Home General issues Bread from germinated grains. How to bake sprouted rye bread with homemade sourdough and raw food - recipes at home

Bread from germinated grains. How to bake sprouted rye bread with homemade sourdough and raw food - recipes at home

Living yeast cells, which are capable of fermenting sugar, are widely used in the food industry to make bread products, but most manufacturers prefer to use an artificial version of this product. As it turned out, their composition can include many harmful chemical additives and even saprophyte fungi, which, in fact, are rotten. You can imagine what effect such a dough can have on the body. This is probably why many people think about how to bake bread with their own hands from germinated wheat grains.

What is the use of the product?

A grain of wheat germinated to the state of sprouts is considered not only dietary, but also medicinal product, as it contains in its composition a lot of nutritional components - vegetable proteins, sugars, vitamins, fiber. The presence of active, living elements ensures maximum digestion and absorption. Bread based on sprouts will be really natural, and besides, it will be satisfying, not causing bloating and heaviness in the stomach, unlike bakery products industrial production.

The use of products from germinated wheat:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • replenishes the body's reserves with valuable substances and energy;
  • helps to cleanse the vascular walls of cholesterol, thereby restoring blood circulation;
  • in the presence of a high concentration of sugar, reduces its level;
  • improves digestion of food and its absorption in the small intestine;
  • reduces oxidative processes, slowing down aging;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • normalizes the intestinal microenvironment;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and epidermis;
  • improves the function of the heart muscle and brain;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors and produces a resolving effect, if any;
  • restores the work of the hormonal, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems;
  • helps with lipid metabolism disorders;
  • due to the content of chlorophyll, which is similar in composition to hemoglobin, wheat germ bread is recommended for patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

It turns out that bread made from this valuable, natural raw material can help with many ailments. It remains only to find out under what conditions its presence in the menu will be undesirable.

Restrictions on use

Even such a useful product can be harmful and have a negative impact if the conditions for its use are not followed.

The following diseases are considered absolute contraindications for use:

  • persistent diarrhea;
  • peptic and duodenal ulcer;
  • celiac disease is a pathology of the small intestine that occurs due to a lack of enzymes that break down gluten.

In general, such food is rather unusual for a person who never consumes it, and at first it can cause a number of unpleasant manifestations in the form of dyspepsia. Side effects in this case, they are expressed in epigastric pain, increased flatulence, and intestinal upset. Close attention should also be paid to the choice of grains for sprouting - only environmentally friendly raw materials that do not contain chemicals should be used.

For any chronic diseases of the digestive system, and for children under 12 years old, sprout bread should not be used.

Proper seed germination

low calorie healthy bread can be cooked at home, but first you need to know how to germinate wheat grains. It is better to buy wheat for sprouting in a pharmacy chain, so you can avoid buying low-quality raw materials.

You should immediately prepare a flat tray, a dense piece of cotton, you will need clean water, preferably filtered.

The germination process looks like this:

  • the raw materials previously cleaned of small litter and damaged grains are washed;
  • placed in a pan and filled with water (+30-35 degrees);
  • for ripening, you will need to cover the container with cotton and let it stand for several hours, you can do it in the evening to wash the grains again in the morning;
  • it is good if at the same time the room is light, but direct rays of the sun should not be allowed.
  • thin green stems appear on about the fourth or fifth day, and they can already be used.

Germination can be carried out in glassware. To bake bread made entirely from sprouted grain, you will need a large container, such as an iron pan.

How to cook bread?

Appetizing bread can be made with your own hands without flour and yeast. There are different cooking options, including no-bake.

The most popular option is to use their wheat grains sprouted in advance for baking sourdough.

