Home A fish How to measure 350 grams of flour without scales. Weigh without weights. How much flour can a faceted glass or cup hold

How to measure 350 grams of flour without scales. Weigh without weights. How much flour can a faceted glass or cup hold

Cooking recipes are full of listing the components of weight measurement. At the same time, not every housewife has a household kitchen scale. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know how many grams of flour are contained in a tablespoon.

The lack of flour during baking is immediately noticeable: the product loses its shape, spreading over the surface. And the excess of the component causes dryness of the final dish.

When cooking gravy, you can adjust the amount of flour powder "by eye", adding to the required density of the sauce. But this method is not suitable for making cakes, where an exact ratio of ingredients is required. Therefore, it is advisable to constantly keep with you a table of the weight of the main products, where it is calculated how many grams of flour powder correspond to the volume of a tablespoon, teaspoon, glass, cup.

Information on the Internet is very diverse. The dining room holds 20-25 grams according to some sources, counting flush with the edges and with a slide, according to others - 10-15 grams. How to determine who is right?

It turns out that there are 3 ways to measure the desired weight:

  1. Scoop the loose composition from a large container with a spoon, shaking the cutlery a couple of times. Result - 25 g flour premium. If you do not shake, but leave a slide - 30-35 g, equalize the level with the edges - 20 g.
  2. Pour a bulk substance - 20, 25, 15 grams, respectively.
  3. Pour the sifted ingredient into the cutlery - the weight is reduced by another 5 g, respectively.

The weight of flour powder depends on the type of grinding. The smaller the particle fractions (highest grade), the heavier they are.

Also, the amount of substance in a tablespoon is affected by:

  • moisture or flowability of the flour billet;
  • type of ground components (potato, corn, oatmeal, rye and other raw products);
  • the capacity of the cutlery itself (the standard device is 7 cm long and 4 cm wide).

Control measurements are carried out at an ambient temperature of 0°C, atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art. At home, when cooking, such conditions are simply unrealistic to achieve, therefore, the term “tablespoon of flour” means the amount of product that is freely poured and held without crumbling. Means with a small slide.

We measure the powder without weights

Various culinary recipes mention a variety of measures for the powder: a tablespoon or a teaspoon, a glass, grams. In order not to get confused, you need to choose a specific size for yourself and translate all weight categories to one measurement. It is more convenient to use the dining room and tea room.

Even using the same recipe, several housewives get quite different tastes and appearance dishes. Therefore, it is advisable to remember the most successful masterpiece in order to determine how much flour powder should be collected in a spoon.

Mentioning a glass, they usually mean a standard Soviet glass container, which holds exactly 250 ml of water, if poured full. A glass filled to the rim holds 200 ml. If flour is poured flush with the edges, its weight is approximately 160 g, if along the rim - 130 g.

When you need to measure 500 g of a substance, it is not very convenient to count with instruments or glasses. Therefore, savvy housewives use the following method:

  • purchase a paper kilogram bag of a product of any grade in the store;
  • measure the height of the package with a ruler;
  • divide the result in half, marking the strip directly on the package;
  • carefully cut the package at the intended risk;
  • now each half contains approximately the same amount of the component - half a kilo.

It is convenient to use a special plastic transparent cup, on the wall of which weight measures of common products are applied: flour, sugar, salt, water. But it is also desirable to fill such a container with a substance from above, and not scoop the product from a bag or can.

How much flour can a faceted glass or cup hold

Bulk products weigh less than water in containers of the same volume. According to the table of measures and weights, a glass of 250 ml contains 155-160 g of flour powder. These tables are obtained experimentally, and even experienced cooks adhere to generally accepted values ​​​​when cooking.

If we average the weight of the powder in the dining room with a small slide, we get 20 g of a bulk product. This means that in an ordinary faceted glass (without a smooth rim) 6.5 (130 g) tablespoons of flour substance of the highest grade (wheat) fit.

American or English cuisine operates with cups, the volume of which is 250 ml, and the weight of the product is 160 g. By arithmetic, we calculate: 160 g. divide by 20 g. As a result, 8 tbsp. spoons of flour product.

Weighing with improvised containers has a measurement error of about 10%. If a very precise weight category is required, it is recommended to use a kitchen scale.

How much flour fits in a teaspoon

It happens that even the dining room is too big a measure. At the same time, dividing the content into several parts is not very convenient. A smaller measure comes to the rescue - a teaspoon. The principle of filling the cutlery is identical to the larger one in capacity. The powder is recommended to be poured into a container, and not scooped up with it. Otherwise, the value of the measured substance is lost.

