Home Preparations for the winter Marshmallow fruit cake without baking. Marshmallow cake without baking. Marshmallow no-bake treat

Marshmallow fruit cake without baking. Marshmallow cake without baking. Marshmallow no-bake treat

cake recipes

30 minutes

200 kcal

5/5 (5)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: to prepare the cake, we need a mixer, a blender and a bowl for mixing the cream.

What is the easiest cake to make? Of course, the one who no need to bake. Preparing the dough and baking the cakes takes a very long time. And I will tell you how to make a marshmallow cake without baking. If a man wants to surprise his beloved, but does not know how to cook, this recipe is for him. The dessert is prepared very quickly, only 30 minutes.


They say that the ancestor of marshmallows is marshmallow, which has been prepared in Russia since the 14th century. The composition of the marshmallow included applesauce with sugar. Later they began to add egg white. But it was not whipped, because it was added to improve the color, not the shape.

French confectioners, trying to reproduce this dessert, added whipped proteins. And as a result, we got an unusually tender marshmallow. With this interesting history We will start making our cake.

Choosing the ingredients

What is the most natural and correct composition of marshmallow? It's applesauce, sugar and whipped egg whites. This recipe is still used today, with only one innovation. Pectin was added to it. As well as applesauce use other fruits and berries, which is also quite acceptable. If you buy white marshmallows, then it should not contain dyes. Marshmallows artificially dyed with white dye cannot be natural.

A good marshmallow in itself must have White color. The main rule for choosing marshmallows is one - the less chemistry, the better. This applies to both condensed milk and butter. If you want to make a cake without baking from marshmallows and make a cream with sour cream, then you need to choose a fairly thick sour cream.

Cake with marshmallows and fruits without baking

Marshmallow no-bake cake with condensed milk is ready!

Cake making video

This video shows how to make no-bake marshmallow biscuit cake:

Decorate the cake

You can decorate the cake chocolate glaze. Usually I decorate desserts with strawberries and kiwis, I think this is the perfect option. This is very beautiful fruit, and in cutting they look just fine.

There are a variety of options for the cake. chocolate decorations. From chocolate petals to regular sweets. A marshmallow cake decorated with whipped cream and marmalade looks beautiful and bright. To make the cake liked by children, make interesting figurines from mastic. Children are very fond of when the dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

As a child, my mother used to cook delicious food for me. I still remember its taste. The cake just melted in your mouth. From recipes for lazy housewives, I still have a step by step recipe. This is also a very simple and quick cake to prepare.

I heard that some chefs recommend putting marshmallow cake in the refrigerator for several days. Then it will be better saturated and will be even tastier. This is the right advice if you have enough willpower. Marshmallow is quite dense, and it takes more time to soak it.

Did you know that you can cook delicious dessert from marshmallows? If you have not met such people yet, we offer you some simple and very appetizing cakes, for the preparation of which you will spend a minimum of products and your time. And it is not necessary to have a reason for such a goal, you can simply prepare a sweet treat for your family and friends, to please them in this warm spring weather.

If you have planned a magnificent celebration, you will probably need to prepare original dishes. One of which can be a sugar cake. And don't let the abundance of ingredients scare you, it's quite simple to prepare. So, in order to prepare this treat, you should stock up on the following products:

  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp
  • Marshmallow (can be white and pink) - 10 pcs
  • Forest nuts - 400 g
  • Pasteurized milk - 125 ml
  • Sugar cookies - 100 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • Vanillin
  • A bar of chocolate (milk or black at your discretion, but preferably in its pure form without raisins, nuts, and so on)
  • Cream or sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  • Cut each marshmallow into 4 pieces. Peel the nuts, put them in a clean piece of cloth and beat them with a rolling pin until they are crushed. You can not do this, but use a blender. Thus, you will save your time and energy.
  • Prepare the cream: beat the granulated sugar with eggs well until a homogeneous thick composition is obtained. Pour in the same milk and sweat a little cream in a water bath. The fire must be very small.
  • During the process, stir the mass until it thickens. Set the mixture aside for a while to cool down. Then add vanilla with butter. Beat the cream well and you can proceed to the next step.
  • Lay a film or foil in the mold. Put even pieces of marshmallow on the bottom, while lubricating it with the resulting cream.

  • Put the cookies on top, press down a little so that they stick together with other ingredients. Repeat this process several times, cover the cake with cling film and leave it in a cool place for 1 hour.
  • While your cake is cooling, prepare decorations for it. Chop the chocolate, put in a container and put on a small fire. When the chocolate begins to melt a little, put cream or sour cream on it.
  • Boil the composition, stirring constantly. After that, cool and pour the product. Sprinkle chopped nuts on the cake and serve.

