Home Main courses Hazelnut kcal. Useful qualities of hazelnuts. Dried hazelnuts and its benefits

Hazelnut kcal. Useful qualities of hazelnuts. Dried hazelnuts and its benefits

    Hazelnut, or correctly - the fruits of large hazel, is well known to the inhabitants of our country. It is used in baked goods, sweets, desserts, eaten raw and fried. The hazel shrub is a relative of the Russian birch. It grows well in Russia. This explains the wide distribution and relatively low, in comparison with and, price.

    Adherents of a healthy diet appreciate and love hazelnuts. It often becomes a component of breakfasts (added to cereals, yogurts), used as part of healthy snacks. The nut is part of plant milk, which is successfully used in vegetarian diets.

    Composition of hazelnuts

    Hazelnuts are harvested from broad-leaved forests and artificially cultivated in plantations due to their rich composition. It is widely used in culinary practice, adding to pastries, sweets, drinks (vegetable milk), salads, and even to main dishes in the form of sprinkling meat, side dishes or powder for creamy soups.

    The walnut contains a rich collection of BJU, minerals, vitamins. The nutritional value hazelnut*:

    * The table shows the calculation for 100 g of purified kernels.

    Hazelnuts are rich in essential amino acids:

    • phenylalanine (1.15 g);
    • (2.2 g);
    • tryptophan (0.2 g);
    • (1 g);
    • threonine (0.58 g);
    • histidine (0.31 g);
    • (0.24 g);
    • (0.92 g);
    • (0.55 g);
    • (1.06 g).

    Walnut is rich in oils. They contain fatty acids:

    • polyunsaturated (PUFA) - 6.9 g;
    • polyunsaturated - 5.2 g;
    • saturated -4.5 g;
    • omega-6 - 6.9 g.

    Important! Nuts are eaten raw, dried and roasted. They differ in taste, aroma and substance content.

    The calorie content of raw hazelnuts is lower due to the larger amount of water. The taste of the nut is pleasant, the aroma is weak. In such a product, the content useful substances completely preserved.

    Roasted hazelnuts are higher in calories. The composition of the nut depends on the oil on which the heat treatment was carried out and additives. The hazelnut itself loses water and up to 10% of the original fats and partially acquires the properties of impurities. It is almost completely devoid of a brown shell.

    Dried hazelnuts are a cross between raw and roasted. It, like fried, is lighter, contains less water and more oils per unit weight. Its aroma and taste are richer and more attractive. Like the nuclei that have not passed heat treatment, there are no foreign impurities in dried hazelnuts. If the nut is dry in the usual way in a ventilated area, it retains a brown shell. If drying was carried out with heating (about 150°), the nuts have a whitish color. The hazelnut shell is easier to separate from the core and may be partially or completely lost.

    The benefits of hazelnuts are manifested in the effect on the body as a whole and its individual systems:

  1. Heart and blood vessels. Minerals (calcium, potassium) affect the rhythm and efficiency of contraction of the heart muscle. Vitamins and threonine protect the vascular wall from damage, strengthen it. This effect is important for athletes with prolonged intense physical activity (runners, bodybuilders, football players, etc.). Hazelnut helps prevent varicose veins.
  2. Nervous system. The impact on the conduction of a nerve impulse not only improves mood (for example, during the autumn period), but also normalizes the reaction rate. This effect is important when practicing shooting, ball and puck games (volleyball, hockey, etc.). And phenylalanine, which is part of it, improves memory.
  3. Hematopoietic system. Hazelnuts are traditionally included in nutritional formulas for anemia due to their isoleucine and iron content. It is mixed, for example, with honey, dried apricots and raisins. It is actively used in the training period, during the recovery of an athlete after blood loss (surgery, childbirth), training in high mountains.
  4. Digestive system. The reduction of constipation and flatulence is due to the presence of fiber and oils in the composition of the nut. Methionine contributes to the purification of toxins.
  5. The immune system. Hazelnuts are a kind of vitamin bomb. It improves the functioning of cellular immunity. Especially relevant in the demi-season periods of training.
  6. Musculoskeletal system. The components of hazelnuts strengthen bones, promote the growth of muscle mass. In addition to improving the structural composition of the skeleton and muscles, the calcium of nuts helps to increase the strength of muscle contraction.
  7. Anticancer effect. The herbal paclitaxel, which is part of the hazelnut, prevents the appearance of atypical (cancerous) cells. This effect is enhanced by antioxidants that reduce the level of free radicals and cell mutations.

