Home General issues Detailed composition of the "mouth front" bar

Detailed composition of the "mouth front" bar

My husband loves Rot Front bars, and although I like their flavor, I don't like the soy taste of candy, this fat sticks to the palate. I tried to find a recipe on the Internet, but imagine, there is no such recipe! I had to take the official composition of sweets and try to make it myself. It is not easy to do this, since the composition does not indicate the number of ingredients, so I selected the taste and aroma, as I select music on the piano. The result is not bad sweets, I like them because they are natural, fragrant and sweet. The main thing is that my husband also liked it and now I will make them for two

Prepare the peanuts. I bought not fried, so first I washed it thoroughly and let the water drain

Now roast it for flavor. Fry it in a dry frying pan over medium heat. At this point, it’s better not to leave the pan and turn on the hood or close the door to the kitchen and open the window, it will smoke a little. Stir the peanuts constantly so they don't burn.

Strongly better not to fry, dry a little to clean
The longest time in the preparation of all sweets was cleaning. When the nuts have cooled, they need to be rubbed between the palms properly so that all the husks come off them.
If you cook these sweets in the country or in your home, then you can go out into nature, just blow or put on a fan and all the husks will fly away. But if in an apartment, then this becomes a problem.
Not immediately, but I still came up with an acceleration of the process. I have a cutting net soft foods I usually cut her boiled eggs, potatoes, carrots in salads. Neat cubes are obtained and it is much faster and more convenient to do this. So take it and sift the nuts through it. Let the husk fly into one container, and throw clean nuts into another, in the third it will be all together for now. If the husk is large and does not fit into the net, rub the nuts again with your palms and the husk will become even smaller and easily pass into the net. This idea came to me in the middle of processing nuts and sped up exactly this procedure five times.

Finally, all the nuts are peeled and they must be ground properly. To begin with, I turned them through a meat grinder twice.

But after that, the nuts did not become a uniformly fine consistency. Then I had to grind them together with milk in a combine. But before you pour the milk into the nuts, you need to dissolve the sugar in it. Pour sugar into milk and put on a slow fire until dissolved. Make sure that the milk does not boil, otherwise you will get toffee. It is better to heat the milk and turn it off and then stir until completely dissolved.

Pour the milk with sugar into the food processor and mix the mixture. Make sure that the combine does not overstress, because the mixture is quite dense and my powerful enough combine refused to work in this mode for a long time. By the way, if you decide to do this with an immersion blender, then keep in mind that such a blender works no more than 40 seconds and then overheats, and this must be done in small batches.

The result was a mixture with much larger fractions than I expected, but in sweets it turned out quite tasty in the end

Now prepare the dry ingredients: flour and milk powder

Add cocoa and soda there.

Mix everything well and start adding to the nut-milk mixture

At first, you can mix with a spoon, but then you still have to knead with your hand like dough. The mixture is quite thick, I would even say very thick.

Sweets are almost ready and they just need to be shaped. I took silicone mold from IKEA, but to be honest, it's a little harsh, so to pull out the sweets later, I even had to freeze them a little.
You can roll the balls, it's easier. Because all the same, to lay in the form, I first rolled the balls
I sprinkled the form with powdered sugar, and you can also flour. Lay and immediately you can take out, if not taken out, then for 10-15 minutes in the freezer.

Sweets in the air become drier over time and do not stick to the plate.

The consistency of sweets is more viscous than bars, but this does not spoil them. Although I will definitely try to make them look like the original and even try to make them with soy flour, especially since this one is for sale, you just need to buy it.
Bon Appetit!

The price is given based on one kilogram of sweets at Moscow prices. We have the cheapest price for these sweets 190 rubles. Savings in person!

Cooking time: PT00H40M 40 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 90 rub.

OJSC "Rot Front" is a chocolate and confectionery factory in Russia, founded in 1826 as a handicraft caramel workshop. Among the large assortment of sweet products of the enterprise, Rot-Front candy bars, the production of which began back in the days of the USSR, are especially popular. Currently, the factory produces several types of bars: classic, with nuts and chocolate-cream flavor. All of them have a standard cylindrical shape, a nutty-vanilla flavor with hints of cocoa, and a relatively high calorie content.