Marshmallow cake recipe from Laima Vaikule

We all know what a slender figure Laima Vaikule has. But this does not prevent her from sometimes feasting on a variety of sweets. Of course, the singer never has enough time to prepare complex dishes. And yet, when she finds it, she mostly devotes it to desserts.

There is a lot in the singer's cookbook interesting dishes which she invented herself. We offer you to prepare a cake, which is named after this beautiful woman "Lyme". You will surely enjoy this treat, and you will want to cook it for your guests.

So stock up on these ingredients:

  • Marshmallow (colorful) - 500 g
  • Fat cream or natural sour cream - 500 ml
  • Sugar sand - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped walnuts - 1 tbsp
  • Chocolate - 25 g
  • Various fruits (kiwi, orange, banana)

You can take berries instead of fruits, or canned peaches- choose to your taste.

Cooking process:

  • Cut marshmallows into thin circles. To make the process easy, rinse the knife in hot water before each time. Leave the tops for later - you will decorate the entire cake with them.
  • Prepare the cream: take sour cream or cream, add granulated sugar, beat well with a mixer.
  • Arrange marshmallow circles on a flat, wide plate so that they fit snugly together. Lubricate the marshmallows with cream, sprinkle with nuts, and place chopped kiwi slices on top. Then again marshmallows, cream, nuts and berries.
  • Make your cake open. The top layer you should get from fruit
  • Decorate the sides with chocolate. You can decorate the cake however you like. Enjoy your appetite!

Marshmallow cake recipe without baking

Marshmallow cake is a delicious and quite popular sweet treat. It is simple, but no different from the exquisite and expensive cakes that are sold in stores. In the summer, it will be a real find for you, because not everyone wants to stand near a hot oven.

To prepare the cake, stock up on the following products:

  • Marshmallow - 650 g
  • Cookies - 400 g
  • Nuts - 150 g
  • Sugar sand - 375 g
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 125 g
  • Milk - 3 tbsp
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking process:

  • Prepare the cream: pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, put also the yolks. Mix everything well. Then add flour and pour in milk. Break up the lumps and put on the stove.
  • After the composition boils, boil it for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Whip the butter, add it to the cream. Put cocoa powder, vanilla sugar there and mix. Your cream is ready.
  • Chop nuts and cookies. Cut marshmallows in half, cut off the tops.
  • Take the form, cover it with cling film (the edges should hang down).
  • Place foil at the bottom of the mold.
  • Place the marshmallows very tightly on the bottom of the mold, and fill the empty spaces with the tops.
  • Lubricate with cream. Then pour the second part of the cookies and nuts, tamp.
  • Repeat layers.
  • Cover the cake with foil, put it in a cool place for 24 hours.

After the time has elapsed, take out the cake, put it on a flat plate and you can serve it to the table.

Marshmallow cake recipe with pastries

If you like working with dough, then prepare this cake. Go to the store for these products:

  • Flour - 19 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 12 tbsp. l.
  • Yolks - 5 pcs
  • Cream - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder - 1 pack
  • Zephyr - 9 pcs. + 1 pc. for decoration
  • Bananas - 3 pcs
  • Sour cream - 25 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - 25 tbsp. l.
  • Chocolate - 1/2 bar

Cooking process:

  • Whisk butter with granulated sugar, add cream and boiled yolks
  • Take the flour, add the baking powder to it and mix all the ingredients, then knead the dough
  • Lay the dough on the parchment
  • Prick the dough with a fork, bake for about 15 minutes at 180°C
  • Cut the marshmallow into thin circles (leave a few tops, as you will have to decorate the cake with them)
  • Add powdered sugar to sour cream and beat well
  • Lubricate the cake with cream
  • Put marshmallow circles on the cake
  • You can also put fruits or berries on top
  • Repeat the marshmallow layer
  • Put banana slices and cream on top of the marshmallow
  • Decorate the received product at your discretion

Cake with homemade marshmallows: recipe with photo

  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Sugar sand - 300 g
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking process:

  • Pour gelatin with warm water (0.5 tbsp.). He should swell.
  • Mix 1/2 tbsp. water with sugar and put the composition on the stove. Boil the syrup for about 10 minutes. Add the swollen gelatin to the resulting syrup and mix thoroughly.
  • Remove the composition from the stove and whisk.
  • Add citric acid, beat well again.
  • Add vanilla sugar and baking soda.
  • Put the finished mass on a mold, pre-lubricated with oil. Leave it for 24 hours in a cool place.

