Home Nutrition How to cook cranberry juice. Cranberry juice. Recipe

How to cook cranberry juice. Cranberry juice. Recipe

It is difficult to find a berry healthier than cranberries. It contains so many vitamins and minerals that it breaks all records for a positive effect on the human body. Such a drink is especially useful during the period colds when it is very important to support the body, and vitamins from the external environment are not enough. Many housewives go to the trick - they freeze berries, and in winter they cook incredibly useful juice ik. Today we will look at how to cookcranberry juice, frozen berries recipesuitable for any time of the year and does not depend on the season.

Cranberries are famous for their record content of vitamin C, in this criterion it is ahead of even lemons and oranges. In addition, this miracle berry contains all the B vitamins, calcium, iron, sodium and much more. This is not only a big plus, but also a small disadvantage, since after heat treatment useful material may lose their properties. In this regard, the preparation of cranberry juice should be approached with greater responsibility.

  1. It is important to observe correct proportions at the time of preparation. To get a fruit drink with a rich taste, it is necessary that the cranberry juice in it be at least 30% of the total volume of the drink.
  2. If you prefer sweet juice and plan to add honey to it, then do it after cooking. The drink must be room temperature, so honey will dissolve perfectly and will not lose its beneficial properties.
  3. Frozen berries must be thawed before cooking. It is important that the process is as natural as possible. Ideally, the berries must first be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator compartment and after 5-6 hours, take it out from there for further defrosting at room temperature.
  4. To obtain original taste spicy herbs and other components can be added to the fruit drink at the time of cooking. For example, mint, lemon or cinnamon.
  5. It is important to carefully monitor the quality of the raw materials used. Spoiled berries are not at all suitable for fruit drinks. Also, if cranberries after defrosting long time waited in the wings, it is better to leave the idea. Sour berries will only spoil the impression and will not give any benefit.

Cranberry juice: recipes from frozen berries

There are quite a few recipes for cranberry juice. As mentioned above, various fruits and spices can be added to the drink, which changes the taste and makes the fruit drink unique. We bring to your attention, the most successful, in our opinion, ways of preparing a healthy fruit drink.

Cranberry juice without heat treatment

Many are categorically against cooking and, in general, defrosting berries. And they are right, because after the cranberries thaw and then are additionally cooked, almost all useful substances will cease to be such. The maximum benefit is preserved only under the condition of quick and deep freezing and storage in a vacuum.

To prepare a drink with maximum benefit for the body, prepare it according to this recipe.

  1. Grind frozen berries in a blender.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a container with water at room temperature and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add sugar or honey for more usefulness.
  4. Leave the drink for one hour, then mix thoroughly.

This is the simplest and most usefulcranberry juice (recipe from frozen berries)ready to use. By the way, the same drink can be prepared in the harvest season. fresh berries OK.

Classic recipe

This recipe is the most common. It does not contain additives or additional ingredients. Everything is simple and tasteful.


  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • frozen cranberries - 200 gr.;
  • water - 2 l.

The amount of sugar, if desired, can be reduced or completely replaced with honey. But in this case, the sweetness must be added after the juice has cooled down.

To prepare, we wait for the berry to completely thaw and rinse it under running water. A colander is perfect, the berries will not crumple in it. Wait for the water to drain from the berries and mash them. You can grind them in a blender. Then the resulting mass must be filtered through cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it. So all unnecessary components, seeds and skins of the berry are removed, and the fruit drink will turn out without impurities. You can also separate the juice through a juicer, if any. In this case, the berries are immediately sent to it.

Pour the juice into a glass container, and the cake is poured with water and brought to a boil. You do not need to boil for a long time, one minute is enough for this. Immediately after boiling, add sugar and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Remove the broth from the stove and leave to brew for half an hour. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and combined with juice.

Cranberry juice with rose hips

Another equally useful berry is rose hips. It concentrates no less benefit that can support the body during its weakening period. Therefore, the benefits of such an alliance are twofold.


  • cranberries - 500 gr.;
  • rosehip - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 l.

The same is true with sugar. If you do not eat it, then you can safely exclude it from the composition, and then add honey for sweetness.Cranberry juice frozen berry recipeand rosehip is obtained with a special touch of taste that many will like.

Long time to cook the cake is not worth it. Simply bring to a boil and dissolve the sugar. In general, no longer than a minute in order to preserve the beneficial substances to the maximum. It is also necessary to mix liquids at temperatures not higher than room temperature so that the benefits of the juice are not lost.

The list of recipes can go on for a long time. You can add lemon to cranberries, which will betray not only the unique taste, but also the aroma. An excellent combination will give cranberry juice with orange and cinnamon, ginger will also be a great addition. Some housewives make cranberry juice with carrot juice. With due imagination, each housewife can come up with her own unique recipe by mixing the ingredients that the household likes.

