Home Preparations for the winter Cookie minute. Step-by-step recipe for making cookies “Minute. Biscuit cookies "Minute"

Cookie minute. Step-by-step recipe for making cookies “Minute. Biscuit cookies "Minute"

Shortbread cookies for a minute are cooked very quickly, well, of course, not one minute, a little more, but it won’t take much time, but the result will please you very much! Crumbly, fragrant, sugary cookies that are simply indistinguishable from store-bought ones! I advise lovers of original cookies to cook.


  • Flour - 300 g (2-2.5 tablespoons)
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Margarine or butter - 200-250 g.
  • Milk - 60 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking process

  1. For cookies for a minute, it is better to take margarine or low-fat butter (with a high fat content, cookies may spread during baking). Softened butter is well kneaded and mixed with sugar and vanilla. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous fluffy mass.
  2. Then add milk and flour. Mix the mass well. The dough should not be dense, but not liquid. It should be easy to deposit with a pastry bag.
  3. We fill the pastry bag with dough and deposit curls and pretzels as desired.
  4. The dough should not hold its shape well, if it spreads already at the jigging stage, add a little more flour. We spread the blanks on baking paper at a small distance from each other, when baking, the dough will spread a little.

Step 1: prepare the dough.

1 - 2 hours before cooking, remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it soften, for a quality kneading, its temperature should be at room temperature, approximately 21 - 22 degrees. In a deep bowl, put the right amount of soft butter and sour cream.
Beat them with a mixer at medium speed until smooth.
Add 1 a glass of flour, salt and continue to knead the dough until it begins to thicken. When this happens, turn off the mixer, clean the blades of dough pieces and transfer the flour mass to the kitchen table, sprinkled with sifted wheat flour.

Step 2: Roll out and cut the dough.

Knead the dough into a ball. Do not introduce all the flour into it at once, add it gradually in parts until the dough stops sticking to your hands, becomes elastic, but at the same time remains soft and tender. Wrap the ball of dough in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.
In 30 minutes remove the dough from the freezer, lay it on a table sprinkled with sifted wheat flour and roll it into a layer thick up to 5 - 6 millimeters with the help of a rock.
Be patient, at first the dough will roll out very hard and tight, but literally after 5-7 minutes it will become more pliable.
Now take a round or regular knife and cut the rolled dough into squares, lengthwise and then across.
You should get small squares with an approximate diameter 5 by 5 centimeters. It's time to choose the filling for your cookies, this recipe shows 2 options for fillings, but you can diversify the assortment and make cookies with 3 - 4 or more fillings. Preheat the oven up to 175 - 180 degrees Celsius.

Step 3: We form cookies.

Put half a teaspoon in the middle of each square. thick jam any kind. You should not double the amount of jam, as during baking it can flow out of the biscuit aisles.
Bend first one corner of the square so that it covers the jam.
Then cover the first corner with the second corner of the square. Lightly pinch the edge of the square, grabbing a small piece of dough from the side, so that it is not noticeable. You will get cookies in the form of an unsealed envelope. In the same way form the rest of the cookies and place them on an aluminum, non-stick baking sheet, previously greased with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Step 4: Bake cookies.

Place the cookie sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 15 – 20 minutes to a light ruddy light beige crust. Remove the baking sheet from the oven with a kitchen towel, let the cookies cool and, using a kitchen spatula, transfer the sweet dessert to a large flat dish. It's time to brew fresh tea!

Step 5: serve cookies.

Cookies "Minutka" are served cooled to room temperature, they are placed on a large flat dish and, if desired, sprinkled with powdered sugar or watered sugar syrup. You will be very pleased to savor this yummy with a cup of freshly brewed tea, coffee, cocoa or milk. Delicate, fragrant and not expensive cookies will give you sweet moments and joy! Bon appetit!

- - If you are not sure about your baking sheet, it is better to cover the bottom of it with baking paper, and then stack and bake cookies.

- - Sometimes vanillin, cinnamon or fruit essence are added to this type of dough in order to give it a more refined aroma.