  • For fermentation, you will need a yeast-free sourdough from a glass of flour and water - it should be thick and viscous. The mixture is kept for three days until bubbles appear - this means that the composition is ready.
  • The sprouts are carefully crushed, mixed with the fermented mass, mixed to a homogeneous mixture together with a sweetener, salt and ordinary water.
  • A sheet of parchment is placed in the mold and the resulting dough is sent there. From above it should be covered and removed before lifting (it will increase in volume by one and a half times within 7-8 hours).
  • The risen dough is baked at 180 degrees in the oven for an hour.

You can make flour from sprouted grain - in this case, you will need to give it one day to germinate in the summer, and a couple of days in the winter. Then the grains are dried in the oven at forty degrees for about 3 hours. After that, they are ground several times with a mill. The sourdough dough is prepared from flour and water, then baked, as in the first version.

The recipe for cooking in a bread machine provides for the preparation of a fermenting mixture of water and flour, germinated wheat. You will also need some flaxseed, salt and cumin. The bread product is prepared in a similar way; it is baked in a bread machine using the yeast dough mode.

An excellent option is raw bread with sprouts, ground cumin, kelp, dry dill, cumin seeds and sunflower seeds. It is very important that the grind is fine. Then they simply mold a loaf of bread from the resulting mass, which is ready for use. For the appearance of a crust, you can use a dryer for vegetables and fruits.

If you plan to cook such bread often, you should set aside a couple of tablespoons of dough as a fermenting composition.

For more information on how to properly germinate wheat, see the following video.

Sprouted grain has earned a reputation useful product suitable for daily use. But every day there is the same thing can become uninteresting. Why not combine sprouts with another daily staple - bread? Sprouted grains will enrich this king of the table and make it taste unusual. Here you will find several recipes, including raw food.

The benefits of sprout bread

First of all, the benefits of such bread are the benefits of the sprouts themselves. As you know, they contain several times more useful substances than a grown plant or its fruits-seeds. Sprouted grain bread contains protein, slow carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, as well as E and PP, minerals and amino acids. The fermentation process destroys enzyme inhibitors, known antinutrients that prevent protein from being digested.

Eating bread from sprouts brings great benefits to the body.

  • Helps to cope with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Improves the quality and speed of food processing by the intestines.
  • Removes sludge.
  • Helps to lose weight and fights digestive disorders.
  • Normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Fights anemia.

Recipe number 1. Sprouted wheat bread

First you need to make a starter. To do this, knead the dough from a glass of flour and a glass of water until thick sour cream. Let it stand covered in a warm place for 3 days. Bubbles are an indicator of readiness. Pour the starter into a jar and close the lid. It can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Ingredients for a mold size 20-10-5 cm (L-W-H):

  • 2 tbsp leaven
  • 8 tbsp grains of wheat
  • 60 ml water
  • st.l. vegetable oil
  • 2 thirds tsp salt
  • Ch.l. Sahara


  1. Grind the germinated grains of wheat in a meat grinder.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Grease the mold or use baking paper. Put the dough on the form and cover it.
  4. Leave in a warm place for 8 hours. Bread should increase by 1.5 times. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  5. Put the bread in the oven for an hour.

Recipe number 2. Unleavened bread with additives


  • Glass of water
  • A glass of sourdough
  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • a teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • A glass of sprouted grain (same as flour)
  1. Heat water to dissolve salt and honey in it.
  2. Thoroughly mix this water with the starter and oil. Add flour periodically, alternating with stirring, until the dough is smooth. Add sprouted grains and stir.
  3. Fill a greased baking dish with dough. The dough will still rise, so it should not take up more than half of the mold.
  4. Put the form with the dough in a warm place overnight.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the bread for 20 minutes to brown.
Flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, nuts, dried fruits can be added to the dough. You can experiment with flour by replacing part of it with other flour (amaranth, buckwheat, chickpea, flaxseed), bran, oatmeal or oatmeal.

Recipe number 3. Sprouted wheat bread

Ingredient: a glass of germinated wheat.


  1. Grind the grains using a meat grinder.
  2. Roll out the mass into a layer, cut circles out of it.
  3. Leave them to dry in the sun or in an oven at a low temperature.