Calorie bars "Rot-Front" per 100 grams is 514 kcal

The calorie content of one Rot-Front bar is 62 kcal

The composition of the classic candy bars "Rot-Front": sugar, vegetable fat, peanut kernel, crushed wafers, deodorized soy flour, dry whole milk, fragrance identical to natural.

Like most chocolate products, excess consumption of Rot Front bars can lead to weight gain, an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The sugar in sweets can cause gum and oral problems. In addition, eating a lot of sugar is dangerous for people with diabetes.

The nutritional value and calorie bars "Rot-Front" (per 100 grams):

Calories or the energy value - this is the amount of energy that accumulates in the human body due to food and is consumed due to physical activity. The unit of measurement is the kilocalorie (the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius). However, a kilocalorie is often referred to simply as a calorie. Therefore, when we say calorie, in most cases we mean kilocalorie. It has the designation - kcal.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Chemical composition- the content of macroelements and microelements in the product.

vitamins- organic compounds necessary in small quantities to sustain human life. Their deficiency can have adverse effects on the health of the body. Vitamins are found in food in small quantities, so to get all the vitamins that a person needs, you need to diversify food groups and types.

You can talk about chocolate endlessly. good chocolate- this is a work of art. In good sweets, the optimal combination of cocoa flavor, vanilla flavor and the content of other fillers. Varieties chocolates so much so that even the most picky sweet tooth will be able to find a delicacy to their liking.

Taste familiar from childhood

Currently, manufacturers are increasingly trying to make as many sweets as possible, while not everyone follows the proper quality. Sometimes substitutes for good ingredients get into the composition. Both the taste of sweets and quality suffer from this. In the composition you can see, for example, a replacement butter on palm, which in itself does not contain anything harmful, unless it is intended for the food industry, and not for the technical field.

Therefore, when buying, be sure to read the composition. And it is better to trust a proven factory that has been producing sweets for many years. And its products are time-tested and satisfied customers. So, for example, only high-quality products are included in the Rot Front bar.

Sweets from the oldest factory always delight customers with a unique, but so familiar taste from childhood.

Choosing bars

The Moscow factory has been producing chocolates for decades. One of the most famous is Rot Front bars. The composition of candy bars "Rot Front" is carefully selected by the best confectioners.

Now in stores you can see chocolate bars both in packaging and loose. Experienced buyers are advised to buy candy in the package. So you can always read the composition. And also check the expiration date. This is very important for chocolates. The composition of the Rot Front bar, like any other of this confectionery factory, does not contain artificial preservatives to increase shelf life. Therefore, sweets do not stay on the shelves for a long time. But in order not to be disappointed in taste, you should definitely look at the date of manufacture before buying.

The composition of the "Rot Front" bar can be of several types. The assortment includes both classic and nut-containing, as well as chocolate-creamy ones. Depending on the composition, sweets have packaging of different colors. So, the classic ones without additives are packed in a golden-red wrapper, and the chocolate-cream ones are in a brown-gold wrapper.

The packaging has not changed since Soviet times, and the younger generation may find it a little boring, but it is recognized from afar, and in tandem with the same taste, it sends the buyer back to the past.

The composition of the bars

If you cook something at home, you always know exactly what ingredients are included in the dish. Any buyer is interested to know what manufacturers mix in their products.

If we consider Rot Front chocolate bars in terms of composition and calorie content, we can see that the sweets are made as naturally as possible, without adding any extra chemicals.

The basis of sweets are sugars, grated peanuts, soy flour, cocoa and whole milk powder. To give the bars a kind of crunch, crushed wafers are added to the composition, which consist entirely of quality products(flour, sunflower oil, egg powder). The composition includes the additive E322 and E300. Don't be afraid of these numbers. These supplements are nothing but lecithin and ascorbic acid, respectively. Both substances are natural, help the final product retain its natural original color, and also prevent the chocolate from oxidizing.

In addition, the Rot Front bar contains soda as a baking powder and flavoring.

Calorie bars

The calorie content of bars, like any confectionery product, is high - from 514 to 520 kcal per 100 g, depending on the type of sweets. The nutritional value of sweets is 32 g of fat, 54 g of carbohydrates. And the protein product contains as much as 11 g, which is quite a lot for dessert products due to the addition of soy flour.

