Home Main courses Milk rice porridge in the oven recipe. Milk rice porridge in the oven. Rice porridge with milk - general principles of preparation

Milk rice porridge in the oven recipe. Milk rice porridge in the oven. Rice porridge with milk - general principles of preparation

Rice with milk, “white in white” is one of the principles of the recovery diet. Whatever version of the dish you choose, it should turn out to be light for the stomach, quite satisfying and high-calorie. And for those who are looking for additional usefulness everywhere, we offer recipes with the addition of honey or fruits.

Rice porridge with milk - general principles of preparation

Rice porridge with milk can be cooked different ways: cook on an open fire (on the stove), in a slow cooker or steam in the oven. The cooking methods are not particularly different, but porridge cooked in the oven or slow cooker has a big plus - you don’t need to follow it, it won’t run away and won’t stick.

For rice porridge in milk, rounded white polished rice is most suitable - it is this kind of cereal that is steamed faster and better. milk dish from it it turns out gentle, with a light creamy aftertaste. It is not recommended to take steamed rice for milk porridges - the dish will have a specific taste and smell.

Before cooking, the cereal must be sorted out and rinsed several times with cold water. The longer the rice groats are washed, the more gluten and starch comes out of it. This, in turn, is reflected in the consistency of the finished dish: the less starch and gluten in rice, the looser porridge.

With the preparation of rice porridge with milk in the oven or slow cooker, everything is easy and simple - pour the rice with milk, add additional products and leave to cook for the time indicated in the recipe. But the dish cooked on the stove requires special attention and has some of its tricks:

- you can not cook milk porridge on intense heat, the liquid will evaporate quickly, and the rice will not be steamed yet and will remain raw;

- porridge is cooked only under the lid, but it is not tightly closed, be sure to leave a small gap so that the milk does not run out;

- so that the rice porridge does not burn, it is periodically stirred, trying to separate the bottom layer from the bottom as best as possible.

You can cook porridge both with pure milk and diluted with water. In milk, cereals will cook more slowly and there is a risk that the dish will burn. To dilute milk with water or not, everyone decides for himself. There is another simple way to cook rice porridge in milk so that it does not burn. First, the cereal is slightly boiled in water, then the broth is decanted, and the rice is poured with milk and brought to readiness.

The porridge is sweetened with sugar or honey, and the taste of the dish is adjusted by adding salt, which is put in according to one's own taste.

Any milk porridge is flavored with high-quality butter, which is added during cooking or at the end. Additionally, a small piece of butter is placed in each plate when serving, if the dish is served hot.

How to cook rice porridge in milk with baked pumpkin


400 gr. pumpkins;

Rice, round grain - 3/4 cup;

a tablespoon of honey;

Butter 72% butter;

Half a liter of medium fat milk.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pumpkin, select the seeds and cut off the peel. Cut the juicy pulp into medium-sized slices, centimeter thick and tightly place the pieces in a pot.

2. Dilute honey with half a glass of warm water. Pour the pumpkin with the prepared syrup and place the pot in the oven for 55 minutes.

3. Wash the rice in cold water until a slight “creaking” of cereals. Boil the rice after boiling for three minutes over low heat and strain the broth. Pour boiling water over the cereal and bring to half-cooked. Drain the broth, and discard the rice in a colander.

4. Boil the milk and pour it over the boiled rice, add baked pumpkin no syrup. Boil the porridge for a few minutes and set aside from the heat.

5. Put butter on the surface in pieces, cover tightly with a lid and cool slightly. Stir well before serving.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in the oven, in a pumpkin

original performance a simple dishrice porrige in a pumpkin. For cooking, no additional utensils are needed, porridge is cooked in a vegetable, which is used as a saucepan.


Whole round pumpkin, about 2.5 kg in weight;

250 gr. rice cereal;

Pasteurized milk - 500 ml;

A teaspoon of fine salt;

50 gr. butter homemade butter;

Unrefined sugar - two tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the sorted rice to a sieve, rinse thoroughly. Pour the cereal with water and leave it in it for half an hour, then strain. Boil milk.

2. Rinse the pumpkin well with warm water. Cut off the top part with the tail and leave it, this will be the lid. Carefully cut a hole with a knife and remove all the seeds along with the fibers.

3. Fill the pumpkin "pot" with dried rice, pour very hot milk. Salt, add granulated sugar, put pieces of butter. Mix well and cover with the cut lid.

