Home Soups Delicious coffee drinks at home. Coffee like in a cafe: cooking recipes. Ristretto coffee drink

Delicious coffee drinks at home. Coffee like in a cafe: cooking recipes. Ristretto coffee drink

Every third inhabitant of the planet Earth cannot imagine his day without a cup fragrant coffee. Someone cannot start the day without this awakening drink with a rich aroma, someone maintains their vigor and tone with the help of coffee throughout the day. Usually, the love for coffee drinks is limited to two or three types of its preparation that are familiar to us. But the fact remains, coffee is one of the world's most famous hot drinks. It remains to figure out what the benefits and harms of coffee are, and what recipes for the types of coffee drinks are the most popular.

Effect on the body

The country of coffee lovers is Italy, it was here that smart merchants were the first to sell coffee beans in Europe, having previously bought them from the Turks. Information about the effect of the drink on the body caused a lot of controversy and controversy both in those days and to this day. However, scientists still managed to find out the main pros and cons, and now everyone decides individually whether it is worth starting their day with a cup of rich coffee and studying recipes for coffee drinks.

The benefits of coffee

Thousands of studies have been conducted around the world to find out how coffee affects the human body. Scientists were able to identify both disadvantages and significant advantages:

  • American scientists from the National Institute for the Study of Cancer in the course of their research concluded that four cups of coffee a day reduce the risk of skin cancer by 20%.
  • Coffee is a great weight loss aid. Studies have shown that coffee lovers have a 16% faster metabolism than those who, for whatever reason, refuse to drink the drink.
  • Coffee drinks are rich in antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. And there are even more of these useful elements in coffee than in cranberries and apples.
  • Down with depression! Studies conducted in 2011 proved that women who drink 2-3 cups of coffee daily are 15% less prone to depression than others.
  • Two cups of coffee a day and a strong short-term and long-term memory is provided. And besides this, the speed of the reaction also increases! Because of this, we can safely say that caffeine reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Impressive, isn't it? And this is far from a complete list!

Harm coffee

praised coffee drinks, now you need to scold them, because the list of cons is no less impressive:

  • Coffee is the strongest psychostimulant that is addictive like a drug. That is why often with frequent use of coffee there is exhaustion. nervous system. At first, a person feels an unprecedented surge of vivacity, but it is followed by irritability and anxiety.
  • If you use coffee drinks without knowing the sense of proportion, you can not only earn depletion of nerve cells, but also get problems with the adrenal glands.
  • Coffee drinks dull the feeling of thirst and in addition have a diuretic effect. That is why dehydration occurs, do not forget to drink a glass of water after each cup of coffee.
  • Difficulties with digestion arise when drinking coffee with milk. This drink is not just high-calorie, it is also difficult to digest due to the combination of tonin, which is found in coffee, and casein, which is part of milk.
  • Many cosmetologists recommend to refrain from drinking coffee, as it provokes premature aging of the skin.
  • Numerous studies have proven once again that coffee increases the risk of heart disease. If you consume more than 6 per day, the risk increases to 71%.

Now it remains to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to drink coffee.


This coffee drink is very popular among coffee lovers. Its distinguishing feature lies in the fact that frappe is the only coffee drink in the preparation of which instant coffee is used. The history of the origin of the drink is quite interesting. Back in 1957 everyone famous brand Nescafe presented at the trade fair a children's instant drink with the addition of chocolate, milk, which had to be whipped in a blender. One of the employees of the company, whose name was Dmitris Kondios, decided to take a break from the bustle that reigned at the fair, and prepared himself a cup of strange coffee. There was no hot water, so I had to dissolve the coffee in cold water, add sugar and beat the drink in a blender, and then add a couple of ice cubes. So everyone's favorite frappe turned out. This is one of the most popular drinks. In Greece, frappe is prepared with milk and ice cream, it turns out incredibly tasty and very high in calories. You can try a real frappe in Athens, in the Anafiotika restaurant.


Dissolve two teaspoons in cold water. Add sugar there and beat the mixture until foamy with a blender. A beautiful tall glass, ice cubes - that's the perfect coffee drink. Photos with recipes for coffee drinks are sometimes even posted on their websites. best coffee shops peace.

