Home Product Ratings What to cook with chicken legs and mushrooms. Chicken legs with mushrooms in the oven with sauce. Shank stuffed with mushrooms with onions and carrots

What to cook with chicken legs and mushrooms. Chicken legs with mushrooms in the oven with sauce. Shank stuffed with mushrooms with onions and carrots

Chicken legs with mushrooms in a creamy wine sauce - it is very tasty, fragrant and hearty meal. These legs are prepared quite easily and quickly. Basically, it will take about 15 minutes to prepare, and the oven will do the rest of the work for you. If desired, instead of legs, you can take thighs, wings, or even a breast (the main thing then is not to overdo it in the oven). You can serve such legs with your favorite side dish (ideally - with mashed potatoes, couscous or rice) or simply with a salad of fresh vegetables.

First, let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Wash the thighs and dry them thoroughly with paper towels.

Transfer them to a bowl and add chicken spice mixture to them (if ready mix no, you can do with just salt and pepper, or add whatever you like). If the spice mixture is without salt, then add it as well. We carefully massage the legs so that the spices are evenly distributed over their surface.

We heat the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry the legs on all sides over a fairly high heat until golden brown. Fry the legs in batches so that during frying they are spacious in the pan and they do not touch each other.

While the chicken legs are fried, clean the mushrooms from dirt (ideally, you just need to wipe them with a damp sponge) and cut into halves-quarters or smaller segments, depending on the size of the mushrooms.

We transfer the fried legs to a dish and put it aside for now, and if necessary, add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the pan and send chopped mushrooms into it. Lightly add them and fry over medium heat until lightly browned.

Peel and chop the garlic cloves with a knife, add them to the already fried champignons. We mix.

Pour in the wine and over high heat, stirring constantly, let it evaporate almost completely. Thanks to wine, all roasts from chicken legs that have stuck to the bottom will safely fall behind.

Add mustard (I have it with grains, but it’s not necessary to use this one at all) and flour. Mix thoroughly.

Pour in cream with a fat content of 15-20%.

Stir and bring the sauce to a boil. If suddenly the sauce turned out to be too thick, then it can be slightly diluted with water or broth. We taste the sauce, and if necessary, season it lightly with salt and pepper (we don’t get carried away much, because the legs are already salty).

Now we transfer the resulting sauce into a baking dish (I did not do this, since I have a frying pan with a removable handle), and on top we already lay out the fried chicken legs tightly.

We send the chicken legs with mushrooms in a creamy wine sauce to an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake them for about 20-30 minutes or more (the time depends on the size of the legs and how long you fried them) until the legs are completely cooked. By the way, if you wish, you can not bake them, but simply stew under the lid on the stove, it will also be very tasty.

That's all! Our chicken legs with mushrooms in a creamy wine sauce are ready and ready to serve.

Bon appetit!

Cook chicken legs in an unusual way- not such a difficult task if you have this recipe at hand. Once I used it, it became one of my favorites! Firstly, it is very tasty, and secondly, everything is extremely easy to prepare. However, not everyone will agree that the recipe is special - someone has mastered delicious ways roasting legs under mouth-watering sauces for a long time. But perhaps there is no such recipe in their collection yet.

For this dish, it is not necessary to take the drumsticks. Other parts of the chicken carcass are quite suitable: thighs, wings and breast fillets. Or you can even take the whole chicken and, dividing it into 8-10 parts, send it to bake in the oven.

In this recipe, it is recommended to use fresh champignons: they are more fragrant than frozen ones. In addition to thyme, other aromatic herbs and spices will be good - for example, rosemary, as well as a full mix of Provence or French herbs.

Chicken meat prepared in this way will be an ideal main course not only for everyday, but also for holiday table. Guests will be satisfied - checked more than once! As garnish will do mashed potatoes or boiled rice. Or you can do without a “third-party” side dish if you add more mushrooms to the meat.

Roasting time: 20-25 minutes \ 4 legs


  • chicken drumsticks 4 things.
  • mushrooms 100 g
  • garlic 2-3 cloves
  • cream 150 ml
  • chicken stock 200 ml
  • mustard 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • butter 2 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper, thyme

Dear guests of our Internet cafeteria! Today we have a very simple, but tasty and fragrant dish- chicken drumsticks with mushrooms. It is perfect for a family lunch or dinner, for a festive celebration or a picnic.

What are its advantages? First, it's not expensive. After all, the drumsticks are the most accessible part of the chicken carcass and no less popular than the thighs. And thanks to the successful shape of the drumsticks, they make an excellent buffet option. Secondly, chicken legs have an excellent taste, and the meat here is tender and soft, with virtually no fat. Thirdly, they are prepared surprisingly quickly and simply. A novice hostess can easily cope with such a dish.

