Home Main dishes Sausage cheese - a description of the benefits and harms of this product, as well as its composition. Sausage cheese, composition, benefits and harms of sausage cheese

Sausage cheese - a description of the benefits and harms of this product, as well as its composition. Sausage cheese, composition, benefits and harms of sausage cheese

sausage cheese- a delicious fermented milk product with a pleasant aroma obtained as a result of smoking. This is one of the types that is made from a mixture of rennet cheeses, sometimes with the addition of butter, cream, spices and spices, salt. Usually for melting I use substandard hard cheeses with defects in consistency and appearance. The finished mass is cooled, molded in the form of a sausage and placed in a smoking chamber, where the sausage cheese acquires its smoky flavor.

Sausage cheese is a relatively young product. Processed cheeses in the United States began to be produced in the 20s of the last century, and only in 1950 they patented the technology for the production of processed cheeses of semi-hard consistency, which could be cut into slices. In our country, sausage cheese became very popular in the 70s of the last century. At that time, shops sold mainly processed cheeses, they were in great demand and were cheaper than hard ones.

Currently, sausage cheese contains many food additives.

The benefits of sausage cheese lies in its composition. This fermented milk product, 100 g of cheese contains more than 20 g. Moreover, they contain all the essential amino acids necessary for a person. Fat in sausage cheese contains almost as much as protein. This should be taken into account for people suffering from impaired fat and carbohydrate metabolism. But despite this, the calorie content of sausage cheese is one and a half times lower than that of hard cheeses, and is 275 kcal per 100 g of product.

This product is valuable in sodium and phosphorus content. It is known that it is from fermented milk products, which include sausage cheese, that these macronutrients are absorbed in the best way, since they contribute to the full assimilation of each other. Thus, this kind of cheese will be useful for our musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, as well as for maintaining the water-salt balance in the body.

How to choose a good sausage cheese?

First of all, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. The presence of vegetable fats in it indicates the low quality of sausage cheese, which in this case should be called a cheese product. The presence of artificial colors and other additives also indicates the low quality of the product.

The surface of a good sausage cheese should be light to dark brown in color. The consistency of a quality product is homogeneous without bubbles and cracks, and during cutting it does not crumble and has a smooth, shiny cut.

Cheese that was actually smoked on sawdust should have a fragrant smoked crust under the shell, when using "liquid smoke" it will not. The smell of the product should be pleasant, it has the aroma of smoke and spices, if they were added to it. If a sour or some other foreign smell comes from sausage cheese, then you should not buy it.

The harm of sausage cheese

Unfortunately, sausage cheese, which we can buy in stores today, is much inferior in quality, and therefore in its useful properties, the product that was so loved in the USSR. That is why even more can be said about its harm than about its benefits. This is due to fundamental changes in the composition of the product and in the technology of its production.

First of all, you need to understand the composition of sausage cheese. Today, in order to reduce production costs and to increase the shelf life, ingredients are added to cheese that should not be in a quality product. Butter and cream are replaced with cheap vegetable fats. Emulsifiers, flavors, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other additives are added to the product to improve its consumer qualities.

For smoking packaged cheese, sawdust, most often birch, alder or oak, should be used. This process is carried out with the help of special smoking installations and requires a long time. That is why many manufacturers use flavoring agents to add flavor to sausage cheeses. liquid smoke". High-quality flavoring is considered quite safe and acceptable in the manufacture of food products, but it is also not cheap. Unscrupulous manufacturers often use cheap "liquid smoke", which may contain harmful phenols, aromatic hydrocarbons, resins and other substances that have carcinogenic properties.



Processed cheeses, depending on the production technology and chemical composition, processed cheeses are divided into a number of groups, among which sausage cheeses can be distinguished. They are developed on the basis low-fat cheeses with the addition of rennet cheese various kinds and dairy products (cottage cheese, butter, powdered milk, whey condensed and dry, etc.). The taste of cheeses is due to smoking and added fillers (cumin, pepper).

In our country, the production of processed cheese was organized in the 30s, first at the Moscow, then at the Leningrad and Rostov factories. In those years, its production was insignificant, but it grew rapidly and in 1972 exceeded 155 thousand tons. This increase in the production of processed cheese is explained by the fact that millions of consumers liked it. Around the same time, sausage processed cheese appeared. The advantage over other processed cheeses was that sausage cheese was perfectly cut, it was possible to cook a mass with it. delicious sandwiches and cold snacks.