Viennese coffee

Viennese coffee is a drink that has undergone many changes over its long history. Initially, it was an ordinary coffee with milk, but today everything is much more interesting. There are legends that Viennese coffee was invented by a Ukrainian merchant, who was awarded three hundred grams of coffee by the Turks for his courage. The merchant, without thinking twice, decided to brew it and sell it, and in order for coffee to be in great demand, he added milk and sugar to the drink. You can try real Viennese coffee, of course, in Austria, in Vienna. Take a look at the world-famous Caffe Central. This establishment uses best recipes coffee drinks.

How to make coffee

First, brew the most ordinary coffee in a coffee maker, whip 50 ml of cream. Add sugar to coffee orange peel, a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg. The coffee is ready, it remains only to decorate it with whipped cream, and you can enjoy the exquisite taste.

Kvass with instant coffee

We all love gourmet recipes, but even the most traditional kvass can be made from coffee. You just need to be patient and the following ingredients: a teaspoon of dry yeast, a teaspoon of citric acid, a teaspoon instant coffee, a glass of sugar, a small handful of raisins and three liters of water.

The recipe for kvass from a coffee drink is quite simple:

  1. First, heat two liters of water to a temperature of fifty degrees, then add the remaining liter there, but already room temperature.
  2. Add all coffee, yeast, sugar, citric acid, raisins and stir until the coffee and yeast are dissolved.
  3. Cover the jar with gauze or a bandage and send it to the windowsill to infuse for seven to ten hours. Kvass will be ready when bubbles appear on the surface.

Now the real coffee kvass is ready, it remains to bottle the drink and send it to the refrigerator to cool. Such kvass is not much different from the purchased one. It has a pleasant coffee taste and is considered healthier than store-bought counterparts.

Children's coffee drink recipe

Many in kindergartens were spoiled with coffee drinks, and they made it not from ordinary coffee, so as not to harm the child, but from worthy analogues. It could be chicory, acorns, soybeans, rose hips, chestnuts, and so on. Such surrogate coffee can be easily found in grocery stores in the tea departments. In order to remember the taste of childhood and prepare such a drink, you will need: ultra-pasteurized milk (50 g), drinking water (60 g), a teaspoon of sugar, coffee drink (4 g). coffee drink recipe kindergarten was like this:

  1. Boil water and pour prepared coffee analogue into it.
  2. Bring to a boil and let the drink brew for five minutes.
  3. After the drink you need to strain and add hot milk, sugar to it.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly again and bring to a boil.

The coffee drink from childhood is ready, it remains to pour it into cups and treat your friends, just like in kindergarten.

In fact, what kind of coffee a person drinks can already tell a lot about their taste, style and preferences. Coffee is the perfect drink for experimenting with flavors and aromas. And there are so many recipes for coffee drinks that everyone can find an option to their taste.

Russia is a huge and amazing country, each of its regions has its own sights and traditions. Including coffee making. Our people have always been famous for their ability to creatively rethink old recipes. We present the result of one such creative approach to your attention. Mordovian coffee (recipe for coffee with balm) is prepared in Saransk, the cozy capital of the Republic of Mordovia.

We warn you, there is indeed a rich drink on our menu today. Therefore, try the recipe for the strongest coffee carefully, because it can deprive you of peace and sleep for a long time!

Connoisseurs of gastronomic diversity consider coffee with cardamom to be a very unusual and even exquisite drink. We can form our own impression by experimenting with various recipes coffee containing cardamom. It would be useful to learn about the effect that this modest-looking spice has on the human body. We invite you to another small gastronomic journey, the spicy aroma of which is already waiting for our attention.

clove coffee

Coffee recipes with various spices are very popular in the Middle East, in African countries, as well as in some South American regions. Clove coffee takes pride of place among the traditional Indian and Arabic ways of preparing an invigorating drink. Today we are introducing this simple and effective recipe.

Diversity coffee recipes allows every coffee lover to show his culinary talent, trying and improving more and more new flavors of his favorite drink. Coffee with orange should definitely be prepared at least in order to diversify the usual sensations. We will recommend several recipes that will open up new possibilities for you both coffee and oranges.

The harmony of the combination of coffee and chocolate flavors has been known for a long time. Cocoa beans and coffee beans are not directly related, but complement each other perfectly. Coffee with chocolate first gained wide popularity in Latin America, from there the recipe spread throughout the world. We could not ignore the rich taste of this drink and the variety of options for its preparation.