The 5 ml tea utensil contains 4 g of product, if counted flush with the edges. With a small slide, the value increases to 8-10 g. To fill a glass with flour, you need to measure 16 teaspoons of a bulk product.

If according to the recipe it is recommended to sift the powder, the event is carried out after measuring the required amount of the component. Sifted flour occupies a larger volume due to the enrichment of the product with air, so it does not fit into the measuring container completely.

The result is that the amount invested is less than what the recipe calls for.

Measure with a spoon

A tablespoon is a versatile tool with which you can measure almost any amount of a flour product. At the same time, you should try to pour the same portions. The event is simple if a small amount of measured doses is required. But to measure more than 10 spoons, there is a slight difficulty. The way out is to remember how many spoons a glass, cup, jar contains. Then cooking according to the recipe will cease to be burdensome with endless measurements.

For the preparation of dishes with the addition of flour, it is desirable to use a container with a known volume. In this case, it is necessary to remember the table of correspondence of the number of ml to the weight of flour in grams:

  • 100 ml container holds 65 g of flour product (3 tablespoons and a small pinch);
  • 150 ml contains about 100 g (5 tablespoons);
  • 180 ml container holds 115 g of flour (almost 6 tablespoons);
  • 200 ml - 130 g (6.5 tablespoons);
  • 250 ml - 160 g = 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • 300 ml of flour weighs 200 g (10 full tablespoons).

Knowing the ratio of volume and weight of products, it is always possible to calculate how many tablespoons of flour you need to prepare homemade delicacies.

How to measure 100 g of flour according to geometry

Many effective ways have been invented and tested on how to measure more or less exactly 100 g of flour required by the recipe:

  1. Fill 5 standard spoons: 5 x 20 g = 100 g. The most commonly used method.
  2. Pour 1 kg of flour product into a measuring container with vertical transparent walls. Measure the height of the filled composition and divide the value by 10 parts. Make lines with a felt-tip pen that are clearly visible. Pour the flour into 1 division - this will be the desired 100 g of the product.
  3. Use a faceted glass, pouring 2/3 of the powder into it.
  4. Lay out a sheet of thick paper on the table and draw a 10x20 cm rectangle on it. Make 2-3 cm high sides along the edges. Draw a distance of 2 cm from the edge with a figure 10 cm wide. Spread 1 kg of flour over the plane, keeping the surface flat without elevations and depressions. With a knife or spatula, separate part of the product along the drawn line. This amount of the component corresponds to the weight of 100 g.

Even without a kitchen scale, you can always find a way to measure the right amount of flour according to the chosen recipe. The main thing is to show ingenuity and ingenuity. When cooking at home, it is desirable to have permanent measuring containers with which you can conveniently and more or less accurately measure the weight of the ingredients specified in the recipe.

How many grams of water, cereals, sugar or salt fit in a teaspoon or tablespoon - how to measure the desired weight of food without weighing?

It is convenient when the recipes indicate the number of spoons of cereals or glasses of sugar ... and if you need to measure 130g of sugar, but there are no kitchen scales?

This article will help you! I go to her very often! That is why I am posting it here.

1 teaspoon(filled “without a slide” / “with a slide”, at normal humidity) contains gr.:

water - 5 / - g (gram)
milk - 5/- g
vegetable oil— 5/- g
sugar - 5/7 g
salt - 7/10 g
flour - 4/5 g
rice - 5/8 g
medicinal herb - 2/3 g (weight of dry herb)
semolina - 4g

1 tablespoon, filled “without a top” / “with a top”, contains (weighs in grams, for a full-sized spoon with a scoop length of 7 centimeters and a width of 4 centimeters):

water - 18/- g
milk - 20 / - g
vegetable oil - 17/-
sugar - 20/25 g
salt - 25/30 gr.
flour - 10/15 g
rice - 15/20 g
ground nuts - 10/15 gr.
dry grass - 5/10 g
fresh herbs - 10/15 g
semolina - 20g
cocoa - 25g
powdered sugar - 20g

In a dessert spoon (more than a teaspoon, but less than a tablespoon):

water - 12 / - g
milk - 12 / - g
sugar - 10/15 g
salt - 14/20 g
flour - 7/12 g
rice - 12/17 g
ground nuts - 8/12 g
dry grass - 4/6 g
raw herbs - 8/10 g

Note: as a rule, if it says “one tablespoon (teaspoon)”, it is most likely about a full spoon - “with a slide”