Find out how cranberry juice is useful and how to cook it in a blender, slow cooker. Also read various recipes fruit drink with the addition of healthy berries and other products.

  • Cranberry juice is a natural storehouse of vitamins. This drink nourishes the body with energy, gives vigor, perfectly quenches thirst, restores strength after a hard day's work.
  • Such a drink is especially useful during the period when it is not the season for fresh fruits and vegetables. It is at the time in which the body is especially susceptible to infections (autumn, winter, spring)
  • It is good if you prepare the drug yourself, and not buy it in supermarkets. After all, home-made preparations are always more useful than store-bought ones. We will talk further about how to cook fruit drinks ourselves.

Is it possible to cranberry juice for pregnant, lactating, children?

The cranberry berry is one of the leaders among other fruits on the list. beneficial vitamins and elements in the composition. Therefore, doctors often recommend it to be used in the form of a fruit drink for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Natural elixir contains:

  • organic acids ( malic, cinchona, citric, benzoic, phenol carboxylic)
  • vitamins ( B1, B6, B2, PP, B9, E)
  • calcium,iron,potassium,magnesium, phosphorus,sodium
  • carotene, flavonoids, tannins,polyphenol
  • cellulose, pectin

Cranberries - composition of berries

The benefits of cranberry juice for pregnant women

  1. When a woman is in an interesting position, the immune system is often weakened, problems with gums and teeth appear. Cranberry drink is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic. If you regularly drink it, then the gums will stop bleeding and caries will not develop.
  2. To avoid the risk of developing postpartum depression, psycho-emotional disorders, you need to drink fruit drinks. Thanks to him, nervousness will not develop, brain activity will improve
  3. Cranberry is an excellent natural diuretic, prevents the growth of all kinds of bacteria during urinary stagnation.
  4. Morse reduces blood pressure in hypertension, increases the elasticity of your blood vessels
  5. This drink reduces the risk of infectious pathologies, removes all kinds of puffiness
  6. If you have toxicosis, then cranberry juice reduces bouts of vomiting
  7. The benefits of the drink in the fight against varicose veins have been noticed

What are the restrictions for eating cranberry juice?

  • If you have gastritis with high acidity, an ulcer or liver disease, then it is better to drink fruit drink, well diluted with water, in small quantities.
  • When breastfeeding, you should gradually introduce fruit drinks into the diet and monitor the baby - if she is allergic to this drink, the same should be done when introducing the drink into the diet of the child himself
  • Do not drink cranberry juice with sulfo drugs
  • Use the juice with caution in urolithiasis pathologies

How to cook cranberry juice from frozen cranberries?

Preparing for the winter season, housewives try to stock up on vitamins for the winter by various methods. It’s great if the house has a freezer or a refrigerator with a spacious freezer.

You can put cranberries there in containers, and then in the cold season prepare healing drinks for various diseases, for prevention.

Frozen fruit drink recipe


  • Cranberries - 400 grams of the product
  • Honey - a large spoon
  • Sugar - 45 grams
  • Water - 1 liter 700 grams

Cooking order:

  • Place cranberries in a separate bowl, pour warm water, rinse, then rinse again in a colander under running water
  • Mix clean berries with a glass of water, grind them in a blender
  • Place the resulting mass in cheesecloth, squeeze into a separate container to get juice
  • Mix the pulp separately with 1.5 water and sugar (you can add more sugar, be guided by your taste preferences). Put it on the stove, let it boil
  • When the drink cools down to 40 degrees - strain, add honey to it, and then juice

IMPORTANT: With increased acidity, you need to add more water so that the fruit drink is not concentrated. If the drink irritates the walls of the stomach, stop drinking it.

How to make fruit drink from fresh cranberries?

In essence, making fruit drink from fresh berries is not much different from making a drink from frozen ones. The procedure is the same. However, read on.

Recipe: Prepare one kilogram of fresh vitamin cranberries, one and a half liters of water, add sugar or honey to taste. First, separate the spoiled fruits, wash the cranberries. Then again pour half a glass of water, pour the berries into the container, blend the mass. Squeeze the juice out of it into a separate bowl. Boil the compote from the remains of the berries, add sugar or honey, when the water has cooled down, strain. Add juice to compote. Mix the liquids well, let the juice stand for a while (1-2 hours). Then sing.

How to cook cranberry juice in a slow cooker?

In order to do without pharmacy vitamins in winter, brew a cranberry drink and drink it for prevention periodically during an exacerbation of seasonal diseases. A simple method of preparing cranberry juice is to cook it in a slow cooker. To do this, place the already squeezed berries in the multicooker container, pour water, turn on the "Cooking" mode, when it boils, add sugar and switch to "Stewing" (ten minutes). Further, as in the above recipe, let cool, filter, mix with cranberry juice.

How to cook cranberry juice in a blender?