Who can argue with the authority of the French as recognized gourmets of Europe? Recipes of their dishes, desserts, and, of course, drinks, can be found in any restaurant in the world. The French know how to offer an exquisite gastronomic solution for any product. It is clear that coffee did not remain bypassed by their attention. Since the appearance of this drink in France, many ways have been invented to prepare it. The simplest, most refined and popular is called French coffee. Do you want to arrange a branch of Paris in a single kitchen? Then follow us and we will try out the recipe for real French coffee.

The Polish history of coffee began in the 17th century. Precious grains entered the country from Vienna. It was there that the Polish king, having defeated the Turkish camp, found many bags of coffee. However, the proud gentry did not like the new drink at first. Very unflattering characteristics are known that enlightened Polish gourmets gave coffee. They gradually changed their anger to mercy, and the drink received well-deserved recognition. The Poles have enriched the treasury of recipes by creating several of their own versions. Polish coffee still remains one of the most popular ways of preparing a drink, successfully competing with classic recipes. We are sure that you yourself have prepared such coffee, perhaps without even knowing it. Don't believe? Well, it's time for a demo!

Liege coffee is one of the creative coffee recipes. They have many ingredients, and the coffee itself plays the role of a natural flavor. Delicious dessert drink we are preparing today classic recipe. It is popular in Europe, thanks to the very exquisite taste. You have to work a little, but the result is worth it. Liege coffee is perfect for romantic dinner, fun party. Use our recipe if you want to impress with your gastronomic taste. Follow our recipe and you will succeed!

real coffee it just had to be hot. But how nice it is to pamper yourself in the heat chilled drink with your favorite taste. Cold coffee refers to seasonal recipes. You can cook it different ways for a variety of flavors.

Coffee with rum was invented not in Latin America, and not even among the ocean waves. Respectable Germans were the first to try the recipe. They are the ones who claim ownership. Although it is quite possible that even a hundred years before the quiet burghers came up with the idea to flavor their morning coffee with aged rum, in Cuba this drink was already served at the table.

We continue to study recipes for coffee cocktails. What ingredients are not added to coffee! Vodka is no exception. On its basis, they make a very bold evening cocktail. Men especially like coffee with vodka. The recipe is quite simple, but has its own twist.

English coffee

England is known not only for its tea ceremonies. The British were among the first in Europe to massively consume coffee, creating their own own recipes. The island version of the drink requires high-quality raw materials and compliance with certain rules. Coffee in English can only be made from natural beans, the instant version is absolutely excluded. To maintain authenticity, you can cook in a copper saucepan, but a Turk is quite suitable.

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Aromatic strong coffee so invigorates in the morning and gives strength during the day. How to make coffee unusually, recipes for coffee drinks watch and read on.

Coffee Recipes: Unusual Coffee Drinks

Recipe Coffee "Mazagran"


  • 1 st. crushed ice
  • 1 cup strong fresh coffee (refrigerate)
  • 1 tsp sugar syrup
  • 0.5 st. lemonade (cold)

Cooking method:

  1. Divide ice into glasses.
  2. Pour in syrup, then cold coffee.
  3. Slowly pour in the cold lemonade to the top of the glasses.

Recipe Foamy Tropical "Mocha"


  • banana
  • 1 st. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. chocolate syrup
  • 0.5 st. strong cold coffee
  • 50 gr. grated chocolate

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Beat until the cocktail becomes frothy and completely homogeneous.
  3. Pour the drink into chilled glasses, top with crushed ice.
  4. Decorate the cocktail with grated chocolate.
  5. Serve the drink with a straw.

Recipe Coffee "Cola"


  • 2 tbsp. strong fresh coffee
  • ice cubes
  • 1.5 st. coca cola
  • 5 st. l. cream

Cooking method:

  1. Place a few ice cubes into glasses.
  2. Pour cold cream over ice.
  3. Then pour in chilled coffee and Coca-Cola.
  4. Stir the drink with a spoon and serve.

Jamaican coffee recipe


  • 3 art. strong fresh coffee
  • Orange
  • lemon
  • 3 art. l. Roma
  • 1/3 powdered sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Cut orange and lemon into thin slices.
  2. Place citrus fruits in a bowl.
  3. Pour coffee.
  4. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour in rum, add powdered sugar and mix.
  6. Serve in coffee cups with a slice of lemon or orange.