Now let's move on to making the cake. For this you need:

  • Zephyr - 0.5 kg
  • Kiwi - 4 pcs
  • Gelatin - 55 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 pack
  • Curd - 330 g
  • Sour cream - 330 g
  • coconut flakes

Cooking process:

  • Cut the marshmallow into 2 parts.
  • Peel the kiwi, cut the fruit into circles.
  • Lay the marshmallows and kiwi in layers on the dish (quite densely).
  • Gelatin pour warm water and put on water bath for it to dissolve.
  • Mix all remaining ingredients (except coconut flakes). Add gelatin to them. Pour marshmallows with the resulting composition, and send the cake to the refrigerator. He must stay there until the morning.
  • Take out the product and decorate it with coconut flakes.

Marshmallow Cream for Cake - Recipe

Marshmallow cream can be used to decorate a cake or pastries. Give up custard, sour cream and butter cream because they are very fatty. Marshmallow cream is more interesting, and tastier. Consider the simplest recipe.

For its preparation you need:

  • Zephyr - 4 pcs
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Low-fat sour cream - 100 g

Cooking process:

  • Cool the sour cream
  • Melt Marshmallows in the Microwave
  • Add oil, do it gradually
  • Whip the cream quickly, as it tends to harden quickly

The cream is better to use immediately. If you lose at least 2 minutes, it will harden, and then you will not be able to spread it on the cakes. To prepare the cream, you can take white and pink marshmallows, and make two creams out of it. Then your cake will turn out even more beautiful.

Fruit Marshmallow Cake Recipe

Spring has come and I want to eat something spring, for example, a cake made from fruits and marshmallows. Believe me, he will be able to remind you of a warm summer and that it will also come to us very soon. To prepare this delicious and nutritious cake, you need:

  • oranges
  • Zephyr
  • Walnuts
  • Bananas
  • Whipped cream

Cooking process:

  • Wash and clean all fruits thoroughly.
  • Whip the cream (if you have it not ready yet).
  • Finely chop the walnuts.
  • Cut the marshmallow into thin slices. Set aside the tops for a while.
  • Cut fruit into small pieces.
  • Now you can collect the cake: first grease the dish with cream. Put marshmallows on top of them, then nuts and cream again.
  • Next, lay the banana, cream, on top of the kiwi cream and again a layer of cream.
  • Put the nuts with marshmallows on the cream, again a layer of cream.
  • The last layer is nuts with oranges.
  • Cover fruit and nuts thoroughly with cream. Decorate the cake as you wish.

You can also put berries between the layers, such as fresh raspberries or cranberries. Any berries you have on hand will do.

Marshmallow and Cookie Cake Recipe

  • Zephyr - 1 kg
  • Walnuts - 0.5 kg
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp
  • Milk - 1 tbsp
  • Butter - 200 g
  • vanilla sugar
  • Cookies - 6 pcs

Cooking process:

  • Grind the nuts in a blender to make fine crumbs. Cut off the tops of the marshmallows.
  • Prepare the cream: combine the egg with granulated sugar, beat a little. Pour milk into the mixture and keep stirring. Boil until the cream becomes thick. Cool it down.
  • Beat the butter, add a cream composition of eggs, milk and granulated sugar to it.
  • Take the form, cover the bottom with cling film.
  • Now put the following layers: marshmallow - custard - ground nuts - marshmallow - custard - nuts - marshmallow - custard - ground cookies.

Pack all layers well. Cover the cake with cling film and put in a cool place for a couple of days.

Cake with marshmallows and sour cream: photo, recipe

This is a lazy cake recipe you can cook for a birthday or for guests. But believe me, if you cook it once, then for you it will become one of your favorite cakes. Prepare these foods:

  • Honey cakes - 4 pcs
  • Low-fat sour cream - 400 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Thickener - 1 pack
  • Strawberry jelly - 2 packs
  • Zephyr - 5 pcs
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Fruit or berries for garnish (optional)

Cooking process:

  • First, take the foil (bend the edges), lay it on the form, on top of the cake.
  • Prepare cream. You will need a thickener specifically for the cream, since not all sour cream has the desired consistency. Add a thickener to the sugar and pour the composition into sour cream. You will need a thick cream.
  • Lubricate the cake with cream, put another cake on top of it, and so on. Do not grease the top cake with cream.
  • Make jelly. Dilute it not with 800 ml of water, but with about 600 ml. So you get a thicker jelly. Set it aside to cool down.
  • Then pour the resulting jelly into the mold on the top cake. Send the cake for 40 min. into the refrigerator.
  • Once the jelly begins to set a little, place marshmallow halves on top of it. You can also add some fruits (optional).
  • Place the cake back in the refrigerator to completely set. Do not immediately remove the foil, do this before serving.

