Home Salads and appetizers Ear in home conditions. Cook at home! All about how to cook an ear. A small historical excursion

Ear in home conditions. Cook at home! All about how to cook an ear. A small historical excursion

From time immemorial, the ear was considered traditional dish Russian cuisine, the history of its origin has conflicting facts and opinions, but they all come down to one common opinion: before, any decoction or soup was called fish soup, and not necessarily fish.

That is why in ancient Russian cuisine you can find such strange names in the modern world: pea ear, chicken ear or swan ear. Only starting from the 15th century, such a dish increasingly began to be prepared principally from fish, however, it did not have a rapid popularity.

Now the ear has become a unique dish, according to the technology of its preparation, it differs from other soups or stews, and although it can be classified as a first course, it should not be considered a fish soup.

Today the ear is delicious and unbelievable healthy dish, which has its own, special, cooking technology, which allows you to get a transparent fragrant and knitting fat, which has in its composition juicy fish retained its texture and pleasant taste. How to cook delicious homemade fish soup?

It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this, because the recipe for the dish is quite simple, the main thing is to take into account some of the main points and rules for its preparation. There are several types of such a dish, each of which differs in content and technological process.

It is believed that the classic fish soup should look like a transparent, fragrant and fairly concentrated decoction of several varieties of fish. Why not from the same variety? Because each of them will add its own specific flavors to your finished dish, for example, perch gives richness in taste, and burbot gives tenderness.

True, experts here periodically differ in opinion, there are those who believe that it is still more correct to use one type of fish, the only thing that all experienced chefs adhere to is that for a good fish soup, the fish must be fresh, and even better, live.

IN classic recipe can be used river and sea ​​fish, perfect: perch, pike perch, carp, ruff, pike, carp and many others.

There are other varieties, for example, red fish soup, which is prepared exclusively from varieties of red fish, such as salmon or salmon, and if saffron is added during cooking, it is also called amber. You can also use freshly frozen seafood, however, they must be put into the water immediately, without defrosting.

How to cook an ear?

In addition to fish, it is permissible to add only onions, carrots and potatoes to the ear, such a dish does not require a large amount of other vegetables, in some recipes even carrots are excluded, and the onion is cooked as a whole.

The abundance of vegetables is replaced by a variety of spices and spices, which, interacting with fish stock, give the ear a special and unique taste. As spices can be used: bay leaf, fragrant and bitter, parsley, dill, green onion, tarragon.

To remove the specific taste of fish, which in particular can be manifested in marine species, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice. Sometimes one type of fish can be used for such a dish, and another one will be added to an already prepared ear.

For example, rich and fragrant broth can be boiled on the head, tail and spine. big fish or on whole carcasses of gutted small fish, then they are removed from the broth, and pieces of other large fish are added in their place.

Thus, it is possible to cook the so-called triple fish soup, for the broth of which one variety of fish is used, and for the fillet in ready dish- others (often several varieties at once).

In order to ready broth turned out to be light and transparent, initially the fish must be poured with cool and, preferably, purified water, it is brought to a boil, and then it must be cooked over medium or low heat.

The ear should not gurgle and splash out! To preserve the juiciness and aroma of the fish, it is necessary to bring it to a boil over high heat, removing the resulting foam.

Of course, it is believed that the most real and delicious fish soup is prepared not at home at all, but somewhere in nature, on a fire, in a real camping cauldron. The most ardent lovers of such hiking conditions recommend using only freshly caught fish, immediately gutted and peeled.

It is also recommended not to use a lid and use only spring water, so your dish will be enriched with all the “tastes and smells” of nature and will turn out to be even more appetizing and unique. The ear should not be disturbed, especially if you do not plan to replace the fish for the broth with a new fillet, it is enough to shake the pot occasionally so that the contents do not burn.

The fact is that the fish boils quickly enough and, if you constantly stir it with a spoon, you can get not the most pleasant, on appearance, gruel, and not a clear broth with pieces of fish and vegetables.

It is also important to remember to limit the cooking time of the dish, it varies depending on the type of fish used: for example, freshwater fish is cooked longer, from 7 to 20 minutes, but sea fish is faster, it usually takes 10-12 minutes. True, first of all, one should still take into account the size of the fish itself or its pieces, the larger they are, the longer it will take to cook them, respectively.

Salmon fish soup recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • backbone, head, tail, fins and salmon fillet;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh tomato - 1 pc. (large);
  • parsley, celery root, dill;
  • salt, allspice, bay leaf.

Initially, the fish must be gutted and divided into parts indicated in the list. necessary products. All parts are thoroughly washed, be sure to remove the gills from the head, otherwise they may taste bitter in the broth.

Pour the head, spine, fins and tail with cold water in a saucepan ( the best way dishes for cooking - one that does not oxidize, for example, enameled or clay), put on strong gas and bring to a boil, remove the foam.