Mocha Recipe in the Cloud


  • 5 st. milk
  • 2.5 st. strong coffee
  • sugar - to taste
  • 3 art. l. vanilla sugar
  • 120 gr. chocolate
  • whipped cream to taste
  • cinnamon
  • ground nutmeg

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 3 tbsp. milk in a saucepan and put on low heat, warm without boiling.
  2. Mix coffee with remaining milk.
  3. Add sugar, vanilla and nutmeg to taste.
  4. Bring milk to a boil, reduce heat and add chocolate chips.
  5. Heat gently, stirring, until the chocolate is completely melted.
  6. Remove milk and chocolate from heat.
  7. Beat with a blender until foam appears.
  8. Serve in tall glasses with whipped cream, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Recipe Coffee "Amaretto" with ice


  • 1 st. amaretto coffee
  • 1 st. milk
  • 1 tsp ground almonds
  • ice cubes
  • sugar
  • cinnamon

Cooking method:

  1. Mix coffee, milk, sugar and ground almonds.
  2. Pour into tall glasses with ice.
  3. Pour in coffee drink.
  4. Sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

Brulee coffee recipe


  • zest of orange and lemon in one long shaving
  • 4 pieces of sugar
  • 6 pcs. carnations
  • cinnamon
  • 1 st. brandy
  • 4 tbsp. l. orange liqueur
  • 2 tbsp. strong coffee

Cooking method:

  1. Put the zest in a dry pan.
  2. Add sugar, cloves and cinnamon.
  3. Pour in brandy and orange liqueur.
  4. Heat the pan until the sugar dissolves, stirring constantly.
  5. Brew strong coffee.
  6. Ignite the pan with brandy.
  7. Pour the coffee in a thin stream into the pan.
  8. Put the zest in glasses, pour hot cocktail.

Want something "stronger"? Prepare "Baileys" according to the video recipe below.

Video recipe "Bailey's homemade liquor"

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

13 Coffee Drinks You Didn't Know About August 6th, 2017

Most of us know the difference between latte and cappuccino, while the more sophisticated coffee drinker knows the wonderful flat white. But there are coffee drinks in which true experts understand.

However, if you want to test your barista, why not ask about one of them and see if he really knows, or if he's just another hipster hard worker at his uncle's job.

  1. Guillermo (Guillermo)

The coffee equivalent of tequila, this is for those who like sour and citrus coffee.

In some coffee recipes, lemon can be found among the ingredients. In fact, the domestic habit of drinking coffee, like tea, with lemon, has nothing to do with the classic recipe. Coffee gourmets argue that citrus aroma perfectly emphasizes the taste of coffee. A cup of espresso, prepared traditional way, with lime wedges - this is the real Guillermo. The number of slices is not regulated, it all depends on personal preferences.


Guillermo is served on the table with slices already added in ordinary coffee cups, filled about half, hot or pre-chilled on ice. It is allowed to put a milk jug on the table so that those who wish can dilute the drink with a few drops of milk.

"Guillermo" is not the name of a coffee bean variety at all, but a Spanish male name. Whether it was the owner of the cafe where the drink was first introduced to the public, or an ardent admirer of the new taste, history is silent. Only one thing is known for certain: they began to add lime by analogy with Espresso Romano, which is served with lemon. Connoisseurs have found that the slight bitterness of a lime harmonizes with the coffee taste more than the straight-sour sharpness of a lemon.

It is strictly forbidden to add citrus fruits to coffee lovers suffering from gastritis in high acidity.

  1. Dirty Chai (Dirty Tea)

Dirty Chai is a blend of spices blended into a warm, soothing drink. Usually includes black tea, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, cloves, and black pepper, but varies from region to region.

Chai latte is the same but served with steamed milk.

If you like the taste of Dirty Chai but still need caffeine, just add espresso or doppio.

  1. Yuen Yeung

This drink is extremely popular in parts of Asia such as Hong Kong and Malaysia where it is known as Kopi Cham. This drink is a hybrid of tea and coffee, which contains 30% black coffee and 70% tea, mixed with condensed milk and sweetener.

It can be served hot or cold and even incredibly sweet to stick everywhere.