Details of the manufacture and packaging of sausage cheese

Over the years, the shape of sausage cheese has not changed. It is still produced in the form of a loaf, but not only cellophane is used for the shell. Today, polymeric films are used as a food shell, for example, such as belkozin, cutizin. These casings have high mechanical strength, which guarantees the complete safety of the finished product. Almost all types of sausage cheeses are produced as before using traditional smoking. Only during the production of sausage cheese "Okhotnichiy" and "Osobogo" a smoke preparation (liquid smoke) is introduced into the prepared cheese mass, after which it is thoroughly mixed and packaged.

Sausage cheese production technology

The technology for the production of sausage cheese occurs according to the following scheme.

1. Preparation of the mixture. The raw materials for the production of sausage cheese are: natural hard and soft cheeses with defects in texture and appearance, cottage cheese, butter, fat, cream, ruler salts, spices and many other additives. Cheese and other large components are crushed on a top. All components are mixed according to the recipe and left for some time to mature.
2. Ripening of cheese mass. During maturation, the components interpenetrate each other. Under the action of the salts of the rulers, the protein swells, which subsequently facilitates the process of melting the cheese mass and prevents the separation of fractions from each other.
3. Melting the cheese mass. Melting takes place in boilers rulers, where at a temperature of 70-90`C and continuous stirring, the mass acquires the consistency necessary for this cheese.
4. Packaging. Sausage cheese is packed into loaves using a special syringe. The sausage leaving the syringe is clipped using a clipper, thereby breaking the cheese flow into individual loaves of a given mass.
5. Cooling. Packaged sausage cheese is hung out and cooled to 20-30`C in special refrigerators or in the air.
6. The final stage- smoking. Chilled loaves of sausage cheese are placed in special smoking chambers, where it is smoked at a temperature of 45-60`C, for about 3 hours. To obtain smoke smoke, sawdust of non-resinous tree species such as birch, oak, alder, ash, etc. is used. Cheeses produced using a smoke preparation are not subjected to smoke smoking.

Pros and Cons of Sausage Cheese

As you know, sausage cheese is produced from secondary raw materials, which is substandard rennet cheese, the expiration date of which expires, and after remelting a full-fledged product suitable for consumption comes out. This scares many, but there is something else to be afraid of.
The harm of sausage cheese lies in the fact that it contains useless chemical phosphate and (E) food additives, as well as a lot of salt. These additives can cause an allergic reaction. Phosphates are categorically not acceptable to people with kidney and liver disease.
Sometimes, instead of butter in order to save money, manufacturers add to cheese vegetable oil, which makes the cheese even less useful.
It is also known that the addition of citric acid can seriously affect diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so people with high acidity of gastric juice should not use sausage or processed cheese.
Sausage cheeses are high in calories, so it is not recommended to consume them in large quantities, especially for people who strictly monitor their weight.

How to choose the right sausage cheese

When choosing sausage cheese, you need to pay attention to the surface of the cheese, it should have a color from light to dark brown and should be glossy in appearance.
The cheese mass itself should be dense, without air bubbles, the shell should fit snugly against the cheese mass. Good sausage cheese has a pleasant smell of smoked meats. If the cheese has a smell similar to smoking, but with extraneous aromas, then this product has not been smoked at all, and the absence of a smoked crust under the shell will also tell about this.

sausage cheese has been very popular since the times of the USSR, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. It is the subtle smell and taste of smoke that attracts many. But what is this product made from? The answer is simple - from expired cheeses different varieties and consistency. In addition, the recipe includes butter, cottage cheese, cream and spices. The use of melting salts makes it easy to combine the ingredients, and they do not allow them to break down into separate components.

The process of making sausage cheese includes several stages. First of all, the cheese is mixed using a special installation, and then the ingredients are combined according to the recipe. Next, the mass enters the boiler, which is designed for melting. Then the mass is sent for molding, and then for cooling. The cheese acquires its specific aroma by smoking with safe sawdust. The finished product is wrapped in vacuum packaging and delivered to store shelves (see photo). Some types of sausage cheese are combined with a special concentrate at the time of production, which gives the final product a unique aroma and taste.

How to choose and store?

To purchase high-quality sausage cheese, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Before you take the product in your hands, look at the conditions of its storage. The temperature of the refrigerator should be low enough, no more than 8 degrees.
  • It is recommended to give preference to cheese in paraffin packaging, in which case it will be of better quality, but the shelf life is only 30 days.
  • Sausage cheese in a polymer shell will keep its freshness for 3 months.
  • Look for a product labeled "natural smoked".
  • Look at the composition of the product, there should be: different cheeses, butter, cottage cheese and melting salts.
  • Look at the cut, there should be no holes or cracks. High-quality sausage cheese should be elastic and not stick to the knife.
  • The glossy surface of the product indicates the quality of the ingredients used and the correct production technology.

