Home Meat Delicious merchant-style buckwheat. Merchant buckwheat: recipes with photos. With pork in a pan

Delicious merchant-style buckwheat. Merchant buckwheat: recipes with photos. With pork in a pan

Aglaya Ivanovna:

Bob Popov:

With a bouillon cube? And this is the merchants of the 19th century? Oh well.
And now show me those real merchants! ..)) that's why the bouillon cubes))) But in general - well, beautiful name, and the recipe is adapted to modern products ...
Modern products?
Salt - here it is, the main component of this bouillon cube of yours, plus any muck to it so that your yam would be tasty and spicy. For example, here is the composition of the Knorr chicken cube (other manufacturers have it even worse):
synthetic additive E621 (monosodium glutamate) - this is to make your yam be an overeating, do not drag it by the ears,
synthetic additive E631 (disodium inosinate) - this is to make your yam even tastier (and even more harmful for your children),
synthetic dyes E-102 (tartrazine) and E-110, made from industrial waste - coal tar,
maltodextrin is a product of incomplete acid (dilute acids) hydrolysis of starch,
yeast extract, cornstarch, sugar,
hydrogenated soybean oil, vegetable protein hydrolyzate (corn),
sodium caseinate - a meat substitute in order to reduce the cost, and to be glutinous, caseinist, cool and yum-yum,
hydrogenated beef tallow, chicken tallow,
annatto food coloring, citric acid,
and finally, homeopathic particles of dry parsley and boiled chicken meat.
Dyes E-102 and E-110 are made from industrial waste - coal tar. E-110 is the sulfonated version of Sudan I dye, which is a carcinogen. Typically, E-110 contains some of that Sudan I of yours. E-102 dye is banned in Norway, Austria, Germany, and E-110 dye is banned in Norway and Finland.
Constant consumption of E-102 (tartrazine) causes anxiety, migraine, depression, impaired vision and sleep, purple spots on the skin. In children - asthma attacks, thyroid tumor, chromosome damage, hyperactivity. Men are not bypassed either - a decrease in male potency, the number of spermatozoa. Do you like it? And do you need it?
This E-110 you love (also called Sunset Yellow, a wonderful name, especially the word "sunset") causes swelling of the skin, migraines, hives, indigestion with diarrhea and vomiting. Consumer scientists urge governments to ban those E-102 and E-110 of yours - "These synthetic chemicals do absolutely nothing to improve nutritional quality and safety food products, but are triggers for problem behaviors in children and cancer in anyone."
But the opinion of modern nutritionists about these modern products of yours - hydrogenated vegetable fats (they are also called "vegetable cream") - "From a medical point of view, "vegetable cream" is trans-isomeric fatty acids that are very poorly absorbed by the body. Products containing them are not It is recommended to use as trans-isomers are carcinogens. Transisomers are included in the group of dangerous compounds for the human body, which increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, certain types of cancer, in particular breast cancer. And you need it, lovers
modern "products" - chicken broths, in which there were no chickens, meat sausages, in which there was never meat, boiled sausage from soy, trans-isomers and chemical flavorings?
So, forward and with a song towards the cemetery under the flag of new technologies and with new chemical substitutes for natural natural products. With joy and enthusiasm. Only, please, do not need to camouflage this joy of this movement of yours with words, in particular - Merchant, which have nothing to do with your nyamka, and which you devalue by just applying to your creations from bouillon cubes.
But in general, every self-respecting hostess, mistress of the kitchen, keeper of the family hearth, wife and mother, always has in the freezer in her kitchen a frozen homemade rich fragrant strong chicken bouillon. What would at any time without high costs and quickly cook vegetable soup or soup with quality egg noodles from durum varieties wheat, or exotic soup with shrimp and mussels, or boil wheat porridge, make sauce, and much more.
And carrots and ketchup in buckwheat porridge are nonsense. Carrot interrupts delicate taste buckwheat. So is ketchup, so is broth. Buckwheat porridge is boiled in water so that you can feel the subtle true taste of buckwheat in the original Russian dish - buckwheat porridge, a dish that other cuisines do not know. Pokhlebkin wrote a lot of good things about buckwheat porridge, a large list of buckwheat porridge recipes is included in the famous Book of Tasty and Healthy Food.
And what is published here is a yamka that has little to do with buckwheat porridge, especially Merchant. Buckwheat here is just a filler for carrots and monosodium glutamate, flavored with ketchup, another "modern product" of the chemical industry.
Bon Appetit!