1 glass(“to the risk” / “to the edge”, at normal room humidity) contains products in grams:

water - 200/250 g (maximum weight of 250 grams (= 250 milliliters) - the glass is full, filled to the top)
sugar - 200/250 g
salt - 290/320 g
flour - 140/150 gr.
rice - 210/230 g
semolina - 200/220 g
crushed nuts - 140/150 g
vegetable oil - 245g
hercules - 130g
powdered sugar - 200g

1 glass ("with a slide") holds:

11 tablespoons of cereal
10 tablespoons sugar or salt

1 gram of water = 1 milliliter of water = 1 cubic centimeter of water, by weight (that is, having a standard syringe of twenty milliliters with ordinary water, you can get a reference weight from 1 to 20 grams accurate to fractions of a gram, as well as a volume of up to 20 cubic cm.)

Weight of fruits and vegetables at an average size:

quince 150-200g
eggplant 150-200g
cabbage (head) 1200-1500 gr
cauliflower 800 gr
potatoes75-100 gr
onion 75-80 gr
carrots 75-100 gr
cucumber 50-100 gr
Tomato 80-100 gr
Beetroot 100-150 gr
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How to measure flour with a glass

It’s good if a simple faceted glass was lying around on the farm. It is believed that 200 grams of water is placed in it. But this does not mean that the same amount of flour will fit in there. How to measure flour with a glass has its own tricks.

  • Firstly, flour should be poured with a spoon, and not scooped out of the bag directly with a glass. Otherwise, voids will form in the container near the walls, and less flour will fit. Fill the glass without a "slide".
  • Secondly, we do not tamp the flour in a glass, but we do not loosen it either.

Did everyone do it right? In a faceted glass you will have 160 grams. If the flour is compacted, then 210 g will fit in a glass. If you pre-sift and loosen, then only 125 g.

There are other ways to measure flour. Here is a small table that will help you take the right amount of flour at the right time:

Ideally, of course, it is better to make control measurements. Ask a friend for a kitchen scale. Weigh the flour once in a glass and a spoon. Write down the data, hang it somewhere in a conspicuous place in the kitchen. Then, if necessary, you can always measure the right amount of flour.

Keep in mind that if you store flour incorrectly, the results may be different. There will be more damp and caked flour in a glass.

How much to weigh in grams

Everything would be fine, but most often you need not 160 or 25 grams. Usually in the recipes appear "round" numbers. This is where the question arises, for example, how to measure 100 grams of flour?

The easiest way is to “by eye” pour extra 30 or 60 grams from a glass (depending on the glass), that is, 100 grams will be a little more than half a tea glass and a little less than half a faceted glass. You can put 4 tablespoons without a slide. There is also a smarter way. It will require from us time and some simple devices.

So, we need a ruler and a blank sheet of paper. On the sheet we draw a rectangle 10 by 20 centimeters. On the large sides (20 cm), we measure 2 cm each, put dots and connect them with lines. Before us is a rectangle 10 by 2 cm. Right?

Pour a kilogram of flour onto paper. We evenly distribute it over a larger rectangle, the one that we drew at the beginning (20x10 cm). We make sure that the flour does not crawl out of the rectangle. Then, with a knife, carefully separate the part that occupies a smaller rectangle (10x2 cm). This is 100 g.

We do the same thing when we don’t know how to measure 200 grams of flour. Only then we measure on the 20-cm side not 2, but 4 cm. Further - the same according to the algorithm. By the way, this method is also suitable for measuring sugar or cereals.

How to measure grams without scales

Clearly observe the proportions and put the strictly indicated amount of cereals, water, spices according to the recipe - the key to any successful dish. This is especially important for baking. If you accidentally add more or less flour than required, the dough will come out completely wrong. In the absence of a special device, it will be possible to weigh it with other improvised means. Each hostess will need information on how to do it correctly.

How many grams of flour in a faceted glass

First of all, it is worth saying that this item is a faithful assistant in measuring products for many housewives. It is very accurate and will certainly help you easily dial the desired volume of any liquid or bulk substance. If you fill it with wheat flour of the highest grade to the very top with a cap, you get 160 g. This value is approximate. If the vessel is filled to the rim, then it will be 130 g.

