Home Product Ratings Cooking squid fried with onions. Calamari fried with onions. How to fry squid with onions and carrots

Cooking squid fried with onions. Calamari fried with onions. How to fry squid with onions and carrots

Fried squids with onions prepared according to our recipe are very tender and melt in your mouth. It will take a little time, the dish is quite simple to prepare, but there may be some little cooking secrets here. Calamari fried with onions have many useful properties that our body needs, and this is another reason to cook such tasty dish. The most important thing is to cook squids correctly, and they cook very quickly, it is important not to miss this moment, but first things first. Seafood lovers will definitely like fried squid with onions, but those who have never tried it and do not know this taste will definitely appreciate and fall in love with this amazing dish. In our step by step photo recipe You will definitely find the answer to your question, how to cook fried squid with onions quickly and tasty. We wish you happy cooking!


  • Squid - 1 kg.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
  • Sunflower oil
  • Pepper

How to cook fried squid with onions

We present a simple step by step recipe which will tell you how to cook fried squid with onions. Cook with us - it tastes better with us!

Step 1

Clean and wash the squids. Place the squids in boiling salted water for 15 seconds.

Step 2

Onion peeled and cut into half rings

Step 3

Peel and grate carrots on a coarse grater

Step 4

Lightly fry the onion

Step 5

Add carrots and fry for another 5-7 minutes.

Step 6

Squid cut into thin rings

Step 7

Add squid to onion. Fry for 7 minutes.

Step 8

Add sour cream and some water. Simmer another 7 minutes.

The current store abundance of all kinds of products makes possible cooking variety of delicacies. The availability of seafood is especially pleasing to culinary specialists: now you can treat yourself and your family to various dishes from Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. And if you know, for example, how to fry squid in a pan, then the results of your work will certainly be highly appreciated by consumers. And you can do it in dozens of ways. Consider the most appetizing.

Preparatory stage

Before frying squids in a pan, they must be properly cleaned. No, you can, of course, buy processed semi-finished products, but dishes made from frozen squid are tastier and more natural. The fact is that factory cleaning involves subsequent heat treatment, which makes the meat noticeably tougher.

Cleaning, in fact, is not prohibitively difficult. Especially if you use the recommendations of the Mediterranean. The carcass is defrosted, and only in a natural way, at the bottom of the refrigerator or in a bowl on the table. At the next stage, the squid is poured with boiling water for 60 seconds, and after it is drained, the coldest water is immediately poured. The skin from the carcass after such manipulations peels off without any effort. It remains to take out the insides and the chord, and you can decide how to fry the squid in the pan you want today.

Easier nowhere

You can find a lot of recipes for dishes with squid. But it’s better to start getting to know them with something simple, since even a novice cook can fry squid in a pan with onions, but not every professional chef can handle some Thai delicacy.

The sequence of actions is elementary. Carcasses, thawed and peeled, are cut into rings. Onions - red will be more harmonious here - chopped into half rings. He is admitted to vegetable oil to a light blush. Then squids are poured in and aged with stirring in a frying pan for one to three minutes. A sign of readiness is a slight compaction and whitening of the pulp.

This recipe can be expanded by adding carrots and garlic to the onion. But for starters, it's better to try the original version.

Real yummy

It is even more interesting to fry squid in a pan with garlic, if you have nothing against this product. The taste is mild and slightly spicy. Half a kilo of prepared carcasses are washed, dried and cut into strips or squares. The workpiece is salted and crumbled in flour. A bunch of parsley and three garlic cloves are finely chopped; the mixture should be fried in melted butter for several minutes. Then squids are poured in, brought to readiness; when serving, the dish is sprinkled with lemon juice.

How to fry squid in batter in a pan

This option is recognized by gourmets as a real masterpiece. Moreover, the product can be consumed both hot and cold - it does not lose any taste.

The batter is made from a mixture of equal amounts of flour and starch with the addition of egg whites and milk. The latter are added in such an amount that a mass of creamy consistency is obtained. Finally, the batter is flavored with pepper and salt. It is more beautiful when squid rings are fried in batter, but carcasses can be cut in any other way.

A piece of carcass is dipped in batter and placed in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil, poured in a fairly large amount. Two or three minutes - and it's time to pull out. To remove excess oil, the rings are folded into a colander or on paper towels.

Alternative batter

Batter can be prepared in other ways. Flour is mixed with the right amount of salt, an egg is driven into it and light beer is poured. The ratio of ingredients is determined by eye; the main thing is to achieve the correct consistency of the dough. It should be thicker than pancake, but thinner than pancakes.

The remaining stages of preparation are similar to those described above, with the exception of salting the squid rings (salt is already in the batter).