4. Wrap tightly with food foil, transfer to a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for about 2 hours.

5. When laying out rice porridge, pry it along with pumpkin pulp and serve with honey.

How to cook fragrant rice porridge in milk with stewed prunes

Prunes stewed in beer syrup and delicate spicy taste of rice milk porridge - unusual combination? Why not!


One liter of cow's milk;

Pitted prunes - 400 gr.;

150 gr. large, clean rice;

Two cinnamon sticks;

A small pinch of saffron;

A spoonful of vanilla sugar;

A small piece of lemon zest;

400 ml dark beer;

75 gr. brown sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Scald prunes with boiling water, rinse and leave to soak in cold water, drain the liquid after three hours, and transfer the berries to a saucepan and pour beer.

2. Add cinnamon stick, sugar and lemon zest. Bring to a boil over low heat, then lower heat slightly and simmer prunes in beer for 30 minutes.

3. Rinse a thick-walled pan with water and pour milk into it. Do not wipe the container dry, leave it damp.

4. Transfer rice to milk, add saffron, vanilla sugar and salt, lower the cinnamon stick and put on moderate heat. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover, loosely, with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. Stir, otherwise the dish will burn, five minutes before cooking, slightly sweeten.

5. As soon as all the milk from the porridge has evaporated, and the rice is ready, remove the cinnamon and remove from heat.

6. Divide the slightly cooled rice porridge into portions and add two tablespoons of prunes to each.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker with apples

Not only simple, but also useful, such a porridge is ideal for feeding children from the age of one year.


One glass of rice cereal;

Two large sweet apples;

500 ml of homemade, unskimmed milk;

Creamy "Peasant" butter;

Full spoonful of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Lubricate the cooking bowl with oil and put the well-washed rice into the container. Be sure to dry the cereal after washing.

2. Pour cold milk, lightly salt and add sugar, and evenly spread the butter cut into pieces on top.

3. On the panel, set the “Porridge” mode and turn on the multi-pan.

5. Keep the finished rice porridge for another 10 minutes on heating and only then serve.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in the oven, in a clay pot

The porridge languishing in a pot is not only tender, it acquires a specific taste of baked milk.

Ingredients for a 0.7 l container:

Two glasses of milk;

Spoonful of sugar;

Sweet cream butter - 30 gr.;

100 gr. unboiled rice groats.

Cooking method:

1. Fill a large saucepan with cold water and lower the clay pot into it for 20 minutes.

2. Sort the cereal from the litter, rinse it and soak it in the same water. After 10 minutes, rinse again, shake and leave in a sieve to drain excess moisture.

3. Remove the clay container from the water, wipe it lightly with a towel and fill it with dried rice.

4. Pour in the milk, make sure that it does not reach the edges of the bowl by one and a half centimeters.

5. Add sugar and add a small pinch of salt to the milk.

6. Put the oil cut into medium-sized cubes on top and place the pot in a cold oven.

7. Cook porridge at 120 degrees for a quarter of an hour, raise the temperature to 180 degrees and cook porridge with it for an hour and a quarter.

8. When serving, for each serving, you can add butter, and who lacks sweetness - add honey.

Rice porridge with milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

You can avoid rice porridge with milk from running out of the multicooker by applying a thin layer of oil on the inside of the cooking bowl. Milk will not rise above this level. Porridge will not stick to the cooking container if its bottom is well oiled.

Milk with a high percentage of fat must be diluted with filtered water. The fatter milk product, the more likely it is that the porridge will stick and burn.

Before pouring rice with milk, check the freshness of the product. Pour some milk into a spoon and heat it over the burner, if it doesn’t curdle, you can safely cook porridge on it.

The choice of milk, as indicated in the "general principles", is not critical, fatty can be diluted if necessary. However, it is worth emphasizing that with sufficient skill, it is better to cook cereals on homemade milk. If the cow is healthy and the milkmaid is clean, there is no risk of preparing a dish with a palm surrogate instead of milk fat.

If you are at a loss how to cook rice porridge with milk of the ideal consistency - take the products in a ratio of 1: 4, one part of rice cereal to four parts of milk.

As a child, porridge from the Russian oven was almost a regular guest on our village table. But, basically it was porridge on the water. But milk porridge, but with foam - it was a celebration of the stomach. And, since we all wanted foam, and there was not so much of it on the pan, then, of course, not everyone and not always had enough of it. Deciding to cook milk porridge in the oven, I thought about how to fix this situation and cooked this dish in a pan. Everyone got their portion of porridge with fried foam.

Servings: 8
Calories: medium calorie
Calories per serving: 155 kcal

To cook milk rice porridge in the oven, you will need:

Round grain rice - 250 g
Water - 350 g
Milk 2.5% - 400 - 450 g
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (optional)

How to cook milk rice porridge in the oven.

