Home Vegetables Prague salad with sausage and apple. The classic Prague salad is an extraordinary tasty dish. Salad "Prague" with beef recipe with photo

Prague salad with sausage and apple. The classic Prague salad is an extraordinary tasty dish. Salad "Prague" with beef recipe with photo

Unusually appetizing, hearty, spicy taste of the Prague salad from fried meat, sour apple, sweet pepper, pickled cucumbers will appeal to many. Prague salad is prepared quickly, saturating even very hungry guests with its composition. Its recipe can be supplemented with various vegetables or spices, adding avocados, pickled mushrooms, mustard or fresh herbs as desired.

There are several of the most popular recipe options for this Czech salad. It can be served cold or warm, laid out in layers, mixed before serving. Some housewives use only boiled beef, others add fried pork, ground pepper, dill, lettuce. It is worth preparing this delicious, juicy, unusually hearty meal to the nearest festive feast to enjoy its aroma, treat yourself or picky guests.

Recipe for a classic Prague salad with meat and pepper

For this lettuce comes from Czech Prague it is preferable to take sweet apples with red or yellow skin. Delicate taste This fruit, combined with hot peppers and hearty meat, will give you a feeling of quick satiety, delight you with a delicate aroma and juiciness. Apples are recommended to be placed on top of the dish, cutting them with beautiful diamonds or petals. A sprig of parsley and a few lettuce leaves will complement the decoration.


  • pork - 150 grams;
  • beef - 150 grams;
  • oil for frying meat;
  • 2 pickled or pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 sweet-sour red apple;
  • 1 sweet red bell pepper;
  • half a spoonful of mustard;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • parsley;
  • 1 onion;
  • ground white pepper;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. First you need to clean and cut the vegetables. We cut off the tips of pickled cucumbers, take out soft seeds, cut off too hard skin from the sides. We peel the onion, take out the seeds from the apple and pepper, the whole core. We cut the cucumbers into rectangular or square sticks, chop the onion into half rings, cut the pepper into small thin strips. The apple must be cut into quarters, then into curly diamond-shaped slices.
  2. Now to prepare mayonnaise dressing. Mix the juice squeezed from half a lemon, fresh mustard and mayonnaise, a little salt with ground pepper.
  3. Then you need to fry fresh meat. My pork and beef, dry, beat with a hammer to make it softer, cut into small pieces. Salt each slice, sprinkle with allspice ground pepper. Put in a hot pan with oil, fry until a crust forms. Leave covered to keep the meat warm. A traditional salad is made with warm meat, so it turns out to be more satisfying.
  4. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate to make the dish look beautiful when served. Next, pour warm meat out of the pan, draining excess oil in advance. We spread the mixed vegetables, pour them with dressing. Decorate the salad with apples and parsley on top.

Hints and Tips:

  1. So that the chopped onion does not taste bitter, it must first be put in the freezer for 5 minutes, and then scalded with boiling water.
  2. If there is no lemon at home, you can take half a spoonful of 9% vinegar or dissolve citric acid in water.
  3. You need to water the salad with dressing only immediately before eating, this should not be done in advance - juice will stand out from vegetables and warm meat.

Prague salad recipe with avocado pulp

This slightly modified Prague salad recipe with chunks of hard avocado and fragrant parsley sprigs will whet your appetite and delight with its originality. The base of spicy meat, boned in pepper, adds spice, and Vegetable mix with fruits gives tenderness, freshness. Exquisite, satisfying, but light dish prepared without mayonnaise - it is replaced by mustard-lemon dressing. A little soy sauce will add spice to the dish.


  • 250 grams of pork pulp;
  • 2 small pickled cucumbers, pickled are also suitable;
  • bulb;
  • half an avocado;
  • yellow apple, preferably with sourness;
  • 1 tangerine;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a spoonful of mustard;
  • pepper, dried chopped basil;
  • a spoonful of soy sauce for dressing.


  1. Pork pulp must be beaten off, cut into pieces, sprinkled with ground pepper and chopped basil, salt. Then the pieces should be sprinkled with juice squeezed from the tangerine, fried in a hot oil pan until a tender crust appears.
  2. The onion must be peeled, cut into thin half rings. You can also sprinkle tangerine juice on it to beat off the specific onion smell.
  3. Apple, pickles and half an avocado should be cut into thin strips. First you need to remove the bone, seeds.
  4. Now you need to make a fragrant and spicy dressing. Soy sauce mixed with lemon juice, mustard, pepper.
  5. Gently mix the ingredients, spread on a dish with a slide, pour dressing. Top with small sprigs of parsley.

Hints and Tips:

  • To beat the meat without splashing, the pieces must be put in a plastic bag, straightened there, tied.
  • It is advisable to choose a hard avocado so that you can cut it into long thin strips.
  • If desired, all products can be laid out in layers, lubricating with dressing every other time. In this case, it is recommended to use mayonnaise.

Prague salad recipe with pickled mushrooms

Prague salad with addition fried champignons it turns out very juicy, satisfying and spicy in taste. Meat pairs perfectly with pepper and sour apple, greens add flavor and freshness to the salad. This dish can be served on the table during a feast with guests or prepared for a family dinner. Mayonnaise sets off the piquancy of beef, sprinkled with hot pepper, emphasizes the tenderness of the apple.


  • 200 grams of beef;
  • 200 grams of champignons with hats;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • bulb;
  • salted or pickled cucumber;
  • sour green apple;
  • parsley;
  • mayonnaise, salt.