How hazelnuts affect the body?

The positive effect of nuts on the body of an athlete is difficult to overestimate. But there are athletes for whom hazelnuts are especially useful. These are those who are recovering from illnesses, injuries, operations, the birth of children.

In men

Along with the above effects, the nut affects the male reproductive system:

  • stimulates the production of its own testosterone, especially useful for increasing physical activity, building muscle mass;
  • improves spermatogenesis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland, reduces the symptoms of inflammation;
  • increases potency, stimulates libido.

In pregnant women

Hazelnut has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman and her baby. It delivers the substances necessary during gestation. The habit of adding 5-9 nuts to food (per day) will also come in handy in the postpartum period. At this time, hazelnuts improve breast milk (fat content, taste, vitamin and mineral composition).

When losing weight

Although the calorie content of hazelnuts is higher than that of chocolate or mayonnaise, the benefits to the body make it necessary to include it in the diet even during a diet. In limited quantities, hazelnuts are allowed to be used for weight loss, since nuts:

  • compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and amino acids during the period of depletion of the diet;
  • reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • replace unhealthy snacks.

Having decided to introduce hazelnuts into a low-calorie diet, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Eating nuts in the morning.
  2. Use raw hazelnuts.
  3. Grind or soak for 30 minutes before use.
  4. Strictly monitor the amount eaten.

With an increase in the nut in the diet for weight loss, not only will it not lead to weight loss, but it can also cause weight gain.

Harm and possible contraindications

Nuts are successfully eaten by people of different sex and age. It is included in the menu by athletes of all sports. However, they can also cause undesirable consequences.

Hazelnut harm:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Bloating (when overeating).
  3. Weight gain. This effect is possible not only with overeating. If the calorie count of raw and fried in oil or when used with other additives (chocolate, etc.) is incorrect, the product can increase body weight. Remember, the most useful and low-calorie is fresh hazelnuts.

Features of use

The total amount of hazelnuts eaten in a balanced diet of an adult is 40-50 g. The daily intake of nuts by adolescents is 20-30 g.

Note! With an increase in physical or mental stress, the number of nut kernels in the diet is increased by 10-15%. Children are recommended to introduce nuts into the diet after 1 year of age.

When using such high-calorie foods, it is best to focus on the readings of the scales. If they were not nearby, the nuts are counted individually. One kernel of fresh hazelnuts weighs about 1 g. The daily norm of 50 g is 50 nuts (kernels).

If you bought nuts in shell, then the weight of the kernels will be about 42-44% of the total mass. In this case, 114 nuts will be equal to the daily allowance.


Hazelnut - useful and delicious product. It is recommended to eat it regularly from 1 year of age. The benefits of the core are so high that athletes of all sports use it. The safety of the product is confirmed by its inclusion in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

Everyone knows that nuts are tasty and healthy. This is a great addition to various dishes. Yes, and as a main meal, this product is certainly good. By including this product in the diet, we will replenish the missing vitamins and minerals, and the number of calories in nuts will not resist their benefits.

There are a lot of types of this fragrant and healthy fruit. In this article, we will analyze energy value different varieties and find out how possible their use with different diets.

Composition and benefits

The calorie content of nuts is quite high, however, they nutritional properties and the composition is quite suitable for replacing some products in the diet process. They include:

  • vitamins E, A, C, K and group B;
  • minerals zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • fatty acid;
  • Omega 3;
  • protein.

In addition to nutritional value, nuts are useful as a preventive measure for many diseases:

  • Strengthen the vascular system, stimulate blood flow, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Stimulate the work of the brain.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the intestines, improve the digestion of food, protect against constipation.
  • They allow you to recover after pregnancy, childbirth, operations, invigorate and improve appetite, mood.
  • Oils obtained from walnut shells have an antiseptic effect.

Nut calorie table


There are many calories in walnuts. However, this product is extremely useful for vegetarians and those who are on a diet. It contains vegetable protein, which is a building material for the body.

