Home Nutrition How to make juice from apricots. Useful properties of apricot juice. Drinking and contraindications

How to make juice from apricots. Useful properties of apricot juice. Drinking and contraindications

In order to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home, you need to know the basic rules of this process.

Apricot is one of the richest in vitamins B and C. This fruit, according to scientists, is considered indispensable for heart health, which is why it can be consumed in different ways. You can prepare dried fruit, or you can prepare apricot juice with pulp at home. The benefits of this product are undeniable, it contains a whole storehouse of trace elements that are so beneficial to health. It is believed that such a natural drink is absorbed more easily and faster than fresh fruits.

Juice Rules

If we talk about preparing a drink for the winter, then you need to know the general rules for canning. To begin with, it is worth deciding what kind of drink will be harvested. You can make juice from apricots with pulp, peeled or with other fruits.

There are several ways to prepare this drink:

  1. Through a juicer. This method is good because the fruits are processed quickly enough, the pulp passes through the filter. Juicers are used different types, these are hand-held appliances, electric or steam.
  2. Through a pressure cooker. The drink obtained in this way will turn out to be homogeneous, there is less pulp in it, but at the same time its own useful qualities he doesn't lose.
  3. Manually. In the absence of the necessary apparatus, nectar can be obtained from fruits ground through a sieve, which are pre-boiled. Previously, apricot juice was prepared in this way.

In order for the product to be stored for a long time, it is boiled, all recipes have their own way of processing the drink. So that useful substances are not lost during the heat treatment, the drink is not boiled for long.

The canning of fruit drinks requires adherence to the rules for sterilizing cans and lids. To do this, most often use a double boiler or oven, and recently a microwave oven. The containers are thoroughly washed and processed before sterilization, while it is necessary to prepare clean wipes and a place where the jars will be located in advance. Lids usually boil for 5-10 minutes.

According to the general rules of preparation apricot juice, pour it into jars in a boiling state. After that, the glass containers are rolled up with tin lids, placed upside down in a dark place, while the jars are covered with a warm blanket on top. After a certain time, the banks are lowered into the cellar for long-term storage.

cook delicious homemade juice from apricot can be according to different recipes, but often people want to preserve the drink without sugar, thereby preserving it natural taste and quality. Everyone chooses the method and recipe of preparation according to his own taste.

Apricot Juice Recipes

The most ancient and tested by more than one generation recipe can be used in our time. In work, you can do without additional electrical appliances and fixtures. All you need is an enameled container, a sieve and a colander.

Juice with pulp

To create this drink, you need to prepare only 3 ingredients: sugar, water and ripe apricots. A drink brewed according to this recipe will turn out to be the most natural and healthy.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. We prepare fruits, carefully select and wash. We remove the bones from them, put the slices in enamel pan.
  2. We add water in such an amount that it only slightly covers the fruit, and put the container on fire.
  3. Cook until the fruits become soft, while periodically removing the foam from the juice.
  4. We discard the fruits in a colander and grind them through a sieve into a separate bowl, while discarding the peel.
  5. We combine the liquid in which the apricots were boiled with fruit puree and boil again. Boil the juice for a short time, about 10 minutes.
  6. Add sugar to taste and bring to a boil again.
  7. We preserve juice in glass jars. It must be poured hot into pre-pasteurized containers and immediately rolled up with tin lids.

Thus, apricot juice with pulp is prepared for the winter with your own hands without additional devices. If all the requirements were met during the conservation process, then such a product can be stored for more than one year and at the same time it will not lose its qualities.

Making juice without sugar

From the ingredients you will need 2 kg of ripe apricot fruits, 5 mint leaves and 1 cup of boiled water.

Peeled fruits are put into enameled dishes and poured with water. Boil for about 3 minutes, after which mint leaves are added. Boil the liquid for another 10 minutes, while the fire should be quite weak. After that, all the liquid, together with the fruit, is passed through a colander or sieve and allowed to boil again. Hot compote can be poured into jars and closed with lids.

This product has a particularly rich taste and aroma, mint gives notes of freshness and helps to preserve the beneficial properties of the drink.

How to cook in a juicer

The juice cooker is a 3-tiered enamel pan with a valve and a tube for draining the juice. One container contains water, the second contains fruit, and the third contains juice directly. Cooking delicious and healthy apricot juice in a juicer is quite easy. The principle of operation of a juicer is very similar to a double boiler, under the influence of steam, fruits begin to release juice, which is collected in the middle compartment.