When the broth boils, reduce the gas to a medium position and add peeled carrots and onions to it, vegetables can be left whole or cut into small slices. Then we throw in the peeled whole celery root, allspice peas and continue to boil over low heat for about half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, remove the broth, filter through cheesecloth, add the fillet to it and continue to cook for about 10 minutes. Then add peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, cook for another 15 minutes, add finely chopped onion and chopped tomato.

In conclusion, we send to the ear all the spices you need, in your opinion, their volumes should be determined solely by your taste. After the ear with all the spices has boiled, turn it off and let it brew under the lid for another 20 minutes.

There are several opinions on how to cook classic ear. First: ear always prepared from the same type of fish. Therefore, it happens salmon ear, pike ear, trout ear, ear of carp, sterlet ear, perch ear, salmon ear, ear from zander, ear from carp, catfish ear, sturgeon ear, ear of carp, salmon ear, bream ear, saury ear, codfish ear, ear of ruffs, pollock ear, codfish ear, mackerel ear, ear from pelengas, ear from silver carp, burbot ear, roach ear. Second opinion and second technology allows cooking fish soup from several varieties of fish - mixed or in several stages. For example, small fish are first boiled, and then more expensive and tasty fish are cooked in this broth. Ukha, cooking recipe which includes a change three servings fish, called the triple ear. The royal ear is prepared according to the same principle, however, on chicken or even mushroom broth. Ear, recipe which provides for its preparation on chicken broth, also called rooster's ear.

calories fish soup depends on the type of fish and varies from 45 to 70 Kcal per 100 g. Fish for fish soup can be very diverse. Traditional, real ear is of several types. White ear - ear of river fish: from a ruff (it is believed that the most delicious fish soup is obtained from ruffs - because of the ruff mucus), perch, pike perch, whitefish. Black ear - from fish less suitable for fish soup: asp, carp, chub, crucian carp, carp, rudd. An ear made from red fish is called red ear. Fisherman's ear stands apart. Ukha on the fire - this is not cooking fish soup at home. Fisherman's ear is prepared from any fish that has been caught. How to cook ear any fisherman knows: the water must be from the river, in an almost ready ear it is necessary to put out a smoldering firebrand, and be sure to add a little vodka or pepper to the ear at the end. As you can see, there are many ways to cook an ear. Cooking fish soup often has its own local characteristics. For example, an ear with millet or other cereals has long been common among the Cossacks. In the Russian North, among the Pomors, there is an ear made from salmon heads. A typical Volga ear is an ear from a sterlet. original recipe has an ear in Finnish. Finland is a country of a thousand lakes, Finns know how to cook fish soup. Finnish fish soup with cream few people will remain indifferent. Today, even canned fish soup is quite popular. The canned fish soup recipe captivates with its simplicity: canned fish into a decoction of vegetables, and the canned fish soup is ready.

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How to cook ear.

Don't boil your fish soup in aluminum pots.

How to weld transparent ear? Don't put potatoes in your ear.

- How much to cook ear the eyes of the fish will tell you - they should turn white. Just in case, add another five minutes, but the total time is a maximum of 20 minutes. Then let the ear brew a little.

After cooking the fish soup, remove the bay leaf from it, otherwise the ear may be bitter later.

Put greens in a plate with an ear, and not in a pan.

Ukha on the dinner table is always a small holiday. Good fish soup is not ashamed to regale guests. And if the hostess tries and makes it more original, and besides, it serves beautifully, then anyone will not resist. But in order to cook an ear, you need both art, and attention, and caution: if you digest the fish, you spoil the taste and appearance of it, if you don’t cook it, it’s also bad.

In a word, the ear is not an easy idea. There are many recipes for cooking fish soup, and although each has its own fans, the basis of this dish is common. Before you give free rein to your culinary imagination, you need to master the basics.

Preparation of fish soup

Pour finely chopped onions and parsley with water, boil a little, and then add the prepared fish, peppercorns, salt and bay leaf. You can put fish with roots, and spices at the end of cooking. The ear should be allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes under the lid. In a plate, you can put a piece of butter and freshly chopped greens, black pepper. For fish soup, both small and large are suitable, preferably river.

There are many recipes, but this fish soup brings me gastronomic pleasure. Here, white pepper, ginger and pepperoncino make the broth truly fabulous! And, if instead of tilapia you get a carp as a friend, then take it by the tail and go! With him, the ear will be even better!

The components are designed for a 2.5 liter pan:

  • telapia - 1 carcass or 850 grams;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • yellow carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • white pepper - 8 peas;
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
  • ginger root - a root about 3 centimeters;
  • dry pepperoncino - 3 pods;
  • salt - to your taste.