1. Rinse the rice several times to make the water clear. Pour into skillet. If you don't like viscous porridge, then rice can be taken long-grain steamed.
2. Next, fill the rice with water, add salt, mix.
3. Pour milk. Spread the rice evenly over the pan. The amount of milk is adjusted according to what kind of porridge we want to get at the exit.
4. We put in an oven heated to 200 - 220 * C for 30-40 minutes. Time depends on rice and oven.
5. If, when the rice is ready, the foam turned out to be not very ruddy, then you can turn on the “grill” burner for 3-5 minutes. In the absence of such a burner, 10 - 15 minutes before readiness, the temperature should be increased.

6. Arrange on plates and serve with compote.

The children said that such porridge is similar to a casserole.

How is rice porridge cooked in the oven? How can you diversify this already useful and tasty dish? You will find answers to these and some other questions in our article! Cooking porridge in the oven is much easier than on the stove, because it will not burn, you do not need to keep a close eye on it. The only downside is the long cooking time. But it's worth it! In the oven, cereals acquire a special taste, juiciness and rich aroma. That is why these recipes are so loved by housewives. Love you too!

Here are some general tips for making delicious rice:

  • choose cereals exclusively of the highest grade;
  • grains should not be crushed, but whole;
  • when cooking, do not spare the butter - it definitely will not spoil the porridge!
  • cook with tenderness and love, home will appreciate.

Porridge in pots

Rice is a very simple proven recipe. Due to the peculiarity of this dish to evenly distribute heat, the porridge is very tender and tasty. We will need:

First, let's prepare the cereal. It must be cleaned of debris and black grains, then rinsed with warm water, and then also hot. Then there will be nothing left in the porridge. After all the procedures, soak the cereal in cold water for about half an hour. Thanks to such careful preparation, the finished rice will be crumbly and tender.

Now you need. Soak them for 15 minutes. Then drain the water from the rice and rinse it under running water. We spread the grits in pots, pour milk, salt and sugar, add pieces of butter.

You can diversify the usual porridge a little and add raisins, prunes, nuts or something similar to your taste. You can also use fresh fruit.

We bake for about an hour and a half at a temperature of 190. The porridge in the oven with milk is ready! Serve hot with more butter added.

Lean porridge

You can cook delicious rice porridge in the oven and without milk, but on water. This cooking option is perfect for a side dish or as a fast food. To prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients:

First of all, be sure to prepare the cereal: rinse, soak, rinse again. We soak the pots if we cook in them. You can also choose another suitable shape, for example, glass or a saucepan (without plastic elements).

If desired, spices can be added to rice, for example, curry, black ground pepper etc., or vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, onions.

We put all the ingredients in a mold and send it to the oven for about an hour and a half. Rice is ready! You can serve with fresh herbs.

It's so simple and without any hassle you can cook a delicious porridge loved by everyone! Bon Appetit you and your loved ones!

Delicious and tender porridge is the dream of a caring hostess who appreciates her loved ones by treating them to healthy breakfasts. Milk rice porridge in a pot is just what she needs. The secret of a breakfast that melts in your mouth lies in the dishes themselves. Dishes prepared by long-term languishing in ceramic pots are excellent - dietary and nutritious.

Russian porridge in a pot, also in milk, can easily outshine any of the most delicious American sandwiches.

Products are taken strictly according to the list. For cereals, rice groats should be the simplest and in no case steamed, otherwise you will have to cook porridge for half a day. Take any milk. Use sugar and salt to your liking.

Pots before "work" need to be prepared. Rinse well with cold running water or soak for 30 minutes.

Rice groats also need to be washed well in water or soaked in it for a while.

Then the rice should be divided into three pots.

Fill 2/3 with cold milk.

Then a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt are added to each pot. The composition is mixed. The pots are closed and sent to the oven for 2 hours. Temperature - 180°C. In the process of cooking rice porridge, an additional portion of milk is poured into the pots, but that's all - as it boils away.

For every "fireman" a baking sheet with water is placed under the pots. My milk ran a little out of the pot. If you like a fried hat on milk porridge, boil the cereal in milk without lids.

Ready rice porridge is complemented with a piece of butter and served for breakfast right in the pot. Have a nice morning!