- - This type of dough is prepared without sugar and slaked soda with vinegar! From these ingredients, the dough during baking will rise, change its shape and bubble. As a result, instead of a beautifully formed cookie, you may not get what you want.

- - Instead of butter, you can use high-fat margarine of the highest quality.

- - Do not preheat the oven to a higher temperature than that indicated in this recipe, otherwise the dough may only be baked on the outside, but not inside.

When unexpected guests should arrive from minute to minute, and there were no sweets for tea at home, you can cook delicious shortbread"Minute". The very name of this delicacy suggests that it is prepared very quickly and easily. You can use any jam as a filling, but apple jam is best.

To make cookies for a minute, you need products that you can always find at home. But, despite the simplicity of cookies, it turns out to be especially tasty and beautiful.

List of ingredients

The technology for making shortbread biscuits includes the use of the following products:

  • 3.5 cups of wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 300 grams of jam.

Step by step recipe

To on hastily cook delicious cookies you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Melt butter and cool to room temperature.
  2. Beat eggs, gradually adding sugar, until foamy.
  3. Mix oil with eggs, add sour cream and soda quenched with vinegar.
  4. Gently pour the flour into the resulting mass in small portions, constantly mixing the contents thoroughly.
  5. Separate a quarter of the dough and put it in the freezer to harden for a few minutes.
  6. The remaining dough must be distributed on a baking sheet, having built sides on the sides.
  7. Lubricate the dough jam evenly.
  8. Rub the frozen piece of dough on a coarse grater and pour over the jam.
  9. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour.
  10. Once the pastry is ready, cut it into squares.

Cookies Minutka with jam

Quick and tasty cookies will help to please and pleasantly surprise your loved ones on any day. For it, you can use the most different stuffing, so the minute is very popular in many families.

List of ingredients

Shortbread cookies with jam are prepared from the following products:

  • 150 grams of margarine;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • half a glass of jam;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

Making biscuits with jam consists in step by step actions:

  1. Margarine should be used at room temperature, it must be kneaded together with granulated sugar.
  2. Whisk chicken eggs along with margarine.
  3. Be sure to sift the flour, then pour it into the workpiece and knead the dough.
  4. Once the dough is sufficiently kneaded, put it in the refrigerator for forty minutes.
  5. After cooling, form the dough into a cylinder and cut into pieces. There should be about twenty pieces in total.
  6. In each piece in the center, make a small dent in which to put the jam. Brush the top of the cookies with the egg.
  7. Bake cookies in the oven at 180 degrees until cooked, about twenty minutes.

Lenten cookies

You can treat yourself to sweets during the fasting period or on a diet by preparing simple lean Minutka cookies. It turns out it is much tastier than bought in a store, and you don’t have to worry about the quality, because it is prepared with your own caring hands.

List of ingredients

For the manufacture of lean cookies you need a list like this:

  • 300 grams of flour;
  • half a glass of mineral water;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of jam.

Step by step recipe

The easiest tea delicacy to prepare can be made using this technology:

  1. Mix sunflower oil with carbonated mineral water.
  2. Add flour and knead the dough.
  3. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut it into triangles.
  4. Put jam on the bottom and wrap the dough with a croissant, pressing tightly on the sides so that the jam does not leak out.
  5. Cook these rolls at 200 degrees in the oven. The baking time should be about 20 minutes.

Biscuit cookies "Minute"

Extraordinarily beautiful and delicious cookies will work with this recipe. It will not require special financial costs, as it is prepared from the most simple products. And the manufacturing process will be within the power of even inexperienced housewives.

List of ingredients

To make biscuit cookies, you will need the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • I saw a glass of jam.

Step by step recipe

The procedure for creating a Viennese yummy:

  1. Beat the eggs in a strong foam, gradually adding sugar to them, then put on fire and continue to beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Remove from heat, add flour and knead the dough.
  3. Spread the dough on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees for no more than ten minutes until cooked.
  5. Cut the finished layer into small squares.
  6. Spread one square with jam, and cover with another on top, thus forming cookies.