Of course, a whole baked chicken looks impressive and spectacular on the festive table. But try to divide it so that everyone at the table is satisfied. Someone will get legs and wings, and someone will get a bony back with a skin. Chicken drumsticks prepared according to our recipe make this task much easier. They are easy to sort into portions of 1-2 pieces, depending on the appetite of the eaters. And all the guests will be satisfied, no one will be offended.

Mushrooms (champignons or any forest mushrooms) are known to go well with meat. But they give chicken meat some kind of divine tenderness and piquancy. That is why chicken with mushrooms is most often prepared for the festive table. If you do not like mushrooms, then you can cook chicken drumsticks without mushrooms, just in sour cream or cream sauce. And they can be served with mashed potatoes, rice or pasta. And you can make a salad of fresh vegetables as a side dish.

We will cook chicken drumsticks not in the oven, but in a frying pan. Thus, we will create an alternative to the bored baked chicken fragments and add variety to our daily menu. Maybe, culinary masterpiece this dish will not, but both your household and picky guests - gourmets will certainly appreciate its taste. Why? And because chicken meat after frying becomes juicy and soft. At the same time, the sour cream sauce absorbs the extraordinary flavors of the chicken and fried mushrooms. And it also becomes delicious.

But before we start cooking, let's discuss some of the nuances. Suddenly they will be useful to one of our guests?

1. It is desirable to choose the shins of the same size. AT ready dish they will look beautiful, and they will fry at the same time.

2. Be sure to pay attention to the lower part of the shins. There is sometimes a yellow skin that covers chicken feet. It must be removed.

3. Chicken drumsticks, as a rule, are cooked with the skin, so you need to try not to leave stumps from feathers on it.

4. To make the drumsticks cook faster, they can be marinated in a sauce or marinade.

5. Ketchup is suitable as a marinade, tomato paste, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar, lemon or Orange juice, soy sauce.

6. In the marinade from soy sauce or ketchup, you can add suneli hops, paprika, garlic, curry.

7. For sour cream sauce garlic, dill, thyme, black pepper are suitable.

8. It is better to use fresh champignons in this recipe, they are much more aromatic than frozen ones. And if there are a lot of mushrooms, then it will be possible to do without another side dish - mushrooms will replace it.

So, let's start the creative process.

  • Chicken drumstick - 5 pcs.;
  • Fresh champignons - 500 grams;
  • Sour cream - 200 grams;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying drumsticks;
  • Water - 1 glass (approximately);
  • Salt, black pepper, favorite spices and seasonings - to taste.

First, prepare the chicken thighs. Defrost, remove the remnants of the yellow skin and stumps from feathers, rinse, dry so that water does not shoot in the pan. If time is running out, then you can marinate them, as mentioned above. But you can skip this procedure.

On a heated frying pan vegetable oil fry the salted and peppered drumsticks until golden brown. If someone fried is contraindicated for health reasons, it is not necessary to fry.

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings or cubes. This is necessary so that it is not felt in the finished dish. Only its taste and onion aroma is important.

Clean the mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Fry mushrooms with onions in another pan. Here you can use butter for frying, it has a milder taste and aroma. Add salt and black pepper, fry until golden brown mushrooms.

Everyone in my family loves delicious sauces or gravy for meat. One of the easiest to prepare is a cream sauce that goes well with chicken meat. Therefore, I often cook chicken with sauce, adding a little garlic for flavor. Well, if you add mushrooms to the meat, then the dish turns out to be incredibly fragrant and nutritious. I will use universal champignons, which can be cooked with almost any dish, and even more so with chicken. Today I will cook chicken drumsticks with mushrooms under cream sauce in a multicooker.

For one serving we need:

300 g chicken legs (3 pcs)
150 g champignons
150 ml cream
Salt, pepper, spices - to taste
2 garlic cloves
3 tbsp lubricating oil oil

How to cook chicken legs with mushrooms in a slow cooker:

Wash the thighs thoroughly and dry with paper towels. I only have three things, because I cook for one. If you cook more, increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

Wash the mushrooms and carefully cut in half if they are small and in plates if the mushrooms are large.

Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker with oil and turn on the “Baking” mode and leave to warm up. During this time, salt and pepper the legs, mix with your hands. I also use regular chicken seasoning. Then we put them in the multicooker. Fry for 10 minutes, 5 minutes each. from each side.

After 10 minutes, add mushrooms to the chicken and fry for another 10 minutes.

After that, salt the dish a little more, add finely grated garlic and pour the cream, stir well.

We leave in the "Extinguishing" mode for another 10-15 minutes or 5 minutes in the "Baking" mode. At this time, your kitchen will be filled with a delicious aroma) Everything, chicken drumsticks with mushrooms in a slow cooker are ready! You can add them to any side dish, but I prefer to eat this dish simply with a lot of vegetables. Bon appetit!

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