  • Beef should be beaten off with a wooden mallet, cut into thin strips. All of them need to be peppered, salted, fried until fully cooked, cool.
  • From apples and peppers, it is necessary to remove the seeds, remove the stalks. Cut the pepper into strips or cubes, rub the apple coarsely.
  • Onion cut into thin half rings, sprinkle apple juice for flavor.
  • Pickled cucumbers must be peeled, cut into cubes. It is desirable that they do not taste sour.
  • Mushrooms should be cut in half or quarters, lightly fried. It is best to buy a jar where they are cut into hats.
  • Now you need to mix all the ingredients with a spoon, sprinkle with chopped parsley, salt. Before serving, put a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise on top of the salad.

Hints and Tips:

  • For greater juiciness, fried meat can be stewed under the lid for about 5 minutes, adding a few tablespoons of water to the pan. Some housewives do not fry it at all, they use boiled.
  • Parsley can be replaced with cilantro green onions, dill.
  • It is advisable to peel an apple that is too hard and thick to make the salad more tender and softer in taste.

Any of these simple available recipes differs in juicy, saturated taste, gentle aroma, appetizing structure. This dish is suitable for a small holiday, family dinner, friendly gatherings. Preparing the Prague salad for a short time, almost everyone likes it.

Step 1: Clean and chop the ingredients.

We take a large salad bowl or bowl and put the chopped ingredients there. First we take pickles. Trim the tails on both sides. Cut lengthwise into two parts. If there are large seeds inside, then carefully scrape them out with a knife or spoon. If the peel of cucumbers is tough, then it is also better to cut it off. The cucumber peeled in this way is first cut lengthwise into long plates. Then each plate, again along, cut into thin strips. And cut each strip of cucumber into identical sticks, length about a centimeter. Throw in a salad bowl. We clean the onion. Cut the onion as small as possible. Add to cucumbers. Cut the bell pepper in two lengthwise. We make cuts along the perimeter of the stem and remove the seeds and stem. Cut the pepper into thin sticks, as cucumbers were cut a little earlier. Also add to the salad bowl. Wash the green apple well. You don't need to clean it. If there are damages on the peel, remove them with a knife. Cut the apple into quarters and cut out the core. Cut the apple into medium-sized cubes and throw it into a salad bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Step 2: Dressing the base for the salad.

Gently mix all our chopped vegetables into cubes. Wash the lemon thoroughly, cut into halves. Set aside one half - it can be used to decorate the finished salad. Squeeze some juice from the second half onto our salad. Mix and let stand a few minutes. If there is a lot of liquid in the salad bowl at the bottom of the glass, then drain the excess, carefully holding the salad with a spoon.

Step 3: fry the meat.

For the Prague salad, we need two pieces of pulp - veal and pork. We wash the meat from possible dust and dry it on a kitchen towel. We rub each piece of meat with salt and pepper and carefully serve with a hammer. You can put the meat in a regular plastic bag, then the splashes will not scatter when beaten. Salted, peppered and beaten meat cut into strips in one and a half to two times more than we cut our vegetables. We put the pan on the fire. Pour and warm up vegetable oil. When the oil sizzles, put the chopped meat into the pan. Fry the meat until cooked and golden brown. We leave the finished meat in the pan so that it does not cool down before serving the salad on the table.

Step 4: Serve the Prague salad.

It is best to fill our “Prague” salad with mayonnaise just before serving. We mix chopped vegetables with mayonnaise right in the salad bowl, do not forget to add mustard. We try, if necessary, salt and pepper. We take a large flat serving dish and spread the vegetable base of the salad on it. Spread hot fried meat on top. We decorate all this with slices of the remaining half of a lemon and sprigs of fresh herbs, we take out a bottle of red wine - and an exquisite dinner is ready. Men will appreciate the meat accent of the salad, and lovely ladies will like the unusual fruit and vegetable base. Bon Appetit!!!

To cry less when cutting onions, you need to put it in for 10 minutes. cold water or 3-5 minutes in the freezer.

If you got too bitter or hard onion, then it can be softened by pouring boiling water over it.

Juice of half a lemon can be substituted for 1/4 teaspoon citric acid or half a teaspoon of vinegar.

Before you beat the meat with a hammer, put the meat in a regular clean plastic bag, carefully straighten it there and beat it through the bag. This will avoid splashing of micro-meat particles and will not contaminate the hammer and work surface.

Warm mayonnaise salads are best dressed just before serving to keep them from floating.

The main ingredient in this dish is beef. The taste of the salad depends on how you pre-prepare the meat. Usually a piece of beef is boiled in water. To make the meat tasty and juicy, you need to lower it into boiling water. Instead of salt, you can add to the pot with meat soy sauce. Control the amount of sauce to your liking. Also add roots (celery, onions and carrots) and spices for flavor. Alternatively, beef for salad can not be boiled, but baked in foil. To prepare the Prague salad with bell pepper and beef, you can use lean pork or ham. I recommend using cheese from aged varieties for this dish, which are sweetish in taste.

Taste Info Meat salads

Ingredients for 1-2 servings:

  • Sweet bell pepper - 115 g;
  • Boiled beef - 130 g;
  • Hard cheese - 60 g;
  • Tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Sour or pickled cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Parsley.

How to cook Prague salad with beef

Boil or bake the meat until tender, cut into small sticks, about 1 cm thick.

Remove seeds from bell pepper, chop into strips. Cut one large tomato and pour over the meat with pepper.

Sour or pickled cucumber finely chop and add to the salad. Finely chop the hard cheese and also send it to the container with all the ingredients for the salad.

Now add a pinch of salt and black pepper, pour mayonnaise to taste. Can be added to salad if desired. green onion and parsley.

Spread the Prague beef salad on a plate and serve it to your guests.

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