Recipe number 4. Flourless bread with spelt sprouts


  • 2 tbsp sprouted spelled
  • A glass of sunflower seedlings
  • st.l. cumin seeds
  • st.l. dried dill
  • st.l. dried kelp
  1. Dry the sprouts. It is better to do without a dehydrator, so as not to overdo it. Spread the seeds on a towel and leave for a couple of hours.
  2. Grind the kelp, dill and cumin with a coffee grinder.
  3. You will need a bowl food processor with S type knives. Place all ingredients in it and chop. The coarser the grind, the drier and more crumbly the bread will be. Conversely, fine grinding promotes moisture.
  4. Cover the form with cling film and place the mass there or mold the bread with your hands. Do not over-tamp it so that it bakes evenly.
Options for improving the taste of bread:
  • Grind the garlic (clove), dilute with a tablespoon of water, grease the bread with this. Dip it in flour.
  • Add half a teaspoon of honey to the garlic mixture and rub it in. Also grease the bread and roll it.
  • At the grinding stage, add fresh chopped herbs to the combine bowl.

bread for health

Bread is the head of everything, and if it is also useful, then doubly so.

Can bread be delicious without flour and yeast? Maybe!

This is achieved by making bread from germinated grains(wheat, rye) followed by natural fermentation, which gives the product, first of all, unique therapeutic and prophylactic properties, and in addition - a full real taste, amazing aroma, the ability to long-term storage.

The main task that we set ourselves when starting to make bread was to should bring benefits and health to people, but at the same time be tasty. And we solved this problem! Greatest Benefit health, as it turned out, is brought not by flour (the main ingredient of any bread), but by whole sprouted grains - LIVE CEREALS.

Existing analogues of healthy bread (bread with bran, unleavened bread based on sourdough, with partial addition of germinated grains) are significantly inferior to our bread made from germinated grains in terms of their nutritional value, as well as in taste and aroma. And any buyer can be convinced of this by reading the composition of the product on the package (there is either flour, or soda, or other additives of little use).

What is the difference between our sprouted grain bread and other types of bread?

  1. He made only from whole grain, in which nature has a balanced complex of vitamins and microelements. The grain is pre-germinated, which leads to the awakening and strengthening of its useful unique properties, while the germination stage is comparable to preliminary digestion - all nutrients are almost completely easily absorbed by the body.
  2. V not used in production baker's yeast, sourdough, soda and other baking powder. Our bread resembles its own, laid down by nature, microorganisms and enzymes (natural fermentation process). This allows the body to more easily absorb such a product, while the bread itself receives a full and harmonious taste and aroma of real LIVING BREAD.
  3. V as additives we choose only organic products , which will bring additional benefits to bread and improve its taste: honey, flax seed, sea ​​salt etc. They contain their own set of essential vitamins, organic acids, enzymes and minerals, which makes it possible to further realize the unique potential of germinated grains. In addition, these natural ingredients provide excellent nutrition for microorganisms that ensure the natural fermentation of the dough.
  4. We pay special attention grain and water quality. Grain is used only hard particularly valuable varieties of Crimean wheat, and the water goes through several stages of purification. At the same time, the grain itself is also thoroughly washed before germination. And what is important - only freshly germinated grain is used every day (several hours pass from the grinding stage to baking).

It should be noted that unique properties sprouted LIVE CEREALS are not lost during the baking process (during heat treatment), all vitamins, amino acids, minerals, protein, and dietary fiber are preserved in their natural form. In addition, at the right temperature, grains break down inhibitors (substances that inhibit or destroy) enzymes in the digestive tract. During the baking process, melanoids and other valuable flavoring and aromatic substances are formed, thanks to which our bread does not become boring.

Numerous studies, both of the sprouted grains themselves and of bread from them, testify to the real help for patients with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and digestive system disorders. Such bread has practically no contraindications, it is recommended for daily nutrition to all people who care about their health.