Marshmallow cake, a simple recipe

Even if you do not know how to cook, and decided to cook a delicious cake, then our recipe will definitely come in handy for you. For this treat, you will need a small list of affordable ingredients. And its main advantage is that it is light and very airy. Stock up on these ingredients:

  • Marshmallow - 12 pcs
  • Heavy cream - 400 ml
  • Sugar sand - 30 gr
  • Jam or jam
  • Canned peaches, grapes - 600 g

Cooking process:

  • Open a jar of peaches, drain the liquid and cut the fruit into free-form pieces.
  • Pour cream into a bowl. Add granulated sugar to them and beat well with a blender. You can take a little less or more sugar. But remember that the marshmallow itself is quite sweet.
  • Put the marshmallow halves in a deep bowl, the top should look up. Spread marshmallows with cream, distribute them evenly.
  • Put the peaches, cut grapes on the cream and cover them with marshmallows tops down.
  • Place the cake in a cold place for 3 hours. After the time has passed, take it out of the refrigerator, carefully turn it over onto a plate.

Marshmallow and condensed milk cake: recipe

Treat yourself and your loved ones delicious cake, especially since you do not have to mess with the dough and bake it in the oven. Thanks to our recipe, you can make a quick and easy marshmallow cake without much hassle if you find the following ingredients:

  • Zephyr - 1.5 kg
  • Shortbread cookies - 300 g
  • Butter - 350 g
  • Condensed milk - 800 g
  • Walnuts (peeled) - 200 g

Cooking process:

  • Put soft butter in a bowl, add condensed milk and beat the composition until smooth.
  • Grind the cookies with nuts so that crumbs are obtained. Put in a bowl with condensed milk (leave a little to decorate the cake).
  • Mix well.
  • Divide the marshmallows into halves, put on a large plate. Break a couple of marshmallows and fill in the gaps with them.
  • Lubricate the marshmallow with cream.
  • Put another layer of marshmallows. Apply cream again.
  • Put the last marshmallow and coat the entire cake with cream. Sprinkle the cake with nuts and cookies.

Marshmallow for cake decoration: recipe

Marshmallow mastic is very easy to prepare. In our article you will learn exactly how to cook it.

Recipe #1

For the first recipe you need:

  • Chewing marshmallow - 180 g
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - to taste
  • Food coloring - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  • Put marshmallows in a container, pour cool water
  • Cover the container with a lid and place in the microwave
  • Heat the marshmallow at high power for about 30 seconds
  • Add dye to the marshmallow (dilute it with water in advance)
  • Add powdered sugar to the bowl
  • Stir the ingredients vigorously until the mastic is thick and homogeneous.
  • As soon as it hardens, divide the composition into parts and form balls
  • Wrap them in cling film and put them in a cool place for 30 minutes.
  • After that, roll out the mastic, powder it with powdered sugar
  • Make figurines of your choice

Recipe #2

For the second recipe stock up:

  • Chewing marshmallow - 210 g
  • Powdered sugar - 310 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

Cooking process:

  • Cut the marshmallow into small pieces, put in a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice
  • Place the dishes in the microwave at the highest power and heat the marshmallows for about 20 seconds.
  • As soon as the time has passed, put the resulting composition in another bowl and sprinkle it with powdered sugar
  • Knead the ingredients until smooth
  • Soak the mastic in a cold place for 1.5 hours
  • Take out the mastic, roll out 3 mm thick and form figures

Marshmallow and Marmalade Lenten Cake Recipe

When fasting comes, many people refuse animal products. But even during this period, sometimes you want to eat something tasty, for example, a marshmallow and marmalade cake. So, for its preparation you need to stock up:

  • Wheat flour - 270 g
  • Potato flour - 85 g
  • vanilla sugar
  • Cocoa powder - 155 g
  • Orange peel - 25 g
  • Sugar sand - 80 g
  • Ammonium - 10 g
  • Peanut butter - 110 g
  • Soy milk - 300 g
  • Salt
  • Orange syrup - 300 g
  • Marmalade and marshmallows - 1 kg
  • Soy cream - 65 g
  • Bitter chocolate - 210 g
  • Coconut oil - 75 g
  • Sugar sand - 85 g
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking process:

  • Mix sugar with flour and cocoa powder.
  • Pour the oil into the second bowl, whisk and add the milk. Keep whisking.
  • Add to composition orange peel and vanilla sugar, and then a mixture of sugar, cocoa and flour. Add ammonium to the dough.
  • Bake in the oven.
  • Cut the cake into 2 parts, soak with orange syrup. Set the cakes aside to soak.
  • Lay out part of the marshmallow and marmalade on the cake. Place the second cake on top.
  • Prepare the glaze: boil the cream, add granulated sugar, coconut oil and chocolate to it.
  • When the icing is smooth, cover the entire cake with it.
  • Decorate the product with a thin chocolate thread, marshmallows and marmalade.

The cake is ready!