Merchant-style buckwheat is, in fact, crumbly porridge cooked with meat and vegetables. You can use any meat - pork, beef, poultry, minced meat and it always turns out delicious. Today we are preparing merchant buckwheat with chicken.

When I first saw this recipe, I caught myself thinking that I cook almost the same way, and now at home we call this dish not "merchant buckwheat", but buckwheat pilaf.)))
I must say that such pilaf is prepared very simply, quickly, from available products and is liked by almost everyone, even those who do not really like buckwheat.

Ingredients:(serves 4)

  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 350-400 g chicken fillet
  • 1 large onion (130-150 g)
  • 1 large carrot (150 g)
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste or ketchup
  • 25-30 g butter
  • dry seasonings optional
  • olive or sunflower oil for frying

Instead of tomato paste or ketchup, you can take one large tomato, grated without a skin on a coarse grater, it also turns out delicious.
The capacity of the glass does not matter, it is only important to take cereal and water in a 1: 2 ratio.


You can use any part of the chicken to cook buckwheat in a merchant's way, I prefer to cook with breast fillet.
So, cut the breast fillet into small pieces.

In a cauldron, a deep frying pan or a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour olive or ordinary vegetable oil, heat it up and lay out the chicken pieces. Salt, pepper and fry until light golden brown.

Chicken can be fried not only in vegetable oil. I always advise not to throw away the fat cut from chicken pieces, but to freeze. It can be added to any minced meat, or it can be used in the preparation of chicken dishes. Just cut, melt, then remove the cracklings and add vegetable oil if the chicken melted fat is not enough. This will further enrich the taste of the finished dish.

But back to the recipe. While the chicken is fried, at the same time, in another pan, fry the onion, cut into quarters of rings, until transparent.

Then add the carrots, cut into strips or sticks, and continue to fry for another three minutes over low heat.

Of course, onions and carrots can be fried in the same dish with chicken, but I always fry the vegetables separately, so they are fried more evenly and ready meal it turns out incomparably tastier.
In a cauldron with fried chicken, lay out ready-made onions and carrots. There we add the garlic, passed through the press.

We sort out buckwheat, wash it, pour it into a cauldron for chicken and vegetables. You don't need to mix. Then we dilute the tomato mass or ketchup in two glasses of hot water from the kettle and also pour it into the cauldron. To make merchant chicken buckwheat taste even better, at this stage you can add a pinch of any dried seasonings, for example, basil, or my favorite nutmeg, or seasoning for chicken, or Provence herbs. Mixing layers, I repeat, is not necessary.

When the water boils, remove the foam a little, but do not be zealous. Taste for salt, adding more if necessary. Let the buckwheat boil in an open cauldron, do not close the lid yet.
When the water boils to the level of buckwheat, add 25-30 g of butter.

Now we tightly close the cauldron with a lid and reduce the fire to the minimum that your stove allows. Let the dish simmer for 15-20 minutes. Since the water has not boiled away yet, buckwheat with chicken will never burn.

After the specified time, open the lid and mix the contents of the cauldron.

Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken turns out to be very tasty, fragrant, and besides, as you yourself saw, it is quite simple to prepare.

I also want to add that you can also cook buckwheat without chicken, and use it as an independent dish or as delicious side dish.
What kind delicious food Can you make more with buckwheat? Look at the recipe or cooked in the oven.

That's all for today. I say goodbye to you until the next recipe and wish you all good luck, kindness and good mood!
Always cook with pleasure!

Finally, I suggest watching a video about the performance of an unusually talented, amazing girl with the gift of ventriloquism.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

There is a very convenient way to quickly and tasty feed your family with a hearty dinner or lunch - to cook something from the “two in one” series, when both the meat and the side dish are immediately prepared for it. There are many such recipes - both with vegetables and cereals, meat can be marinated or fried, cooked in portions in pots or in one large baking dish. It turns out very tasty merchant buckwheat with pork, the recipe with a photo of which we will show. Pre-meat and vegetables will need to be fried to make the taste brighter, and it is enough to rinse or dry the cereal if desired, if you like friable buckwheat. Next, the dish will be cooked in the oven, but you can cook.
For our recipe, it is better to take soft meat, moderately fat pork is ideal. It is prepared quickly, but if there is time, it is better to simmer the meat with buckwheat and vegetables in the oven for a longer time, making a small fire, so that the result is tender, juicy meat and a crumbly side dish for it.