Recipes for apricot juice for the winter, cooked on a juicer, are very similar. Enough to stock up fragrant fruits, water and sugar.

Pour water into the lower compartment of the unit. Peeled fruits are placed in the upper section and sprinkled with sugar to enhance the release of juice. The valve with a straw must be closed so that the juice does not flow out. Cook over low heat for about 45 minutes. Then you can open the valve and drain the liquid into sterile glass jars. Close the jars with tin lids and leave to cool for a while.

In fact, you can cook apricot nectar without sugar through a juice cooker, it will turn out quite soft and tender, as it will be steamed. Some are happy to combine different fruits, for example, blackcurrants and apples are placed in a container with apricots, citrus fruits such as lemon and orange are added. The convenience of this device is that you can perfectly do without a juicer. Exist different recipes, allowing you to create unusual, tasty and vitamin drinks with the help of this machine.

Making juice in a blender

Now it’s worth considering how to make apricot juice using a blender. This method is to the liking of many housewives, as it takes little time and is quite simple to perform.

It is necessary to prepare 3 kg of fruit, 1 liter of water, 200 g of granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp citric acid. The fruits must be treated with boiling water and allowed to cool. After that, it is quite easy to remove the peel from the cooked apricot and remove the seeds.

Peeled fruits are ground into puree using a blender. Water, sugar, citric acid are added to this mass and put on a slow fire.

If the drink turns out to be too thick, then you can dilute it with water, but then you need to keep track of how much sugar needs to be added in proportion to the liquid.

The resulting mass can be immediately poured into jars and rolled up with lids. Many housewives use the so-called lids (spins), it is quite convenient and does not require the use of a seaming machine, but they are suitable only for certain cans.

apricot nectar

Each housewife makes such preparations in different ways, since taste preferences in families also differ greatly. Some people like clarified drinks and more sweet ones, others harvest nectars with pulp and a minimum amount of sugar, but without exception, everyone wants to get the maximum benefit from the juice they drink.

Recipes for making fruit nectar with the addition of citrus fruits are very popular, as it will turn out not only tasty, but also rich in vitamin C. Drinking such a drink in winter is healthy and nutritious, but not many people know how to make apricot juice at home.

To create a vitamin drink you will need: 3 liters of finished juice, 1-2 lemons, 100-150 g of sugar and 500 ml of water. If the juice was obtained through a juicer and it was not boiled, then the drink must be served heat treatment. A syrup is made from water, sugar and lemon zest. All ingredients are boiled for about 7-10 minutes, after which the liquid is filtered.

The lemon itself is cut into pieces, the juice is squeezed out of it and added to the syrup. Next, the finished juice is combined with sweet syrup, in total, 3 liters of finished nectar should be obtained. The liquid is boiled for no more than 5 minutes and poured into glass containers.

Recipes with the addition of citrus fruits are quite diverse, many housewives combine juice with orange, grapefruit and lime. Additional aroma in dishes appears due to ingredients such as mint, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon balm, cherry and currant.

Apricot with strawberries

An unusual recipe for creating apricot juice and strawberries. To prepare it, it is best to use a juicer, since both of these fruits are quite capricious, and steaming will create a fairly high-quality product.

The process itself is quite simple, fruits are put into the berry compartment one by one and the resulting nectar is poured into one clean container. The resulting mixture is put on fire and sugar is added to taste. It takes about 10 minutes to cook, after which it can be poured into jars or bottles.

Previously, every housewife rolled preservation under metal lids, but now most cooks prefer vacuum jars or bottles with a twist. Such containers can be purchased at hardware stores or ordered online.

A few secrets from experienced chefs

For preservation, it is best to use ripe and unspoiled products, this will help avoid fermentation and extend the shelf life of finished products.

The largest amount of vitamins and useful substances preserved in juice with pulp, so it is he who should be given preference.

This fruit goes well with citrus fruits, this gives the drink more flavor. energy value and taste.

Waste in the form of peel and pulp can be used for cooking sweet stuffing in pies.

In general, harvesting apricot juice for the winter is a necessary and useful thing, it is introduced into the diet of babies and is recommended to be consumed every day by people in old age. Such a drink diversifies the winter diet and helps the body replenish its vitamin supply.