If you do not know how to measure flour without scales, use these tips:

  1. The grain product must be unsifted. No need to try to scoop up the flour from the general package, but carefully pour it in small portions. Otherwise, voids will form near the walls of the dishes, due to which the volume will not be enough for the dish.
  2. Do not tamp the dry matter, do not knock on the vessel when filling. Because of this, the result will be completely different.
  3. Use the table that contains data on the volume different products. It can be easily found on the web.
  4. It is advisable to choose a separate dish for your measurements, as accurate as possible, and always use only it. If you take a different one every time, then the same recipe may differ in taste or even go bad.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon

Some recipes require very little, so what? In this case, you should measure with spoons. This is not a difficult task. You need to determine how much flour is in a tablespoon. If with a slide, then 25-30 g, depending on what height it will be, and if without it, then 20 g. 1 tsp. will hold from 9 to 12 g. Dessert will fit 15-20 g. These values ​​\u200b\u200bare correct if the grain product is dry, because wet will be heavier. You also need to remember that some cutlery, especially those left over from Soviet times, is heavier than modern ones.

How much flour in a glass 250 mm

This is a thin piece. Such vessels are also called teapots. How to measure flour without scales with it? If you fill the vessel, leaving about a centimeter empty on top, then you will get 160 g. We are talking about wheat. The same amount will fit corn, because they are the same in density. But rye is denser, so it will fit 130 g. Potato, on the contrary, is lighter, it will be 180 g.

How to weigh flour without a scale

Not every housewife has a device for measuring the mass of products in the kitchen, however, people do an excellent job even with very complicated recipes. In order to weigh out the desired portion, you can use vessels or spoons: dessert, table, tea. With one of these items on hand, you can easily collect the necessary grain product for baking.

How many tablespoons in a glass of flour

Depends on type and content. If in faceted 130-160 g, then it will have 4.5-5 tbsp. l. with a hat. There are five in the tearoom. If you take from the first spoon without a slide, you get from six and a half to eight. If you use tea, then 8. Many do not understand how to measure 100 grams of flour without having a measuring device at hand. It's very simple: take 5 tbsp. l. without a slide or 3.5 with it. Now you know how many tablespoons are in 100 grams of flour.

If you have a faceted glass, then to get 100 g you need to pour so much that the flour does not reach the rim by about a centimeter. There is another way. Slowly pour in the flour, tamping it down. To do this, after each new serving, you need to carefully hit the dishes on the table. Get the highest hat you can. You will get about 200-210 g. Then, from the resulting volume, separate about half by eye. This will be 100.

How many cups in a kilogram of flour

If you have a lot of grain, then it is easy to divide it into portions. To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow many glasses of flour in 1 kg. With all the above information in mind, it is very easy to draw a conclusion. If you do not know how to measure flour without a kitchen scale, use a faceted glass. If you fill to the rim, you will get 7.5-8 units, depending on the density of the grain product and the level of moisture. If you fill the container to the top, then 6-6.5 pieces will come out. In the case of tea, the amount will be the same when filled to the rim.

Measuring glasses and kitchen scales have long moved into the “must have” category in the kitchen of every housewife, but at the same time, most people use the old grandmother’s way of measuring the mass of products: glasses and spoons. This is due to the fact that family recipes, inherited, for the most part, are recorded not in grams, but in the number of spoons and glasses.

Since it is increasingly clear with glasses, their volume is 200 and 250 ml for faceted and thin-walled, when they talk about a tablespoon and a teaspoon, they mean that 15 and 5 ml of liquid are placed in them, respectively.

Without a real faceted (thin-walled) glass on hand, you can use any other cup or mug that is equal in volume. You can check the amount of milliliters of liquid that will fit in a measuring cup (mug) using a measuring beaker.

Pivot tables, which indicate weight measures in spoons and glasses, will help you weigh the required amount of food for a new dish or convert a recipe from your mother's cookbook into grams, if the hostess is more accustomed to using scales.

Different types of flour absorb different amounts of liquid, so each of them has its own density, and therefore mass per unit volume. To correctly measure the required amount of this product, you need to do this, observing certain rules:

  1. Before measuring, the product must be sifted through a sieve several times, this will allow you to break up lumps of stale grain product so as not to artificially increase the weight in the measuring container;
  2. You should never take flour to measure the mass in a glass by dipping. This contributes to the appearance of voids near the walls and reduces weight;
  3. Never tamp flour in a glass. So you can increase its weight in a thin-walled 250 ml glass to 210 grams instead of 160.

Measuring cereals with glasses and spoons, they are poured into the glass “under the knife”, when a hill is removed from the glass filled to the top with a knife, but a small hill should remain in the spoons. These products also cannot be compacted, like flour.