Stroganov squid

As you can see, there are a lot of options on how to fry squid in a pan. This one is somewhat different from those already described. If only because the carcasses first need to be boiled, literally a minute and a half (otherwise the meat will turn into natural rubber). Then the carcasses are cut into strips and sent to the pan with a small amount sunflower oil. At the same time, chopped onion is poured in - you need to take more of it, about the same volume as your seafood. It is necessary to fry the contents of the pan for no longer than three minutes, after which a mixture of medium-fat sour cream with tomato puree or paste. You need to stir the mass intensively and continuously until the gravy boils. The dish is removed, transferred to a saucepan, sprinkled with chopped dill and parsley - and on the table.

How to fry a squid carcass

It is not necessary to grind the squid to get the treasured delicacy. But frying a whole carcass just like that is boring. It is better to stuff it with tempting fillings. Anything can be used: vegetables and mushrooms, fish, any meat or even lard, greens chopped with an egg ... Personally, we liked this stuffing the most: a slice of 150 grams of ham, four hard-boiled eggs, 200 grams of champignons, fried with two chopped onions, half a glass of rice (of course, boiled) and 10 grams of grated cheese. Everything that is needed is cut into small pieces, the components are mixed and slightly seasoned with mayonnaise. The filling is enough for six medium-sized squids.

Before stuffing, the carcasses are quickly boiled, lightly beaten with a culinary hammer (do not overdo it!) And filled with “salad”. Holes are fastened with skewers (not plastic!) or sewn up. Squids are fried for five minutes on each side, then coated with mayonnaise, laid out on a baking sheet, covered with foil and placed in hot oven for a quarter of an hour.

Secrets of successful squid cooking

These marine inhabitants are rather capricious: they overexposed it on the stove - and it is impossible to chew. However, if such a misfortune happened, do not rush to get upset and throw the dish into the trash can: it can still be saved. Build a simple sour cream or tomato sauce and send the squids to stew in it. After about forty minutes, they will become soft again.

Squids are fertile ground for experiments. They are in harmony with a huge number of products. A great "company" for them will be apples, cucumbers, herbs and tomatoes. All these fellow travelers will also increase the usefulness of seafood.

But with spices you need to be careful. Carcasses quickly and completely absorb aromas, so that as a result the taste can turn out to be supersaturated.

Those who do not see second courses without a side dish can cook rice (including with vegetables, in Chinese), spaghetti or mashed potatoes for squid. Or just cut up a salad. They go very well with squid and baked vegetables.

And do not get hung up on how tasty it is to fry squid in a pan. If they are not overcooked, they will turn out delicious anyway. Are you afraid to fail? Use the oven. There is a more “preferential” cooking mode, even if it takes more time - whole carcasses are baked for up to half an hour. Or blanch your prey and pick up an interesting salad option. But the smartest thing is to practice. And even if the first couple of times you get not fried, but stewed rings, on the third you will definitely get what you want!

Squid - common sea ​​shellfish, which is found in the seas and oceans almost everywhere. In terms of protein content, squid meat is not inferior to turkey, chicken and fish. There is very little fat in it. There is a lot of potassium in squid, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and muscles of the body, has a diuretic effect, and reduces pressure in hypertension. Squid is a storehouse of microelements and B vitamins, vitamins C and E, an antioxidant that slows down the aging process in the body.

In addition, squid meat has delicate taste, costs less than other seafood (oysters, lobsters, shrimps), is quick and easy to prepare. It can be used to make salads, main dishes, squids are boiled, fried, stewed and stuffed. We offer several interesting recipes fried squid.

Before you start cooking, watch this funny video.

It is not recommended to keep squid meat in boiling water for a long time, it will become tough and unappetizing. The situation can be corrected. If at the initial stage you overcooked squid, continue to cook them further. After 20 minutes, the meat will become soft again.

Squid meat is best fried in butter. It acquires a soft delicate taste. Serve fried squid with onions in butter hot.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • squid 1 kg.
  • onion 2-3 pcs.
  • butter 2 tbsp. spoons
  • dill and parsley beam
  • salt, fresh ground pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost squid carcasses naturally. Pour boiling water over, immediately add a ladle to the bowl with squid cold water. Clean the squid from the film and innards. Cut into rings.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Heat up the butter in a frying pan. Fry the onion until soft. Once the onion starts to brown, add the squid. Cook, stirring, 2-3 minutes. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve immediately with soft white bread.
  3. Advice: If sprinkled with vegetable oil, the squids will be tasty and cold. In addition, they can be eaten in fasting, since the church does not consider the meat of shellfish to be either fish or meat.