In addition, the fatty acids that make up this variety reduce cholesterol plaques. Walnuts and their calorie content will bring harm if you use the product in large quantities. It can cause stomach blockage, nausea, and an allergic reaction.

Walnut, whose calorie content is 30 kcal, is able to replenish the supply of saturated fatty acids and mineral salts, and five of its fruits will provide the body with a daily intake of vitamin C.


Hazelnut or hazel is a delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood. Delicious and nutritious, hazelnut kernels are delicious and definitely have health benefits. The protein that is part of the hazel replaces meat products in the diet.

Frequent consumption of this product has a beneficial effect on immunity. Hazel is often used in the manufacture confectionery.

Pine nuts

Small nucleoli, which are obtained from cedar cones, have a delicate sweetish taste.

The calorie content of pine nuts in 100 g is high, but when the product is consumed in small quantities, rapid saturation occurs. Pine nuts are rich in fatty acids.


If nuts are among your favorite foods, but you want to lose weight, then you should opt for hazelnuts. This is a low-carb product, and the vegetable protein that is present in this product will only benefit the body. Hazelnuts will also help replace one meal.

Their calorie content is high, but with regular inclusion in the diet, you can notice how your health has improved, and the weight has remained the same. This is because hazelnuts have a rich vitamin and mineral composition: potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium and copper.

It is impossible to exceed the daily norm of hazelnuts, since this causes a spasm of the vessels of the head. It is also not indicated for children with liver disease and diabetes.


Peanuts are delicious roasted. They are often eaten thermally processed. However, in raw kernels, the content of useful and nutritious substances is higher, and the calorie content, respectively, is lower. If 100 g of peanuts contains 551 kcal, then the same 100 g of roasted nuts contains 626 kcal.

nuts almonds

You can eat a lot of almond nuts, because their taste is pleasant, and satiety does not come immediately when consumed. However, it is worth remembering that the benefits and harms of eating almonds directly depend on the amount of food eaten.

The nutritional value of almonds is quite high, but like other varieties, almonds are digested slowly and can interfere with the gastrointestinal tract. Almonds are a great addition to desserts and confectionery.


This is a rather rare variety. Macadamia nut contains rare palmitoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on skin condition. Macadamia has high calorie content and nutritional value.

There is no doubt about their usefulness. Rare species, such as, for example, pecans (whose high calorie content makes it dangerous for those who are overweight) can be replaced with more familiar ones - hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds.

Calorie confectionery with nuts

The oriental sweetness Turkish delight, which came to us from faraway Turkey, is very popular among those who lose weight. The calorie content of Turkish Delight with nuts ranges from 67 to 70 kcal. in 1 piece It should be borne in mind that this indicator will depend on the variety of nuts added to the delicacy. 100 g of Turkish Delight contains 390 kcal. Calorie sherbet - 417 kcal. per 100 g. And in one chocolate candy from 400 to 600 kcal.

You should opt for less high-calorie sweets, because in order to maintain normal weight, it is better to refrain from sweets and chocolate. Churchkhela is made from fruit juices and nuts. Its nutritional value depends on the type of nut included in its composition. Most often, this sweet is prepared with walnuts or hazelnuts. The calorie content of churchkhela is 410 kcal per 100 g.

Honey baklava is another oriental sweet that has a high nutritional value. This delicacy is not suitable for everyone, because it is difficult to digest. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such a product is not recommended to eat. Yes, and the calorie content of honey baklava is quite high. There are almost 450 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Often, lovers of sweets who are faced with the problem of excess weight replace them with dried fruits. This is the right decision, since the calorie content of dried fruits is usually inferior oriental sweets and nuts. Dates are an exception.

Calorie content of sweets with nut additives

The number of calories in a chocolate candy depends on the composition from which the candy is made. Its energy and nutritional value is related to the calorie content of the products that form the basis of the product.

Hazel in chocolate is loved by both adults and children. For 100 g of such sweets, there are 518 kcal. The number of calories in hazelnuts, doused chocolate icing, even higher and is about 600 kcal. in 100 g of the product.

The usefulness of this delicacy is highly questionable. It is best to prefer nuts without shells to sweets - they will bring more benefits, and possibly even pleasure.