Video: Marshmallow cake "Lime"

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

A marshmallow cake with sour cream and fruits without baking is a godsend for busy hostesses who do not have much extra time, but there is a desire to pamper the family with something tasty. Such a cake will always turn out, there will definitely not be a miss. Another feature of such a cake is that it is not financially expensive, and this is very important for many. You can buy marshmallows for this cake, or you can make it. I also suggest adding a banana, a little kiwi and a little apple to the cake. Sour cream with gelatin will fasten all this beauty. Everything together turns out to be very interesting, unusual, and most importantly - delicious! The cake comes out sweet enough, so you can add a little lemon juice to the sour cream, but if you have a sweet tooth, then you won't need a lemon. The cake is perfect for or a cup of coffee, it is very tender, each piece literally melts in your mouth.

- marshmallows - 3-4 pcs.,
- banana - 1 pc.,
- kiwi - 1 pc.,
- apple - ½ pc.,
- gelatin - 15 g,
- water - 30 ml,
- sour cream - 250 g,
- cookies with sticks - 50 g.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare all items on the list. Take a deep bowl that can fit all the ingredients. Break the marshmallow or cut into pieces, put the whole marshmallow in a bowl.

Peel one large banana, cut it into circles and add to the bowl with marshmallows.

Then peel one kiwi and half a small sour apple, cut the fruit into small pieces and throw in a bowl. Temporarily remove the base of the cake to the side.

Take the gelatin and pour it into a bowl or ladle, pour water over it and leave it alone for 15 minutes so that the gelatin increases in volume. After the specified time, the gelatin must be dissolved - to do this, put the bowl on a minimum fire or water bath, wait until the gelatin becomes liquid. If you dissolve gelatin on fire, in no case should you bring the gelatin to a boil. Add sour cream to dissolved gelatin and mix well.

Pour sour cream with gelatin into a bowl with marshmallows and fruit. Mix well.

Prepare any deep form, cover it from the inside with cling film. Fill the mold tightly with marshmallows and insert all the cookies. Put the cake in the cold for 4-5 hours so that it completely freezes. After the specified time, serve the marshmallow cake to the table.

Good appetite!
We also recommend paying attention to the recipe. Such a dessert is also easy to prepare and turns out delicious and beautiful.

Many ladies who prefer to watch their figure are very fond of such a delicacy as marshmallows. This delicate and airy dessert has a minimum amount of calories, while it is incredibly tasty. Today we will talk about how you can make a marshmallow cake with various fruits without baking, with sour cream. Such a delicacy will be enjoyed not only by home, but also by guests who are not indifferent to marshmallows.

The advantage of such a dessert is its availability and ease of preparation, because instead of cakes, the airy delicacy itself is used. And for the layer, any kind of fruit and berries can be used, canned pineapple remains especially popular. Layers can also be smeared various types cream, in our case sour cream is used, but the hostess can use whipped cream or condensed milk.

As an addition, such a dessert is decorated with candied fruits, various types of cookies, meringue or chocolate, everything here depends only on the hostess's imagination.

Marshmallow dessert with strawberries and sour cream


  • marshmallow white or pink - 320 grams;
  • any nuts - 75 grams;
  • fat sour cream - 265 ml;
  • fresh strawberries and kiwi - 155 grams each;
  • granulated sugar - 95 grams;
  • candied fruits for decoration - 25 grams;
  • chocolate for decoration - 35 grams.

Prepare such a marshmallow cake with fruit, without the use of baking, with sour cream according to the presented step by step recipe with a photo, it's not difficult at all.

Initially, it is worth preparing all the ingredients for this dessert, while it is worth noting that the ingredients may vary depending on the preferences of the hostess.

To prepare a dessert, you need to deal with marshmallows, since it is sold in its entirety, you can simply break the dessert into halves, or you can cut it with a knife.

It is worth noting that too soft marshmallows are difficult to cut; in order to facilitate the process, you can periodically lower the knife into hot water. A hot knife will cut through the airy marshmallow faster and more evenly. Several halves of the dessert are removed before decorating the cake, as they act as the final layer.

Now sour cream is taken, since we need to get a thicker mass, it is better to purchase a thicker product. Also, for the cream, we need sugar or powdered sugar, both products are beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous and thick mixture is obtained. The form for dessert is prepared in advance. At the very bottom, one layer of halves of airy delicacy is laid out, everything is covered with a layer of cream on top.

If you want the cream to freeze better, you can make a no-bake marshmallow cake with fruit with sour cream and gelatin. In this case, the gelatin will harden in the refrigerator, and the cake will hold its shape better.

Now they begin to prepare fruits and berries, for this the strawberries are washed in water and cleaned of tails, and the skin is simply removed from the kiwi. Both ingredients are cut into thin slices to make the products easier to fit into the cake. If there were no strawberries and kiwi at home, then these fruits are easily replaced by any others. Still, the dessert itself is very sweet, so it is recommended to use sour fruits. When the first layer of fruit is laid out on marshmallows, everything is sprinkled with pre-chopped nuts on top. You can use absolutely any kind of nuts, but we use walnuts.