The blender serves as an auxiliary tool in the preparation of a cranberry drink.

Recipe: Mix three cups of fresh clean cranberries with a little water. Take a blender and chop the berries, beat them well. Then separate the juice, and dip the thick mass into boiling water in a saucepan (1.5 liter). Leave boiling juice on low heat for 5 minutes, add sugar. When cool, strain, add the juice of one lemon, cranberry juice.

How to cook cranberry juice with honey?

Morse with honey has a rather pleasant, aromatic taste and smell. It must be prepared in the same way as described above. Only the composition will look like this:

  • Cranberries - 550 grams
  • Honey (May) - two large spoons
  • Water - 1 liter 750 ml

Cranberry and raspberry juice recipe

In the summer, when raspberries ripen in the country, you can just get enough of it fresh, or you can close the useful juice in jars for the winter.

Recipe: Narvaet 750 grams of cranberries and 500 grams of raspberries. Sort spoiled berries, then wash them. Let the water drain. Put the berries in enamel pan, add water, a glass of sugar. Cook like compote. Strain fruit drink, pour into sterile jars, sterilize again, roll up.

Recipe for cranberry and currant juice

The procedure for preparing a drink from cranberries, currants is the same as frozen cranberries. Only the composition varies, for fruit drink you will need:

  • 400 grams of fresh, clean cranberries
  • 150 grams of currant
  • three liters of water

Recipe for cranberry and lingonberry fruit drink

Ingredients for fruit drink from lingonberries, cranberries:

  • Cranberries 450 grams
  • Cowberry 150 grams
  • Sprinkle sugar to taste
  • Water - three liters

The recipe is the same as in the previous paragraph.

IMPORTANT: Such fruit drink is not advisable for people suffering from the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity in the body.

Video: making cranberry juice

Cranberries are one of the healthiest berries growing in Russia. Her fame was so great that Russian merchants sold tons of it abroad, she was one of the main export goods along with black and red caviar. Everyone knows about its benefits and therefore is actively used, for example, for making fruit drinks. But does everyone know how to cook cranberry juice? Let's make a real drink, while retaining all the vitamins and minerals contained in this berry.

Classic cranberry juice

We take ripe cranberries, wash them thoroughly under cold running water and let them drain. Now we place the berry in a deep container and crush it well with a wooden or ceramic pestle. Of course, you can grind the berry with a blender, but given the high content of acids in it, it is better to avoid contact of the pulp with the metal parts of the mechanism. The resulting slurry is squeezed through gauze. We set aside the juice (we will need it at the final stage of preparing such a wonderful drink as cranberry juice), and pour the pulp with sugar and fill it with water. The proportions are as follows: for a glass of cranberry puree, take half a glass of sugar and a liter of water. We put our mixture on the stove and, stirring to dissolve the sugar, bring it to a boil and boil for no more than two minutes. Let our mixture cool, strain it and mix with juice. In the same way, you can cook a fruit drink from frozen cranberries. Its recipe differs only in that the berry must first be thawed. By the way, freezing The best way storage of any berry. Its main disadvantage is that fruits and vegetables take up a lot of space in the freezer.

How to cook cranberry juice with honey?

Based classic recipe can do even more healthy drink. To do this, exclude sugar from the list of ingredients and add honey at the stage of mixing the juice with the pulp decoction. If he managed to sugar, put it in a slightly warm liquid, so it will dissolve faster and not lose its beneficial properties. You need a little less honey than sugar, as the fruit drink can turn out cloying. And do not forget that such a drink is contraindicated for people with allergies to bee products.

How to cook fruit drink from cranberries and lingonberries?

If you think about what kind of berry can compete with cranberries in usefulness, then this is, of course, lingonberries. It is not so juicy, but not so sour, and a fruit drink from a mixture of these fruits has a rich taste, aroma and perfectly quenches thirst. For a liter of water we take half a glass of lingonberries, cranberries and sugar, a tablespoon of mint. Boil water, dissolve sugar in it and throw in mint. Let it brew for fifteen minutes. In the meantime, we grind the berry in an accessible way and add it to the almost cooled infusion. Let stand for half an hour and strain. Morse is ready!