You need to store sausage cheese in the refrigerator, the freezer is not suitable for this, because in the end the product will lose its unique aroma and taste, which is the most valuable thing in it.

Beneficial features

The benefits of sausage cheese in comparison with other similar products lose significantly, as it contains preservatives and other harmful substances.

But not everything is so deplorable, after all, this product contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision. There is also potassium in this product, which favorably affects the activity of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the combined action of phosphorus and calcium, bone tissue is regenerated and strengthened. Sausage cheese also contains sodium in large quantities, which prevents dehydration.

Use in cooking

Sausage cheese is valued in many cuisines of the world for its unique aroma and taste. This product is included in recipes various salads, snacks, sandwiches. It goes well with meat, some even cook it on the grill. Sausage cheese is also widely used in baking.

Harm of sausage cheese and contraindications

Sausage cheese can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering that the composition of this product includes a large number of food additives harmful to humans, which in turn negatively affects health, this can provoke allergies. Sausage cheese can cause kidney and stomach problems for some people.

In addition, it is worth considering the rather high calorie content of sausage cheese, which means that it should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight, watch their figure, or suffer from obesity.


Sausage cheese has been very popular since the times of the USSR, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. It is the subtle smell and taste of smoke that attracts many. But what is this product made from? The answer is simple - from expired cheeses of different varieties and textures. In addition, the recipe includes butter, cottage cheese, cream and spices. The use of melting salts makes it easy to combine the ingredients, and they do not allow them to break down into separate components.

The process of making sausage cheese includes several stages. First of all, the cheese is mixed using a special installation, and then the ingredients are combined according to the recipe. Next, the mass enters the boiler, which is designed for melting. Then the mass is sent for molding, and then for cooling. The cheese acquires its specific aroma by smoking with safe sawdust. The finished product is wrapped in vacuum packaging and delivered to store shelves. Some types of sausage cheese are combined with a special concentrate at the time of production, which gives the final product a unique aroma and taste.


As is the case with numerous varieties, sausage cheese is valued not only for its excellent taste characteristics, but also for its special chemical composition. Although, in comparison with other cheese products, sausage cheese loses somewhat in content useful substances natural origin. During production, with the participation of high temperatures, some of them are lost. However, in the sausage processed cheese contains enough vitamin A, phosphorus, folic acid, potassium and calcium.

Sausage cheese production technology

A sour-milk delicacy with a unique taste and a “smoky” aroma that excites the appetite is made according to a specific scheme.

The whole process can be divided into several stages. The first involves the grinding of hard and soft substandard cheeses through a special installation. At the second stage, the ingredients necessary to obtain sausage cheese are mixed. At the same time, the prescribed recipe is strictly followed. The third stage of the production process is a key moment in the manufacture of fused fermented milk product: the mixture is placed in the melting pot. The fourth stage is characterized by packaging the resulting hot mass into a loaf-shaped package and dividing the latter into parts. As an artificial shell of sausage cheese, a polymer film or cellophane, kutuzin and other materials are used. The package is filled with cheese mass using a large syringe. To divide the packaged product into loaves, they are clipped automatically. After all these manipulations, the delicacy is cooled.

But the production of sausage cheese does not end there. The final stage is the smoking of the product. It is produced using sawdust of non-resinous tree species, such as oak, ash, birch. It should be noted that for some varieties of delicacies, smoking is replaced by adding a concentrate to the mass, which has a smoked aroma and gives such a smell to the cheese mixture. The smoked sausage cheese is packed in a vacuum film, put in cardboard boxes. In this form, the product enters the place of sale.

How to choose and store?

To purchase high-quality sausage cheese, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Before you take the product in your hands, look at the conditions of its storage. The temperature of the refrigerator should be low enough, no more than 8 degrees.
  • It is recommended to give preference to cheese in paraffin packaging, in which case it will be of better quality, but the shelf life is only 30 days.
  • Sausage cheese in a polymer shell will keep its freshness for 3 months.
  • Look for a product labeled "natural smoked".
  • Look at the composition of the product, there should be: different cheeses, butter, cottage cheese and melting salts.
  • Look at the cut, there should be no holes or cracks. High-quality sausage cheese should be elastic and not stick to the knife.
  • The glossy surface of the product indicates the quality of the ingredients used and the correct production technology.

You need to store sausage cheese in the refrigerator, the freezer is not suitable for this, because in the end the product will lose its unique aroma and taste, which is the most valuable thing in it.

Calorie sausage cheese 275 kcal.