- buckwheat - 2 cups (faceted glass);
- pork - 350 gr;
- tomatoes - 3 pcs;
- bow - 2 pcs;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- sweet pepper - 1 pc;
- water - 4.5 cups;
- salt - to taste;
- black pepper - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the pork into portioned pieces of such a size that it is convenient to pry with a spoon or pick up on a fork.

Heat oil in a thick-walled frying pan or in a cauldron, lay out the meat and fry it over medium heat until it appears on all sides. golden brown. In time, it will take 10-12 minutes, no more. Don't overcook as this will dry out the meat.

In the meantime, pour 4.5 cups of water into a kettle or saucepan and put on high heat so that you have boiling water to pour the cereal with meat. Prepare vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, chop the onion into small cubes or chop it into half rings.

Wash the carrots and peppers, peel, remove the middle with seeds from the pepper. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized pieces, not very small.

Add the onion to the fried pork, continue to fry the meat along with the onion for about two minutes.

Then add the rest of the vegetables, all at once: tomatoes, slices of sweet pepper and carrots. Stir, pepper and fry for a minute.

Wash the buckwheat. Put it in a pot with pork and vegetables. Stir, evaporate the liquid, fry the cereal a little (if necessary loose buckwheat). If the cereal will not be fried, then you can immediately mix everything or put it in layers in a form - down the meat with vegetables, sprinkle the washed cereal on top of it.

Put the meat with buckwheat and vegetables in a form convenient for cooking, always with a lid. In the absence of a lid, the form will need to be tightened with foil so that the water does not evaporate before the buckwheat is ready. Carefully pour in 4.5 cups of boiling water, salt. Stir in salt and taste. Cover the form, put in hot oven with a temperature of 180 degrees. After 40-45 minutes, buckwheat with merchant pork in the oven will be ready.

Leave the buckwheat in the oven turned off, let it sweat and pick up the taste. Prepare to serve a salad of fresh or pickled vegetables, green onion, pickles - get everything you love. Arrange hot fragrant buckwheat porridge with meat on plates and serve. Bon Appetit!

1. Let's start preparing the dish by peeling the onion and chop it finely. Put everything in a separate bowl.

  • 2. Peel the carrots, wash them and cut into small squares. Use a sharp knife as this can be difficult. Put everything back in a separate bowl.
  • 3. Now let's prepare the meat. Rinse it well under running water. Before you start cutting it, remove unnecessary fat, film and veins if necessary. Then it is desirable to wash it again. Now cut the meat into small pieces. Also put in a separate bowl.
  • 4. Now let's prepare the buckwheat. So that later there are no troubles, you should look at your cereal for the presence of foreign bodies in it (pebbles, husks, twigs, etc.). After that, pour the buckwheat into a sieve with small holes and rinse thoroughly under running water. After - set aside.
  • 5. We start cooking the dish. We put a frying pan on a small fire (choose a deep one, as the dish will be cooked in it to the end, with all the ingredients) and pour vegetable oil into it. Then add onions and carrots. Fry everything until the vegetables are golden and soft. After that, the frying must be taken out into a separate bowl.
  • 6. In the same pan, lay out the meat for frying. Top up if necessary vegetable oil. Fry the meat until it also becomes slightly golden.
  • 7. Then you should put fried vegetables in the meat, after them add the washed buckwheat. Now pour the required amount of water into the meat with buckwheat, add the right amount of salt and black ground pepper. We mix everything. Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil. Then reduce the fire and simmer some more
  • Just listen to the name of the recipe! How does it sound like a merchant! A bright room immediately appears, the table is full of dishes, pickles and the main dish - buckwheat porridge. Such a large core, generously poured with meat gravy, the aroma is so breathtaking. Where is my big spoon? Of course, these are my fantasies, but after all, they really used to prefer cereals, cereals and vegetables. There were no such frills and delicacies, but it was simple and satisfying. Try to save your strength by eating a leaf of lettuce or an apple. And cereals are rich in vitamins and microelements. The usefulness of this nucleus has always been known. Therefore, she was respected. And as a second dish, buckwheat is in the top three. The main thing is to combine vegetables and various additives, meat and mushrooms, spices to diversify the dish. For your attention, there are several options for merchant buckwheat recipes at once, all with detailed step by step photos understood so that any beginner can handle cooking.