Apricots are very convenient fruits for preservation. They are dried, frozen, jams and jams are made from ripe fruits, compotes are closed and liqueurs are made. But the most successful way to harvest apricots is to make natural apricot juice for the winter. At home, it is best to cook it through a juicer. The drink is tasty, bright and thick. Surely your loved ones will love it. For juice, use ripe, fleshy apricots.

You will need:

  • apricots - 1.5 kg,
  • water - 100 ml,
  • sugar - 100 grams,
  • citric acid - 0.3 teaspoon.

How to make apricot juice with a juicer

Wash and dry apricots.

Divide the fruit in half and remove the pit.

Prepared halves should fit into the juicer receiver. If the apricots turned out to be large, then cut them into 4 parts.

Set the juicer to soft fruit mode. Squeeze out the juice.

Do not throw away the apricot pulp. It will make excellent jam or jam.

Pour the squeezed juice into an enamel saucepan for boiling juice.

From sugar, citric acid and water, boil the syrup.

Pour the syrup into the juice and start heating to a boil. Boil 7 - 10 minutes.

Rinse and sterilize the storage jar in a convenient way. Pour boiling juice into a container.

Roll up the jar tightly, wrap it in a warm towel, turn it over onto the lid and leave for 12 hours to cool.

Ready juice should be stored at room temperature, necessarily in a dark place up to three years.

A real elixir of life that can improve reproductive function, prevent the development of cancer and effectively resist the negative effects of unfavorable ecology - and this is not to mention such "little things" as a beneficial effect on the skin condition and figure. All this is about him - about apricot juice.

ABOUT medicinal properties juice from sunny fruits was known even to the healers of antiquity. So, Avicenna called apricot nectar the main means to support the female body in good shape. Hippocrates and his followers recommended juice from warriors who were recovering from severe wounds. Chinese healers literally drink this drink to patients who were considered hopeless - references to the miraculous properties of apricot juice are often found in medical treatises of the Celestial Empire.

To date, apricot juice is an indispensable component of therapeutic and diet food. Low acidity, delicate aroma and pleasant taste make this drink one of the most popular fresh juices.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The energy value of the drink varies depending on the type of fruit that was used to make it. It ranges from 38 to 55 kcal per 100 g of product. The composition of nutrients is as follows: 0.9 g, 0.1 g and 9 g.

In addition, apricot juice is characterized by a high content of vitamin A, which is required to support activity. nervous system, and is also responsible for the condition of the mucous membranes. In addition, it affects metabolism, takes part in the synthesis of proteins and affects the course of oxidative and reduction processes.

Vitamin E, which is present in apricot juice, is responsible for the health of the human reproductive system. Women need it for the normal course of pregnancy. Also, this vitamin normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands.

Vitamin C is involved in the processes of tissue regeneration, is responsible for the state of the human immune system. In addition, it promotes the absorption of iron, thus reducing the risk of anemia.

Beta-carotene - powerful, protecting body tissues from exposure to harmful factors and premature aging. It also helps maintain good vision by having a beneficial effect on the retina. In addition, beta-carotene is responsible for the intimate health of the strong half of humanity, participating in the normalization of the prostate gland. It is noteworthy that in terms of the content of beta-carotene, apricot is one of the champions among fruits.

Vitamin PP helps to reduce the level of "harmful" and has a number of preventive properties, for example, reduces the risk of migraine and problems of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it stimulates the digestive tract.


0.3 mg
0.3 µg
0.8 mg
4 mg
3 mcg
0.3 mg
0.04 mg
217 mcg
beta carotene 1.3 mg


2 mcg
5 mg
20 mcg
7 mcg
11 mcg
1 mcg
0.22 mg
170 mg
1 mcg
0.2 mg
6 mg
1 mg
18 mg
245 mg
2 mg
10 mg

Chemical composition

0.4 g
0.4 g
and disaccharides 12.3 g
84.3 g
0.8 g
1.3 g

Apricot juice is also rich and. So, silicon plays one of the leading roles in the formation of bone and cartilage tissue, increases the body's resistance, is responsible for the strength and elasticity of blood vessels.

Potassium, in interaction with magnesium, is responsible for normalizing the rhythm of heart contractions and the activity of the nervous system, and also helps maintain acid-base balance.

Copper is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, maintains the blood count, and is also involved in cell regeneration processes.