Time heat treatment squid should be minimal. This allows them to be deep-fried. Fried squid rings in breadcrumbs - good snack for beer and more. They are also very tasty with Tartar sauce or light vegetable salad.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • squid 500 g
  • breadcrumbs 100 g
  • eggs 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 0.5 liters
  • spices for fish

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and cut the squids as directed in the previous recipe. Heat vegetable oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Break the egg into a bowl, beat with a fork until smooth. Dip each squid ring in the egg, then roll in the crushed breadcrumbs and deep-fry for no more than 5 minutes. After 2.5 minutes, turn the rings over so that the squids are browned on both sides.
  2. Salt the finished squids and season with spices.
  3. Advice: If you want a more spicy dish, add spices, salt and dried herbs directly to the breading.

Try the battered fried calamari with lager beer. Beer batter turns out to be crispy, well wraps squid rings, does not become soft over time. Even children can eat squids in beer batter, since the alcohol evaporates during the cooking process.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • squid 2 carcasses
  • flour 1/2 cup
  • light beer 1/2 cup
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the squids from the films and cut into rings, as described earlier. Add flour, salt and pepper to beer. Stir so that there are no lumps. The dough should turn out like pancakes. If it gets too thick, add more beer; if it's thin, add flour.
  2. Dip the squid ring in flour and then in the batter. Roast on hot vegetable oil 4-5 minutes. Serve as an appetizer.

From squid you can cook not only an appetizer, but also a full meal. Fried squids in sour cream with tomatoes and green peas have a pronounced Mediterranean taste, which is achieved through the use of herbs traditional for this area - oregano, basil, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, thyme.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • squid 1 kg.
  • ripe tomatoes 5 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper 2 pcs.
  • green pea 1 cup fresh or 1 can canned
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • basil and parsley beam
  • set of italian herbs 1/2 st. spoons
  • sea ​​salt
  • olive oil 100 ml.
  • sour cream 3 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and clean the squids. Cut them into rings or checkers with a side of 2-3 centimeters. Place tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute. Remove the skin and chop finely. Peel the onion and chop finely. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut like squid into rings or checkers.
  2. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft. Add pepper. Cook 5 minutes. Put tomatoes with onion and pepper. Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes until the tomatoes have become a puree. Season the tomato sauce with salt, Italian herbs, chopped herbs, put squid, peas and sour cream. Stir. Simmer covered for 5 minutes.
  3. Serve hot.
  4. Advice: You can not add sour cream. Try adding olives or capers. The taste will be spicy and unforgettable.

Most of the world's cuisines offer various dishes from squid. The fried delicacy is especially good. It is quite easy to fry squid at home, but it is worth mastering some cooking techniques borrowed from experienced chefs to get an incomparable appetizer for a festive feast or just treat relatives and friends to the exotic.

Selection and preparation

The sea mollusk looks like a pouch that has 10 limbs of tentacles and two fins. When the skin is removed and the insides are gutted, the squid is cut or stuffed. To fry, the carcass must be cut into pieces, while using a knife to get rid of the tentacles, they can be cooked both together with the sirloin of the mollusk, and separately according to a special recipe.

Proper processing of the seafood delicacy is essential. Clams need to be fried or boiled for 2 or 3 minutes. If squid is part of the dish, it takes longer to cook.

Before frying, it is necessary to remove the dark skin from the mollusk, put it in water, and then clean the fillet from sand particles. Shellfish fillets should not shrink during frying, so chops should be made from carcasses before cooking.

Tip: When cooking squid, spices should be in moderation, otherwise the taste of seafood will be distorted.

If the seafood is purchased frozen, it can be thawed in cool water, to which a small amount of salt is added, or in an empty container, which is left in the room for a while. Do not use a microwave for defrosting. It takes about 3 or 4 hours to defrost.

After thawing marine products, it should be in boiling water for a minute, then it is drained, and the mollusks are rinsed in a coldish liquid. To clean, one bunch holds the squid, the other rubs it lightly, as a result of which the skin peels off the carcass. Next, a cartilaginous plate is thrown out, containing a lot of protein that is difficult for a person to digest. Each carcass is washed inside, re-outside, and cut in such parts as the recipe requires.

in sour cream

For 600 grams of frozen clams you need: 2 onions, 2 large spoons olive oil, one and a half large spoons of salt, a pinch of black ground pepper, 3 large spoons of sour cream.

Tip: Sour cream will add juiciness, tenderness and flavor to the clam meat. Squids are thawed in the room, washed in running water.

Water is poured into a saucepan and put on fire, when it boils, salt crystals are poured out. Seafood only takes a minute to cook. When hot, they are transferred to a container with cold liquid. The frozen clams are cleaned and cut into rings.

The pan is heated, oil is poured, onion rings should be fried in it until they become translucent or lightly browned. Squids are added to the fried onions. The pan is covered, the food is stewed for a couple of minutes, while the fire is set to medium.

At the end of frying, sour cream, the remaining salt and ground pepper are added to the products, everything is mixed, after which the clams should be fried for five minutes, removing the lid. The fire mode is medium.