According to the royal ear recipe, we cook it like this:

Rinse the fish, remove the scales, cut off the tail and all fins, cut into 3 parts and pour water along with the head. Bring to a boil, carefully remove the foam and salt to taste. Dip the chopped onion into the pan, crushed garlic with the back of the knife, coarsely chopped carrots, ginger and all spices. Boil the ear under the lid over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Let stand for 20 minutes and you can use it. Pour the broth into a plate through a sieve, add fish, vegetables and chopped herbs. Here, all the taste is hidden in a rich broth.

2. Ear from small fish


  • small river fish - 1 kilogram;
  • bulbs - 2 things;
  • carrots - two pieces;
  • parsley and celery root - optional;
  • potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • egg - three pieces;
  • allspice - 10 peas;
  • bay leaf, pepper and salt - to your taste.


Chopped onions, carrots grated on a fine grater, potatoes with cubes, pour water, salt to taste. Put small peeled fish in a colander, dip it in a saucepan with spices and roots, cover with a lid, put on medium heat. When the fish is cooked in a colander, remove it from the pan, and lower the bay leaf into the fish broth.

Sprinkle in bowls fish ear ground pepper Serve the fish separately. There are no fish bones in such an ear, and the fish itself will not boil. You can put in the bowl boiled egg cut in half.

3. Salmon ear - royal

This fish soup can also be called royal, here there is red fish, cream, a mixture of peppers, and there at the discretion of taste. It is most often prepared in the Scandinavian countries, but Russia is also not far behind, recipes can be found in old publishing books from the Far East and Karelia. This recipe has already been rebuilt in a modern way.


  • chilled salmon - 500 grams;
  • hot smoked salmon - 300 grams;
  • leek - 1 stalk;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • cream 33% - 200 milliliters;
  • olive oil - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • salt, a mixture of peppers and herbs - at the discretion.

According to the recipe for salmon ear - royal, we cook it like this:

Prepared salmon, pour cold water and cook until tender. Then pull out, cool slightly, remove the skin and bones. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Chop the leek into half rings and sauté olive oil to the degree of al dente.

Pour the broth into a saucepan, put the potatoes cut into cubes and boil until half cooked. Then add the diced smoked salmon and boiled, bring everything together to a boil, season with onions, cream, bring to taste and boil until the potatoes are ready. When serving in portioned plates, pour the fish soup, sprinkle with a mixture of feathers and herbs. Wow, how fragrant and delicious!

4. Pike ear

The pike sometimes smells of mud. But, the taste of this fish is excellent, and as for the smell, it can be eliminated.


  • pike - 800 grams;
  • potatoes - 2 things;
  • parsley root - two roots;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onions - 2 onions;
  • fresh green parsley - 1 bunch;
  • butter - optional;
  • Spices and seasonings - to taste.

Cooking technology

Cut the roots into small strips, finely chop the onion, cut the potatoes into small cubes, put the chopped pike fish on it, pour vegetable brine on it, put parsley, then pour water and cook until the fish is ready. At the end of cooking, and all seasonings, including ground cumin seed. When serving in soup bowls, sprinkle with ground black pepper and season with butter.

5. Ear team

The ear will be much tastier if the fish is lightly pre-fried on butter. After that, put it in a saucepan with chopped parsley and dill, thinly sliced ​​carrots and onions, salt, pour water and put on a slow fire.

The liquid should cover the fish by 8-10 cm. Cook without a lid, without stirring. Remove the foam carefully so as not to crush the fish. At the end of cooking, add bay leaf and allspice peas. Fish trifle, you can pre-boil in a colander, and pour over larger pieces of fish with broth. A set of fish to taste and possibilities.

6. Fisherman's ear

It is better to cook such an ear on a fire from freshly caught fish.

Composition of products:

  • fish - 2 kilograms;
  • bulbs - 1.5 pieces;
  • orange root vegetable - 2 pieces;
  • cereals - half a glass;
  • potatoes - 200 grams;
  • tomatoes - 4 tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper- 2 pieces;
  • all greens - according to the recipe or your taste;
  • crushed lard - 2 teaspoons;
  • seasonings and various vegetables - at the discretion.

Cooking fish soup

Cut the potatoes into large cubes, and carrots and sweet peppers into very thin strips, finely chop the onion, finely chop the tomatoes into semicircles. And now washed millet, chopped dill and parsley. Fish, first large pieces, and then small ones - salt, and then a trifle, pour water and put on a fire, but the fire should be small.

When boiling, remove the foam. Before the end of cooking, add crushed old fat, parsley and peppercorns. A small “bouquet” of thyme is also desirable, it must be removed as soon as the ear has been removed from the fire, otherwise it will kill all the smells. The ear must insist. Serve with fresh bread, grated with garlic. Garlic can also be put in the ear. Serve fresh sweet and bitter peppers, tomatoes, dill, parsley and everything else in the set on a plate.