Soy flour included. Should I be afraid?

For many, the words "soy flour" mean that the product is already bad, harmful and does not represent anything good. But is it?

Flour is made from soybeans. The main reason why it began to be added to food products more often than, for example, wheat flour is the absence of gluten. And also the mass useful properties: high content of proteins, which are not inferior in quality to meat products, and low fat content - only 1 g of fat per 100 g. Soybeans contain vitamins and minerals that are especially important for the body - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

In cooking, soy flour is used because it helps to make the texture of sweets soft, delicate, increases the vitamin composition, and prolongs the shelf life of sweets.

Therefore, candy manufacturers do not hesitate to indicate that the composition chocolate bars"Rot Front" includes soy flour.

Are bars suitable for everyone?

Eating all confectionery can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and obesity. But all this will appear only with the unlimited use of sweets. If you approach eating sweets wisely, then there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is not to eat sweets on an empty stomach, not to eat them in kilograms at night.

However, when consuming, it is worth remembering that Rot Front soy bars contain peanuts, to which many people are allergic, and egg powder, which can also cause an allergic reaction.

For everyone else, moderate consumption of chocolates is indicated for have a nice tea party and uplifting mood.

Rot Front bars are in demand among buyers who note that the taste has remained unchanged, which was originally declared by the factory. The delicate texture of sweets is ideal for a cup of tea or coffee. The bar melts in your mouth, leaving a soft nutty-creamy aftertaste.

The composition of the "Rot Front" bar can always be found on the product packaging. If such sweets were purchased by you by weight, then you can find out what they include from the materials of the presented article.

Product General Information

Before describing the composition of the Rot Front bar, I would like to tell you about what this dessert is

The manufacturer of the sweets we are considering is the company of the same name, OJSC Rot Front. It is one of the largest manufacturers in our country. Thanks to the combination of the latest technology and long-standing manufacturing traditions, the company produces high-quality products that have long had a large number of fans.

The Rot Front bar, the composition of which will be described below, is made only from natural raw materials. The quality of these products is confirmed by multiple diplomas, honorary medals and prizes.

In addition to chocolate bars, OJSC "Rot Front" produces other types of sweet products (more than 200). These include caramel, sweets, chocolate, waffles and halva dragees.

Taste qualities

Knowing the composition of the Rot Front bar is recommended for those customers who have health problems. After all, it includes such components that are contraindicated for certain categories of patients. For example, such a delicacy is strictly forbidden to be consumed by people with obesity and diabetes. This fact is due to the fact that the Rot Front bar contains a large amount of sugar. By the way, it is thanks to this ingredient that young children are very fond of this dessert.

As for adults, they also treat him with indifference. After all, such sweets are very tasty, have a pleasant structure and crunchiness, as well as a pronounced aroma of peanuts.

Candy composition

Rot Front bars, like other sweets, should not be consumed too often. This is due to the fact that such a dessert can lead to obesity and other health problems.

However, manufacturers claim that this product, when used correctly, cannot adversely affect human health. After all, it contains only natural and safe ingredients.

So what components does the Rot Front bar include? Let's consider the composition of these sweets right now:

What other ingredients are included in Rot Front Soy Bars? The composition of this delicacy is not limited to the products listed above. After all, they include such a component as waffles. And, as you know, they are made separately with the help of other ingredients. This product contains Wheat flour, sunflower oil, salt, emulsifier (or E322), acidity regulator (i.e. lemon acid), as well as baking powder (or baking soda).

As you can see, Rot Front bars do not include prohibited and unhealthy ingredients. In this regard, they can be consumed without any fear for their own health. But this is only if you have no contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of bars

As mentioned above, such sweets should not be consumed by people with diabetes and obesity. In addition, this product is strictly forbidden to include in your diet for those who have an individual intolerance to peanuts, fiber, protein, milk and egg powder.

How to store delicious chocolate bars

Store bars "Rot Front" preferably at a temperature of 15 to 21 degrees at a relative humidity of not more than 75%. of these sweets is 9 months from the date of production. At the end of this period, the use of bars is strictly prohibited.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

According to the packaging, 100 grams of Rot Front bars contain about 521 kcal. In addition, such sweets include 11 g of protein, 32 g of fat and 54 g of carbohydrates.

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