Sulfur helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, is endowed with anti-allergic properties, and can also increase the body's resistance.

Phosphorus takes part in the biochemical processes of the brain and in the synthesis, maintains the normal state of bone and dental tissues, and is necessary for muscle activity.

Sodium is involved in thermoregulation, activates the activity of digestive enzymes, helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

In addition, apricot juice with pulp boasts a high content. It not only takes an active part in metabolism, but also works as a scrub for the intestines and blood vessels. Pectin is able to bind and remove toxic substances and toxins from the body, and also relieves blood vessels of cholesterol plaques.

Beneficial features

The vitamins, micro and macro elements that make up the juice turn it into a truly healing drink, which is used to treat and prevent a huge number of diseases. So, apricot juice:

  1. Useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin, which is part of the drink, is effective for any intoxication, including heavy metal poisoning. Natural dietary fiber in apricot fresh (and this is the only juice that is always made with pulp!) Works like a sponge, cleansing the intestines of toxins, preventing fermentation processes. As a result, apricot juice helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and other unpleasant phenomena.
  2. Helps with hypovitaminosis and anemia. The high iron content makes apricot juice a truly invaluable tool for increasing hemoglobin levels. Suffice it to say that iron in 100 g of fresh from sunny fruits is twice as much as in the same amount. beef liver, which is traditionally considered one of the most useful products for anemia.
  3. Indispensable for hypertension. Due to the significant content of magnesium, apricot juice can be used to normalize blood pressure. At the same time, the indicators decrease significantly. Moreover, provided that the drink is present in the diet regularly, the effect is long lasting.
  4. Acts as an effective natural antibiotic. It neutralizes the activity of pathogenic intestinal microflora and prevents putrefactive processes in it.
  5. Must be present in the menu of "cores" due to the significant content of potassium. It is recommended to drink half a glass of apricot juice three times a day for heart rhythm disturbances, after heart attacks, and also for edema if they are caused by heart problems.
  6. It is a component of dietary nutrition for obesity. Healthy nutrition experts believe that those who want to lose weight can replace one of the meals with apricot juice - either lunch or dinner. Nectar from golden fruits not only helps to "disperse" the metabolism, but also removes excess fluid, and also normalizes stools.
  7. Improves the condition of blood vessels. Apricot juice increases their elasticity, improves blood flow, and prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits.

Traditional medicine recipes

IN folk medicine Since ancient times, there have been many recipes, the main ingredient of which is juice from golden sweet fruits. All of them are aimed at the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

With a general decline in strength, a decrease in tone

People recovering from surgery or serious illnesses and feeling general weakness are advised to drink several glasses of this drink a day.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers need nectar from golden fruits because it contributes to the formation of the baby's bone tissue in the womb. Therefore, doctors recommend women who are in an “interesting” position to consume 150 ml of fresh apricots every day.

For gastrointestinal problems

For people suffering from colitis, flatulence and dysbacteriosis, freshly squeezed apricot juice with pulp will help normalize stomach acidity and improve digestion. In this case, the daily rate of the drink depends on the weight of the patient. As a rule, gastroenterologists recommend taking 100 ml of juice in the morning and evening.

For kidney disease

As a diuretic, fresh juice is drunk between breakfast, lunch and dinner. A single dose is 100 ml. The number of doses can reach six per day, if the intestines respond normally.

With obesity

For people seeking to lose weight, nutritionists recommend periodically spending fasting days on apricot juice. To do this, it is enough to pour fresh juice (0.5 l) pre-cut into pieces and soaked (300 g). Mix thoroughly and let steep. Divide the mixture into four servings to be eaten throughout the day.

drink juice properly

Despite the wide range of useful properties of apricot juice, they should not be abused. Daily rate varies from 100 ml to a litre. In this case, one should take into account the weight of a person, his state of health, as well as individual reactions.

Please note that storing apricot fresh is not recommended - even in the refrigerator, it loses its healing qualities very quickly.

In addition, nutritionists categorically do not advise drinking fresh apricots on an empty stomach - this is fraught with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Also, unlike many other juices, apricot nectar should not be consumed after meat products, seafood, as well as fried and fatty delicacies. This is fraught with digestive disorders and malfunctioning of the intestines.


With caution, apricot fresh juice should be introduced into the diet for people with bradycardia - a slow heart rate. In addition, doctors recommend not getting too carried away with this drink for those who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis and ulcers.