Cranberry jelly

We now know how to make cranberry juice, but not only this drink can be made from it! Let's make the kids happy and make jelly for them. For him, we need fruit drink and gelatin. We take forty-sixty grams of gelatin per liter of liquid, then the jelly will turn out strong and will keep its shape perfectly. You need to prepare it in accordance with the instructions on the package, then melt and pour into a slightly warm fruit drink, stirring vigorously. It remains to pour our masterpiece into molds (it is convenient to use silicone ones) and put it in the refrigerator to solidify. When the jelly is ready (and you will immediately understand this, as it will resist pressing with your finger), we remove it from the molds and call the children! Knowing how to make cranberry juice, and reducing the amount of water in the recipe to three tablespoons, you can easily cook

Cranberry juice is a refreshing drink. Cranberries are the record holder among berries in terms of the amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. A cup of hot cranberry juice can really bring down a fever and support the body in the fight against a cold. Especially if you catch the disease at the very beginning. However, it is not at all necessary to use cranberry juice as a remedy. It’s much more pleasant to cook it just like that, for the sake of pleasure, so that the aroma spreads around the house wild berries. I really love natural taste cranberries, without newfangled additives. Therefore, I will tell you how to cook cranberry juice in the classic version, while preserving vitamins and minerals to the maximum. Cranberries, water, sugar - and nothing else. Instead of sugar, you can safely take honey - it does not clog the taste of cranberries, but, on the contrary, emphasizes favorably. This is a recipe for those who cook cranberry juice for the first time. And so we will take quite a few berries - literally two glasses of fruit drink. Try it, like it, and then, with a calm soul, boil a whole pan. If you are interested in playing with the taste of fruit drink, then try adding a chicken stick or star anise or a couple of cloves to the drink. A good combination of cranberries with fresh ginger root. It is important to overdo it here, otherwise only a bright ruby ​​​​color will remain in the drink from cranberries. Put literally two thin slices of the root into the finished fruit drink - then the ginger will give the drink a barely perceptible spicy shade and, of course, enhance beneficial features fruit drink.

Ingredients (350 grams of finished fruit drink):

  • frozen cranberries - 130 g
  • pure water - 300 g
  • sugar or flower honey - 60-70 g.

How to cook cranberry juice

Cranberries, if the berry is frozen, remove it from the freezer in advance, let the berry thaw in a gentle way - on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about 6-8 hours. Rinse the berries under a thin stream of cool water. If the cranberries are fresh, sort and wash them.

Put the cranberries in a deep bowl, use a wooden spatula to mash each berry, rubbing them thoroughly together.

Transfer the berries to a pre-folded double layer of clean cheesecloth, squeeze out the cranberry juice, set it aside for now.

Transfer the berry cake to a bowl, fill with clean water, put on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil over low heat, turn off the heat.

Now strain the drink, filter the cake and discard.

When the liquid becomes warm, dissolve the norm of granulated sugar or flower honey in it.

Now pour in the cranberry juice. Stir everything again, cool completely, pour into beautiful glasses and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Fruit drinks are present in abundance on store shelves today. Sometimes quite acceptable quality. And yet you can’t compare with homemade. There are quite a few recipes for making homemade fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, although the differences between them are only in minor details.

Most observe an unshakable (as it is considered) canon: the berry must be crushed with a wooden spoon or pusher, then squeeze the juice with gauze, boil the pulp and then mix with juice, sugar or honey. There are other options, but the main thing is to crush with a piece of wood. To avoid oxidation.

But the details of modern kitchen equipment - for example, a blender - are made of food steel and therefore do not oxidize. Why not use a blender? Sometimes fruit drinks are cooked like compote - it seems that this is the most that neither is classic version. We felt sorry for the vitamins, which are destroyed when heated.

How to cook cranberry juice: simple recipes for home

I dare to offer an option that is different from the canonical one. Volumes, as always, are conditional: everything is a matter of taste. I indicate the ones that are most often with me.

List of ingredients:

  • Cranberries or lingonberries (the taste is different, but cooked the same; you can mix) - 800 g
  • Water - 3 l
  • Sugar -4 tbsp. l.


1st option

2. Spread the berries in portions into the blender bowl, grind. Transfer the juice along with the pulp into a saucepan or bowl made of non-oxidizing material - into a glass one, for example.

3. When the water in the pan boils and the sugar dissolves, pour in the juice along with the pulp

and immediately turn off the stove. Cover with a lid and let cool under the lid.

4. Strain fruit drink through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, pour into a glass decanter. At the same time, of course, after a short time the pulp will give a sediment, it turns out that the fruit drink is transparent only from above. Well, so what? Morse with pulp - what's wrong? It is better to drink chilled or by adding ice cubes to a glass, you can add a slice of lemon.

2nd option

1. Pour three liters of water into a stainless steel or enameled pan (the main thing is that the material does not oxidize), add sugar and put on the stove.

2. Spread the berries in portions into the blender bowl, grind. Using gauze, squeeze the juice into a glass dish, set aside.

Tip: how to cook cranberry juice

The lingonberry recipe uses less sugar. Therefore, lovers of more sour cranberries sometimes even add a little lemon or lime to the juice.

3. Pour the pulp cold water, bring to a boil in a small saucepan and cook for five minutes. Then cool slightly and strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.

4. When the water is in large saucepan boil, pour juice and broth into it and immediately turn off the stove. Allow the juice to cool under the lid and pour into a decanter. In this case, you can not filter, but if you really want ...

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