Main Benefits of Regularly Eating Sprouted Grain Bread:

  • Improves metabolism
  • The body is cleansed
  • Improves intestinal motility
  • Cholesterol is reduced
  • Stabilizes blood sugar
  • Improves blood composition (increased hemoglobin)

The fastest effect when giving up white bread and switching to bread from germinated cereals can be felt by people who care about the figure, as well as those suffering from constipation ( those who “lived” on laxatives for a long time were able to completely abandon them).

The human body perceives positively and with gratitude the use of bread from germinated grains in the daily diet, and if we return again to white yeast bread- begins to resist and "sick".

Modern breads are made according to an accelerated scheme, the entire production process takes several hours, the yeast and sourdough used make the bread fluffy and tender.

A it takes almost 2 days to make real LIVING bread:


(at gentle temperatures)

As you can see, the process of making bread from germinated grains is quite laborious, which explains its higher cost compared to ordinary bread. But he's worth it!

Some consumers ask why our bread is so hard, comparing it to ordinary white bread or a long loaf. But after all, bread from sprouted grains, by definition, cannot be compared with such breads - it does not contain any flour or yeast, which provide white bread softness and tenderness, questionable in its health benefits.

but our technology (with moderate germination and natural fermentation) makes it possible to produce rather soft and moderately fluffy, and most importantly, high-quality bread, which has no analogues in its biological value.

We want to pay attention on the possibility of storing and eating our bread. It usually keeps well for 1-2 weeks, it is better not to store it in a plastic bag. For longer storage, it is recommended to freeze it. And to improve palatability(when drying) heat it up for a couple and you get bread that is in no way inferior to freshly baked.

Eat bread poses of sprouted grains "LIVE CEREALS" - and be healthy!

As a basis, I took the stories about the preparation of bread at the forum of the Academy of the Heritage of the Slavs. The bread turned out to be tasty only when, by trial and error, I came up with an ideal recipe for myself. I have been baking bread myself for a long time, but using yeast. Although this bread does not rise much, as usual with good yeast, the taste is not inferior to store-bought.

So, for starters, you need a sourdough starter. We germinate wheat grains for 2 days (it all depends on the temperature), until white tails (1-2 cm) appear. Grind the grains (I just grind them). Add a handful of flour, sugar and water (everything by eye), mix until the consistency of sour cream. We put the future sourdough in heat and wait until it sours. The sourdough should rise slightly due to fermentation (twice).

Test preparation. We stir our sourdough with a glass of water (more, less, everything is very approximate), 2 glasses of white flour, sifted through a sieve (for rye bread they recommend rye starter, otherwise, they say, it will not rise), 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar (sugar can then be replaced with honey if desired). We knead.

We put about a tablespoon or more in a glass dish, without covering it tightly with a lid, put it in a cool place (refrigerator) - this is the starter for the next time, which can be maintained constantly and passed on from generation to generation. It will need to be periodically revived with a portion of sugar, flour and water if stored for a long time (a week or more).

We cover our dough with a lid (not tightly), put it in a very warm place to rise - at least 12 hours.

After the dough has risen 2-3 times, add another glass of flour, make the dough thicker (it is simply believed that liquid dough easier to rise at first, gain strength). After that, we put it again in a warm place to rise - at least 4 hours. Bake for an hour in the oven. I bake in a mini-breadmaker on the "Cupcake" mode.

I described an approximate recipe for making basic bread. According to your mood, you can experiment with the addition of milled and sifted cereals (corn, buckwheat, rice, etc.), herbs.

I believe that it is impossible to cook the same recipe according to one recipe. After all, it is impossible to take into account all factors - the quality of water, flour, the coating of the material in contact with the dough, and so on. So don't be discouraged if you don't get what you intended right away. The main thing is that it is really possible to cook such delicious high-quality bread - you will definitely succeed!