When measuring nuts, it should be remembered that chopped kernels (not crushed) are more densely distributed in a glass, and therefore its weight will be greater. In this case, in recipes that require a certain number of grams, such as chopped peanuts, it is better to measure whole nuts, and then chop them.

Liquid dairy products should be poured into glasses, but viscous thick ones should be applied with a tablespoon, making sure that no voids form near the walls. To measure the weight with spoons of cottage cheese, thick sour cream and others are recruited with a small slide.

Often for baking, housewives use in the dough dairy products(sour cream, kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk) that have already begun to ferment, in this case it is worth remembering that the specific gravity of such products will be lower.

Solid (animal) oils, in order to measure with glasses, must be melted to a liquid state, but soft, but not liquid oil is often measured with spoons.

Products in this category are most often measured with spoons, but since recipes their number is so small that other measures are used - a pinch and "on the tip of a knife." How much in grams cannot be established for certain, but we can definitely say that this is the amount of a bulk substance that fits between the thumb, middle and index fingers, collected in a pinch.

The mass of certain berries in a measuring vessel will depend on their size (small ones will settle more tightly and will weigh more) and how long ago they were collected. For example, collected in a glass fresh raspberries the next day it will settle a little and, at its original weight, will take up less volume.

Finally, it is worth noting that the error of this method of measuring weight is from 4 to 6%. It is primarily affected by the content of water vapor in the air, since not only sugar, salt and flour, but also other products, when the humidity level rises by the same volume unit (glass, spoon), have more weight than under normal conditions .

In cooking, almost no recipe is complete without flour, and if some dishes allow you to pick up ingredients by eye, then most of them still require the use of scales in the process so as not to be mistaken with the proportions. However, what to do if this faithful assistant at a certain moment was unavailable? It's time to remember how to measure volumes without them, with improvised containers, as our grandmothers did.

by the most in a simple way, of course, there will be a measuring cup, on which there are risks in increments of 50 and / or 25 g. Such a container often allows you to weigh liquids and some bulk products: flour and cereals. There are no problems with round numbers when using it, especially since it contains 150 g of flour, which is slightly less than 250 ml of water. There are also measuring jugs that have a large volume: they can collect a little more than 1 liter of water or 700 g of flour, as well as 1000 g of sugar. According to the risks on this container, 1/8 liter of water will be equal to 100 g of flour.

Read also:

  • How many grams of flour are in a glass?

However, sometimes it happens that there are no measuring instruments with a clear indication of volumes and weights at all. How to get out of the situation?

  • Ordinary spoons, which are present in the drawer of any kitchen, can save the day. You can use both canteens and tea or dessert. To do this, it is enough just to know how much this or that device will take in, and then understand how many times you will have to collect the product to achieve the desired volume. Weight 1 tbsp. flour will be 10 g, while 1 dessert spoon- this is 7 g, and 1 tsp. - 4 g. These figures are relevant for a set without a slide, i.e. when the part protruding above the edge of the spoon is cut off with a knife. If you scoop up flour, leave it as it is, then in 1 tbsp. there will already be 15 g, in dessert - 12 g, and in 1 tsp. - 5 years

  • A faceted glass, which a few decades ago was definitely in every Soviet kitchen, is also well suited for weighing, but it is a little more complicated with it. The fact is that it has the shape of a trapezoid, i.e. the upper circumference is larger than the lower one, and in the glass itself, up to the risks (lower edge of the rim), 140 g of flour will be typed, and 150 g of flour to the edge. Therefore, you can take 100 g either through a constant set to the edge, and then remove 10 g from above in order to maintain accuracy; or divide the volume into 3 parts by eye, given that these parts will not be the same in height - the lower ones are higher than the upper ones. If such a “trick” cannot be done, take an ordinary 250 ml cylindrical glass, pour flour into it to the edge, then divide the entire volume into 3 parts and take the necessary 2/3.
  • There is also a non-standard way, for which you need a ruler and a large sheet of paper. If you buy 1 kg flour in rectangular boxes / paper packages, you do not need paper: just divide the height into 10 parts with a ruler and take 1/10. If not, draw a 10 * 20 cm rectangle on paper, use a ruler to break the long side into segments of 2 cm. Pour 1 kg of flour into this form, smooth with a knife to get a three-dimensional figure, “cut off” 1/10 part, parameters which is 10 * 2 cm. It will be exactly 100 g of flour.

It is difficult to imagine a baking recipe without flour, which is often the main ingredient. Consider how you can quickly measure the desired weight of flour with spoons, find out how much a tablespoon and a teaspoon of flour weigh in grams and how to measure flour without weights.