Homemade products

Nuts are widely used in home cooking. Quite an original delicacy - jam from young walnut fruits. Its calorie content is high, but if you compare this delicacy with other products mentioned above, then this particular dessert is preferable. 100 g of jam contains approximately 250 kcal.

Peanut sauce is fine dining. It is very tasty and healthy, and it can be used as a seasoning for many dishes. The calorie content of the product will directly depend on the cooking recipe and on the calorie content of the nuts from which this product is made.

If the problem of excess weight is relevant, then it is better to refrain from such a dish, since nut sauce is high in calories. The same recommendations apply to such a delicacy as nut butter or peanut butter.

How to use

Despite the high calorie content of nuts, there are certainly benefits from eating them. A small handful of one or another variety will improve the general condition of the body, affect mood, provide tone, and strengthen the vascular system.

So that nuts do not harm the body, it is necessary to observe the measure in their use. A small amount (from one to five to six pieces per day) will be quite appropriate. However, an excessive amount of such a product in the diet can lead to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and adversely affect the figure.

calories walnuts is quite high, so if you are on a diet and overweight, you should remember this. As for other varieties, they are just as good as an addition to various dishes. For example, peanuts, which are high in calories, would be appropriate in salads or sauces. Many weight loss people use nuts to replace animal protein products.

If in doubt as to whether or not nuts should be consumed during the diet, a specialist dietitian should be consulted. A doctor's consultation will help you create the right menu for each day and will determine how much of a particular product you can consume daily.

Everyone knows that nuts are healthy. But what kind of nut and what - remains a mystery to many. Hazelnut is considered the most "noble" and valuable of all its nut counterparts. And all because history knows cases when this small fruit helped entire nations survive the hungry winter.

Previously, if there was a bad harvest of rice or wheat, hazelnuts became a savior - they were not only eaten raw or fried, but also made into butter and pasta. Due to the fact that the nut is rich in vitamins and a special extract - paclitaxel.

Hazelnut has a truly unique composition - one nut contains vitamins and elements for the proper functioning of the whole organism. But the most surprising of them is the herbal extract of paclitaxel, the benefits of which are subtle, but far-sighted.

  1. Paclitaxel - this extract is known for its "anti-cancer" properties and it is useful as a cancer prevention.
  2. Hazelnuts are rich in B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of muscles and the heart.
  3. The benefits of nuts will be "appreciated" by the female body - vitamin E stabilizes the work of the female reproductive system.
  4. Zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium - all these elements are present in the composition of the nut and help to work nervous system and also strengthens muscles and bones.
  5. The special benefit of the nut is the presence of oil (by the way, it is the most - 60%). It contains oleic and stearic acid, which lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, and thus prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Also, the use of hazelnuts lies in the presence of potassium, iron, proteins. The use of this nut contributes to the production of breast milk, and people with diabetes can not be afraid to eat hazelnuts, since there are only 13% of the total carbohydrates.

Counting calories

People who follow their figure are often afraid of the calorie content of nuts. But with hazelnuts, you can not be afraid for your diet. Yes, the calorie content of nuts is high - one hundred grams contains 700 kcal, but this is not a reason to refuse useful product. After all, you need to use only three or four nuts a day - the calorie content will be no more than 50-70 kilocalories.

By the way, nuts in terms of their performance equate to fish, and daily rate calories can be "eaten" along with 400 grams of nuts.

Concerning diet food, then the optimal calorie content is not the main advantage of the product. A handful of nuts can replace the daily intake of fats, which will be of particular benefit to losing weight people. Indeed, as a rule, when going on a diet, we deny ourselves fatty foods, and hazelnuts contain “safe” fats necessary for the body.

"Nutty" flaws

As with any product, you should also follow the rule with hazelnuts - everything is useful, but in moderation. The benefits of nuts will be felt when they are used as an additional source of trace elements, and not as the basis of nutrition. Although the calorie content of this product allows you to eat nuts in handfuls, the daily allowance should be about 50 g.

Going too far with the product, you risk getting headache, literally. Hazelnuts in large quantities can harm the vessels of the brain, causing them to spasm. Also, do not eat nuts if you have a stage of obesity - the calorie content of the product, although small, as well as the oil content, can harm an already weakened body.