  1. Leche Manchada

Literally means "dyed milk". A drink for people who love a hint of coffee and nothing else. Only milk with a drop of coffee, that's basically it. So to say coffee milk or coffee flavored milk

Some may say that this is the same as latte macchiato, but it is even weaker.

  1. Marrocchinno

A tiny form of mocha that can be drunk fairly quickly (though perhaps even better sipped) is an espresso shot with cocoa powder and milk foam in a small glass.

In the Italian city of Alba, where the production of the Ferrero chocolate company, many add Nutella chocolate sauce (belongs to the same owner as Ferrero) instead of cocoa powder. You can just imagine how delicious this chocolate sauce is.

  1. Con panna

The name says it all, as it literally translates to "with cream" and that's exactly what you get, an espresso with a hood of whipped cream on top.
Depending on where you are in the world, it can also be called "suizo".

No problem, the barista will make you a flat white on cream and it will be the same. Few notice the difference in taste. What's in cream, what's in milk. Only the fatness itself is felt in different ways.

  1. red eye

Especially for caffeine addicts. Those who use caffeine even in tablets. There was already a story about caffeine sodium benzoate.

If you really need one of these, we suggest you see a doctor. Such needs are not always normal. Red Eye (red eye) pumps the heart, a mixture of regular black coffee, with a shot of espresso. Americano plus espresso.

Add two shots and it will be black eye, add three dead eye and add four shots and it will stop the heart. Don't be stupid enough to try or repeat!

A smarter way to enjoy the red-eye flavor is with Tobio, a shorter drink made with half filter coffee and half espresso.

  1. Cafe de Olla

Hard to find outside of central America (though by no means impossible), the Mexican coffee drink consists of ground coffee flavored with cinnamon and whole cane sugar called piloncillo.

If in Mexico, coffee will be brewed in a traditional clay pot.

  1. Cafe Bombon

The coffee drink from the Spanish city of Valencia is a shot of espresso and an equal amount of crema served in a clear glass that creates a layered effect as it sinks to the bottom.

This condensed cream is very sticky and makes the drink extremely sweet.

  1. Cortado

Based on the Spanish verb "cortar" meaning "to cut", this is a shot of espresso with warm milk. Many will argue that this is the same as a macchiato, but with frothed milk on top, not a mixture with warm milk.

  1. Kaisermelange

Motherland Austria. The drink includes espresso and a beaten raw egg yolk until smooth, creamy, then adding a dash of honey for sweetness. Rum or brandy can also be added for those who wish to have alcohol on their coffee.

Vietnamese egg coffee is similar to this one, with three beaten egg yolks and condensed milk.

  1. Eiskaffe

German ice coffee as two scoops of vanilla ice cream are laid out on top of black ice. In addition, whipped cream and chocolate chip sprinkles may be included.

Iced coffee or ice coffee, ice coffee is a way to serve coffee drinks. Often used as a soft drink. There are several ways to prepare cold coffee. In the first case ready hot drink cooled to the desired temperature, in the second - coffee is prepared by keeping the ground beans in water (for example, using a French press), after which it is filtered.

Often, ice coffee is prepared similarly to the hot counterpart of a particular coffee drink. So, there are “cold latte”, “cold mocha”. These drinks are made by mixing hot espresso with the required amount of chilled milk.

Iced coffee can be served both already chilled and still hot, but with the right amount of ice. Since sugar does not dissolve well in cold liquid, cold coffee is usually added sugar syrup or sweeteners.

  1. Espresso Tonic

Espresso is mixed with a tonic like Gin & Tonic to create a refreshing, carbonated ice coffee. Ideal for those who want to sip coffee for a long time, but also want to cool down and cheer up on hot summer days.

And what amazing and unusual types of coffee drinks have you tried and met?

Interesting and original recipes coffee.
Spanish coffee

This type of coffee is prepared according to a classic Spanish recipe using alcohol. Spanish coffee is so popular that it rivals the world famous German mulled wine.


30 ml coffee liqueur

30 ml brown or white rum

Whipped cream

Coffee beans


Spanish coffee is served in a toddy glass (i.e. a predominantly clear punch glass). The glass can be preheated or rinsed hot water, or doused with steam.