When measuring the mass in spoons, ordinary wheat flour was used, and when it was taken into a spoon with a slide, it was large, solid, if without a slide, it means a small mound, practically not noticeable.

Important: in most popular recipes (baking, making dough, batter, etc.), if it is indicated how many tablespoons of flour to use, it means heaped spoons, regardless of tablespoons or teaspoons.

How much flour is in a tablespoon in grams?

In 1 tablespoon of flour with a slide 30 grams.

One tablespoon of flour without a slide weighs about 15 grams.

How much flour is in a dessert spoon?

One dessert spoon holds 20 grams of flour with a large slide and 10 grams of flour without a slide.

How much flour is in a teaspoon?

1 teaspoon with a slide holds 10 grams of flour.

In a teaspoon without a slide, 5 grams of flour.

Answers to popular questions, how to measure a certain mass of flour with a spoon (in grams)

In order for you not to have to sit for a long time and calculate, or weigh on the scales the exact mass of flour required in the recipe, we suggest that you find the appropriate value in the list (table) below, where calculations have already been made of how many tablespoons and teaspoons are needed to measure mass of flour

  • 600 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 600 g flour \u003d 20 tablespoons of flour with a large slide.
  • 500 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 500 g flour = 16 heaping tablespoons + 2 heaping teaspoons flour (or 1 heaping dessert spoon).
  • 450 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 450 g flour = 15 tablespoons wheat flour with a hill.
  • 400 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 400 g flour = 13 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon flour.
  • 350 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 350 g flour \u003d 11 tablespoons of flour with a slide + 2 teaspoons with a slide.
  • 300 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 300 g flour \u003d 10 heaping tablespoons of flour.
  • 280 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 280 g flour \u003d 9 tablespoons of wheat flour with a slide + 1 teaspoon with a slide.
  • 260 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 260 g flour \u003d 8 tablespoons with a slide + 2 teaspoons with a slide.
  • 250 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 250 g flour \u003d 8 tablespoons with a slide + 1 teaspoon with a slide.
  • 220 grams of flour in tablespoons - how much? 220 g flour = 7 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon flour.
  • 200 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 200 g flour \u003d 6 tablespoons of flour with a slide + 2 teaspoons with a slide.
  • How to measure 180 grams of flour? 180 g flour = 6 large heaping tablespoons of flour.
  • 175 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 175 g flour = 5 heaped tablespoons + 1 flat flour tablespoon + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • 160 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 160 g flour = 5 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon.
  • 150 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 150 g flour \u003d 5 tablespoons of flour with a slide.
  • 140 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 140 g flour \u003d 4 tablespoons with a slide + 2 teaspoons with a slide.
  • 130 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 130 g flour = 4 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon.
  • 125 grams of flour in tablespoons - how much? 125 g flour = 4 heaped tablespoons flour + 1 flat flour teaspoon.
  • 120 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 120 g flour = 4 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • 115 grams of flour is how many spoons? 115 g flour = 3 heaped tablespoons of flour + 1 flat tablespoon + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 110 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 110 g flour \u003d 3 heaping tablespoons of flour + 2 teaspoon with a hill.
  • 100 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 100 g flour \u003d 3 heaping tablespoons of flour + 1 heaping teaspoon.
  • 90 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 90 g flour \u003d 3 tablespoons of flour with a slide.
  • 80 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 80 g flour \u003d 2 tablespoons of flour with a slide + 2 teaspoons with a slide.
  • 70 grams of flour is how many spoons? 70 g flour \u003d 2 tablespoons of wheat flour with a slide + 1 teaspoon with a slide.
  • 60 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 60 g flour \u003d 2 tablespoons with a slide.
  • 55 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 55 g flour \u003d 1 tablespoon of flour with a slide + 1 tablespoon without a slide + 1 teaspoon with a slide.
  • 50 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 50 g flour = 1 heaping tablespoon + 2 heaping teaspoons flour.
  • 45 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 45 g flour \u003d 1 tablespoon with a slide + 1 tablespoon of flour without a slide.
  • How to measure 40 grams of flour without scales? 40 g flour = 1 heaping tablespoon of flour + 1 heaping teaspoon of flour.
  • 30 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 30 g flour \u003d 1 heaping tablespoon of flour.
  • 20 grams of flour is how many tablespoons? 20 g of flour = 1 dessert spoon of flour with a hill = 2 teaspoons of flour with a hill = 1 tablespoon with a small mound.

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