Energy value of the product Sausage cheese (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 21.2 g (~ 85 kcal)
Fat: 19.4g (~175kcal)
Carbohydrates: 3.7 g (~15 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 31%|63%|5%

Vitamins and minerals

The vitamins and minerals contained in sausage cheese neutralize the effects of harmful substances, so you can and should include it in the menu if you follow the recommendations of nutritionists.

Beneficial features

The benefits of sausage cheese in comparison with other similar products lose significantly, as it contains preservatives and other harmful substances.

But not everything is so deplorable, after all, this product contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision. There is also potassium in this product, which favorably affects the activity of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the combined action of phosphorus and calcium, bone tissue is regenerated and strengthened. Sausage cheese also contains sodium in large quantities, which prevents dehydration.

The harm of sausage cheese

Sausage cheese can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering that the composition of this product includes a large number of food additives harmful to humans, which in turn negatively affects health, this can provoke allergies. Sausage cheese can cause kidney and stomach problems for some people.

In addition, it is worth considering the rather high calorie content of sausage cheese, which means that it should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight, watch their figure, or suffer from obesity.

Use in cooking

Sausage cheese is valued in many cuisines of the world for its unique aroma and taste. This product is included in the recipes of various salads, snacks, sandwiches. It goes well with meat, some even cook it on the grill. Sausage cheese is also widely used in baking.

P contraindications

It is not recommended to eat sausage cheese for people prone to obesity (high calorie content) and in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This product is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, because it can cause an allergic reaction.

There are also contraindications to the use of sausage cheese in the presence of diseases of the stomach and kidneys, because lemon acid, which is present in sausage cheese, can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

In spite of high calorie content and the presence of harmful substances in the composition, sometimes you can treat yourself to such delicious cheese. Remember to choose only fresh and quality product. A dense texture will tell about the quality, and the color of the cheese in the context can vary from light brown to dark brown. The aroma of smoked meat must be present.

Processed sausage cheese with a delicate taste and smoky smell has been a popular snack since the times of the USSR. Most often it is made from substandard semi-hard cheeses with the addition of cream, butter, herbs and spices. Often, cottage cheese is used as a base to reduce the cost of the product.

Many dishes can be prepared from this product - from sandwiches to hastily to rich. But is sausage cheese good enough for our health to eat it every day? Let's figure it out.

Calorie and the nutritional value sausage cheese

100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins - 21.2 g
  • carbohydrates - 3.7 g
  • fat - 19.4 g

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, E, C and D.

Minerals: calcium, potassium, sulfur, copper, phosphorus and iron.

The calorie content of sausage cheese per 100 g is 357 calories.

Useful properties of sausage cheese

With moderate use of the product - no more than 70 g per day - the body receives the following "pluses":

  • bones and teeth become stronger;
  • reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • skin, hair and nails are filled with health;
  • the brain works more efficiently;
  • thanks to the enzymes and organic acids contained in the cheese, toxins and toxins are gently removed from the intestines.

It is important to understand: Not all store-bought cheeses are prepared according to technology and from natural ingredients. Often products are stuffed with preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes and vegetable fats. Therefore, in relation to other dairy products, sausage cheese loses significantly in favor.

The harm of sausage cheese

  1. Good smoked cheese should contain only animal fats. Their cheap substitute - Palm oil clogs blood vessels with cholesterol. If, when cutting, sausage cheese crumbles, sticks strongly to the knife and dries quickly, this is a fake.
  2. People with diseases of the stomach, kidneys and arterial hypertension should not abuse this product. It's all about the high salt content, which increases pressure and provokes the appearance of puffiness.
  3. Poor quality sausage cheese contraindicated for allergy sufferers due to the addition of flavor enhancers and colorants. Quality indicator - white or creamy shade of the product. The yellower the cheese, the more dyes it contains.
  4. Some manufacturers, instead of natural smoking, use a special “liquid smoke” additive, which is used to process the entire product. The worst thing is that this substance is a carcinogen.

How to choose and store sausage cheese

  1. Choose a product with a note on the label about natural technology smoking.
  2. The composition should not contain dyes, preservatives, flavors and other artificial additives. Only butter, base cheeses, cottage cheese and salt.
  3. Paraffin shell- an indicator of the high quality of the product, but it will be possible to store it for only 30 days.
  4. Cracks on the cut and a dry crust speak of the low quality of the product. At good cheese the cut is moist and elastic.
  5. Useful cheese has a glossy surface.
  6. Store the product at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees Celsius to preserve its beneficial properties.

This smoked treat does not last long in the refrigerator. Using our simple recommendations, you will squeeze maximum benefit from every piece.

How often do you eat sausage cheese? Do you use it in cooking? Write in the comments.

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