Pour some coffee liqueur and rum into a glass. Then fill the glass halfway with hot strong coffee. Add whipped cream on top of coffee. As a decoration, a few coffee beans are neatly laid out on top of the whipped cream.

vietnamese coffee

Despite the seeming exotic origin of this type of coffee drink, its recipe is quite simple.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

A little sweetened condensed milk

Several ice cubes

Hot coffee


Pour some sweetened condensed milk into a glass (the amount depends on your taste and desire). Add a few ice cubes (3-4) to the condensed milk and pour very hot coffee on top. Before tasting, the coffee must be mixed well.

Turkish coffee

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

Small cup of cold water

15 g finely ground coffee (or specialty Turkish coffee)


Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar and finely ground coffee. Place over medium heat and do not stir. Little by little foam will appear on the surface. Coffee is considered ready when it just starts to boil. At that moment, you must immediately extinguish the flame and prevent the coffee from boiling.
Pour coffee into cups, evenly distributing the resulting foam for each cup. Wait until coffee grounds will settle to the very bottom of the cup, and only after that you can start tasting.

brazilian coffee

This recipe requires a burner.


◾lemon juice
◾17 ml cognac
◾35 ml Grand Marnier liqueur
◾45 ml Baileys
◾strong coffee
◾1 tablespoon (15 ml) ice cream sundae (or whipped cream)


Dip the rim of the glass first in the lemon juice and then in the sugar so that the topping covers the glass for about 1 cm of its rim.

Caramelize the sugar with a burner or over an open stove flame. Pour cognac into a glass and heat it with a burner. Then, tilting the glass a little, let in the flame so that the cognac catches fire.

Add the Grand Marnier liqueur and then pour in the hot coffee.

Add ice cream or whipped cream. Pour in some Baileys through the cream ice cream (whipped cream). Sprinkle the drink on top with a little cinnamon.

Classic Brazilian coffee is served only with a napkin, which is tied around the glass like a nest.

Coffee with cinnamon

Coffee as a drink has been consumed for decades. During this time, countless recipes for making this drink have appeared. And although real connoisseurs prefer traditional coffee, many of us love it with all sorts of flavors. Flavored coffee can be easily bought at any store and its taste will be mild and pleasant. But no matter how good this coffee is, the question of naturalness will always remain open. Therefore, if you are tired of traditional coffee, you can diversify it with the help of some spices used in cooking. Properly selected spice will make the taste of coffee more intense and expressive.

The most widely used spice at the moment is cinnamon, which has long been used as an additive in coffee. It can look different, the usual option is a powder consistency. However, there is a small problem here, cinnamon in this form may not be natural. In fact, real cinnamon is quite expensive, so in most cases, non-natural spices are sold. So, it is best to buy cinnamon sticks.

Coffee with cinnamon has a good warming effect. It is useful to use it in the early stages of a cold and the stage of recovery, when there is no longer a temperature. The conducted experiments show that cinnamon normalizes metabolic processes in our body, leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system and just has a good effect on the general condition of a person.

To brew coffee with cinnamon, you must first prepare all the ingredients. These are natural (ground) coffee, sugar and cinnamon. Let's start the process of brewing coffee. Pour coffee into the Turk and heat it over the fire for several minutes. Then add sugar and cinnamon to coffee, and pour water. He puts the Turk on the fire, and wait for the water to begin to boil. We remove the Turk from the fire and pour it a little into a cup, and put the Turk again on the fire until the water boils. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times. As a result, the coffee will turn out fragrant and with foam.

Coffee, cinnamon and cream - this combination makes the drink even brighter, creating a feeling of warmth and tranquility.

National coffee recipes

V different countries around the world coffee is brewed in different ways:

In Arabic

There are many opinions about the correct preparation of coffee in Arabic. Someone thinks that the secret of Arabic coffee lies in the spices, others think that it must be brewed in the sand. But the most common recipe for making Arabic coffee is the method described below.

Put the fire on the Turk for 20-25 seconds so that it warms up. Then you need to remove the Turk from the heat and add sugar to the bottom (the amount of sugar you want). For starters, you can put one spoon. We put the Turk back on the fire and wait for the sugar to turn a light brown hue. The main thing is not to burn it. As soon as the desired color appears, pour in water.

Stirring constantly, wait for the water to boil. Remove the Turk and add coffee, preferably one teaspoon. Mix everything well and pour in a spoonful of cold water. Then again we put the Turk on a low fire and wait patiently, but we don’t interfere with the coffee anymore. As soon as a thick foam appears, remove it and transfer it to a cup. If you are a strong coffee lover, then repeat this procedure 3-4 times. Happy coffee drinking!