Now the nuts are pouring a little again sour cream, and a new layer of marshmallows is laid on top of it. It is best to spread the halves as close to each other as possible, this will help make the dessert more dense. To make the cake even and beautiful, you should lightly press the marshmallow with your hands. The top layer is again decorated with a small amount of cream, this is necessary in order to lay out the fruit decoration.

As soon as the cream is applied, slices of strawberries and kiwi are placed on the surface of the treat. As the last layer, we use marshmallows, but you can leave the dessert in this form.

The delicacy is removed to the refrigerator, where it is kept for at least three hours. After hardening, you can decorate the cake with melted chocolate and candied fruits.

Marshmallow dessert from Laima Vaikule


  • high-fat sour cream or cream - 550 ml;
  • marshmallow white soft - 520 grams;
  • strawberries - 120 grams;
  • banana - 115 grams;
  • canned pineapples - 95 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 85 grams;
  • walnuts - 55 grams.

Dessert making process:

Cooking a marshmallow cake with fruit, without the use of baking, with sour cream, according to the recipe from Laima Vaikule, is not difficult. To begin with, it is worth preparing the marshmallow, it is cut into two equal halves and left aside. It is also worth immediately preparing a baking dish or just take a large dish on which the cake will be formed. The first layer of marshmallows is laid out on a plate or form. Then you can temporarily postpone the form, but for now, start preparing the cream.

To make a cream, we need to know what exactly is used to lubricate the layers. If we talk about sour cream, then just smear a layer of marshmallow with the product. Do not worry about the absence of sugar in sour cream, as marshmallows are very sweet, and sour cream will make the dessert less sugary.

If cream is used, then a little granulated sugar can be added to them for taste, or you can not add it. The cream is whipped until fluffy, and then laid out on top of the marshmallow. Next, you need to take the prepared nuts and chop them, the finished nuts are stacked on top of the cream.

You can start laying fruits on nuts, our recipe uses pineapple, banana and strawberries, this fruit can be replaced with others to taste. The fruits are cut into slices or circles, and then laid out on a cream. Marshmallows are again laid on top, and then the layers of nuts and fruits are repeated again. Dessert is removed in the refrigerator and left for a couple of hours. As a decoration, not only fruits and berries can be used, but also melted chocolate, coconut flakes, crushed nuts or marmalade.

Marshmallow cake with custard


  • any cookies - 385 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 355 grams;
  • marshmallow white - 670 grams;
  • crushed nuts - 135 grams;
  • cow's milk - 2.5 cups;
  • yolks chicken eggs- 2 pieces;
  • butter - 155 grams;
  • wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
  • cocoa powder - 35 grams.
  • vanillin - a pack.

Cooking process:

Usually a no-bake marshmallow cake with fruit is prepared with sour cream (see photo). But in our case, we will already prepare custard, which will make the cake no less tasty and tender. First, it is worth preparing the cream, for this, the yolks of chicken eggs are taken and mixed with sugar and flour. Milk is gradually added to the mixture, it is better to stir with a whisk. Thus, the appearance of lumps in the cream can be avoided.

Even if lumps of flour suddenly form in the cream, you can break them up with a blender. The cream is put on fire, and then it is allowed to boil, while the mass must be constantly stirred so that the flour and milk do not start to burn. As soon as the mass is ready, it is well cooled, and then softened butter is added to it and beaten with a mixer. It is also worth adding cocoa powder and the required amount of vanilla powder there.

It is best to chop the nuts in a blender, so the crumb will turn out to be smaller, they also do it with cookies, in the end we should get a product that looks like breadcrumbs.

Dessert formation process:

Marshmallows are divided into two equal halves, but you can simply cut off the tops of each delicacy to make it flat. Do not throw away the tops, as they will be used to decorate the dessert. Marshmallows are placed in a detachable form, and then covered with a layer custard. Cut tops can be used to fill in any gaps between marshmallow circles. A layer of biscuits and nuts is poured onto the cream, and then the marshmallows are repeated.

Cover such a dessert with the final layer of cream, and then cover everything with cling film. It is also best to line the bottom and sides of the mold with cling film. The delicacy is sent to the refrigerator for three hours, after which it can be taken out and the top layer of the film removed. To serve dessert, a large plate is taken, the form is turned over, and the cake is transferred to the dish.

After that, you can remove the top layer of the film and serve the cake to the table. If desired, such a dessert is decorated with any fresh and canned fruits, nuts, melted chocolate or candied fruits.