Rice porridge in the oven is delicious and healthy dish. You can cook it both in milk and in water, thereby reducing the calorie content. Also, many people like porridge with different additives. So, a ripe pumpkin with honey can decorate ordinary porridge without milk. And some like to decorate a ready-made dish with dried fruits or fresh berries. Perfect for jam too. Under certain conditions, you can turn an ordinary dish into a real dessert. For example, turning yesterday's porridge into fragrant and tender casserole for breakfast.

Delicious porridge with butter

This recipe for rice porridge in the oven is very tender and tasty. Its calorie content is quite high, but such a breakfast gives a burst of energy for the whole day. For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a glass of round grain rice;
  • three glasses of fresh milk;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • one hundred grams of butter.

First of all, you need to prepare rice. The groats are thoroughly washed several times, so that in the end the water after the procedure remains clean. Then the cereal is poured with cold water and left for three hours. After this time, you can start cooking rice porridge in a pot in the oven.

Delicious porridge from the oven

If clay pots are used, then there is no need to lubricate them with butter. If the dishes are made of a different material, then it is better to additionally coat them with this product. Such porridge can be prepared in other molds, but it is in pots that it retains its taste and aroma as much as possible, languishes and boils completely.

Then rice is placed at the bottom of the pot. Fill it with milk. It must be cold! Sprinkle the future rice porridge, cooked in the oven, with salt and sugar on top. Put butter. You can cut it into pieces.

Pour a little water on a baking sheet, set the pots. The liquid must be added so that the porridge does not burn. Rice porridge is cooked in an oven heated to 180 degrees for forty-five minutes.

You can serve porridge in this form, as well as adding dried fruits or fresh berries. You can increase the amount of sugar if necessary.

Rice porridge with pumpkin: tasty and healthy

The recipe for rice porridge on the water seems to many to be too bland. However, you can decorate it with bright and sweet pumpkin which will make the dish almost festive. For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 600 ml of pure water;
  • 200 g of rice;
  • 70 grams of butter;
  • three hundred grams of ripe pumpkin;
  • 70 grams of honey, preferably liquid;
  • a pinch of salt.

For one hundred grams of the finished dish, about 146 calories come out.

Cooking rice porridge on water: a recipe step by step

First, take a pumpkin. Wash it thoroughly and dry it. The skin and seeds are removed. For this recipe for rice porridge on the water, it is best to take clay pots. At the bottom of the dish put the diced pumpkin. Rice is washed several times, laid on a pumpkin. All are poured with liquid honey and sprinkled with salt. Pour rice porridge in the oven with water.

The oven itself is heated to 200 degrees. As a result, the porridge will languish for about an hour. Ready meal can be flavored with a piece of butter.

with apples

Such a dish is a great way to teach children to cereals. For cooking you need to take:

  • a glass of rice;
  • three glasses of water;
  • two apples;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a small piece of butter.

First, the rice is washed. It should be borne in mind that during the cooking process, the porridge increases in volume, so you do not need to pour the ingredients more than half the capacity.

Rice is placed at the bottom of the pot, watered. Sprinkle sugar and salt on top. Apples are peeled from seeds and skins, cut into random pieces and added to porridge. Cooked at a temperature of about 170 degrees. After thirty minutes, they take out the pot and look at the readiness of the rice. If necessary, hold for another twenty minutes. When serving, put a piece of butter in each plate.

Raisin Casserole: A Delicious Dessert

Not all children love porridge. So you can cook them delicious casserole in the oven. From rice porridge, which, for example, was left over from lunch, can come out great dish! First you need to take the following ingredients:

  • one hundred grams of raisins;
  • 150 grams of rice;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • half a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • some salt.

The rice is washed thoroughly. Milk is brought to a boil and pure rice is poured into it. After boiling, cover the pan with a lid and cook for ten minutes. Then the lid is removed and the same amount is cooked. When the pan is removed from the heat, add sugar and salt to the porridge, stir. Also add butter.

Raisins are washed and poured with water for ten minutes. It is better if the water only covers the berries, so their sweetness will be preserved. Raisins and an egg are added to the porridge. Stir thoroughly.

Grease the baking dish vegetable oil. Shift the base for the casserole. Sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. It's getting ready appetizing dish about twenty five minutes. When serving, you can additionally pour it or honey. But thanks to the sugar and raisins, the rice-based casserole comes out sweet and tender.

Cooking rice porridge is a whole science. The grains must be thoroughly washed, and since they absorb water during cooking, also calculate the amount of ingredients. When cooking with gas, a number of problems arise. For example, cereals tend to burn or “run away” from the pan. Therefore, baking in the oven is a great alternative. And from the porridge that has remained since the evening, you can get an excellent casserole that even capricious children will eat with pleasure.

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