First, warm up the Turku a little and pour in the coffee. It does not need to be added much, since french coffee should not be very strong. Best used for brewing finely ground coffee. Add water to the Turk and put on the weakest fire. And again, wait a bit.

As soon as a thin foam has formed, pour in the sugar and mix everything well so that it is completely dispersed. Remove again and wait. Then brew coffee to the end and pour into a cup. To make a truly French coffee, you will need liqueur and a small amount of whipped cream. Pour one teaspoon of liqueur into the brewed coffee, and top with a thin layer of cream. Happy coffee drinking!

in Egyptian

To brew Egyptian coffee you will need: finely ground coffee and water. Such coffee turns out to be very strong, so it is better not to drink it at night. First, warm up a little Turku. Pour in a small amount of water and put on a strong fire, bring the water to a boil. The water must be very hot.

Next, add coffee and now bring to a boil over low heat. Foam will form on the surface, which must be skimmed off and placed in your cup. This procedure must be done 3 times. Pour the resulting coffee into a cup and serve! Sugar is added at your discretion. Happy coffee drinking!

Turkish coffee

One of the most famous coffee recipes is Turkish coffee. This recipe appeared in the Ottoman Empire in the middle of the 16th century. In 1544, the very first coffee house was opened here, offering visitors a fragrant drink. Since that time, many rituals associated with coffee have arisen in Turkey, and the process of preparing the drink has turned into a whole rite, and a cezve (Turk) was also invented. Coffee in Turkey is now the national drink, which has become a symbol of calm leisure and interesting communication. This tradition was adopted by other peoples.

Properly brewing delicious coffee in Turkish is a real art.

To begin with, the determining factor is the size of the Turks in which it is planned to brew the drink. You need to know exactly how many people will drink coffee. It is believed that if you brew coffee for three people in a Turk, which is designed to prepare four servings, then the taste and aroma of a hot drink will no longer be so ideal. Therefore, the size of the Turks is always important.

According to the amount of sugar put in coffee, you can brew Turkish coffee as you like. This drink is bitter, sweet and very sweet. You can also do more thick coffee or more fluid.

There are several ways and recipes for making Turkish coffee.

1. The Turk needs to be filled cold water(the water level should be located in the place where the Turk narrows). Then you need to add sugar and put the Turk on fire. In heated (but not boiled) water, you need to add finely ground coffee. Then you need to put the Turk on a slow fire and watch the process very carefully. As soon as the foam begins to form, the Turk must be removed from the heat. Then you need to wait until the foam settles, and the Turk must be put on fire again. This procedure must be repeated 3-4 times. At the end of the process, coffee must be stirred and can be poured into cups. Before drinking, the drink should cool slightly.

2. Coffee mixed with sugar is first poured with cold water and infused for several minutes. The drink must be brought to a boil and removed from heat, as in the previous method. After removing from heat, the hot fragrant mixture is sprinkled with cold water.

3. You need to pour into the Turk with ground coffee, sugar, a little salt, then mix and pour cold water. This mixture must be put on fire, or better - on hot sea sand. After the foam begins to rise, the Turk must be removed from the fire and a piece of ice should be added to it. Tradition suggests that the foam from coffee must first be removed with a teaspoon, then pour the drink into a cup, and put the previously removed foam on top.

4. Also in Turkish coffee (cooked in the usual way) you can add half of the beaten yolk. This drink can be served both hot and cold.

There are many recipes based on Turkish coffee. For example, Eskimo coffee (with chocolate and ice cream), mocha with ice and cognac, Elixir (with sour milk, whipped cream and yolk foam), as well as many others.

Iced coffee

Glace (glace) translated from French means frozen, icy. This coffee is easy to make, and in addition it is very tasty. Classic glace is served with a scoop of ice cream. Iced coffee - high-calorie drink, but still the energy value lower than that of a slice of pie or cake. And even if you are on a diet twice a week, you can treat yourself to this delicacy.

Coffee can also be garnished with candy crumbs, chocolate syrup or powdered sugar.

To prepare a classic glaze, freshly brewed coffee is used - 300 ml per two people, white creamy ice cream or ice cream - 100 g.

First you need to brew coffee.