A no-bake marshmallow cake is a delicate confectionery creation. Cream with cream, sour cream, butter or condensed milk, dissolving in marshmallow, turns it into an amazing soufflé. A spicy notes fruit, nuts or chocolate enchant even the most capricious gourmets.

A cake with a base of chopped marshmallows is the most pleasant way out when you want something unusual and sweet, and fire up the oven and make complicated recipes not in the mood! Marshmallow, sour cream and currant are a tempting combination of flavors. Let's try!


  • marshmallow white - 350 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • sour cream - packaging (250 g);
  • currant berries - 300 g (can be frozen).
  1. Marshmallow cut horizontally, dipping a knife in boiling water.
  2. Beat sour cream with sugar.
  3. Put the lower and middle plates of marshmallow on a dish, alternating them with berries.
  4. Coat each layer with well-beaten sour cream.
  5. Make the top layer from the wavy tops of marshmallows, cover with cream and decorate with berries.

The finished product is aged in a cold place for 5-10 hours. 15 minutes before serving, the dessert should be additionally frozen in the freezer.
If frozen berries or fruits are used to create a cake, they should first defrost naturally.

Marshmallow and cookie cake without baking

A marshmallow and cookie cake is not only delicious, it also looks quite presentable and festive. This great choice sweet dish for any special occasion.


  • marshmallow with vanilla flavor - 350 g;
  • cookies (preferably traditional, milk or cream) - 550 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • cream (above 33%) - 300 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g (5 tablespoons).
  • bitter chocolate - 1 bar.

  1. Whip the cream and granulated sugar thoroughly (this is a cream).
  2. Marshmallow divided into 2 horizontal parts.
  3. Banana cut into thin slices.
  4. Divide the cookies into 200 and 350 g.
  5. Each product (of the most part) is completely immersed in milk, and then placed in a “puzzle” of the base.
  6. Apply the cream on the created bottom layer.
  7. Then comes the turn of the marshmallow layer. It must also be smeared with cream.
  8. Next up are bananas. And put cream on the fruit.
  9. Sprinkle the rest of the cookies and spread it on the top and sides of the cake.
  10. Garnish with peeled orange slices. Top with grated chocolate.

After that, the marshmallow delicacy should soak in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for about 5-6 hours.

Step by step cooking from Laima Vaikule

Cake with marshmallows and fruits from the brilliant Laima Vaikule - the recommendation speaks for itself. This cake will definitely not cause extra pounds! The dessert is saturated with live vitamins of summer and soft melting taste of cream.

  • white creamy Moscow marshmallow (or just white) - ½ kg;
  • bottle of whipped cream (can be replaced with rustic sour cream with sugar) - ½ l;
  • pounded walnuts- 1 tbsp.;
  • grated dark chocolate - ¼ bar;
  • cranberries - about 1 tbsp.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • orange - 1 pc.

  1. Zephyr is cut into horizontal layers. The knife should be dipped in boiling water.
  2. Marshmallow tops are set aside for the top layer.
  3. If the cream is made from rustic sour cream, it must be beaten with sugar (preferably with a combine or blender).
  4. Next, the cake itself is formed. The first layer is marshmallow. It must be laid as tightly as possible.
  5. Then comes the cream layer.
  6. Top with cranberries. Cream on her again.
  7. Then - bananas cut into round slices, which are also covered with cream.
  8. On bananas - peeled kiwi mugs. Top is cream.
  9. The top of the cake is peeled orange slices covered with cream.
  10. The middle of the cake remains untouched. The edges are decorated with marshmallow "caps", grated chocolate and crushed nuts.

The cake is placed in the freezer for 3 hours. After that, it is moved to the refrigerator shelf until consumed.

Custard treat

This is another no-bake marshmallow cake variant, where the second main ingredient is vanilla buttercream custard. Enriched with flavor walnuts, this dessert will be a worthy decoration of the sweet table.

You will need:

  • marshmallow (any) - 1 kg;
  • cookies - about 8 pcs. (a small pack is enough);
  • walnut - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 1 pack (200 g);
  • vanilla - at the very tip of the knife.

We form the cake:

  1. Cut marshmallows into slices, cutting off the top for decoration.
  2. Chop nuts.
  3. Cook the cream from whipped sugar, vanilla and milk, stirring and not letting it boil. Cool slightly and beat again, adding oil. It is also pre-whipped.
  4. Place cling film in a detachable form.
  5. The bottom layer is marshmallow. Leave no gaps.
  6. Top - cream, and on it a plentiful layer of nuts. Slightly press the nuts, pressing the layers.
  7. Next, put the marshmallow layer with cream again.
  8. Then - walnut. Press lightly again.
  9. Marshmallow layer with cream.
  10. Nuts with cream.
  11. And sprinkle the whole product with crushed cookies on top.
  12. You can decorate as your imagination tells you.

Then the cake is wrapped with cling film and removed to “infuse” for 3 days.