    Ahead of events and questions, I want to explain a little what, in my opinion, buckwheat in merchant style differs from buckwheat with meat. In our recipe, there will be one stage at which we will roast the cereal in a dry frying pan. This procedure will dry the core, harden it, and then, in the dish, you will see how crumbly, neat and at the same time tender and soft it will turn out.

    Merchant buckwheat with pork: recipe with photo

    During my childhood, this cereal was in short supply, it was given out only on coupons and diabetics. And when we had buckwheat, my mother always cooked delicious crumbly porridge with meat. "And what's delicious about it? you ask. Nothing special." And I will answer you - you just never cooked it like a merchant. Do it at least once and check.


    • pork - 400g;
    • buckwheat - 250g;
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
    • onion - 1 pc;
    • carrots - 1 pc;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
    • fresh greens (parsley, dill) - optional;
    • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

    How to cook merchant buckwheat with pork

    Pickles are perfect for this dish. Cucumbers and tomatoes, cabbage and even mushrooms. It will be very merchant-like!

    Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken

    Light, not heavy meal. Chicken is cooked quickly and eaten even faster. Hearty, but not hard on the stomach. For cooking, you can take the thighs, but chicken fillet is just perfect.

    What we need:

    • chicken (you can fillet, you can thighs) - 250-300g;
    • buckwheat - 200g;
    • carrots - 1 pc;
    • onion - 1 pc;
    • sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
    • salt and spices - to taste;
    • tomato paste - 1 tsp

    How to cook merchant buckwheat with chicken

    Merchant buckwheat: a recipe with minced meat

    If in previous recipes we took whole meat, then in this recipe we will make life easier for ourselves and use minced meat. When I decided to cook this version of buckwheat in a merchant's way, I was overcome by doubts about what would come out of the experiment. Strange as it may seem, we liked everything and the dish with minced meat was included in our family menu. You can take ready-made, store-bought, but I always have homemade, assorted in the freezer. It is not difficult for me to turn on the meat grinder and get ready-ground meat. It remains to defrost it and sort out the cereal.

    Grocery list:

    • minced meat (pork, beef, mixed) - 400g;
    • buckwheat - 200g;
    • carrots and onions - 1 pc;
    • tomatoes - 1-2pcs;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • salt - to taste;
    • spices - to choose from;
    • tomato sauce (ketchup) - 1 tablespoon;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

    How to make buckwheat with minced meat

    Merchant-style buckwheat with beef and mushrooms

    With beef and mushrooms - a dish that is ideal for a Sunday family dinner. It will be prepared in several stages, since the ingredients will be laid one by one. Beef takes the longest to cook, so we fry it right away. Then we will take mushrooms (champignons) and, finally, our heroine of today's selection of recipes - buckwheat. Buckwheat cooks quickly, so at this stage you can start setting the table. In the meantime, see everything step by step and with photos.

    List of ingredients:

    • beef - 300 gr;
    • buckwheat - 300 gr;
    • champignons - 200 gr;
    • onions - 100 gr;
    • carrot - 100 gr;
    • vegetable oil - 40 gr;
    • water - 600 gr;
    • salt and black pepper - to taste.

    Cooking process

    We serve buckwheat in a merchant's way to the table hot. We believe that no one will go hungry.

    There are countless ways to prepare such porridge. Various additives, fresh vegetables or marinated, grilled will only add spice to this dish. If you don't like pasta, replace it tomato juice. The dish will only benefit from such a replacement. And with mushrooms, both fresh and salted, you will forget that you do not like buckwheat. In addition to in a frying pan, you can cook in a merchant's way in a cauldron, pots in the oven, in a slow cooker. And with sour cream and rabbit, with bacon ... but what can I tell you. Cook and enjoy!

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