Nut can be harmful if you have:

  1. Malfunctions in the liver - due to the high fat content, the product can "overload" the organ.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - nuts are digested for a long time and quite hard. Even healthy people should chew the product thoroughly, so as not to “excruciate” the stomach once again.
  3. Also, hazelnuts can cause harm if mold has formed on it. A spoiled nut can cause poisoning.

If you do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and you eat hazelnuts in small quantities, the benefits from it will be undeniable. And one more thing - during pregnancy, you can also eat nuts.

They can harm the baby and mother only if they are used excessively. But the benefit is that the product will allow the mother to control weight gain (overeat less), and the baby to properly form the nervous and skeletal system.

If you are afraid of harming the body by excessive eating of delicious nuts, you can use the oil from this product. You are unlikely to eat it with spoons, but you will add the right amount to salads. Get the benefit and minimize the harm.

Hazelnut is one of the most popular and delicious representatives of the nut family. Hazelnut has been known for its nutritional, beneficial properties since ancient times and this shrub was distributed in the Balkans, in the countries of Asia Minor, as well as in the Caucasus. The hazelnut is very recognizable, it has a brown hard shell, inside of which there is a kernel consisting of two halves. The nut is quite dense and has a rich nutty smell and a slightly sweet taste.

Hazelnuts contain many macro- and microelements necessary for the body. It is recommended for daily use by women who want to prolong youth, children - for the full development of the body, as well as the elderly - to prevent diseases and improve health.

Inclusion in the daily diet of hazelnuts can prevent most diseases:

  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • vascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • high cholesterol;
  • varicose veins.

Regular consumption of nuts strengthens the immune system. A variety of recipes for its preparation will allow everyone to choose nuts to taste.

The benefits and calories of raw and roasted hazelnuts

One raw hazelnut weighs about 2 grams, and the calorie content of 1 pc. hazelnuts about 13 kcal. The calorie content of hazelnuts per 100 grams is 650 kcal. Raw hazelnuts are very healthy and less calorie unlike roasted nut. 100 grams of nuts contain 15 g of protein, 61.5 g of fat, 9.4 g of carbohydrates.

calories roasted hazelnuts can reach a value several times greater than the raw value. The calculation of calories depends on the method of frying nuts, for example, without vegetable oil and salt calories fried product will be 700 kcal per 100 grams. And adding roasted hazelnuts to Alpen Gold chocolate or cooking churchkhela with nuts cannot be called a dietary dish at all.

The benefits of roasted nuts are very doubtful. There are also contraindications for eating fried fruits, so I do not recommend using them for people who have problems with the digestive or cardiovascular system.

The use of hazelnuts, especially raw, helps to strengthen the body, and this despite the fact that hazelnuts are 8 times more nutritious than chocolate.

Dried hazelnuts and its benefits

Raw dried hazelnuts are very useful, the vitamins, amino acids and minerals contained in it are easily absorbed in the body and help strengthen the immune system.

The calorie content of dried hazelnuts is the same as that of regular raw hazelnuts. 400 grams of dried kernels satisfy the daily human need. Also, dried hazelnuts can easily replace meat or fish. It is thanks to its nutritional value that hazelnuts are so loved by vegetarians.

With all the usefulness of the nut, it is necessary to choose and store hazelnuts correctly. Of course, if it is not possible to grow nuts on your own, then you will have to buy them in the markets or in stores. However, you should not buy already peeled hazelnuts in the markets, there is a risk of buying nuts along with aflatoxins - mold fungi.

Such mushrooms very often develop when nuts or dried fruits are stored incorrectly or for too long. The main signs of the presence of aflatoxins are dark spots and a musty unpleasant odor.

It is important to remember that quality and delicious nuts- a guarantee of health, so do not neglect the rules for choosing nuts.

The use of hazelnuts

Hazelnut is often used in the confectionery and dairy industries, because it has irreplaceable taste.

Whole dried or roasted hazelnut kernels are often added to chocolate or candy bars. Hazelnuts are used both by domestic manufacturers of chocolate bars: Krasny Oktyabr, Akkond, and foreign ones: Alpen Gold, Lindt.