To make sand tubes with jam delicious, you need to use butter good quality . Before cooking, hold the oil at room temperature. It should soften up. In a convenient container, add pieces of soft butter, sour cream, granulated sugar.

There should not be a lot of sugar in the dough, otherwise it will turn out tough.

Its deficiency will be filled by the subsequent addition sweet stuffing(jam), as well as sprinkling with powder (at the end). Some housewives prefer not to put sugar in the dough at all. Eggs are also not put in such a dough, so that after baking flour product was more crumbly and crispy.

Take a mixer and beat well to combine all the ingredients.

Some housewives replace butter with lard (fat melted from lard). Indeed, on lard rolls with jam turn out to be especially soft, tender and crumbly. Just keep in mind that lard should be fresh, without foreign smell and taste. For flavoring, grated citrus zest, dried ground cardamom, almond flavor can be added to the dough. And here .

Flour may take a little more or less. It all depends on its quality. To the oil mixture, sift wheat flour. Sprinkle in orange or lemon zest. Instead of zest, you can use vanilla sugar or vanillin.

knead soft dough. The dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time.

Divide the dough ball into two halves so that, as a result, it is convenient to work. Wrap in cling film or plastic bag and refrigerate for 60 minutes. If you want to speed up the process, put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

If desired shortbread dough you can make it ahead of time and store it in the freezer for several weeks, and then use it as needed. From the dough according to this recipe, you can bake nuts in an electric waffle iron.

Dust the board lightly with flour. Take out one half of the dough, lay on the board. Roll out into a rectangular layer. It is not necessary to roll out very thinly, a thickness of 5-7 mm is enough.

Cut into strips, 7 cm wide. Three strips are obtained from one half.

On one edge along the long side, add a small amount of jam. Jam is better to take very thick homemade or purchased in briquettes.

For baking, jam or thick is suitable homemade jam made from any fruit or berry. The main thing is that the jam is thick and does not spread during the formation of baking and heat treatment. Leaked jam usually burns on a baking sheet.

Carefully roll the strip of dough into a roll.

Cut the roll crosswise into small sticks, 5-6 cm long.

Cookies can be given not only the shape of a roll, but also blind it in the form of an envelope. To do this, roll out a layer of dough, cut it into squares, approximately 5x5 or 6x6 cm in size. Put a little jam (a teaspoon with a slide) in the center of each square. Then lift the edges of the squares to the center and connect them. Depending on your desire, you can connect all the corners of the squares in the center, or only two opposite corners.

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Lay the blanks. Send to a preheated oven. Bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. Focus on your oven.

Remove the pastry from the oven, cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar. The dessert does not need additional decoration, cookies in the form of rolls with jam filling already look amazingly appetizing. Invite everyone to the sweet table.

Happy tea!

I must say that in order to prepare a tender, crumbly shortcrust pastry, you do not need to have a special talent, you just need a little desire, effort and a recipe. You don't even need any frills or special decorations. Cookies already a feat in itself. Incredibly tasty and appetizing, as well as crumbly, in a word, shortbread!

In order to bake "Minute" for 3 servings, you will have to spend no more than 45 minutes. In addition to time, practice is needed, the more you practice making the “Minute”, the better and better the recipe will start to turn out.

  • 300-400 grams of wheat flour will be required;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 60 grams of milk;
  • 200-250 grams of butter (margarine);
  • a little vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

Step by step recipe

Shortbread cookies - light and delicious recipe, from which novice housewives take their first steps into the world of cooking and sweet pastries. A clear plus of such a cookie from a simple shortcrust pastry- possibility long-term storage. After all, drying up, it only becomes better, tastier and more tender.

"Minute" can be elegantly decorated with a little sugar, nut crumbs or cinnamon. Different shapes and types of cookies handmade perfect as a original gift if you put them in a box and pack. Enjoy your meal!

The most popular, as well as convenient and affordable at home, is Minutka shortbread cookies. His recipe is incredibly easy and quick to make, it's even reflected in the title. Naturally, you will have to spend a little more than 1 minute, however, this dough does not involve many hours. It is important to follow the instructions and then everything will work out as well as possible.

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