Marshmallow cake without baking

Marshmallows and lots of chocolate! This is the most motivating feature for sweet lovers! Could it be otherwise? Of course not! Add only strong coffee or cocoa.


  • marshmallow marshmallows - 300 g;
  • cookies with chocolate - 200 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • cream (above 33%) - only 700 ml;
  • dark chocolate 350 g (2 bars is enough).

We form the cake:

  1. Mix cookie crumbs (make in a convenient way) with melted butter until a plastic mass. The proportions of oil can be increased.
  2. Put parchment or film in a detachable form, and then transfer the plastic mixture there. Tamp.
  3. Melt marshmallows either in the microwave or in a water bath. The second option requires the introduction of a small amount of water. This will keep the melted mass from burning. It should be uniform and airy.
  4. Separate 100 ml of cream and melt 200 g of chocolate in them. Cool slightly and stir in marshmallows. Mix gently and thoroughly with a spatula or whisk.
  5. Beat 500 ml of chilled cream and add to the already cooled total mass. Stir again.
  6. Put the resulting mass on the base of the cake and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  7. Melt 150 g of chocolate in 100 ml of cream. Beat with a blender. This is frosting. It is better to cool it in the refrigerator. So it will thicken faster.
  8. Pour frosting over cake and spread evenly.
  9. Arrange decorations of your choice on top. It may not be melted marshmallows, berries, fruits, pieces of cookies, as in the base, and even chocolate figurines.

Keep the finished product in the refrigerator until use.

Quick Option

There are a great many different "suddenly" when urgently needed dessert dish! However, for all these “suddenly” there is one big “but” - “lack of time”. So, the problem is solved - this cake is prepared extremely quickly. In addition, there is no better way to “deal with” sour cream, cream, gingerbread and marshmallows!

  • marshmallow white - 200 g;
  • chocolate gingerbread - 450 g;
  • fat cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 1 pack (250 g);
  • granulated sugar - a little more than 0.5 tbsp.
  1. Marshmallows and gingerbread crumble into cubes.
  2. Pour cream of whipped cream and sour cream with sugar.
  3. Put the mixture in a deep dish or salad bowl lined with cling film.
  4. Also cover the surface tightly with a film and send the product to the refrigerator.
  5. The cream has frozen - remove the cake from the refrigerator. Remove the top film and invert onto a large plate or platter. Then remove the remaining film.
  6. Sprinkle the finished cake with shavings from grated chocolate or chocolates.

Everything. A treat for tea / coffee can be consumed as intended!
Cakes that do not require baking are attractive not only for the speed of preparation. No heat treatment fully retains all the nutritional compounds of the ingredients.

With condensed milk

Marshmallows with condensed milk, as well as butter, nuts and cookies. The mere enumeration of these components turns the head of the sweet tooth! All these enticing sweets can be found in the nearest supermarket and you can immediately start creating a delicious treat.


  • colored marshmallows - 750 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 1 pack (180 g);
  • dry cookies - 100 g;
  • any nut - 100 g (but better walnut).

Laying out the cake:

  1. Beat the melted butter without a refrigerator with boiled condensed milk.
  2. Finely crumble nuts and cookies. Set aside a third of the mixture.
  3. Mix 2/3 of the dry mixture, a mass of butter and condensed milk. This is cream.
  4. Put the chopped marshmallows in a compacted mosaic on a dish, trying not to leave empty spaces.
  5. Put cream on it.
  6. Next - in layers again 2 times marshmallow and 2 times cream.
  7. Sprinkle the top layer of cream with reserved nuts and cookies.

The process completes the cooling of the dessert in the refrigerator or other cool place.

How to make with fruit

There are situations when the oven is not available. In such conditions, it is easy to make a cake without baking. And which! It's really perfect cake. Low-calorie and deliciously tasty, it is useful and pleasant to use for both adults and children!

  • marshmallow vanilla or white - 0.5 kg;
  • cream (fat content above 33%) - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 4 pcs.;
  • bananas - 4 pcs.

Action algorithm:

  1. Cut into layers of marshmallows, and peeled bananas and kiwi into circles. Divide oranges into slices (without white streaks).
  2. Whip cream well with sugar (preferably with a mechanism, not with your hands).
  3. Lay in layers: marshmallows, cream, bananas, cream, kiwi, cream, oranges, cream.
  4. Decorate the top of the cake however you like. As an option, leave some fruits and lay them out beautifully.

consume it pastry possible right away. But after a night in the refrigerator, the dish becomes more homogeneous.

Fruit puree whipped with egg whites, sugar and natural thickeners is the main composition of marshmallows. Desserts from it are light and refined. Marshmallow cakes are a gentle alternative to high-calorie cakes - the basis of flour cakes.

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