Due to its high content, apricot juice is not suitable for people with diabetes. In addition, it is better to refrain from its use in case of hypothyroidism and inflammatory liver diseases.

Please note that when making juice, do not use apricot pits. A favorite children's delicacy, when used in excess, can turn into a terrible poison - it contains a glycoside called amygdalin, which, when ingested, transforms into hydrocyanic acid. Of course, if you eat 5-6 nucleoli, nothing catastrophic will happen, but if you use a large amount, a fatal outcome is possible.

Application in cosmetology

In addition, apricot juice is an excellent remedy for sunburn. If you were too carried away by sunbathing the day before, do not rush to grab on to such "grandmother's" remedies as or. Try gently rubbing the affected skin with a swab dipped in freshly squeezed apricot juice. If you repeat this procedure several times during the day, inflammation and pain will decrease.

If you spent a lot of time in a stuffy room the day before, you can make an effective refreshing fresh mask. Apply the juice with a cotton pad on the skin and wait until it dries. Then, without rinsing, apply another layer. Repeat the procedure a total of four times, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool clean water.

For dry skin, another version of the mask is well suited. Use a four-fold gauze pad. Soak it in freshly squeezed juice, squeeze lightly and apply on the face. After the cloth dries, dampen it again. Keep the mask for about half an hour, and repeat it three times a week.

For mature skin, you can prepare a tonic mask based on apricot fresh juice and semolina. Boil semolina in milk without adding salt or sugar. Its consistency should resemble sour cream. good quality. Set aside two tablespoons in a separate container and cool thoroughly. After that, add one raw yolk, a teaspoon, 5 g and 80 g of fresh apricots. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask with gentle movements on the face and hold for twenty minutes. Wash your face afterwards. Rinse off the mask with warm water. When the skin is clear, rinse your face with cool water.

And finally, apricot juice compresses help to cope with such a common cosmetic problem as acne. Lubricate the affected areas with nectar two or three times a day - and soon the skin condition will improve significantly.

How to make apricot juice

In season, apricot fresh is easy to prepare - for this you need a blender. Rinse the apricots, dry them, break each in half and remove the pits. Choose only the most ripe fruits - the bone should be separated from the pulp without the slightest effort. Grind apricot halves in a blender until the mass becomes homogeneous. Please note that they drink apricot juice with pulp - it is in it that the maximum concentration of nutrients is contained. Therefore, it is not customary to filter fresh from sunny fruits. Sugar is not added to the drink from apricots - it already has excellent taste.

In addition, apricot juice can be harvested for future use to enjoy it throughout the year. Often their healing properties during heat treatment, it will lose, but it will still be good for health during a period when the risk of hypovitaminosis increases.

In order to prepare apricot juice for the winter, you will need: 3 liters of fresh apricot juice with pulp; juice of two; 3 tablespoons sugar (optional)

Mix apricot and. Bring the mixture to a boil. You can also add sugar at this stage if you want the drink to be sweeter.

Boil over low heat for five minutes, stirring constantly. After that, pour the drink into pre-sterilized jars and seal. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket until they are completely cool.

Store the workpiece in a dark place at room temperature. Before drinking, apricot juice can be diluted with boiled water to make it less concentrated.

I offer you recipe for apricot juice with pulp prepared for the winter. If you have the opportunity to purchase apricots, be sure to make such juice. It is extremely tasty, fragrant, rich and, of course, healthy. Apricots need ripe, juicy, fleshy, then the juice will turn out tender, velvety, similar to baby puree. In winter, it can be diluted with water if the juice seems thick to you. From this amount of products, I got 2 liters of 300 milliliters of juice.


To prepare apricot juice with pulp for the winter, you will need:

apricots (peeled) - 2 kg;

sugar - 150-200 g;

water - 3-4 glasses.

Glass with a capacity of 200 ml.

Cooking steps

Measure the apricots from which the pits have already been removed.

Place the remaining cake in a saucepan, pour in water, mix. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes over medium heat.

Then wipe the whole cake through a fine sieve. Only the skins and fibers of the apricots will remain in the sieve, which can be thrown away.

Roll up healthy and very tasty apricot juice with pulp, prepared for the winter, with boiled lids, turn over and wrap. Let the jars cool completely and you can rearrange them for storage in a cool place.

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