Bon Appetit and good health to your family!

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Healing properties of germinated wheat. ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ ▲It is an excellent anti-aging agent. ▲Thanks to microelements that are in sprouted grains, all organs of the body are rejuvenated. ▲ Strengthens and restores the immune system. ▲ Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. ▲It improves metabolism due to its properties. A good anti-inflammatory agent. ▲Sprouted wheat has the functions of antibiotics that relieve inflammation. ▲ Strengthens human hair. ▲ With regular use of germinated wheat, the structure of the hair is significantly strengthened, their color and strength are improved. ▲Prolongs life. ▲It has been proven that those people who included sprouted wheat in their diet live longer, get sick less, and their quality of life improves. ▲Helps restore vision. ▲The grains contain a large number of useful substances that can greatly improve the nutrition of the retina. ▲All vision functions are restored. ▲Considered a good antioxidant. ▲Due to its properties, it removes various harmful substances from the human body (cell decay products, drugs, toxic substances). ▲Cleanses the liver. ▲ Removes bad cholesterol from the body. Strengthens the work of the cardiovascular system. ▲Has a restorative function. ▲ Wounds heal quickly when eating grains. ▲Increases the body's endurance in case of poor oxygen supply to the cells. ▲Fights cancer. ▲Increases hemoglobin in the blood. ▲Stabilizes blood pressure. ▲ Strengthens tooth enamel. ▲ Significantly improves skin condition. ▲It is an excellent tool for weight loss. In order to get the maximum nutrients, it is necessary to properly cook sprouted wheat. Let's get acquainted with the recommendations for the optimal cooking method. RECOMMENDED PREPARATION OF SPIROTED WHEAT The recommended amount for sprouting is approximately one cup of grains. Since they are very nutritious, experts advise sprouting small portions, 100 grams each (one cup is enough to saturate the cells). You need to put the wheat in a convenient dish. A vessel is best suited for such a container, since it can be laid out exactly along its entire length in it. The main rule is that the vessel should not be made of aluminum. Glass or porcelain dishes are well suited for these purposes. It is important to rinse the grains several times. It is very important to rinse the wheat several times in order to remove debris and bad grains (they float up). Fill with boiled water. Pour the washed wheat grains with boiled water (you need to cool the water to room temperature). It is desirable that the water covers 5 cm of the sprouts. We leave the wheat for the night. We leave the wheat in this state overnight. It is very important that the temperature in the room was 22 degrees, the dishes were in a dark place. You need to put wet gauze on the bottom of the dish and on top of the wheat. After the wheat has been infused overnight, it is necessary to rinse it and again put wet gauze on the bottom of the dish and on top. A layer of wheat should be about 3 cm, poured evenly over the entire surface of the dish. We wash the grains every 8 hours. Experts recommend washing the grains every 8 hours with cool water, airing them for 15 minutes. After that, you need to lay them out again in an even layer on the dishes, placing wet gauze on top and bottom. Continue like this until the grains germinate by about 2 mm. Approximate time until sprouts appear is 24 hours. It is believed that it is the sprouts 2 mm long. the most beneficial for health and contain the maximum of the necessary substances. Wheat grains become soft, sprouts are white. These signs are optimal in order to proceed to the next stage - grinding. Grind the sprouted wheat. Before you grind, you need to rinse the grains three times with cool water. This is important in order to remove the bad smell. For grinding sprouted wheat, it is recommended to use a simple meat grinder. I want to say a few words about the use of sprouted grains. It is recommended to use them for breakfast, as they carry a lot of nutrients and can saturate the body. beneficial substances until noon. It is important to eat slowly, chewing thoroughly (the ideal option is to form a "wheat milk" gruel in the mouth). If at once you could not eat the entire portion, then you can hide it in the refrigerator. The main thing is that it is stored no more than a day. If the wheat darkens, it should not be eaten.

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