Crushed hazelnuts are used in the preparation of cakes, pastries, sweets. It is also added to cottage cheese desserts or ice cream. And amazing cakes are baked from hazelnut flour or nut pastes are prepared.

In addition to the food industry, hazelnuts are used to cure anemia and malnutrition by adding dried apricots and honey to the nuts. This mixture is an excellent source of vitamins and an assistant to improve metabolism.

An infusion of the leaves is taken as a diuretic, which also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Walnut bark is used to treat trophic ulcers and rheumatism, as well as to prevent hemorrhoids and colds.

Hazelnut is a healthy and nutritious nut. Despite the calorie content of nuts, hazelnuts are indicated to strengthen the immune system. Nut contains a large supply of vegetable proteins, which are so valued by vegetarians. Hazelnuts also contain fatty acids that strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent the development of many diseases.

Archaeological excavations show that hazelnuts have been harvested since the Neolithic period. Asia Minor and the Caucasus are considered its homeland. Thanks to its delicate and slightly sweet taste, hazelnuts have long been used as food.

Main varieties

The hazelnut is regarded as a cultural form of the hazelnut. The most common varieties include:

  • Badem, which has long and slightly flattened fruits;
  • Crimean, which is characterized by a large rounded core and a thin brown shell;
  • Kerasund, in which the fruit has a conical shape and a very thin shell.

Chemical composition

Hazelnuts are characterized by a high protein content, up to 22%. It also contains carbohydrates, which make up only 4%, carotene, flavonoids, vitamins C, E and from group B. The hazelnut kernel has approximately 60% oil, mainly glycerides of acids such as stearic, oleic and palmitic. Minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine and others are also found in this nut. In its composition are found fatty acids belonging to the group of polyunsaturated, which slow down the processes leading to aging of the body.

The main substances that make up 100 g of nuts:

  • organic substances such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which are respectively 66.9, 16.1 and 9.9 g;
  • water, which accounts for 4.8 g;
  • minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium, which are contained respectively - 717, 299, 172, 170 and 3 mg;
  • trace elements (mcg): manganese (4200), iron (3000), zinc (2440), copper (1125), fluorine (17), cobalt (12.3) and iodine (0.2);
  • vitamins (mg): E (25.5), PP (2.0), C (1.4), B1 (0.3), B2 (0.1).

Nut calories

Hazelnut raw calories has the largest among all other nuts and is 704 kcal per 100 g. When comparing it with other products, it can be seen that it is 8 times more nutritious than chocolate, 7 times more than milk, 3 times more than bread. This nut contains more calories than fish and meat.

Thus, the calorie content of hazelnuts is associated only with proteins and fats, and the amount of carbohydrates it contains is relatively small. The daily calorie intake is only 200 grams of nuts.

It is important to know that hazelnuts must be in shell so that their kernels do not lose their useful properties. In addition, if nuts are stored for a long time, they dry out and lose their healing qualities.

Beneficial features

Hazelnuts, when consumed regularly, help boost immunity and reduce the likelihood of developing severe cancer. It can be used for anemia and other blood diseases. It is used for the purpose of cleansing the body and protects against the development of putrefactive processes in the body.

An important feature of hazelnuts is the combination of proteins and vitamin E. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue. Hazelnuts for weight gain and muscle building can be used by people who experience great physical exertion.

This nut has a fairly large amount of calcium and helps strengthen bones. Thanks to such trace elements as calcium and potassium, it can be used as a food product for people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. These substances contribute to the preservation of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, the nut is recommended for use in varicose veins, as well as in other vascular diseases.

The hazelnut diet has been used for a very long time, despite the fact that this hazelnut is a high-calorie food. However, its carbohydrate content is low. So even with the most strict diet, hazelnuts can be eaten without the risk of gaining excess weight.


Despite the healing properties of hazelnuts, there are contraindications for use. This nut is not recommended for people who have chronic liver disease and severe diabetes. It should not be eaten by children with atopic diathesis, as well as with obesity and individual intolerance.

Hazelnuts are high in calories. So its use in large quantities maybe lead to overstrain of the stomach and intestines and exacerbate diseases of the liver and pancreas. Also, its excessive doses can provoke spasms of cerebral vessels and headache.

Hazelnut calories and diet

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