A fried dish can be garnished with finely chopped dill or parsley. Eat food warm or cold. Clams fried in sour cream can serve as an independent dish, or used in salads, as a side dish or as an appetizer.


How much to fry squid is of great importance, if the product is overexposed in a pan or oven, the taste will be lost. As a rule, the clam is ready already in the seventh or eighth minute of frying. If there is an excess of onions in the dish, it is allowed to cook for 2 minutes. longer.

Seafood is obtained very tasty and satisfying, for the preparation of which batter is used. For 6 clams with a total weight of about 600 grams you need: a third of a glass of flour, the same amount of starch, a glass of milk, 2 proteins chicken egg, a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of pepper, 100 ml. sunflower oil.

Thawed clams are boiled for 3 minutes, peeled, cooled and cut into rings. Flour and starch are mixed, milk and whipped proteins are added, the batter is salted and peppered. Pour a portion of oil into a heated frying pan. Dip all the squids in batter, spread on the bottom of the pan, fry until a blush appears. The finished product should lie down on a napkin until the oil drains.

With vegetables

For 500 g of seafood you will need: a little vegetable oil, black pepper and salt, half a glass of sweet white wine, a bunch of basil, an onion, a couple of zucchini, a piece of sweet pepper, 2 fresh tomatoes, 2 garlic cloves.

In a frying pan with onions in the form of half rings, which were fried for several minutes in olive oil, zucchini and pepper are added in cubes. Properly fry vegetables for 3 or 4 minutes, add finely chopped peeled tomatoes, salt. Put straws or squid rings in a pan with a vegetable mix, pour in white wine and spices, when there is a minute left before turning off the fire, the dish is sprinkled with chopped basil and garlic. Everything is mixed, stewed for a minute, removed from heat, for 10 minutes. vegetables should be infused.

with raisins

In two tablespoons of heated olive oil, fry 2 chopped garlic cloves until golden. Add straws from half a kilo of squid, 6 fresh or salted tomatoes, 100 ml. water, salt and pepper, mix, fry in a pan with a lid for 10 minutes. Pour black olives (100 g), raisins (30 g), pine nuts (2 tablespoons). Everything is mixed and cooked for 5 minutes. Combines with croutons. If frozen clams are used, they should be removed from the freezer 4 hours before frying and left in the room.

with garlic

Half rings of two onions are fried for 10 minutes. in hot vegetable oil. At this time, you need to peel the garlic (4 cloves), chop it finely, add it at the end of frying the onion (32 1 or 2 minutes). Then add the average thickness of the squid ring (one and a half kilograms of clams are used). The dish is salty. Fry for a couple of minutes over high heat.

Tip: If you want to add mushrooms to the squid, they should be fried in a separate pan, mixed with the main fried ingredients at the end of cooking.

In Chinese

This delicious food consumed hot. Chopped onion and pepper rings are fried, straws from boiled squid (half a kilo) are poured into them, a tablespoon soy sauce and honey, the dish warms up and is removed from the fire. You can eat with chopsticks.


A kilo of clams are cleaned and washed. Carcasses are cut into rings. The fillet parts are rolled in flour, fried in hot oil. 2 onions finely crumbled and breaded in flour, fried separately until golden. 2 large spoons tomato paste bred in milk (a couple of glasses), the sauce is poured into a pan with clams. Salt and pepper, simmer for 20 minutes. Separately, fry potato straws, pour onions and squids in sauce into it. Serve as an appetizer or as a full meal.

Rings in breadcrumbs

Of the recipes for cooking shellfish, it is better to cook squid rings. Thaw frozen clams. A couple of eggs are beaten, a spoonful of sour cream and mayonnaise is added, the mixture is salted and peppered. Rings are dipped in it, then in breading, fry until tender.

With rice wine

Boiled clams are cut into strips. Grind onion feathers, carrots, garlic and ginger. After a couple of minutes pour 5 tbsp. spoons of wine. Then chicken bouillon. Fry the dish for about 8 minutes. squids are added a couple of minutes before readiness.

Nutritious, mega healthy squid can be served as an independent dish, or with a side dish of boiled rice. They are quick and easy to prepare, the dish is very tasty and satisfying. Best eaten hot and immediately after cooking!

1. For cooking, you will need squid (previously thawed), onion, garlic, sunflower oil, salt and pepper to taste.

2. Rinse squids under running water, pour boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

3. Clean from the film, chitinous rod. Rinse with cold water.

4. Cut the squid meat. The type of cutting is not fundamental, but the main thing is not to grind.

5. Cut the onion into thin quarters, grate the garlic on a fine grater.

6. Heat the oil, fry the onion until soft. Add garlic and stir.

7. Add squid. Mix with onions, salt and pepper. Fry for a minute at maximum heat. Then turn off the heat, close the lid and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

8. Serve squid fried with onions, always hot. Reheating is not recommended, because they become hard.

Bon Appetit!

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