I like to fish, cook fish soup, so there will be other recipes to be continued.

Fishermen are a special caste of enthusiastic people who have their own fishing secrets and subtleties of cooking fresh fish dishes. It is they who are reputed to be real connoisseurs and know for sure how to cook fish soup on a fire and at home, and often do not trust this delicate matter to others. Loving women know this feature of their "trophy hunters" and do not interfere in the magical process of obtaining a fragrant and tasty dish.

Real fish soup is not a fish soup that is prepared according to general principles cooking soups - with a standard set of vegetables in combination with fish broth and fish. If you ask a fisherman how to cook fish soup on a fire, he will give you the true fishing recipe cooking fish soup in nature. We will also share the intricacies of the fish soup recipe at the stake.

Secrets of delicious fish soup at the stake

What kind of fish is the most delicious fish soup?

The answer to this frequently asked question depends on where the fish soup is prepared. If you are preparing a fishing dish right on the river bank, then the question is fundamentally not worth it. What a catch - such is the ear!

But for homemade dish we recommend salmon types of fish: salmon, trout, pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, omul, lenok, grayling, etc. And although real fishermen will not call home-made fish soup with this proud name, it can still be very tasty too. At home, most often, not fish soup is cooked, but fish soup with the addition of potatoes. How to cook fish soup at home - our tips:

Secrets of delicious fish soup at home

Wherever this magic happens - cooking the most delicious fish soup - with our tips on how to cook fish soup, you will never fail! If among all those present there is not a true master of cooking fish soup, you will easily become one!

It has long been known that best ear from a rooster. And this is not a figure of speech: in the old days, all soups were called fish soup, no matter what they were cooked from. But today we call fish soup exclusively fish soup. It is soup, because real fish soup is not diluted with potatoes, cereals and other ingredients, but is a transparent, rich, fragrant fish broth. Real fish soup was served hot, with pies and a glass of cold vodka. And it was necessary to cook such an ear according to all the rules.

Real Russian ear

So, the ear should be a rich, strong, very concentrated fish broth. Fish soup is prepared not from any fish, but only from those that have a special tenderness, do not smell of mud and give a good, rich broth. Previously, they preferred to cook fish soup from any one type of fish - sturgeon, for example, or sterlet. Today, tastes have become more democratic, and in honor of the ear is double or triple, from a fish platter, if I may say so.

The classic double or triple ear is cooked by laying several servings of fish. First, all kinds of small fish are lowered into boiling water: ruffs, perch, rudd, small pikes, pike perches - in general, fish are illiquid. Fishermen usually do not even care about cleaning these fish: they lower them into the pot as they are - with scales and not gutted. But still, it is recommended to at least gut the fish - you never know what is inside it. And in order not to bother with straining the broth later, the fish can be put in a gauze bag. The bones and scales of boiled fish will remain in this bag, and then you can simply throw it away.

After the first laying of the fish, the ear is boiled for about an hour. Then, if the ear is triple, a new portion of fish is laid, but already larger, cleaned and gutted, and always without gills. After that, the ear is boiled for another hour, what is boiled is removed, and for the third time the fish is laid, already the best, cleanest and largest. If the ear is double, after the bag with unpeeled trifles has been removed, pieces of fish are put into the broth more representative, and salt, onion and spices are added: pepper and bay leaf. A double ear after laying the second portion can be served after 20 minutes. Onions, salt and spices are added to the triple fish soup along with the third portion of the fish, and also do not boil for too long, otherwise the fish will boil.

Little tricks

It is important to cook the fish soup over low heat so that the broth barely boils. So the ear will turn out transparent, and it will not be necessary to lighten it. Although it is quite easy to lighten the ear if necessary. Good old cookbooks advise using pressed caviar for this, and not egg white, as is now fashionable on the Internet. And this is called a pull. Caviar in the amount of 50 g is ground with finely chopped onion in a mortar, a glass is added to this mass cold water and a glass of fish soup, stir well, and pour it into a saucepan with fish soup in two doses. After the first infusion, they wait for the ear to boil, and only then add the remaining guy. You need to do this about twenty minutes before the soup is ready. After the ear is removed from the fire, it is allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes so that the guy settles to the bottom. Pieces of fish are carefully removed, and the ear is filtered.

Serve the fish soup in a deep plate, in which they also put a piece of fish and sprinkle everything with finely chopped greens. Do not pour greens into a saucepan with an ear: this way the ear will deteriorate very quickly.

Pies and pies of all kinds are good for the ear (except sweet ones, of course).

If the fish soup is cooked on a fire, do not forget to put out the burning brand in it: the meaning of this action is unknown, but this is such a fishing tradition that guarantees the fish soup a special, incomparable taste. And still in hot ear shortly before readiness, you can pour in a little vodka. It is believed that this brightens the broth and enriches the taste of the fish soup.

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