed with meat and rice, any hard cheese to your taste is suitable, the main thing is that it melts well and forms an appetizing golden crust.

6. After twenty minutes, remove the pepper from the oven and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Let the cheese bake and the dish is ready.

Previously, cooking stuffed peppers was a whole epic for me and I cooked it only on weekends, in my spare time. Now I have filled my hand and it takes me no more than an hour to prepare this wonderful dish. Bulgarian pepper stuffed with meat and rice is not only very tasty, but also healthy dish, because there is practically no roasting in it.

Prepare homemade minced meat 50 to 50, beef + pork.

Rinse rice and boil until half cooked. I prefer round rice for this dish, but in principle you can use any.

Peel and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Finely chop the onion. All this is useful to us for the filling and for the broth.

Finely chop the tomato.

Heat 1 tablespoon in a pan vegetable oil and sauté the onion for 3-4 minutes. Then add the carrots, add another 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix and continue to fry, 5-7 minutes.

Put 1/4 of the carrots fried with onions and rice in a deep dish with minced meat. Also break a couple chicken eggs, Add salt and pepper to taste.

How to mix minced meat with rice.

Wash the pepper and cut off the tail to remove the seeds, see photo.

Stuff the peppers with the minced meat prepared earlier. Leftover minced meat can be used to make meatballs and subsequent soup, or simply put in a saucepan with vegetables when boiling peppers.

Put the remaining roasted carrots with onions in a saucepan and put on fire. Add the tomato and the remaining minced meat, mix.

Put stuffed peppers in a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of sour cream. In addition, put black peppercorns, lightly salt and pour water so that it almost covers the peppers. Bring the saucepan with its contents to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and leave to cook for 45-50 minutes.

Before serving, peppers, stuffed with meat, pour sour cream. Serve with brown bread.

Bon Appetit!


Delicious stuffed pepper it's really easy to cook! You just need to know some secrets and tricks. In this case, we suggest filling our peppers with ground pork and beef with rice and vegetables. But we will tell you about other intricacies of preparing this dish directly in the recipe itself!

The dish is the brightest representative of the Russian home cooking and it's very easy to prepare. In addition, because you will have at hand this most detailed step by step photo recipe, and therefore there should be no problems with cooking!

We hope that we will help you diversify your home menu with such a simple and at the same time extremely delicious dish!


  • (1 kg)

  • (350 g)

  • (350 g)

  • (125 g)

  • (200 g)

  • (150 g)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (8 pcs)

  • (1.5 tsp)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (30 ml)

Cooking steps

    We will thoroughly wash the bell pepper, and then very carefully remove the middle from it (so as not to damage the pepper itself).

    Now we need to finely chop the onion, and also grate the carrot on a coarse grater, and then send both of these vegetables to fry in the pan for no more than five minutes.

    In this step, we will mix the ground beef and pork.

    Now we will add half of the previously sautéed vegetables to the minced meat, as well as washed raw rice. Mix all these components thoroughly.

    Let's start our peppers with minced meat. Just do not stuff them too tightly, otherwise, during the cooking process, they will burst and spread, turning into a shapeless mass!

    Move the stuffed pepper to the pan, then salt it and pepper it, and also add a bay leaf to it. In addition, add the rest of the fried onions and carrots to the pan.

    Pour water into a pot (flush with pepper), and then send it to a strong fire, bringing the water to a boil. After that, reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer our peppers for about 30 minutes.

    * After the pepper is ready, do not forget to remove the bay leaf from the pan!

    Here is our delicious stuffed pepper and ready!

    Bon Appetit!!!

Stuffed homemade peppers are a childhood dish for me. Its taste is associated with home comfort, a kind grandmother and family holidays. This dish, beloved by all fans of home cooking, is very tasty, nutritious and healthy. It has been prepared for decades, as in weekdays, and for holiday table. I like stuffed peppers, both cold and hot. I think that in the summer and autumn seasons it must be cooked, and better - more than once. The time spent preparing stuffed peppers will pay off with the gratitude and admiration of everyone who tries this culinary masterpiece.

Stuffed peppers, products

What we need for stuffed peppers:
  • sweet pepper, 1.5 kg;
  • rice, 1.5 cups;
  • minced pork and beef 600 g;
  • onion 300 g;
  • carrots, 200 g (optional);
  • sunflower oil, 150 ml;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

Cooking Stuffed Peppers

In the photo you see peppers that are already prepared for stuffing. What we do with peppers: wash thoroughly under running water, carefully cut out the stem and pull it out along with the seeds. The hole should be round and even. Peppers that are cracked when peeled or have a jagged edge are not suitable for stuffing. Try to free the entire inside of the peppers from the seeds, it is convenient to do this by lowering the entire pepper into a pot of water and, as it were, rinsing it for a few seconds under water. If you want the pepper to cook faster, blanch it for a few minutes in a pot of boiling water (already peeled). Then remove the peppers from the pan with a slotted spoon and let the water drain. Set the peppers aside to cool and take care of the onions.
Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Pour 50 ml into the pan sunflower oil, heat it up and lightly fry the onion. It is not necessary to bring the onion to brown, so that it does not betray the bitterness of the dish.

When the onion becomes transparent, add the cooked minced meat to it.

I used ground beef. You can buy it ready-made, but I prefer to make minced meat on my own - it's more reliable. Particular attention must be paid to the quality meat products when there are children in the family. So, I advise readers of MirSovetov not to be too lazy and cook high-quality homemade minced meat. Add the remaining oil to the pan.
Fry the minced meat with onions for 10 minutes until the twisted meat changes color.

Rinse under cold water long rice (one that does not boil and does not stick together). Boil rice until half done. After cooling the rice a little, pour it into the pan with the minced meat and onions.

Simmer these ingredients by stirring them. Add to the resulting filling for peppers, salt, seasonings and pepper, to taste. Stir again.

It's time for jewelry work - pepper stuffing. My ten-year-old daughter helped me stuff the peppers, it's really not that difficult.

The main thing is to try not to tear the wall of the pepper. To do this, it is better to use a tea or dessert spoon. And one more thing: make sure that the peppers are completely filled with minced meat and do not have a void.
Place stuffed peppers in a deep bowl.

It remains to prepare the filling, which you will fill in the pepper in the pan. Usually, onions and carrots are sautéed for pouring. I sometimes add these ingredients too. But not all of my family members like carrots in gravy, so I occasionally "adjust" to them. In addition, the "simplified" version of the fill is much faster. You will need boiled water (or broth) and seasoning. I use a mixture of dry herbs and pepper. Stir 600-800 ml of hot water with seasoning in a bowl, add a little salt. Our base for pouring is ready.

If you have sautéed onions and carrots, add them to the filling, mix and pour everything into the pan in which we put the pepper. The liquid should reach half the peppers or more. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the pepper over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then reduce the fire and simmer the pepper for another 30 minutes. After that, try with a fork the readiness of the pepper in the pan. If the wall of the pepper is easily pierced, soft, and the film separates easily from it, your pepper is ready. If the walls of the pepper do not become soft, put it out for another 10 minutes and try again. Cooking time depends on the variety and size of the pepper, as well as the time it was blanched.
Let the prepared pepper brew for 20 minutes in a saucepan and serve.

Such pepper can be eaten with sour cream or poured with gravy, in any case, it will win you over with its “homemade” taste. My whole family forgets about other food until the pot of stuffed peppers is empty. I am sure that fans of this dish will definitely appear in your family.
Bon Appetit!

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