Then pour it into glasses, cut out balls of ice cream with a mold and put them in glasses. Tubes can be inserted.

We serve beautifully: we put a saucer on a napkin, in which we place a glass, and next we put a spoon. Must be served immediately.

You can cook white glace.

In addition to 200 ml of strong roasted coffee, you will need skimmed milk in the same proportion as coffee, ice cream - 100 grams, and sugar.

We cool the brewed coffee and add chilled milk as well.
Pour into glasses, put a ball of ice cream on top.
This coffee is a great cooling drink on a hot summer day.
And the recipe for coffee glass in this version is quite unusual.

A lot of pleasure will be delivered by the recipe for coffee with a glass of "Summer Paradise".

To make coffee in this case, you will need

250 ml coffee beans,
100 g ice cream,
whipped cream with sugar (2 tablespoons),
the same amount of chocolate syrup and candy chips.

Brew and cool the coffee, whip the cream. Put the ice cream at the bottom of the glasses and fill it with chocolate syrup, carefully pour in the coffee. Garnish with whipped cream and candy sprinkles. At the exit we have excellent cold coffee.

A more useful variety of coffee glace is Sunrise.

It is very high in calories and therefore can replace dessert. If you don't care about the calorie content of coffee, you can treat yourself to this drink more often.

Brew 100 g of ground coffee and leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Boil the coffee again, add to the egg yolks beaten in advance with sugar, mix with vanilla sugar and cook again, stirring occasionally. Pour the finished coffee into glasses, dip the ice cream there, if you want, you can sprinkle with cinnamon or chocolate.

There are some secrets to making coffee glace: it will taste better if you add a pinch of sugar to it before brewing; a pinch of cocoa added during cooking will also add a pleasant taste; You need to take only high-quality medium roast coffee beans.

Interesting coffee recipes

There are many coffee recipes.

It would take an unrealistic amount of time to list them all. So let's look at some of them. We hope that these interesting recipes coffee will appeal to you and your friends.

Interesting and original coffee recipes


Whip the chocolate with cream, a pinch of cane sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon. Add hot strong coffee, stir. If desired, you can decorate with whipped cream.

flaming coffee

To prepare, you will need orange and lemon peel, 1 cup of cognac and 4 cups of strong coffee.

Pour cognac into a saucepan, add the peels cut into strips and cook over low heat. Then we set fire to the liquid and add coffee. Let the mixture soak for a few minutes. In general, the recipes for coffee with cognac are very original.

Dominican Republic

Place a scoop of popsicles in a glass, fill it with a mixture of chilled coffee and pineapple juice (half a glass), put a slice of fresh or canned pineapple on top and enjoy.

Coffee Caramel

Sugar is melted in a coffee pot until it turns brown, water is added and boiled, five teaspoons of coffee are added, boiled again and drunk.

Japanese coffee

Ready hot coffee and hot cocoa mix in a ratio of 1:1, boil and, pouring into cups, add cream. By the way, many countries have their own "national" interesting coffee recipes.


Based on 5 servings, take 3 cups of warm milk, 1 cup of coffee and 1 cup of milk foam. Brewed like regular coffee and sprinkled with chocolate.

Coffee Granita

To prepare this coffee, pour ice cubes into a cup, add powdered sugar and hot coffee with cinnamon. Everything, the coffee is ready to drink.

Coffee Royal

Mix the yolk and a tablespoon of honey, add strong coffee and cream. Drink hot.

Coffee Astoria

In a mixer, beat a cup of strong coffee, 2 cups of milk, half a glass of orange and lemon juice. Pour into glasses, sprinkle with chocolate and add ice. And by pouring Amaretto liqueur, you will give a uniquely rich aroma of coffee. Just be moderate with the amount of alcohol, and also remember that pregnant women should not have coffee in any form.

Coffee Surprise

This coffee is served chilled. Thoroughly mix 1 tablespoon of grated coffee, 1 teaspoon of cocoa, 5 tablespoons of condensed milk and 2 cups of chilled boiled water. Bon Appetit!

Turkish coffee with pepper

Brew coffee and add black pepper, butter and salt. Serve after settling thick.

Coffee Elixir of life

Coffee got its name because it is an invigorating and tonic drink. Coffee is brewed in Turkish style, sugar is added and cooled. Add curdled milk and beaten yolk. Shake the resulting mixture and drink.
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